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Joy, to the World

by Kai Shappley Lisa Bunker

A young Dumplin’ meets Melissa in this joyful and energetic middle grade novel about a twelve-year-old girl living her life to the fullest, celebrating her love for sports and fighting for her right to cheer.Joy, a twelve-year-old trans girl, just moved to Texas with her mother and older brother. Her family has accepted Joy as the girl she is early in her transition, with little fuss, leaving Joy to explore her love of sports, competition, teamwork, school spirit, and worship.But when she is told she’s off the cheerleading team, Joy wants to fight for her right to cheer. As her battle with the school board picks up momentum, Joy attracts support from kids all around the country . . . she even gets the attention of her hero, trans activist Kai Shappley.Inspired by Kai’s own life, Joy, to the World is a timely story of living life to the fullest, celebrating and centering trans joy, courage, and resilience.

Joyas voladoras (¡Arriba la Lectura!, Level I #67)

by Katacha Díaz

Los colibrís son las aves más pequeñas que existen. Algunos los llaman joyas voladoras. En este libro aprenderás muchos datos interesantes sobre los colibrís. NIMAC-sourced textbook

Joyce de Westerfloyce: La Niñita De La Vocecita

by Tamara Aymerich Correa Matthew W. Grant

Joyce de Westerfloyce -Descripción del LibroUna niñita perfecta con un secretito perfecto...¿Qué harías si todo el mundo pensase que eres perfecto, pero tuvieras un secreto terrible? Este es el comienzo de la aventura en Joyce de Westerfloyce, La Historia de la Niñita de la Vocecita.Tanto los niños como los adultos quedarán instántaneamente cautivados por el texto encantador que narra el cuento humorístico de Joyce, una niñita intachablemente perfecta cuya existencia aparentemente perfecta está a punto de ser destruída por un terrible secreto que guarda - ¡tiene el eructo más grande, ruidoso y explosivo del mundo entero!Como se descubre la verdad y las consecuencias resultantes impulsan la historia y aseguran un lugar para Joyce como heroína que los niños amarán y recordarán durante años como Joyce acaba forzada a confrontarse al mismo dilema al que todos los niños hacen frente en un momento u otro. ¿La gente todavía le gustará ella una vez que conozcan a la verdadera Joyce?La historia atrae tanto a los niños como a las niñas lectores. Las chicas les gusta el hecho de que la historia muestre desde el principio una mujer heroína. Tan pronto los niños descubren que la heroina tiene una habilidad extraña para eructar, les cautivará igualmente.-----Este es un texto sólo en versión electrónica de un libro infantíl. No hay ilustraciones en esta versión.Apesar de que Joyce de Westerfloyce se puede leer sólo por la pura diversión de la historia, esta versión también incluye una sección con sugerencias para padres y profesores para usar esta edición electrónica. Esta sección contiene preguntas de debate, preguntas de comprensión lectora, y una lista de vocabulario que asiste a los adultos en la ayuda a los lectores jóvenes para aprovechar lo máximo el texto. También hay ideas para hacer la experiencia lectora interactiva.

Joyce De Westerfloyce, L'histoire De La Toute Petite Fille À La Toute Petite Voix

by Matthew W. Grant Severine Jacobs

Une parfaite petite fille au parfait petit secret...Que ferais-tu si tout le monde pensait que tu étais parfait, mais que tu avais un terrible secret ?Ce n'est que le début des aventures de Joyce de Westerfloyce : L'histoire de la toute petite fille à la toute petite voix.Les enfants comme les adultes seront immédiatement captivés par ce merveilleux récit qui raconte l'amusante histoire de Joyce, une petite fille absolument parfaite dont l'existence apparemment toute aussi parfaite est sur le point d'être bouleversée car elle garde un terrible secret - elle fait le plus gros, fort et explosif rot du monde entier!La façon dont la vérité est découverte et les retombées qui s'en suivent sont le moteur de l'histoire. Ils donnent à Joyce le rôle d'une héroïne que les enfants adoreront et dont ils se souviendront pour les années à venir, car Joyce est obligée de faire face aux dilemmes que chaque enfant doit affronter à un moment ou à un autre. Les gens l'aimeront-ils toujours une fois qu'ils sauront qui est la vraie Joyce ?L'histoire séduit tout autant un auditoire masculin ou féminin. Les petites filles aiment beaucoup le fait que l'histoire a dès le début pour vedette une héroïne féminine. Quant aux garçons, dès qu'ils découvrent l'incroyable faculté de l'héroïne à produire des rots, ils sont tout autant fascinés.

Joyce Van Westerfloyce, Het Kleine Meisje Met Het Kleine Stemmetje

by Yvonne Overheul Matthew W. Grant

Een perfect klein meisje met een perfect klein geheimpje... Wat zou je doen als iedereen dacht dat je perfect was, terwijl je eigenlijk een verschrikkelijk geheim met je meedraagt? Dit is slechts het begin van het avontuur in Joyce van Westerfloyce, het verhaal van het kleine meisje met het kleine stemmetje. Zowel kinderen als volwassenen worden onmiddellijk meegevoerd door de prachtige tekst van dit humoristische verhaal over Joyce, een klein meisje zonder gebreken wiens ogenschijnlijk perfecte bestaan op het punt staat te worden verstoord door het verschrikkelijke geheim dat ze verborgen houdt - ze laat de grootste, luidste en meest explosieve boeren van de hele wereld! De kinderen zullen ervan genieten en het zal hen nog lang bijblijven hoe de waarheid naar buiten komt en hoe de daaruit voortvloeiende gevolgen ervoor zorgen dat er voor Joyce een plaatsje als heldin wordt weggelegd. Joyce wordt namelijk met hetzelfde dilemma geconfronteerd waar vroeg of laat alle kinderen mee te maken krijgen. Zullen de mensen haar nog steeds leuk vinden zodra ze te weten komen hoe de echte Joyce is? Het verhaal trekt zowel jongens als meisjes aan. Meisjes vinden het prachtig dat het verhaal vanaf het begin over een heldin gaat. Zodra jongens ontdekken dat de heldin beschikt over een verbazingwekkend vermogen om boeren te laten, zijn zij net zo geboeid als de meisjes. ---- Deze elektronische versie van het prentenboek bevat alleen tekst. Er zijn geen afbeeldingen. Joyce van Westerfloyce kan puur voor het plezier worden gelezen, maar deze versie bevat ook een sectie met suggesties voor ouders en leerkrachten over het gebruik van de e-boekuitgave. Deze sectie bevat discussievragen, vragen voor begrijpend lezen en een woordenlijst die volwassenen kunnen gebruiken als steun voor jonge lezers om zo het meeste uit de tekst te halen. Er staan ook ideeën in om de leeservaring interactief te maken. Het extra materiaal is idea

Joyful Noise: Poems for Two Voices

by Paul Fleischman

Written to be read aloud by two voices—sometimes alternating, sometimes simultaneous--here is a collection of irresistible poems that celebrate the insect world, from the short life of the mayfly to the love song of the book louse. Funny, sad, loud, and quiet, each of these poems resounds with a booming, boisterous, joyful noise.<P><P> In this remarkable volume of poetry for two voices, Paul Fleischman verbally re-creates the "Booming/boisterious/joyful noise" of insects. The poems resound with the pulse of the cicada and the drone of the honeybee. Eric Beddows′s vibrant drawings send each insect soaring, spinning, or creeping off the page in its own unique way.<P> Paul Fleischman has created not only a clear and fascinating guide to the insect world—from chrysalid butterflies to whirligig beetles—but an exultant celebration of life.<P> Newbery Medal Winner

Joyful Song: A Naming Story

by Lesléa Newman

What a happy day! Zachary’s baby sister will have her naming ceremony. In the temple! With his moms, the congregation, and all their friends! He’s so excited he can barely contain it. On the walk from their home, they meet neighbor after neighbor who want to know the baby’s name. But – not yet! – his mothers tell him. The tradition is to have a great reveal at the ceremony. So they invite each neighbor to come along. A colorful, diverse parade blooms along the route, until…At last it’s time, and Zachary gets to reveal his sister’s name…What is it? A truly joyful moment for everyone.

Joyride: Where It Stops, Nobody Knows

by Amy Ehrlich

Nina and her mother Joyce are always on the move. They own nothing and they don't stay anywhere for long. As Nina begins to yearn for a settled life and lasting friendships, Joyce begins to move at a more frantic pace. Will Nina ever get the stability she craves?

Joy's Close Call (Butterfly Meadow #7)

by Olivia Moss

In Butterfly Meadow, colorful butterflies dance through the air, glowworms inch through the grass, and bumblebees buzz around every flower. It's a place where friendships and adventures take flight!A rainbow leads Dazzle and her friends to Bluebell Wood. There, they meet a feisty butterfly named Joy. But when they accidentally upset a nest of angry hornets, the butterflies are in trouble! Will Joy come to the rescue?

Joy's Great Idea (Leveled Readers 4.4.3)

by Veronica Freeman Ellis

Joy has a great idea to help inspire people.

The Joys of Being a Little Black Boy

by Chris Turner Valerie Reynolds

The Joys of Being a Little Black Boy is a vividly illustrated children's book that brings to life Roy, a joyful Black boy. Roy takes young readers on a upbeat journey through history to meet some of the world's most notable Black men— heroes who were each, at one time, a young Black boy. Teaching young children not only about these great men and moments in history but also pride and self-respect, The Joys of Being a Little Black Boy brings necessary representation to children's bookshelves in a colorful and charming way.

Jp And The Giant Octopus: Feeling Afraid

by Ana Crespo Erica Sirotich

JP's dad decides the car needs a wash. But to JP, the carwash is scary, especially when it starts to look like a giant octopus! But JP soon realizes that the octopus is friendly and that he can be brave. With an innocent yet fun plotline, young readers will quickly learn how to cope with their own fears, just like JP.

Jp And The Polka-dotted Aliens: Feeling Angry

by Ana Crespo Erica Sirotich

JP is playing on the playground when his twin cousins take over. When he's made into a spaceship, JP gets angry. He soon realizes it's more fun to befriend the enemy and laugh together than to play alone. This common playground occurrence and gentle message will quickly teach young readers how to deal with their anger.

JT's Journal (Fountas & Pinnell LLI Gold #Level N)

by Susan Blackaby

JT's Journal Author: Susan Blackaby

Juan Bobo: Four Folktales from Puerto Rico

by Carmen T. Bernier-Grand

Mama puts Juan Bobo to work whenever he is having a good time. But he always finds a way to make work fun -- like using baskets instead of buckets to carry water, or sprinkling the pig with Mama's favorite perfume.

Juan Bobo Goes to Work: A Puerto Rican Folktale

by Marisa Montes

Although he tries to do exactly as his mother tells him, foolish Juan Bobo keeps getting things all wrong.

Juan Has The Jitters

by Aneta Cruz Miki Yamamoto

A story about inclusion, diversity, and the power of math to help one boy with autism thrive among his peers. <P><P> Juan claps his hands to get his Jitters out. They make his tummy swoosh and swirl. His Jitters happen when there are too many people, too much noise, or too many changes to his day. Juan doesn't like surprises. <P><P> Tomorrow there is an athletic event planned at school, which makes Juan very nervous. But his teacher has the perfect solution: math--Juan's favorite subject! Counting, sorting, and matching help Juan calm his Jitters. By making math part of the day's athletic games, and by appointing Juan the official judge, his teacher can make sure that Juan will have fun and feel included. The class is calling it the Mathletic Games! <P><P> Parents of children 4 to 8 years-old can use this book to help teach kids about neurodiversity, inclusion, and the beauty in what makes every one of us unique. Teachers will find the book meets several Common Core Standards for pre-K through third grade in reading and math, and nurtures multiple domains of scholastic development.

Juan Has the Jitters

by Aneta Cruz

A story about inclusion, diversity, and the power of math to help one boy with autism thrive among his peers.Juan claps his hands to get his Jitters out. They make his tummy swoosh and swirl. His Jitters happen when there are too many people, too much noise, or too many changes to his day. Juan doesn't like surprises.Tomorrow there is an athletic event planned at school, which makes Juan very nervous. But his teacher has the perfect solution: math--Juan's favorite subject! Counting, sorting, and matching help Juan calm his Jitters. By making math part of the day's athletic games, and by appointing Juan the official judge, his teacher can make sure that Juan will have fun and feel included. The class is calling it the Mathletic Games! Parents of children 4 to 8 years-old can use this book to help teach kids about neurodiversity, inclusion, and the beauty in what makes every one of us unique. Teachers will find the book meets several Common Core Standards for pre-K through third grade in reading and math, and nurtures multiple domains of scholastic development.

Juan Hormiga

by Gustavo Roldan

A whimsical tale in which family lore inspires newfound daring, told by Argentina's sleepiest antJuan Hormiga, the greatest storyteller of his entire anthill, loves to recount his fearless grandfather's adventures. When Juan and his fellow ants gather around for storytime, he hypnotizes all with tales of his grandfather's many exploits - including his escape from an eagle's talons and the time he leapt from a tree with just a leaf for a parachute. When he's through telling these tales, Juan loves to cozy up for a nice long nap. He's such a serious napper that he takes up to ten siestas every day! Though well loved by his ant friends, Juan decides telling tales and sleeping aren't quite enough for him - it's time to set off on his own adventure. With whimsical, irresistible illustrations, Juan Hormiga affirms the joys of sharing stories, and of creating your own out in the world.

Juan Ponce De Leon: A Primary Source Biography

by Lynn Hoogenboom

Details the life and exploits of the Spanish explorer who sailed among the islands of the Caribbean.

Juan Uribe (Superstars of Baseball)

by Tania Rodriguez

Juan Uribe has come a long way from his roots in the Dominican Republic. He's played in two World Series, and he earns millions of dollars every year. But it's his roots that still make him strong. Uribe is proud of his homeland--and his homeland is proud of him! Read about Juan Uribe's life. Find out what it takes to be a baseball superstar!

Juana And Lucas

by Juana Medina

Winner of the 2017 Pura Belpre Author Award <P><P>Fans of Judy Moody and Clarice Bean will love Juana, the spunky young Colombian girl who stars in this playful, abundantly illustrated new series. Juana loves many things — drawing, eating Brussels sprouts, living in Bogota, Colombia, and especially her dog, Lucas, the best amigo ever. She does not love wearing her itchy school uniform, solving math problems, or going to dance class. And she especially does not love learning the English. Why is it so important to learn a language that makes so little sense? But when Juana’s abuelos tell her about a special trip they are planning—one that Juana will need to speak English to go on—Juana begins to wonder whether learning the English might be a good use of her time after all. Hilarious, energetic, and utterly relatable, Juana will win over los corazones — the hearts — of readers everywhere in her first adventure, presented by namesake Juana Medina.

Juana Inés (¡Arriba la Lectura!, Read Aloud Module 7 #1)

by Georgina Lázaro Bruno Preza

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Juba!: A Novel

by Walter Dean Myers

In New York Times bestselling author Walter Dean Myers's last novel, he delivers a gripping story based on the life of a real dancer known as Master Juba, who lived in the nineteenth century. <P><P>This engaging historical novel is based on the true story of the meteoric rise of an immensely talented young black dancer, William Henry Lane, who influenced today's tap, jazz, and step dancing. With meticulous and intensive research, Walter Dean Myers has brought to life Juba's story.The novel includes photographs, maps, and other images from Juba's time and an afterword from Walter Dean Myers's wife about the writing process of Juba!red in the North and sent down South as slaves. England offers freedoms that Juba could only dream of in the States, and returning home may prove a dangerous decision. <P><P>This novel is based on a true story, the intricacies of Juba's meteoric rise as an explosive young black dancer brought to life by Walter Dean Myers through meticulous and intensive research.

Jube: The Story of a Trapper's Dog

by Thomas C. Hinkle

Felix was the most experienced wolf trapper of the plains, but there was one wolf that he had never been able to outwit, a wolf that the men called Old Rip. She had only contempt for men and their traps and poison, and she knew enough to keep out of rifle range. So when one day a stranger brought a big gray pup with a ring of white around his neck to Cole Campbell's ranch, Felix saw in him the makings of a great wolf dog—and a chance to kill Old Rip—who had been the scourge of the cattlemen for years. Jube quickly captured the hearts of all the men by his bravery, his gentleness, his almost human intelligence. He learned never to stray too far from Felix, his master. Together, Felix and the great dog roamed the plains, searching for Old Rip. Many times she eluded them. Once Jube was almost killed by the poison Felix put out for the wolves. But as Jube grew older and stronger, Felix's hopes for trapping the dangerous wolf increased. And one day in a battle to the death, Jube proved the greatness of his heart.

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