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La visita als avis (La caseta sota terra #Volumen 4)

by Catalina Gónzalez Vilar

Quart llibre de la sèrie «La caseta sota terra». Quines dues setmanes esperen el Jep, la Lena i la Tina! D'aquí poc marxaran a la platja, a Pedres Blanques, on viu el seu avi Magnus i també els seus avis Isidre i Cora. Els nens estan emocionats davant la perspectiva de passar uns dies capbussant-se al mar, construint castells de sorra i perseguint crancs. O podria haver alguna cosa millor encara? Potser sí! Només arribar, els bessons descobreixen que a Pedres Blanques se celebra una carrera d'Autos Bojos. Per suposat, el Jep, la Lena i la Tina volen apuntar-se de totes totes. I més quan s'assabenten que el seu avi Magnus la va guanyar anys enrere. Aconseguiran arribar a temps a la línia de sortida? Les històries més increïbles són les que passen sota terra...

La vita a terra (Terra e stelle #2)

by Kevin Killiany

I ribelli stanno a terra. “La vita a terra è pieno zeppo di personaggi indimenticabili e affascinante prosa che fanno pensare ai principali romanzi di formazione come The Dark Beyond the Stars e The Testament of Jessie Lamb, e del genere di narrazione in prima persona piena di tecnologia che farebbe sorridere Andy Weir”. ~ Dayton Ward, autore bestseller NYT, “Star Trek: Headlong Flight” Sessant’anni fa fu creato il Servizio Spaziale degli Stati Uniti, con l’incarico di proteggere la ricchezza e la conoscenza potenzialmente illimitate dello spazio a beneficio dell’intera umanità. Guardiano della tecnologia di fusione e di tutto ciò che è al di sopra dell’atmosfera, il Servizio Spaziale controlla il flusso di persone, materiali e informazioni tra la Terra e le stazioni spaziali, la Luna e Marte. Chiunque sia nello spazio è vincolato al Servizio Spaziale, e tutti gli spaziali appartengono all’élite razziale imposta dal Servizio. Il Servizio Spaziale possiede le stelle… e non intende condividerle. La diciassettenne Mara Duval, nata nello spazio, era destinata a far parte della prima missione dell’umanità verso le lune di Giove, finché un incidente medico non l’ha lasciata in quarantena a terra per sempre. Ma terra non è la devastata desolazione che le era stato insegnato a credere, e il Servizio Spaziale sta tenendo in ostaggio il futuro dell’umanità dietro un muro di bugie. Ora Mara sta contrattaccando, trasmettendo video della verità ai suoi amici nello spazio, facendosi sentire ogni volta che può, e condividendo tecnologia e segreti con la sua alleata terricola Jael Alden, una giovane visionaria decisa a sfondare la barriera razziale del Servizio Spaziale. Sa di non avere molto tempo prima che il Servizio Spaziale si renda conto di quello che sta facendo e la fermi. Ma fino ad allora, Mara intende ricavare il meglio dalla sua vita a terra. “La

La voce delle Sirene - I racconti di Skylge 1

by Jen Minkman Valeria Poropat

Un'antica terra protetta da una Torre di Luce, un popolo ammaliato dal canto delle Sirene, e una ragazza che si innamora del ragazzo sbagliato. Sull'isola di Skylge l'elettricità è riservata ai Correnti, la ricca classe dirigente che è venuta dal mare e portato il Sacro Fuoco di San Brandano su Skylge. Da allora, la luce della Torre Brandaris ha protetto gli isolani. Con il loro canto, le Sirene attirano le persone in mare e rubano loro l'anima ma la luce sacra della Torre respinge il popolo del mare. Quando Enna, una ragazza Skylger, accoglie suo fratello di ritorno da un lungo viaggio in mare riceve un regalo speciale dalla terraferma: un disco di musica che può essere ascoltato solo con un dispositivo dei Correnti. Il problema è che Royce Bolton, rampollo Corrente e pianista più bravo dell'isola, vuole il disco. Dopo che Enna si rifiuta testardamente di vendergli l'LP, lui suggerisce di condividerlo incontrandosi di nascosto nel suo cottage. Sorpresa e insieme intrigata, Enna acconsente e scopre che c'è molto più di quello che si vede nella società Corrente e nella storia di Skylge. Perché le Sirene attirano gli isolani in mare? E da dove proviene realmente il monopolio sull'elettricità dei Correnti? Mentre combatte con queste domande, Enna comincia a innamorarsi di Royce, rischiando tutto pur di stare con un ragazzo che è palesemente fuori dalla sua portata. Imparerà che il canto delle Sirene non è il pericolo più grande.

La volta al món en 80 dies

by Lewis York

Un text de ritme àgil, gairebé frenètic, i carregat de matisos i de girs argumentals que oferim sintetitzat per Lewis York sobre un suport de luxe: les magnífiques il·lustracions creades per a la ocasió per Ian Cassalucci. La Terra sempre ha tingut més o menys el mateix volum, però els mitjans de transport, cada vegada més ràpids, aconsegueixen que sembli més petita i fàcil de recórrer. Fa 136 anys, fer la volta al món en 80 dies semblava impossible. Però sempre hi ha gent intrèpida amb ganes de superar reptes, com en Phileas Fogg, el protagonista d'aquesta cronometrada obra de Jules Verne. En Fogg, acompanyat del seu fidel majordom Jean Passepartout, ens demostra que si tenim confiança en nosaltres mateixos sempre trobarem el camí. I també que, fins i tot si fracassem, sempre podem aprendre una lliçó positiva. Un clàssic que, ara més que mai, ve de gust revisar, perquè sempre permet noves lectures i noves imatges com aquestes dotze meravelloses il·lustracions a doble pàgina de tècnica mixta: tinta xinesa i aquarel·la.

La Zia e Il Bimbo

by Arianna Introini Amanda Monsue

Una Zia giovanile e giocherellona incontra e impara a conoscere il suo nuovo nipotino. "La Zia e Il Bimbo" si ispira a tutte le Zie creative e giocherellone del mondo! È la storia semplice di una Zia che incontra il nipotino per la prima volta. All'inizio non sa bene cosa FARE con Il Bimbo, ma piano piano si affezionano l'uno all'altra e diventano migliori amici, pronti per imbarcarsi insieme in numerose avventure. È un libro che si può leggere a un nipotino o a una nipotina, e può essere usato anche come libro da colorare, aggiungendo ai personaggi il colore della pelle.

The Lab (Trippin' #3)

by P. J. Gray

The Lab: Book-3 - The worst snowstorm in years. They were trapped in a farmhouse. The owners seemed innocent enough. Quiet. Stoic. But something was not quite right. The author Introduces emergent teen readers to the concept of a series, where each book leaves wanting more. Incorporating vivid graphic elements, this three-book series will attract students interested in reading edgier material. Each 64-page book is approximately two thousand five hundred words. <p><p> Troy and Justin have been through a lot together. But Troy has had enough of street life. He cleans up his act. Finds a job. Takes classes at night. Justin is the same fun-loving guy he's always been. He hops from job to job. But he prefers mooching off his girlfriend. About to get dumped, Justin is glum. Then Troy suggests a road trip.

Lab 101 (Mission Alert)

by Benjamin Hulme-Cross

Tom and Zilla are on a field trip to a robotics lab—and on a secret mission to uncover its true purpose. But soon the situation gets out of control. If they want to survive, they'll have to face off against an army of robots. Can secret agents find out the lab's sinister purpose and save themselves?

Lab 6 (Watchers #6)

by Peter Lerangis

Something is wrong in Lab 6—what are Sam&’s parents hiding?Sam Hughes has always been too smart for his own good. It&’s in his genes—both his parents are scientists who specialize in artificial intelligence—and sometimes it gets him into trouble. Sick of the bully who always steals his computer homework, Sam gives him a disk laced with a virus as a prank. To escape the bully&’s wrath, Sam runs and hides in his parents&’ lab. Inside, Sam hears a voice calling to him from behind a locked door labeled &“Lab 6.&” His parents are in there, and though he can hear them, he doesn&’t understand what they&’re talking about. Are his parents hiding a body in their lab? Something strange is going on, and Sam knows the answers lie somewhere in Lab 6. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Peter Lerangis including rare photos and never-before-seen documents from the author&’s personal collection.

Labad Ani Khodakar Mendhapal

by Baba Bhand

This is a story of a mischievous shepherd boy. One day he alerted everybody about a tiger coming. The people there came running a saw there was none. He did the same thing again and again. Now the people came to know about his trick. One day a tiger really appears and the boy shouts for help but nobody comes. The tiger takes away the lambs and the boy suffers for his mistake.

Labad Kolha

by Ramkrushna Chaudhari

In this story, fox cheats the goat. For that read story.

Labad Mitra

by P. G. Sahasrabuddhe

In a jungle, there was a healthy and fatty deer. One day a fox saw it and wanted to kill it but the deer had sharp horns and so the fox was scared. The fox betrayed by extending his hand of friendship to the deer. Crow was a good friend of deer and had warned the deer about fox. Deer is trapped in a net and the crow saves him. But here the fox dies at the hands of a hunter.

Labcraft Wizards: Magical Projects and Experiments

by John Austin

Being a wizard takes training, practice, and a few tips from an expert. Author and professional toy designer John Austin, creator of the popular MiniWeapons of Mass Destruction series, provides dozens of projects for up-and-coming sorcerers. Each of the 35 projects in Labcraft Wizards is explained through illustrated step-by-step instructions and uses simple, everyday materials. Build an Enchanted Hourglass out of empty soda bottles, plastic hangers, and sand. Transform a chicken egg into a colorful, bouncy Dragon Egg using vinegar and food coloring or mix up a batch of Ogre Snot with corn syrup and gelatin. Through its creative activities, Labcraft Wizards helps eager minds explore basic concepts in chemistry and physics through experimentation, encourages scientific observation, and fuels imaginations.

Labels for Laibel

by Dina Rosenfeld

Laibel doesn't like to share with his little brother, so he devises a clever plan to put an end to it. But someone soon outsmarts Laibel, helping him to discover why sharing is more important than he thought. Adroitly written in catchy rhyme.

El Laberinto de Sombras (Serie Ulysses Moore #Volumen 9)

by Pierdomenico Baccalario

Una puerta. Un descenso al centro de la Tierra. Y un laberinto con recodos oscuros.¡Prosiguen las aventuras de «Ulysses Moore» más arriesgadas que nunca! Los Incendiarios parecen haber encontrado Kilmore Cove... o, por lo menos, se han acercado peligrosamente. Por eso, Julia, Tommi y Rick estarán alerta, pero impedirles el paso a la ciudad no será nada fácil. Mientras tanto, Anita y Jason deciden cruzar la Puerta del Tiempo y, guiados por un gigante, descenderán hasta un oscuro laberinto subterráneo que esconde la clave del misterio de las puertas... aunque también amenazas insospechadas.

Labor Legislation: The Struggle To Gain Rights For America's Workforce (Primary Sources Of The Progressive Movement Series)

by Katherine Lawrence

This book provides a look at the hardships of American labor and how immigrants working for low pay and in hazardous conditions reaped few benefits. The labor movement found a champion in President Roosevelt, who paved the way for significant government regulation of American industry. Through manageable text enhanced by period illustrations, Labor Legislation documents the moments that led to labor laws and the implementation of major reforms for workers.

Labor of Love

by Rachel Hawthorne

To Do: Investigate the French Quarter Buy new hammer Stop worrying that hard hat is going to ruin my hair Stop thinking about ex-boyfriend. No guys this summer! Find some cool jazz clubs to visit later Get psychic readings with Jenna and Amber Get Jenna and Amber to stop talking about psychic readings, the cute guy the psychic said I would meet, and the cute guy I just met. No guys this summer!!! Throw self into work. Stop thinking about the cute guy!

Un laboratorio en casa: Grandes experimentos para futuros científicos (DK Activity Lab)

by Jack Challoner

Grandes experimentos para futuros científicosEste libro de experimentos científicos para niños contiene 28 proyectos brillantes, con explicaciones claras paso a paso, que requieren ingredientes cotidianos que pueden encontrarse en casa y fotografías que guiarán al joven científico desde principio a fin.Textos informativos explican el por qué y cómo de cada experimento, utilizando ejemplos de la vida real para que los niños entiendan la aplicación de los principios científicos.Construye un modelo de Sistema Solar con gomas elásticas, consigue que un barco navegue propulsado por jabón, fabrica tu propio slime o inventa la réplica de un volcán en erupción con Un laboratorio en casa, un libro lleno de grandes experimentos de ciencia para futuros científicos.Crea tu pequeño laboratorio en casa y diviértete experimentandoEste libro de experimentos para niños explora distintas formas de crear y experimentar para que los niños se diviertan aprendiendo tanto en casa como en espacios exteriores. Todos los experimentos recogidos en este libro para niños están diseñados de forma que los puedan realizar con objetos caseros.Este libro de ciencia para niños y futuros científicos ofrece 28 ideas brillantes, para que puedan experimentar tanto en casa como al aire libre con material casero. Además, cada experimento está anotado con su nivel de dificultad y el tiempo de duración medio.... ¡entretenimiento en casa asegurado! Este libro es perfecto para que niños de 8 a 12 años se inspiren para proyectos escolares y aprendan divirtiéndose en su tiempo libre.Un laboratorio en casa, pertenece a la sección infantil de la editorial DK, una sección donde podrás encontrar libros para niños de todas las edades. Los libros de esta sección cuentan con información clara, sencilla y están acompañados de ilustraciones que facilitan la compresión de cada texto. Además, favorecen el aprendizaje y desarrollo de los lectores más jóvenes.

The Labors of Hercules Beal

by Gary D. Schmidt

From award-winning author Gary D. Schmidt, a warm and witty novel in the tradition of The Wednesday Wars,in which a seventh grader has to figure out how to fulfill an assignment to perform the Twelve Labors of Hercules in real life—and makes discoveries about friendship, community, and himself along the way. <p><p> Herc Beal knows who he's named after—a mythical hero—but he's no superhero. He's the smallest kid in his class. So when his homeroom teacher at his new middle school gives him the assignment of duplicating the mythical Hercules's amazing feats in real life, he's skeptical. After all, there are no Nemean Lions on Cape Cod—and not a single Hydra in sight. <p><p> Missing his parents terribly and wishing his older brother wasn't working all the time, Herc figures out how to take his first steps along the road that the great Hercules himself once walked. Soon, new friends, human and animal, are helping him. And though his mythical role model performed his twelve labors by himself, Herc begins to see that he may not have to go it alone.

Labra-cadabra-dor's Revenge

by Ben Whitehouse Walker Styles

The tricky magician Labra-cadabra-dor puts Rider under a spell in this seventh Rider Woofson adventure.When the tricky Labra-cadrabra-dor breaks out of prison, Rider gears up to face his old nemesis. But this time Labra-cadabra-dor is one step ahead and zaps Rider under an evil spell. Will Rora and the PI Pack be able to uncover the secret behind the magic trick before the act is over? With easy-to-read language and illustrations on almost every page, the Rider Woofson chapter books are perfect for emerging readers.


by Jessie Nelson Hopkins Karen Leigh

Zach isn't impressed with his new dog, Larry, at first. He'd hoped for a chocolate lab or a spaniel, not this funny looking mish-mash of a dog with a great long tail. And who names a dog "Larry," anyway? But Zach discovers that when Larry twirls that ridiculously long tail - Labracadabra! - amazing things happen. It's not very long before Zach knows that he and Larry will be Best Friends Forever! .

Labrador on the Lawn (Animal Ark #38)

by Ben M. Baglio

At Animal Ark, Mandy Hope helps her parents treat animals of all shapes and sizes. Even outside the clinic, Mandy can't resist helping any animal in need. Mandy and James are staying with her parents at a vacation house in the Lake District when they spot a mischievous Labrador on the lawn. James's dog, Blackie, is thrilled to have found a friend, but with no identification or collar, how will the Hopes find her owner? And why does she seem so at home in the cottage?

Labrador Retriever: Most Popular (Big Dogs Rule!)

by Jessica Rudolph

Discusses Labrador retrievers as search and rescue dogs, their history and appearance, training these dogs, and Labrador retrievers as pets.

The Labrador Retriever (Learning About Dogs)

by Charlotte Wilcox

An introduction to North America's most popular dog, the labrador retriever, which includes its history, development, uses, and care. Includes photo diagram and general facts about dogs.

Labrador Retrievers Are the Best! (The Best Dogs Ever)

by Elaine Landau

What's that dog with the short thick coat, energetic nature, and peppy personality? It's the Labrador retriever! Labs love to play, and they are always eager to please. Their owners think they are the best dogs ever--and it's easy to see why. If you're a Lab fan, you'll want to learn all about this breed, from its waterproof fur and webbed feet that help it swim to its history as a fishing dog in Newfoundland, Canada. You'll also want to find out how to care for the Lab. So check out this go-to guide Lab lovers--and learn all about why Labs are the best breed there is!

A Labrador's Tale: An Eye for Heroism

by Craig Pierce

The day begins with a simple walk between Roy Cook and his guide dog Specs. By day end, Specs has experienced the eerie chill of a cemetery, the unusual spectacle of his first ballgame, and redefined his unbreakable bond with Roy Cook through an act of true heroism. This is the second book in the American Dog series.

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