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Spot-Leadership: Nachhaltige Führung In Einer Agilen Unternehmenswelt

by Tobias Büser Carsten Steinert

Dieses Buch vermittelt fundiert und praxisnah, wie Führungskräfte in einer immer komplexer werdenden Welt Unternehmen und ihre Mitarbeiter zum Erfolg führen können. Die Lösung lautet Spot-Leadership. Das bedeutet, sich als Führungskraft von den vielfältigen Situationsvariablen nicht verwirren zu lassen, sondern diese mit Übersicht und System am jeweiligen Punkt (Spot) zu gestalten. Dafür stellen die Autoren einen praktischen Führungs-Kompass vor. Dieser besteht aus sieben Erfolgsfaktoren, die für nachhaltige Führung in agilen Situationen aufeinander abgestimmt werden müssen. Zu jedem der sieben Erfolgsfaktoren werden die wichtigsten theoretische Ansätze und empirische Studien dargestellt und mit zahlreichen Fallbeispielen und praktischen Tipps verdeutlicht, um daraus für die Führungspraxis brauchbare Instrumente und Handlungsoptionen abzuleiten.

Spotfire: Managing a Multinational Start-Up

by Chad Ellis Walter Kuemmerle

Spotfire, a software start-up, must address the question of dividing its effort between Sweden and the United States in addition to raising venture capital, obtaining new customers, and managing early-stage growth.

Spotify: Cómo una startup sueca ganó la batalla por el dominio del audio a Apple, Google y Amazon

by Jonas Leijonhufvud Sven Carlsson

La historia completa de la plataforma de audio por streaming más grande del mundo En 2011, Daniel Ek, el joven fundador de Spotify, por fin logró el lanzamiento de su compañía en Estados Unidos, a pesar de que Steve Jobs había hecho lo posible porque ese momento nunca sucediera. La startup sueca había entrado al campo de batalla para cambiar las reglas del juego en el negocio de la música. Spotify apenas había ganado una batalla, pero aún no la guerra: ahora tendría que luchar en contra y a favor de las grandes discográficas, al tiempo que seguía tratando de triunfar en la carrera de la rentabilidad. A partir de cientos de entrevistas y fuentes —entre las que destacan Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Taylor Swift, Jay-Z, Sean Parker, Pony Ma Huateng y Jimmy Loving—, los autores reconstruyen la fascinante historia de una de las compañías que ha revolucionado la forma en que el mundo consume audio. Un relato equiparable al de David y Goliat que, además de revelador, muestra cómo la convicción, la voluntad implacable y los sueños son clave para los pequeños empresarios que se enfrentan a los gigantes de la tecnología.

Spotify Teardown: Inside the Black Box of Streaming Music (The\mit Press Ser.)

by Maria Eriksson Rasmus Fleischer Anna Johansson Pelle Snickars Patrick Vonderau

An innovative investigation of the inner workings of Spotify that traces the transformation of audio files into streamed experience.Spotify provides a streaming service that has been welcomed as disrupting the world of music. Yet such disruption always comes at a price. Spotify Teardown contests the tired claim that digital culture thrives on disruption. Borrowing the notion of “teardown” from reverse-engineering processes, in this book a team of five researchers have playfully disassembled Spotify's product and the way it is commonly understood.Spotify has been hailed as the solution to illicit downloading, but it began as a partly illicit enterprise that grew out of the Swedish file-sharing community. Spotify was originally praised as an innovative digital platform but increasingly resembles a media company in need of regulation, raising questions about the ways in which such cultural content as songs, books, and films are now typically made available online.Spotify Teardown combines interviews, participant observations, and other analyses of Spotify's “front end” with experimental, covert investigations of its “back end.” The authors engaged in a series of interventions, which include establishing a record label for research purposes, intercepting network traffic with packet sniffers, and web-scraping corporate materials. The authors' innovative digital methods earned them a stern letter from Spotify accusing them of violating its terms of use; the company later threatened their research funding. Thus, the book itself became an intervention into the ethics and legal frameworks of corporate behavior.

Spotify's Audio-First Strategy: Leading the Podcasting Market

by Hong Luo Carol Lin


Spotlight on Journalism and Popular Heroism: The Rise from Tabloid Stars to Digital Activists (Routledge Research in Journalism)

by Caryn Coatney

This book offers fresh insights into the central role of journalism in shaping popular memories of community heroism in times of crisis. Further, it challenges familiar assumptions about Hollywood celebrity reporting and shows journalists’ active role in connecting popular culture icons with local communities.This book showcases fresh insights into how audiences collaborated and contributed to these widespread stories. The chapters included show how His Girl Friday, a Hollywood classic about tabloid newsroom stars, became a must-see movie for journalists, inspiring hundreds to choose the profession. Other appearances include Peter Fleming (James Bond creator Ian Fleming’s brother) and Norman Rockwell who helped create heroic characters in the news that became global symbols of community leadership. This offers a look at digital news activists who recreated heroic icons in social media to champion human rights in the Middle East. The historical and contemporary case studies offer insights into larger news trends that have contributed to the enduring popularity of these diverse, heroic identities in journalism.Presenting unique views of community, collaborative and interactive journalism, this book will be a valuable resource to students and scholars of journalism, communication, media and political history, as well as professionals already operating within the field of journalism.

Spotting and Responding to Institutional Voids: Identifying Opportunities in Emerging Markets

by Krishna G. Palepu Tarun Khanna

The trick to defining and executing business strategy in emerging markets? Identifying the key institutions missing from developing economies-like absent or unreliable sources of market information, an uncertain regulatory environment, or inefficient judicial systems-and building businesses that will help fill those voids. This chapter, from the book "Winning in Emerging Markets" by two experts in the field, equips managers with toolkits to spot and respond to institutional voids in product, labor, and capital markets, and the resulting obstacles and business opportunities. These toolkits provide a series of questions that will help you avoid easy-to-anticipate mistakes and identify unexpected sources of competitive advantage-whether yours is a foreign or domestic organization. This chapter was originally published as Chapter 2 of "Winning in Emerging Markets: A Road Map for Strategy and Execution."

Spotting Assumptions, Estimates, and Biases: The Art of Finance

by Joe Knight Karen Berman John Case

Understanding the "artistic" aspects of finance is key to developing financial intelligence. This chapter examines how financial professionals make estimates and assumptions using accruals and allocations, depreciation, and valuation as examples.

Spotting Institutional Voids in Emerging Markets

by Krishna G. Palepu Tarun Khanna

With the demise of communism, many countries in the world are striving to build their economic activity around markets and to participate in free trade arrangements, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), European Union (EU), and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Addresses several issues critical to understanding the unique nature of emerging markets relative to their more mature counterparts. What is the fundamental challenge in building well-functioning markets? On which sets of institutions do advanced markets rely to resolve these challenges? What makes building these institutions complex? What happens when some of these institutions are either absent or underdeveloped in an economy? How does one spot these institutional voids?

Sprache als Instrument der Change- und Innovationskommunikation (essentials)

by Helmut Ebert Edith Münch

Dieses essential zeigt, wie Sie mit Sprache Umbrüche meistern und neue Ideen entwickeln. Denken ist ein kreativer Umgang mit Bedeutungen. Die Verfahren für Ideenspielräume: definieren, abstrahieren, metaphorisieren, negieren, rahmen („framing“) sowie argumentieren, erzählen, beschreiben. Die Vorfeldfaktoren: Empathie, informale Kommunikation, Akzeptanz von Ungewissheit und Mehrdeutigkeit, experimentelle Haltung, Perspektivenabgleich, Überwindung von Tabus, Mythen und blockierenden inneren Bildern - und eine Sprache, die Gruppen befähigt, von der Zukunft her zu denken.

Sprache denkt (fe)male: Intelligente Sprache für selbstbewusste und wertschätzende Kommunikation

by Simone Burel

Dieses Buch hinterfragt grundlegende Sprach- und damit Denkweisen, die unser gesamtes Leben prägen. Sprache ist das primäre Medium, über das wir die Welt und unser Wissen erfahren und vergegenständlichen. Anhand praktischer Beispiele aus über 100 Workshops und Coaching-Einheiten sowie persönlichen Erfahrungen von Dr. Simone Burel erhalten Sie Ratschläge, wie Sie mit unproduktiven Denk- und Sprachmustern umgehen können, um im Business Ihre Frau zu stehen. Zahlreiche Denk- und Schreibübungen regen zur Selbstreflexion an. In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie Sieeigene Denkfallen und Glaubenssätze überwinden,eigene sprachliche (und damit) kognitive Grenzen erweitern,Wörter mit negativem Impact vermeiden,eine höhere Sprachsicherheit und -qualität in der eigenen Kommunikation erlangen,Ihr Image durch einen sicheren Sprachauftritt verbessern,wertschätzend mit anderen kommunizieren.Das Buch ist eine Mixtur aus Erfahrungs- und Fachwissen, das Dr. Simone Burel aus zahlreichen Female-Business-Ratgebern und in Seminaren mit Teilnehmerinnen, Kundinnen sowie Studierende erarbeitet hat. Über zehn Jahre an Sprachforschung, Therapie, Coaching, Fachliteratur und permanenter sprachlicher Selbstarbeit tragen dazu bei. Aktuelle Forschung zum Thema Sprache & Kommunikation unterlegen die Prosa wissenschaftlich.

Sprache und Dialog als Führungsinstrumente: Wie Gespräche die Organisationsentwicklung der Zukunft sichern

by Helmut Ebert

Dieses Buch beschreibt, wie die Kunst des Gesprächeführens als Mittel der erfolgreichen Organisationsentwicklung und in Veränderungsprozessen genutzt werden kann und welche Ansatzpunkte es dazu gibt. Denn im Normalfall ist uns nicht bewusst, was wir sprechend tun. Organisationale Veränderungen im Großen und Kleinen können nur in echten Gesprächen gelingen, die Denkräume für Neues und Denkräume der Besonnenheit eröffnen – insbesondere in Zeiten der Digitalisierung aller Unternehmensbereiche. Es gilt durch das, was andere sagen und wie sie sich verhalten, besser auf deren Innenwelt zu schließen. Verantwortliche in Unternehmen können dadurch einen guten und kooperativen Kontakt mit allen Mitarbeitern und Stakeholdern herstellen und halten.Der Autor zeigt auf, wie wichtig es ist, den Dialog zu suchen, Empathie und Wertschätzung zu zeigen, Emotionen zu erkennen, und beschreibt, mit welchen Mitteln das erreicht werden kann.Er liefert wichtige theoretische Hintergründe und unterstützt Sie, eine individuelle Strategie für Gespräche in Ihrem Unternehmen zu entwickeln, um auch in Zukunft erfolgreich zu sein.

Sprawl: A Compact History

by Robert Bruegmann

In this incisive history of the expanded city, Robert Bruegmann argues that urban sprawl is a positive and logical consequence of economic development and social mobility.

Sprawl Costs: Economic Impacts of Unchecked Development (Report/transit Cooperative Research Program Ser.)

by Anthony Downs Sahan Mukherji Barbara Mccann Robert Burchell

The environmental impacts of sprawling development have been well documented, but few comprehensive studies have examined its economic costs. In 1996, a team of experts undertook a multi-year study designed to provide quantitative measures of the costs and benefits of different forms of growth. Sprawl Costs presents a concise and readable summary of the results of that study. The authors analyze the extent of sprawl, define an alternative, more compact form of growth, project the magnitude and location of future growth, and compare what the total costs of those two forms of growth would be if each was applied throughout the nation. They analyze the likely effects of continued sprawl, consider policy options, and discuss examples of how more compact growth would compare with sprawl in particular regions. Finally, they evaluate whether compact growth is likely to produce the benefits claimed by its advocates. The book represents a comprehensive and objective analysis of the costs and benefits of different approaches to growth, and gives decision-makers and others concerned with planning and land use realistic and useful data on the implications of various options and policies.

The Spread of Political Economy and the Professionalisation of Economists: Economic Societies in Europe, America and Japan in the Nineteenth Century

by Massimo M. Augello Marco E.L.Guidi

This book expertly presents the first systematic research and comparative analysis ever attempted on the rise and early developments of the Economic Associations founded in Europe, the US and Japan during the nineteenth century. Contributors analyze the activities and debates promoted by these associations, evaluating their role in: the disseminati

Spread Trading

by Greg Jensen

A proven,easy-to-understandmethod for makingmoney with options "If you've never invested in the stock market,this is the book for you. If you've been investingfor years . . . this is still the book for you. A fantastic introduction to options. " -Jon "DOCTOR J" Najarian, Co-founder, OptionMonster. com Spread trading-the practice of combining optiontrades and adjusting them over time-is being used successfullyby more and more professional traders. In this book, Greg Jensenshows nonprofessionals the tremendous advantages thissafe and profitable method offers. In simple and precise terms, Spread Trading providesreaders with all the essential tools to begin trading options. It explains, in nine simple steps, the basics of puts, calls,strike prices, and spreads-assuming no prior knowledge onyour part-and tells how to profit no matter what the market does. The author has helped thousands of people achieve successimplementing this approach, and with Spread Trading, hecontinues to educate individuals on the benefits of trading thisway, showing you how to make money while reducing risk. Building his lessons around the entertaining story oftwo ordinary guys figuring out how to trade options with each other,Jensen offers more than dry formulas-he relates the sense andthe intuition of trading options in a way that is simple,methodical, and easy to follow.

The Spreadsheet

by Alexander J. MacKay Zoe B. Cullen


Spreadsheets with Excel (Learning Made Simple Ser.)

by Stephen Morris

This handy textbook covers all you need to get started with spreadsheets.Learning Made Simple books give you skills without frills. They are matched to the main qualifications, and written by experienced teachers and authors to make often tricky subjects simple to learn. Every book is designed carefully to provide bite-sized lessons matched to your needs.Learning Made Simple titles provide both a new colorful way to study and a useful adjunct to any training course. Using full color throughout, and written by leading teachers and writers, Learning Made Simple books will help you learn new skills and develop your talents. Whether studying at college, training at work, or reading at home, aiming for a qualification or simply getting up to speed, Learning Made Simple books will give you the advantage of easy, well-organised training materials in a handy volume with two or four-page sections for each topic for ease of use.

Sprechen Sie für sich

by Monika Radecki

Dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen als Fach- und Führungskraft, wie Sie selbstbewusst Öffentlichkeit in eigener Sache herstellen, ohne sich zu verbiegen. Um Einfluss zu nehmen, Ihren Berufserfolg zu steigern und Mitarbeiter und Teams zu motivieren. Lernen Sie Ihre vielfältigen Seiten kennen, Ihre Anliegen wertschätzend am Gegenüber orientiert zu präsentieren, Ihre Leistung auf angemessene Weise ins rechte Licht zu rücken und Ihre Themen zu platzieren. Begrüßen Sie dabei innere Widerstände, und erkennen Sie die positiven Zeichen von Gegenwind. Der Leitfaden ist geeignet als Führungs- und Teamentwicklungstool, als Karriereinstrument, als Anregung zur Selbstreflexion in Zeiten ständiger Veränderung. Ein Buch mit vielen Praxistipps und Übungen. Lassen Sie die Welt wissen, wofür Sie stehen und wie Sie Verantwortung übernehmen.

Sprechstunde auf Augenhöhe: Wie Kommunikation zwischen Arzt und Patient gelingt

by Veronika Hollenrieder

Gespräche können Menschen miteinander verbinden oder auch entzweien. Egal ob zwischen Arzt und Patient, Partnern, Eltern und Kindern, Freunden oder Arbeitskollegen – jede noch so alltägliche Unterhaltung kann negative oder aber auch positive Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit der Beteiligten haben. So können Gespräche ebenso verletzen, entmutigen und demotivieren wie auch versöhnen, Mut machen, motivieren oder trösten.Dieses Buch beleuchtet die besondere Bedeutung eines guten Arzt-Patienten-Gesprächs in der Sprechstunde - auch oder gerade, weil für Ärzte die Zeit pro Patient immer knapper wird. Die Autorin zeigt mit einem ganzheitlichen Blick, welche Rahmenbedingungen und möglichen Störfaktoren das Gespräch wechselseitig beeinflussen und wie sich gelungene Kommunikation auf das körperliche und geistige Wohlbefinden auswirkt. Konkrete Beispiele veranschaulichen, wie Arzt und Patient zu einem guten Austausch auf Augenhöhe kommen und somit bereits das Gespräch Teil der Medikation und des Heilungsprozesses werden kann.Eine Lektüre für alle, die erfahren möchten, wie das persönliche und direkte Gespräch zu einem Medikament ohne Nebenwirkungen werden kann.

Sprechstunde Bachelorarbeit und Masterarbeit: In 10 Schritten ohne Stress und Zweifel zum Erfolg bei wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten

by Vera Spillner

​Dieses Buch hilft Dir, Deine Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit erfolgreich und stressfrei zu erstellen. Von der Idee zur fertigen Arbeit werden schrittweise alle Etappen des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens aufgezeigt und gemeinsam mit Dir eingeübt, um Deine Arbeit auf den richtigen Weg zu bringen. Die Abschlussarbeit im Studium ist kein Sprint, sondern ein Marathon. Vera Spillner zeigt Dir, wie Du diese Langstrecke bewältigst, wie Du die einzelnen Etappen planst, die wissenschaftlichen Anforderungen richtig erfüllst und Dich motivierst, wenn es mal schwierig wird. Als Betreuerin von Abschlussarbeiten hat die Autorin vielfach erlebt, dass ein systematisches Vorgehen plus eine positive Einstellung der Schlüssel zum Erfolg ist. Genau diesen Schlüssel hältst Du nun mit diesem Buch in den Händen. In dieser Sprechstunde werden Fragen, Schritte und Stolperfallen des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens systematisch aufgearbeitet: Wie finde ich ein Thema, das auf meinen Interessen abgestimmt ist? Wie entwickle ich eine machbare und relevante Forschungsfrage? Welche Methode wende ich hierfür an? Wie schreibe ich ein Exposé, wie eine Einleitung? Was muss alles in die Gliederung? Wie finde ich einen Erst- und Zweitbetreuer? Wie viel Zeit sollte ich für meine Abschlussarbeit einplanen? Wie sieht wissenschaftliches Arbeiten aus? Was muss ich während der Schreibphase alles beachten? Was muss ich bei der Abgabe alles beachten?Die Autorin bietet für all diese Fragen (und mehr) Tipps, konkrete Vorschläge, Beispiele und gelegentliche Teepausen, um ohne Stress und Zweifel durch die Abschlussarbeit zu kommen.

The Springboard

by Stephen Denning

The Springboard: How Storytelling Ignites Action in Knowledge-Era Organizations is the first book to teach storytelling as a powerful and formal discipline for organizational change and knowledge management. The book explains how organizations can use certain types of stories ("springboard" stories) to communicate new or envisioned strategies, structures, identities, goals, and values to employees, partners and even customers. Readers will learn techniques by which they can help their organizations become more unified, responsive, and intelligent. Storytelling is a management technique championed by gurus including Peter Senge, Tom Peters and Larry Prusak. Now Stephen Denning, an innovator in the new discipline of organizational storytelling, teaches how to use stories to address challenges fundamental to success in today's information economy.

Springboard: Launching Your Personal Search for Success

by G. Richard Shell

Everyone knows that you are supposed to "follow your dream. ” But where is the road map to help you discover what that dream is? You have just found it. In Springboard, award-winning author and teacher G. Richard Shell helps you find your future. His advice: Take an honest look inside and then answer two questions: What, for me, is success? How will I achieve it? You will begin by assessing your current beliefs about success, including the hidden influences of family, media, and culture. These are where the pressures to live "someone else’s life” come from. Once you gain perspective on these outside forces, you will be ready to look inside at your unique combination of passions and capabilities. The goal: to focus more on what gives meaning and excitement to your life and less on what you are "supposed” to want. Drawing on his decades of research, Shell offers personalized assessments to help you probe your past, imagine your future, and measure your strengths. He then combines these with the latest scientific insights on everything from self-confidence and happiness to relationships and careers. Throughout, he shares inspiring examples of people who found what they were meant to do by embracing their own true measure of success. Eric Adler: one of Shell’s former students who walked away from a conventional business career to help launch a revolutionary new concept in public education that has placed hundreds of inner-city high school students in top colleges. Kurt Timken: a Harvard-educated son of a Fortune 500 CEO who found his true calling as a hard-charging police officer fighting drug lords in southern California. Cynthia Stafford: an office worker who became one of her community’s leading promoters of theater and the arts. Get ready for the journey of a lifetime-one that will help you reevaluate your future and envision success on your own terms. Students and executives say that Richard Shell’s courses have changed their lives. Let this book change yours. .


by G. Richard Shell

Everyone knows that you are supposed to "follow your dream." But where is the road map to help you discover what that dream is? You have just found it. In Springboard, award-winning author and teacher G. Richard Shell helps you find your future. His advice: Take an honest look inside and then answer two questions: What, for me, is success? How will I achieve it? You will begin by assessing your current beliefs about success, including the hidden influences of family, media, and culture. These are where the pressures to live "someone else's life" come from. Once you gain perspective on these outside forces, you will be ready to look inside at your unique combination of passions and capabilities. The goal: to focus more on what gives meaning and excitement to your life and less on what you are "supposed" to want. Drawing on his decades of research, Shell offers personalized assessments to help you probe your past, imagine your future, and measure your strengths. He then combines these with the latest scientific insights on everything from self-confidence and happiness to relationships and careers. Throughout, he shares inspiring examples of people who found what they were meant to do by embracing their own true measure of success. Eric Adler: one of Shell's former students who walked away from a conventional business career to help launch a revolutionary new concept in public education that has placed hundreds of inner-city high school students in top colleges. Kurt Timken: a Harvard-educated son of a Fortune 500 CEO who found his true calling as a hard-charging police officer fighting drug lords in southern California. Cynthia Stafford: an office worker who became one of her community's leading promoters of theater and the arts. Get ready for the journey of a lifetime--one that will help you reevaluate your future and envision success on your own terms. Students and executives say that Richard Shell's courses have changed their lives. Let this book change yours.

Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics

by Hoang Pham

In today's global and highly competitive environment, continuous improvement in the processes and products of any field of engineering is essential for survival. This book gathers together the full range of statistical techniques required by engineers from all fields. It will assist them to gain sensible statistical feedback on how their processes or products are functioning and to give them realistic predictions of how these could be improved. The handbook will be essential reading for all engineers and engineering-connected managers who are serious about keeping their methods and products at the cutting edge of quality and competitiveness.

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