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Lebensphasen und Kompetenzmanagement
by Joachim Hasebrook Bernd Zinn Alexander SchletzKompetenzen älterer Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter werden im Betrieb gehalten, jüngere Mitarbeiter profitieren von den Erfahrungen älterer, Familiengründung, finanzielle Absicherung und berufliche Karriere werden für beide Elternteile unter einen Hut gebracht: Dies alles und mehr sind Aufgaben einer an Lebensphasen und -ereignissen ausgerichteten Kompetenzentwicklung, um die es in diesem Band gehen soll. Dieses Buch vermittelt fundiert und praxisnah, wie sich organisationales Kompetenzmanagement in Zeiten des demografischen Wandels an Lebensphasen und -ereignissen orientieren kann.
Lebensversicherungsmathematik: Basiswissen zur Technik der deutschen Lebensversicherung
by Jens KahlenbergDieses Buch gibt eine ausführliche und verständliche Einführung in die Technik der deutschen Lebensversicherung. Nach einer allgemeinen Einleitung werden die Rechnungsgrundlagen Zins, Biometrie und Kosten, die Berechnung von Prämien, Leistungen und Reserven sowie die Überschussbeteiligung erläutert. Über diese klassische Lebensversicherungsmathematik hinaus geht der Autor detailliert auf die Darstellung fondsgebundener Tarife ein und beschreibt auch das komplexe Teilgebiet der Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung in aller Tiefe. Zudem werden Aspekte der Pflegeversicherung sowie Fragestellungen des Jahresabschlusses und der Bilanzierung behandelt. Zahlreiche Übungsaufgaben inklusive Lösungen unterstützen das Selbststudium und veranschaulichen die versicherungstechnischen Vorgehensweisen. Ein umfassender Anhang mit biometrischen Rechnungsgrundlagen, mathematischen Grundformeln, Wörterbuch und Symbolverzeichnis rundet das Werk ab.
Lebensziel: Mehr Gesundheit, Energie und Lebensfreude
by Maik GöbbelsViele fundierte Impulse für Ihr persönliches Glück – trainieren Sie Ihre Körperchemie auf gute Energie! Der erfahrene Sport- und Mentaltrainer Maik Göbbels erklärt, welche individuellen Anreize aus Ernährung, Bewegung und sozialem Umfeld das persönliche Muster eines Menschen für Gesundheit, Zufriedenheit und Erfolg triggern. Verständnisvoll und motivierend erhält der Leser konkrete Hinweise auf den eigenen Status quo und erfährt, wie er dank der Kraftwerke im eigenen Körper, der Mitochondrien, neue Energien gewinnt, die eigene Kraft (wieder) fokussiert, lohnende Änderungen wagt, Resilienz aufbaut und vor allem seine volle Lebensfreude wiederfindet.
Lebenszykluskostenbasierte Anreizsysteme für die öffentliche Beschaffung: Konzeption und Gestaltungsempfehlungen für komplexe Investitionsgüter (Supply Chain Management)
by Sven WehkingDie öffentliche Beschaffung umfasst allein in Deutschland rund 350 Mrd. € mit steigender Tendenz. Grund genug, sich mit innovativen Konzepten zu beschäftigen, um die öffentliche Beschaffung möglichst effizient und effektiv zu gestalten. Lebenszykluskosten und Lebenszykluskostenmanagement sind bereits seit langer Zeit Gegenstand der wissenschaftlichen Forschung. Mit der Novellierung des öffentlichen Vergaberechts im Jahr 2016 werden Lebenszykluskosten erstmals explizit als Zuschlagskriterium genannt, womit dem Anspruch an eine ökonomische Nachhaltigkeit der öffentlichen Beschaffung Rechnung getragen wird. Aufgrund von Fehlanreizen für Auftragnehmer bedarf es jedoch Anreizsysteme, um die kontrahierten Lebenszykluskosten auch einzuhalten. Darauf aufbauend soll mit dem in diesem Buch vorgelegten Konzept ein Versuch unternommen werden, diese Herausforderung anzugehen.
Lebenszyklusorientierte Karriereplanung: Ein Weg für Frauen in Führungspositionen
by Eva-Maria TolimirDas vorliegende Werk stellt eine empirische Untersuchung zu den Voraussetzungen, Wirkungspotenzialen und Umsetzungshindernissen der Gestaltung von weiblichen Führungskarrieren dar, die sich an Lebenszyklen orientiert und sich als Beitrag zur geschlechterorientierten Karriereforschung versteht. Das Thema wird vorwiegend aus soziologischer und psychologischer Perspektive behandelt, wobei aber auch stark praktische und disziplinübergreifende Erfahrungen berücksichtigt werden. Aus ökonomischer Sicht geht es bei der Repräsentanz von Frauen in Führungspositionen um Fairness und Effizienz, etwa bei der zunehmend schwieriger werdenden Rekrutierung von Fach- und Führungskräften, also um ausgesprochen aktuelle Fragestellungen. Erforderliche organisationale Rahmenbedingungen sowie Theorien zu Bedürfnissen, Motivatoren für Karrieren und Nutzenerwägungen werden in Beziehung gesetzt zum tatsächlichen Stand weiblicher Führungskräfte in Deutschland. Die Erkenntnisse aus Interviews mit weiblichen und männlichen Führungskräften zu deren Karriereentwicklung bringen zusätzliche Erkenntnisse und stellen die Forschungselemente des Werkes dar.
Lebenszyklusorientierte Personalentwicklung: Leistungsfähigkeit, Leistungsbereitschaft und lebenslanges Lernen stärken
by Anita Graf Anja Mücke Susanne DornemannIn Organisationen arbeiten Menschen zusammen, die an biografisch unterschiedlichen Punkten im Leben stehen. Die Betrachtung des individuellen Lebenszyklus mit seinen fünf Teillebenszyklen ermöglicht es, Menschen in Organisationen umfassend und ganzheitlich zu entwickeln und zu begleiten. Essenziell ist eine Kultur der Wertschätzung und des Vertrauens sowie eine dialogbasierte Kommunikation, die es ermöglicht, gemeinsam Lösungen zu finden und die Selbstverantwortung der Organisationsmitglieder zu fördern. In diesem Buch werden für jeden Teillebenszyklus Handlungsfelder und Maßnahmen einer lebenszyklusorientierten Personalentwicklung vorgestellt. Zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele veranschaulichen, wie die Umsetzung gelingen kann. Ergänzend schildert das Schlusskapitel mögliche Herangehensweisen, die vom Human Resources Management gemeinsam mit der Unternehmensleitung gewählt werden können, um eine lebenszyklusorientierte Personalentwicklung bestmöglich in den vorhandenen organisationalen Rahmenbedingungen umzusetzen.
Lebenthal on Munis: Straight Talk About Tax-free Municipal Bonds For The Troubled Investor Deciding Yes... Or No!
by Jim LebenthalIF YOU KNEW WHAT I KNOW... Would you buy a municipal bond for the subways in New York City that&’s rated AA-, or only A? Would you care what a bond is for as long, as it&’s a general obligation backed by the issuer&’s full faith, credit, and taxing power? Would you pay 109 for a bond, a premium of $90 for every $1,000 face value, knowing you&’re going to get back only $1,000 at the end??Would it be crazy to buy a 30-year bond at age 80? Would you read &“these bonds are not a debt of the state&” as a fair warning, Buyer Beware??Tax free municipal bonds. Would you buy them at all? STRAIGHT TALK FROM THE MAN WHO PUT MUNIS ON THE MAP FOR THE INDIVIDUAL INVESTOR. Would telling you the whole story about investing in municipal bonds, and making sure you know the risks involved, kill the sale? &“I&’ll take my chances,&” says Jim (Municipal Bonds Are My Babies) Lebenthal. For 45 years, Jim Lebenthal wrote and starred in the Lebenthal family&’s municipal bond business commercials - information nuggets that educated the public and turned munis into a household word, wherever his face and voice were seen and heard. Outraged by what Wall Street had done to the financial markets with reckless abandon, and Bernie Madoff with malice aforethought, Jim gives equal time in Lebenthal On Munis…Deciding, "Yes…" or "No!" to the Whys and Why Nots for investing in his "babies." "Balancing the heady appeal of tax exemption with the payment record of municipal bonds in the Depression and the volatility of resale prices during the inflation tortured '70s and '80s, isn&’t optional for a broker," says Lebenthal. "Full Disclosure is the law." In Lebenthal on Munis, Jim carries out that law, even if Full Disclosure means turning Jim and his babies, thumbs down. DECIDING, "YES…" OR "NO!"
LeBron, Inc.: The Making of a Billion-Dollar Athlete
by Brian WindhorstFrom the New York Times bestselling author of Return of the King comes the story of LeBron James's incredible transformation from basketball star to sports and business mogul. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica; min-height: 14.0px} With eight straight trips to the NBA Finals, LeBron James has proven himself one of the greatest basketball players of all time. And like Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan before him, LeBron has also become a global brand and businessman who has altered the way professional athletes think about their value, maximize their leverage, and use their voice. LEBRON, INC tells the story of James's journey down the path to becoming a billionaire sports icon -- his successes, his failures, and the lessons both have taught him along the way. With plenty of newsmaking tidbits about his rollercoaster last season in Cleveland and high-profile move to the Lakers, LEBRON, INC. shows how James has changed the way most elite athletes manage their careers, and how he launched a movement among his peers that may last decades beyond his playing days.
LeBron, Inc.: The Making of a Billion-Dollar Athlete
by Brian WindhorstFrom the New York Times bestselling author of Return of the King comes the story of LeBron James's incredible transformation from basketball star to sports and business mogul.With eight straight trips to the NBA Finals, LeBron James has proven himself one of the greatest basketball players of all time. And like Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan before him, LeBron has also become a global brand and businessman who has altered the way professional athletes think about their value, maximize their leverage, and use their voice. LeBron, Inc. tells the story of James's journey down the path to becoming a billionaire sports icon - his successes, his failures, and the lessons both have taught him along the way. With plenty of newsmaking tidbits about his rollercoaster last season in Cleveland and high-profile move to the Lakers, LeBron, Inc. shows how James has changed the way most elite athletes manage their careers, and how he launched a movement among his peers that may last decades beyond his playing days.
LeBron, Inc.: The Making of a Billion-Dollar Athlete
by Brian WindhorstFrom the New York Times bestselling author of Return of the King comes the story of LeBron James's incredible transformation from basketball star to sports and business mogul.With eight straight trips to the NBA Finals, LeBron James has proven himself one of the greatest basketball players of all time. And like Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan before him, LeBron has also become a global brand and businessman who has altered the way professional athletes think about their value, maximize their leverage, and use their voice. LeBron, Inc. tells the story of James's journey down the path to becoming a billionaire sports icon - his successes, his failures, and the lessons both have taught him along the way. With plenty of newsmaking tidbits about his rollercoaster last season in Cleveland and high-profile move to the Lakers, LeBron, Inc. shows how James has changed the way most elite athletes manage their careers, and how he launched a movement among his peers that may last decades beyond his playing days.
LeBron James: Building a Hollywood Empire
by Anita ElberseIt is June 2016. Superstar basketball player LeBron James and his childhood friend and business partner Maverick Carter are celebrating James’ third NBA championship. The duo will soon have to decide on a strategy for their media businesses—their film and television production company SpringHill Entertainment as well as their digital sports platform Uninterrupted. In 2015, Carter and James negotiated a first-of-its-kind, three-year agreement with Hollywood studio Warner Bros. Entertainment that gave SpringHill Entertainment a first-look movie deal, an exclusive television deal, significant development resources that also could be used for the creation of digital content, and space on the studio lot. Later that year, Warner Bros. signed on as a lead investor in Uninterrupted. Were Carter and James right to partner with Warner Bros. in this manner? And with renewal negotiations just around the corner, how could they make the most of the opportunity?
LeBron James
by Anita Elberse Jeff MccallIn 2005, to the astonishment of many sports industry insiders, superstar basketball player LeBron James fired his agent and established his own firm, LRMR, to handle all aspects of his business ventures and marketing activities and named his childhood friend Maverick Carter as the CEO. LRMR is tasked with turning James into a global icon as well as helping him reach his personal goal of becoming basketball's first billionaire. In late 2008, James has entered various lucrative endorsement deals and is considering three exclusive videogame endorsement opportunities from Electronic Arts, 2K Games, and Xbox Live to add to his portfolio. Allows for a rich discussion about how superstar athletes and other celebrities can create and capture value from their brands as well as what role talent agencies and other intermediaries play in that process. Provides in-depth information on three endorsement opportunities that each represents a common way in which talent can (choose to) get compensated: through a fixed-fee payment, a bonus payment structure, or a revenue-sharing agreement.
LeBron James
by Anita Elberse Jeff McCallIn 2005, to the astonishment of many sports industry insiders, superstar basketball player LeBron James fired his agent and established his own firm, LRMR, to handle all aspects of his business ventures and marketing activities and named his childhood friend Maverick Carter as the CEO. LRMR is tasked with turning James into a global icon as well as helping him reach his personal goal of becoming basketball's first billionaire. In late 2008, James has entered various lucrative endorsement deals and is considering three exclusive videogame endorsement opportunities from Electronic Arts, 2K Games, and Xbox Live to add to his portfolio. Allows for a rich discussion about how superstar athletes and other celebrities can create and capture value from their brands as well as what role talent agencies and other intermediaries play in that process. Provides in-depth information on three endorsement opportunities that each represents a common way in which talent can (choose to) get compensated: through a fixed-fee payment, a bonus payment structure, or a revenue-sharing agreement.
Lecciones aprendidas de las cartas de Warren Buffet a los accionistas
by Silvana Borghi Kigozi AndrewEste libro incluye las cartas de Warren Buffet a sus accionistas como lecciones para inversores. Estas lecciones son: inversiones, gestión de empresas, estructura corporativa. Incluye las recomendaciones de Warren Buffet sobre los tópicos nombrados. Este libro está dirigido a todo tipo de inversores, estudiantes de administración de empresas y todo aquel que esté interesado en los negocios y en las finanzas.
Lecciones de liderazgo creativo: Mi gran aventura al frente de la empresa que ha convertido la magia en realidad
by Robert A. IgerEl CEO de Disney comparte las ideas y los valores que le han permitido reinventar una de las compañías más admiradas del mundo e inspirar a las personas que dan vida a la magia. Robert Iger se convirtió en CEO de la Walt Disney Company en 2005 durante un momento difícil para la empresa. La moral se había deteriorado, la competencia era intensa y la tecnología estaba cambiando más rápido que en cualquier otro momento de la historia. Su proyecto de futuro se basaba en tres ideas muy claras: renovar el compromiso con la importancia de la calidad, integrar la tecnología en lugar de luchar contra ella y pensar con ambición y con una visión global para convertir a Disney en una marca más fuerte en los mercados internacionales. Catorce años después, Disney es la compañía de medios más grande y respetada del mundo, y cuenta entre sus propiedades con Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm y 21st Century Fox. Con Robert Iger al frente, reconocido como uno de los CEO más innovadores y exitosos de nuestra era, el valor de la empresa se ha quintuplicado. En Lecciones de liderazgo creativo, Iger comparte las lecciones aprendidas al frente de Disney y de sus 200.000 empleados y explora los principios necesarios para un verdadero liderazgo, que son: Optimismo. Incluso ante las dificultades, un líder optimista encontrará el camino hacia el mejor resultado posible y se centrará en ello, en lugar de ceder ante el pesimismo y la culpa. Valentía. Los líderes deben estar dispuestos a correr riesgos y a hacer grandes apuestas. El miedo al fracaso destruye la creatividad. Decisión. Todas las decisiones, por complejas que parezcan, pueden tomarse de manera oportuna. La indecisión es un derroche y mina la moral. Equidad. Hay que tratar a las personas con decencia, empatía y ser accesible para ellas. Este libro muestra la inagotable curiosidad que ha impulsado a Iger durante cuarenta y cinco años, desde el día en que comenzó como humilde aprendiz en un estudio de la ABC. Y trata también de la consideración y el respeto, y la primacía de la dignidad sobre el dinero que ha sido fundamental en todos los proyectos impulsados por Iger, desde la profunda amistad con Steve Jobs en sus últimos años hasta el perdurable amor por la mitología de «Star Wars». «Las ideas de este libro me parecen universales», escribe Iger. «No solo para los aspirantes a CEO del mundo, sino para todas aquellas personas que quieran sentirse menos temerosas, con más confianza en sí mismas, en su trayectoria profesional e incluso personal.» Reseñas:«Cultivar la creatividad es más un arte que una habilidad, especialmente en una empresa que es sinónimo de creatividad. Y eso constituye un gran reto. Bob Iger no solo ha estado a la altura de noventa y seis años de una historia revolucionaria, sino que ha llevado la marca Disney mucho más allá de cualquier expectativa y lo ha hecho con audacia y con acierto. Este libro cuenta cómo lo ha logrado.»Steven Spielberg «Hemos esperado años a que Bob Iger compartiera sus secretos de liderazgo. Por fin lo ha hecho y son absolutamente brillantes. Lecciones de liderazgo creativo no son solo unas memorias, pues el libro ofrece la oportunidad de departir abiertamente con el CEO más clarividente, sino también son una guía imprescindible para afrontar los desafíos más relevantes de nuestra era: cómo impulsar el cambio, aprovechar la tecnología, construir una cultura duradera y empoderar a las personas. Una lectura apasionante y muy reveladora.»Daniel Coyle, autor de Cuando las arañas tejen juntas pueden atar a un león y El pequeño libro del talento «Era de esperar que una obra escrita por la persona que ha dirigido Disney durante décadas destacara por un relato apasionante y por una gran sabiduría sobre el liderazgo. Bob Iger lo ha conseguido y ha ido incluso más allá. Su libro
Lecciones de negocios de Bill Gates
by Michael Winicott Alejandro Robles VargasBill Gates es una figura icónica en el mundo de hoy. Él es una inspiración para los jóvenes y una lección para los viejos. Ha alcanzado esas alturas del éxito y gloria que sólo unos cuantos han sido capaces de alcanzar en sus vidas y vale la pena leer su historia de vida y vale la pena aprender de ella. Lecciones de negocios de Bill Gates es un libro que promete contar la historia de Bill Gates desde una nueva perspectiva: las lecciones que él aprendió durante su vida. Entonces, ¿estás listo para aprender de la vida de Bill Gates? ¿Estás interesado en aprender acerca de negocios y emprendimiento? Y lo más importante, ¿estás listo para aprender acerca de la vida? Todo esto y más en este fascinante libro. Aquí hay un avance de lo que aprenderás... Cómo hacer lo que tu consideras apropiado, no lo que otros esperan Cómo hacer riesgos calculados y ¡triunfar! Cómo construir la fuerza de voluntad para enfrentar las adversidades y triunfar Cómo tomar ventaja de las inevitables fallas en tu camino Lo que debe hacerse y lo que no debe hacerse de la carrera de Bill.
El lechero en bicicleta: Cómo subirse a la revolución digital sin caerse en el intento
by Franc CarrerasLa revolución digital ha cambiado totalmente la forma de hacer negocios y de relacionarse con los clientes. Este libro descubre, a través de una entretenida fábula, los mandamientos de la nueva empresa en el entorno digital. Villalomas es un pequeño pueblo con un animado mercado al que cada día acuden todos los vecinos. Allí, el vendedor que grita más alto y más fuerte es el que más vende. Hasta que un día llegan a la localidad unos extraños artilugios de metal, llamados «bicicletas», que cambiarán para siempre la vida de los habitantes del pueblo y que, sobre todo, alterarán por completo la rutina en el mercado. El lechero en bicicleta es una entretenida y reveladora fábula que ayudará al lector a comprender y a adaptarse a un mundo que ha cambiado de forma radical desde la llegada de la revolución digital y de las redes sociales; un mundo en el que ya no vende más quien más ruido hace. Los expertos opinan:«Este libro está escrito por dos grandes profesionales que han sido capaces de utilizar un lenguaje llano para explicar de forma brillante algo que a muchos les puede parecer complejo.»Jordi Molina, ESADE «Todos somos un poco aprendices en esto de las redes sociales. Las fábulas siempre han sido un recurso magnífico para ejemplificar lo básico y lo importante, y El lechero en bicicleta no es una excepción. Excelente para los que todavía no se atreven a dar el paso y un must para los que lo intentamos.»Elena Gris, directora de marketing de Honda Automóviles España «Una deliciosa historia de sensatez y humanidad que muestra nuestra forma de vivir y disfrutar el ecosistema de las redes sociales. El lechero en bicicleta es, sin duda, una obra imprescindible de sentido común empresarial, tan indispensable en los tiempos actuales.»Pere Quintana, brand digital manager de Desigual
Leckenby Co.
by Thomas T. Weeks David A. LaxThis game is a highly structured exercise in labor-management bargaining. If union and management cannot reach agreement within two days, then the union will strike. The costs of a strike are not the same for the two sides. Similarly, the cost of a settlement to management differs from its benefits to the union. Union and management players frequently feel that they are more powerful, hold out, endure a strike, and do poorly relative to other players.
Leçons à retenir des lettres aux actionnaires de Warren Buffet
by Laure Valentin Kigozi AndrewCet ouvrage éducatif présente plusieurs leçons tirées des lettres de Warren Buffet à ses actionnaires. Les leçons de ce livre concernent tous les types d'investisseurs, les étudiants en commerce de tous niveaux, les responsables de société ainsi que toutes les personnes intéressées par le sujet. Les leçons reprennent les conseils de Warren sur l'investissement (les titres et valeurs), les affaires et l'organisation idéale d'une société (sa structure). Si vous cherchez un résumé de tous les conseils en investissement pleins de sagesse que Warren Buffet a écrits pour ses actionnaires au fil des ans, ce livre est fait pour vous. Si vous cherchez un rapide aperçu instructif, ce livre est fait pour vous. J'espère que cet ouvrage vous donnera un meilleur point de vue sur l'investissement d'excellence et la gestion d'entreprise.
L’écriture freelance – Les secrets d’un prête-plume professionnel
by Richard G Lowe Jr Agnes RuizVous envisagez de devenir un rédacteur indépendant (freelance) et souhaitez faire de l’écriture fantôme. L’écriture fantôme est un travail difficile ! Pourtant, lorsqu’elle est correctement gérée et évaluée, l’écriture fantôme peut être l’une des carrières de rédaction freelance les plus lucratives. Ce livre vous aidera à mener à bien un projet d’écriture fantôme, du contact initial avec un client potentiel jusqu’à la livraison du travail terminé. Les pièges potentiels y sont discutés en détail, ainsi que des solutions et des suggestions. Voici un résumé de ce que vous apprendrez : * Comment évaluer un projet d’écriture fantôme * Comment mettre en place une entreprise d’écriture fantôme * Organiser des réunions avec votre client * Faire des entrevues et des recherches * Pourquoi la communication est particulièrement importante * Comment rédiger un énoncé de travail pour vous protéger et protéger votre client * Comment gérer les révisions inévitables * Comment livrer votre projet final.
Las lecturas diarias de Maxwell
by John C. MaxwellLas lecturas diarias de Maxwell basan su poder único en una verdad perpetua: un corazón líder surge mediante acciones que se ponen en práctica un día a la vez. Cada pasaje expone un poderoso principio de liderazgo, listo para ponerse en práctica en el mundo real. Recoge la sabiduría eterna de catorce de los libros sobre liderazgo de John C. Maxwell (uno de los autores más leídos según el New York Times); es una obra que no debe faltarle a ninguno de los seguidores de Maxwell o el regalo perfecto para introducir a otros en su literatura.
Lecture Notes in Microeconomic Theory: The Economic Agent - Second Edition
by Ariel RubinsteinAriel Rubinstein's well-known lecture notes on microeconomics—now fully revised and expandedThis book presents Ariel Rubinstein's lecture notes for the first part of his well-known graduate course in microeconomics. Developed during the fifteen years that Rubinstein taught the course at Tel Aviv University, Princeton University, and New York University, these notes provide a critical assessment of models of rational economic agents, and are an invaluable supplement to any primary textbook in microeconomic theory.In this fully revised and expanded second edition, Rubinstein retains the striking originality and deep simplicity that characterize his famously engaging style of teaching. He presents these lecture notes with a precision that gets to the core of the material, and he places special emphasis on the interpretation of key concepts. Rubinstein brings this concise book thoroughly up to date, covering topics like modern choice theory and including dozens of original new problems.Written by one of the world's most respected and provocative economic theorists, this second edition of Lecture Notes in Microeconomic Theory is essential reading for students, teachers, and research economists.Fully revised, expanded, and updatedRetains the engaging style and method of Rubinstein's well-known lecturesCovers topics like modern choice theoryFeatures numerous original new problems—including 21 new review problemsSolutions manual (available only to teachers) can be found at: http://gametheory.tau.ac.il/microTheory/.
Lecture Notes on Resource and Environmental Economics (The Economics of Non-Market Goods and Resources #16)
by Anthony C. FisherThis book, based on lectures on natural and environmental resource economics, offers a nontechnical exposition of the modern theory of sustainability in the presence of resource scarcity. It applies an alternative take on environmental economics, focusing on the economics of the natural environment, including development, computation, and potential empirical importance of the concept of option value, as opposed to the standard treatment of the economics of pollution control. The approach throughout is primarily conceptual and theoretical, though empirical estimation and results are sometimes noted. Mathematics, ranging from elementary calculus to more formal dynamic optimization, is used, especially in the early chapters on the optimal management of exhaustible and renewable resources, but results are always given an economic interpretation. Diagrams and numerical examples are also used extensively.The first chapter introduces the classical economists as the first resource economists, in their discussion of the implications of a limited natural resource base (agricultural land) for the evolution of the wider economy. A later chapter returns to the same concerns, along with others stimulated by the energy and environmental “crises” of the 1970s and beyond. One section considers alternative measures of resource scarcity and empirical findings on their behavior over time. Another introduces the modern concept of sustainability with an intuitive development of the analytics. A chapter on the dynamics of environmental management motivates the concept of option value, shows how to compute it, then demonstrates its importance in an illustrative empirical example. The closing chapter, on climate change, first projects future changes and potential catastrophic impacts, then discusses the policy relevance of both option value and discounting for the very long run.This book is intended for resource and environmental economists and can be read by interested graduate and advanced undergraduate students in the field as well.
Lectures in Austrian Economics, Volume I: Human Action, Competition Theory, Entrepreneurship, and Price Theory (Palgrave Studies in Austrian Economics)
by Jesús Huerta de SotoThis book, the first of two volumes, comes to life through the transcription of captivating classroom lectures spanning several years, providing a comprehensive overview of the core topics within Austrian economics. With a focus on microeconomics, it explores foundational ideas within Austrian economics, including human action, entrepreneurship, competition theory, and price theory, to give readers a deep understanding of each topic unravelling complex economic concepts with clarity and precision. Economic uncertainty, rationality, marginal utility, productivity, exchange interactions, valuation, price determination, and monopoly are also discussed. Through a seamless blend of theory and real-world examples, readers are invited to challenge conventional wisdom and explore the implications of Austrian economics on society and individual freedom. This book offers an accessible and engaging synthesis of Austrian economics that redefines the topic within modern economics. It will be relevant to students, teachers, and scholars of many other academic institutions around the world, interested in the approach of the Austrian School of economics and its relevance in today’s ever-evolving world.
Lectures on Antitrust Economics
by Michael D. WhinstonAntitrust law regulates economic activity but differs in its operation from what is traditionally considered "regulation." Where regulation is often industry-specific and involves the direct setting of prices, product characteristics, or entry, antitrust law focuses more broadly on maintaining certain basic rules of competition. In these lectures Michael Whinston offers an accessible and lucid account of the economics behind antitrust law, looking at some of the most recent developments in antitrust economics and highlighting areas that require further research. He focuses on three areas: price fixing, in which competitors agree to restrict output or raise price; horizontal mergers, in which competitors agree to merge their operations; and exclusionary vertical contracts, in which a competitor seeks to exclude a rival. Antitrust commentators widely regard the prohibition on price fixing as the most settled and economically sound area of antitrust. Whinston's discussion seeks to unsettle this view, suggesting that some fundamental issues in this area are, in fact, not well understood. In his discussion of horizontal mergers, Whinston describes the substantial advances in recent theoretical and empirical work and suggests fruitful directions for further research. The complex area of exclusionary vertical contracts is perhaps the most controversial in antitrust. The influential "Chicago School" cast doubt on arguments that vertical contracts could be profitably used to exclude rivals. Recent theoretical work, to which Whinston has made important contributions, instead shows that such contracts can be profitable tools for exclusion. Whinston's discussion sheds light on the controversy in this area and the nature of those recent theoretical contributions. Sponsored by the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella