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5S Office: Participant Workbook
by ENNAVersion 2 of Enna's 5S Office Workbook is designed to be used during the Office 5S Workshop. This product focuses around the terms Sort, Set In Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. This workbook allows the participant to systematically follow the workshop presentation and will serve as a continued reference long after training and the workshop are finished.
5S Office Version 1 Facilitator Guide
by ENNAEnna's 5S Office Facilitator Guide is designed with the worker in mind and to allow for the performance of the workshop away from the shop floor. When it comes to managing sustainable change within your organization, effective communication and training are paramount. The key to sustainable success in a Office 5S program is having the ability to train and conduct workshops internally. For this to take place, internal trainers require a practical and information rich guide to maximize their efforts.
5S Office Version 1 Participant Workbook: Participant Workbook
by ENNAThe 5S Office Participant Workbook is to be used during the implementation of a 5S Office Workshop. This workbook will be used by the participant to follow along with the presentation and as a reference during the workshop as it answers key questions. The workbook should be retained for continued reference long after training is finished.
5S para todos: 5 pilares de la fabrica visual
by Hiroyuki HiranoLas 5S son el lugar de comienzo para cualquier actividad o programa de mejora en su lugar de trabajo. Aqui esta la clave del exito para cualquier proceso de cambio que quiera usted implementar en la fabricaci?n. Este libro le ayuda a ensenarle a sus operarios las bases de las 5S: organizar,ordenar, asear, limpieza rutinaria y disciplina. Incluye ilustraciones, gu?as de pgina, resumenes, preguntas y respuestas para asegurar asimilacion de los conceptos.
The 5S Playbook: A Step-by-Step Guideline for the Lean Practitioner (The LEAN Playbook Series)
by Chris A. OrtizThis new book in The LEAN Playbook Series supplies step-by-step guidelines on how to properly implement 5S (Sort, Set in Order, Scrub, Standardize, Sustain) and the visual workplace. This book is ideal for Lean practitioners and facilitators looking for a training tool and a guideline that can be used to facilitate successful 5S kaizen events. This playbook includes color images from actual 5S implementations. In addition to the images, a combination of short paragraphs and bulleted descriptions walk you through each step of effective 5S implementation.
The 5S Pocket Guide
by Roland Smith James PetersonThe 5s Pocket Guide is designed to enhance awareness of the principles behind the 5s System and identify its impact on improving efficiency and promoting a safe working environment. Using a condensed format, it outlines a disciplined methodology for implementing 5s, organized around a six-step method. The six step method: Planning a course of action Educating the work group Evaluating the work area Initiating the 5S's Measuring the results Maintaining 5S activities The innumerable benefits of the 5s System include shorter cycle times, increased floor space, reduced lead times and training cycles, lowered accident rates, enhanced communication, and less inventory. By employing this handy resource, organizations can more easily build employee awareness of 5s throughout their plants, leading to dramatic improvements in productivity, safety, and profitability.
5S Version 1 Facilitator Guide
by ENNAEnna's 5S Facilitator Guide is designed with the worker in mind and for performance of the workshop in-house. When it comes to managing sustainable change within your organization effective communication and training are paramount. The key to sustainable success in a 5S program is having the ability to train and conduct 5S workshops internally. For this to take place, internal trainers require a practical and information rich guide to maximize their efforts.
5S Version 1 Participant Workbook: Participant Workbook
by ENNAThe 5S Participant Workbook is to be used during the 5S Workshop. These workbooks allow participants to systematically follow the facilitator through the 5S presentation and workshop. This workbook will be personalized and retention of the book will allow for continued reference long after the training and workshop are finished.
5S Version 2 Facilitator Guide
by ENNAEnna's 5S V2 Facilitator Guide is designed for you to perform 5S workshops in-house. This product focuses on the terms Sort, Set In Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. It allows you to manage change within your organization, effectively communicate, and train staff. The key to sustainable success is having the ability to train and conduct 5S workshops internally. For this to take place, internal trainers require a practical and information rich guide to maximize their efforts.
5S Version 2 Participant Workbook: Participant Workbook
by ENNAThe 5S V2 Participant Workbook is designed to be used during the 5S Workshop. This product focuses around the terms Sort, Set In Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. This workbook allows the participant to systematically follow the workshop and will serve as a continued reference long after training and the workshop are finished.
5S Video Facilitator Guide
by Press ProductivityThis is the Facilitator's Guide to support team leaders in facilitating a 5S implementation team.This is usually sold with The 5S System: Workplace Organization and Standardization. This is for extra copies.
5S Video Participants Guide
by Press ProductivityThis is the Participant Guide that summarizes key concepts from the video, provides reflection exercises for internalizing information as well as worksheets and checksheets to guide participants during implementation work on the floor. This is usually sold with The 5S System: Workplace Organization and Standardization
5th EAI International Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)
by Lucia Knapčíková Dragan Peraković Annamária Behúnová Marko PerišaThe book presents the proceedings of the 5th EAI International Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems (MMS 2020), which took place online on October 27-29, 2020. The conference covers the management of manufacturing systems with support for Industry 4.0, logistics and intelligent manufacturing systems and applications, cooperation management, and its effective applications. Topics include RFID applications, economic impacts in logistics, ICT support for Industry 4.0, industrial and smart Logistics, intelligent manufacturing systems and applications, and much more. The topic is of interest to researchers, practitioners, students, and academics in manufacturing and communications engineering.
6 Building Blocks for Successful Innovation: How Entrepreneurial Leaders Design Innovative Futures
by Massimo Garbuio Moritz DresselInnovation is about ideas that make life better. But what does it really take to deliver innovative propositions? And what separates companies that drive their industries forward from those that simply talk the talk? This book takes you inside the minds of the world’s most effective innovators to answer these questions and more. In real stories from industries as diverse as healthcare, finance, technology, and telecommunications, business leaders reveal what it takes to bring new products and services to life. They weigh in on the big debates: how to design an innovative organization of diverse voices, how to protect and grow ideas so they succeed, and how to tune corporate radar to inspiration and turn the signals received into new value. An essential resource for leaders, aspiring leaders and students of entrepreneurship, business management, HRM, technology and innovation management, and design thinking, the book enables the reader to: Hear from leaders with direct responsibility for innovating in a wide range of industries and learn how they do it See how to structure for innovation, gain momentum inside an organization and use ideas to shift companies and industries Gain insight into what innovators look for when they sense the environment and learn to avoid common pitfalls and misconceptions that stop great ideas coming to life Approach innovation in a more balanced way with the 6 Building Blocks helping you prioritize execution and value delivery from inspiration to implementation
The 6% Club: Unlock the Secret to Achieving Any Goal and Thriving in Business and Life
by Michelle RozenLearn the steps to build better habits and join the ranks of changemakers and goal achievers everywhere In The 6% Club, The Change Doctor Michelle Rozen, PhD, teaches audiences and readers how to create and actually stick to new positive habits, unlocking the secret formula to the life, success, and happiness they've always dreamed of. The book was born from a recent study where Dr. Rozen surveyed 1,000 people who pledged to make a change in their lives, and, shockingly, only 6% had stuck to the change just a month later. Dr. Rozen's powerful, uplifting, and actionable methods have been tested on countless event attendees from all types of background for over a decade. In this book, readers will learn how to: Work out more, eat healthier, save more money, do better in business, or attain any other personal or professional goal Make changes solo, or with another individual like a friend or partner Stop making excuses, giving up, or putting it off—effortlessly Based on science and written by one of the most sought-after motivational speakers on leadership and change, The 6% Club earns a well-deserved spot on the bookshelves of all individuals looking to make lasting changes in their personal and professional lives.
Las 6 decisiones más importantes de tu vida
by Sean CoveyHay un momento crucial en que los jóvenes deben tomar decisiones que definirán para siempre el rumbo de sus vidas. Este nuevo libro de Sean Covey es la herramienta perfecta para que esas decisiones de tanta trascendencia sean las más acertadas. La mejor herencia que todos tenemos de la adolescencia es haber comprendido la vida como tarea. Es la etapa donde buscamos y tratamos de encontrar la verdad de los ideales que nos van a inspirar para construir un proyecto vital con ilusión y con ganas. Sean Covey magistralmente presenta en esta obra todos los retos, desafíos y decisiones que cada joven debe saber, elegir y tomar durante su juventud, especialmente en aquellos aspectos que aún no ha madurado suficientemente. Los más conocidos: la vida afectiva, la sexualidad, la autoestima, la capacidad de estudio y la responsabilidad en éste como en otros aspectos de la vida diaria; decir NO a las drogas y al alcohol y seguir practicando otras virtudes como la alegría y honestidad. Covey junto a su esposa son padres de seis hijos y tienen una gran pasión: apoyar a los jóvenes. En un tono chispeante y creativo les ayuda a fomentar ideales; promueve el desarrollo personal, los talentos y habilidades y la práctica de una vida sana. Este libro despierta todo el interés tanto de jóvenes como de padres porque es alentador saber que, pase lo que pase, el adolescente siempre tiene futuro. Las coloridas ilustraciones de gran sentido del humor dan carácter a esta excelente obra de Sean Covey, quien aprovechó las experiencias reales de jóvenes que lograron sobreponerse a las adversidades, mantuvieron sus decisiones y cosecharon frutos.
The 6 Enablers of Business Agility: How to Thrive in an Uncertain World
by Karim HarbottInstalling agile tools and practices won't be enough to respond to rapid market change unless you lay the groundwork with six key enabling factors, identified by the United Kingdom's leading agile consulting firm, Agile Centre. An ever-growing pile of frameworks and tools falsely offer an "easy route" to organizational agility. However, responding to rapid market change requires you alter so much more than just your way of working. Your work style is only one of six factors that the Agile Centre's research identifies as the key to success. From years of experience certifying people in agile leadership, product ownership, and scrum mastery, Karim Harbott has created a model that will help your organization achieve all six factors required for success: leadership, culture, structure, engagement, and governance as well as ways of working together. Drawing from Harbott's famous Business Agility Canvas, this book will help leaders get realistic about the scope of the changes needed in their organization and show them how to get started.
The 6-Minute Work Day: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Using the Power of Leverage to Create Abundance and Freedom
by Douglas VermeerenYou&’ve heard again and again that getting rich means working hard and being willing to put in long hours, often at the expense of everything else in your life.The 6-Minute Work Day is here to dispel that myth—and show you how to grow your income without wasting all your time and energy on work.So many financial gurus, business books, and corporate training seminars teach you to hustle, grind, work harder, start work early, and stay late to be able to move forward in your career—or even just make ends meet. But then you get that promotion or pay off that debt and the hustle starts again. And again. And again. The truth is, you don&’t need to put in more hours to make more money. In fact, you should put in less—specifically, six minutes. Douglas Vermeeren, an award-winning entrepreneur trainer, has distilled his proven advice into this book to help you cast off your workday, optimize your time and freedom, and dramatically increase your income. In The 6-Minute Work Day, Vermeeren breaks down: • Why we go to work—and why we don&’t need to do that to accomplish our goals • What we can really do in six minutes • How we can create and maintain a six-minute workday • How we can expand on the income streams that our six minutes have generated to gain even more wealthIf you want to ditch the daily grind and spend your time living instead of working while still making money, The 6-Minute Work Day is the straightforward, actionable guide you need.
Los 6 pasos del planeamiento estratégico
by Juan Gandolfo GahanEste libro está dirigido a todos los hombres y mujeres que sueñan con un futuro mejor y que están dispuestos a ser protagonistas de su propio destino. Como individuos, pero también como activos participantes en el desarrollo de las organizaciones empresarias y políticas en su ámbito de actividades. Espero que su contenido sea un aporte para ayudarlos a alcanzar las metas que se hayan propuesto. (Juan Gandolfo Gahan) Hoy más que nunca, el éxito de los individuos, las empresas y las naciones depende cada vez más de su capacidad para detectar los cambios y orientar su actividad en el sentido correcto. Las organizaciones -públicas o privadas, con o sin fines de lucro, grandes, medianas o pequeñas- que se destacan por sus resultados muestran un rasgo en común: todas orientan sus actividades mediante planes estratégicos cuidadosamente elaborados. A partir de una visión sobre la meta que desean alcanzar, analizan sus posibilidades y seleccionan y ponen en marcha las estrategias adecuadas para alcanzar sus objetivos. En este libro, el especialista Juan Gandolfo Gahan desarrolla los seis pasos que integran el planeamiento estratégico y lo convierten en una herramienta indispensable para conducir adecuadamente todo tipo de organizaciones y proyectos. En sus páginas, el lector encontrará un modelo accesible que combina los conceptos más actualizados en la materia con ejemplos sobre su aplicación, tomados de las experiencias más exitosas de los últimos años, como los casos de Irlanda o el gobierno del Estado Español y empresas como Ford, Toyota, Honda y General Electric, entre otras.
6 Principles to Retire Younger & Richer
by Daniel WalshBased on his own experience building significant wealth at a young age, author Daniel Walsh shares a unique wealth blueprint anyone can follow to retire younger and richer. In this book readers will discover six principles that will help them achieve their wealth-creation goals and dreams.Covering everything the author learned on his own journey, along with multiple real-life case studies from people – young and old – who have vastly improved their financial lives, this book will help you change your money mindset and stop negative self-talk, create habits and rituals for long-term success (it' s not going to happen overnight), understand why leverage is the superpower of highly successful people, tolerate and manage risk, understand compounding income and grow your assets, and create generational wealth so that your children, their children, and their children can continue to advance the fruits of your labour long after you are gone. Follow the blueprint in 6 Principles to Retire Younger & Richer and, no matter your age, background or wealth, you' ll be one step closer to achieving financial freedom.
The 6 Reasons You'll Get the Job
by Macdougall Debra AngelWith more people applying for the same jobs in a challenging economy, surfing the same job boards and sending the same generic pitch to a dozen companies a day just doesn't work. Job seekers need a new approach to getting hired. The 6 Reasons You'll Get the Job reveals six key factors employers scrutinise, consciously or sub-consciously, when deciding who to hire and who to screen out: presentation, ability, dependability, motivation, attitude and network.
6 Secrets To Startup Success
by John BradberryPassion for one's new idea is essential to any startup venture as it proceeds through numerous, and often unexpected, setbacks says Bradberry, who has twenty years of business consultation experience, however an entrepreneur can fall into the "passion trap," where they cease being open to objective information and increasingly disregard "negative feedback. " He outlines six tools for overcoming these propensities, focusing on practical considerations such as making sure one's business plans are oriented toward potential markets rather than just the exciting idea behind the venture. Annotation ©2011 Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)
The 6 Types of Working Genius: A Better Way to Understand Your Gifts, Your Frustrations, and Your Team
by Patrick M. LencioniNew York Times best-selling author Patrick Lencioni unveils a truly groundbreaking new model that will change the way we think about work and teams forever. The 6 Types of Working Genius is the fastest way to help people identify the type of work that brings them joy and energy, and avoid work that leads to frustration and burnout.Beyond the personal discovery and instant relief that Working Genius provides, the model also gives teams a remarkably simple and practical framework for tapping into one another&’s natural gifts, which increases productivity and reduces unnecessary judgment. In classic Lencioni fashion, Pat brings his model to life in a page-turning fable that is as relatable as it is compelling. He tells the story of Bull Brooks, an entrepreneur, husband, and father who sets out to solve his own frustration at work and stumbles into a new way of thinking that changes the way he sees his work, his team, and even his marriage. What sets this book—and the model behind it—apart from other tools and assessments is the speed at which it can be understood and applied, and the relevance it has to every kind of work in life, from running a company to launching a product to managing a family. In addition to this book, Lencioni and the Table Group have created a 10-minute assessment that helps individuals quickly identify their gifts and apply this model to themselves and their teams. Join the hundreds of thousands of people who have already discovered their Working Genius, and experience the transformation in your work, your team, and your life. Learn more about the Working Genius at WorkingGenius.com.
60-Minute Brand Strategist
by Idris MooteeThis book is about one thing only: branding. Period. In this economy ruled by ideas, the only sustainable form of leadership is brand leadership. 60-Minute Brand Strategist offers a fast-paced, field-tested view of how branding decisions happen in the context of business strategy, not just in marketing communications. With a combi-nation of perspectives from business strategy, customer experience, and even anthropology, this new and updated edition outlines the challenges traditional branding faces in a hyper-connected world. This essential handbook of brand marketing offers an encyclopedia of do's and don'ts, including new case studies of how these concepts are being used by the world's most successful and valuable brands. 60-Minute Brand Strategist is your battle plan, filled with powerful branding tools and techniques to win your customers' hearts and defeat the competition.
60-Minute CEO: Mastering Leadership an Hour at a Time
by Dick CrossLooking toward the C-suite? Take heed. Author and serial CEO Dick Cross pulls back the curtain on this top leadership role, explaining in his new book that being a successful leader, running a business, and doing it extraordinarily well isn't a full-time job. In 60-Minute CEO: Mastering Leadership an Hour at a Time, Cross makes the case that the single greatest determinant of business success revolves around the job at the top. Cross suggests that the most important, and often overlooked, duty for a CEO is thinking about how to improve his or her business and how to be a leader. Cross also reveals that a mediocre leader can be transformed into an exemplary one simply by refining two key things: thinking and character. In Cross's trademark conversational style, he conveys why strategy and execution, while important, should take a back seat to authenticity and responsibility, and that the essential elements of the CEO role can be accomplished in several 60-minute sessions every week. Executives may fill their time with other tasks, but leading and running a company requires explicit skills different from those needed for any other corporate position.The good news is that those skills are easy to learn, fun to do, and not time-consuming. In an entertaining style, Cross offers executives the fast track to the top leadership position. And while 60 minutes may seem like a quick fix, as Cross sees it, three 60-minute sessions a week devoted solely to considering your business and your role as leader are crucial to business and leadership success.In 60-Minute CEO, Dick Cross brings over 25 years of experience of transforming companies in various stages of underperformance into industry powerhouses. Cross combines his knowledge and experience with the stories and lessons of preeminent leaders and thinkers including General George Patton and Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson.