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Richard M. Nixon and European Integration: A Reappraisal

by Hang Thi Thuy Nguyen Joseph M. Siracusa

This book re-examines the Nixon administration’s attitude and approach to the European integration project. The formulation of US policy towards European integration in the Nixon presidential years (1969-1974) was conditioned by the perceived relative decline of the United States, Western European emergence and competition, the feared Communist expansionism, and US national interests. Against that backdrop, the Nixon administration saw the need to re-evaluate its policy on Western Europe and the integration process on this continent. Underpinning this study is the extensive use of newly-released archival materials from the Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, the Library of Congress, and the State Department. Furthermore, the work is based on the public papers in the American Presidency Project and the materials on the topic of European integration and unification in the Archive of European Integration. Finally, the study has extensively used newspaper archives as well as the declassified online documents, memoirs and diaries of former US officials. Mining these sources made it possible to shed new light on the complexity and dynamism of the Nixon administration’s policy towards European integration.

Richard Oliva

by Thomas J. Delong Leslie A. Perlow

Presents profiles written by six members of the HBS Class of 1976 from the 10th and 20th reunions. The six alumni represent a cross section of the class of 1976 and provide a snapshot of life at the time of the reunions.

Richard Pratt: The Secrets Of An Australian Billionaire

by Myer

Richard Pratt was one of Australia's most successful, formidable and charismatic businessmen. Yet for all this he was unfailingly human, his life playing out like a drama even after the final act. Self-made billionaire, family man, generous philanthropist, patron of the arts and Carlton Football Club saviour were just a few of Pratt's many guises, and in this compelling biography the truth behind the headlines is revealed. The twists and turns of Pratt's life are chronicled with candour -- from humble beginnings in Poland to the heights of global business success tainted by the humiliating price-fixing scandal that earned Visy the largest corporate fine in Australia's history. Pratt's many achievements and controversies polarised public opinion but made him one of Australia's most enigmatic public figures. Though his legacy is debatable, no-one can deny that Richard Pratt was . . . one out of the box.

Richard T. Ely's Critique of Capitalism

by Luigi Bradizza

This book examines the work and thought of Richard T. Ely in light of his rejection of capitalism and view toward individualism. It concludes that there are real problems with Ely's theories and the principles of Progressivism, and addresses the implications of this for current American political thought.

Richard Taylor - African-American Investors Break into Boston's Downtown Real Estate Market

by Alyssa Haywoode Steven S. Rogers

How Richard Taylor, an African-American real estate developer, created an opportunity for African Americans to invest in a downtown Boston deal to build a major hotel.

Richardson Sheffield

by Ashish Nanda Christopher A. Bartlett

The case traces Bryan Upton's 20-plus years as managing director of a Sheffield-based cutlery company and describes the strategic and organizational actions he took to raise sales and earnings at more than 25% annually, even as the local industry was in steep decline. After outlining how the U.K. cutlery industry has evolved, the case describes the major changes introduced by Upton and his mentor Jerry Hahn in Richardson Sheffield to upgrade production technology, innovate the product line, and instill customer orientation. The case focuses on the impact of Upton's controversial approach to human resource management in general and to management selection and development in particular on the organizational climate at the firm. The case closes by identifying some major changes that threaten Richardson Sheffield. In 1986, Hahn's ownership position is sold to an Australian industrial company with a different operating style and different strategic objectives for Richardson Sheffield. Top management is also undergoing a transition, with Upton gradually moving aside and outsiders being introduced. Finally, the approaching 1992 EC market harmonization presents new competitive challenges and market opportunities.

Richardson-Vicks--1985 (A)

by Kevin F. Rock

Considers the predicament of Richardson-Vicks in 1985. After 80 years of growth and independence, the company is the object of takeover rumors. The objective is to determine why these difficulties have arisen and what, if anything, Richardson-Vicks can do about them.

Richardson-Vicks--1985 (B)

by Kevin F. Rock

Considers takeover defenses erected by Richardson-Vicks. The objective is to determine whether these defenses can by breached by a determined suitor, like Unilever.

The Richer Sex: How the New Majority of Female Breadwinners Is Transforming Sex, Love and Family

by Liza Mundy

A REVOLUTION IS UNDER WAY. Within a generation, more households will be supported by women than by men. In The Richer Sex, Liza Mundy takes us to the exciting frontier of this new economic order: she shows us why this flip is inevitable, what surprising adjustments will have to be made along the way, and how both men and women will feel surprisingly liberated in the end. The bestselling author and Washington Post writer goes deep inside the lives of the couples on this cutting edge to paint a picture of how dating, marriage, and home life are changing. How does this new generation of breadwomen navigate paying for a night on the town? In whose interest is it to delay commitment? Are men for the first time thinking of marriage the way women used to--as a bet on the economic potential of a spouse? In this new world of men marrying up, are women learning to value new realms of male endeavor--like parenting, protection, and a margarita at the ready? The future is here, with couples today debating who must assume the responsibility of primary earner and who gets the freedom to be on the slow track. As more men choose to stay home, that lifestyle has gained a higher status, and males have found ways to retain their masculinity. And the revolution is global: Mundy takes us from Japan to Denmark to show how both sexes are adapting as the marriage market has turned into a giant free-for-all, with men and women at different stages of this transformation finding partners in other countries who match their expectations. The Richer Sex is a wild ride into the future, grounded in Mundy's peerless journalism, and bound to cause women and men of all generations to rethink what this social upheaval will mean. the least effective and desirable fantasy to hang on to. As Stossel says, "It's not about electing the right people. It's about narrowing responsibilities." No, They Can't is an irrefutable first step toward that goal.

The Richer Way: How to Get the Best Out of People

by Julian Richer

In 1978 Julian Richer, then aged just nineteen, opened his first shop near London Bridge. For over twenty years this shop has been listed in the Guinness Book of Records as having the highest sales per square foot of any retail outlet in the world, and the company as a whole, with its fifty-three stores nationwide and huge online presence, has become Britain’s favourite retailer of TV and hi-fi equipment. What lies behind this extraordinary success?For Julian, the answer is simple: throughout his career he has focussed relentlessly on putting people – both staff and customers – right at the centre of his business. And in The Richer Way, he offers a supremely practical guide to how others can follow suit. He explains how to motivate employees and measure their progress. He establishes how to balance company discipline with individual autonomy. He explores what ‘customer service’ should really involve. Above all, he points the way to creating an open, friendly and flexible culture that will not only attract the best people but also offer the greatest chance of business success. Packed with straightforward, common-sense advice, The Richer Way will prove essential reading for all organisations, whatever their nature and size.

Richer, Wiser, Happier: How the World's Greatest Investors Win in Markets and Life

by William Green

From a renowned financial journalist who has written for Time, Fortune, Forbes, and The New Yorker, a fresh and unexpectedly profound book that draws on hundreds of hours of exclusive interviews with many of the world&’s super-investors to demonstrate that the keys for building wealth hold other life lessons as well. Billionaire investors. If we think of them, it&’s with a mixture of awe and suspicion. Clearly, they possess a kind of genius—the proverbial Midas Touch. But are the skills they possess transferable? And do they have anything to teach us besides making money? In Richer, Wiser, Happier, William Green draws on interviews that he&’s conducted over twenty-five years with many of the world&’s greatest investors. As he discovered, their talents extend well beyond the financial realm. The most successful investors are mavericks and iconoclasts who question conventional wisdom and profit vastly from their ability to think more rationally, rigorously, and objectively. They are master game players who consciously maximize their odds of long-term success in markets and life, while also minimizing any risk of catastrophe. They draw powerful insights from many different fields, are remarkably intuitive about trends, practice fanatical discipline, and have developed a high tolerance for pain. As Green explains, the best investors can teach us not only how to become rich, but how to improve the way we think, reach decisions, assess risk, avoid costly errors, build resilience, and turn uncertainty to our advantage. Green ushers us into the lives of more than forty super-investors, visiting them in their offices, homes, and even their places of worship—all to share what they have to teach us. Richer, Wiser, Happier brings together the thinking of many of the greatest investment minds, from Sir John Templeton to Charlie Munger, Jack Bogle to Ed Thorp, Will Danoff to Mohnish Pabrai, Bill Miller to Laura Geritz, Joel Greenblatt to Howard Marks. In explaining how they think and why they win, this landmark book provides gems of insight that will enrich you not only financially but also professionally and personally.

Richer, Wiser, Happier: How the World's Greatest Investors Win in Markets and Life

by William Green

Billionaire investors. If we think of them, it's with a mixture of awe and suspicion. Clearly, they possess a kind of genius - the proverbial Midas Touch. But are the skills they possess transferable? And would we really want to be them? Do they have anything to teach us besides making money?In Richer, Wiser, Happier, award-winning journalist William Green has spent nearly twenty-five years interviewing these investing wizards and discovered that their talents expand well beyond the financial realm and into practical philosophy.Green ushers us into the lives of more than forty of the world's super-investors, visiting them in their offices, vacation homes, and even their places of worship - all to share what they have to teach us. Green brings together the thinking of some of the best investors, from Warren Buffet to Howard Marks to John Templeton, and provides gems of insight that will enrich you not only financially but also professionally and personally.

Riches in Real Estate: Have, Be, and Do Everything You Want

by Jarett B. Shaffer Susan S. Shaffer

Riches in Real Estate fills in the missing pieces that leads to real estate agents finally realizing all the dreams they had for their careers when they set out.Many real estate agents begin their careers with excitement and passion. Then the struggle sets in: long hours, low pay, and programs that promise leads but don&’t pay off. Jarett Shaffer, Hampton Road&’s #1 life coach and business strategist, and Susan Shaffer, a real estate leader with thirty years of experience, bring real estate agents seven steps to lasting wealth, personal happiness, and freedom from fear and worry. In Riches in Real Estate, real estate agents find a systematic plan to get off the real estate hamster wheel, turn around an underperforming real estate business, and finally make real estate the gateway to the life of their dreams.

The Riches of This Land: The Untold, True Story of America's Middle Class

by Jim Tankersley

Vivid character-driven narrative, fused with important new economic and political reporting and research, that busts the myths about middle class decline and points the way to its revival. For over a decade, Jim Tankersley has been on a journey to understand what the hell happened to the world's greatest middle-class success story -- the post-World-War-II boom that faded into decades of stagnation and frustration for American workers. In The Riches of This Land, Tankersley fuses the story of forgotten Americans-- struggling women and men who he met on his journey into the travails of the middle class-- with important new economic and political research, providing fresh understanding how to create a more widespread prosperity. He begins by unraveling the real mystery of the American economy since the 1970s - not where did the jobs go, but why haven't new and better ones been created to replace them.His analysis begins with the revelation that women and minorities played a far more crucial role in building the post-war middle class than today's politicians typically acknowledge, and policies that have done nothing to address the structural shifts of the American economy have enabled a privileged few to capture nearly all the benefits of America's growing prosperity. Meanwhile, the "angry white men of Ohio" have been sold by Trump and his ilk a theory of the economy that is dangerously backward, one that pits them against immigrants, minorities, and women who should be their allies.At the culmination of his journey, Tankersley lays out specific policy prescriptions and social undertakings that can begin moving the needle in the effort to make new and better jobs appear. By fostering an economy that opens new pathways for all workers to reach their full potential -- men and women, immigrant or native-born, regardless of race -- America can once again restore the upward flow of talent that can power growth and prosperity.

Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful

by Mark D. Mathews

In the book of Revelation, John appeals to the faithful to avoid the temptations of wealth, which he connects with evil and disobedience within secular society. New Testament scholars have traditionally viewed his somewhat radical stance as a reaction to the social injustices and idolatry of the imperial Roman cults of the day. Mark D. Mathews argues that John's rejection of affluence was instead shaped by ideas in the Jewish literature of the Second Temple period which associated the rich with the wicked and viewed the poor as the righteous. Mathews explores how traditions preserved in the Epistle of Enoch and later Enochic texts played a formative role in shaping John's theological perspective. This book will be of interest to those researching poverty and wealth in early Christian communities and the relationship between the traditions preserved in the Dead Sea Scrolls and New Testament.

Riches Within Your Reach

by Robert Collier

Trusted and beloved by readers everywhere for his prosperity classic The Secret of the Ages, Robert Collier takes the next step in Riches Within Your Reach! and explains how to harness mental visualization to achieve financial and professional success. "A definite purpose, held on to in the face of every discouragement and failure, in spite of all obstacles and opposition, will win no matter what the odds," wrote Robert Collier. And with faith in your own definite purpose, taught the self-help master, there is no limit to what you can accomplish. In every adversity, there lies the seed of an equivalent advantage, and in each defeat, there is a lesson in how to achieve victory next time. This is the message of Riches Within Your Reach! In 1947, Collier produced Riches Within Your Reach! to assemble his most talked-about works into one simple guide. It features: The God in You (1937); The Magic Word (1940); The Secret of Power (1945); and The Law of Higher Potential (1947). Together, these pioneering works reveal all facets of one powerful secret: Human beings, since the dawn of history, have used the applied principles of mental visualization to achieve their aims. Many of the world's most successful figures -from Napoleon Bonaparte to Benjamin Franklin to Andrew Carnegie-began their lives at a significant disadvantage, without the wealth or health that many of their peers enjoyed. Yet they were able to triumph and succeed in ways that their contemporaries weren't-by tapping into the infinite power of their own minds. Riches Within Your Reach! not only builds upon this teaching but illuminates Collier's most remarkable lesson ever: that each of us has an equal chance to harness the powers within ourselves to succeed, but first, we must learn how to focus our desires.

The Richest Kids in America: How They Earn It, How They Spend It, How You Can Too

by Mark Victor Hansen

Get ready to meet some amazing entrepreneurial superstars who are living their dreams and making a big difference doing it. They’ve shared their stories to inspire you, teach you, and show you that your own opportunities are endless. How did they discover their passion? What were their first steps to building their business? Who supported them along the way? Why do they all choose to give back to their community? In this book you’ll learn the key principles that catapulted each of these incredible young entrepreneurs to success and how these same principles will lead you to a life of ultimate fulfillment.

The Richest Man in Babylon: The Success Secrets of the Ancients

by George C. Clason

Countless readers have been helped by the famous "Babylonian parables," hailed as the greatest of all inspirational works on the subject of thrift, financial planning, and personal wealth. <p><p> In language as simple as that found in the Bible, these fascinating and informative stories set you on a sure path to prosperity and its accompanying joys. Acclaimed as a modern-day classic, this celebrated bestseller offers an understanding of--and a solution to--your personal financial problems that will guide you through a lifetime. This is the business book that holds the secrets to keeping your money--and making more. <p><p> May they prove for you, as they have proven for millions of others, a sure key to gratifying financial progress.

The Richest Man in Babylon

by George S. Clason Margaret Drabble

Countless readers have been helped by the famous 'Babylonian parables', hailed as the greatest of all inspirational works on the subject of thrift, financial planning and personal wealth. In simple language, these fascinating and informative stories will set readers on a sure path to prosperity and its accompanying joys.

The Richest Man in Babylon: With Study Guide (Deluxe Special Edition)

by George S. Clason Theresa Puskar

The Richest Man in Babylon, is a classic, insightful, financial, motivational guide that has lead many generations to monetary and personal success.This deluxe edition of this classic work, includes a 21st century study guide filled with practices and exercises that will help you be all that you are capable of, as you fill your conscious and subconscious mind, heart, and soul, with positive energy and life-enhancing ideas. Start your journey of self-discovery and be on your way to accumulating all of the riches that you desire.Learn how to acquire money, keep it, and put it to work to make even more money. It's one of the bestselling financial books of all time, having sold millions of copies, and now you can put it to work for you!

The Richest Man in the World: The Story of Adnan Khashoggi

by Ronald Kessler

New York Times bestselling author and award-winning reporter Ronald Kessler goes inside the infamously lavish life of billionaire Adnan Khashoggi, once the richest man in the world.He made more money - and more quickly - than anyone in history. And he spent it at a dizzying clip of $330,000 a day, every day of the year. He was Adnan Mohamed Khashoggi, a Saudi Arabian middleman who started out with nothing and in twenty-five years parlayed his connections to the Saudi royal family and genius at dealing with people into a fortune of colossal proportions. Khashoggi's American Express bill often exceeded $1 million. When he felt like having spaghetti, he flew to Venice for dinner on one of his three commercial-size airplanes. One of his luxury yachts, the 282-foot Nabila, was considered the most opulent modern yacht afloat and was borrowed for a James Bond movie. This remarkable book is a rare glimpse into a life of opulence beyond most people's wildest imaginings - a compelling closeup of a complex and driven man who has explored the outer reaches of success, power, and all that money can buy.

The Richest Man in Town: The Twelve Commandments of Wealth

by Randall Jones

<p>Secretly, if not overtly, almost everyone in America desires to become rich: to make it big, to enjoy the fruits of the most successful life imaginable. But unfortunately, most of us don't have a clue how to reach these all too elusive goals. Quite simply, there's no definitive road map for getting there, no proven plan, and certainly very little access to those who have become "the richest man in town." <p>But now W. Randall Jones, the founder of <i>Worth</i> magazine, is about to change all that. He's traveled to one hundred different towns and cities across the country and interviewed the wealthiest resident in each. No, these are not those folks who inherited their wealth, or happen to be a CEO of a <i>Fortune</i> 500 company. Rather, these are the self-made types who, through hard work and ingenuity, found their own individual paths to financial success. <p>Remarkably, during his research, Jones found that these successful people were not so different from one another. They all shared many of the same traits and followed what the author calls the Twelve Commandments of Wealth: <p> <li>stay hungry (even when you're successful) <li>you really do learn more from failing than you may think <li>absolutely be your own boss, the sooner the better <li>understand that selling is the key to success <li>where you live doesn't matter <li>never retire, and other, more surprising revelations.</li> <p> <p>Practical, unique, and inspiring, this book lets you peek inside the living rooms of dozens of America's most successful people-and shows how you, too, can become THE RICHEST MAN IN TOWN.</p>

The Richest Man Who Ever Lived: King Solomon's Secrets to Success, Wealth, and Happiness

by Steven K. Scott

After Steven Scott flunked out of six jobs in his first four years after college, his best friend, Gary Smalley, offered one simple suggestion that would transform his life: study a chapter in Proverbs every day. Two years later, using the amazing strategies he gleaned from Solomon, Scott started a small company with a partner. Within six months their business was making over a million dollars a week. In the years since they have built more than a dozen multimillion-dollar companies. In addition, by applying the wisdom of Proverbs to his personal life, Scott restored his relationship with his estranged wife.In this life-changing book, Scott reveals Solomon's hidden treasures-often-overlooked wisdom for achieving breakthrough success in one's work, health, marriage, and relationship with God. Readers will discover how to...·master life's most important skill·achieve extraordinary success in business, finance, and marriage·resolve and win any conflict·overcome the most destructive force in relationships·prevent the single greatest cause of financial lossThe Richest Man Who Ever Lived powerfully and practically equips readers to apply Solomon's inspired wisdom to accomplish their business, relational, and spiritual purposes.From the Hardcover edition.

The Richest Man Who Ever Lived: The Life and Times of Jacob Fugger

by Greg Steinmetz

The life and times of the wealthiest man who ever lived--Jacob Fugger--the Renaissance banker who revolutionized the art of making money and established the radical idea of pursuing wealth for its own sake.Jacob Fugger lived in Germany at the turn of the sixteenth century, the grandson of a peasant. By the time he died, his fortune amounted to nearly two percent of European GDP. Not even John D. Rockefeller had that kind of wealth. Most people become rich by spotting opportunities, pioneering new technologies, or besting opponents in negotiations. Fugger did all that, but he had an extra quality that allowed him to rise even higher: nerve. In an era when kings had unlimited power, Fugger had the nerve to stare down heads of state and ask them to pay back their loans--with interest. It was this coolness and self-assurance, along with his inexhaustible ambition, that made him not only the richest man ever, but a force of history as well. Before Fugger came along it was illegal under church law to charge interest on loans, but he got the Pope to change that. He also helped trigger the Reformation and likely funded Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe. His creation of a news service, which gave him an information edge over his rivals and customers, earned Fugger a footnote in the history of journalism. And he took Austria's Habsburg family from being second-tier sovereigns to rulers of the first empire where the sun never set. The ultimate untold story, The Richest Man Who Ever Lived is more than a tale about the richest and most influential businessman of all time. It is a story about palace intrigue, knights in battle, family tragedy and triumph, and a violent clash between the 1 percent and everybody else. To understand our financial system and how we got it, it pays to understand Jacob Fugger.

The Richest Woman in America: Hetty Green in the Gilded Age

by Janet Wallach

A captivating biography of America's first female tycoon, Hetty Green, the iconoclast who forged one of the greatest fortunes of her time. No woman in the Gilded Age made as much money as Hetty Green. At the time of her death in 1916, she was worth at least 100 million dollars, equal to more than 2 billion dollars today. A strong believer in women being financially independent, she offered valuable lessons for the present times. Abandoned at birth by her neurotic mother, scorned by her misogynist father, Hetty set out as a child to prove her value. Following the simple rules of her wealthy Quaker father, she successfully invested her money and along the way proved to herself that she was wealthy and therefore worthy. Never losing faith in America's potential, she ignored the herd mentality and took advantage of financial panics and crises. When everyone else was selling, she bought railroads, real estate, and government bonds. And when everyone was buying and borrowing, she put her money into cash and earned safe returns on her dollars. Men mocked her and women scoffed at her frugal ways, but she turned her back and piled up her earnings, amassing a fortune that supported businesses, churches, municipalities, and even the city of New York itself. She relished a challenge. When her aunt died and did not leave Hetty the fortune she expected, she plunged into a groundbreaking lawsuit that still resonates in law schools and courts. When her husband defied her and sank her money on his own risky interests, she threw him out and, marching down to Wall Street, quickly made up the loss. Her independence, outspokenness, and disdain for the upper crust earned her a reputation for harshness that endured for decades. Newspapers kept her in the headlines, linking her name with witches and miscreants. Yet those who knew her admired her warmth, her wisdom, and her wit. Set during a period of financial crisis strikingly similar to our current one, acclaimed author Janet Wallach's engrossing exploration of a fascinating life revives a rarely-mentioned queen of American finance.

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