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The Life of Y: Engaging Millennials as Employees and Consumers

by Mr Debashish Sengupta

Currently, we have about 2 billion millennials in the world, aged between 17 and 37 years, who are fast becoming the world’s most important generational cohort in terms of consumer spending growth, sourcing of employees and overall economic prospects. Engaging this cohort for businesses, societies and nations is no more a matter of choice. The 2016 millennial survey by Deloitte on millennials has alarming news for companies the world over. Majority of the millennials or Gen Y workers are likely to change their companies by 2020. While the world over similar trends are visible, India ranks third where the probability of Gen Y workers leaving their current companies is maximum. The survey also points to the fact that this lack of loyalty may be a sign of neglect that millennials might be facing in their organizations. Such poor levels of engagement of millennial workers in India and rest of the world are a huge red flag for all companies. Poor engagement will not only have cost implications but also have huge negative implications on the growth, profitability and sustainability of companies, especially when the going is not particularly easy for most of the industry sectors. This book attempts to create a deep empathy for millennials and is a result of the author’s extensive research spanning almost a decade. The book dives deep into the life of Generation Y and seeks to create an unbiased understanding about this generation, thereby exploding the perceptual myths and stereotypes about them. Based on the research, the book suggests a new strategy to engage with the millennial generation in the workplace and marketplace in particular and the society in general. It provides a consultative guidance to engaging millennials seeking to replace the old models and designs of engagement.

Life on the Wire: Avoid Burnout and Succeed in Work and Life

by Todd Duncan

Imbalance is natural.The key is to make it purposeful.In Life on the Wire, New York Times best-selling author Todd Duncan challenges the status quo in search of a better, smarter way to work and live. He profiles several people striking out to find "balance." You'll meet an entrepreneur, a bartender, and an accountant, among others. You'll hear their stories, their challenges, their insights, and the critical lessons they learned.Duncan contends the last thing we need amid life's inherent imbalance is another attempt at a how-to formula for perfect balance-equal parts work and life. In fact, he argues that such a holy grail does not exist. Instead, he has issued a more pragmatic formula he calls purposeful imbalance: the process of purposefully leaning toward work without sacrificing life and purposefully leaning toward life without damaging your career. It is precisely the way a tight-rope walker makes his way across a one-inch rope without falling."I've always believed that when you're at work, you should work hard, and when you're at home, you should play hard. That's easy to say, but for a lot of people it's hard to do. In Life on the Wire, Todd Duncan clears up the myth about the 'balanced' life and shows you how to rejoice in the purposeful--and planned-- imbalanced life."--Dave Ramsey, Best-Selling author and host of The Dave Ramsey Show"This book quickly shows you how to get more done, of greater importance, and less time, and dramatically increase the quality of your entire life."--Brian Tracy, Best-Selling author of Eat That Frog!EO and founder of Todd"Open these pages and discover practical yet potent advice for pursuing your dreams and living your life well!" --Glenna Salsbury, CSP, CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame, author of The Art of the Fresh Start and Professional Speaker"Todd has really touched on an important perspective regarding 'Life Balance.' Timely and relevant . . . reading this book will give you a nice bit of personal peace."--Terri Sjodin, principle and founder, Sjodin Communications

Life or Debt 2010

by Stacy Johnson

HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOU NEVER HAD TO PAY OFF ANOTHER DEBT AGAIN? NO CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS! NO MORTGAGE PAYMENTS! NO AUTO LOAN PAYMENTS! If your answer is "free" or "secure" or even "happy," then this step-by-step guide to eliminating debt forever is the book for you. Stacy W. Johnson, the creator of the personal finance news series Money Talks, has already helped millions of people get out of debt, achieve financial freedom, and earn from wise investments. Now, just by reading this down-to-earth book filled with no-nonsense facts, you too can share the secrets of an amazing program that will allow you to regain control and win you financial freedom for the rest of your life. Practical worksheets (each with detailed examples) will help you figure out the real numbers you need to know: How much do you really earn? How much do you really owe? How do you create a personalized DEBT DESTROYER? And finally, when you are free of debt forever, learn the ultimate tool that will transform the rest of your to convert your Debt Destroyer into a Money Machine that will keep you solvent and happy even after you retire.

Life Rules

by Ellen Laconte

Corporate capitalism has ravaged the planet the same way HIV ravages the human body, triggering a critical mass of cascading environmental, economic, social, and political crises. Economic and climate instability, collapsing ecosystems, peak fossil fuels, and devastating resource wars--if the Earth were a patient, her condition would be critical. Life Rules offers a comprehensive analysis of our present circumstances, combined with a holistic treatment protocol for restoring health to vulnerable human and natural communities. Predicting that Life will last, but if we don't make some fundamental changes, life as we know it--and a lot of us--won't, Life Rules identifies natural laws that have allowed non-human communities to thrive and prosper for several billion years, including: Local self-reliance Mutual interdependence Reliance on non-fossil sources of energy Resource conservation, sharing, and recycling Radically democratic self-organization and governance This sobering yet essentially optimistic manifesto is required reading for anyone concerned about our ability to live within Earth's means. A powerful tool for community transition and cultural transformation, Life Rules offers a solution to our global challenges that is at once authentically hopeful, deeply inspiring, and profoundly liberating. Ellen LaConte is acting director of the EarthWalk Alliance, a contributing editor to Green Horizon Magazine and The Ecozoic, a frequent talk show guest, and publisher of the Starting Point online newsletter. She has written two books about Helen and Scott Nearing, homesteaders and best-selling authors of Living the Good Life, and she is the author of the upcoming environmental novel Afton.

Life Science Careers (Perspectives in Physiology)

by Jasna Markovac Kim E. Barrett Howard Garrison

This book is written for the many Life Science PhD students who may pursue careers outside of academic research. Even though the biggest portion of students will ultimately pursue other paths, university education trains them mostly for the academic track. Students often miss information, resources, contacts, or opportunities to explore other options. In response, the editors assembled a diverse group of authors from all fields related to Life Science research. The chapters offer a peek behind the curtain of each industry and offer guidance on how to move towards such roles. Through a high level of uniformity, students will get a plethora of career stories, each providing job opportunities, job descriptions, resources, and useful contact information. The purpose of this volume is to illustrate the many excellent opportunities that are available to life science PhDs, which will still allow them to make significant contributions to science.

Life Science Management: Perspectives, Concepts and Strategies (Management for Professionals)

by Avo Schönbohm Hans Henning von Horsten Philipp Plugmann

The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us of how important the life science industry is, and compels us to find efficient management methods specific to the industry. Pharmaceuticals, drug and vaccine development labs, R&D labs, medical instrumentation, and tech companies, hygiene supply companies, medical distribution chains, all form an integral part of this industry. At the interface of scientific research, technology, innovation and management and embedded in regulatory and legal frameworks, life science management is still an under-researched field of practice and science. This edited volume addresses this research gap and offers a wide range of practical and theoretical contributions that provide insights into one of the most exciting industries. The book is primarily directed at practitioners and decision makers in the life science industry. Students and professionals of life science management at all levels as well as policy makers will find valuable insights and inspiration for their daily work and career development.

Life Sciences Revolution: A Technical Primer

by Gary P. Pisano Clarissa Ceruti Stephanie Oestreich

For more than two decades, scientific advances have been driving profound changes in drug discovery and the drug industry itself. This case provides an overview and description of these technical and scientific advances. Written for the nonscientific reader, it may be used as companion reading for other case materials that require basic knowledge of the tools, techniques, and approaches used in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.

The Life Sciences Revolution: A Technical Primer

by Amitabh Chandra Clarissa Ceruti Gary P. Pisano Stephanie Oestreich William J. Anderson

For more than two decades, scientific advances have been driving profound changes in drug discovery and the drug industry itself. This case provides an overview and description of these technical and scientific advances. Written for the nonscientific reader, it may be used as companion reading for other case materials that require basic knowledge of the tools, techniques, and approaches used in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.

Life Settlements and Longevity Structures

by Geoff Chaplin Mark Venn Jim Aspinwall

Recent turbulence in the financial markets has highlighted the need for diversified portfolios with lower correlations between the different investments. Life settlements meet this need, offering investors the prospect of high, stable returns, uncorrelated with the broader financial markets.This book provides readers of all levels of experience with essential information on the process surrounding the acquisition and management of a portfolio of life settlements; the assessment, modelling and mitigation of the associated longevity, interest rate and credit risks; and practical approaches to financing and risk management structures. It begins with the history of life insurance and looks at how the need for new financing sources has led to the growth of the life settlements market in the United States.The authors provide a detailed exploration of the mathematical formulae surrounding the generation of mortality curves, drawing a parallel between the tools deployed in the credit derivatives market and those available to model longevity risk. Structured products and securitisation techniques are introduced and explained, starting with simple vanilla products and models before illustrating some of the investment structures associated with life settlements. Capital market mechanisms available to assist the investor in limiting the risks associated with life settlement portfolios are outlined, as are opportunities to use life settlement portfolios to mitigate the risks of traditional capital markets. The last section of the book covers derivative products, either available now or under consideration, that will reduce or potentially eliminate longevity risks within life settlement portfolios. It then reviews hedging and risk management strategies and considers how to measure the effectiveness of risk mitigation.

Life Shaping Decisions: A Career Planning Manual for Christian Young Adults

by Rick Horne

Planning for a career is fraught with challenges and decisions to think through carefully. This workbook from ACSI is designed to help teenagers think through all the possibilities of their actions, including choosing a career, determining the will of God, and career stewardship.

Life Skills 101: A Practical Guide to Leaving Home and Living on Your Own (4th edition)

by Tina Pestalozzi

Revised and updated for 2009, the fourth edition of Life Skills 101 is a valuable guide to the complete spectrum of skills required to successfully master the challenges of living on one's own for the very first time. Subjects include financial know-how, job search success; interview, social, dining and workplace etiquette, consumer savvy, home hunting and lease negotiations. The guide provides the reader with essential advice on maintaining their home, car, laundry, time and well-being. The book also includes effective suggestions on saving and stretching one's money, as well as positive actions for practicing environmental awareness.

Life Skills and Career Coaching for Teens: A Practical Manual for Supporting School Engagement, Aspirations and Success in Young People aged 11–18

by Nikki Giant

Setting out a year-long curriculum based programme for education and youth professionals, this book provides a challenging and engaging workshop-based approach to developing school engagement and ambitions in young people aged 11-18. The programme, which is informed by CBT, helps professionals to understand barriers to young people's school engagement and learning. It outlines a case for a practical, well-rounded curriculum that readies students for life post-education through eight core themes, including 'believing in me', 'money matters' and 'business basics'. The second part of the book is a photocopiable manual for use in classroom settings, making this an essential, hands-on manual for nurturing young people's life skills.

Life Skills Education for Youth: Critical Perspectives (Young People and Learning Processes in School and Everyday Life #5)

by Joan DeJaeghere Erin Murphy-Graham

This open access volume critically reviews a diverse body of scholarship and practice that informs the conceptualization, curriculum, teaching and measurement of life skills in education settings around the world. It discusses life skills as they are implemented in schools and non-formal education, providing both qualitative and quantitative evidence of when, with whom, and how life skills do or do not impact young women’s and men’s lives in various contexts. Specifically, it examines the nature and importance of life skills, and how they are taught. It looks at the synergies and differences between life skills educational programmes and the way in which they promote social and emotional learning, vocational/employment education, and health and sexuality education. Finally, it explores how life skills may be better incorporated into education and how such education can address structures and relations of power to help youth achieve desired future outcomes, and goals set out in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Life skills education has gained considerable attention by education policymakers, researchers and educators as being the sine qua non for later achievements in life. It is nearly ubiquitous in global and national education policies, including the SDGs, because life skills are regarded as essential for a diverse set of purposes: reducing poverty, achieving gender equality, promoting economic growth, addressing climate change, fostering peace and global citizenship, and creating sustainable and healthy communities. Yet, to achieve these broad goals, questions persist as to which life skills are important, who needs to learn them, how they can be taught, and how they are best measured. This book addresses these questions.

Life Space and Economic Space: Third World Planning in Perspective

by John Friedmann

Friedmann perceives a global crisis which he traces to the dissolution of territorial relations. This he believes results from penetration of the global system of markets into the remotest corners of the world, undermining tradition cultures and ways of life. The consequence is incipient breakdown, he asserts, and we need to repoliticize space and subordinate the power of capital to the collective will of people organized to work toward common ends. This deliberately provocative collection of essays includes an autobiographical fragment providing contextual information about the author.

Life Support

by Kalindi Vora

From call centers, overseas domestic labor, and customer care to human organ selling, gestational surrogacy, and knowledge work, such as software programming, life itself is channeled across the globe from one population to another. In Life Support, Kalindi Vora demonstrates how biological bodies have become a new kind of global biocapital. Vora examines how forms of labor serve to support life in the United States at the expense of the lives of people in India. She exposes the ways in which even seemingly inalienable aspects of human life such as care, love, and trust--as well as biological bodies and organs--are not only commodifiable entities but also components essential to contemporary capitalism. As with earlier modes of accumulation, this new global economy has come to rely on the reproduction of life for expansion. Human bodies and subjects are playing a role similar to that of land and natural resource dispossession in the period of capitalist growth during European territorial colonialism. Indeed, the rapid pace at which scientific knowledge of biology and genetics has accelerated has opened up the human body as an extended site for annexation, harvest, dispossession, and production.

Life Under Pressure, Moving Beyond Financial Meltdown

by Sherman Smith

Americans are obsessed with gloomy prognostications about the future. Dr. Smith's book, Life Under Pressure, Moving Beyond Financial Meltdown, is an antidote to all of this. He captures, in this book, the belief-ism that any person who trusts in God can move beyond disaster and that God is not out of money in any economic climate.Dr. Smith has helped thousands overcome adverse circumstances, and this book is a practical application to dealing with the times. It is a Biblical financial scholar's approach to money. You will find the 28 Ways You Can Know You're Overextended and all sorts of practical Scriptural advice in dealing with financial chaos. His approach to Bankruptcy and Divorce is worth the price of this book. Dr. Smith is a recognized authority on Biblical Stewardship, and as he did in his bestseller, Exploding the Doomsday Money Myths, Why It's Not Time to Panic, you will find this well written and easy to read book a breath of fresh air.

A Life Well Lived: Dialogues with a “Kabouter"

by Manfred F. Kets de Vries

Manfred Kets de Vries wears many “hats”—psychoanalyst, executive coach, consultant, management educator, researcher, writer—but he has noticed that whichever hat he is wearing, every question he is asked boils down to one thing: “How can I live a well-lived life?” Over many years of practice in all these disciplines, Professor Kets de Vries has realized the unsurpassed value of stories in tackling human dilemmas and providing answers to this question. The book is, therefore, one of the most important books he has written for coaches, students, leaders, managers, educators—or anyone seeking a more reflective text to guide them through the multitude of questions that we face in work and in life. He draws on a long literary tradition of the unexpected encounter with a wise “other,” fantastic or magical—think The Little Prince, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, The Once and Future King, the Harry Potter novels—to animate an exploration of the deepest questions and concerns of human beings. He constructs an extended Socratic dialogue between his two “selves”; the first a naïve traveler, lost in the Siberian wilderness, and the second a reflective avatar who comes to his aid. The avatar takes the form of a “kabouter,” a familiar figure in Dutch folklore whose counterpart can be found in different cultures around the world and throughout centuries of storytelling. Through stories, riddles, and puzzles, the kabouter challenges the traveler to question and reflect upon his life and values, guiding him—and readers—toward the insights that will help them achieve a life well lived.

Life Without Oil: Why We Must Shift to a New Energy Future

by Steve Hallett John Wright

Hallett (botany and plant pathology, Purdue U. ), who is joined by John Wright, an energy and environmental journalist, contends that oil and natural gas supplies will wane by the end of the century and that society has failed to see this problem and act on it. He describes the history of the world in terms of energy use, how the petroleum interval of the last century fits into larger civilization, and how the rise of civilizations has been a story of human access to increasingly powerful sources of energy and that problems with access to energy have led to societal collapse. He examines problems that are likely to occur in different countries over the next half century, effects on the global economy, and what can be done about them it by considering nuclear power, reconnecting communities, focusing on sustainable agriculture, and recognizing that the laws of ecology override the economy. Annotation ©2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Life Word: Discover Your One Word to Leave a Legacy (Jon Gordon)

by Jon Gordon Mark Batterson Jimmy Page Dan Britton

Discover your Life Word! In One Word that will Change your Life authors Jon Gordon, Dan Britton, and Jimmy Page helped readers discover their yearly word to live with more intention, focus and purpose. Now with Life Word they help readers discover a word that will significantly impact their life and legacy. Life Word reveals a simple, powerful tool to help you identify the word that will inspire you to live your best life while leaving your greatest legacy. In the process you'll discover your why which will help show you the way to live with a renewed sense of power, purpose and passion. The authors walk you step-by-step through the process of discovering your Life Word and share an action plan with the most successful ways to live and share it. If you're ready to live with more clarity, confidence and courage and leave a lasting legacy, let's get started!

LifeBank Nigeria

by Brian Trelstad Pippa Tubman Armerding Wale Lawal


Lifeboat: Navigating Unexpected Career Change and Disruption

by Maggie Craddock

Today&’s hardworking professionals are navigating sudden waves of financial stress, management shakeups, and downsizing. Using the experiences of Titanic survivors as a powerful metaphor, executive coach Maggie Craddock offers lessons for a transformative approach to our professional lives, one that recognizes that &“every man for himself&” doesn&’t work long-term. Lifeboat is organized as a series of key questions we all need to ask ourselves when facing unexpected career disruption or difficult changes at our existing jobs. These questions help readers clarify their authentic priorities, assess the group energy that guides a particular workplace, and identify the type of job that will help them reach their true potential.

Lifecycle Events and Their Consequences: Job Loss, Family Change, and Declines in Health

by Kenneth A. Couch Mary C. Daly Julie M. Zissimopoulos

In Lifecycle Events and Their Consequences: Job Loss, Family Change, and Declines in Health, editors Kenneth A. Couch, Mary C. Daly, and Julie Zissimopoulos bring together leading scholars to study the impact of unexpected life course events on economic welfare. The contributions in this volume explore how job loss, the onset of health limitations, and changes in household structure can have a pronounced influence on individual and household well-being across the life course. Although these events are typically studied in isolation, they frequently co-occur or are otherwise interrelated. This book provides a systematic empirical overview of these sometimes uncertain events and their impact. By placing them in a unified analytical framework and approaching each of them from a similar perspective, Lifecycle Events and Their Consequences illustrates the importance of a coherent approach to thinking about the inter-relationships among these shifts. Finally, this volume aims to set the future research agenda in this important area.

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