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Lean For Dummies

by Bruce Williams Natalie J. Sayer

Have you thought about using Lean in your business or organization, but are not really sure how to implement it? Or perhaps you're already using Lean, but you need to get up to speed. Lean for Dummies will show you how to do more with less and create an enterprise that embraces change.In plain-English writing, this friendly guide explores the general overview of Lean, how flow and the value stream works, and the best ways to apply Lean to your enterprise. You will understand the philosophy of Lean and adopt it not as a routine, but a way of life. This highly informative book teaches you:The foundation and language of LeanHow to map the value stream and using it to your business's advantageThe philosophy of KaizenDifferent tools to improve management, customer service, and flow and pullHow to "Go Lean" within your business and across the industryAvoid common mistakes in implementationSeek out resources for assistanceThis simple, continuous improvement approach that minimizes waste and adds customer value is changing organizations of all sizes all over the world. Lean for Dummies will show you to take charge and engage your enterprise in a Lean transformation!

Lean for Sales: Bringing the Science of Lean to the Art of Selling

by Sean Gillespie Michael V. Testani Sr. Sreekanth Ramakrishnan

This groundbreaking book describes the Lean journey as it extends to a business area that is mission critical, yet has been virtually untouched by the Lean transformation. Lean for Sales: Bringing the Science of Lean to the Art of Selling provides sales professionals, and their management teams, with a structured, fact-based approach to boosting sa

Lean for the Cash-Strapped Leader: The Path to Growth and Profitability

by John E. Madigan Todd C. Maher Mohammad Ali

Created by Lean practitioners with real-world, results-proven track records, this book is designed to help struggling managers and leaders, interested in the benefits of Lean but bereft of budgets to hire full-time consultants, start substantial change in their enterprises and begin to reap the benefits of Lean.At once a how-to manual and a strategic management guide, the book lays out, in simple English, all the steps for implementing Lean, from formulating a strategy and managing organizational change, to establishing a kanban-driven, level-loaded production system.Presenting strategies that will fit in most existing budgets, Lean for the Cash-Strapped Leader: The Path to Growth and Profitability uses easy-to-read language with flashes of humor to reveal proven methods that will help your organization initiate change and begin reaping the rewards of a Lean operations system in any industry.The book avoids acronyms, complex Lean terminology, and academic froth to convey the essential instructions, detail, and information you need. Identifying powerful methods for initiating a Lean value stream that require minimal investment, the book is designed to help owners of small businesses and senior managers of larger ones make their enterprises more efficient, more productive, and ultimately more profitable.Along the way, the book gives detailed attention to the need for the "soft message" that underwrites and supports the actions required for a business to achieve the transformation that Lean can bring. Lean for the Cash-Strapped Leader emphasizes the messaging and the degree of management involvement required to achieve a successful Lean result. Learn more about the book at:

Lean for the Long Term: Sustainment is a Myth, Transformation is Reality

by William H. Baker Jr. Kenneth Rolfes

The average tenure of a departing CEO has declined from approximately 10 years in 2000 to 8.1 years in 2012. Maintaining a customer-focused Lean strategy and continuous improvement culture can become a challenge when management changes often, unless it has become an institutionalized company-branded business management system for the company.Lean f

Lean for the Process Industries: Dealing with Complexity, Second Edition

by Peter L. King

Compared to its widespread implementation across almost all areas of production, Lean improvement efforts lag within the process industries. While many innovators have successfully applied Lean principles to these industries during the past three decades, most of those pioneering efforts were never recorded to guide the improvement efforts of others. Drawing on more than 40 years of application experience at one of the world’s largest chemical and materials manufacturers, coupled with 10 years in private practice, Peter King corrects this void by providing the first comprehensive resource written explicitly for change agents within the process industries. Focusing on areas where the improvement needs of the process industry differ from parts assembly manufacturing, Lean for the Process Industries: Dealing with Complexity, Second Edition: Covers each of the eight wastes commonly described in Lean literature, looking at how they manifest themselves in process operations. Explains how to adapt value stream mapping for process operations. Shows how to identify the root causes of bottlenecks, and how to manage them to optimize flow until they can be eliminated. Provides practical techniques to overcome the barriers which have prevented the application of Cellular Manufacturing to process operations. Discusses the role of business leadership in a Lean strategy, describing both enabling and counter-productive management behaviors Since the publication of the first edition of this book, Peter King has been busy consulting with food, beverage, gasoline additive, and nutraceutical companies -- these new experiences have broadened his perspectives on certain Lean processes and have given him a richer set of examples to discuss in this new edition. While Value Stream Mapping is a very powerful tool to understand flow, bottlenecks, and waste in an operation, the traditional format as presented in many other books does not describe all of the data required to fully understand process flow and its detractors. This new edition highlights the necessary additions with examples of why they are useful. Product wheel scheduling achieves production leveling in a far more comprehensive and effective way than traditional heijunka methods. This edition has a more thorough description of the wheel concept and design steps, and more examples from actual applications.

Lean for the Process Industries: Dealing with Complexity, Second Edition

by Peter L. King

Compared to its widespread implementation across almost all areas of production, Lean improvement efforts lag within the process industries. While many innovators have successfully applied Lean principles to these industries during the past three decades, most of those pioneering efforts were never recorded to guide the improvement efforts of others.Drawing on more than 40 years of application experience at one of the world’s largest chemical and materials manufacturers, coupled with 10 years in private practice, Peter King corrects this void by providing the first comprehensive resource written explicitly for change agents within the process industries. Focusing on areas where the improvement needs of the process industry differ from parts assembly manufacturing, Lean for the Process Industries: Dealing with Complexity, Second Edition: Covers each of the eight wastes commonly described in Lean literature, looking at how they manifest themselves in process operations. Explains how to adapt value stream mapping for process operations. Shows how to identify the root causes of bottlenecks, and how to manage them to optimize flow until they can be eliminated. Provides practical techniques to overcome the barriers which have prevented the application of Cellular Manufacturing to process operations. Discusses the role of business leadership in a Lean strategy, describing both enabling and counter-productive management behaviors Since the publication of the first edition of this book, Peter King has been busy consulting with food, beverage, gasoline additive, and nutraceutical companies -- these new experiences have broadened his perspectives on certain Lean processes and have given him a richer set of examples to discuss in this new edition.While Value Stream Mapping is a very powerful tool to understand flow, bottlenecks, and waste in an operation, the traditional format as presented in many other books does not describe all of the data required to fully understand process flow and its detractors. This new edition highlights the necessary additions with examples of why they are useful.Product wheel scheduling achieves production leveling in a far more comprehensive and effective way than traditional heijunka methods. This edition has a more thorough description of the wheel concept and design steps, and more examples from actual applications.

Lean for the Public Sector: The Pursuit of Perfection in Government Services

by Bert Teeuwen

Packed with international case examples and clearly delineating principles as they apply to public sector organizations, Lean for the Public Sector: The Pursuit of Perfection in Government Services demonstrates that Lean in the public sector is neither rocket science nor a typical profit-driven improvement program. The book begins with coverage of

Lean from the Trenches: Managing Large-Scale Projects with Kanban

by Henrik Kniberg

You know the Agile and Lean development buzzwords, you've read the books. But when systems need a serious overhaul, you need to see how it works in real life, with real situations and people. Lean from the Trenches is all about actual practice. Every key point is illustrated with a photo or diagram, and anecdotes bring you inside the project as you discover why and how one organization modernized its workplace in record time.Lean from the Trenches is all about actual practice.Find out how the Swedish police combined XP, Scrum, and Kanban in a 60-person project. From start to finish, you'll see how to deliver a successful product using Lean principles. We start with an organization in desperate need of a new way of doing things and finish with a group of sixty, all working in sync to develop a scalable, complex system. You'll walk through the project step by step, from customer engagement, to the daily "cocktail party," version control, bug tracking, and release. In this honest look at what works--and what doesn't--you'll find out how to:Make quality everyone's business, not just the testers.Keep everyone moving in the same direction without micromanagement.Use simple and powerful metrics to aid in planning and process improvement.Balance between low-level feature focus and high-level system focus.You'll be ready to jump into the trenches and streamline your own development process.

Lean & Green: Wie sich Ressourceneffizienz in der Industrie steigern lässt

by Daniel Reichert Claudio Cito Ivan Barjasic

Das Buch stellt Erfolgsrezepte von europäischen Top-Unternehmen vor, die am Lean & Green Management Award teilgenommen haben. Es beschreibt die intelligente Verknüpfung von Lean-Management-Ansätzen mit Umwelt- und Energieaspekten. Dadurch können Kosten gesenkt und Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien operativ wirksamer gestalten werden. Im Fokus steht die Steigerung der Ressourceneffizienz eines Unternehmens.Die Bedeutung ressourceneffizienter Produktionsprozesse nimmt stetig zu und wird in Zukunft ein kritischer Erfolgsfaktor sein. Treiber dieser Entwicklung sind politische Rahmengesetzgebungen, bewusstere Konsumenten, Rohstoffknappheit und Kostendruck. Die zunehmende Anzahl an „grünen“ Produkten, Nachhaltigkeitsberichten und Marketinginitiativen belegen den Trend. Die operative Umsetzung von Ressourceneffizienz & Nachhaltigkeit ist allerding für viele Unternehmen noch schwierig. Sie sind deshalb auf innovative und effektive Methoden angewiesen. Die Autoren beschreiben den Nutzen von Lean & Green, stellen die Ansätze der Unternehmen vor, die bereits eine Vorreiterrolle beim Thema Ressourceneffizienz einnehmen und geben konkrete Handlungsanleitungen, wie sich die Ressourceneffizienz eines Unternehmens steigern lässt.

Lean, Green and Sustainability: 8th IFIP WG 5.7 European Lean Educator Conference, ELEC 2022, Galway, Ireland, November 22–24, 2022, Proceedings (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology #668)

by Olivia McDermott Angelo Rosa José Carlos Sá Aidan Toner

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th European Lean Educator Conference ELEC 2022, which took place in Galway, Ireland, in November 2022; the event was sponsored by IFIP WG 5.7. The 28 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the proceedings. They are organized in the following thematic sections: Lean & People; Lean in Healthcare; Lean 4.0; Lean in Manufacturing; Lean Learning in the Digital Era; Lean, Green & Sustainability; and Lean in Services.

Lean Healthcare: A Practical Guide for Executing Lean Improvements with Real-World Case Studies

by Dennis R. Delisle

Lean healthcare is not about being better, but rather to become the best at getting better. Today’s challenge in the healthcare environment is your ability to improve at a greater rate than surrounding competitors. <p><p> This book focuses on the model, strategy, and lessons learned in implementing lean thinking in a practical way. Using real-world case studies, the book provides approaches and tools to facilitate rapid improvements, along with a bonus section on pandemic preparedness. <p><p> By following this accessible, user-friendly guide, you can achieve meaningful results right away.

The Lean Healthcare Dictionary: An Illustrated Guide to Using the Language of Lean Management in Healthcare

by Rona Consulting Group

In today's healthcare economy, with reduced reimbursement and closer scrutiny of quality patient care, the concepts and terminology of Lean management are becoming invaluable to nurses, clinicians, administrators, and other healthcare staff involved in improvement. Conversely, a basic grasp of common healthcare terms is essential for process improvement specialists who aren't necessary fluent in healthcare terminology. The Lean Healthcare Dictionary: An Illustrated Guide to Using the Language of Lean Management in Healthcare is designed to bridge the gap between Lean practitioners and healthcare professionals. This comprehensive dictionary defines essential Lean and healthcare terms to help create a common language for anyone involved in Lean healthcare improvement activities. Providing quick reference to the language of Lean management in healthcare, the dictionary includes diagrams and charts that illustrate concepts and aid in understanding. Each entry in Part I provides a succinct description of a Lean term as used in a healthcare setting. Healthcare terms and acronyms that commonly arise in the course of Lean transformations are defined in Part II. The content of this dictionary is firmly rooted in the hands-on experience of Rona Consulting Group, whose principals have designed and led ground-breaking applications of Lean management in emergency rooms, operating rooms, labs, hospitals, and major medical centers

The Lean Healthcare Handbook: A Complete Guide to Creating Healthcare Workplaces (Management for Professionals)

by Thomas Pyzdek

The book shows readers exactly how to use Lean tools to design healthcare work that is smooth, efficient, error free and focused on patients and patient outcomes. It includes in-depth discussions of every important Lean tool, including value stream maps, takt time, spaghetti diagrams, workcell design, 5S, SMED, A3, Kanban, Kaizen and many more, all presented in the context of healthcare. For example, the book explains the importance of quick operating room or exam room changeovers and shows the reader specific methods for drastically reducing changeover time. Readers will learn to create healthcare value streams where workflows are based on the pull of customer/patient demand. The book also presents a variety of ways to continue improving after initial Lean successes. Methods for finding the root causes of problems and implementing effective solutions are described and demonstrated. The approach taught here is based on the Toyota Production System, which has been adopted worldwide by healthcare organizations for use in clinical, non-clinical and administrative areas.

Lean Healthcare Systems Engineering for Clinical Environments: A Step-by-Step Process for Managing Workflow and Care Improvement Projects

by Bohdan Oppenheim

It has been almost 20 years since the Institute of Medicine released the seminal report titled, Crossing the Quality Chasm. In it, the IoM identified six domains of care quality (safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centric) and noted a huge gap between the current state and the desired state. Although this report received a great deal of attention, sadly there has been little progress in these areas. In the U.S., healthcare still has huge disparities, is inefficient, and is fragmented with delays in care that are often unsafe. Most U.S. citizens are expected to suffer from a diagnostic error sometime during their lifetime, not receive a large fraction of recommended care, and pay for one of the most expensive systems in the world. Much has been written about quality improvement over the years but many prominent quality and safety experts. Yet progress has been slow. Some have called on the healthcare professions to look outside of healthcare to other industries using examples in nuclear power and airlines for safety, the hotel and entertainment industry for a ‘customer’ focus, and the automotive industry, particularly Toyota for efficiency (Lean). This book by Dr. Oppenheim on lean healthcare systems engineering (LHSE) is a fresh approach that brings forth concepts that systems engineers have used in huge national defense projects. What’s unique in this book is that these powerful system engineering tools are modified to be able to address smaller sized healthcare problems that still involve similar problems in fragmentation and poor communication and coordination. This book is an invaluable reference for a new powerful process named Lean Healthcare Systems Engineering (LHSE) for managing workflow and care improvement projects in all clinical environments. The book applies to ambulatory clinics and hospitals of all types including operating rooms, emergency departments, and ancillary departments, clinical and imaging laboratories, pharmacies, and population health. The book presents a generic rigorous but not mathematical step-by-step process of integrated healthcare, systems engineering and Lean. The book also contains the first major product created with the LHSE process, namely tabularized summaries of representative projects in healthcare delivery applications, called Lean Enablers for Healthcare Projects. Each full-page enabler table lists the challenges and wastes, powerful improvement goals, risks, and expected benefits, and some useful descriptions of the healthcare system of interest. The book provides user-friendly solutions to major problems in healthcare delivery operations in all clinical environments, addressing fragmentation, wastes, wrong incentives, ad-hoc and stove-piped management, lack of optimized processes, hierarchy gradient, lack of systems thinking, “blaming and shaming culture”, burnout of providers and many others.

Lean Higher Education: Increasing the Value and Performance of University Processes, Second Edition

by William K. Balzer

In an environment of diminishing resources, growing enrollment, and increasing expectations of accountability, Lean Higher Education: Increasing the Value and Performance of University Processes, Second Edition provides the understanding and the tools required to return education to the consumers it was designed to serve – the students. It supplies a unifying framework for implementing and sustaining a Lean Higher Education (LHE) transformation at any institution, regardless of size or mission. Using straightforward language, relevant examples, and step-by-step guidelines for introducing Lean interventions, this authoritative resource explains how to involve stakeholders in the delivery of quality every step of the way. The author details a flexible series of steps to help ensure stakeholders understand all critical work processes. He presents a wealth of empirical evidence that highlights successful applications of Lean concepts at major universities and provides proven methods for uncovering and eliminating activities that overburden staff yet contribute little or no added value to stakeholders. Complete with standardized methods for correctly diagnosing workplace problems and implementing appropriate solutions, this valuable reference arms you with the understanding and the tools to effectively balance the needs of all stakeholders. By implementing the Lean practices covered in these pages, your school will be better positioned to provide higher quality education, at reduced costs, with efficient processes that instill pride, maximize value, and respect the long-term interests of your students, faculty, and staff. This second edition contains a substantial update with expanded material and reflects the significant growth of LHE practices in colleges and universities worldwide. Because of advances in best practices, as well as some modest research-based evidence, this second edition includes many enhancements that provide particular value to LHE practitioners and higher education (HE) leaders. Since the initial publication of Lean Higher Education in 2010, the challenges of cost and affordability, competition for students and faculty, and calls for efficiency and accountability have only continued to grow, requiring colleges and universities to pursue more radical and transformative change to ensure their success. This new edition provides a model for change based on more than 50 years of application in business and industry and almost 20 years in HE. It provides the information and evidence demanded by HE leadership to understand and embrace LHE as well as best practices processes and tools for implementing LHE in targeted areas or institution-wide. This book provides a conceptual framework for redesigning any university process, such as admitting students, paying a bill, hiring faculty, or processing a donor gift, in a way that delights the beneficiary of that process, respects the employees who support the process, and reduce the cost of the process.

Lean Hospitals: Improving Quality, Patient Safety, and Employee Engagement, Third Edition

by Mark Graban

Organizations around the world are using Lean to redesign care and improve processes in a way that achieves and sustains meaningful results for patients, staff, physicians, and health systems. Lean Hospitals, Third Edition explains how to use the Lean methodology and mindsets to improve safety, quality, access, and morale while reducing costs, increasing capacity, and strengthening the long-term bottom line.This updated edition of a Shingo Research Award recipient begins with an overview of Lean methods. It explains how Lean practices can help reduce various frustrations for caregivers, prevent delays and harm for patients, and improve the long-term health of your organization.The second edition of this book presented new material on identifying waste, A3 problem solving, engaging employees in continuous improvement, and strategy deployment. This third edition adds new sections on structured Lean problem solving methods (including Toyota Kata), Lean Design, and other topics. Additional examples, case studies, and explanations are also included throughout the book.Mark Graban is also the co-author, with Joe Swartz, of the book Healthcare Kaizen: Engaging Frontline Staff in Sustainable Continuous Improvements, which is also a Shingo Research Award recipient. Mark and Joe also wrote The Executive’s Guide to Healthcare Kaizen.

Lean Human Performance Improvement

by Jerry L. Harbour

As companies continue their efforts to improve work performance, they must ensure that their ongoing Lean activities include a healthy appreciation for, and recognition of, human performance. Ignoring the human component of work performance can be a recipe for unnecessary waste, inefficiency, and decreased productivity. Lean Human Performance Impro

Lean Human Resources: Redesigning HR Processes for a Culture of Continuous Improvement, Second Edition

by Cheryl M. Jekiel

Encouraging a long overdue shift in thinking, this second edition of this groundbreaking book provides managers and executives with the means to maximize employee potential by first showing them how to increase the improvement power of their HR departments. Cheryl M. Jekiel, who has been implementing Lean initiatives out of HR offices for more than 20 years, defines the people-related approaches and practices needed to alter any cultural dynamic that keeps employees from leveraging their peak abilities. She looks at why so many companies allow this sort of waste to exist, how traditional HR departments have not been especially effective in combating waste, and why current HR departments should be seen differently -- as a partner delivering exceptional customer service to employees. This second edition reflects on the material presented in the first edition, how it has affected Lean HR environments, and how it has changed to accommodate new challenges and practices. It is not only for experts on Continuous Improvement or Lean Implementations, but for readers who are looking to strengthen their HR department and optimize employees’ abilities in the workplace.

Lean Human Resources: Redesigning HR Processes for a Culture of Continuous Improvement

by Cheryl M. Jekiel

Encouraging a long overdue shift in thinking, this book gives managers and executives the means to maximize employee potential by first showing them how to increase the improvement power of their HR departments. Cheryl M. Jekiel, who has been implementing Lean initiatives out of HR offices for 20 years, defines the people-related approaches and pra

Lean im Betrieb: Betriebliche Mitbestimmungsrechte bei Lean-Umsetzungen (essentials)

by Frank Bertagnolli Adrian Philipp

Bei Lean-Umsetzungen benötigen Betriebe Rechtssicherheit. Dem Betriebsrat müssen Möglichkeiten und Grenzen bekannt sein. Da das Betriebsverfassungsgesetz den Rahmen setzt, Lean aber hierbei selten Einklang findet, unterstützt dieses Buch den praktischen Umgang bei Lean-Umsetzungen. Aufgezeigt werden typische Fallbeispiele und deren betriebsverfassungsrechtliche Einordnung. Dies soll allen Beteiligten Sicherheit geben. Lean ist für die Menschen einzusetzen, nicht gegen sie. Wenn Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer Lean in einem ordnungsgemäßen Rahmen gemeinsam umsetzen, gewinnen alle, auch das Unternehmen selbst. Das Einsatzgebiet ist für diejenigen, welche in Lean-Projekten eingebunden sind. Besonders empfohlen sei es für Betriebsräte, Lean-Experten, Berater, Manager und Personaler.

Lean Impact: How to Innovate for Radically Greater Social Good

by Ann Mei Chang

Despite enormous investments of time and money, are we making a dent on the social and environmental challenges of our time? What if we could exponentially increase our impact? Around the world, a new generation is looking beyond greater profits, for meaningful purpose. But, unlike business, few social interventions have achieved significant impact at scale. Inspired by the modern innovation practices, popularized by bestseller The Lean Startup, that have fueled technology breakthroughs touching every aspect of our lives, Lean Impact turns our attention to a new goal - radically greater social good. Social change is far more complicated than building a new app. It requires more listening, more care, and more stakeholders. To make a lasting difference, solutions must be embraced by beneficiaries, address root causes, and include an engine that can accelerate growth to reach the scale of the need. Lean Impact offers bold ideas to reach audacious goals through customer insight, rapid experimentation and iteration, and a relentless pursuit of impact. Ann Mei Chang brings a unique perspective from across sectors, from her years as a tech executive in Silicon Valley to her most recent experience as the Chief Innovation Officer at USAID. She vividly illustrates the book with real stories from interviews with over 200 organizations across the US and around the world. Whether you are a nonprofit, social enterprise, triple bottom line company, foundation, government agency, philanthropist, impact investor, or simply donate your time and money, Lean Impact is an essential guide to maximizing social impact and scale.

Lean Impact: How To Innovate For Radically Greater Social Good

by Ann Chang Eric Ries

Despite enormous investments of time and money, are we making a dent on the social and environmental challenges of our time? What if we could exponentially increase our impact? Around the world, a new generation is looking beyond greater profits, for meaningful purpose. But, unlike business, few social interventions have achieved significant impact at scale. Inspired by the modern innovation practices, popularized by bestseller The Lean Startup, that have fueled technology breakthroughs touching every aspect of our lives, Lean Impact turns our attention to a new goal - radically greater social good. Social change is far more complicated than building a new app. It requires more listening, more care, and more stakeholders. To make a lasting difference, solutions must be embraced by beneficiaries, address root causes, and include an engine that can accelerate growth to reach the scale of the need. Lean Impact offers bold ideas to reach audacious goals through customer insight, rapid experimentation and iteration, and a relentless pursuit of impact. Ann Mei Chang brings a unique perspective from across sectors, from her years as a tech executive in Silicon Valley to her most recent experience as the Chief Innovation Officer at USAID. She vividly illustrates the book with real stories from interviews with over 200 organizations across the US and around the world. Whether you are a nonprofit, social enterprise, triple bottom line company, foundation, government agency, philanthropist, impact investor, or simply donate your time and money, Lean Impact is an essential guide to maximizing social impact and scale.

Lean Implementation: Applications and Hidden Costs (Sustainable Improvements in Environment Safety and Health)

by Frances Alston

This book will address key organizational issues that must be considered and addressed when implementing Lean business practices. The book offers solutions for many of the challenges, provides a resource that leaders can use in addressing cultural and regulatory issues, provides means to address the associated people issues and the challenging task of knowledge retention and succession planning. Vignettes are used to illustrate and provide examples of potential issues and solutions that can be considered for resolving issues and a case study demonstrating ways to address the technical and people aspects of implementing Lean to ensure project success.

Lean Implementation in Hospital Departments: How to Move from Good to Great Services

by A. Heri Iswanto

Lean healthcare is waste elimination in every service area with the goal of reducing inventory, cycle time of service, and cost, so that high-quality patient care can be provided in a way that is as efficient, as effective, and as responsive as possible while retaining the financial integrity of a hospital. The Lean philosophy in healthcare demands a person’s attitude, in all aspects of care, understand the process which happens, observe it, and gather information in order to identify the root of an inefficiency of the process. In short, Lean and its emphasis on efficiency can be a critical tool in the management of health services in hospitals around the world. This book provides guidance and examples on how Lean principles can be implemented into the infrastructure and every day operations of a hospital from the emergency room to hospital facilities and maintenance. The book also demonstrates how Lean is the cultural commitment of organizations to implement the scientific method in designing, conducting, and improving work sustainably through teamwork, bringing in better value and satisfaction to the patient. It shortens the time between ordering and service delivery by eliminating waste from the service flow value. The author uses numerous examples of Lean thinking in various hospital departments with the overall of goal of taking that department from good to great.

Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead

by Sheryl Sandberg

Thirty years after women became 50 percent of the college graduates in the United States, men still hold the vast majority of leadership positions in government and industry. This means that women's voices are still not heard equally in the decisions that most affect our lives. In Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg examines why women's progress in achieving leadership roles has stalled, explains the root causes, and offers compelling, commonsense solutions that can empower women to achieve their full potential. Sandberg is the chief operating officer of Facebook and is ranked on Fortune's list of the 50 Most Powerful Women in Business and as one of Time's 100 Most Influential People in the World. In 2010, she gave an electrifying TEDTalk in which she described how women unintentionally hold themselves back in their careers. Her talk, which became a phenomenon and has been viewed more than two million times, encouraged women to "sit at the table," seek challenges, take risks, and pursue their goals with gusto.In Lean In, Sandberg digs deeper into these issues, combining personal anecdotes, hard data, and compelling research to cut through the layers of ambiguity and bias surrounding the lives and choices of working women. She recounts her own decisions, mistakes, and daily struggles to make the right choices for herself, her career, and her family. She provides practical advice on negotiation techniques, mentorship, and building a satisfying career, urging women to set boundaries and to abandon the myth of "having it all." She describes specific steps women can take to combine professional achievement with personal fulfillment and demonstrates how men can benefit by supporting women in the workplace and at home. Written with both humor and wisdom, Sandberg's book is an inspiring call to action and a blueprint for individual growth. Lean In is destined to change the conversation from what women can't do to what they can.

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