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Showing 89,651 through 89,675 of 100,000 results

The Rejuvenated International Monetary Fund

by Jonathan Schlefer Rawi Abdelal

The International Monetary Fund was dismissed as almost irrelevant to the global economy, but during the 2008 financial crisis, it returned to center stage, providing financial rescues for developing countries.

Rejuvenating the Mature Business: The Competitive Challenge

by Charles Baden-Fuller John M. Stopford

A 4-step process for rejuvenation, designed for a manager to take control and transform the business and its industry.

The Rejuvenation of Political Economy (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy)

by Nobuharu Yokokawa Kiichiro Yagi Hiroyasu Uemura Richard Westra

This book provides the basic knowledge of Japanese contributions in political economy and the ongoing research agenda, such as the pursuit of theoretical consistency in Marxian economics by Uno School; the concept of ‘civil society’ as a criterion of existing socio-economic structure; a mathematical reconstruction of Marxian theory; and an analysis of environmental pollution. The new generation of Japanese political economists in collaboration with their overseas counterparts has produced new insights into political economy and into the newly emerging structure of the world economy. The book provides useful insights into international capitalism and how past patterns of uneven development are now changing; the role of international finance in affecting both national and international growth and employment patterns; an analysis of recent growth patterns in Asia; and the specific issue emerging within the Asian region and the implications for economics, social change and geopolitics.

Rekrutierung von Fachkräften in China: Wie kleine und mittlere Unternehmen qualifizierte Fachkräfte in China gewinnen

by Marco Städler Ives Ziegler Ralph Lehmann

Dieses Buch zeigt auf, dass die Gewinnung hochspezialisierter und erfahrener Fachkräfte seit Jahren die zentrale Herausforderung für Personalverantwortliche in China darstellt. Der Mangel an qualifizierten Mitarbeitern ist eines der größten Hindernisse für das gegenwärtige und zukünftige Wirtschaftswachstum Chinas. Auf dieser Problematik aufbauend, gehen die Autoren der Forschungsfrage nach: "Wie gewinnen Unternehmen ihre Schlüsselmitarbeitenden auf dem chinesischen Arbeitsmarkt?“ Anhand einer Literaturanalyse sowie Fallstudien von Schweizer Unternehmen verdeutlichen die Untersuchungsergebnisse, dass vertiefte Marktkenntnisse, eine starke Wettbewerbsposition und die Abstimmung des Rekrutierungsprozesses auf die Bedürfnisse des chinesischen Arbeitsmarktes entscheidende Erfolgsfaktoren sind.

Relaciones 101

by John C. Maxwell

Trata sobre cómo conectarse con otros, cómo alentar a los que nos rodean y cómo ser mejores oidores. Relaciones 101 es el instrumento perfecto para quien desee mejorar sus relaciones con los demás.

Relaciones que funcionan: Cómo entenderte hasta con tu peor enemigo

by Alex Galofré Ferran Ramón-Cortes

Una herramienta para conocer mejor a los demás, ajustar nuestra relación con ellos y, de esta forma, evitar malentendidos y conflictos. Las personas tenemos estilos diferentes, y esto hace que recibamos la comunicación de forma diferente. Adaptar nuestra comunicación al estilo de la persona a la que nos dirigimos hace que nos podamos entender mejor. Para conseguir una relación positiva entre distintos estilos, necesitamos tender puentes de comprensión y aceptación. Necesitamos entender qué necesita cada estilo y qué debemos evitar. Solo así podremos vencer malentendidos y conflictos. Relaciones que funcionan parte de la idea de que cada persona posee un estilo de relación con los otros diferente, y que esos estilos se pueden agrupar en cuatro grandes tipologías. A partir de estas tipologías, los autores proponen una metodología para conocer a nuestros interlocutores y adaptar nuestra comunicación a ellos, de forma que sea más persuasiva. El libro también introduce una reflexión sobre cómo nos podemos relacionar con personas que son aparentemente antagónicas a nosotros, dando explicación a incomprensiones y conflictos a los que a veces nos enfrentamos sin comprender cómo se han originado, y menos aún, cómo resolverlos.

Relaties in de zorg

by H. De Jonge

Bouwstenen voor gezondheidszorgonderwijs is een reeks leerboeken voor de opleidingen tot verpleegkundige, verzorgende en helpende. Deze reeks is volledig afgestemd op de kwalificatiestructuur voor de verpleegkundige en verzorgende beroepen; de samenhang die het opleidingsstelsel kent is in al haar onderdelen terug te vinden in de BGO-reeks.Bovendien is de reeks gebaseerd op een curriculummodel dat vier leer- en vormingsgebieden kent: verpleegkunde/verzorging, mens en gezondheid, gezondheids- problematiek en methoden & technieken. De cirkel op de voorzijde van het boek geeft aan voor welk kwalificatieniveau de uitgave bestemd is. De deelkwalificaties en eindtermen waar de inhoud betrekking op heeft staan in de redactionele verantwoording vermeld.Relaties in de zorg: Dit boek is bestemd voor kwalificatieniveau 2 (helpende) en vormt een onderdeel van het leer-en vormingsgebied mens en gezondheid. In acht hoofdstukken worden alle aspecten van interacties in de zorg behandeld. Het kennisniveau en de toekomstige beroepsuitoefening van de helpende zijn hierbij het uitgangspunt. Naast de algemene elementen van communiceren en samenwerken wordt specifiek ingegaan op kinderen, ouderen en allochtonen. Ook wordt enige elementaire psychologie behandeld. Het boek is rijk aan illustraties, voorbeelden en verwerkingsopdrachten.

Relating Software Requirements and Architectures

by Paris Avgeriou John Grundy Jon G. Hall Patricia Lago Ivan Mistrík

Why have a book about the relation between requirements and software architecture? Understanding the relation between requirements and architecture is important because the requirements, be they explicit or implicit, represent the function, whereas the architecture determines the form. While changes to a set of requirements may impact on the realization of the architecture, choices made for an architectural solution may impact on requirements, e.g., in terms of revising functional or non-functional requirements that cannot actually be met.Although research in both requirements engineering and software architecture is quite active, it is in their combination that understanding is most needed and actively sought. Presenting the current state of the art is the purpose of this book. The editors have divided the contributions into four parts: Part 1 “Theoretical Underpinnings and Reviews” addresses the issue of requirements change management in architectural design through traceability and reasoning. Part 2 “Tools and Techniques” presents approaches, tools, and techniques for bridging the gap between software requirements and architecture. Part 3 “Industrial Case Studies” then reports industrial experiences, while part 4 on “Emerging Issues” details advanced topics such as synthesizing architecture from requirements or the role of middleware in architecting for non-functional requirements. The final chapter is a conclusions chapter identifying key contributions and outstanding areas for future research and improvement of practice.The book is targeted at academic and industrial researchers in requirements engineering or software architecture. Graduate students specializing in these areas as well as advanced professionals in software development will also benefit from the results and experiences presented in this volume.

Relating Software Requirements and Architectures

by John Grundy Jon G. Hall Patricia Lago Ivan Mistrík Paris Avgeriou

Why have a book about the relation between requirements and software architecture? Understanding the relation between requirements and architecture is important because the requirements, be they explicit or implicit, represent the function, whereas the architecture determines the form. While changes to a set of requirements may impact on the realization of the architecture, choices made for an architectural solution may impact on requirements, e.g., in terms of revising functional or non-functional requirements that cannot actually be met. Although research in both requirements engineering and software architecture is quite active, it is in their combination that understanding is most needed and actively sought. Presenting the current state of the art is the purpose of this book. The editors have divided the contributions into four parts: Part 1 "Theoretical Underpinnings and Reviews" addresses the issue of requirements change management in architectural design through traceability and reasoning. Part 2 "Tools and Techniques" presents approaches, tools, and techniques for bridging the gap between software requirements and architecture. Part 3 "Industrial Case Studies" then reports industrial experiences, while part 4 on "Emerging Issues" details advanced topics such as synthesizing architecture from requirements or the role of middleware in architecting for non-functional requirements. The final chapter is a conclusions chapter identifying key contributions and outstanding areas for future research and improvement of practice. The book is targeted at academic and industrial researchers in requirements engineering or software architecture. Graduate students specializing in these areas as well as advanced professionals in software development will also benefit from the results and experiences presented in this volume.

Relating to Peapod

by Susan Fournier Jill Avery

Explores the relationships formed between consumers and the Peapod consumer-direct grocery delivery service, as revealed through an ethnographic study of Boston-area Peapod shoppers conducted between the Summer of 1997 and the Fall of 1999. Three representative case histories are brought to life using extensive quotes from these selected longitudinal interviews. Closes with short vignettes describing the experiences of four additional service users so that students can offer relationship predictions using process insights derived from the detailed case studies. Together, the data-driven exercises are designed to deepen students' understanding of the development processes characterizing consumer-firm/brand interactions over time, toward the goal of more informed relationship marketing strategies and sharper brand relationship executions.

The Relation of Wealth to Welfare (Routledge Revivals)

by William A. Robson

First Published in 1924, The Relation of Wealth to Welfare examines certain definite and fundamental elements of human welfare and their relation to private income on the one hand and various kinds of collective action on the other. The four elements discussed in the book are health, art, work, and education. The author argues that the power of private income to increase the welfare of its possessor in regard to the various elements under examination is as a matter of fact frequently or even always comparatively small; whereas the power of collective action and public expenditure to do so is often comparatively great. This book is an essential read for students and researchers of political economy, political studies, and economics in general.

Relational Analytics: Guidelines for Analysis and Action

by Jody Hoffer Gittell Hebatallah Naim Ali

This guidebook goes beyond people analytics to provide a research-based, practice-tested methodology for doing relational analytics, based on the science of relational coordination. We are witnessing a revolution in people analytics, where data are used to identify and leverage human talent to drive performance outcomes. Today’s workplace is interdependent, however, and individuals drive performance through networks that span department, organization and sector boundaries. This book shares the relational coordination framework, with a validated scalable analytic tool that has been used successfully across dozens of countries and industries to understand, measure and influence networks of relationships in and across organizations, and which can be applied at any level in the private and public sectors worldwide. Graduate students and practitioners in human resource management, health policy and management, organizational behavior, engineering and network analysis will appreciate the methodology and hands-on guidance this book provides, with its focus on identifying, analyzing and building networks of productive interdependence. Online resources include data appendices and statistical commands that can be used to conduct all these analyses in readers’ own organizations.

Relational Anthropology for Contemporary Economics: A Multidisciplinary Approach (Ethical Economy #61)

by Steven C. van den Heuvel Patrick Nullens Jermo Van Nes

This open access book offers a multidisciplinary dialogue on relational anthropology in contemporary economics. A particular view of the human being is often assumed in economic models, but seldom acknowledged let alone explicated. Addressing this neglected area of research in economic studies, altogether the contributors touch upon the importance and potential of virtues, the notions of freedom and self-love, the potential of simulation models, the dialectics of love, and questions of methodology in constructing a relational anthropology for contemporary economics. The overall result is a highly informative and constructive dialogue, establishing inter alia a research agenda for future collaborative and multidisciplinary study.

Relational Capital in Business: Innovation, Value and Competitiveness (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

by Rafał Drewniak Urszula Słupska Zbigniew Drewniak Iwona Posadzińska Robert Karaszewski

The concept of relational capital mainly refers to the value of the relationships a company creates with its stakeholders. These relationships inspired the authors to analyze their importance in the context of creating value for the enterprise and to explore the importance of leadership and communication in building relationships with the environment. Internal relational capital refers to the organization’s set of intellectual property, work processes and methods, executive procedures, databases, communication and information infrastructure. Employee relations and leadership activities become pivotal in this context, as improving relational competence and intra-organizational relational capital can foster building lasting relationships with external stakeholders. This book comprises two parts. The first is devoted to discussing the most important concepts and issues related to the essence and importance of relational capital in modern companies, characterizing methods and tools for building relational capital, while pointing to the role of leadership in shaping employee engagement and building intra-organizational relationships. The second part contains the results of empirical research on the importance of relational capital in organizations from the point of view of managers, and the features and scope of maintained relationships with stakeholders. This research allowed for the evaluation of ongoing relationships in terms of how they improved innovation, financial performance, or access to resources. The book will be especially valuable to researchers, academics, professionals and advanced students in the fields of organizational studies, employment relations and leadership.

Relational Coaching

by Erik De Haan Sue Stewart

Manfred Kets de Vries, Professor of Leadership Development, INSEAD: "The author takes us on an exciting journey to explain what coaching is all about, providing us with a roadmap that is second to none. Anyone interested in better understanding what coaching is all about, would do well to have a serious look at this book."David Megginson, Professor of Human Resources Development, Sheffield Hallam University:"From a vivid personal story just before the first chapter to the fascinating mass of data in the appendices, this book is a captivating read about the concrete particulars of coaching and the theoretical perspectives we can use to make sense of them. Erik de Haan makes a case for relational coaching and prescribes clearly what his research and the tradition within which it is embedded can tell practitioners in the field."Bruce E. Wampold, Professor of Counseling Psychology, University of Wisconsin:"I am thrilled that there is a coaching book that emphasizes the coachee and the relationship. In Relational Coaching, Erik de Haan places the emerging profession on a strong foundation that emphasizes the interpersonal aspects of the endeavour."Relational Coaching is a radically different way of looking at coaching that puts the relationship, from the perspective of the coachee, at the centre. Exploring both age-old tradition and reliable studies in recent decades, Relational Coaching gives the modern executive coach ten commandments to help improve his or her practice. The book demonstrates how each of these commandments is underpinned by sound quantitative research.The book begins by giving a complete overview of the profession and the latest developments in coaching. The second part of the book presents new quantitative and qualitative research into effects and experiences of coaching. Part three contains an introduction to the activities that make a good coach and the mechanisms used to verify coaches' understanding of their profession. Other topics covered include training, accreditation, supervision and recommended literature.

Relational Economics: A Political Economy (Relational Economics and Organization Governance)

by Josef Wieland

This book introduces the research agenda of relational economics as a political economy for the governance of local and global economic transactions in modern societies. It analyses the mechanisms of global value creation and production networks by studying cooperation in intra- and inter-firm networks, intersectoral stakeholder management, and transcultural leadership. The author develops a categorical taxonomy for private and public value creation based on the effective and efficient interlinking of, and interaction between, a range of resources and abilities. In contrast to mainstream economics, which largely focuses on the laws of discrete and dyadic exchange transactions, this book assesses the polyvalent characteristics of relational transactions. The chief categories involved in an economic theory of the relations between events are the relational transactions and their various forms of governance; the polycontextual cooperation between economic, political and civil society agents; and the factor incomes and relational rents that relational transactions produce. Today, relational transactions are the rule, not the exception, in modern economies and their global value creation networks. Given its scope and focus, this book will appeal to scholars of economics, economic sociology, organisational studies and related fields.

Relational Feedback: Why Feedback Fails and How to Make It Meaningful

by Lise Lewis

People are increasingly disenchanted with performance improvement techniques that fail to deliver. This book offers a new and refreshing way of engaging in authentic feedback that is willingly given and well-received. It demonstrates that focusing on the quality of relationship improves the activity of feedback. The Relational Leadership WAY© that is the core of this book was created from a thematic analysis of a doctoral research study. The framework encourages effective relationships and works through perfecting a ‘way of being’ that is generative and productive in interactions with others; especially in feedback conversations, whether we are the giver or the receiver. The 10 themes integral to the framework are organised into 3 parts that relate to pivotal points in a conversation and that when given focused attention will improve relationships: What needs preparing to establish relationships that stimulate constructive conversations Active engagement in co-creating generative conversations through adopting relational behaviours You both noticing and reacting to what emerges and impacts on sustaining the quality of the relationship. This book will appeal to those seeking an innovative approach to performance management and who welcome a reprieve from the relentless pursuit of a universal feedback tool. It is essential reading for: Business managers and leaders expected to motivate teams to become high performing work units Organisational and independent coaches, mentors and practice supervisors developing trust by building effective relationships that encourage disclosure through engaging and authentic feedback Managers, leaders, HR and OD specialists to use as a business text for performance management programmes Training organisations to use as a core text for delegates.

Relational Leadership: Theory, Practice and Development

by Nicholas Clarke

The traditional idea of leadership as being about the solo, heroic leader has now run its course. A new way of thinking about leadership is now needed to address major challenges such as achieving greater social responsibility, enhancing leadership capacity and recognising the importance of context as affecting how leadership occurs. Relational leadership offers a new perspective of leadership that addresses these challenges. At its core, relational leadership recognises leadership as centred in the relationships that form between both formal and informal leaders and those that follow them, far more so than the personality or behaviours of individual leaders. This book introduces readers to the most up-to-date research in this area and the differing theoretical perspectives that can help us better understand leadership as a relational phenomenon. Important characteristics of effective leadership relationships such as trust, respect and mutuality are discussed, focusing on how they develop and how they bring about leadership effects. Specific forms of relational leadership such as shared leadership, responsible leadership, global team leadership and complexity leadership are addressed in subsequent chapters. The book is the first to examine recent ideas about how these new forms of relational leadership are put into practice as well as techniques, tools and strategies available to organisations to help do so. The inclusion of three detailed case studies is specifically designed to help readers understand many of the key concepts covered in the book, with key learning points emphasised. The book offers an excellent summary of the state-of-the-art topics in this new and exciting field of relational leadership.

The Relational Lens

by John Ashcroft Roy Childs Alison Myers Michael Schluter

Drawing on the authors' combined years of experience in both private and public-sector organisations, this practical book highlights the importance of relationship building between individuals, groups and organisations in diverse contexts. It will make a valuable read for business professionals and graduate students in fields as varied as change management, leadership, organisational psychology, and organisational behaviour. Employing the Relational Proximity® framework, it provides tools for informing assessment of the relational impact of policy and management decisions, enabling evaluation of organisational relationships, providing a language for constructive discussion of strained relationships, and integrating a range of models and perspectives within one process. Using real-world case studies and models, the conditions within which people are more likely to form and conduct effective relationships are also examined. This combined approach provides the language and concepts to enable constructive discussion and actionable solutions in building trust and sustainable value.

Relational Perspectives on Leading

by Mette Vinther Larsen Jørgen Gulddahl Rasmussen

Relational Perspectives on Leading discusses leadership from a relational and social constructionism perspective as practiced on an everyday basis between people. The book pursues a fast growing, practice-based approach - particularly within the Anglo-Saxon parts of the world - to organization studies and organizational phenomena. This approach allows more micro-oriented and incremental aspects of organizational practices to be explored. Key concepts explored within this perspective revolve around plurality, emergence, interpretation, communication, meaning, linguistic turn, practice, coincidence, in-situ, co-construction and the ability to construct new ways to move forward in relation with other. The authors analyse these concepts by integrating theory and practice in concrete organizational examples.

Relational Research and Organisation Studies (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

by Lone Hersted Charlotte Øland Madsen Mette Vinther Larsen Jørgen Gulddahl Rasmussen

This volume lays out a variety of ways of engaging in research projects focused on exploring the everyday relational practices of organizing and leading is presented. The main focus is through elaborate examples from the author’s own research to further the understanding of how it is possible to carry out relational constructionist research inquiries. The book presents a series of examples ranging from conversations with top-managers, relational action learning processes in management groups, polyphonic inquiries for project management teams, transformative roleplaying in organizations, analyzing organizational dialoguing, and polyphonic future-forming ways of writing up research. Relational Research and Organisation Studies does not only present and discuss guidelines for practice at a onto-epistemological level but also presents and discusses concrete cases of research projects building on relational constructionist ideas. Furthermore, excerpts of data are presented and analyzed in order to explain the co-constructed processes of the inquiries more in detail. Relational Research and Organisation Studies invites the reader into the process of planning and carrying out relational constructionist research inquiries. Based on the authors own experiences, it inspires readers to develop their own relational inquiries within the field of organizing.

Relational Team Coaching

by Erik De Haan Dorothee Stoffels

Relational Team Coaching is a state-of-the-art reference book detailing what makes team coaching effective, with a focus on being able to work at a relational level within the here and now, about what is going on in the present in the team and between the team and the coach. The scope of the book is comprehensive, exploring challenging and topical issues. Part A presents an introduction to team coaching and to a relational, integrative approach to team coaching, providing access to all relevant background, research and case studies of team coaching in action. Part B deepens how this relational philosophy looks in practice and what it means for choices and working methodology of the team coach. Part C, finally, explores how the team coach can step up to face or address the more challenging or professional aspects of practice (e.g., of contracting, diversity and inclusion, and the shadow side of boards). This book is an essential guide to relational-based effectiveness in team coaching. It will be a key text for all coaching practitioners, including those in training.

The Relational View of Economics: A New Research Agenda for the Study of Relational Transactions (Relational Economics and Organization Governance)

by Josef Wieland Lucio Biggiero Derick De Jongh Birger Priddat Adrian Zicari Dominik Fischer

This book contributes to the development of a relational view of economics. Bringing together experts from various disciplines, it offers an interdisciplinary perspective on the study of relational transactions. In contrast to discrete market transactions as a traditional subject of economic discourse, the book analyses the role of relational transactions in the study of economic phenomena. The contributing authors address topics such as global intra- and inter-company networks, intersectoral stakeholder management, relational contracts, and transcultural management approaches. Accordingly, the book makes an important contribution to an emerging field of research.

A Relational View on Cultural Complexity: Implications for Theory and Practice (Relational Economics and Organization Governance)

by Julika Baumann Montecinos Tobias Grünfelder Josef Wieland

This book explores the conceptual and practical implications of applying a relational view to cultural complexity. The authors take the findings of an international and interdisciplinary Delphi study on transcultural competence as a starting point and offer further analysis and interpretation from their specific perspectives. Written by experts from a variety of disciplines, the book discusses the potential contributions of a relational approach to understanding and strengthening individuals and organizations in their contexts. Through various conceptual chapters, case studies and field reports, it explores the role and nature of commonalities for cooperation in contexts of cultural complexity and discusses the relationship between differences and commonalities, as well as the implications for relational leadership and management. The book is divided into four parts, the first of which introduces readers to the relational view. In turn, the second part elaborates on transcultural competence, while the third presents various case studies and field reports on experience-based learning and relationality in culturally complex settings. Finally, the fourth part sheds new light on relational leadership and the role of commonalities in organizational practice. As such, this book will appeal to scholars and practitioners in the areas of cultural and relational economics, intercultural communication, business strategy and leadership, and organizational studies.

Relationality: How Moving from Transactional to Transformational Relationships Can Reshape Our Lonely World

by David Jay

For readers of Together and The Art of GatheringHow moving from transactional to transformational relationships and organizations can save our democracy, nurture our connections, and make us happier and healthier.Powerful institutions, from schools to tech and social media companies, create breeding grounds for isolation by failing to invest in relational work. This obstacle stands in the way of our fight for racial equity, economic justice, and climate resilience.In Relationality, leading asexuality and relationship activist David Jay brings clarity to the crisis with a fresh perspective that expands upon the fundamental idea that all entities in the universe are connected. Jay draws from a range of vivid personal experiences, including his time spent helping tech workers and policymakers reform social media.This book is for people who believe in the power of relationships and want to see increased investment in relational work. Its scientifically grounded framework will help readers foster conversations about relational work, establish conditions for relationships to thrive, and quantify the impact of them.Equipping professionals and activists involved in nonprofit, political, and other types of relational work with the knowledge they need to fight for and utilize resources, Relationality shares valuable insight on: The history of why institutions fail to invest in relationships Reimagining ROI calculations to account for relational workUsing tools of prediction and emergence theory to build communitiesHow stories and data about relationships can help us direct resources toward relational workRelational economics and the redistribution of wealthWith isolation and loneliness on the rise in a post-lockdown world, Relationality offers a roadmap to nourish our connections toward a better, more liberated world—personally, organizationally, and in community.

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