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Southern Railway: Maunsell Moguls and Tank Locomotive Classes (Locomotive Portfolios Ser.)

by David Maidment

Southern Maunsell Moguls and Tank Engines is a volume in the series of Locomotive Profiles being published by Pen & Sword. It describes the conception, design and construction of the two- and three-cylinder 2-6-0s initially the ‘Ns’ constructed at the end of the First World War, many at government initiative by the Woolwich Arsenal and their three-cylinder variants, the ‘N1s’. It also describes in similar fashion the class ‘K’ River 2-6-4 tank engines, their riding problems and the decision to convert them as class ‘U’ two-cylinder moguls after the disastrous Sevenoaks derailment in 1927. The solitary ‘K1’ three-cylinder 2-6-4T was similarly converted as the prototype three-cylinder ‘U1’ with new build ‘Us’ and ‘U1s’ following in the early 1930s.The moguls, originally built by Richard Maunsell for the South Eastern & Chatham Railway, became the standard mixed traffic locomotives throughout the Southern Railway for virtually the whole of its existence and many remained until near the end of BR Southern Region’s steam stock in 1965/6.After the experience with the passenger 2-6-4 tank engines, Maunsell restricted his larger tank engine designs to freight work – the class ‘W’ for heavy cross-London interchange freight traffic and the ‘Z’0-8-0T for heavy shunting and banking work. Maunsell also redesigned some elderly LB&SCR E1 0-6-0Ts for branch line work in rural Devon and North Cornwall, providing a radial axle as 0-6-2T class E1/R.The book covers the allocation, operation and performance of these classes and includes some personal reminiscences of the author who experienced the moguls at first hand. It also covers the sale of some of the Woolwich moguls to the CIE in Ireland and the conversion of a number to 2-6-4 freight tank engines for the Metropolitan Railway. The book is lavishly illustrated with over 300 black and white and thirty colour photographs.

Southern Rhodesia–South Africa Relations, 1923–1953: Political, Social and Economic Ties (Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series)

by Abraham Mlombo

This book provides the first comprehensive study of the ‘special relationship’ between Southern Rhodesia and South Africa. While most studies approach this from the history of British and South African relations or the history of South African territorial expansion, this book offers new insights by examining Southern Rhodesia’s relations with South Africa from the former’s perspective. Exploring relations through the lens of settler colonialism, the book argues that settler colonialism in the region was marked by a competitive and antagonistic relationship between settler communities, particularly Afrikaner and English communities. The book explores the connections between these countries by examining (high) politics, economic links, and social and cultural ties, highlighting both instances of competition and cooperation. Above all, it argues that economic ties were the cornerstone of the relationship and that these shaped the rest of the ties between the two countries. Drawing on archival records from Britain, South Africa and Zimbabwe, as well as a number of secondary sources, it offers a much more nuanced perspective of this relationship than has been previously offered.

Southern States Communications

by Constance E. Bagley Michael B. Keating

Managers receiving letters claiming that their products or services violate the intellectual property rights of another sometimes have a tendency to ignore them after their technical staff advises them that the claims have no merit. Illustrates the perils of that approach. Legally astute managers accept responsibility for managing patent disputes; they do not hand them off to lawyers with a "you-take-care-of-it" approach. Litigation is less predictable than many managers realize. A number of choices must be made without full information.

Southfield Packaging

by Alisa Zalosh Michael Beer

Southfield Packaging provides packaging materials and services to medical device manufacturers. The case examines the relationship between a corporate vice president, Mark Sanders, and one of his direct reports, Regional Manager Frank Belby. Sanders' preparation for Belby's annual performance review provides a foundation for discussing the common challenges and difficulties associated with performance reviews. Specific issues include the need to clearly define criteria for evaluation and the question of whether Belby's physical health should play a role in his performance review. Overall, is Southfield's appraisal process a fair and effective way of evaluating employee potential?

Southland Corp. (A)

by Richard S. Ruback Elizabeth H. Mcnair

Examines the Thompson's $4.9 billion leveraged buyout of the Southland Corp. in 1987. As the original founders of Southland, the Thompsons were concerned about losing control over the company upon learning of the Belzberg family's acquiring interest. The teaching objectives are: to explore the characteristics of an LBO candidate, to examine the dynamics of the corporate control process when insiders are substantial stockholders, and therefore serve as both buyer and seller, and to evaluate the cash flow forecasts in an LBO and use them to analyze bidding behavior.

SouthPark IV

by William J. Poorvu Richard E. Crum

A young entrepreneur examines an 80,000 square foot office/warehouse building as a potential acquisition. The building is currently fully leased but all four leases will expire shortly. Due to changing market conditions, the protagonist has to look at current market conditions as well as trying to estimate future conditions in order to complete his analysis. The case is designed to explore basic issues in real estate valuations. The emphasis is on developing a simple set-up based on the project's cash flows and then examining how returns and values are affected by changing certain assumptions.

Southport Minerals, Inc.

by William E. Fruhan

Examines how the attractiveness of an investment project can be enhanced by making financing and operating decisions which either manage investment returns or reduce project risks.

South—South Regional Financial Arrangements: Collaboration Towards Resilience (International Political Economy Series)

by Kevin P. Gallagher Diana Barrowclough Richard Kozul-Wright William N. Kring

This book shows how regional cooperation and integration have increased massively in scale and scope in recent years, as developing countries seek new ways to shield themselves from economic turbulence and to kick-start their economies in the face of stagnant global demand. The trend is partly a defense mechanism against the limitations of the international financial system, but also reflects a wider search for new and different growth paths more appropriate with developing countries’ increasing economic and political voice. As a consequence, the landscape of financial and monetary mechanisms has changed dramatically, especially in the ten years since the economic crisis of 2007–2008.

Southwest Airlines: In a Different World

by W. Earl Sasser Jr. James L. Heskett

This is the fourth in a 35-year series of HBS cases on an organization that has changed the rules of the game globally for an entire industry by offering both differentiated and low-price service. The focus of the case is on whether Southwest Airlines should buy gates and slots to initiate service to New York's LaGuardia airport, which does not fit the airline's profile for cost, ease of service, and other factors. The bigger issue is how the organization should deal with competition that has successfully emulated more and more of what it does in an operating environment that has changed significantly. Hence the subtitle, which was suggested by Herb Kelleher, Southwest's Chairman and CEO, Emeritus.

Southwest Airlines--1993 (A)

by Roger Hallowell James L. Heskett

Southwest Airlines, the only major U.S. airline to be profitable in 1992, makes a decision as to which of two new cities to open, or to add a new long-haul route. Provides windows into Southwest's strategy, operations, marketing, and culture.

Southwest Airlines 2002: An Industry Under Siege

by James L. Heskett

The company's management is faced with long-term questions regarding the rate and manner of growth in the wake of the 9/11 attacks and general industry malaise.

Southwest Airlines (A)

by Christopher H. Lovelock

Southwest Airlines, a small intrastate carrier serving Dallas, Houston and San Antonio, begins service in 1971 in the face of competition by two larger, entrenched airlines. Improved quality service, lower prices, and innovative advertising and promotional strategy bring Southwest to the brink of profitability in early 1973, when its major competitor halves fares on Southwest's major route. Management wonders what response to make. Exhibits include cost and revenue data. Southwest Airlines (C), which may be used as an alternative to the (A) case, focuses on advertising and promotional strategy through June 1971.

Southwest Airlines (B)

by Christopher H. Lovelock

Describes Southwest's response to a competitive fare cut and the results, bringing the action up to late March 1973, when management must make additional decisions on marketing strategy with both short- and long-range implications. Southwest Airlines (C) should not be used with this case.

Southwest Airlines (D)

by Christopher H. Lovelock

After 18 months of deficit operations, Southwest Airlines stands on the brink of profitability. Selective application of discount fares has contributed to a rapid growth in market share. Then, in February 1973, its major competitor halves all fares on Southwest's principal route. Management must decide how to respond. Exhibits detail Southwest's cost structure plus passenger and flight statistics for Southwest and competitors.

Southwest Airlines in Baltimore

by Jody Hoffer Gittell David Lane Rogelio Oliva

The number of connecting passengers through Southwest Airlines' Baltimore station has grown 100% CAGR since 1997. Originally designed as a point-to-point network, this load of connecting passengers has been stressing Baltimore ground operations, resulting in an erosion of service quality and difficulties in achieving fast plane turnarounds--one of the key elements of Southwest's low-cost strategy. This case presents comparative data to illuminate the key elements of Southwest's operating strategy and provides detailed information about the activities and information flows required to turn around a plane, allowing for a meaningful analysis of the process--e.g., resource utilization, capacity, bottlenecks, and coordination mechanisms. A rewritten version of an earlier case.

Southwick Social Ventures

by Amy Klopfenstein Henry W. McGee Mel Martin

In 2021, the HBS Impact Investment Fund student team had found a promising impact investment in the co-operative trouser manufacturer, Southwick Social Ventures. Their 100% immigrant workforce sought to pave the road to transforming Lawrence, Massachusetts, a city that was once a manufacturing hub that had recently seen less economic investment than other U.S. cities. The student team was then charged with recommending a set of terms to their investment committee. They needed to determine how exactly to strike the right balance between providing an acceptable return to the fund while providing founder-friendly terms to Southwick Social Ventures.

Southwire and 12 For Life: Scaling Up? (B)

by Jan W. Rivkin Ryan Lee


Souverän in Führung: Strategien und Mindset für erfolgreiches Leadership in Zeiten von New Work

by Christian Polz

Nichts ist, wie es mal war. Die Herausforderungen der modernen Arbeitswelt erfordern es, Führung neu zu denken, neu zu justieren und neu auszurichten. Der Autor beschreibt in seinem praxisorientierten Ratgeber, wie Führung heute und zukünftig gelingt. Im Fokus steht das Collective Leadership: Jeder im Unternehmen, jeder in der Abteilung und jeder im Team übernimmt Verantwortung. Will, darf und soll Verantwortung übernehmen. "Wir sind alle Leader!", so das Leitmotiv. Wer Collective Leadership etablieren will, durchläuft einen Entwicklungsprozess. Collective Leadership bedeutet Mitarbeiter, die sich selbst führen können und wollen, aber es gibt auch Mitarbeiter und Situationen, in denen die Führungskraft zum Beispiel direktiv oder transaktional agieren muss. Sie muss beides können und darum Führungssouveränität und Führungsstilsouveränität aufbauen. Dazu gehört auch das entsprechende Mindset. Zu diesem Mindset gehört, die Auseinandersetzung mit dem eigenen Menschenbild, den Kompetenzen und Fähigkeiten (Stichwort Selbstreflexion). Christian Polz stellt die Entwicklung zur souveränen Führungspersönlichkeit und zu Collective Leadership in drei Teilen dar: Der Beschreibung des Konzepts des souveränen Führens folgt die Erläuterung des dazu notwendigen Mindsets. Im dritten Teil steht die Umsetzung im Vordergrund. Neben der Darstellung des Konzeptes des souveränen Führens und des Mindsets der souveränen Führungspersönlichkeit bietet dieser Umsetzungsteil ein Highlight. Dort veranschaulicht Christian Polz die wichtigsten Führungsansätze und Führungsstile in einem fiktiven Dialog zwischen einem Coach und einer "lernenden" Führungskraft. Der Autor nutzt seine Erfahrungen und zahlreichen Gespräche mit Unternehmern, Inhabern, Selbstständigen, Vorständen, Geschäftsführern, Managern und Führungskräften, um ein authentisches und realistisches Bild einer neuen Führung zu kreieren. Dazu arbeitet er mit vielen Beispielen aus seinem Erfahrungsschatz, den er als Berater, Coach, Trainer und Supervisor aufgebaut hat.

Souverän präsentieren – Die erste Botschaft bist Du

by Dominik Umberto Schott

Wenn Präsentationen gelingen, liegt es meist nicht nur am Inhalt, sondern auch am authentischen Vortragsstil und einer natürlichen Körpersprache des Redners. Viele haben jedoch Schwierigkeiten, ihr Lampenfieber bei Präsentationen am Rednerpult zu überwinden und Kontakt mit dem Publikum aufzunehmen. Dabei ist gerade in der mündlichen Kommunikation die Person entscheidend. Wie souveränes Präsentieren gelingt, vermittelt Ihnen Dominik Umberto Schott Schritt für Schritt in diesem Buch. Er stellt Ihnen die wichtigsten Stellschrauben vor, die Ihren Worten mehr Wirkung verleihen, und zeigt an konkreten Beispielen, wie Sie die Dramaturgie eines Redeaufbaus nutzen. Zudem lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihre Körpersprache und Storytelling natürlich einsetzen, um einen glaubhaften Auftritt hinzulegen.

Souverän präsentieren - Die erste Botschaft bist Du: Wie Sie Körpersprache authentisch und wirkungsvoll einsetzen

by Dominik Umberto Schott

Dieses Buch liefert Ihnen hilfreiche Tipps, mit denen Sie Ihre Wirkung beim Präsentieren verbessern.Wenn Präsentationen gelingen, liegt es meist nicht nur am Inhalt, sondern auch am authentischen Vortragsstil und einer natürlichen Körpersprache des Redners. Viele haben jedoch Schwierigkeiten, ihr Lampenfieber bei Präsentationen am Rednerpult zu überwinden und Kontakt mit dem Publikum aufzunehmen. Dabei ist gerade in der mündlichen Kommunikation die Person entscheidend. Wie souveränes Präsentieren gelingt, vermittelt Ihnen Dominik Umberto Schott Schritt für Schritt in diesem Buch. Er stellt Ihnen die wichtigsten Stellschrauben vor, die Ihren Worten mehr Wirkung verleihen, und zeigt an konkreten Beispielen, wie Sie die Dramaturgie eines Redeaufbaus nutzen. Zudem lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihre Körpersprache und Storytelling natürlich einsetzen, um einen glaubhaften Auftritt hinzulegen. Die 2. Auflage wurde um zahlreiche Tipps für noch mehr Wirkung bei virtuellen Meetings sowie Videos mit zahlreichen Präsentationsbeispielen ergänzt. Schott vermittelt Ihnen umfangreiche Kompetenzen.Der Autor klärt in seinem Buch „Souverän präsentieren“ zunächst grundlegende Fragen wie:Was ist eine Präsentation?Woraus besteht sie?Wie wirken Inhalt, Struktur und Vortragsweise zusammen?Anschließend widmet er sich dem großen Themenkomplex der Authentizität. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre Außenwirkung verbessern und erarbeiten Sie sich mit diesem Buch die folgenden Kernkompetenzen des Präsentierens:Die Formel für WirkungDie vier Erfolgsfaktoren einer guten PräsentationKörpersprache für FortgeschritteneVorbereitung: StoryboardingDramaturgie: Von den Griechen lernenInspirieren: KognitionspsychologieShowtime: Umgang mit Folien & CoNervosität: Das alte Alarmsystem und Strategien gegen den BlackoutVerbindung: Zuhören und InklusivspracheEine mitreißende Mischung aus Humor und jahrelanger Erfahrung.Abschließend erläutert Schott die Vorteile und Risiken von Fragerunden und gibt Ihnen praktische Tipps zur Erweiterung Ihrer Komfortzone. Dieses Buch ist eine Art Rhetorik-Training to go, das alle Phasen des souveränen Präsentierens genauestens beleuchtet – von der Vorbereitung bis hin zur Umsetzung. Ein unverzichtbarer Ratgeber voller Witz und Expertenwissen aus drei Jahrzehnten Praxis für:a) Einsteiger, die an Ihrem Auftreten feilen möchtenb) Erfahrene Redner, die sich noch weiterbildenc) All diejenigen, die überzeugen sowie inspirieren wollen

Sovereign Assets And Liabilities Management

by Marcel Cassard

The papers contained in this publication were presented at an International Monetary Fund organised conference held in Hong Kong in 1996. The conference focused on a wide range of issues confronting policy makers in managing their sovereign assets and liabilities in a world of mobile capital and integrated capital markets. These issues included: the strategy of public debt management; the management of central bank reserves; the technical and quantitative aspects of risk management; and credit costs and borrowing capacity in debt organisation. The papers also describe the experience of various countries in managing their own sovereign assets and liabilities. These experiences are drawn from policy makers and private sector participants who have been actively involved in formulating and implementing national debt and reserves policies.

The Sovereign Consumer: A New Intellectual History of Neoliberalism (Consumption and Public Life)

by Niklas Olsen

This book presents a new intellectual history of neoliberalism through the exploration of the sovereign consumer. Invented by neoliberal thinkers in the interwar period, this figure has been crucial to the construction and legimitization of neoliberal ideology and politics.Analysis of the sovereign consumer across time and space demonstrates how neoliberals have linked the figure both to the idea of democracy as a method of choice, and also to a re-invention of the market as the democratic forum par excellence. Moreover, Olsen contemplates how the sovereign consumer has served to marketize politics and functioned as a major driver in a wide-ranging transformation in political thinking, subjecting traditional political values to the narrow pursuit of economic growth. A politically timely project, The Sovereign Consumer will have a wide appeal in academic circles, especially for those interested in consumer and welfare studies, and in political, economic and cultural thought in the twentieth century.

Sovereign Credit Rating: Questionable Methodologies (Routledge Studies in Corporate Governance)

by Ahmed Naciri

The current degradation of sovereign balance sheets raises very real concerns about how sovereign creditworthiness is measured by credit rating agencies. Given the disastrous economic and social effects of any downgrade, the book offers an alternative and calls for more transparency about the quantitative measures used in calibrating the rating process and how sovereign ratings are validated. It argues that oversight is required and procedures improved, including subjecting methodologies of assessing default to more standardization and monitoring. Sovereign Credit Rating explains the process of sovereign creditworthiness assessment and explores the consequences of possible inaccuracies in the process. Developing an innovative new methodology to assess ratings accuracy, it shows that the announcement of each rating action by the major credit rating agencies show alarming inconsistencies. Written by an internationally recognized author and professor, this unique book will be of interest to researchers and advanced students in corporate governance, accounting, public finance and regulation.

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