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Sraffa and the Reconstruction of Economic Theory: Volume Three
by Enrico Sergio Levrero Antonella Palumbo Antonella StiratiThis book accounts for the work done around the two central aspects of Piero Sraffa's contribution to economic analysis, namely the criticism of the neoclassical theory of value and distribution and the construction of economic theory along the lines of the Classical approach.
Sraffa and the Reconstruction of Economic Theory: Volume One
by Enrico Sergio Levrero Antonella Palumbo Antonella StiratiThis book accounts for the work done around the two central aspects of Piero Sraffa's contribution to economic analysis, namely the criticism of the neoclassical theory of value and distribution and the reconstruction of economic theory along the lines of the Classical approach.
Sraffa and the Reconstruction of Economic Theory: Volume Two
by Enrico Sergio Levrero Antonella Palumbo Antonella StiratiWritten on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the publication of Piero Sraffa's Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities, the papers selected and contained in Sraffa and the Reconstruction of Economic Theory account for the work completed around the two central aspects of his contribution to economic analysis, namely the criticism of the neoclassical (or marginalist) theory of value and distribution, and the reconstruction of economic theory along the lines of the Classical approach. Divided into three volumes, Sraffa and the Reconstruction of Economic Theory debates the most fruitful routes for advancement in this field and their implications for applied and policy analysis. This second volume focuses on the theory of output and growth as developed in the modern classical approach on the basis of the extension to the long run of the Keynesian principle of effective demand, and on the implications of the revival of the classical approach for policy analysis and for understanding the evolution of the international economic order in the last few decades.
St. James's Place Tax Guide 2014-2015
by E. Lipkin W. SinclairThe 43rd annual edition of the leading guide to taxation in Britain. This practical and user-friendly guide is a bestseller with students, professionals, accountants and private individuals, explaining in simple terms how the UK tax system works and how best to minimise tax liabilities.
St. Louis Advertising
by Frank AbsherMention "advertising," and just about everyone thinks of New York's Madison Avenue, long the center of the nation's advertising universe. The reality is that advertising is everywhere and has been almost since the inception of the nation. In St. Louis, for example, two early advertising agencies became major players on the national scene, creating advertising for multinational corporations. Browsing through this collection of old advertisements gives readers a chance to follow the development of the nation's business community over the past 200 years and see what was important in the daily lives of Americans, as well as what the nation's commercial interests wanted them to believe was important.
St. Lucia: Statistical Appendix
by International Monetary FundA report from the International Monetary Fund.
Staatliche Eingriffe in die Preisbildung: Darstellung, Erklärung und Wirkungsanalyse (essentials)
by Maximilian M. Gail Georg Götz Daniel Herold Phil-Adrian Klotz Daniel Lüke Johannes Paha Jan T. SchäferIn diesem essential erklären die Autoren, unter welchen Umständen es zu Marktversagen kommt und das freie Spiel der Marktkräfte nicht zu einem gesellschaftlich wünschenswerten Ergebnis führt. Sie diskutieren, ob und, wenn ja, welche Staatseingriffe zu einer Erhöhung der Wohlfahrt führen. Anhand von Beispielen aus dem Wohnungsmarkt, dem Gasmarkt, dem Bereich des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs sowie dem Kraftstoffmarkt zeigen sie auf, wie der Staat in diese Märkte eingreift und wie diese Maßnahmen im Hinblick auf ihre Effizienz- und Verteilungswirkungen zu bewerten sind. Staatliche Eingriffe in den Preismechanismus zeitigen unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen, wenn sie an Symptomen, nicht an den Ursachen politisch unerwünschter Preisentwicklungen ansetzen.
Staatsorganisationsrecht (essentials)
by Mike WienbrackeDas essential stellt auf kompakte und #65533;bersichtliche Weise die Grundz#65533;ge des Staatsorganisationsrechts der Bundesrepublik Deutschland dar. Mike Wienbracke erl#65533;utert neben grundlegenden Begriffen wie ,,Staat" und ,,Verfassung" die Staatsstrukturprinzipien des Grundgesetzes, die obersten Staatsorgane des Bundes sowie die Staatsfunktionen. Der Leser erh#65533;lt damit einen Einblick u. a. in folgende Themen: (indirekte und direkte) Demokratie, Republik, Rechtsstaat, Bundesstaat und Sozialstaat; Bundestag, Bundesrat, Bundesregierung, Bundespr#65533;sident und Bundesverfassungsgericht; Gesetzgebung, vollziehende Gewalt und Rechtsprechung; Verfassungs#65533;nderung, R#65533;ckwirkung, Verh#65533;ltnism#65533;#65533;igkeitsgrundsatz, soziale Sicherheit und Gerechtigkeit, Wahlrechtsgrunds#65533;tze, 5%-Klausel, Grundmandatsklausel, #65533;berhang- und Ausgleichsmandate, Immunit#65533;t und Indemnit#65533;t, konstruktives Misstrauensvotum, Vertrauensfrage, Gewaltenteilung, Gesetzgebungskompetenz, Gesetzgebungsverfahren, Einspruchs- und Zustimmungsgesetze.
Stabilising Capitalism: A Greater Role for Central Banks (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions)
by Pierluigi CioccaStabilising Capitalism.
Stabilising Capitalism: A Greater Role for Central Banks (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions)
by Pierluigi CioccaThe role of central banks as a hinge on which the financial system rests has returned to the top of the political agenda in recent years. The global financial crisis has resulted in many changes for central banks, including renewed power in financial supervision and reduced restrictions in their implementation of monetary policies. This book argues that central banks play a key role in financial systems, presenting the European Central Bank as a specific example of an institution that uses its uniquely independent position and wide margins of discretion to provide an array of important functions. It illustrates how central banks promote the security and efficiency of payment systems, pursue price stability, and accommodate the optimal utilization of the resources, labour and capital available to an economy. Stabilising Capitalism demonstrates how these institutions also aid in dealing with the risk of financial collapse and permit the continuity of public expenditure when the government is unable to place securities in the bond market. The author concludes by suggesting that although many consider the idea of this role for central banks to be outdated, these institutions form the root of the capitalist market economy and act as a bastion against financial instability.
Stability and Change in High-Tech Enterprises: Organisational Practices in Small to Medium Enterprises (Routledge Studies in Business Organizations and Networks)
by Neil CostelloHow do firms live through and experience change? The authors examine four high-technology firms, providing a rich analysis of their routines, and illustrating how people are continually engaged with change. The book develops a broader concept of routine, and identifies the persistence of routine practices at a strategic level.
Stability and Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems
by Zhong-Ping Jiang Iasson KarafyllisRecently, the subject of nonlinear control systems analysis has grown rapidly and this book provides a simple and self-contained presentation of their stability and feedback stabilization which enables the reader to learn and understand major techniques used in mathematical control theory. In particular: the important techniques of proving global stability properties are presented closely linked with corresponding methods of nonlinear feedback stabilization; a general framework of methods for proving stability is given, thus allowing the study of a wide class of nonlinear systems, including finite-dimensional systems described by ordinary differential equations, discrete-time systems, systems with delays and sampled-data systems; approaches to the proof of classical global stability properties are extended to non-classical global stability properties such as non-uniform-in-time stability and input-to-output stability; and new tools for stability analysis and control design of a wide class of nonlinear systems are introduced. The presentational emphasis of Stability and Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems is theoretical but the theory's importance for concrete control problems is highlighted with a chapter specifically dedicated to applications and with numerous illustrative examples. Researchers working on nonlinear control theory will find this monograph of interest while graduate students of systems and control can also gain much insight and assistance from the methods and proofs detailed in this book.
Stability and Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems
by Iasson Karafyllis Zhong-Ping JiangRecently, the subject of nonlinear control systems analysis has grown rapidly and this book provides a simple and self-contained presentation of their stability and feedback stabilization which enables the reader to learn and understand major techniques used in mathematical control theory. In particular: the important techniques of proving global stability properties are presented closely linked with corresponding methods of nonlinear feedback stabilization; a general framework of methods for proving stability is given, thus allowing the study of a wide class of nonlinear systems, including finite-dimensional systems described by ordinary differential equations, discrete-time systems, systems with delays and sampled-data systems; approaches to the proof of classical global stability properties are extended to non-classical global stability properties such as non-uniform-in-time stability and input-to-output stability; and new tools for stability analysis and control design of a wide class of nonlinear systems are introduced. The presentational emphasis of Stability and Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems is theoretical but the theory's importance for concrete control problems is highlighted with a chapter specifically dedicated to applications and with numerous illustrative examples. Researchers working on nonlinear control theory will find this monograph of interest while graduate students of systems and control can also gain much insight and assistance from the methods and proofs detailed in this book.
Stability in International Finance
by Frederick BetzThis book aims to explore stability in an international financial system using disequilibrium theory. It examines historical cases of both instability and stability and reviews price-disequilibrium theory to construct a theoretical model for a stable international financial system. In the modern knowledge economy in a global world, financial socio-technical systems still continue to be central to global commerce. Moreover, technological advances in computer and communications have changed both the knowledge economy and the financial system. While globalization and technology have made international finance more powerful and important to knowledge economies, they have also increased the volatility, instability, and fraudulent use of international finance. The international world has not experienced a long-term, stable financial system after 1913. International financial systems have been periodically unstable, triggering financial crises and resultant economic depressions in different nations. Yet the global economy cannot develop properly without a stable international system, which distributes wealth to economically productive activities. How then can a stable and modern international-financial-system be constructed? In this provocative volume, the authors applies the cross-disciplinary analysis of societal dynamics to important economic writers to derive a new approach to the problem of stabilizing international financial systems.
The Stability of Islamic Finance
by Hossein Askari Zamir Iqbal Noureddine Krichene Abbas MirakhorThe Stability of Islamic Finance main focus is on the question of the sources of financial instability which seems inherent in the conventional system. As a core component of this focus, the book will consider episodes of turbulence and instability in a historical context recalling the occurrence of such events from mid-19th century to the present. It will present various theoretical explanations along with solutions and alternative financial systems that avoid instability provided by various scholars dating back to mid-19th century to present. The book then will present and discuss the architecture of an Islamic financial system and show that at its core, this system shares many characteristics of an stable financial system proposed by Western scholars throughout history to avoid the inherent instability of the present dominant system. Particular emphasis will be placed on the present financial crisis and its causes as well the financial crisis of the 1997 in Southeast Asia, Russia, and Latin America relating these episodes to the fundamental features of the dominant system. The debt crisis of the low income countries will also be part of this discussion. It will then argue that these crises could be mitigated under an Islamic system or any other system with similar architecture.
Stabilization and Growth in Developing Countries: A Structuralist Approach
by L. TaylorLance Taylor uses structuralist models to examine the issues of short-term fluctuations and long-term growth in developing economies.
Stabilization and Reconstruction Staffing
by Deanna Weber Prine Terrence K. Kelly Ellen E. Tunstall Thomas S. SzaynaUses the Office of Personnel Management's Human Capital Assessment and Accountability Framework, which advocates strategic alignment, workforce planning and development, and leadership and knowledge management, to assess the U.S. civilian personnel and staffing requirements for stability and reconstruction operations.
Stabilization and Reform in Latin America: A Macroeconomic Perspective of the Experience Since the 1990s
by Anoop SinghThis study examines external and domestic influences on Latin America's economic performance over the past decade and a half. It notes that over the past few years, macroeconomic policies have strengthened and structural reforms have been implemented. Together with a favorable external environment, these policies have contributed to Latin America's relatively sharp economic recovery from its last recession. The study discusses the priorities for the region's reform agenda that could help to ensure that this growing prosperity becomes entrenched. It also makes observations on the future roles of the major policymakers involved-the governments in the region; the international financial institutions, and especially the IMF; and industrial country governments.
Stabilization and Structural Adjustment: Macroeconomic Frameworks for Analysing the Crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Finn TarpThis book reveals and examines the relevance of the macroeconomic theory and models behind recommendations for stabilization and structual adjustment. Alternaive analytical approaches are discusses. This is done on the basis of an up-to-date review of developments in sub-saharan Africa during the 1980's and within a common analytical framework.
Stabilization and Structural Adjustment in Poland
by Henryk Kierzkowski Marek Okolski Stanislaw WelliszThe Solidarity-led government which came into power in Poland in Autumn 1989 faced two enormous tasks. First, to stabilize an economy prone to hyperflation. Second, to replace a crumbling command system in favour of a market mechanism, in a country whose market institutions had been destroyed under forty years of communist rule. This book recounts the events of this period and the course taken by the new government, and analyzes the significance of this for the transition process in Poland and elsewhere.
Stabilization and Structural Reform in the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic: First Stage
by Bijan B. Aghevli Eduardo Borensztein Tessa van der WilligenOn January 1, 1991, the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic launched a comprehensive reform program designed to establish a market economy. This paper charts the progress of the reform program in the context of Czechoslovakia's prewar history as a major industrial power, its subsequent slow economic decline under Communism, and its recent integration into the world economy following the collapse of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance.
Stabilization Clauses in International Investment Law: A Sustainable Development Approach
by Jola GjuziThis book analyzes the tension between the host state’s commitment to provide regulatory stability for foreign investors – which is a tool for attracting FDI and generating economic growth – and its evolving non-economic commitments towards its citizens with regard to environmental protection and social welfare. The main thesis is that the ‘stabilization clause/regulatory power antinomy,’ as it appears in many cases, contradicts the content and rationale of sustainable development, a concept that is increasingly prevalent in national and international law and which aims at the integration and balancing of economic, environmental, and social development. To reconcile this antinomy at the decision-making and dispute settlement levels, the book employs a ‘constructive sustainable development approach,’ which is based on the integration and reconciliation imperatives of the concept of sustainable development as well as on the application of principles of law such as non-discrimination, public purpose, due process, proportionality, and more generally, good governance and rule of law. It subsequently re-conceptualizes stabilization clauses in terms of their design (ex-ante) and interpretation (ex-post), yielding stability to the benefit of foreign investors, while also mitigating their negative effects on the host state’s power to regulate.
Stabilization of Switched Nonlinear Systems with Unstable Modes
by Hao Yang Bin Jiang Vincent CocquempotThis book provides its reader with a good understanding of the stabilization of switched nonlinear systems (SNS), systems that are of practical use in diverse situations: design of fault-tolerant systems in space- and aircraft; traffic control; and heat propagation control of semiconductor power chips. The practical background is emphasized throughout the book; interesting practical examples frequently illustrate the theoretical results with aircraft and spacecraft given particular prominence. Stabilization of Switched Nonlinear Systems with Unstable Modes treats several different subclasses of SNS according to the characteristics of the individual system (time-varying and distributed parameters, for example), the state composition of individual modes and the degree and distribution of instability in its various modes. Achievement and maintenance of stability across the system as a whole is bolstered by trading off between individual modes which may be either stable or unstable or by exploiting areas of partial stability within all the unstable modes. The book can be used as a reference for academic research on switched systems or used by graduate students of control theory and engineering. Readers should have studied linear and nonlinear system theory and have some knowledge of switched and hybrid systems to get the most from this monograph.
Stacked: Your Super-Serious Guide to Modern Money Management
by Joe Saul-Sehy Emily Guy BirkenFrom the money nerds behind the award-winning Stacking Benjamins podcast, a new kind of personal finance book to get your house in order. Rich. Wealthy. Well-heeled. Moneyed. Affluent. Not bad—but why not get Stacked instead? If you&’ve ever dreamed of a basic philosophy of money that&’ll help you live bigger, be bolder, and laugh harder, you need this book. In these uncertain times, the basics matter more than ever. But for most of us, concepts such as investing, budgeting, and getting out of debt just don&’t float our boats (or 150-foot yachts)—and so we put them off longer than we should. Joe Saul-Sehy and Emily Guy Birken are here to tell you that personal finance can be a lot more fun than you think. (No haberdashery, maritime knowledge, or specialized flatware required.) Learn about everything from side hustles, to hiring a legit financial adviser, to planning for emergencies, to what&’s new and exciting—and actually worth your time—in financial apps and software. If you&’re looking for the same old get-rich-quick clichés, avocado toast shaming, or alphabet soup of incomprehensible financial terms, you won&’t find them here. Instead, Saul-Sehy and Birken take you step by step along the way to financial success, with their signature blend of shrewd financial information and wacky humor.