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Karayla Gela Ek

by D. V. Joshi

Bhim had mighty strength and he used to fight duryodhan, drushyasan, and other Kauravs with the might of an elephant. Duryodhan conspired against him tried to poison him. But his plan fails.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (Sports Immortals)

by William R. Sanford Carl R. Green

The boy who grew up to be Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was born in New York City on April 16, 1947. He was big even then, weighing in at almost 13 pounds and measuring 22-1/2 inches. Al and Cora Alcindor named their only child Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor, Jr. Big Al was a fine musician who earned his living as a Transit Authority policeman. As Lew grew up, Cora made sure he paid attention to his schoolwork. Education came first in the Alcindor household.

Karen, Hannie & Nancy: The Three Musketeers (Baby-Sitters Little Sister Super Special #4)

by Ann M. Martin

Karen and her best friends Hannie and Nancy call themselves the Three Musketeers. They do everything together. And now that it's summer, they have big plans to play, play, play! But then Hannie and Nancy make plans without Karen. And Karen is mad. Really mad. What happened to the Three Musketeers?

Karen's Accident (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #81)

by Ann M. Martin

Injured after falling from her tree house, Karen is rushed to the hospital for an emergency operation. Afterward, she becomes overly cautious and fearful of suffering another accident ... until she participates in a special class project.

Karen's Angel (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #68)

by Ann M. Martin

Karen gets to be an angel in the school pageant ... and witnesses a heartwarming miracle when the homemade angel on their family Christmas tree is mysteriously replaced by a beautiful one on Christmas morning.

Karen's Baby (Baby-Sitters Little Sister Super Special #5)

by Ann M. Martin

Karen's friend, Nancy, is going to be a big sister. Her mommy is having a baby. At first, Karen is so jealous. Then Nancy promises to share the baby with her. Now Karen is super excited. Nancy might even bring the baby to school for Show and Share! Karen and Nancy can't wait for the baby to be born. But how much longer will it be?

Karen's Baby-Sitter (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #46)

by Ann M. Martin

Karen decides that she has a crush on the new baby-sitter, Bart Taylor, and when Bart asks her over to his house, Karen wonders if it is actually a date.

Karen's Big City Mystery (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #99)

by Ann M. Martin

During Karen's month-long stay with her little-house family in Chicago, she teams up with a new friend to nab an art thief.

Karen's Big Fight (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #79)

by Ann M. Martin

When Thanksgiving nears, family discussions about thankfulness move Karen to put aside her anger for her brother, and help him adjust to his new school.

Karen's Big Job (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #84)

by Ann M. Martin

Working nine to five ... Karen is excited about Take Our Daughters To Work Day. She will spend the morning with her stepmother and the afternoon with her father. It is fun at first. Karen gets to talk on the phone, make copies, and get a snack from the candy machine. Then Karen has to go to a meeting. Not so much fun. Karen likes the office. But she can't wait to go back to school!

Karen's Big Joke (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #27)

by Ann M. Martin

At her worst on April Fools' Day, Karen concocts the best April Fools' trick she's ever concocted -- one that she intends to play on her entire family. But this time she may be going too far!

Karen's Big Lie (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #38)

by Ann M. Martin

After failing a surprise math quiz, Karen cheats on the next few quizzes. But soon she feels guilty and thinks about confessing to her teacher.

Karen's Big Move (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #96)

by Ann M. Martin Susan Tang

From the bestselling author of the generation-defining series The Baby-sitters Club comes a series for a new generation! Good-bye, Stoneybrook! Karen is moving to Chicago for six months, with Mommy, Andrew, and Seth. Karen wants to be with her little-house family. But leaving her big-house family will be hard. And Karen will miss her friends and her school a lot too. She will try her best to like Chicago. But what if she misses Stoneybrook too much?

Karen's Big Sister (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #69)

by Ann M. Martin

Karen is jealous when her Dad gives her stepsister Kristy a special pin. So Karen borrows it without Kristy's permission, but then loses it in the snow. Now what is Karen going to do?

Karen's Big Top (Baby-Sitters Club Little Sister #51)

by Ann M. Martin

Loving the activities of circus camp, Karen is swept up by her new friendship with circus performer Jillian, the antics of the clowns, the daring stunts of the trapeze artists, a surprise party for Nannie, and her new duties as ringmaster.

Karen's Big Weekend: Karen's School; Karen's Pizza Party; Karen's Toothache; Karen's Big Weekend (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #44)

by Ann M. Martin

The Big Apple. Karen's going to New York City for three whole days! There's so much to do and she can't wait to see the Christmas tree, visit a gigundo toy store, and go shopping. Karen's sure she will find the coolest gifts for Hannie and Nancy, or might she forget?

Karen's Birthday (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #7)

by Ann M. Martin

Karen can't wait for all her birthday presents, and she's having 2 parties, one at Mom's house and one at Dad's.

Karen's Birthday: A Graphic Novel (Baby-Sitters Little Sister Graphix)

by Ann M. Martin

Another graphic novel in this fun series spin-off of The Baby-sitters Club, featuring Kristy's little stepsister!It’s Karen's birthday! She can’t wait for all those presents. Karen is even going to have two parties -- one at Daddy's house and one at Mommy's. But what Karen really wants for her birthday is one big party and to celebrate the special day with her whole family together. Will Karen's birthday wish come true?

Karen's Black Cat (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #102)

by Ann M. Martin

When Karen's family adopts a new black kitten, Karen is disappointed. She wanted a pumpkin-colored cat in honor of Halloween. But no one can resist a cute little kitten for long.

Karen's Book (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #100)

by Ann M. Martin

In this special celebration of the hundredth book in the series, Karen settles in to write a book that describes all the highlights of her seven years, beginning on the day she was born.

Karen's Brothers: Karen's Brothers; Karen's Home Run; Karen's Good-bye; Karen's Carnival (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #17)

by Ann M. Martin

Karen decides not to talk to her three older brothers or any boy and soon realizes her decision was a little hasty.

Karen's Bully (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #31)

by Ann M. Martin

Bobby, the class bully, is moving into Karen's neighborhood and she'll have no peace until she declares war on the bully.

Karen's Bunny Trouble (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #83)

by Ann M. Martin

When their grandmother gives Karen and Andrew pet rabbits in their Easter baskets, their parents are upset, and Karen fears they will not be allowed to keep their new pets when the rabbits begin to chew on things.

Karen's Campout (Baby-Sitters Little Sister Super Special #6)

by Ann M. Martin

Hooray for summer! Karen and her friends Hannie and Nancy cannot wait for summer vacation. They are going to sleep-away camp for a whole week! But Karen has already been to Camp Mohawk before. And now she thinks she knows everything there is to know about camping. Until Karen's cabin spends a night sleeping in the woods. And Karen finds out she might not know-it-all after all!

Karen's Candy (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #54)

by Ann M. Martin

Karen and her friends are sure they're going to win the candy-selling contest.

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