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Softwarelizenzmanagement kompakt: Einsatz und Management des immateriellen Wirtschaftsgutes Software und hybrider Leistungsbündel (Public Cloud Services) (IT kompakt)

by Stefan Brassel Andreas Gadatsch

Dieses Buch setzt sich mit den Veränderungen im Softwarelizenzmanagement auseinanderDie Autoren geben einen Überblick über Neuerungen und Veränderungen im Softwarelizenzmanagement und zeigen, wie sie sich auf das Management von Unternehmen auswirken. Dazu präsentieren sie praxisnahe Ansätze und Handlungsempfehlungen, die auf theoretischen Erkenntnissen basieren. Bisher hat sich die Fachliteratur diesem Thema, wenn überhaupt, nur aus operativer Sicht genähert. Das möchte dieses Werk ändern. Deshalb zielt dieses Buch darauf ab, fachliche Zusammenhänge im Bereich des Softwarelizenzmanagements für Sie nachvollziehbar darzustellen. Daneben gehen Stefan Brassel und Andreas Gadatsch auf aktuelle Marktveränderungen ein und geben konkrete Impulse für das (IT-)Management. Durch diese Herangehensweise gelingt den Autoren ein Brückenschlag zwischen der Theorie und Anwendbarkeit ihrer Feststellungen. Neben zentralen Grundlagen enthält das Buch viele Praxisbeispiele aus dem Softwarelizenzmanagement. Ein wichtiger Schwerpunkt dieses Werks ist außerdem die Transformation von Softwarelizenzen hin zu Public Cloud Services. Von der Theorie zum Fokus auf die Praxis Zunächst liegt der Fokus dieses Werks auf der Theorie, doch hier halten sich die Autoren nur kurz auf. Sie erfahren z. B. mehr über die klare Abgrenzung zentraler Begriffe wie „Softwarelizenz“ und „Softwarelizenzmanagement“. Auch die Problematik immaterieller Wirtschaftsgüter sowie deren Nutzungsrechte werden behandelt. Anschließend geht das Buch „Softwarelizenzmanagement kompakt” stärker in die Tiefe und erläutert Themen wie:· Praxis der Softwarelizenzierung am Beispiel Microsoft· Transformation: Von der Software Lizenz zu Public Cloud Services· IT-Assetmanagement von Software und Public Cloud-Diensten Abschließend erhalten Sie Handlungsempfehlungen für das Management sowie für eine evtl. notwendige strategische Neuausrichtung von Unternehmen. Erschienen in der Reihe „IT kompakt“, ermöglicht Ihnen dieses Buch über Softwarelizenzmanagement einen schnellen und vor allen Dingen praxisorientierten Einstieg in die Thematik. Daher eignet es sich optimal für Selbststudium und Lehre. Durch den grundlegenden Fokus auf Veränderungen im Softwaremarkt wurde dieses Werk speziell für diese Zielgruppen verfasst:a) Fachverantwortliche des IT-Lizenzmanagementsb) Führungskräfte in der Unternehmensleitung oder in IT-Abteilungenc) Verantwortliche des Geschäftsprozessmanagementsd) Masterstudierende der BWL, Informatik oder Wirtschaftsinformatik

Softwarelizenzmanagement kompakt: Einsatz und Management von Public Cloud Services (IT kompakt)

by Stefan Brassel Andreas Gadatsch

Dieses Buch setzt sich mit den Veränderungen im Softwarelizenzmanagement auseinanderDie Autoren geben einen Überblick über Neuerungen und Veränderungen im Softwarelizenzmanagement und zeigen, wie sie sich auf das Management von Unternehmen auswirken. Dazu präsentieren sie praxisnahe Ansätze und Handlungsempfehlungen, die auf theoretischen Erkenntnissen basieren. Bisher hat sich die Fachliteratur diesem Thema, wenn überhaupt, nur aus operativer Sicht genähert. Das möchte dieses Werk ändern. Deshalb zielt dieses Buch darauf ab, fachliche Zusammenhänge im Bereich des Softwarelizenzmanagements für Sie nachvollziehbar darzustellen. Daneben gehen Stefan Brassel und Andreas Gadatsch auf aktuelle Marktveränderungen ein und geben konkrete Impulse für das (IT-)Management. Durch diese Herangehensweise gelingt den Autoren ein Brückenschlag zwischen der Theorie und Anwendbarkeit ihrer Feststellungen. Neben zentralen Grundlagen enthält das Buch viele Praxisbeispiele aus dem Softwarelizenzmanagement. Ein wichtiger Schwerpunkt dieses Werks ist außerdem die Transformation von Softwarelizenzen hin zu Public Cloud Services. Von der Theorie zum Fokus auf die Praxis Zunächst liegt der Fokus dieses Werks auf der Theorie, doch hier halten sich die Autoren nur kurz auf. Sie erfahren z. B. mehr über die klare Abgrenzung zentraler Begriffe wie „Softwarelizenz“ und „Softwarelizenzmanagement“. Auch die Problematik immaterieller Wirtschaftsgüter sowie deren Nutzungsrechte werden behandelt. Anschließend geht das Buch „Softwarelizenzmanagement kompakt” stärker in die Tiefe und erläutert Themen wie:· Praxis der Softwarelizenzierung am Beispiel Microsoft· Transformation: Von der Software Lizenz zu Public Cloud Services· IT-Assetmanagement von Software und Public Cloud-Diensten Abschließend erhalten Sie Handlungsempfehlungen für das Management sowie für eine evtl. notwendige strategische Neuausrichtung von Unternehmen. Erschienen in der Reihe „IT kompakt“, ermöglicht Ihnen dieses Buch über Softwarelizenzmanagement einen schnellen und vor allen Dingen praxisorientierten Einstieg in die Thematik. Daher eignet es sich optimal für Selbststudium und Lehre. Durch den grundlegenden Fokus auf Veränderungen im Softwaremarkt wurde dieses Werk speziell für diese Zielgruppen verfasst:a) Fachverantwortliche des IT-Lizenzmanagementsb) Führungskräfte in der Unternehmensleitung oder in IT-Abteilungenc) Verantwortliche des Geschäftsprozessmanagementsd) Masterstudierende der BWL, Informatik oder Wirtschaftsinformatik

The Softwood Lumber War: Politics, Economics, and the Long U.S.-Canadian Trade Dispute

by Daowei Zhang

As a forester interested in economics and policy, Daowei Zhang followed the softwood lumber dispute between the U.S. and Canada for nearly 20 years. Dubbed the 'Softwood Lumber War,' the conflict enveloped politicians and business leaders on both sides of the border and placed strains on the historically close economic and political relations between the two countries. This book is an unprecedentedly detailed evaluation of how the conflict began and how it was sustained for such a long period of time. The book considers the implications that may follow from the 2006 agreement between the nations, and the broader lessons that might be learned about international trade conflicts. The early 1980s was a difficult time for U.S. lumber producers. Finding their domestic market share in decline, they requested restrictions on Canadian lumber imports. Alleging that the Canadian producers were being subsidized, they eventually secured a 15 percent export tax on Canadian lumber in 1986. A long series of trade battles followed against a background of shortages in the U.S. timber supply, changing international markets, and the establishment of the North American Free Trade Agreement and the World Trade Organization. Canada and the United States are the world's largest trading partners, but, as Zhang demonstrates, it is a relationship in which domestic pressure groups, different institutional structures within each government, and differences in the relative economic power of each country remain extremely important determinants of foreign policy. The fact that the softwood lumber dispute has taken so long to resolve-and the prospect that the 2006 agreement has the potential to be undone by continuing litigation and trade friction-raise important questions about international relations in a world that is supposedly moving toward free trade.

SOFWERX: Innovation at U.S. Special Operations Command (Abridged)

by Herman B. Leonard Kerry Herman Mitchell B. Weiss Jin Hyun Paik

James "Hondo" Geurts, the Acquisition Executive for U.S. Special Operations Command was in the middle of his Senate confirmation hearing in 2017 to become Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition. The questions had a common theme: how would Geurts's experience running an innovative procurement effort for U.S. Special Forces units enable him to change a much larger-and much more rigid-organization like the U.S. Navy? In one of the most secretive parts of the U.S. military, Geurts founded an open platform called SOFWERX to speed the rate of ideas to Navy SEALs, Army Special Forces, and the like. His team even sourced the idea for a hoverboard from a YouTube video. But how should things like SOFWERX and protypes like the EZ-Fly find a place within the Navy writ large?

SOHO China

by Yasheng Huang Jean Yang


SOHO China: Design, Development, and Social Harmony

by Arthur I Segel Mukti Khaire

Founded in 1995 by Zhang Xin and her husband Mr. Pan Shiyi, SOHO China has developed into a world-class real estate development firm that has consistently delivered high-quality projects known for their cutting-edge designs and investment potential. Despite the tremendous success of the firm, Zhang Xin still looks at the future with great uncertainty. Average residential pricing in China has dropped, as government continues to put downward pressure on residential housing prices through restrictions on the number of apartments a resident is allowed to purchase, and aggressive promotion of affordable housing on the low-end of the market. Zhang Xin wonders what opportunities and threats such market conditions present to SOHO. On the sales and marketing front, SOHO China has historically been geographically-focused only on high-end, design-driven projects in Shanghai and Beijing. As the market became more competitive, Zhang Xin wondered what key strategic decisions in regards to design, financing, and sales the company would need to make in order to maintain its competitive advantage in China.

SOHO China: Transformation in Progress

by Charles F Wu

In 2016 against the backdrop of a challenging Chinese macroeconomic environment, SOHO China, the largest owner and developer of Class-A real estate in Beijing and Shanghai, was struggling to convince analysts of the merits of their new "build-to-hold" strategy. Founded as a merchant builder, the company went public in 2007 raising a record USD 1.9 billion, but the firm, led by Zhang Xin, refocused in 2012 towards a "build-to-hold" strategy in an effort to capture the long-term value of their properties. Ms. Zhang also saw an opportunity to capitalize on the rapidly growing "shared office" trend developing their own '3Q' coworking product placing these centers in their newly held buildings. Despite 3Q's initial success and the "build-to-hold" strategy beginning to bear fruit, SOHO's stock price was still near record lows. How could Zhang Xin educate the stock market to reward SOHO's share price and acknowledge the successful transition? Would these strategic decisions be sufficient to steer SOHO China through new economic hurdles? Is 3Q enough to buoy SOHO's performance and bring them into the next phase of growth?

Soil Microbiology and Sustainable Crop Production

by Geoffrey R. Dixon Emma L. Tilston

Soils into which crop plants root and from which they obtain essential minerals and water contain huge arrays of microbes. Many have highly beneficial effects on crop growth and productivity, others are pathogens causing diseases and losses to yield and quality, a few microbes offer protection from these pathogenic forms and others have little or no effect. These intimate and often complex inter-relationships are being explored with increasing success providing exciting opportunities for increasing crop yields and quality in sustainable harmony with the populations of beneficial soil microbes and to the detriment of pathogens. This book explores current knowledge for each of these aspects of soil microbiology and indicates where future progress is most likely to aid in increasing crop productivity by means which are environmentally benign and beneficial.

Soil Sisters

by Lisa Kivirist

Women in agriculture are sprouting up in record numbers, but they face a host of distinct challenges and opportunities. Blending What Color is Your Parachute-style career advice with sustainable agriculture practices viewed through a gender lens, Soil Sisters provides a wealth of invaluable information for fledging female farming entrepreneurs.The first manual of its kind, this authoritative and comprehensive blueprint presents practical considerations from a woman's perspective, covering everything from business planning to tool use and ergonomics to integrating children and family in farm and field operations. Key topics include: Finding your niche: mid-life encore careers, younf and beginning, Boomerangs, and more From concept to crop: diversified farm start-up basics Resources, grants, and loans available especially for women farmers.Soil Sisters also contains case studies, inspirational ideas, and savvy advice nuggets from over one hundred successful women farmers and advocates. Targeted specifically to members of the fastest-growing demographic in local agriculture, this highly readable guide is practical and pragmatic "Chick Lit" for today's food scene. Lisa Kivirist is Senior Fellow, Endowed Chair in Agricultural Systems at the Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture and a national advocate for women in sustainable agriculture. She founded and directs the Rural Women's Project of the Midwest Organic Sustainable Education Service, an award-winning initiative championing female farmers and food-based entrepreneurs. Together with her husband, John Ivanko, Lisa is co-author of Homemade for Sale, Farmstead Chef, ECOpreneuring, and Rural Renaissance. Lisa and her family run Inn Serendipity Farm and Bed & Breakfast, completely powered by the wind and sun in the rolling green hills of southern Wisconsin.

Soil-Water, Agriculture, and Climate Change: Exploring Linkages (Water Science and Technology Library #113)

by Swatantra Kumar Dubey Prakash Kumar Jha Pankaj Kumar Gupta Aliva Nanda Vivek Gupta

This book presents an exploration of linkages among soil-water, agriculture, and climate change with a special focus on thematic areas for assessment, mitigation, and management of natural resources under climate change conditions. This book covers advances in modelling approaches, including machine learning (ML)/ artificial intelligence (AI) applications; GIS and remote sensing; sensors; impacts of climate change on agriculture; subsurface water; contaminants; and socio-economic impacts, which are lacking in a more comprehensive manner in the previous titles. This book encompasses updated information as well as future directions for researchers working in the field of management of natural resources. The goal of this book is to provide scientific evidence to researchers and policymakers and end-to-end value chain practitioners which may help in reducing the overall adverse impacts of climate change on water resources and the related mitigation strategies. This book focuses on the knowledge, modern tools, and techniques, i.e., machine learning, artificial intelligence, etc. for soil-water, agriculture, and climate change. Further, nature-based solutions for management of natural resources with special targets on contaminants, extreme events, disturbances, etc. will be targeted. The book provides readers with the enhanced knowledge for application of engineering principles and economic and regulatory constraints to determine a soil-water, agriculture production action strategy, and select appropriate technologies to implement the strategy for a given data set at a site. It would also cover the application of laboratory, modeling, numerical methods for determination and forecasting of climate change impacts, agriculture production, pollution, soil health, etc. Overall, it provides hydrologists, environmental engineers, administrators, policy makers, consultants, and industrial experts with essential support in effective management of soils health, agricultural productions, and mitigation of extreme climatic events.

Soils in the Hindu Kush Himalayas: Management for Agricultural Land Use (Geography of the Physical Environment)

by U. C. Sharma M. Datta Vikas Sharma

This book focuses on the nature and properties of soils of Hindu Kush-Himalayas and their management for agricultural land use. It discusses all aspects of climatic variations and potential of resources in the Himalayan region including examples from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China (Tibet), India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan. Chapters cover the geology of the parent material of native soils, soils microbes, flora and fauna. Soil classification has been given in detail to better understand the nature of soils for judicious management strategies. The authors present land use practices and suggestions for changes in land use to benefit from the full potential of the soils in this region. Their ultimate aim is to find ways of feeding the ever-increasing population and raising the standard of life for the people living in the Himalayan mountain region.

Sokaiya: Extortion, Protection and the Japanese Corporation

by Kenneth Szymkowiak

Sokaiya are extortionists who target Japanese corporations for payoffs. They threaten to reveal corporate secrets and scandals, usually at shareholder meetings. This book explores the curious but not unusual relationship that grows between executives and sokaiya, who also offer their services to protect the corporation from other sokaiya, thus becoming a necessary evil in the world of Japanese business. The book documents the history and development of sokaiya over the past 100 years since Japan first enacted a commercial code. It includes interviews with police, lawyers, corporate executives, as well as sokaiya and members of the yakuza (traditional Japanese gangsters).

El sol como disfraz

by Pedro Sorela

«Uno de los enigmas del periodismo es que los periódicos salgan cada día sin rastro de tanta sangre y traición dentro de ellos: solo reflejan las guerras de afuera y, en contra de lo que se cree, tampoco demasiado.» Pisotones, fotos y portadas que buscan retener en titulares el día fugitivo.... el verdadero protagonista de esta novela es La Crónica del Siglo, un periódico que podría ser casi cualquiera, en el apogeo de su éxito no previsto. Pedro Sorela muestra cómo quienes lo escriben son periodistas más de carne que de hueso. Sofía, redactora jefa atrapada entre un cuerpo de fábula, su poder y el deseo de ser madre; Picasso, en el origen mismo de la leyenda de La Crónica del Siglo; Paloma, que ya conocimos en Aire de Mar en Gádor, al igual que Dimas, un periodista que intenta aplicar al periodismo secretos del teatro; Daniel, reportero con cara todavía de estudiante, que busca en una vieja moto una noticia cierta en un Madrid disfrazado por el sol y el azul del cielo para disimular la dictadura más severa que existe: la del tiempo. En una época en que la información deja de ser lo que fue y busca lo que será, El sol como disfraz explica algo del porqué y cuenta el qué y el cómo. El cuándo es el periodismo de nuestro tiempo, uno de los trabajos más atractivos y crueles que existen. Reseñas:«Sorela novela con crueldad y ternura la vida de un periódico de éxito, tan real que puede ser cualquiera. Su prosa brillante y personal entra como un bisturí en el periodismo de hoy y saluda al de mañana.»Álex Grijelmo «Pedro Sorela tiene la capacidad de asombrar al lector y convertir la lectura de la novela en una feliz/dichosa aventura.»Ana Rodríguez Fischer, ABC

Solagen: Process Improvement in the Manufacture of Gelatin at Kodak

by Dorothy Leonard-Barton Brian J. Delacey

Kodak must decide whether to make a major investment in a production facility designed around a new technique for producing the gelatin critical to so many film and paper products. Currently, gelatin making is an arcane art, unchanged in 150 years and heavily dependent upon the sensory skills of experienced foremen. The new process, in a pilot stage now, is a chemical reaction which reduces the process time for one step from 6 months to 48 hours and which is much more "scientific." However, the old plant is fully paid for, the new process is only one potential avenue for improvement, and demand for gelatin is falling.

Solar Cells and Modules (Springer Series in Materials Science #301)

by Arvind Shah

This book gives a comprehensive introduction to the field of photovoltaic (PV) solar cells and modules. In thirteen chapters, it addresses a wide range of topics including the spectrum of light received by PV devices, the basic functioning of a solar cell, and the physical factors limiting the efficiency of solar cells. It places particular emphasis on crystalline silicon solar cells and modules, which constitute today more than 90 % of all modules sold worldwide. Describing in great detail both the manufacturing process and resulting module performance, the book also touches on the newest developments in this sector, such as Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact (TOPCON) and heterojunction modules, while dedicating a major chapter to general questions of module design and fabrication. Overall, it presents the essential theoretical and practical concepts of PV solar cells and modules in an easy-to-understand manner and discusses current challenges facing the global research and development community.

Solar Cooling: Basics and Advances

by S. C. Kaushik S. K. Tyagi V. Baiju

The book deals with the research activities focussed on solar VAD systems evaluating its merit of compatibility with ozone friendly refrigerants and adoptability with solar energy option. The authors of this book have given more emphasis on discussing various solar cooling VAD systems and its viability for the commercial use. Relevant references on "Solar Cooling: Basics and Advances" has been provided which significantly adopt some of the information for the completeness of the book.

Solar Domestic Water Heating: The Earthscan Expert Handbook for Planning, Design and Installation (Earthscan Expert)

by Chris Laughton

Solar Domestic Water Heating is a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of solar domestic water heating systems. As fossil fuel prices continue to rise and awareness of climate change grows, interest in domestic solar water heating is expanding. Solar water heating technology is the most environmentally-friendly way to heat water. This fully-illustrated and easy-to-follow guide shows how domestic solar water heating systems work, the different types of systems, types of collectors, both flat plate and evacuated tube, types of storage tanks and other accessories. It also shows how systems are installed and explains how solar water heating can be integrated into existing water heating systems. Numerous examples from around the world have been included. The ideal guide for plumbers, heating engineers, builders and architects, housing and property developers, home owners and DIY enthusiasts, and anyone who needs a clear introduction to solar water heating technology.

Solar Energy: Made Simple for a Sustainable Future (Green Energy and Technology)

by Malti Goel V. S. Verma Neha Goel Tripathi

This book presents the achievements made in solar energy and prospects in achieving solar potential in India. It covers the historical perspectives, innovations and myriad applications of solar energy in its different forms. The book discusses solar devices and covers both solar photovoltaics and solar thermal energy and includes both heat and electricity applications. Solar policies in India, solar research, technologies, large scale adoption as well as future trends are also discussed. This book will be useful for researchers and professionals with interests in technological, economical and policy developments in solar energy driven power industry.

Solar Energy: Technologies, Design, Modeling, and Economics (Power Systems)

by Ibrahim Moukhtar Adel Z. El Dein Adel A. Elbaset Yasunori Mitani

This book opens with a brief introduction to renewable energy and the advantages of solar energy systems, an overview of concentrated solar power (CSP) system technologies and modeling, and the application of artificial neural network (ANN) technologies in various solar field systems. Later chapters cover data and operation methods of central tower receiver power plants (CTRPP), important models of ANN techniques used in solar energy fields, accurate methods for modeling CTRPP, the economics of solar energy systems, the CSP impacts on the penetration level of photovoltaic (PV) systems, and a look at the reliability of systems using case studies on PV systems and hybrid PV and CSP systems.Provides an introduction to renewable energy and the advantages of solar energy systemsOutlines methods for modeling central tower receiver power plantsIncludes case studies on photovoltaic (PV) and hybrid PV and concentrated solar power systems

Solar Energy Conversion in Communities: Proceedings of the Conference for Sustainable Energy (CSE) 2020 (Springer Proceedings in Energy)

by Ion Visa Anca Duta

This book presents novel findings concerning the systems, materials and processes used in solar energy conversion in communities. It begins with the core resource – solar radiation – and discusses the restrictions on the wide-scale implementation of conversion systems imposed by the built environment, as well as potential solutions. The book also describes efficient solar energy conversion in detail, focusing on heat and electricity production in communities and water reuse. Lastly, it analyzes the concept of sustainable communities, presenting examples from around the globe, along with novel approaches to improving their feasibility and affordability. Though chiefly intended for professionals working in the field of sustainability at the community level, the book will also be of interest to researchers, academics and doctoral students.

Solar Energy, Mini-grids and Sustainable Electricity Access: Practical Experiences, Lessons and Solutions from Senegal (Routledge Focus on Environment and Sustainability)

by Debajit Palit Kirsten Ulsrud Charles Muchunku Gathu Kirubi

This book presents new research on solar mini-grids and the ways they can be designed and implemented to provide equitable and affordable electricity access, while ensuring economic sustainability and replication. Drawing on a detailed analysis of solar mini-grid projects in Senegal, the book provides invaluable insights into energy provision and accessibility which are highly relevant to Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Global South more generally. Importantly, the book situates mini-grids in rural villages within the context of the broader dynamics of national- and international-level factors, including emerging system innovation and socio-technical transitions to green technologies. The book illustrates typical challenges and potential solutions for practitioners, policymakers, donors, investors and international agencies. It demonstrates the decisive roles of suitable policies and regulations for private-sector-led mini-grids and explains why these policies and regulations must be different from those that are designed as part of an established, centralized electricity regime. Written by both academics and technology practitioners, this book will be of great interest to those researching and working on energy policy, energy provision and access, solar power and renewable energy, and sustainable development more generally.

Solar Energy Research Institute for India and the United States: Lessons and Results from a Binational Consortium (Lecture Notes in Energy #39)

by David Ginley Kamanio Chattopadhyay

This book describes the development, functioning, and results of a successful binational program to promote significant scientific advances in Earth-abundant photovoltaics (PV) and concentrated solar power (CSP), advanced process/manufacturing technologies, multiscale modeling and reliability testing, and analysis of integrated solar energy systems. SERIIUS is a consortium between India and the United States dedicated to developing new solar technologies and assessing their potential impact in the two countries. The consortium consists of nearly 50 institutions including academia, national laboratories, and industry, with the goal of developing significant new technologies in all areas of solar deployment. In addition, the program focused on workforce development through graduate students, post-doctoral students, and an international exchange program. Particular emphasis was placed on the following efforts: Creating disruptive technologies in PV and CSP through high-impact fundamental and applied research and development (R&D). Identifying and quantifying the critical technical, economic, and policy issues for solar energy development and deployment in India. Overcoming barriers to technology transfer by teaming research institutions and industry in an effective project structure. Building a new platform for binational collaboration using a formalized R&D project structure, along with effective management, coordination, and decision processes. Creating a sustainable network and workforce development program from which to build large collaborations and fostering a collaborative culture and outreach programs. This includes using existing and new methodologies for collaboration based on advanced electronic and web-based communication to facilitate functional international teams. The book summarizes the general lessons learned from these experiences.

Solar Geoengineering

by Joseph B. Lassiter Stephanie Puzio

On December 8th 2013, as Dr. David Keith was leaving the set of the Colbert Show, he couldn't help but replay the interview over and over in his mind. Did he actually get his point of view on solar geoengineering across or had he just added to the stereotype that he was more of a 'mad scientist' than a scholar? Science knew, beyond doubt, that volcanoes cooled the planet by forcing sulfates high into the stratosphere. This cooling effect had been recorded in history over and over again. The question that Keith and many other climate scientists wanted to answer was: could humanity learn how to design, deploy, and manage similar cooling effects to manage the threats from climate change?

Solar Photovoltaics Business Briefing (Doshorts Ser.)

by David Thorpe

This book explains, for a UK business audience, the technical, scientific and economic aspects of solar photovoltaics (PV) technologies. It is useful to anyone considering a business use of solar PV, whether an investor, potential purchaser, or thinking of setting up a company in the sector.It succinctly examines: their applications and how to assess them; the prospects and drivers for cost reductions and implementation; the role of PV in carbon offsetting; and the business case for and against investment.It will arm the reader with sufficient knowledge to talk to contractors or to compile a business investment case for senior management.PV is the sunrise sector for electricity generation; the renewable technology whose time has come. Clean, and with no moving parts to wear out, it interfaces neatly with other technologies, both digital and analogue. Cost curves are decreasing and installation curves exponentially rising. Although silicon-based cells are well-known, due to the feed-in tariff support they receive, within the next five to eight years, lowering production costs and technological innovations will mean that solar electricity will be poised to find even more widespread applications.

Solar Resources Mapping: Fundamentals and Applications (Green Energy and Technology)

by Jesús Polo Luis Martín-Pomares Antonio Sanfilippo

This book presents methods for optimising the spatial and network configuration of solar radiation measuring stations. Various physical and mathematical models are demonstrated, which together with high quality measurements, provide the essential tools to generate and validate solar resource estimates to improve the mapping of solar resources.Each chapter deals with a specific topic, showing its methodology, and providing examples of how to apply these techniques with reference to current projects around the world. These topics include:· Radiometric measurement campaigns;· Equipment calibration, installation, operation, and maintenance;· Data quality assurance and assessment;· Solar radiation modelling from satellite images and numerical models;· Downscaling and kriging interpolation of solar radiation;· Simulation of electric solar power plant generation;· Solar radiation forecasting;· Applications of solar energy; and· Socio-economic benefits of solar energy.The contributors present the statistical and physical models needed to derive solar radiation from satellite images and numerical models, emphasising the importance of measuring solar radiation accurately. They also show the classical models used to generate synthetic data, clear sky models and ancillary air quality and meteorological data from different input sources.Solar Resources Mapping provides industry professionals with methodologies and tools to build solar irradiance maps for different applications. The book will also benefit students and researchers as it serves as a main technical reference, presenting the basic terminology and fundamentals for solar resource mapping that include methods for assessing measurement uncertainty.

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