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Leadership In Colonial Africa
by Baba G. JallowLeadership in Colonial Africa highlights colonial disruptions of traditional leadership patterns in Africa and how African leaders, traditional and nationalist, reacted to these disruptions.
Leadership in Corporate Reporting Policy at Tata Steel
by Karthik Ramanna Rachna TahilyaniThe case describes the challenges faced by Tata Steel, India's largest private-sector steel company, as it transitions from Indian GAAP to IFRS. It first describes those challenges in the context of the institutional voids that make IFRS adoption difficult in India. The case then focuses on how companies in emerging markets might represent their interests at the IASB, the standard-setting body for IFRS.
Leadership in Crisis: Ernest Shackleton and the Epic Voyage of the Endurance
by Erica Helms Nancy F. Koehn Phillip MeadProvides an opportunity to examine leadership and entrepreneurship in the context of Ernest Shackleton's 1914 Antarctic expedition, a compelling story of crisis, survival, and triumph. Summarizes Shackleton's career as an officer in the British Merchant Marine, his work on several prominent Antarctic missions, and the competitive nature of polar exploration in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Also examines Shackleton's planning and advance management of what he hoped would be the first-ever trek across the Antarctic continent. Details the events of this epic voyage aboard the Endurance. Readers have the opportunity to examine how, after the vessel became trapped in ice and the crew abandoned ship, the commander shifted his objectives and responsibilities from completing an historic march to ensuring the survival of all 28 expedition members. Considers Shackleton's efforts to maintain his team's morale, loyalty, and commitment in the face of extraordinary mental and physical trials during almost two years in the Antarctic.
Leadership in Crisis: Lessons from the Global Pandemic
by Thomas NelsonThe Covid crisis has been a proving ground of sorts for business leaders, forcing them to adapt to new realities and unprecedented uncertainty. Leading through it has often been painful, but it&’s also produced valuable lessons about rallying employees, navigating global pressures, and finding opportunity amid hardship.Leadership in Crisis profiles leaders of a range of business from auto giants like Telsa and General Motors to Moderna, the upstart that developed a Covid-19 vaccine, to a small grocery store in North Carolina. Takeaways include:Take advantage of a crisis to try something new.Channel your scrappiness and tenacity.Be of service.Turn to Leadership in Crisis and remember that when the world breaks, there are all kinds of opportunities to make it better, for your business and beyond.
Leadership in Easy Steps
by Jon PooleUnderstanding and working slavishly to set leadership models can mean missing some of the fundamental elements that will make you an effective leader - being true to yourself and others whilst at the same time maximizing your own strengths and personality characteristics.This book is designed to help you discover more about you, your own personal strengths and your potential and so become a genuinely inspirational leader of people based on your own personality rather than on someone else's. As well as describing some of the fundamental elements of leadership it also provides a number of simple exercises and assessment techniques that will help you determine your own unique style of leadership.Areas covered include: Role of a Leader Leadership Behaviors Adapting Your Style to Situations Empowering People Generating Ideas Developing Talent Turning Visions Into Reality Decision Making and Managing Risk Maximising PerformanceAn indispensible guide for anyone invloved in leading. Can you afford to be without it?
Leadership in Energy: Jim Rogers at Cinergy
by Colleen Kaftan Nitin Nohria Geoff Marietta Boris GroysbergJim Rogers, CEO of the energy company Cinergy, has led the company from the brink of bankruptcy to one of the premier energy companies through selecting a focused strategy, aligning the organization to support it, and mobilizing all the employees to implementation. The case also discusses the strategies used by Rogers to communicate the strategy, which included innovative image maps.
Leadership in Global Institution Building
by Yves TiberghienBetween 1995 and the present day, the world has undergone significant advances in international law, norms, and institutions. Progress was particularly intense in the fields of global environment, human security, cultural diversity, and human rights. This book reveals the key role played by the European Union, Japan, and Canada in this process.
Leadership in Health Care: A European Perspective (Health Management)
by Neil GoodwinThis unique text is the first to explore leadership in the context of healthcare systems across Europe. It investigates leadership and management learning against the backdrop of increasing European parliamentary influence, the expansion of EU membership, and the increasing number of patients, staff, governments and healthcare employers viewing Europe as a single market for healthcare provision and employment. Written by leading authority Neil Goodwin, this timely book provides an assessment of the literature as well as practical guidance for developing personal leadership. It includes case studies and examples and is a must-buy for all students studying health management, leadership and public management as well as professionals within health services across Europe. This is the fourth text in the Routledge Health Management Series.
Leadership in Healthcare: Delivering Organisational Transformation and Operational Excellence (Organizational Behaviour in Healthcare)
by Paul TurnerThis innovative book analyses the evolving nature of leadership, exploring an ever-increasing range of theoretical concepts and applying these to practices within healthcare organisations. A wide range of theories are covered, from behavioural to attitudinal, socio-cognitive to contingency, and social exchange to team. By identifying the common underlying characteristics that are present in leadership styles and approaches, the author successfully crafts a useful model that is adaptable to different scenarios and contexts within the realms of healthcare management. Offering a series of detailed case studies from around the world, this book proposes three crucial concepts for leadership within the health sector: leadership credibility, professional credibility and organisational dynamics. Both scholars and practitioners will find the theoretical framework provided in this book insightful and applicable in real-life situations.
Leadership in Higher Education: Practices That Make A Difference
by Jim Kouzes Barry PosnerThe authors of the classic bestseller The Leadership Challenge bring their expertise to higher education, offering five practices that can make any college or university leader into an exemplary leader. Drawing on the same pioneering research that formed the foundation of their classic bestseller The Leadership Challenge (over 2.7 million copies sold), James Kouzes and Barry Posner offer a set of leadership skills and practices that will make a significant difference in every area of higher education—faculty, administration, library services, career counseling, auxiliary services, campus safety, and more. It's about the behaviors that leaders, regardless of their position, use to transform values into actions, visions into realities, obstacles into innovations, segments into solidarity, and risks into rewards. Kouzes and Posner tell the leadership story from the inside and move outward, describing it first as a personal journey and then as mobilizing others to want to do things they have never done before. The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership is the operating system for this adventure. Leadership in Higher Education explains the fundamental principles that support these practices and provides case examples of people in higher education who demonstrate each one. A core theme that weaves its way through all the chapters is that, whether it's one to one or one to many, leadership is a relationship between those who aspire to lead and those who choose to follow. We need leaders who can unite us and ignite us. This book lights the way.
Leadership in Law: Amy Schulman at DLA Piper
by Shirley M. Spence Boris Groysberg Victoria W. WinstonWhat does it take to build a successful career over time? Describes Amy Schulman's career progression and role as a star senior litigator and top executive at one of the world's largest law firms. It focuses on different stages in her career and what she did to be successful at each stage. The demands on her time--client development, casework, firm leadership responsibilities, mentoring her people, managing her team, spending time with her family--were changing over time. After being chosen to sit on the firm's Global Board as well as its Executive and Policy Committees, Amy Schulman feels that there are things that are being left undone. She must decide how to allocate her time.
Leadership in Law: Amy Schulman at DLA Piper
by Boris Groysberg Shirley M. Spence Victoria W. WinstonWhat does it take to build a successful career over time? Describes Amy Schulman's career progression and role as a star senior litigator and top executive at one of the world's largest law firms. It focuses on different stages in her career and what she did to be successful at each stage. The demands on her time--client development, casework, firm leadership responsibilities, mentoring her people, managing her team, spending time with her family--were changing over time. After being chosen to sit on the firm's Global Board as well as its Executive and Policy Committees, Amy Schulman feels that there are things that are being left undone. She must decide how to allocate her time.
Leadership in Leisure Services: Making a Difference (Third Edition)
by Debra J. JordanLeadership is a process and an experience that impacts all of us in our roles as leaders and as followers. This text presents leadership as a personal journey that takes conscious effort to undertake and develop. Leadership is one of the keystones of successful parks, recreation and leisure services agencies, organizations and programs. How we deal with people,how we interact with fellow staff supervisors, participants, and the general public all make an incredible statement about who we are and what our profession is about. This book is designed to help students of leadership begin, or renew, their personal journey toward leadership.
Leadership in Modern War: From WW2 to the War Against ISIS
by James Stuart BrooksHow would you react under fire? Fight or flight? What if you were in charge of a squad of men, with their lives in your hands? The next decision you make could be fatal for you and your comrades or could be devastating to your enemy. The wrong decision could haunt you for the rest of your career and beyond. The decisions taken by commanders in the field are analyzed in a detached manner by historians. But what, for example, was the thought process of a reconnaissance tank officer operating far ahead of any supporting troops in the Second World War, or a machine-gunner trying to differentiate friend from foe in the Gulf War? How might a British infantry officer in the Iraq War deal with the situations he faced in combat, or a platoon commander in the War Against ISIS, where the enemy had no fear of dying and even embraced it? How do you come to terms with the consequences of your decisions, the right ones as well as the tragically wrong ones? James Brooks presents defining moments such as these to put you in the shoes of the decision-maker. You can decide when to cross a bridge in Taliban territory, whether to land a helicopter under fire to rescue Marines in danger, and how to lead a command center targeting ISIS through air strikes. These decisions, compared with what the veterans did themselves, teach more about humanity than they do about the tactics of war and serve as lessons for the decisions we face in everyday life. In a career that traced the rise and fall of ISIS from 2014 to 2021, James served in the US Marine Corps as a scout sniper platoon commander, intelligence officer, and counter-propaganda mission lead. After two deployments to the Middle East and a year-and-a-half fighting ISIS propaganda online, James returned to his hometown to teach a subject called “Perspectives in Modern War” to high school seniors. Building from the stories of his own service, as well as those of the men and women he fought alongside, in Leadership in Modern War James captures these lessons and explores just what it is like to be on the front line facing your foe. Warfare has changed in the twenty-first century, but the enduring lessons of conflict remain the same. It is brutal and unforgiving – but it is also character-defining.
Leadership in New Working Environments: Realizing the Potential of Flexible Workplace Concepts (Business Guides on the Go)
by Sandra GauerThis book discusses the challenges that modern and flexible workplace concepts pose for managers. In particular, it addresses the uncertainties and stress factors that employees face when working in multi-space environments and how they become attached to their workplace. Drawing on a hybrid methodological approach that combines a literature review with practical lessons learned as a workplace change consultant, it offers managers concrete advice on how to lead in multi-space environments. This book aims to reduce the uncertainties and stressors caused by new work environments, and ideally to transform them into growth opportunities for the entire company. Providing concrete solutions, it represents a valuable asset for managers, HR professionals, and workplace initiative leaders alike.
Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations: A Reference Handbook
by Kathryn A. AgardLeaders of nonprofit organizations deliver programs and services vital to the quality of life in the United States. All the activities of our religious communities; the vast majority of the arts and culture, human services, and community development pursuits; as well as education and environmental advocacies take root and deliver their services within the nonprofit sector.Welcome to the world of leadership in nonprofit organizations. This sector offers an opportunity to serve as well as to lead. Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations: A Reference Handbook engages voices on issues and leadership topics important to those seeking to understand more about this dynamic sector of society. A major focus of this two-volume reference work is on the specific roles and skills required of the nonprofit leader in voluntary organizations.Key FeaturesPresents contributions from a wide range of authors who reflect the variety, vibrancy, and creativity of the sector itselfProvides an overview of the history of nonprofit organizations in our countryDescribes a robust and diverse assortment of organizations and opportunities for leadershipExplores the nature of leadership and its complexity as exemplified in the nonprofit sectorIncludes topics such as personalities of nonprofit leaders; vision and starting a nonprofit organization; nonprofit law, statutes, taxation, and regulations; strategic management; financial management; collaboration; public relations for promoting a nonprofit organization; and human resource policies and proceduresNonprofit organizations are a large, independent, diverse, and dynamic part of our society. This landmark Handbook tackles issues relevant to leadership in the nonprofit realm, making it a welcome addition to any academic or public library.
Leadership in Organisationen mit reduzierten Hierarchien: Praxiswissen für die Führungsaufgabe (essentials)
by Justus Jeromin Gabriel Jourdan Filippa Von NellIn diesem essential stellen die Autoren zun#65533;chst drei theoretische Konzepte zu reduzierten Hierarchien und deren individuelle Merkmale vor. Anschlie#65533;end thematisieren sie das Management-Framework Scrum. Dabei beschreiben die Autoren anschaulich die notwendige Umgebung f#65533;r selbstorganisierende und eigenverantwortliche Fertigstellung von Produktinkrementen. In der anschlie#65533;enden Diskussion f#65533;hren sie die allgemeine Theorie und ein spezielles Beispiel zusammen. Abschlie#65533;end fassen die Autoren die Inhalte der vorausgegangenen theoretischen Kapitel zusammen und formulieren vier wichtige Key-Learnings oder Take Away Messages. Diese Take Away Messages sind eine hilfreiche Orientierung in der Praxis f#65533;r Leader und Team-Mitglieder von Organisationen mit reduzierten Hierarchien.
Leadership in Organizations
by John StoreyOf the many books written about leadership, few move beyond conventional accounts of theory, or truly scrutinise the leadership agenda. However, this exciting book sets a new agenda for the interpretation of leadership and development. Including contributions from some of the most distinctive leaders in the field, it considers the newest themes to come out of the leadership debate. Topics covered include: * leadership and integrity* learning leadership* career individualization* leadership development in the public sector. One of the first books to systematically link leadership and management, this distinctive and challenging text examines leadership in the context of career development. It critically assesses the more conventional training and development available to managers, and in doing so equips readers with the analytical perspectives and tools needed to understand the significance of leadership in contemporary organizations.
Leadership in Organizations: Current Issues and Key Trends
by John StoreyLeadership has proved a tricky beast to pin down and the subject has been approached from a variety of perspectives over the years. The beauty of this textbook lies in its role as an illustrative guide though the wilds of an elusive discipline. This second edition of Leadership in Organizations: Current Issues and Key Trends offers a balanced combination of theory and practice to provide an up-to-date account of this multi-faceted topic. Looking at the international and comparative aspects of leadership, Storey also discusses new modes of leadership that will be required to steer organizations to success in a recessive environment. Topics include: Changing theories of leadership Strategy and leadership Ethics and leadership Leadership development in public sector organizations Followership and distributed leadership Leadership development in multi-national firms With improved pedagogical features, this new edition is the ideal text for students of leadership studies, as well as practitioners looking to enhance their leadership skills.
Leadership in Organizations: Current Issues and Key Trends
by John StoreyThis third edition of Leadership in Organizations: Current Issues and Key Trends builds on the success of the previous versions, with new and updated chapters providing fresh and lively insights into a subject that can often be tricky to pin down. Leadership in Organizations carefully balances theory and practice, including critical perspectives, to examine fundamental questions about the meaning of leadership, its use and its development. Readers will benefit from the text’s rich use of cases and examples of real-life tensions, challenges and successful outcomes of leadership practice. The book also sets itself apart through its distinctive focus on leadership within the wider contexts of politics, economics and public policy, as well as organizational behaviour and management. New elements for this edition include: The moral pitfalls of leadership Leadership roles under crisis conditions Fresh analysis of the impact of leadership on performance outcomes This is the ideal text for advanced students of leadership studies, as well as practitioners looking to deepen their understanding of the leadership process and to enhance their leadership skills.
Leadership in Organizations
by Gary YuklThe most comprehensive survey of major theories and research on leadership and managerial effectiveness in organizations with practical suggestions for improving skills. Balancing theory and research with applications, the book addresses controversies and differing viewpoints about leadership effectiveness with a focus on the question of what makes a person an effective leader. Covering charismatic and transformational leadership as well as influence processes, it asks readers to identify effective and ineffective behavior by managers and to suggest ways to handle the situation. The fourth edition of "Leadership in Organizations" has been revised to reflect the progress that has been made in understanding leadership since the first edition. It provides more guidelines and recommendations for improving effectiveness without prescribing how a manager must behave. And, it covers "hot" topics, such as charismatic and transformational leadership, influence processes, leading teams, and leading change. An essential reference on management and leadership for every professional manager.
Leadership In Postcolonial Africa
by Baba G. JallowLeadership in Post-Colonial Africa examines the leadership concepts and lessons that emerged during and after the attainment of independence with insightful studies of Africa's first female presidents, gangster elitism, Nelson Mandela, and beyond.
Leadership in Practice: Theory and Cases in Leadership Character
by Gerard Seijts Karen MacMillanRecent financial crises and other high-profile mismanagement cases have brought a spotlight to the quality of leader character in the business sector. Leadership in Practice is the first book to provide an authoritative collection of cases to engage students interested in the importance of the character of business leaders. The authors have compiled a collection of cutting-edge cases and readings, situating them within a theoretical landscape, so students are familiarized with the concepts as they move through the text. The cases cover a wide range of successful businesses—from the NFL to Apple—and include notable controversies, such as those surrounding Enron and Volkswagen. Alongside exclusive interviews and insights into the value of leadership character at individual, team, organizational and societal levels, the book includes learning objectives and discussion questions to facilitate lively debate and interaction in the classroom. This volume will be a valuable supplement for students and instructors in any leadership class as well as researchers and practitioners interested in exploring case studies that illuminate the nature of leadership in a business setting.
Leadership in Public and Nonprofit Organizations: An Introduction
by Montgomery Van Wart Pamela S. MedinaLeadership in Public and Nonprofit Organizations, Fourth Edition provides a compact but complete analysis of leadership for students and practitioners who work in public and nonprofit organizations. Offering a comprehensive review of leadership theories in the field, from the classic to the cutting-edge, and how they relate specifically to the public sector and nonprofit contexts, this textbook covers the major competency clusters in detail, supported by research findings as well as practical guidelines for improvement. These competencies are portrayed in a leadership action cycle that aids readers in visually connecting theory and practice. This thoroughly revised new edition also offers: Questions for discussion and analysis, hypothetical scenarios for each chapter, as well as an easily reproducible leadership assessment instrument students may use to apply the theories they’ve learned Expanded coverage of nonprofit leadership integrated throughout the chapters, including in-depth discussions about managing volunteers, fundraising ethics, the nonprofit board, advocacy, diversity and philanthropy, emotional labor, and mission-based leadership An all-new chapter section on virtual leadership approaches, designed to help current and future managers cope with the unique opportunities and challenges present by remote work Leadership in Public and Nonprofit Organizations is not only an essential core text designed specifically with upper-level and graduate public administration and nonprofit management courses on leadership in mind, but it has also proven an indispensable guidebook for professionals seeking insight into the role of successful leadership behavior in the public and nonprofit sectors. It can further be used as supplementary reading in introductory courses examining management competencies, in leadership classes to provide practical self-help and improvement models, and in organizational theory classes that wish to balance organizational perspectives with individual development.
Leadership in Public Organizations: An Introduction
by Montgomery Van WartLeadership in Public Organizations is a concise yet comprehensive treatment of public sector leadership for upper division and graduate students. In addition to a full, up-to-date review of leadership theories in the field, it covers the major competency clusters in detail, and provides both the research on each competency and practical guidelines for improvement. These competencies are graphically portrayed in a Leadership Action cycle that aids students in visually connecting theory and practice. Important features of the text include discussion questions and scenarios at the end of each chapter, numerous exhibits, and an easily reproducible leadership assessment instrument. Although designed for course use in a Public Administration program, Leadership in Public Organizations can also serve as a guidebook for professionals seeking insight into the role of successful leadership behavior in public sector management.