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The Leadership Genius of Jesus
by William BeausayIn Leadership Genius of Jesus, Beausay skillfully shows how Jesus demonstrated fifty-nine leadership traits that can be replicated by today's leaders. As readers gain insight into Jesus' strong and unwavering, yet gentle and encouraging leadership style they will learn how to be a leader.
The Leadership Genius of Julius Caesar: Modern Lessons from the Man Who Built an Empire
by Phillip BarlagThe Leadership Genius of Julius CaesarModern Lessons from the Man Who Built an Empire"Brilliantly crafted to draw leadership lessons from history, this is one of the finest leadership books I have read."--Doris Kearns Goodwin, bestselling author of Team of Rivals and The Bully PulpitLeaders are always trying to get better, which is why there is an enormous and growing collection of literature offering the latest leadership paradigm or process. But sometimes the best way to move forward is to look back. Philip Barlag shows us that Julius Caesar is one of the most compelling leaders of the past to study--a man whose approach was surprisingly modern and extraordinarily effective. History is littered with leaders hopelessly out of touch with their people and ruthlessly pursuing their own ambitions or hedonistic whims. But Caesar, who rose from impoverished beginnings, proved by his words and deeds that he never saw himself as being above the average Roman citizen. And he had an amazing ability to generate loyalty, to turn enemies into allies and allies into devoted followers. Barlag uses dramatic and colorful incidents from Caesar's career--being held hostage by pirates, charging headlong alone into enemy lines, pardoning people he knew wanted him dead--to illustrate what Caesar can teach leaders today. Central to Barlag's argument is the distinction between force and power. Caesar avoided using brute force on his followers, understanding that fear never generates genuine loyalty. He exercised a power deeply rooted in his demonstrated personal integrity and his intuitive understanding of people's deepest needs and motivations. His supporters followed him because they wanted to, not because they were compelled to. Over 2,000 years after Caesar's death, this is still the kind of loyalty every leader wants to inspire. Barlag shows how anyone can learn to lead like Caesar.
Leadership Gold
by John C. MaxwellSmart leaders learn from their own mistakes. Smarter ones learn from others' mistakes--and successes. John C. Maxwell wants to help you become the smartest leader you can be by sharing Leadership Gold with you. After nearly forty years of leading, Maxwell has mined the gold so you don't have to. Each gold nugget is contained in one of twenty- six chapters designed to be a six-month mentorship from the international leadership expert. Each chapter contains detailed application exercises and a "Mentoring Moment" for leaders who desire to mentor others using the book. Gaining leadership insight is a lot like mining for gold. You don't set out to look for the dirt. You look for the nuggets. You'll find them here.
Leadership Growth Through Crisis: An Investigation of Leader Development During Tumultuous Circumstances (Christian Faith Perspectives in Leadership and Business)
by Bruce E. WinstonThis edited collection uses a biblical lens to explore how to lead effectively and grow in a crisis situation. The chapters examine topics such as communicating through crisis, developing organizations and leaders through crisis, personal crisis and leadership development, and ethics and morality in crisis. Case studies include David's response to Goliath's challenge, Joseph's leadership and management of Egypt, and the team leadership and resilience of Esther and Mordecai in navigating a possible Jewish genocide.This book makes a unique contribution to the crisis leadership literature by examining the topic from a Christian perspective and will foster future research into the role of spirituality in organizational crisis.
Leadership: Guida Alla Gestione Per Essere Bravissimi A Influenzare, Comunicazione
by David PopovichLeadership Agility è la competenza principale necessaria per un successo duraturo nel complesso ambiente aziendale frenetico di oggi. Riccamente illustrato con storie basate su ricerche originali e decenni di lavoro con i clienti, questo rivoluzionario libro identifica cinque livelli che i leader attraversano nello sviluppo della loro agilità. Significativamente, solo il 10% ha imparato il livello di agilità necessario per una coerente efficacia nella nostra turbolenta era della competizione globale. Scritto con uno stile accattivante, questo libro non solo fornisce una mappa che guida i lettori nell'identificare il loro attuale livello di agilità, ma anche i consigli pratici e gli esempi concreti che mostrano ai manager e ai professionisti dello sviluppo della leadership come incrementare l’agilità nella presa delle iniziative di tutti i giorni. Se sei pronto ad agire e cambiare la tua vita in meglio, questo libro ti guiderà nella giusta direzione!
The Leadership Habit: Transforming Behaviors to Drive Results
by Katie Fritchen Peter Lindsay Tammy R. BerberickThe 10 essential skills to transform the way you lead The Leadership Habit provides the framework for patterns of behavior that will transform the way you lead. By articulating a clear, well-defined standard of what it means to be a leader, this book condenses volumes of advice and opinion into 10 key areas and teaches leaders how they can create daily habits surrounding these centers of excellence. Leaders who can commit to creating change will develop more productive teams and will build long-term growth for their organization. This book is your invaluable guide to being one of the greats, with proven advice and a concrete framework for leading well. Through expert discussion and deep dissection of these critical areas, you’ll discover how to drive for results, build the best team, execute on vision, foster innovation, and more.
Leadership Hacks: Clever Shortcuts to Boost Your Impact and Results
by Scott SteinHack your leadership and improve your approach With rapid change and hybrid workplaces becoming the new way of working, leaders are struggling to achieve their outcomes. How do you stay ahead in the face of constantly shifting priorities, competitors, and deadlines? With this fully revised and updated edition of Leadership Hacks, you&’ll discover how to cut through the madness and get back to achieving results. Author Scott Stein helps leaders—from CEOs to frontline managers to small business owners—identify ways to make a difference to the people they manage and the tasks they undertake. Here, he details proven hacks at every level: personal, one-on-one, team, hybrid and remote. With his tips, shortcuts and advice, you can rise above the daily deluge and make real progress. This is a book for leaders looking for the life, work, and business hacks that will help you manage and inspire others. Whether you&’re feeling burned out or thriving but still looking for better strategies to get things done and stay on top, this book will open your mind to new possibilities. If you&’re leading a hybrid workforce, you&’ll especially love the hacks for keeping your people productive and reducing costs. identify what distractions slow you down fast-track your productivity to do more in less time streamline delegation so your people perform faster learn the communication and technology shortcuts that get faster results create and lead a hybrid workforce that increases performance. Leadership Hacks shows you how to hack your day, shift your approach and boost your communication so you can lead in a more effective and efficient way, no matter where your team is.
The Leadership Handbook: 26 Critical Lessons Every Leader Needs
by John C. MaxwellNew York Times best-selling author and leadership expert John Maxwell offers practical insight into learning how to lead the person who matters most--yourself. The path to leadership begins with a question only few of us ask: How do I lead myself? John Maxwell presents twenty-six insights, not just for those who aspire to positions of leadership but also for veteran leaders who aim to build and improve upon the steps that led them to the front of the line.Sound leadership will impact any endeavor, but sound leaders are prepared for risk--and importantly, failure--just as they point the way toward achievement. With application exercises and a "Mentoring Moment" to accompany each chapter, The Leadership Handbook presents a road map for a path many may cross but few choose to follow. "A leader," counsels Maxwell, "never has to recover from a good start."
The Leadership House: A Leadership Tale about the Challenging Path to Becoming an Effective Leader
by Patrick FlesnerDiscover how to become a highly effective leader in this inspiring leadership story. Whether you are a startup founder, an entrepreneur, a manager who has just been promoted into a leadership position, or a senior executive, your success will depend on others. If you cannot lead people, groups, and organizations effectively, your teams will fail—and you will fail as a leader. In contrast, if you know how to transform a set of strong individuals into a thriving, cohesive team, the sky is the limit. If you know how to lead effectively, you will achieve the extraordinary. But how do you become an effective leader? If you are anything like the many leaders Patrick Flesner has enjoyed working with, you also look for answers to this question. But the answers you get are often dissatisfying. Because they come pieces at a time. In fact, leadership advice comes in piecemeal fashion. There is no leadership framework you can follow systematically to become an effective leader. Therefore, you end up doing what you’ve always been doing. You lead using your gut feeling. In The Leadership House, Patrick Flesner provides the answers you’ve been looking for. In this leadership story about a CEO who walks the challenging path to becoming an effective leader, he shares the long missing framework. He shares a leadership framework that will enable you to systematically develop your leadership skills and become the leader you want to be, a highly effective leader who leads with ease. In The Leadership House, you will learn: Why trust is the foundation of effective leadership That a strong team is more than great talent in the right positions How to ensure your team members collaborate and embrace teamwork Why the accountability concept is key for leadership success How to empower your team members How to execute your plans Wherever you are on your particular walk of life, in your career, and in your organization, you will benefit from and find value in this leadership guide wrapped in an inspiring leadership story. “A wonderful story about leadership. In this little book, you will find the tools necessary to enhance your leadership journey. Thanks Patrick for giving us such a gift.” - Howard Behar, former president of Starbucks International "Great storytelling alongside with the simultaneous communication of facts. In this book, the essentials of leadership are impressively presented in an unusual and memorable setting." - Gisbert Rühl, former CEO of Klöckner & Co SE “Most leadership books are either too theoretic, esoteric, or complex—or all of the above. The Leadership House stands out. It conveys how to lead effectively, wrapped in an inspiring story full of leadership wisdom and actionable insights. This book is not only fun to read, but makes you learn how to lead with ease. Highly recommended for any leader and all who wish to become one.” - Matthias Heutger, Senior Vice President, Global Head of Innovation & Commercial Development at DHL Group
The Leadership Hubris Epidemic
by Peter GarrardThis edited collection surveys and analyses the multidimensional problem of Hubris syndrome, and its deleterious effect on leadership within organisations. The study develops an extended metaphor of the social and political ill of Hubris as a virulent, communicable disease of dysfunctional leadership, illustrating its ubiquity and potential for serious harm. Taking a biological perspective to understand the possible underlying mechanisms as well as the environments in which hubris has been found to thrive, contributors emphasise the notion of prevention over cure. Divided into three sections, The Leadership Hubris Epidemic examines psychological, neuroendocrinological and neuropsychological approaches to the biology of Hubris, explores factors that encourage or inhibit its growth, and finally provides methods for preventing or retarding its development. This book has huge interdisciplinary appeal and scholars of biology, psychology, sociology, management, and politics will find the topic extremely useful, as well as anyone who is interested in the structure and governance of organisations.
Leadership Humility: A Characteristic that Enhances Professional Effectiveness
by Andrew J. DuBrinThis book deals in depth with an ancient attribute of effective leaders that has in recent years caught the attention of leadership writers and researchers. Today’s effective leader is expected to demonstrate humility in addition to standard leadership attributes such as self-confidence, high-level cognitive skills, creativity, charisma, and the ability to articulate visions. The theme of this book is that leadership and professional effectiveness are enhanced when interspersed with other key leadership attributes including those mentioned above, assertiveness, a sense of humor, and strategic thinking ability. Many brash and aggressive successful leaders would be even more successful if they sprinkled their leadership approach with humility.This book describes an opinion about the most relevant aspects of humility as it applies to leadership and professional effectiveness, yet the emphasis is on leadership. Equally important, each chapter contains suggestions for making better use of humility. Humility as it relates to leadership and professional effectiveness is covered from many angles. Among these topics are the many meanings and components of humility and how leadership humility impacts group member performance and behavior. We also describe the attributes of humble leaders and professionals and their type of interpersonal relationships. Servant leadership, because of its tie-in with humility, receives a separate chapter.A description is provided about how narcissism, hubris, and charisma can be blended with humility to improve leadership effectiveness. Two other key topics are developing and enhancing your humility and making effective use of humility in leadership and professional life. The major contribution of this book is its systematic presentation of applied information about humility related to leadership effectiveness, such as the impact of humility on job performance and employee behavior, and how humility is part of servant leadership. At the same time, the book provides practical guidelines for applying the information to make optimum use of humility in the workplace.
The Leadership Illusion
by Tony Hall Karen JanmanThis book is about what we have called the "leadership illusion"; the hardwired habit of writers, researchers and leaders themselves, when examining success or failure, to focus on predominantly the individual and often the context, but very rarely both. The Leadership Illusion asserts that to make sense of leadership, we have to understand at the same time the context in which leaders operate because both are inextricably interlinked. To try to understand a leader without the context is only half the tale. This book is an attempt to tell the whole story. More specifically, the book explores the relevance of the informal social networks that shape the leadership context and their role in the delivery of personal and organisational goals. It highlights that to achieve leadership aspirations and succeed in these challenging times, how we connect with the people we know and those we have yet to meet may be more important than we may imagine.
Leadership im Marketing: Sechs strategische Leitprinzipien als Erfolgstreiber für eine führende Markt- und Wettbewerbsposition (essentials)
by Marco A. GardiniMarketing wird zunehmend weniger als Führungsphilosophie verstanden. Um die Erfolgs- und Praxisrelevanz einer strategischen und integrativen Kunden- und Marktorientierung im Innen- und Außenverhältnis eines Unternehmens offen zu legen, werden in diesem essential sechs strategische Leitprinzipien als Bausteine eines Leadership-Ansatzes im Marketing herausgearbeitet und vorgestellt. Diese Leitprinzipien werden als Erfolgstreiber auf dem Weg zu einer führenden Markt- und Wettbewerbsposition als unabdingbar erachtet.
Leadership in a Challenging World
by Barbara ShipkaLeadership in a Challenging World is about a journey to wholeness. The whole self is sacred and required in order to lead well in the complex world of today and tomorrow. Divided into 3 parts, the book begins with the metaphor of the forest for the world, with both its demanding challenges and its magnificent possibilities. Part 2 uses the metaphor of walking on a path to suggest eight subjective human powers that are essential to leading in business today and tomorrow. Finally. part 3 describes an ancient basis for the powers and shows how they can serve to bring balance to each other that results in human wholeness.
Leadership in a Diverse and Multicultural Environment: Developing Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills
by Dr Mary L. Connerley Paul B. PedersenLeadership in a Diverse and Multicultural Environment provides leaders with the tools necessary to effectively interact with all individuals. Although much of the research related to multiculturalism has focused on expatriates and international assignments, the book also focuses on leaders in domestic organizations, as they can benefit from developing their own multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skills. Effective leaders can shape the culture of their organization to be accepting of individuals from all races, ethnicities, religions, and genders with a minimum of misunderstandings.
Leadership in a Globalized World: Complexity, Dynamics, and Risks
by Frannie LéautierThis book investigates key issues facing leaders in increasingly complex decision-making environments as a result of globalization. It presents a synthesis and interpretation of academic research in multiple disciplines and integrates it into a practical approach that is readily useable by leaders in government, corporations, and civil society.
Leadership in a Globalizing World
by Rosabeth Moss KanterIn this chapter, world-renowned business expert, author, and Harvard Business School professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter asks the question, "Is leadership different in a globalizing world-one of broadening horizons and burgeoning sources of ideas and supplies-than in other contexts?" The answer is a resounding yes. Kanter identifies three aspects of globalization-increased uncertainty, complexity, and diversity-that fundamentally reshape the work leaders must perform. Based on field observations of leaders in large global firms, she finds that these forces shape the context of three distinctive tasks leaders face as they guide their organizations and influence the constituencies that surround them: 1) institutional work to deal with uncertainty, 2) integrative work to deal with complexity, and 3) identity work to deal with diversity. With compelling examples of global leadership within international companies such as IBM, Cemex, Procter & Gamble, and Paris-based advertising and communications giant Publicis Groupe, Kanter builds a strong case for making these organizations and their leaders the focus of further research and study. This chapter was originally published as Chapter 20 of "Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice: A Harvard Business School Centennial Colloquium."
Leadership in a Time of Continuous Technological Change: Align, Strengthen, and Mobilize Your Team
by Bar SchwartzDigital technology is rapidly challenging the way we do business, interact with our communities, and learn about the world. Due to this, leading change in your digital organization now comes with unprecedented tools and platforms to make your teams the most effective they can be. Leadership in a Time of Continuous Technological Change has arrived at this pivotal moment and is your roadmap for this exciting, evolving journey. Author Bar Schwartz introduces a holistic framework for leaders to take the reins in the digital Wild West. Achieving your team’s goals in this new environment will require high creativity, an entrepreneurial mindset, and a diversity of perspectives to solve problems that have never before been tackled. Roles and responsibilities have morphed, and what made you successful in the past may no longer apply. Leadership in a Time of Continuous Technological Change is an unmatched resource fit for our new decade. Through analyzing detailed case studies, you will see how understanding your identity paves the way to achieving emancipation, capability, and autonomy. Ultimately, you will be empowered to lead with clarity. Your team has everything they need to excel. Discover how alignment and clarity can support you in launching your team to new heights.What You Will LearnExamine case studies of different situations that can arise within a team and go through lists of takeaway questions that leaders can start asking to gain quick winsAdopt an agile mindset while taking into consideration the existing culture in the organizationCommunicate and align on expectations and goals with your team in a time of organizational change Who This Book Is ForEmerging leaders who are dealing with change or leading change and seek to increase the level of alignment and clarity for their people and themselves
Leadership in a Time of Crisis: The Way Forward in a Changed World (100 Coaches)
by Marshall Goldsmith Scott OsmanThe founder of Marshall Goldsmith 100 Coaches presents insight on business and leadership in the age of COVID-19 from some of today&’s top consultants. This informative volume offers expert advice on navigating a business through today&’s global pandemic. Some of the world&’s most effective consultants give their perspectives on all areas of employee and customer growth and engagement. They also consider the ramifications of COVID-19 on people; the healthcare system; local, national and global economies; and on our businesses. In early March 2020, members of the nonprofit organization Marshall Goldsmith 100 Coaches began discussing the developments and repercussions of current events with each other as well as global leaders around the world. Thirty-seven contributors offer helpful and forward-thinking insights on how we can create more value in the companies we serve and better the lives of our coworkers and communities. Leadership in a Time of Crisis features essays by: Asheesh Advani, Jenny Blake, Peter Bregman, David Burkus, James M. Citrin, Erica Dhawan, Connie Dieken, Chester Elton, Robert Glazer, Sally Helgesen, Whitney Johnson, Tom Kolditz, Harry Kraemer, Martin Lindstrom, Rita McGrath, Sharon Melnick, Dave Meltzer, Richie Norton, Luara Gassner Otting, Liz Wiseman, And many more!
Leadership in a Zoom Economy with Microsoft Teams: Applying Leadership to a Remote Workforce
by Peter WardManage and lead a team remotely by intertwining leadership principles with the many robust tools of Microsoft Teams. This book shows you how to utilize Microsoft Teams in an effective way to achieve your global team goals.Leading a team is a challenge, but leading a team in the zoom economy can make you stressed out and overworked. Peter Ward gives the reader a communication and organization centered approach for the dynamic, hardworking, successful employee who wants to step into a leadership role and vastly improve their organization with the aid of Microsoft Teams. Ward shares his own "rules" for successful leadership of teams and small companies, to scale at a steady pace, creating a culture of accountability and responsibility, with a remote workforce, not using venture capital, and applying minimal bureaucracy. Ward says teamwork, right hires, diversity, and work balance are equally important as profitability. Leadership in a Zoom Economy with Microsoft Teams is a portrait of a productive, sane, balanced life that is organized and filled with rich results. After reading this book, you will be able to extend your Microsoft Team capabilities to day-to-day leadership principles.What Will You LearnUse MS Teams to build trust in your remote or virtual workplace with teamsWork with Planner, Outlook, and Tasks within MS TeamsCoach, mentor, and develop your team when you are not in the exact locationLead a remote workforce effectivelyApply an entrepreneur mentality to remote teamsCreate a culture that is innovative and creative when you are a dispersed organizationWho This Book Is ForManagers who want to step into leadership, and leaders who want to raise their leadership game using Microsoft Teams as a technical tool.
Leadership in Arts Organisations: The Power of Successful Work Relationships
by Andrea Hausmann Lena ZischlerAt a time of transformation for many arts and cultural organisations, this book provides a compact, in-depth and practical introduction to effective leadership in arts organisations. It begins with an overview of leadership theories, then moves on discuss the specific tasks and challenges of leadership in the arts, including digital leadership and remote work challenges for arts managers. Well-balanced and concise, this book combines a sound theoretical background in management with practical knowledge from the field. The underlying view is that all employees in arts and cultural institutions are responsible for successful leadership. Bearing this in mind the overall aim of this book is to provoke interest in better leadership in the arts and to generate knowledge of leading more effectively. It will be of interest to academics in the field of cultural management, creative industries management, heritage management and leadership in the arts. Additionally, it will be of interest to professionals working in these fields and explores topics that affect every leader in the arts sector, including typical framework conditions, the most important leadership tasks and responsibilities and individual leadership styles and principles.
Leadership In Balance
by John F. Kucia Linda S. GravettLeadership in Balance provides readers with a deeper understanding of the art, practice, and discipline of purpose-driven collaboration, and teaches them how new leadership habits of the mind will positively impact an organization's learning, growth, and change.
Leadership in Chaordic Organizations
by Beverly G. McCarter Brian E. WhiteSupplying a clear vision of how to build high-performance teams, Leadership in Chaordic Organizations presents methods for improving operations through the application of complex systems engineering principles and psychological counseling techniques. Ideal for systems engineers, organizational managers, coaches, and psychologists, it addresses the
Leadership In Colonial Africa
by Baba G. JallowLeadership in Colonial Africa highlights colonial disruptions of traditional leadership patterns in Africa and how African leaders, traditional and nationalist, reacted to these disruptions.
Leadership in Corporate Reporting Policy at Tata Steel
by Karthik Ramanna Rachna TahilyaniThe case describes the challenges faced by Tata Steel, India's largest private-sector steel company, as it transitions from Indian GAAP to IFRS. It first describes those challenges in the context of the institutional voids that make IFRS adoption difficult in India. The case then focuses on how companies in emerging markets might represent their interests at the IASB, the standard-setting body for IFRS.