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Startups and Innovation Ecosystems in Emerging Markets: A Brazilian Perspective

by Moacir De Oliveira Jr. Fernanda Ribeiro Cahen Felipe Mendes Borini

This book examines the behavior of high-tech startups and important aspects of innovation ecosystems in Brazil. It discusses how the local business environment boosts startups and high-tech entrepreneurship, leading to the most successful implementation of technology parks and incubation movements in Latin America. In the first part, the chapters explore the experience of Brazilian high-tech startups with regard to innovation, funding, background of the entrepreneur and their efforts entering international markets. The second part is dedicated to innovation ecosystems and explains the role of business incubators, acceleration programs, and university entrepreneurship in the country.

Startups Fuera de Serie: Aplasta la Competencia con tu Startup Innovadora

by Jonathan S. Walker

Haz que tu negocio comience como nunca antes con estas estrategias vitales ¿Deseas que tu startup pueda comenzar con el pie derecho sin mucho esfuerzo? ¿Necesitas una forma de atraer posibles inversionistas para obtener ventaja sobre la competencia? ¿Deseas obtener un impulso rápido para que tu startup crezca exponencialmente en los próximos meses? Te presentamos Startups Fuera de Serie: ¡Aplasta la Competencia con tu Startup Innovadora! Estrategias probadas para que lleves a su negocio a donde necesita ir. Estas son algunas de las cosas que aprenderás en este libro para que tu negocio tenga un gran comienzo: •Ganando tracción para tu inicio •Uso de correos electrónicos a tu favor •Aprovechando el Marketing de correos electrónicos (Estrategias principales para campañas) •Estrategias de marketing viral •Escalar de pequeño a grande •Cómo aprovechar el marketing de afiliados •Aprovecha el poder del mercadeo en red para tu inicio Y mucho, mucho más. ¡Obtén tu copia de este libro hoy mismo! No te pierdas los increíbles enfoques incluidos en este poderoso libro de estrategia empresarial. ¡El precio puede subir pronto así que date prisa! ¡Desplázate hasta la parte superior y presiona el botón "Comprar ahora" Hoy!

The Startup’s Guide to Sales: How Not to Crash and Burn

by Roshan Louis Joseph Ram Mohan Menon

From that gleam in your eye, to prototype, to production— you are all set to wow the world with your genius. You take the first step towards your goal and realize that between you and the consumer is a moat full of dragons, demons and turbulence that you must cross to make it to ‘Start-up Paradise’. The Start-up’s Guide to Sales is a practical book that helps you navigate the perils of wrong selling. This is not sales theory, but a ‘tried-out’ recipe book for success. Read on and sail the choppy waters with sales savvy! Roshan L Joseph and Ram Mohan Menon, mavens of sales, distribution and marketing, have trudged through global markets to find what works and what must be avoided. The language is distilled and easy, and their advice is clear and unambiguous for they have been there and done that.

Startups in Action: The Critical Year One Choices That Built Etsy, HotelTonight, Fiverr, and More

by JP Silva

The growing pains of a startup’s initial year in business require a keen awareness of uncertainties and a willingness to adapt in order to survive. Today’s new founders greatly benefit from taking a behind-the-scenes look at successful companies such as Etsy, HotelTonight, Fiverr, and more in regards to how they overcame the challenges of their first year. Startups in Action is your curated source for critical insights and inspiration from those who have been there before.This book documents the month-to-month journeys of these companies in their first year, zeroing in on key decisions that helped them recover from missteps, and adapt to complications, to eventually grow and succeed. Were the founders full-time from the beginning? How long did it take them to build a working prototype? How many end-users did they have in the first year? The answers to these questions are of interest to those who are just starting out and want to learn by example. Collected from interviews with the founders themselves, author JP Silva answers these questions and reveals how each of the startups charted their paths to success. Startups in Action is equal parts inspirational and practical, providing guidance through a foundation of relatability to help cope with situations and surprises experienced during a startup’s first year. Startup discourse is rife with myths and oversimplification. Cut through the noise and learn the events, actions, and counteractions only attainable from the founders themselves. As more and more aspiring entrepreneurs are about to start their journeys, the value of knowledge about difficult choices and obstacles that companies face in their first year is critical. With Startups in Action, you will benefit from the invaluable knowledge of experience and be prepared to face the challenges of building a successful startup. What You Will Learn Acquire critical insights from the most successful startups, easily available and collated in one bookCompare and contrast the first year journey of your startup with that of giants such as Etsy, StubHub, Fiverr, and moreLearn how to build better startups by understanding what you should or should not do Who This Book Is ForThis book is for new and aspiring founders, and those curious to learn about the journeys of successful startups.

Startups international: Erfolgsfaktoren, Motivationen und persönliche Hintergründe

by Anabel Ternès Matthias Schäfer

Die 2. Auflage dieses Bandes überzeugt durch aktualisierte Daten und einen erweiterten allgemeinen Teil, der neue Erkenntnisse zum Thema mit in den Blick nimmt.Was macht erfolgreiches Gründen aus? Und wie wird man eigentlich zum Gründer? Startup-Gründer aus der ganzen Welt wurden für dieses Buch zu ihrer Kindheit, ihrer Unternehmensgeschichte und zu ihrer Motivation, ihren Krisen und ihren Erfolgsgeheimnissen interviewt. Die mehrstündigen Gespräche wurden mit jedem Gründer auf der Basis eines Leitfadens mit zentralen Fragen geführt. Herausgekommen sind Geschichten, spannende Einblicke in die Höhen und Tiefen der Biographien der Gründer. Kurz, ganz persönliche Einblicke in die internationale Welt der Startups. Ergänzend zu den Geschichten wurden alle Interviews wissenschaftlich ausgewertet und analysiert, um einen Einblick in den internationalen Startup-Kosmos zu bekommen.

Startups revolucionárias: Elimine a Concorrência Com Sua Startup Inovadora

by Jonathan S. Walker

Comece o seu negócio como nunca antes possível com essas estratégias vitais Deseja que sua startup comece da melhor maneira sem muito esforço? Você precisa atrair possíveis investidores para obter uma vantagem sobre a concorrência? Você quer ganhar impulso rápido para que sua startup cresça exponencialmente nos próximos meses? Apresentando Startups Revolucionárias: Esmague a Concorrência Com Sua Startup Inovadora! As estratégias comprovadas para levar sua empresa aonde ela precisa ir. Aqui estão algumas das coisas que você aprenderá neste livro para começar bem o seu negócio: Ganhando tração para sua startup Usando e-mails para sua vantagem Capitalizando no Marketing por Email (principais estratégias para campanhas) Estratégias de Marketing Viral Dimensionamento de Pequena para Larga Escala Como se Alavancar no Marketing de Afiliados Aproveitando o Poder do Marketing de Rede para sua Startup E muito, muito mais! Pegue sua cópia deste livro hoje! Não perca todas as coisas incríveis reunidas neste poderoso livro de estratégia de negócios. O preço pode subir logo, então se apresse! Vá até o topo e pressione o botão "Comprar agora" hoje!

Starvation and India's Democracy (Routledge Advances in South Asian Studies)

by Dan Banik

This book analyzes India’s impressive efforts in responding to sensational and easily visible disasters in contrast to the ‘silent emergency’ of drought-induced under nutrition and starvation deaths. Building on Amartya Sen’s famous claim that no famine has ever occurred in a democratic country, it re-examines the relationship between democracy, public action and famine prevention. Drawing on both quantitative and qualitative data in India at national, state and local levels as well as in-depth field visits to two states on India’s east coast, Orissa and West Bengal, the author analyzes the following issues: the interaction between specific institutions in India and their accountability to the public the role of the media in highlighting problems of extreme poverty and destitution and the effectiveness of political and administrative responses to such reports the extent to which tribal groups are vulnerable to starvation and famine, and an analysis of whether starvation deaths in drought-prone Kalahandi district in Orissa are unique in India the impact of two major nutrition programmes, the Public Distribution System (PDS) and the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), in reducing the incidence, duration and impact of starvation deaths. Starvation and India’s Democracy will be of interest to researchers in economics, political science, philosophy, development studies and South Asian studies.

Starvation And The State

by Steven Serels

Sudan has historically suffered devastating famines that have powerfully reshaped its society. This study shows that food crises were the result of exploitative processes that transferred resources to a small group of beneficiaries, including British imperial agents and indigenous elites who went on to control the Sudanese state at independence.

Starve and Immolate: The Politics of Human Weapons

by Banu Bargu

Tells the story of leftist political prisoners in Turkey who waged a deadly struggle against the introduction of high security prisons by forging their lives into weapons.

Starved for Science: How Biotechnology Is Being Kept Out of Africa

by Robert Paarlberg

Listen to a short interview with Robert Paarlberg Host: Chris Gondek | Producer: Heron & Crane Heading upcountry in Africa to visit small farms is absolutely exhilarating given the dramatic beauty of big skies, red soil, and arid vistas, but eventually the two-lane tarmac narrows to rutted dirt, and the journey must continue on foot. The farmers you eventually meet are mostly women, hardworking but visibly poor. They have no improved seeds, no chemical fertilizers, no irrigation, and with their meager crops they earn less than a dollar a day. Many are malnourished. Nearly two-thirds of Africans are employed in agriculture, yet on a per-capita basis they produce roughly 20 percent less than they did in 1970. Although modern agricultural science was the key to reducing rural poverty in Asia, modern farm science—including biotechnology—has recently been kept out of Africa. In Starved for Science Robert Paarlberg explains why poor African farmers are denied access to productive technologies, particularly genetically engineered seeds with improved resistance to insects and drought. He traces this obstacle to the current opposition to farm science in prosperous countries. Having embraced agricultural science to become well-fed themselves, those in wealthy countries are now instructing Africans—on the most dubious grounds—not to do the same. In a book sure to generate intense debate, Paarlberg details how this cultural turn against agricultural science among affluent societies is now being exported, inappropriately, to Africa. Those who are opposed to the use of agricultural technologies are telling African farmers that, in effect, it would be just as well for them to remain poor.

The Starving Artist Myth: Bust the Stereotype and Find Success in Creative Careers

by Mark J. Jones

Creative sector jobs are driving our economy and offer a viable career path for today's youth.Careers in the creative sector offer flexibility and security. Why then are more young people not seeking them out? Because they believe the myth of the starving artist, which conjures up images of penniless writers and artistic bohemians. The myth leads families and some educators to discourage young people from choosing a path they would love in favour of more secure fields. Years later, they could come to regret that choice.Mark J. Jones, Dean of the Faculty of Animation, Art and Design at Sheridan College, one of the top post-secondary schools for creative arts and animation in Canada, shows that the persistent belief in the starving artist myth is not just costing young people the opportunity to explore satisfying careers, it is also costing our economy in terms of lost opportunity. Through their education, artists, musicians, writers, media makers, designers, actors, and others have come to understand how to reach their audiences and customers, and are perfectly poised to contribute to the global creative market.In The Starving Artist Myth, Jones erases any remaining doubt of the opportunities in the creative economy by getting at the underbelly of the stereotype and answering the what, the why, and the how of achieving career goals.

Starving the Beast: Ronald Reagan and the Tax Cut Revolution

by Monica Prasad

Since the Reagan Revolution of the early 1980s, Republicans have consistently championed tax cuts for individuals and businesses, regardless of whether the economy is booming or in recession or whether the federal budget is in surplus or deficit. In Starving the Beast, sociologist Monica Prasad uncovers the origins of the GOP’s relentless focus on tax cuts and shows how this is a uniquely American phenomenon. Drawing on never-before seen archival documents, Prasad traces the history of the 1981 tax cut—the famous “supply side” tax cut, which became the cornerstone for the next several decades of Republican domestic economic policy. She demonstrates that the main impetus behind this tax cut was not business group pressure, racial animus, or a belief that tax cuts would pay for themselves. Rather, the tax cut emerged because Republicans believed that following World War II, Democrats had created an extremely durable power structure based on offering government programs to Americans, through which they were able to unify an otherwise fractious coalition of farmers, workers, and African Americans and retain control of Congress for four decades. Republicans were reduced to lecturing about balanced budgets, an issue that did not win them many elections. The Republican party began to see tax cuts as an opportunity to alter these basic building blocks of American power. If Democratic power was built out of government programs, Republicans found a new power source in offering tax cuts. Once it became clear that the resulting deficits could be financed by foreign capital, this program reoriented the Republican Party, transforming it from the party of fiscal rectitude into a party whose main domestic policy goal is reducing taxes. With one party promoting government programs to appeal to voters and the other party promoting tax cuts to appeal to voters, and neither party able to generate electoral coalitions around addressing more pressing political and economic problems, this history reveals problems at the heart of contemporary American democracy itself. Prasad suggests some ways forward. Since the end of World War II, many European nations have combined strong social protections with policies to stimulate economic growth such as lower taxes on capital and less regulation on businesses than in the U.S. Starving the Beast suggests that taking inspiration from this model of progressive policies embedded in market-promoting political economy could serve to build an American economy that works better for all.

STARZPLAY: Shooting for the Stars

by Alpana Thapar Elie Ofek Marco Bertini

In mid-2021, Maaz Sheikh, cofounder and CEO of STARZPLAY, a Dubai-based subscription video on demand (SVOD) provider that catered to the Middle East and North Africa region, was wrestling with how to find the right balance between continued subscriber growth and profitability. Founded in 2015, the company was the first major SVOD player in the region providing high quality and affordable Hollywood content. STARZPLAY rapidly grew its subscriber base through a business model sensitive to the varied tastes and payment preferences of households in the region and was able to maintain leadership even after global players like Netflix and well-funded homegrown companies entered the market. At the time of the case, several U.S. major studios, including the likes of Disney, Paramount, and HBO, were in talks with local operators about potential partnerships. Sheikh needed to prepare an appealing proposal, knowing full well that other regional players were likely doing the same and that these studios might decide to enter independently. He had to think carefully about the company's brand position and its plans regarding content, pricing and payment options, and marketing spend in order to fuel continued growth, while managing the increasing pressure from investors to drive the business toward profitability. Sheikh and his management team had big ambitions for STARZPLAY. What would be the plan that ensured the company continued to prosper despite the mounting competition?


by Rawi Abdelal

Surveys approaches to understanding the state; highlights the relationships between the state, order, and property; and offers an analytical framework for how states vary from place to place and over time.

State-Administered Rural Change: Agricultural Cooperatives in Rural Kenya (Routledge Library Editions: Agribusiness and Land Use #12)

by Björn Gyllström

Originally published in 1991, this book includes a detailed case study of Kenya’s co-operative movement – one of the largest in sub-Saharan Africa. Co-operatives have been given a major role in rural development strategies in both socialist and capitalist states. However in both context the results they have achieved have fallen short of expectations. The book focuses on specific elements of the institutional setting within which agricultural marketing co-operatives operate. Factors like land tenure, market regulations, co-operative legislation and direct development support are discussed and shown to have had dire effects on the managerial behaviour and social impact of the co-operative sector.

State Aid Law and Business Taxation

by Isabelle Richelle Wolfgang Schön Edoardo Traversa

This book is a compilation of contributions exploring the impact of the European Treaty provisions regarding state aid on Member States' legislation and administrative practice in the area of business taxation. Starting from a detailed analysis of the European Courts' jurisprudence on Art. 107 TFEU the authors lay out fundamental issues - e. g. on legal concepts like "advantage", "selectivity" and "discrimination" - and explore current problems - in particular policy and practice regarding "harmful" tax competition within the European Union. This includes the Member States' Code of Conduct on business taxation, the limits to anti-avoidance legislation and the options for legislation on patent boxes. The European Commission's recent findings on preferential "rulings" are discussed as well as the general relationship between international tax law, transfer pricing standards and the European prohibition on selective fiscal aids.

The State and Business in the Major Powers: An Economic History 1815-1939 (Routledge Explorations in Economic History)

by Robert Millward

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the state emerged as a major player in the economies of the Western World. This important new volume provides an economic history for the period 1815-1939 of state/business relations in the major powers: France, Germany, Japan, Russia, UK and the USA. The book challenges the traditional story that the scale of state intervention reflected the degree to which each country was ideologically committed to laissez-faire, and which also tended to assume that governments were interested in economic growth and raising average living standards. Robert Millward gives a rather different perspective, arguing that the scale of state intervention and the differences across countries were motivated more by considerations of external defence and internal unification than by any notions of promoting economic growth or adherence to laissez-faire. This book provides, for the first time, an integrated economic history of these state /business relations in the major powers in the period 1815-1939, and offers a completely new perspective on the links between tariff policies, state enterprise in manufacturing, the treatment of the peasantry, regulation of railways, taxation of the business sector, policies on cartels, trusts and competition.

State and Capitalist Development in India: A Political Economy Perspective

by Surinder Kumar C. S. Verma Prashant K. Trivedi

This book seeks to encourage dialectical methods through the interaction of economic, political and social factors to approach social analysis. It examines various emerging issues in society in the era of globalization. The issues raised in the critique will benefit scholars in comprehending social reality with a new perspective and approach. This book will help policymakers look at more realistic conclusions for policy making. This title is co-published with Aakar Books. Print editions not for sale in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Bhutan)

State and Corporate Management of Region’s Development in the Conditions of the Digital Economy (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation)

by Yakhya G. Buchaev Salikhbek G. Abdulmanapov Arsen S. Abdulkadyrov Arutyun A. Khachaturyan

This edited book presents scientific and practical recommendations for the successful state and corporate management of regional development under the conditions of the digital economy. These conditions have produced a number of changes. On the one hand, new aspects of regional economies, which require management, are emerging, above all, digital technologies that have to be understood by the population, employees in the labor market, and regional companies. On the other hand, new opportunities for improving practices in the state and corporate management of regional development on the basis of digital technologies are also emerging: e-government systems, digital marketing, online trade, “smart” regions, etc. This book provides an overview of the leading digital technologies and demonstrates how they can be used to improve modern practices in the state and corporate management of regional development in the digital economy. The authors develop the conceptual foundations and put forward practical recommendations. In closing, the authors’ conclusions and recommendations are applied to the example of modern Russia, ensuring the practical relevance of the research.

The State and Economic Development: Lessons from the Far East

by Robert Fitzgerald

This book explores the role of national governments during the process of industrialisation in East Asia and examines the relationship between the State and business, clearing up many Western misconceptions. The similarities and differences which exist between nations in this region and the influence of Japan as a role model are also investigated. Government-industry linkages and an overview of economic rationale also studied in this volume are following the establishment of market orientated economies in many Far Eastern countries. This book brings new insight into the business-politics relationship which gives the reader a complete understanding of the East Asian economic 'miracle'.

State and Economic Development in Africa

by Aaron Tesfaye

This book critically assesses the impact of Ethiopia's policy of Agriculture Development Led Industrialization. Employing qualitative and quantitative analysis, it presents empirical evidence suggesting persistent economic growth. The research highlights improvements in infrastructure, health care, education, poverty alleviation as well reductions in infant mortality rate. The impact of this economic growth has however had led to only slight improvements in the plight of the poor. The author argues that, while significant steps have been achieved with measurable economic gains, there are still undeniable obstacles within the federal system: prevailing patron-client relationships, constraints on state capacity to efficiently and effectively implement policy, and bureaucratic rent-seeking in the provision of public goods. The author concludes that these problems will have to be resolved before Ethiopia's political economy can achieve the stage of sustainable development

State and Enterprise: Legal Issues in the Global Market

by Maria Rosaria Mauro Federico Pernazza

This book addresses the regulation of the State/Enterprise relationship in the framework of international economic context. It analyzes this relationship from the discrete perspectives of conflict, cooperation, and integration in contributions by authors representing a diverse range of legal cultures and political backgrounds.The topic is investigated following three approaches:• State versus Enterprise (the State which bans, restricts, or regulates the activities of Enterprises, both domestic and foreign);• Enterprise versus State (the Enterprises, main actors of commercial, industrial or financial initiatives, which may directly or indirectly affect the legal and economic structure of the State);• State as Enterprise and Enterprise as State (public Enterprises under political control that pursue geopolitical goals, and Enterprises that rely on the political, financial, and strategic support of the State for their business expansion).Furthermore, the volume includes a special focus on the relationship State/Enterprise in non-capitalist economies (China, Russia, and Cuba).

The State and 'Globalization': Comparative Studies of Labour and Capital in National Economies (Routledge Studies in Employment and Work Relations in Context)

by Martin Upchurch

First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The State and Healthcare: Comparing OECD Countries

by Heinz Rothgang Mirella Cacace Lorraine Frisina Simone Grimmeisen Achim Schmid Claus Wendt

Describes developments in healthcare systems over nearly four decades. Combining cross-sectional studies on healthcare financing, provision and policy values with in-depth country studies of Britain, Germany and the USA, this volume is a thorough examination of the convergence toward hybrid forms of healthcare systems.

The State and Industry in South Korea: The Limits of the Authoritarian State

by Jong-Chan Rhee

First published in 1994. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

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