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Leadership Through an Organization Behavior Lens: A Look at the Last Half-Century of Research
by Mary Ann Glynn Rich DejordyLeadership is one of the most enduring-and elusive-constructs in the organizational behavior literature. Interest in leadership is keen, but there is little consensus as to what leadership is, how it functions, and to what effect. In this chapter, the authors assess leadership research from the mid-twentieth century to the present, revealing what they call a "definitional quagmire" that stretches across approaches focused on the personality of the leader, the process of leadership, the impact of leadership, and leadership performance. The chapter concludes with a series of suggestions that could lead to a more productive agenda for the future of research into leadership-perhaps the most critical aspect of organizational behavior. This chapter was originally published as Chapter 5 of "Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice: A Harvard Business School Centennial Colloquium."
Leadership through the Classics: Learning Management and Leadership from Ancient East and West Philosophy
by Gregory P Prastacos Klas Eric Soderquist Fuming WangThe unforeseeably complex socio-economic and environmental challenges of the 21st century must be tackled by placing faith in the power of mankind to integrate established wisdom and new knowledge, and in our ability to collaborate for a sustainable future. Departing from this, a global 2011 conference debating papers devoted to the impact of ancient philosophy, focusing on Confucius and Aristotle, in modern leadership and management was organized by Hanban, the Athens University of Economics & Business, and the University of International Economics & Business, Beijing, China. A rich sourcebook for a broad audience, this unique volume presents the wide array of conference contributions by international thought-leaders. Departing from a foundation of general concepts of ethics and leadership the book then delves into questions about how philosophy shape emerging economic and business systems, to end with direct lessons from ancient philosophy for contemporary business challenges.
Leadership through Trust
by Gus GordonThis book proposes that the key ingredient to effective leadership is trust and that leaders must earn the trust of their colleagues to be successful. The author uses his experience as a CEO in Mexico, a low trust society, as the basis of his model of trust leadership, which incorporates empathy and servant leadership principles. This book bridges the gap of abstract leadership concepts to practical application and implementation of leadership principles. Scholars can learn from the first-hand experience of the author as CEO while leaders can become more effective by grasping the theoretical underpinnings of leadership that the author offers.
Leadership Through Trust & Collaboration: Practical Tools for Today's Results-Driven Leader
by Jill RatliffAn executive coach shares the secrets to getting the most out of your team through inspirational tools that lead to real results.Jill Ratliff worked as a Fortune 100 human resources executive for twenty-five years. In that time, she saw what amazing things leaders can do under the right circumstances. Now she shares the essential lessons she learned in Leadership Through Trust & Collaboration.This practical leadership guide will teach you:• How to communicate effectively in crisis situations• How to inspire a sense of mission in your daily work• How leading by example inspires trust• How to build collaboration while on the job, not at expensive, time-consuming off-sites• How these skills can lead to better personal lives for a company’s leaders—which can save millions!
Leadership Tips: 52 Weeks to Business and Personal Success
by Mary Ann MasurFrom back cover: "This weekly journal shares everyday experiences that provide inspiration for living a bold and successful life. The tips focus on leadership, communication, customer service, business growth, life balance, and being proactive. through interactive exercises with each tip, you'll create a customized tool based on your own unique experiences."
Leadership Today
by Joan Marques Satinder DhimanThis textbook provides a clear understanding of leadership needs in today's business world, explained within the scope of hard and soft leadership skills. It captures qualities and skills such as spirituality, empathy, moral behavior, mindfulness, empathy, problem solving, self-confidence, ambition, knowledge, global understanding, and information technology. This text explains and provides guidelines for the implementation of each skill and includes examples from contemporary and historical leaders inviting the reader to consider each quality and engage in self-reflection. This book deviates from excessive theoretical descriptions presenting a timely, hands-on approach to leadership. Even though leadership, as a phenomenon, has been studied extensively in the past decades, it remains a challenge as times, needs, and perceptions change and the world increasingly merges into a global village. Numerous leadership styles have been developed, varying from resonant, servant, and laissez faire, to authentic, authoritative, and coercive; from charismatic and team, to transformational and transactional leadership. And while each leadership style harbors a wealth of qualities, strategies, and behavioral guidelines toward successful implementation, there are critical overarching themes that keep emerging, regardless of the "label" one chooses. In recent years, an important distinction has been established in leadership qualities: soft and hard skills. Soft skills are reflective in nature, and entail qualities such as empathy, motivation, self-awareness, self-regulation, and social skills. In leadership performance, the application of soft skills entails a combination of interpersonal and social skills. Hard skills are more of a measurable nature. They encompass analytical and technical skills. Both soft and hard skills are important for leaders because they complement one another. Featuring contributions form academics and professionals from around the world, this text will be of interest to students, researchers, professionals in business and leadership who aspire to lead beyond their immediate environment.
Leadership Toolkit for Asians: The Definitive Resource Guide for Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling
by Jane HyunBreakthrough strategies from the author of Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling to help Asian Americans build their leadership and influence skills by embracing their cultural strengths and mapping an achievable career path.How can Asian Americans lead and influence in a way that feels culturally authentic? 19 years after her groundbreaking book, global leadership strategist Jane Hyun unveils Leadership Toolkit for Asians a guide for Asian Americans to build their capacity to lead and influence with a blueprint that is achievable and culturally relevant. Asian Americans are the least likely demographic to be promoted or to have a mentor or sponsor they make up 13% of the professional workforce, but less than 3% of executive positions. This dynamic hurts everyone, and the solution calls us to embrace our unique perspectives while organizations create a more fertile environment for growing Asian talent. This toolkit-based on Hyun's work with thousands of leaders-is filled with self-assessments, checklists, quizzes, and stories of Asian American leaders to help you put ideas into action. It will show you how to leverage your life experiences to craft a bespoke leadership journey. Assess: Identify your goals, cultural values and assetsEquip: Navigate effectively with people who are different from you, push back against stereotypes, strengthen your networks, apply a developmental model to help you get thereTransform: Create your own model and engage advocates as you put it into practice
Leadership Transitions: How Business Leaders Take Charge in New Roles
by Richard Elsner Bridget FarrandsIn a working life of 35 years, a manager can expect to make at least 10 job changes - or transitions - where the demands for rapid business delivery and effective leadership will only increase with each new job. According to recent research, over 25 per cent of new leaders appointed from within fail within 18 months; the figure is closer to 40 per cent for new leaders appointed externally. The cost of this rate of failure is high, ranging from financial to performance to organizational disruption. This book identifies the sources of these failures and how to overcome them. The authors show that, whether the new leader has arrived as an external appointment or has been promoted internally, the experiences can be divided into three phases: Arriving, Surviving and Thriving. By analysing the different features of the leader's experience at each of these stages, the authors are able to provide a strategy for leaders to take charge and succeed in their new roles.
Leadership Transitions: The Watkins Collection
by Michael D. WatkinsThis Harvard Business Review collection features the best in leadership transitions from celebrated author and advisor Michael D. Watkins. Watkins, who has worked for decades guiding senior leaders into new roles to help them and their organizations succeed, is the author of the international bestseller The First 90 Days. With more than 400,000 copies sold worldwide and published in more than 25 languages, the book has become the standard reference for leaders in transition.In addition to the full digital edition (ebook) of The First 90 Days, this collection includes digital editions of Watkins' other popular works: Your Next Move, which guides professionals through the most common career transitions; Shaping the Game, on how to lead effective negotiations; and his 2012 Harvard Business Review article, "How Managers Become Leaders."Watkins, whose ideas have guided some of the world's best leaders through successful transitions, is the chairman of leadership development consultancy Genesis Advisers. Drawing on the perfect combination of research and hands-on experience, he has spent the last two decades working with leaders-both corporate and public-as they transition to new roles, negotiate the future of their organizations, and craft their legacy as leaders. He was previously a professor at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, Harvard Business School, INSEAD in France, and IMD in Switzerland.
Leadership Transitions and Team Building: Leadership Collection (2 Books)
by Chris Yeh Michael D. Watkins Harvard Business Review Ben Casnocha Reid HoffmanThe Leadership Transitions and Team Building Collection includes two important books: The First 90 Days, Updated and Expanded, by Michael D. Watkins, and The Alliance, by Reid Hoffman, Ben Casnocha, and Chris Yeh. Transitions are a critical time for leaders. In fact, most agree that moving into a new role is the biggest challenge a manager will face. While transitions offer a chance to start fresh and make needed changes in an organization, they also place leaders in a position of acute vulnerability. Missteps made during the crucial first three months in a new role can jeopardize or even derail your success. In The First 90 Days, Watkins offers proven strategies for conquering the challenges of transitions-no matter where you are in your career. The Alliance, coauthored by the founder of LinkedIn, introduces a new, realistic loyalty pact between employer and employee. The employer-employee relationship is broken, and managers face a seemingly impossible dilemma: the old model of guaranteed long-term employment no longer works in a business environment defined by continuous change, but neither does a system in which every employee acts like a free agent. The solution? Stop thinking of employees as either family or as free agents. Think of them instead as allies. This bold but practical guide for managers and executives will give you the tools you need to recruit, manage, and retain the kind of employees who will make your company thrive in today's world of constant innovation and fast-paced change.
The Leadership Triangle: The Three Options That Will Make You a Stronger Leader
by Ken Tucker Kevin FordTired of leadership clichés? Ready to become a truly life-changing leader? In The Leadership Triangle, Kevin Ford and Ken Tucker explain the three types of challenges leaders face and the three options they have to choose from to confront these challenges, offering practical tools to help leaders from all walks of life. Weaving together innovative leadership principles and personal conversations with some of the world's greatest leaders in business and the nonprofit world, The Leadership Triangle will become a well-thumbed companion in your own leadership journey. You will learn how to recognize leadership challenges for what they really are, choose strategies based on the specific challenge you face, build incredible, high-functioning teams to overcome any challenge, and implement cutting-edge strategies and tools that will revolutionize the teams you lead.
Leadership Two Words at a Time: Simple Truths for Leading Complicated People
by Bill TreasurerFor newcomers and upper management alike, leadership can be overwhelming and overcomplicated. By building core tenets of leadership around two key words for each chapter, Bill Treasurer simplifies the equation.Congratulations, new leader! You've joined the ranks during an exceptionally complicated time.Our current workplace climate is fraught with political divisions, economic disparities, and ever-shifting social dynamics. Leaders are managing remote teams across larger geographic distances and facing new roadblocks to onboarding, giving performance feedback, and nurturing healthy relationships. Leadership Two Words at a Time speaks directly to the plight of the new leader and is divided into three parts: Leading Yourself, Leading People, and Leading Work. Rather than overintellectualize the practice, Bill Treasurer breaks up the concept into essential and understandable learning nuggets-summed up by two-word headers-that provide the practical guidance and support that leaders often don't get. The result is time-tested wisdom that new leaders can grasp immediately and implement easily-and, with a little practice, master completely. Consider it a personal leadership playbook.This book gives you the basic building blocks to gain both competence and confidence, take on greater responsibility, and learn what it takes to be and stay a leader.
Leadership U: Accelerating Through the Crisis Curve
by Gary BurnisonAccelerating Through the Crisis Curve Leadership is all about others—inspiring them to believe, then enabling that belief to become reality. That’s the essence of Leadership U: it starts with ‘U’ but it’s not about ‘U.’ Those timeless words are timelier than ever today, as leaders look to accelerate through the crisis curve. As author Gary Burnison observes, “There will likely be more change in the next two years than we have seen in the last twenty.” Now, in Leadership U: Accelerating Through the Crisis Curve, Burnison lays out a framework—his “Six Degrees of Leadership”—to show leaders how to create change. Anticipate – foreseeing what lies ahead, amid ambiguity and uncertainty that are throttled up like never before Navigate – course-correcting in real time, to keep the organization on an even keel Communication – constantly connecting with others; the leader is both the messenger and the message Listen – breaking down the organizational hierarchy to gather insights at all levels—especially what the leader doesn’t want to hear Learn – applying learning agility, to “know what to do when you don’t know what to do” Lead – empowering others in a bottom-up culture that is more nimble, agile, innovative, and entrepreneurial than ever before. Only by embracing these truths can leaders master another ‘U’—the “crisis curve” that will completely disrupt the business landscape. The world has changed—forever. The old days are fine to reminiscence about, but you can’t stay there. Today leadership means becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable. As Burnison says, when a door closes, leaders cannot afford to stand there, staring at it. It’s a “get up or give up” moment. For leaders, the only choice is to find and open another door. Leadership U defines and inspires the pathway through that door.
Leadership und People Management: Führung und Kollaboration in Zeiten der Digitalisierung und Transformation
by Stephanie Kaudela-Baum Sandrina Meldau Martin BrasserDieses Fachbuch stellt eine Vielzahl von Führungsthemen sehr kompakt und anwendungsorientiert in kurzen eigenständigen Kapiteln dar. Es bietet die Essenz des Führungswissens der Autoren, das diese als Dozierende in Weiterbildungsstudiengängen für Führungskräfte sowie in der Forschung, Beratung und im Coaching über viele Jahre gesammelt haben. Das Buch bietet eine abwechslungsreiche Lektüre und eröffnet einen interdisziplinären Zugang zu klassischen Führungsthemen sowie Führungsthemen der Zukunft. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt dabei auf der Führung und der Gestaltung von Personalprozessen in dynamischen Organisationen in Zeiten der Transformation und Digitalisierung.Das Fachbuch bietet einen Wissensspeicher für die Bearbeitung komplexer Führungssituationen. Es baut u.a. auf dem Fallstudienbuch „Führung lernen. Fallstudien zu Führung, Personalmanagement und Organisation“ (ebenfalls erschienen im Springer Gabler Verlag) auf.
Leadership Unhinged: Essays on the Ugly, the Bad, and the Weird (The Palgrave Kets de Vries Library)
by Manfred F. Kets de VriesThe recent proliferation of populist movements worldwide — along with the often dangerous, demagogic leaders that accompany them — have prompted questions about the underlying conditions that give rise to such troubling developments. Leadership Unhinged: Essays on the Ugly, the Bad and the Weird examines what is going on at a deeper level, both collectively and individually, between leaders and followers. Employing theories derived from psychoanalytic psychology, developmental psychology, neuroscience and evolutionary psychology, these essays help to unravel and expose the pathological leader-follower dynamics that generate such movements. The book is infused with Kets de Vries’s now famous and inimitable style of analysis, which draws from myths, creates fairy tales, and uses irony and metaphor to bring his conclusions into greater relief and trigger new insights. As Kets de Vries explains, effective leaders have the capacity to bring people together and even make them better, stronger. Doing so suggests that those leaders are value driven, able to set a moral tone. Yet, when such a tone is absent or, at worst, twisted toward the destructive, leadership quickly becomes dangerous. History has shown the devastation left in the wake of unhinged leaders who have gone unchecked. To become fully conscious of the conditions that allow for the emergence of such leaders has become a moral requirement of our time. In ways both moving and entertaining, Kets de Vries’s new contribution puts us in a better position to fulfil that requirement.
Leadership Unravelled: The Faulty Thinking Behind Modern Management
by Mark Cole John HigginsWhy is it that leaders – in social, political, and (most importantly) organisational contexts – are seemingly unable to address meaningfully the wicked problems and complex challenges that we currently face? There’s enormous busyness around reconfiguring departments and adopting ‘transformational’ operating models, but in general plus ca change, plus la meme chose. Eyewatering amounts of treasure and time are spent in corporate life on leadership development, with people working hard to try and demonstrate that something useful has happened as a result. An entire pseudo-science has emerged to try and prove its worth, in part to justify the economic dividend that goes to those who make it to the upper levels of positional power. The fetishisation of leadership, especially strong leadership, fills our news outlets holding up carefully distorted images of great men (leadership is still deeply gendered) from across the worlds of politics, business, and sports. This book explores the persistently disappeared and unacknowledged constraints that inhibit leaders in every context. It argues that these constraints – defined in this volume in terms of five organisational paradoxes and six management myths – are found at large in society and are especially impactful in organisational life. By calling attention to, and exploring in rigorous detail, these paradoxes and myths, this book helps leaders, and the leadership systems they are part of, to wriggle free of the tacit assumptions that lock them into a cul-de-sac of simplistic prescription and heroic individualism. Once these mind-forged manacles are removed, new forms of leadership practice become possible, ones that are fit for purpose in engaging with a world facing systemic crisis and existential risk. This book is essential reading for leaders and managers at all levels looking for solutions to traditionally simplistic leadership practice and who want to affect systemic change. It will be beneficial to all those in the world of leadership development including business schools and HR departments.
Leadership Varieties: The Role of Economic Change and the New Masculinity (Routledge Studies in Leadership Research)
by Thomas Johansson Alexander StyhreIn all periods of time, there is a perceived shortage of qualified, credible, and robust leadership skills. At the same time, what is regarded as skilled leadership is contingent on economic, political, institutional, and cultural conditions specific for a period of time or a local setting. Leadership in the era of managerial capitalism was focused on planning and administration, and was seated in large-scale, divisionalized corporations. In the 1970s, this economic model started to wane and leadership was advanced as the solution to a series of economic and social concerns, now being a matter of meaning-making in the face of uncertainty and ambiguity. With the expansion of the finance industry and the deregulation of finance markets in the 1990s and in the new millennium, yet another leadership model increasingly prioritized economic value creation. In parallel to the economic, political and institutional changes, the idea of leadership has been strongly informed by new ideas about individualism and masculinity, adding to the understanding of leadership as what is anchored in widespread social beliefs about for example healthy life styles, the virtues of physical exercise, and novel gender relations. Aimed at scholars, researchers, students and policy makers in the fields of Leadership, Management History and Organizational Theory; Leadership Varieties examines predominant ideas about the qualities and virtues of leadership in a historical and cultural perspective.
Leadership Vertigo: Why Even the Best Leaders Go Off Course and How They Can Get Back On Track
by S. Max Brown Tanveer NaseerOver the past few decades, there's been an exponential rise in the number of books and studies on leadership and what we need to do to ensure organizational success in today's increasingly complex and interconnected global market. And yet, we continue to see year after year research that shows employee engagement and morale levels plateauing on the low end of the scale. Why is this? Why are we unable to move the needle and create the kind of working conditions that not only allow our employees to succeed, but thrive under our leadership? What these findings reveal is that leaders often can't see the gap that exists between what they want their leadership to represent and how others actually experience their leadership. Many of us are experiencing a common perceptual problem where our brain sends us false signals assuring us that everything is okay when it is not. We call this phenomenon Leadership Vertigo. Leadership Vertigo: Why We All Go Off Course and How We Can Get Back on Track will help you to understand how you can counter these bouts of self-deception by employing four Leadership Landmarks, Community, Competence, Credibility, and Compassion, to get your team back on course.
Leadership - What Really Matters: A Handbook on Systemic Leadership
by Daniel F. PinnowWhat does really matter for daily leadership? How would a good and effective manager be characterized? Daniel F. Pinnow describes in a very illustrative way the essentials of collaborating with people in the business environment. This standard reference book exists as a 4th edition in German and is also available in Chinese. It provides a comprehensive and easy-to-understand overview over the most important leadership approaches in theory and practice. The credo of the author is: Leadership is an art of creating a world where others would love to join in.
Leadership Wholeness, Volume 1: A Model of Spiritual Intelligence (Palgrave Studies in Workplace Spirituality and Fulfillment)
by Thomas ThakadipuramThis book investigates the lived experience of CEOs in their quest for wholeness and presents a model of spiritual intelligence for contemporary leadership. The experience of ethical and spiritual crisis in the post-modern society especially in organizational leadership, calls for deeper quest and spiritual intelligence. Four essential themes emerged from the analysis of the in-depth interviews with top leaders of different organizations across the globe: (1) Sensing Crisis, (2) Embracing Crisis (3) Awakening Hidden Wholeness, (4) and Serving Greater Good. From the analysis of the themes, a model of spiritual intelligence and leadership wholeness is constructed. This Spiritual Intelligence Model portrays the intra-dynamics of leaders’ ongoing quest for wholeness penetrating through their existential, learning, spiritual, and moral dimensions of being and the five ethical dimensions of wholeness permeating through the personal, organizational, social, global, and environmental spheres of life. This book gives a fresh perspective on spiritual intelligence and leadership practice today.
Leadership Wholeness, Volume 2: Application of the Spiritual Intelligence Model (Palgrave Studies in Workplace Spirituality and Fulfillment)
by Thomas ThakadipuramThis book explores the application of wholeness and spiritual intelligence model in leadership and management today. The classical and contemporary perspectives on wholeness and spiritual intelligence provides the research basis for the spiritual intelligence model. From a pragmatic perspective, the integration of the nature of evil and its impact on spiritual intelligence is examined. This book gives fresh perspectives on leadership and management practice today
The Leadership Wisdom of Jesus: Practical Lessons for Today
by Charles C. ManzThe Leadership Wisdom of Jesus provides practical leadership lessons at a time when religious-themed works like The Purpose-Driven Life have become increasingly popular.
Leadership Wise: Why Business Books Suck, but Wise Leaders Succeed
by John W. ForemanWhy do so many business books feel useless the moment they come in contact with your day job? Business books often contradict one another, each providing advice that's only helpful some of the time, and exhaustingly, your boss is going to cherry pick only the books that suit their way of working. Additionally, too often leadership books push fundamentally changing your personality to look like some idealized leader, often some dude. That dude may not even be a business leader! They might be a marine, a mountain climber, or a politician. Their stories might inspire you to summit Everest, but they're not going to help you figure out the looming company merger or what to do with that struggling manager In Leadership Wise, Chief Product Officer at Podium, John Foreman, delivers a different and refreshingly practical take on business leadership. The author moves beyond what a leader should look like, to discuss how you can make better decisions over time to help your organization accomplish its goals. Regardless of a reader's personality and background, John provides practical advice for how anyone can become a great leader just as they are by making more effective decisions over and over again. It's not about becoming a 5-star general or a mythical titan of industry, it's about making better decisions more often. In the book you'll find: A structure for understanding and becoming comfortable with the unending contradictions of leading in business Strategies for defining priorities, sourcing options, and choosing the best decision Advice for channeling your emotions and company culture to more effectively solve problems An engaging and hands-on exploration of how to lead real people in real companies by making the best decisions possible with the information you have, Leadership Wise belongs on the desks of managers, executives, directors, entrepreneurs, and founders everywhere.
Leadership with Synercube
by Anatoly Zankovsky Christiane von der HeidenDescription of the Synercube Leadership Theory with numerous practical examples. 10 different leadership styles are described according to the dimensions people, task and values. The book enables the reader to conclude how people interact with each other in a company and how corporate power should be used in order to achieve excellence with the available resources. By this, a sound corporate culture is supported. Based on the Synercube Theory, the guidance of change under consideration of psychological and behavioural effects empowers to continuously and effective change. Managers of organizations of all sizes equally benefit.
Leadership without Control: The Power to Persuade--The CEO's Role in a Professional Service Firm
by Jay W. Lorsch Thomas J. TierneyWithout strong leadership, the necessary diffusion of power throughout a professional service firm can paralyze decision making and undermine alignment. If leadership is too forceful, however, partners will reject its imposition on their autonomy. This chapter focuses on the role of the senior leader, the firm's CEO.