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Showing 99,876 through 99,900 of 100,000 results

The Teller's Tale: Lives of the Classic Fairy Tale Writers

by Sophie Raynard

This book offers new, often unexpected, but always intriguing portraits of the writers of classic fairy tales. For years these authors, who wrote from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries, have been either little known or known through skewed, frequently sentimentalized biographical information. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were cast as exemplars of national virtues; Hans Christian Andersen's life became—with his participation—a fairy tale in itself. Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont, the prim governess who wrote moral tales for girls, had a more colorful past than her readers would have imagined, and few people knew that nineteen-year-old Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy conspired to kill her much-older husband. Important figures about whom little is known, such as Giovan Francesco Straparola and Giambattista Basile, are rendered more completely than ever before. Uncovering what was obscured for years and with newly discovered evidence, contributors to this fascinating and much-needed volume provide a historical context for Europe's fairy tales.

The Telling

by Alexandra Sirowy

A chilling new novel about a girl who must delve into her past if she wants to live long enough to have a future when a series of murders that are eerily similar to the dark stories her brother used to tell start happening in her hometown.Lana used to know what was real. That was before, when her life was small and quiet. Her golden stepbrother, Ben was alive. She could only dream about bonfiring with the populars. Their wooded island home was idyllic, she could tell truth from lies, and Ben's childhood stories were firmly in her imagination. Then came after. After has Lana boldly kissing her crush, jumping into the water from too high up, living with nerve and mischief. But after also has horrors, deaths that only make sense in fairy tales, and terrors from a past Lana thought long forgotten. Love, blood, and murder.

Telling Christina Goodbye

by Lurlene Mcdaniel

Trisha Thompson and her best friend Christina are having a great senior year. Trisha and her boyfriend, Cody, are making plans to attend Indiana University together in the fall, while Christina has already received a scholarship to the University of Vermont. Everything would be perfect if only Trisha got along with Christina's controlling boyfriend Tucker, who is trying to convince Christina not to go away for college. But suddenly their lives change one night when Tucker is driving the four home from an away basketball game. When his car hits a patch of black ice and overturns, Tucker walks away with barely a scratch, but Trisha is injured, Cody is in a coma, and Christina is dead. Those left behind must learn that it takes time for their scars--both visible and not--to heal. And they must find the courage to move on with their lives. From the Paperback edition.

Telling Time: How to Tell Time on Digital and Analog Clocks

by Jules Older

Telling time becomes clear and easy for young readers in this bright and lively introduction to measurements of time. From seconds to minutes, hours to days, exploring what time is and discovering why we need to tell time, helps young readers understand more than 'the big hand is on the one and the little hand is on the two'. Megan Halsey&’s playful illustrations depict imaginative digital and analog clocks that range in design. With the help of a whole lot of clocks, a dash of humor, and a few familiar circumstances, learning to tell time is a lot of fun. It's about time.

Telling (True-to-Life Series from Hamilton High)

by Marilyn Reynolds

After being sexually abused by the father of the children she is babysitting, twelve-year-old Cassie faces a difficult journey before she finds the strength and insight to deal with the problem.

Telugu Peddalu

by Malladi Krishnanand

Telugu Peddalu is a set of short descriptions of 116 renouned Telugu personalities and their achievements for children to be inspired and learn from. Also a general knowlege book.

Tema-me, Não me Tema (Gavert City #1)

by Elodie Nowodazkij

Segredos, uma pequena cidade texana, um serial killer, romance... este livro vai mantê-lo acordado durante a noite! A líder de torcida de dezessete anos, Erin Hortz, deveria estar se preparando para o maior concurso de sua vida, o que poderia ser sua passagem para fora de sua pequena cidade texana. Mas com o pai suspeito de ser um assassino em série, ela tem dificuldade em manter as coisas juntas. Especialmente, em torno do ex-astro de futebol americano Dimitri Kuvlev: o irmão de sua melhor amiga Nadia, sua paixão desde sempre, aquele que machucou seu coração... A lesão de Dimitri, de 19 anos, o levou de astro do futebol americano com universidades de todo o país batendo à sua porta, para não saber o que ele quer fazer com sua vida. A única pessoa que parece entendê-lo é a que ele jurou manter na zona dos amigos até que ele consiga sua merda: Erin. Quando Nadia não chega em casa depois de uma festa, Dimitri e Erin sabem que devem encontrá-la antes que seja tarde demais, mesmo que isso signifique arriscar suas próprias vidas e tudo o que Erin sabia.


by J. M. Northup Rocio Sileo

Una chispa basta para encender un infierno. En un mundo donde el miedo nace de catástrofes y terrorismo, Estados Unidos enfrenta el desafío más grande de su historia. Las discordias y la desconfianza llegan a límites extremos al acercarse el cumplimiento de profecías ancestrales. El mundo de Dakota se vuelve irreconocible: los survivalistas predominan mientras el gobierno y las autoridades locales se deterioran, llevándose con ellos la seguridad de las personas. Las tensiones aumentan, y la paranoia empuja a la nación a una encrucijada que cambiará la historia. Dakota se aferra a la esperanza de un mejor mañana, pero la madeja de la paz parece enredarse más rápido de lo que es posible manejar. ¿Qué sucederá con ella y con las personas que ama cuando una chispa convierta a los Estados Unidos en un infierno de terror?

Témeme, No me Temas

by Elodie Nowodazkij

Secretos. Un pequeño pueblo de Texano, un asesino serial, romance… este libro va a mantenerte despierto toda la noche. La animadora de diez y siete años de edad, Erin Hortz, debería estar preparándose para el mayor espectáculo de su vida, el cual podría ser tu ticket fuera del pequeño pueblo de Texas. Pero con su padre como sospechoso de ser un asesino serial, ella pasa por un momento muy difícil intentando no perder la cabeza. Especialmente alrededor de la antigua estrella del futbol Dimitri Kuvlev: el hermano de su mejor amiga, Nadia, su crush desde siempre, el cual se hizo un hueco en su corazón. La lesión de Dimitri, de diecinueve años, lo llevo de ser una superestrella del fútbol con universidades de todo el país llamando a su puerta, a no saber qué es lo que quiere hacer con su vida. La única persona que parece entenderlo es la cual el juro mantener en la zona de amigos hasta poner sus mierdas en orden: Erin. Cuando Nadia no regresa a casa después de una fiesta, Dimitri y Erin saben que deben encontrarla antes de que sea demasiado tarde; incluso si eso significa arriesgar sus propias vidas y todo lo que Erin alguna vez conoció.

Temika Makes Paper

by Charnan Simon Paul Meisel

Temika and her family are big on recycling paper. Temika and her brother Tyler are ready to argue about where paper comes from – trees or recycled paper. Mom says they’re both right! Dad suggests they make their own paper so that Temika can use it for her Grandma’s birthday card. Mom teaches them how to make homemade paper from scraps of white paper, colored construction paper, and even flowers!

Temperance and Prohibition: The Movement to Pass Anti-liquor Laws in America

by Mark Beyer

During this period of social reform, the progressives led a successful crusade to eliminate the manufacturing, distribution, and sale of alcohol. Beyer examines the societal problems caused by alcohol at the time, the fervent anti-liquor advocates such as the Women's Temperance Crusade, and Carrie Nation. The text and photographs portray the drama of this turbulent period when crime spread during the alcohol ban.


by Melissa Gish

Describes temperature and how it affects weather and humans.

Temperature: Heating Up and Cooling Down

by Darlene R. Stille Sheree Boyd

An interesting book on temperature with its characteristics and facts illustrated with examples in the form of activities.

The Tempering

by Gloria Skurzynski

An adolescent must choose between the mills and his education.

The Tempest (Short, Sharp Shakespeare Stories #28)

by Anna Claybourne

Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises...A powerful storm, a dramatic shipwreck, an enchanted island, a sorcerer's daughter and a handsome prince... Listen on, through magic and mystery, to discover the spell-binding story at the heart of The Tempest, one of Shakespeare's best-loved plays.As well as the story, this audiobook contains information about the background to The Tempest, its major themes, language, and Shakespeare's life during the time he was writing the play. Magic, and its meaning in 16th century England, are also examined, to give some context in which the play was written.The Short, Sharp Shakespeare series consists of six books that retell Shakespeare's most famous plays in modern English. Fun sound effects and atmospheric music accompany each narration, making them a great introduction to "the Bard" for children.(P) 2023 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

The Tempest: The Tempest (A Shakespeare Story #7)

by Andrew Matthews

A charming retelling of this magical tale of power and justice. With Notes on Shakespeare and the Globe Theatre and Power in the Tempest. The tales have been retold using accessible language and with the help of Tony Ross's engaging black-and-white illustrations, each play is vividly brought to life allowing these culturally enriching stories to be shared with as wide an audience as possible.Have you read all of The Shakespeare Stories books? Available in this series: A Midsummer Night's Dream, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest, Hamlet, Twelfth Night, Antony and Cleopatra, Much Ado About Nothing, The Merchant of Venice, Henry V, Julius Caesar, As You Like It, Othello, The Taming of the Shrew, Richard III, and King Lear.

The Tempest (No Fear Shakespeare)

by William Shakespeare John Crowther SparkNotes Staff

No Fear : The Tempest


by Lesley Livingston

"I don't love Sonny Flannery." That's the lie Kelley Winslow told to protect the boy she loves from a power he doesn't know he possesses. Devastated, Sonny retreats-to a haven for Lost Fae that's hidden deep underneath New York City. But Kelley's not about to let things end in heartbreak. To get Sonny back, she's got to find out who's after his magick-and how to use her own. She's got to uncover who's recruiting Janus Guards to murderously hunt innocent Faerie. She's got to help rebuild the shattered theater company she called family. And she's got to do it all without getting dangerously distracted by the Fennrys Wolf, whose legendary heart of stone seems to melt whenever he's around Kelley. The intrigue and romance that began with Wondrous strange and Darklight come to a stormy head in Tempestuous, the breathtaking conclusion to Lesley Livingston's ravishing urban Faerie trilogy.

Temple Alley Summer

by Sachiko Kashiwaba Avery Fischer Udagawa Miho Satake

Winner of a 2022 SCBWI Crystal Kite AwardFrom renowned Japanese children’s author Sachiko Kashiwaba, Temple Alley Summer is a fantastical and mysterious adventure filled with the living dead, a magical pearl, and a suspiciously nosy black cat named Kiriko featuring beautiful illustrations from Miho Satake. Kazu knows something odd is going on when he sees a girl in a white kimono sneak out of his house in the middle of the night―was he dreaming? Did he see a ghost? Things get even stranger when he shows up to school the next day to see the very same figure sitting in his classroom. No one else thinks it’s weird, and, even though Kazu doesn’t remember ever seeing her before, they all seem convinced that the ghost-girl Akari has been their friend for years! When Kazu’s summer project to learn about Kimyo Temple draws the meddling attention of his mysterious neighbor Ms. Minakami and his secretive new classmate Akari, Kazu soon learns that not everything is as it seems in his hometown. Kazu discovers that Kimyo Temple is linked to a long forgotten legend about bringing the dead to life, which could explain Akari’s sudden appearance―is she a zombie or a ghost? Kazu and Akari join forces to find and protect the source of the temple's power. An unfinished story in a magazine from Akari’s youth might just hold the key to keeping Akari in the world of the living, and it’s up to them to find the story’s ending and solve the mystery as the adults around them conspire to stop them from finding the truth.

Temple Grandin: How the Girl Who Loved Cows Embraced Autism and Changed the World

by Temple Grandin Sy Montgomery

When Temple Grandin was born, her parents knew that she was different. Years later she was diagnosed with autism. While Temple's doctor recommended a hospital, her mother believed in her. Temple went to school instead. Today, Dr. Temple Grandin is a scientist and professor of animal science at Colorado State University. Her world-changing career revolutionized the livestock industry. As an advocate for autism, Temple uses her experience as an example of the unique contributions that autistic people can make. This compelling biography complete with Temple's personal photos takes us inside her extraordinary mind and opens the door to a broader understanding of autism.

Temple Grandin's Squeeze Machine (Fountas & Pinnell Classroom, Guided Reading)

by Alice McGinty Ron Mazellan

NIMAC-sourced textbook

The Temple of Doubt (Temple of Doubt)

by Anne Boles Levy

"Fiercely original with a capable and plucky heroine, The Temple of Doubt rips open a door to a fresh new fantasy world. ” --Amalie Howard, author of the Aquarathi series and Alpha Goddess It’s been two six-days since a falling star crashed into the marshes beyond Port Sapphire, putting the wilds of Kuldor off-limits to fifteen-year-old Hadara. She feels this loss deeply and is eager to join her mother beyond the city limits to gather illegal herbs and throw off the yoke of her tedious religious schooling. Medicines of any sort are heresy to the people of Port Sapphire, who must rely on magic provided by the god Nihil for aid. And if people die from that magic, their own lack of faith is surely to blame. At least, that’s what Hadara has been taught--and has so far refused to believe. Hadara and her mother have ignored the priests’ many warnings about their herb gathering, secure in knowing their tropical island is far from Nihil’s critical gaze. Then two powerful high priests arrive from Nihil’s home city to investigate the fallen star, insisting it harbors an unseen demon. This sets off speculation that an evil force is already at work in Port Sapphire and brings one of the holy men to Hadara’s doorstep. When he chooses Hadara as a guide into the wilds, she sets off a chain of events that will upend everything she’s been taught about the sacred and the profane. The Temple of Doubt is the first installment in a series that follows a teenager who is given a greater destiny and purpose than she could’ve ever imagined.

Temple of the Dragonslayer (Dragonlance: The New Adventures #1)

by Tim Waggoner

Nearra does not know who she is or where she lives, but she does know one thing: someone wants her dead. Her only hope lies leagues away, in an ancient temple, where healing clerics may be able to restore her memory.A helpful young ranger, a failed warrior, a sneaky elf, and a kender wizard offer to accompany Nearra on her journey. She soon learns her newfound friends have secrets of their own. As goblins, an angry minotaur, and a vicious green dragon attempt to stop them at every turn, friendships are tested and all of if may come to ruin from the one Nearra trusts the most.

The Temple of Treasures and Other Incredible Tales of Indian Monuments

by Storytrails

Which ancient city in India was ruled over by a prince from Cambodia?What does a 2,000-year-old bead reveal about an ancient Indian settlement?How did the slave of a slave become the sultan of Delhi?Find answers to these questions and uncover many unexpected stories of remarkable monuments, astounding discoveries, powerful rulers and fabulous treasures in this book.Storytellers and guides from the award-winning Storytrails take you on a fun-filled tour of 30 fascinating sites and sights across India. Explore events that shaped our culture and altered the course of history - from the decoding of ancient scripts to the arrival of new religions. Make novel connections between people and places across time, and gain a unique perspective on the country.Brimming with unusual information and charming illustrations, The Temple of Treasures takes you on a magical journey through India's past.

Temple Run Book One Run for Your Life: Jungle Trek

by Chase Wilder

Temple Run, the fastest-growing mobile game app, is taking its biggest leap yet, jumping into children's books with a series of adventure books just right for middle-graders. Watch out, Indiana Jones, a new hero is in town: you the reader!Synopsis: Temple Run #1: Jungle Trek is a wilderness survival story. You're a lucky kid--you've had advantages all your life. For your birthday, you're having a destination party: a campout and scavenger hunt in an exotic locale with just a young party planner, the beautiful Scarlett Fox, and a handsome outdoorsman, Guy Dangerous, who will act as your guide. The two of them will chaperone--no parents! But on the way there, your plane crash-lands in the mountains. Scarlett Fox and Guy Dangerous may or may not be on your side, depending on how you navigate the story. Or they may be there for their own purposes, having engineered the crash to take place in a remote location to steal a valuable artifact that they plan to sell. Depending on the choices you make, you will reach safety in time to enjoy your party, or you will be kidnapped and held for ransom, buying Guy and Scarlett time to make off with the treasure. You decide!

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