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Social Media for Progressive Public Relations (Routledge New Directions in PR & Communication Research)
by Outi NiininenThis edited book presents a comprehensive, research-led coverage of the progressive ways public relations (PR) and social media is utilised today. It offers innovative research approaches to explore PR and social media initiatives, and in so doing, provides guidance on how to direct PR communication across the complex canvas of social media where some of the communication can be highly emotional varying from overt expressions of loyalty to brandjacking.Progressive organisations are carefully engaging with their audiences in multiple social media channels with organisational goals including commercial success, sustainability or employee morale. The analytics offered by social media channels help organisations to learn about their audiences as well as design highly personalised content. This book extends our understanding of the ways PR and social media can be utilised for communication that resonates with target audiences in varying context. Through the academic research presented, readers can also learn innovative ways to investigate and improve their own PR and social media practice. The book’s main themes include the power of engagement, progressive management use of social media channels, business influence, social-influencing for non-profit causes and political impacts of targeted social media communications.Social Media for Progressive Public Relationsis for scholars, researchers and students of PR and communications.Chapters 12, 13 and 14 of this book are freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at http://www.taylorfrancis.com under a Creative Commons [Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND)] 4.0 license.
Social Media For Small Business: Marketing Strategies for Business Owners
by Franziska IseliDiscover how social media can transform your business and help you attract more customers Social Media For Small Business delivers a step-by-step guide to unlocking the potential of social media to grow your business. Award-winning author and entrepreneur Franziska Iseli walks you through how to use Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Pinterest to market your small-to medium-sized business. The book provides you with: Effective marketing strategies to get more out of your social media efforts. Systems to bring structure into your entire marketing approach. Tools to make your brand irresistible across your customer touchpoints. Case studies to highlight the application of the book’s principles to the real-world Practical strategies you can put in place immediately to see a rapid return on investment Perfect for busy business owners, business managers and marketing teams wanting to find new and effective marketing tools to attract more customers, Social Media For Small Business also belongs on the bookshelves of anyone who has difficulty with or wants to learn more about how social media can have a positive impact on their business and brand.
Social Media for Trainers: Techniques for Enhancing and Extending Learning
by Jane BozarthNew social media technologies and strategies provide quick, easy solutions to many of the challenges faced by workplace training practitioners. Social media vehicles such as Twitter and Facebook, for example, can help trainers build learning communities, facilitate quick assignments, offer updates or follow-up tips, and otherwise extend the reach of the formal training event. Social Media for Trainers is the first how-to guide on the incorporation of social networking techniques into a trainer's repertoire. It covers the most popular Web 2. 0 tools for instructor-created content (blogs), community-created content (wikis), micro-blogging (Twitter), and community sharing and interaction (Facebook), all with detailed instruction on conducting several training/training-related activities.
Social Media für das erfolgreiche Krankenhaus
by Marc Däumler Marcus M. HotzeFacebook oder Türschild? – Beides!Souveräner und effizienter Umgang mit Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google+, Flickr, Xing – zur Steigerung von Image und Bekanntheit.Der eigene AuftrittSchnell einrichtenProfessionell, effektiv und erfolgreich pflegenWelche Zielgruppen gibt es und wie werden diese angesprochen?Wie finde ich bei Bedarf einen geeigneten Dienstleister?Wohin geht der Trend? Leitfaden für Einsteiger - mit Zusatzwissen für den Fortgeschrittenen„Fahrpläne“: Schritt für Schritt Anleitung mit jeweiligem ZeitbedarfTypische „Stolpersteine“Wichtige Rechts-TippsSpezielle PR-TippsJe nach Anspruch und Zeitbudget werden zwei Varianten vorgeschlagen„Speed“: Korrekt, aber nicht elegant„Perfekt“: Optimal in Inhalt und AuftrittZahlreiche Checklisten zur Vorbereitung, Umsetzung und Erfolgskontrolle.Der eigene AuftrittSchnell einrichtenProfessionell, effektiv und erfolgreich pflegenWelche Zielgruppen gibt es und wie werden diese angesprochen?Wie finde ich bei Bedarf einen geeigneten Dienstleister?Wohin geht der Trend? Leitfaden für Einsteiger - mit Zusatzwissen für den Fortgeschrittenen„Fahrpläne“: Schritt für Schritt Anleitung mit jeweiligem ZeitbedarfTypische „Stolpersteine“Wichtige Rechts-TippsSpezielle PR-TippsJe nach Anspruch und Zeitbudget werden zwei Varianten vorgeschlagen„Speed“: Korrekt, aber nicht elegant„Perfekt“: Optimal in Inhalt und AuftrittZahlreiche Checklisten zur Vorbereitung, Umsetzung und Erfolgskontrolle.
Social Media für Führungskräfte: Behalten Sie das Steuer in der Hand
by Stefanie BabkaDieses Buch bietet Ihnen einen knappen und präzisen Überblick zu den wichtigsten unternehmerischen Herausforderungen sowie Chancen und Risiken in Bezug auf Social Media. Unabhängig davon, welche Art und Größe von Unternehmen oder Abteilung Sie leiten, ob Sie Industriegüter, Konsumgüter oder Dienstleistungen anbieten – Social Media ist ein Faktor, den Sie beobachten und steuern sollten. Stefanie Babka hilft Ihnen dabei, sich und Ihren Mitarbeitern die richtigen Fragen zu stellen, Antworten zu finden und sich so den internen Herausforderungen zu stellen. Denn Social Media ist eine Führungsaufgabe.Dabei werden zum Beispiel folgende Fragestellungen beleuchtet: Sind Sie sich der Risiken von unkoordiniertem und unsachgemäßem Umgang mit Social Media durch Ihre Mitarbeiter im privaten oder beruflichen Umfeld bewusst? Haben Sie datenschutzrechtlich alles beachtet, oder stehen Sie als Führungskraft bereits mit einem Fuß im Gefängnis? Geben Sie zu viel Geld für Social-Media-Kampagnen aus? Haben Sie die richtige Social-Media-Strategie? Orientiert sich diese an den Unternehmenszielen? Haben Sie das Ruder in der Hand oder herrscht in Ihrem Unternehmen Social-Media-Anarchie? Welche Chancen und Risiken bringen interne Social-Media-Anwendungen für die Zusammenarbeit in Teams oder Organisationseinheiten? Wie kann Social Media als strategisches Führungsinstrument genutzt werden? Social Media geht jedes Unternehmen an. Ob Sie wollen oder nicht.Für die 2. Auflage wurden alle Inhalte überarbeitet und das Kapitel „Als Führungskraft im Social Web“ wurde unter anderem um das Thema virtuelles Management und Führung von virtuellen Teams erweitert.
Social Media für Introvertierte: Erfolgreich sichtbar als leiser Unternehmer
by Tanja BernsauDieses Buch richtet sich an introvertierte Selbstständige, Solopreneure und Unternehmer und zeigt auf, wie sie Social Media auf die eigene, leise Art für Vertrieb und Marketing zu ihrem Vorteil nutzen können. Denn: Introvertierte Menschen haben zahlreiche verborgene Stärken, die ihnen besonders im Verkauf zugute kommen können. Diese gilt es zu entfalten!Die Autorin, selbst ein „leiser“ Mensch, räumt mit Mythen und Vorurteilen auf, präsentiert eine Vielzahl von praktischen Orientierungshilfen und Strategien für eine wirksame Positionierung auf Social Media. Am Beispiel der für Unternehmer wichtigsten Plattform LinkedIn zeigt sie auf, wie u. a. Social Selling, Social Listening, Content Marketing oder Personal Branding funktionieren – und mit welchen Kniffen sich introvertierte Menschen selbst aus dem Schneckenhaus locken.
Social Media für Kommunalpolitiker (essentials)
by André HallerSoziale Medien gehören zum Alltagsleben der Menschen. Auch in der Politik hielten Social Media Einzug. Das essential gibt eine umfassende und prägnante Einführung in die Planung und praktische Anwendung von Social Media in der Kommunalpolitik. Es richtet sich an haupt- und ehrenamtliche Politiker. Nach einer kurzen Einführung in die sozialen Medien stellt es die wichtigsten Plattformen vor. Es werden Strategien und praktische Instrumente vorgestellt, die jeder Kommunalpolitiker in seiner digitalen Kommunikationsarbeit nutzen kann. Das Buch bietet einen Einblick in die wichtigsten Regeln und Funktionsweisen von Social-Media-Plattformen in der kommunalpolitischen Kommunikation.
The Social Media Handbook
by Nancy FlynnThe Social Media Handbook is a comprehensive risk and compliance management toolkit that walks employers step-by-step through the process of developing and implementing effective social media policy and compliance management programs that are designed to minimize-and in some cases prevent-social networking and web 2. 0 risks and other electronic disasters. Throughout this important resource Nancy Flynn (an internationally recognized expert on workplace social media) offers a guide to best practices for creating safe, effective, and compliant electronic business communications. The book contains a thorough review of the risks inherent in employees' social media use and content and explores how organizations can help manage behavior, mitigate risks, and maximize compliance through the implementation of strategic social media compliance management programs. These programs combine written policies, supported by comprehensive employee education and are enforced by proven-effective technology tools. Once these policies and programs are in place employers can safely take advantage of the marketing and communications benefits offered by social media. Covering a wealth of material, the book includes vital information on topics such as social media and the law; managing records and e-discovery compliantly; regulatory compliance; privacy and security; blog risks and compliance rules; mobile devices drive social media risks; a seven-step plan for social media policy and compliance management; conducting a social media audit; creating social media policies; content rules and compliance; policy compliance and education; reputation management; and more. In addition to addressing pertinent topics on risk management, the book contains cautionary, real-life social networking disaster stories that show how organizations can lose revenue and reputations, reveals how employees can lose jobs, and explains how individuals can face public humiliation. The Social Media Handbook is a hands-on guide written for human resource professionals, information technology managers, legal professionals, compliance officers, records managers, and others who need to manage today's technology tools with up-to-date employment rules.
The Social Media Handbook for Financial Advisors
by Crystal Thies Matthew Halloran Bill CatesExpert advice for financial advisors looking to make the most of social media platformsSocial media is everywhere. 3.5 billion pieces of content are shared on Facebook each week, 22 million professionals are networking on LinkedIn, and 140 million tweets are posted every day. The opportunities these platforms present for financial advisors are huge, but most advisors have no idea how to use them to build bigger, stronger client bases. The Social Media Handbook for Financial Advisors: How to Use Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to Build and Grow Your Business shows how to make the most of these new tools, offering invaluable advice about how to connect with potential clients in the twenty first century.For most advisors, converting prospects into clients is their top priority, and social media presents incredible opportunities for sealing the deal. Sales don't happen because clients are impressed by complicated charts, they happen because they're impressed by your social media presence, and by properly understanding how to make these new platforms work for you, you'll be positioned to see your business boom.Designed to teach financial advisors how to use social media to better market their services to attract new clients and referralsPresents expert communication advice from top financial advisor coach Matthew HalloranCategorizes communicators in a unique new wayTeaches financial advisors how to use social media in new, highly effective ways that they've never even consideredAn essential resource for wealth managers and financial advisors looking to amplify their marketing message and raise their visibility in a crowded marketplace, The Social Media Handbook for Financial Advisors is the only book you need to make yourself heard.
Social Media im kommunalen Sektor: Einsatzfelder, Herausforderungen, Entwicklungsperspektiven
by Thomas Breyer-Mayländer Christopher ZerresDieses Buch gibt einen Überblick über den Einsatz unterschiedlicher Social-Media-Kanäle für die Kommunikation von Gemeinden, Städten und Ämtern und liefert Verwaltungsverantwortlichen, politischen Akteuren, öffentlichen Gremien oder Eventveranstaltern wertvolle Erkenntnisse. Durch das veränderte Informations- und Mediennutzungsverhalten gewinnen Social Media als Kanäle für die kommunale Kommunikation von Politik und Verwaltung zunehmend an Bedeutung. Dies stellt viele Akteure vor neue Herausforderungen, u. a. weil die dezentrale, eigenverantwortliche Kommunikation einigen Grundprinzipien und Traditionen der öffentlichen Verwaltung widerspricht.Experten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis beschreiben in diesem Werk Voraussetzungen, Anwendungsbereiche und Grenzen des Einsatzes von sozialen Medien im Verwaltungssektor und geben Einblicke anhand von konkreten Beispielen. Ein Buch für Verwaltungs- und Marketingpraktiker, politische Entscheider, Mitarbeitende in Agenturen und regional zuständigen Planungs- und Verwaltungseinrichtungen sowie Studierende in den Bereichen Marketing, Verwaltung und Stadtplanung.
Social Media im Tourismusmarketing: Wie Urlaubsanbieter in sozialen Medien Sichtbarkeit und Direktbuchungen steigern
by André GebelDieses Buch erklärt, wie Hotels, Regionen, Airlines und weitere touristische Anbieter mithilfe von Social Media höhere Sichtbarkeit, mehr Empfehlungen, mehr Direktbuchungen und somit mehr Gewinn erzielen können. Durch die Angebotstransparenz im Internet wird der Feriengast zum vermeintlich besten Angebot geführt, was sinkende Margen und steigende Abhängigkeit für die Reisebranche zur Folge hat. Zwar galt Social Media schon früher als Erfolgsrezept für die margenschwache Tourismusindustrie, doch vereinzelte Facebook-Posts und ein vernachlässigter Instagram-Account geben noch kein eigenständiges Profil ab – und bewegen keinen potenziellen Urlauber zur Direktbuchung.Anhand von anschaulichen Praxisbeispielen zeigt der Autor in diesem Buch, wie Tourismusanbieter Social Media professionell und strukturiert für Direktbuchungen nutzen können, welche Rolle Mitarbeiter und Influencer spielen, was die einzelnen Kanäle genau leisten und wie man mit außergewöhnlichem Storytelling Auslastungen jenseits der 90-Prozent-Marke erreicht. Ein Buch für alle Player der Reisebranche, die ihr Profil schärfen, ihre Margen vergrößern und neue Marketingkanäle entdecken wollen, um auch künftig wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben.
Social Media im Unternehmen – Ruhm oder Ruin: Erfahrungslandkarte einer Expedition in die Social Media-Welt
by Christine Rogge and Ralf KarabaszDer Grundsatz „Wissen ist Macht“, auf den sich Generationen von Führungskräften noch stützen konnten, ist spätestens mit dem Durchbruch der sozialen Medien passé. Informationen verbreiten sich heute im Unternehmen in Windeseile und auf immer neuen Wegen. Auch haben Mitarbeiter ganz neue Zugangswege zu Informationen. Soziale Medien erschließen ihnen zugleich die Möglichkeit, sich positiv oder negativ über das Unternehmen, seine Strategien und Führung zu äußern.Mit dem Einzug der sozialen Medien steht daher die gesamte Kommunikationskultur von Organisationen auf dem Prüfstand, wenn beispielsweise das Handeln der Führung transparenter wird und unmittelbar durch die Mitarbeiter diskutiert und bewertet werden kann. Führungskräfte sind deshalb gut beraten, sich aktiv den Herausforderungen durch das wachsende Potenzial der sozialen Medien zu stellen.Damit Unternehmen und Verwaltungen durch die Dynamik der technischen Neuerungen nicht zu Getriebenen der Entwicklungen werden, gilt es, die Auswirkungen genau zu betrachten. Erfahrungen müssen ausgetauscht werden, um Probleme frühzeitig zu erkennen und entsprechende Reaktionen erarbeiten zu können. Dazu werden in diesem Buch Beispiele aus der Praxis aufgezeigt und sowohl aus der Sicht von Führungskräften als auch von "geführten Mitarbeitern" kommentiert.
Social Media in Employee Selection and Recruitment
by Richard N Landers Gordon B SchmidtThis timely resource offers fresh research on companies'use of social media platforms--from Twitter and Facebook to LinkedIn and othercareer sites--to find and hire personnel. Its balanced approach explains why andhow social media are commonly used in both employee recruitment and selection, exploringrelevant theoretical constructs and practical considerations about theirappropriateness and validity. Contributors clarify a confusing cyberscape withrecommendations and best practices, legal and ethical issues, pitfalls andproblems, and possibilities for standardization. And the book's insights onemerging and anticipated developments will keep the reader abreast of the fieldas it evolves. Included in the coverage: · Social media as a personnel selectionand hiring resource: Reservations and recommendations. · Game-thinking within social media torecruit and select job candidates. · Social media, big data, and employmentdecisions. · The use of social media by BRIC nationsduring the selection process. · Legal concerns when considering socialmedia data in selection. · Online exclusion: Biases that may arisewhen using social media in talent acquisition. · Is John Smith really John Smith?Misrepresentations and misattributions of candidates using social media andsocial networking sites. Social Media in Employee Selection and Recruitment is a bedrock reference forindustrial/organizational psychology and human resources academics currently orplanning to conduct research in this area, as well as for academic libraries. Practitionersconsidering consulting social media as part of human resource planning orselection system design will find it a straight-talking guide to stayingcompetitive.
Social Media in Health Care
by Regina E. Herzlinger Charles C. Huang Selin Gunal TylerThe note on Social Media in Health Care describes different educational and collaborative social media firms that affect 1) consumers, 2) physicians, 3) medical centers, 4) life science firms, and 5) employers and their employees.
Social Media in Health Care: A Guide to Creating Your Professional Digital Presence
by Mona Shattell Melissa Batchelor Rebecca DarmocA practical, essential guide to social media for health care professionals, Social Media in Health Care equips readers with the skills to build their online brand, share their professional knowledge with a wider audience, and become a trusted source of information and thought leader in their field.Authors Mona Shattell, Melissa Batchelor, and Rebecca Darmoc explain the principles behind building a respected digital presence and developing meaningful online connections, while providing practical tips for navigating the five major social media platforms: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Everyone from health care students to the most seasoned professionals will benefit from the 3C’s Framework outlined in the book: Consume, Contribute, and Create.Social Media in Health Care can be read cover to cover or used as quick reference guide. Topics include: Exercises for novice, intermediate, and advanced users Best practices for consuming, sharing, and creating content Tips for readers to build their social media presence and professional brand Recommendations for using digital platforms to expand professional networks Patient privacy concerns and how to avoid ethical pitfalls Social media can start conversations and serve as an open line of communication between peers, the public, and patients. Social Media in Health Care guides members of the medical community in how to use social media to help educate the public and specific patient communities about health care and health policy, make connections with industry leaders and peers, and enhance their professional reputation.
Social Media in Society
by Jonathon Hutchinson Fiona Suwana Cameron McTernanThis book is about the role that social media plays in the lives of individuals, societies, economies and polities. It therefore takes in a wide view of the emergent and changing impacts of social media platforms, and social media practices. As a consequence, it examines social media use through various intellectual and scholarly traditions --psychology, sociology, cultural studies, economics, and (national and global) politics – but it is primarily situated in the field of media and communications studies. As such, it frames its analysis of social media impacts using media studies concepts and terminology, and places media texts, forms, industries and agents (producers, audiences and other users) at the centre of each thematic chapter.
Social Media in Sport: Evidence-Based Perspectives (Routledge Research in Sport Business and Management)
by Gashaw Abeza and Jimmy SandersonThis book takes a close look at social media in sport and considers its significance for sport business and for the wider relationship between sport and society. Presenting new research, case studies and data, it examines the way people use social media, the changing art of managing social media platforms, and the theory and concepts that inform research on this important topic. Featuring the work of leading sport researchers from around the world, the book presents evidence-based analysis of contemporary topics including fan engagement, athlete activism, branding and sponsorship strategies, sportswashing, public relations and crisis communication. It presents case studies from sports and events such as the Olympic Games, the WNBA, professional football leagues, and Peloton, and across social media platforms including TikTok, Twitter and Instagram. This is essential reading for anybody with an interest in sport media, sport business, the sociology of sport, digital business, or new media studies.
Social Media in the Fashion Industry: Fundamentals, Strategy and Research Methods (Routledge Studies in the Fashion Industry)
by Patricia SanMiguel Tekila Harley Nobile Cristina Sánchez-Blanco Nadzeya SabatiniThis book introduces social network fundamentals in the fashion domain. It addresses the creation of social media marketing plans, highlighting strategic approaches that allow fashion brands to differentiate themselves in the ephemeral and challenging fashion context.Through a variety of academic and professional sources and by sharing the results of their own research, the authors present research methodologies, including netnography, visual, sentiment and argumentation analysis, for developing rigorous studies to gain social media insights that can be useful for decision-making and value creation. The book also discusses future trends regarding social media management in the fashion domain via interviews with senior fashion experts.This cutting-edge book that combines theory and practice will appeal to undergraduate and master students across a broad range of fields including fashion studies, marketing, digital marketing and communication and to young professionals who are starting to work in social media. In addition, this book is also developed for young researchers and PhD students employing social media analysis in their studies.
Social Media in the Public Sector
by Ines MergelGrounded in solid research, Social Media in the Public Sector explores the myriad uses of social media in the public sector and combines existing practices with theories of public administration, networked governance, and information management. Comprehensive in scope, the book includes best practices, the strategic, managerial, administrative, and procedural aspects of using social media, and explains the theoretical dimensions of how social behavior affects the adoption of social media technologies.Praise for Social Media in the Public Sector"Mergel has produced a foundational work that combines the best kind of scholarship with shoe-leather reporting and anthropology that highlights the debates that government agencies are struggling to resolve and the fruits of their efforts as they embrace the social media revolution. Social Media in the Public Sector is a first and sets a high standard against which subsequent analysis will be measured."-Lee Rainie, director, Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project"Mergel is an award-winning author who again wields her story skills in this book. She excels in explaining in concrete, practical terms how government managers can use social media to serve the public. Her book puts years of research into one handy guide. It's practical. It's readable. And it's an essential read."-John M. Kamensky, senior fellow, IBM Center for The Business of Government"Mergel moves beyond the hype with detailed, comprehensive research on social media technologies, use, management, and policies in government. This book should be required reading for researchers and public managers alike." -Jane Fountain, professor and director, National Center for Digital Government, University of Massachusetts Amherst"Comprehensive and compelling, Social Media in the Public Sector makes the case that to achieve Government 2.0, agencies must first adopt Web 2.0 social technologies. Mergel explains both how and why in this contemporary study of traditional institutions adopting and adapting to new technologies."-Beth Simone Noveck, United States Deputy Chief Technology Officer (2009-2011)
Social Media in the Public Sector Field Guide
by Bill Greeves Ines MergelStocked with real-life examples and case studies, this book explores myriad social media tools and provides step-by-step guidance on how to implement them based on mission, goals, and strategy. Written in a jargon-free and accessible style, the book is a go-to resource for anyone in government who wants to put the power of social media to work for their organization.Praise for Social Media in the Public Sector Field Guide"Twitter and Facebook and Blogs, Oh My! In this bewildering new field of social media, Mergel and Greeves expertly provide practical advice for governments to harness the power of these new online services."-Bill Schrier, deputy director, Center for Digital Government, eRepublic.com; former CTO (CIO), City of Seattle"This is simply a must-read book for anyone interested in or involved with social media in the public sector. The authors take a refreshing and original approach supported by excellent examples regarding the evolving role social media is playing and can play in government. I cannot think of two better experienced authors to help guide us through the new realities of social media in government."-Dr. Alan R. Shark, executive director, Public Technology Institute; assistant professor, Rutgers University School of Public Affairs and Administration"In the local government sector there seem to be three schools of thought regarding social media: I've got a Facebook page-let's jump right in!, Not happening on my watch!, and Who cares? This field guide is perfect for any of the above, as it provides practical applications and rationale for why local government needs to connect with people where they are-which is on the Internet. Our association of nearly 500 innovative local governments knows that Mergel and Greeves are the perfect authors for this must-have tutorial."-Karen Thoreson, president and chief operating officer, Alliance for Innovation"Every day on GovLoop.com, our network of 60,000 government leaders share best practices and ask questions about using social media in government. I've often been asked by members for a good reference to help them get going on their federal, state, or local government social media programs. I never had an answer-now I do: This field guide is the go-to resource to ensure your social media programs deliver real mission results. Mergel and Greeves are experts in the field-a blend of research and real-world experience to get you to where you need to go."-Steve Ressler, founder and president, GovLoop.com
Social Media in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality: Theory, Practice and Cases (New Directions in Tourism Analysis)
by Evangelos ChristouSocial media is fundamentally changing the way travellers and tourists search, find, read and trust, as well as collaboratively produce information about tourism suppliers and tourism destinations. Presenting cutting-edge theory, research and case studies investigating Web 2.0 applications and tools that transform the role and behaviour of the new generation of travellers, this book also examines the ways in which tourism organisations reengineer and implement their business models and operations, such as new service development, marketing, networking and knowledge management. Written by an international group of researchers widely known for their expertise in the field of the Internet and tourism, chapters include applications and case studies in various travel, tourism and leisure sectors.
Social Media Intelligence
by Wendy W. Moe David A. SchweidelIn the world of Facebook, Twitter and Yelp, water-cooler conversations with co-workers and backyard small talk with neighbors have moved from the physical world to the digital arena. In this new landscape, organizations ranging from Fortune 500 companies to government agencies to political campaigns continuously monitor online opinions in an effort to guide their actions. Are consumers satisfied with our product? How are our policies perceived? Do voters agree with our platform? Measuring online opinion is more complex than just reading a few posted reviews. Social media is replete with noise and chatter that can contaminate monitoring efforts. By knowing what shapes online opinions, organizations can better uncover the valuable insights hidden in the social media chatter and better inform strategy. This book can help anyone facing the challenge of making sense of social media data to move beyond the current practice of social media monitoring to more comprehensive use of social media intelligence.
Social Media Isn't Social: Rediscovering the lost art of face-to-face communication
by Al MaagWith humor and insight born of decades of experience, Al Maag shares what he learned during his Chicago childhood in the 1950s and 60s, a stark contrast to the current C-generation that has grown up with electronic gadgets. Social Media Isn't Social shows why online social media cannot replace face-to-face human connection, and reveals the critical real-life social skills you need to succeed today in business and in life.
Social-Media-Kommunikation entlang der Customer Journey: Die Kommunikation durch den Einsatz einfacher, zielgenauer Kennzahlen erfolgsorientiert ausrichten (essentials)
by Gregor HopfDie Unternehmenskommunikation in den sozialen Medien kann durch den Einsatz einfacher, aber zielgenauer Kennzahlen ausgerichtet und entlang der Customer Journey erfolgsorientiert gesteuert werden. Grundlage ist ein Customer Journey Mapping, das alle Berührungspunkte der Kunden entlang ihrer Entscheidungsprozesse mit dem Unternehmen und den Wettbewerbern bestimmt und den einzelnen Phasen und Aufgaben der Customer Journey zuordnet. Durch das Verständnis der verschiedenen Kennzahlen und ihrer Einsatzmöglichkeiten für die Steuerung der einzelnen Aufgaben entlang der Customer Journey können die zu den Zielen des Unternehmens passendsten ausgewählt werden. Dieser essentials-Band stellt die wichtigsten Kennzahlen vor und erklärt, wie aus den einzelnen Kennzahlen ein ganzheitliches Steuerungskonzept entstehen kann - umsetzbar, konkret und zum Unternehmen passend.
Social Media Made Me Rich: Here's How it Can do the Same for You
by Matthew LoopHave you ever wondered what specific strategies the world's highest-paid Internet entrepreneurs are using to get rich? Are you tired of working forty hours per week at a job you dislike and not getting paid what you're worth? Would you like to learn how to package the knowledge already in your head and put it into high-earning digital products (ebooks, online courses, coaching programs, software, etc.)? Wouldn't it be great to make a bigger impact in the world by helping others and doing what you love?