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Liderazgo: Mejores Habilidades Para Convertirse En Un Líder Poderoso Y Motivar A La Gente

by Kravis Newman

Piénselo por un momento, muchas de las cosas que hacemos todos los días tienen algo que ver con alguien que nos ha influido de una manera u otra. Puede ser un padre, maestro, jefe, presidente o cualquier otra persona que hayas conocido o con quien te hayas enterado. Esto simplemente significa que, sea lo que sea que haya aprendido, de quienquiera que fue realmente transformador. Esto es lo que hacen los líderes; inculcan valores y enseñanzas en sus seguidores para que las ideologías que encarnan se transmitan a sus seguidores años, décadas o incluso siglos después de su desaparición. "Asegure su capa" describe cómo uno puede inspirarse en personajes no ficticios y ficticios. Se trata de inspirar a las mujeres que enfrentan desafíos como trabajar más de 40 horas por semana, cuidar de sus hijos y administrar sus hogares. Se proporciona información sobre cómo enfrentar y superar esos desafíos cotidianos. Este libro trata sobre motivar a las mujeres para que alcancen sus metas, identificando primero sus pasiones y propósitos en la vida, y luego ganando la confianza para sobresalir más allá de su imaginación. Este libro también identifica cómo las mujeres pueden sobresalir como líderes en su vida personal y profesional; lectores inspiradores que se encuentran en esa encrucijada en sus vidas y están listos para cambiar y hacer una diferencia en sus propias vidas y en las vidas de otros a su alrededor. Si está listo para actuar y cambiar su vida para mejor, ¡este libro definitivamente lo guiará en la dirección correcta!

Liderazgo : Métodos Definitivos Para La Motivación, La Influencia Y El Exito

by Ken Valse

Este libro contiene pasos y estrategias comprobadas sobre cómo convertirse en un verdadero líder, cómo inspirar a otros en el sueño que comparten juntos y cómo trabajar juntos para hacer que ese sueño se convierta en realidad, trabajando lado a lado, mano a mano. No solo eso, este libro también trata sobre lo que realmente es el liderazgo, y cómo la sociedad ha visto a una serie de grandes líderes cambiar los cursos de la historia a lo largo de los siglos. También he agregado una lista de cualidades que generalmente encontramos en un buen líder, cualidades que pueden ser comunes en un ser humano pero que aún así son importantes. Por último, este libro también contiene algunos pasos comprobados y definidos sobre cómo desarrollar sus habilidades de liderazgo para que pueda convertirse en el tipo de líder que el mundo necesita, y el tipo de líder que usted mismo podría seguir.

Liderazgo: Métodos Definitivos Para Tener Éxito Y Ser Un Maestro En La Comunicación

by Theo Wade

Los principios básicos del liderazgo son los mismos en todas partes. Las personas son personas y liderarlos en un arte que puedes aprender (y en el que puedes ser bueno). Liderazgo: El Primer Paso te enseñará esos principios y te brindará el marco de referencia en el cual puedes volverte un líder efectivo y exitoso. Este libro se escribió para darte la oportunidad de explorar temas y asuntos sobre los que podrías no haber tenido la ocasión de considerar. En particular, el libro ayuda a desarrollar una perspectiva personal más fuerte y a entender el rol que un individuo puede tener con respecto a la ética y a los negocios. Serás guiado a un mejor entendimiento de la motivación requerida en la arena de negocios de hoy en día, y su ambiente ético en constante evolución. La intensidad de tu motivación para tener éxito impactará grandemente tu perspectiva ética, y te ayudará a moldear tu carrera.

Liderazgo, principios de oro: Las lecciones que he aprendido de una vida de liderazgo

by John C. Maxwell

Escribir Liderazgo, principios de oro le llevó a Maxwell toda una vida, y ofrece sus lecciones más valiosas basadas en cuarenta años de liderazgo.Un líder entre los líderes, John Maxwell se prometió a sí mismo al comienzo de su carrera que no escribiría este libro hasta tener sesenta años de edad. Y ahora finalmente está aquí. Con su estilo característico, Maxwell se pone al lado de uno como mentor, haciendo que los lectores sientan como si fuera un programa individual de liderazgo. Liderazgo, principios de oro ofrece lo mejor de lo mejor, las lecciones probadas y veraces que nadie sino Maxwell puede compartir.

Liderazgo Quántico

by Jorge Cuevas

Las cuatro etapas para impulsar tu familia, tu empresa y tu comunidad. Un cambio que inicia en uno, un cambio quántico, contagia a toda la comunidad, porque el líder quántico es aquel que hace cambios profundos en sí mismo, y su transformación es tan grande que genera efectos a su alrededor, a cualquier nivel: personal, familiar, laboral, económico. En épocas de crisis, cuando alguien se rinde y cierra su negocio, hay una influencia en todo su entorno: el miedo, el pesimismo y el desánimo se contagian rápidamente. De la misma forma, si tú estás creciendo, no es necesario que intencionalmente quieras contagiar a los demás, porque de todas formas lo estás haciendo. Tus acciones, tus intenciones, tu estado mental y emocional trascienden, e influyes de manera natural en las personas que te rodean porque tú y los demás son parte de un mismo sistema. Liderazgo Quántico te enseña cómo comenzar con un átomo y revolucionar todala existencia. ¡Estamos entrenando a México!

Liderazgo Quántico

by Jorge Cuevas

Las cuatro etapas para impulsar tu familia, tu empresa y tu comunidad. Un cambio que inicia en uno, un cambio quántico, contagia a toda la comunidad, porque el líder quántico es aquel que hace cambios profundos en sí mismo, y su transformación es tan grande que genera efectos a su alrededor, a cualquier nivel: personal, familiar, laboral, económico. En épocas de crisis, cuando alguien se rinde y cierra su negocio, hay una influencia en todo su entorno: el miedo, el pesimismo y el desánimo se contagian rápidamente. De la misma forma, si tú estás creciendo, no es necesario que intencionalmente quieras contagiar a los demás, porque de todas formas lo estás haciendo. Tus acciones, tus intenciones, tu estado mental y emocional trascienden, e influyes de manera natural en las personas que te rodean porque tú y los demás son parte de un mismo sistema. Liderazgo Quántico te enseña cómo comenzarcon un átomo y revolucionar toda la existencia. ¡Estamos entrenando a México!

Liderazgo: Sea Confiado E Inspire A La Gente

by Ronald Tredgold

Si usted va a liderar a otros, estará a cargo de balancear las tareas y el personal que le ayudarán a alcanzar cada meta. Este E-Book se enfoca en este delicado balance y describe la esencia, corto y simple. Hay muchas discusiones y definiciones acerca de que se trata el liderazgo, enfocándome en usted asumiendo el rol de líder siendo la fuente. Si asume la fuente correctamente, el resto será fácil de cumplir. Me ocupo de las preguntas sobre qué, por qué, dónde y de qué manera, y le proporciono las herramientas para que usted se administre a si mismo y desde allí puede administrar a los demás. ¿A qué espera? No espere más. Deslice hacia arriba y cliquee sobre el botón comprar ahora para comenzar la travesía a la vida de sus sueños!

Liderazgo: Ser Mejores En La Comunicación, La Motivación Y La Influencia De Las Personas

by Brigid Berry

Este libro constituye una guía imprescindible que contiene las ideas, conceptos y debates más importantes en relación al estudio y ejercicio del liderazgo. Incluye frases escritas por un amplio expectro de expertos internacionales. Se trata de un recurso básico para directivos y líderes de todo tipo de organizaciones e instituciones y también para estudiantes de economía, sociología y politicas. La serie What's in it for Schools ha sido elaborada por expertos para una audiencia de profesionales muy ocupados. Los libros presentan de una forma amena y relevante conocimientos destacables en materia educativa. ¿Qué es lo que te hace ser un buen líder? ¿Un buen liderazgo puede ayudar al sistema educativo a ser más efectivo? Este libro conciso y cercano examina el liderazgo de una manera práctica ayudando a los directivos, profesores y padres a afianzar su papel y responsabilidades y a afrontarlas de acuerdo a lo requerido por el sistema educativo.

Líderes humanos: Cómo gestionar equipos exitosos desde la comunicación y el autoconocimiento

by Nancy Cooklin

Nancy Cooklin -coach, consejera y entrenadora- ha creado un modelo denominado Human Leadership, de gran demanda en contextos empresariales y formativos. A partir de una larga y profunda experiencia de trabajo, en estrecha colaboración con personas, grupos y organizaciones, así como de sus viajes a diversas partes del mundo, Nancy Cooklin -coach, consejera y entrenadora- ha creado un modelo denominado Human Leadership, de gran demanda en contextos empresariales y formativos. Su autora lo presenta en este libro ágil, claro y ameno, donde le propone al lector, a través de ejemplos gráficos y ejercicios sencillos, las herramientas indispensables para mejorar como persona y como líder. El liderazgo humano es conciencia, creatividad, coraje y pensamiento sistémico. Poner a la persona en el centro significa, ante todo, que se conozca a sí misma, que identifique su "propósito" y lo que realmente quiere, para luego definir un plan de acción con la consciencia de ser parte de un sistema funcional. La clave para orientar grupos de trabajo es simple: estar presentes como personas, ser líderes humanos completos. Reseñas: A diario veo personas que quieren crecer profesionalmente, y claro, pertenecer a equipos donde se sientan valorados. Como nos explica Nancy, con sabiduría, a través de su Human Leadership Model, para lograrlo nos toca asumir la responsabilidad de ser la mejor versión de quienes podemos ser, de dar lo mejor de nosotros y de conocernos profundamente para liderar desde la autenticidad nuestro propio crecimiento y el de nuestros equipos. Inés Temple Presidente LHH DBM Perú & LHH Chile y autora de Usted S.A. Muchas veces se habla del balance de la vida personal y la profesional como si fueran dos espacios separados. El buen líder es capaz de integrar las dos y pone su humanidad completa al servicio de sus equipos, entendiendo la importancia del autoconocimiento y autodesarrollo de manera permanente. En Líderes Humanos, Nancy vuelca su experiencia trabajando con muchas personas del mundo laboral y universitario, y nos guía en modo simple y eficaz a lograr esta construcción de un líder humano ¡Recomiendo su lectura! Mariela Garcia de Fabbri Gerente General de Ferreycorp Un libro que tiene la capacidad de presentar de un modo sencillo, herramientas de liderazgo personal probadas y aterrizadas. Muy recomendable a quienes quieran crecer por dentro, reflexionar, tener una perspectiva distinta y decidir mejor. Buenas recetas para poner nuestro liderazgo a disposición de los demás. Muy práctico y directo. Rafael Zavala Director Ejecutivo, Programas de Alta Dirección. PAD

Liderismo: Liderismo: La guía completa para influir, motivar y comunicarse efectivamente

by Harvard Shotton

¿Qué lleva a ser un buen líder? Quizás Ud. ha sido promovido recientemente, o quizás es Ud. el jefe de una compañía o negocio. Quizás Ud. ha estado en una posición de liderazgo por un largo tiempo, ya sea en retail, la industria del servicio, producción, recursos humanos, educación, finanzas, una compañía de inversiones, o como un gerente de línea o supervisor directo. Las posibilidades son interminables. O quizás seas bastante nuevo en este rol de liderismo que a ti se te ha dado. De cualquier forma, nosotros podemos hacer de todo con algún consejo, ya sea para repasar tus habilidades de liderismo, ser recordado de principios importantes, o ya sea para apuntar en la dirección correcta cuando tú comienzas en este camino.

Lie-Ability: How Leaders Build and Break Trust

by Alan Watkins Simon Jones

Business success depends on the ability to build trust. Trusted brands succeed and sustain. Trusted leaders inspire followers, grow companies, revenues and futures. But sadly, deceit has infected business and become widespread. Far too many leaders now use their own "alternative facts", to mislead and misinform their customers, colleagues and communities. The skilfulness and ease with which some leaders now lie has become a Lie-Ability. And when customers stop trusting the products, services or the stories a leader tells, then the business suffers. If business leaders don’t lead a truth renaissance, we are all lost. People no longer trust politicians or the media. And many of the institutions and professions we used to turn to have also lost trust. The only people that can really save us now are business leaders. We need to become truth advocates and activists. We must re-establish a new norm where we tell the truth to ourselves, to our employees, to our shareholders, to our customers and to society at large. This book explores the 7 Deadly Lies that business tells itself, the 7 Dark Arts of Deception that are still used with monotonous regularity to manipulate the narrative. It offers C-suite leaders and senior managers a clear path out of deceit. It provides a solution to the Lie-Ability of some leaders by developing a deeper understanding of truth, how to reclaim it and how to build back trust.

Lie Machines: How to Save Democracy from Troll Armies, Deceitful Robots, Junk News Operations, and Political Operatives

by Philip N. Howard

Technology is breaking politics—what can be done about it? Artificially intelligent &“bot&” accounts attack politicians and public figures on social media. Conspiracy theorists publish junk news sites to promote their outlandish beliefs. Campaigners create fake dating profiles to attract young voters. We live in a world of technologies that misdirect our attention, poison our political conversations, and jeopardize our democracies. With massive amounts of social media and public polling data, and in-depth interviews with political consultants, bot writers, and journalists, Philip N. Howard offers ways to take these &“lie machines&” apart. Lie Machines is full of riveting behind-the-scenes stories from the world&’s biggest and most damagingly successful misinformation initiatives—including those used in Brexit and U.S. elections. Howard not only shows how these campaigns evolved from older propaganda operations but also exposes their new powers, gives us insight into their effectiveness, and explains how to shut them down.

Lieferkettengesetz: Sorgfaltspflichten in der Supply Chain verstehen und umsetzen (essentials)

by Stefan Zeisel

Im strategischen Beschaffungsmanagement gewinnen vermehrt ökologische und soziale Gesichtspunkte an Bedeutung. Das neue Gesetz über die unternehmerischen Sorgfaltspflichten zur Vermeidung von Menschenrechtsverletzungen in Lieferketten (Lieferkettengesetz) unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit für Unternehmen, sich mit den Pflichten der Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) nicht nur im eigenen Unternehmen, sondern auch in der Supply Chain auseinanderzusetzen. Häufig fehlt es jedoch an einem Verständnis, wie die neuen Anforderungen umgesetzt werden können. Hier kann dieses Essential als Leitfaden dienen, um die fachspezifischen Kenntnisse zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit und CSR zu vertiefen. Es enthält Informationen zu vorhandenen gesetzlichen Regelungen und Richtlinien, wichtigen CSR-Risiken sowie Instrumenten zur Sicherstellung von nachhaltigen Lieferketten.

Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz: Ein Überblick für Praktiker

by Roland Falder Constantin Frank-Fahle Peter Poleacov

Dieses Buch ist eine der ersten Publikationen zum neuen Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz. Der praxisbezogene Überblick stellt im Wesentlichen die neu geschaffenen Unternehmenspflichten, die Kernaspekte des Gesetzes sowie die Umsetzung der Sorgfaltspflichten dar. Zudem wird das neue Gesetz in den Kontext vergleichbarer Gesetze in anderen Jurisdiktionen und zur geplanten EU-Richtlinie gebracht, um einen internationalen Einblick in die Materie zu gewährleisten.

The Lies About Money

by Ric Edelman

RIC EDELMAN has helped more people achieve financial success than any other practicing financial advisor. In 2007, Wealth Manager magazine listed his firm as the largest in terms of number of clients. Barron's four times named him among America's top 100 financial advisors in the country, and in 2004, Ric was inducted into the Financial Advisor Hall of Fame. His books have a million copies in print, including several foreign languages, and have topped the New York Times bestseller list. His national radio show, PBS television specials, syndicated newspaper column, and award-winning Web sites make him a house-hold name. Consumers love Ric's unconventional yet common-sense approach to investing and personal finance. He revealed how everyday Americans achieve financial security in the #1 New York Times bestseller Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth. His first bestselling book, the personal financial classic The Truth About Money, was named Book of the Year. Now, Ric reveals the deceptive and manipulative business practices occurring in your retail mutual funds -- practices that are causing you to suffer higher fees, greater risks, and lower returns than you realize. In The Lies About Money, Ric's provocative new work, he offers you a detailed yet easy-to-follow plan that lets you take back control of your investments -- and your financial future. Ric's unparalleled ability to explain complex financial concepts in a fun and entertaining way resonates with readers. In this book -- his first in more than five years -- he shares his most valuable lessons gained through two decades of working directly with individuals and families. He reveals the lies that have infiltrated your retail mutual funds and retirement accounts, and teaches you how to invest your money in your employer retirement plan, how to save for college, and for those who are retired, how to generate more income without sacrificing security. He shows you that proper money management has nothing to do with "hot tips" and everything to do with scientific analysis, bolstered by solid academic research and historical data. Ric explains exactly how the mutual fund scandal has caused him to change the way he manages his own money and the money entrusted to his firm by thousands of clients nationwide. Along the way, Ric shows you the secrets to investment success -- a long-term focus, the importance of diversification, and the crucial need for (and methods of) portfolio rebalancing. And the book doesn't stop there -- it will actually help you build an investment portfolio, one designed specifically around your needs. The book features a 24-page color insert containing 43 portfolio models, each based on the Edelman Managed Asset Program, one of the largest and fastest-growing money management programs in the country. Ric's fun, interactive Guide to Portfolio Selection¨ will lead you on a fascinating journey through the book's pages, taking you to the portfolio that's right for you! With insight and strategies that will change people's lives, The Lies About Money offers the truth that everyone is looking for.

Lies and Liars: How and Why Sociopaths Lie and How You Can Detect and Deal with Them

by Gini Graham Scott

Approximately 12 million Americans, or one in twenty-five, are sociopaths. But what does this statistic mean? What exactly is a sociopath? What do they do to be labeled as such? And how many people are affected by them? While everyday lying has become acceptable and even socially necessary, it is often difficult to discover when someone is manipulating you through lies or other actions. Since a sociopath has no conscience, he or she feels no remorse about piling lie on top of lie until, eventually, the façade comes crashing down and he or she is exposed.When Dr. Scott was warned about a film producer she had hired, she confronted the woman, only to be fed explanations and excuses. Eventually, Scott found that she had been the victim of this sociopath for five years, along with many others. In this book, she delves into medical research on sociopaths as well as interviews with sociopaths and victims alike to provide a comprehensive picture of this mental disorder. Lies and Liars also includes information about:The types of lies told by sociopaths in different situationsThe relationships between sociopaths and victimsRecognizing when someone is lyingHow to deal with a suspected or discovered sociopathic liarThe odds are very high that you know a sociopath already, so figure out what signs to look for to prevent yourself or your loved ones being manipulated or harmed.

Lies, Damned Lies, and Science: How to Sort Through the Noise Around Global Warming, the Latest Health Claims, and Other Scientific Controversies

by Sherry Seethaler

Don't get hoodwinked: make sense of news. . . and make smarter decisions for yourself, your family, and the world! Objective, balanced techniques for thinking about everything from diet and drugs to climate change. Identifying and getting past the biases of politicians, lobbyists, marketers. . . and even some scientific and medical professionals. By scientist Dr. Sherry Seethaler, one of the world's most respected and innovative science educators.

Lies Start-Ups Tell Themselves to Avoid Marketing

by Sandra Holtzman Jean Kondek

So you think you know marketing. Think again. Lies Start-ups Tell Themselves to Avoid Marketing uses the tough love approach to steer you clear of the pitfalls and self-deceptions that have been the undoing of many when confronted with the harsh realities of today's marketplace. Sandra Holtzman and Jean Kondek employ their combined 40+ years' worth of marketing savvy to cut through all the usual malarkey-and, let's face it, bullsh@#*-to give you a streamlined approach to successfully launching a product, service, or company. Better than a handbook, Lies Start-ups Tell Themselves provides 10 fast-track, step-by-step chapters for planning and implementing a successful marketing program that you can get started on TODAY. The writing is clear and concise, breaking down concepts into bite-sized, easy to grasp nuggets for today's busy audience. Moreover, each chapter is stand-alone and immediately actionable. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand the value of a well thought out marketing program. But carving your niche in the marketplace can be a daunting task. Lies Start-ups Tell Themselves to Avoid Marketing guides you through the pitfalls and challenges to a successful start-up or product launch.

Lies We Live By: Defeating Doubletalk and Deception in Advertising, Politics, and the Media

by Carl Hausman

First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Lies We Were Told: Politics, Economics, Austerity and Brexit

by Simon Wren-Lewis

“This is a book you should read, for understanding what went wrong in the past is our only hope of doing better in the future?” - Paul Krugman, Nobel prize-winner Why did governments adopt austerity policies, and why were they so harmful? Why did the media largely ignore the experts who opposed these policies, and allow politicians to get away with lies? And why did voters choose Brexit when the economic consensus was that it would harm living standards? Simon Wren-Lewis, winner of the SPERI/New Statesman Prize for Political Economy, is one of Britain's most respected economists. Since 2012, his widely-read Mainly Macro blog has been an influential resource for policymakers, academics and social commentators around the world. This book presents some of his most important work, telling the story of how the damaging political and economic events of recent years became inevitable.

Life 2.0

by Rich Karlgaard

“A delightful, and surprisingly moving, tale” -- Michael Lewis, bestselling author ofMoneyball “Karlgaard flies in with a companion concept to David Brooks’sOn Paradise Drive” -- Tom Wolfe “While counterintuitive to those on the conventional fast-track,Life 2. 0offers great promise to those who are open to personal innovation” -- Clayton Christensen, Professor, Harvard Business School “This fascinating treatise will make you think deeply, and may just give you the impetus to uproot” -- Tom Peters “An original and exhilarating look at options many Americans don’t realize are now open to them. ” -- James Fallows, national correspondent,The Atlantic Monthly “Not only will it widen the horizons of your life, it could also renew your health and wealth. ” -- George Gilder Have You Found the Where of Your Happiness? One of the intriguing things about the United States is the idea of the second chance, that when you feel stuck there is always a frontier you can cross to reinvent yourself. InLife 2. 0, Rich Karlgaard used his own personal and professional midlife crises to look at the state of the American dream—the belief in continuous personal upward mobility—and where it stands in the twenty-first century. At the ripe old age of forty-five, Karlgaard fell in love with flying and mastered the art of lifting up and bringing down a “2,500-pound aluminum box kite”—a four-seat single-engine airplane. As the publisher of Forbes he felt that he was doing too much armchair theorizing and didn’t really understand how Americans were responding to the changes that had started taking place so swiftly over the past few years. So he put together his new flying skills and reportorial mission and flew around America to places like Green Bay, Wisconsin; Bozeman, Montana; Fargo, North Dakota; Des Moines, Iowa; and Lake Placid, New York, to gain some insight into how ordinary Americans are untangling the knotty problems of constant stress, crushing expense, and bewildering hassle that often characterize life in the nation’s urban centers. He discovered their simple solution: they moved. What Karlgaard found on the road are fascinating and inspiring stories about people— those with a nose for entrepreneurship, a faith in technology, and the willingness to take a chance—who are finding the new American dream in places as far from New York City and Silicon Valley as you can imagine. Some of those people include: • A burned-out insurance exec who fled his overworked East Coast life and settled in tranquil (yet dynamic) Des Moines • A tool broker who traded his brick-and-mortar business in sunny California for a life in the Pennsylvania hills, where he relaunched his business on the Internet • A road-warrior democracy specialist who conducts her worldly affairs from the low-key outpost of Bismarck, North Dakota • A self-made millionaire who paid for his financial success with his first marriage and who did things differently the second time around by moving to smaller cities and focusing on family as well as work Adroitly combining analysis of the economic and social trends challenging middle-class people with perceptive advice on how to escape the rat race of the coasts, Karlgaard explores the eye-opening possibilities of that huge tract of land often carelessly dubbed “flyover country. ” Filled with stories of personal reinvention and triumph, Life 2. 0 is the story of those who are living larger lives in smaller places. From the Hardcover edition.

Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

by Max Tegmark

New York Times Best SellerHow will Artificial Intelligence affect crime, war, justice, jobs, society and our very sense of being human? The rise of AI has the potential to transform our future more than any other technology—and there&’s nobody better qualified or situated to explore that future than Max Tegmark, an MIT professor who&’s helped mainstream research on how to keep AI beneficial. How can we grow our prosperity through automation without leaving people lacking income or purpose? What career advice should we give today&’s kids? How can we make future AI systems more robust, so that they do what we want without crashing, malfunctioning or getting hacked? Should we fear an arms race in lethal autonomous weapons? Will machines eventually outsmart us at all tasks, replacing humans on the job market and perhaps altogether? Will AI help life flourish like never before or give us more power than we can handle? What sort of future do you want? This book empowers you to join what may be the most important conversation of our time. It doesn&’t shy away from the full range of viewpoints or from the most controversial issues—from superintelligence to meaning, consciousness and the ultimate physical limits on life in the cosmos.

Life After...Biological Sciences: A Practical Guide to Life After Your Degree

by Sally Longson

Thousands of students graduate from university each year. The lucky few have the rest of their lives mapped out in perfect detail – but for most, things are not nearly so simple. Armed with your hard-earned degree the possibilities and career paths lying before you are limitless, and the number of choices you suddenly have to make can seem bewildering. Life After Biological Sciences has been written specifically to help students currently studying, or who have recently graduated, make informed choices about their future. It will be a source of invaluable advice and wisdom to business graduates, covering such topics as: Identifying career paths that interest you Seeking out an opportunity that matches your skills and aspirations Staying motivated and pursuing your goals Networking and self-promotion Making the transition from scholar to worker The Life After University series of books are more than simple ‘career guides’. They are unique in taking a holistic approach to career advice - recognising the increasing view that, although a successful working life is vitally important, other factors can be just as essential to happiness and fulfilment. They are the indispensable handbooks for students considering their future direction.

Life after Capitalism: The Meaning of Wealth, the Future of the Economy, and the Time Theory of Money

by George Gilder

Author of national bestseller Life After Google and generation-defining Wealth and Poverty, venture capitalist, futurist, and pioneering thinker extraordinaire George Gilder pinpoints how the clash of creativity with power at the heart of economic systems leads to global cognitive dissonance and argues that the creation of the novel taps capitalism's infinite promise and is humanity's only path of escape from stagnation and tyranny. Gilder once more rocks the archetypes of modern information theory and economics with a paradigm-shifting salvo of sheer brilliance.The capitalist era is over—get ready for life after capitalism.For more than two hundred years, capitalism spread wealth around the globe, bringing unprecedented prosperity and progress, liberating human potential. But something has gone terribly wrong in the world economy. Creativity and faith in the future—capitalism&’s crucial ingredients—seem to have run out. The elites think they can maintain a nation&’s wealth by printing money and investing it in favored industries. Their trust in bureaucratic experts, their cautionary paranoia, and their delusional belief that they can &“control&” everything from the spread of a virus to the weather, are sucking the life out of the economy. Ordinary people, their freedoms restricted, their prospects dim, are losing their faith in their institutions. Such misguided corporatism and pride, confusion and despair, are the result of a deep misunderstanding of capitalism itself. The bestselling futurist and venture capitalist George Gilder explains why economics is not an incentive system to be manipulated but an information system to be freed. Material resources are essentially as plentiful as the atoms of the universe. What drives economic growth in a free market is our limitless human ingenuity and creativity. Prophetic, inspiring, and paradigm-shifting, Life after Capitalism is a once-in- a-generation classic.

Life After College: The Complete Guide to Getting What You Want

by Jenny Blake

Life After College is an essential manual for every graduating student and young professional. It features practical, actionable advice that helps people focus on the BIG picture of their lives, not just the details. Life After College will leave you feeling inspired, confident and ready to take action toward creating the life you really want. In Life After College Twitter meets What Color is Your Parachute for 20-somethings. Written by popular blogger and life coach Jenny Blake, Life After College provides tips, inspirational quotes and coaching exercises for every area of life including: Work, Money, Home, Organization, Friends & Family, Dating & Relationships, Health, Fun & Relaxation, and Personal Growth. The book is like having a portable life coach by your side -- it is a "one stop shop" that is part journal, part motivator, and part guidebook. Life After College is a powerful life-planning tool that no twenty-something will want to be without!

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