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Showing 11,051 through 11,075 of 16,861 results

Oral Literary Performance in Africa: Beyond Text (Routledge African Studies)

by Nduka Otiono and Chiji Akọma

This book delivers an admirably comprehensive and rigorous analysis of African oral literatures and performance. Gathering insights from distinguished scholars in the field, the book provides a range of contemporary interdisciplinary perspectives in the study of oral literature and its transformations in everyday life, fiction, poetry, popular culture, and postcolonial politics. Topics discussed include folklore and folklife; oral performance and masculinities; intermediated orality, modern transformations, and globalization; orality and mass media; spoken word and imaginative writing. The book also addresses research methodologies and the thematic and theoretical trajectories of scholars of African oral literatures, looking back to the trailblazing legacies of Ruth Finnegan, Harold Scheub, and Isidore Okpewho. Ambitious in scope and incisive in its analysis, this book will be of interest to students and scholars of African literatures and oral performance as well as to general readers interested in the dynamics of cultural production.

Oral Presentations in the Composition Course: A Brief Guide

by Matthew Duncan Gustav W. Friedrich

The ideal supplement for any writing class that includes an oral component, Oral Presentations in the Composition Course: A Brief Guide offers students the advice they need to plan, prepare, and present their work effectively. With sections on analyzing audiences, choosing effective language, using visual aids, collaborating on group presentations, and dealing with the fear of public speaking, this booklet offers help for students' most common challenges in developing oral presentations.

Oral Tradition as History

by Jan Vansina

Although written by a leading historian of Africa, Vansina's work on oral traditions ranges far beyond Africa, so has a wider relevance. Vansina explains not only how oral traditions have been used in the past but also how they should be used by historians in their research.

Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word

by Walter J. Ong

This classic work explores the vast differences between oral and literate cultures and offers a brilliantly lucid account of the intellectual, literary and social effects of writing, print and electronic technology.

The Orange Revolution: How One Great Team Can Transform an Entire Organization

by Adrian Gostick Chester Elton

From New York Times bestselling authors and renowned leadership consultants Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton comes a groundbreaking guide to building high-performance teams. What is the true driver of a thriving organization's exceptional success? Is it a genius leader? An iron-clad business plan? Gostick and Elton shatter these preconceptions of corporate achievement. Their research shows that breakthrough success is guided by a particular breed of high-performing team that generates its own momentum--an engaged group of colleagues in the trenches, working passionately together to pursue a shared vision. Their research also shows that only 20 percent of teams are working anywhere near this optimal capacity. How can your team become one of them?Based on a groundbreaking 350,000-person study by the Best Companies Group, as well as extraordinary research into exceptional teams at leading companies, including, Pepsi Beverages Company, and Madison Square Garden, the authors have determined a key set of characteristics displayed by members of breakthrough teams, and have identified a set of rules great teams live by, which generate a culture of positive teamwork and lead to extraordinary results. Using a wealth of specific stories from the breakthrough teams they studied, they reveal in detail how these teams operate and how managers can transform their own teams into such high performers by fostering:Stronger clarity of goalsGreater trust among team membersMore open and honest dialogueStronger accountability for all team membersPurpose-based recognition of team members' contributionsThe remarkable stories they tell about these teams in action provide a simple and powerful step-by-step guide to taking your team to the breakthrough level, igniting the passion and vision to bring about an Orange Revolution.

Order Out of Chaos: A Kidnap Negotiator's Guide to Influence and Persuasion. The Sunday Times bestseller

by Scott Walker

The indispensable Sunday Times bestselling guide to succeeding in negotiations where failure is not an option, from one of the world's most experienced kidnap for ransom negotiators.Scott Walker has probably one of the most difficult jobs in the world. When pirates have hijacked a ship, when a criminal gang has kidnapped someone, when an entire company's future is being held to ransom from a cyber-attack, Scott is the person who gets called in. He has successfully negotiated more than 300 such incidents using the principles in this book.His methods, centred in empathy, active listening, trust-based influence and emotional control, will help you achieve the outcome you want. Regardless of whether you're an executive in a multi-national organisation, the owner of a small business, a local sports team coach or running the family household, you're negotiating every single day, whether you realise it or not.Learn the skills Scott uses to resolve life or death kidnappings all over the world ­- from the Niger Delta, China and the Philippines to the Middle East, Europe and Latin America - and how to apply them to your own life, at work and at home.Order Out of Chaos provides tools that cut straight to the most effective way of communicating, particularly in times of crisis, change and uncertainty.

Order Out of Chaos: A Kidnap Negotiator's Guide to Influence and Persuasion

by Scott Walker

A new approach to succeeding in negotiations where failure is not an option, from one of the world's most experienced kidnap for ransom negotiators.Scott Walker has probably one of the most difficult jobs in the world. When pirates have hijacked a ship, when a criminal gang has kidnapped someone, when an entire company's future is being held to ransom from a cyber-attack, Scott is the person who gets called in. He has successfully negotiated more than 300 such incidents using the principles in this book.His methods, centred in empathy, active listening, trust-based influence and emotional control, will help you achieve the outcome you want. Regardless of whether you're an executive in a multi-national organisation, the owner of a small business, a local sports team coach or running the family household, you're negotiating every single day, whether you realise it or not.Learn the skills Scott uses to resolve life or death kidnappings all over the world ­- from the Niger Delta, China and the Philippines to the Middle East, Europe and Latin America - and how to apply them to your own life, at work and at home.Order Out of Chaos provides tools that cut straight to the most effective way of communicating, particularly in times of crisis, change and uncertainty.

Ordnungswidrigkeiten in Rundfunk und Telemedien

by Roland Bornemann Steffen Rittig

Das Rechtshandbuch stellt die Ahndung und Verfolgung von Ordnungswidrigkeiten in Online-Medien (Rundfunk und Telemedien) mit ihren Besonderheiten dar. Es konzentriert sich auf die Gesichtspunkte, die in der Praxis eine Rolle spielen. Damit versetzt es Leser in die Lage, einen durchschnittlichen Alltagsfall im rundfunkrechtlichen Bußgeldverfahren ohne weitere Spezialliteratur zu lösen. Das Werk ist unverzichtbar für die Compliance bei privaten Rundfunkveranstaltern, Anbietern von rundfunkähnlichen Telemedien, Medienplattformen, Benutzeroberflächen, Medienintermediären und sonstigen Telemedien. Es wendet sich zudem an Studierende mit medienrechtlichem Studienschwerpunkt, an Landesmedienanstalten als nach §§ 35, 36 OWiG zuständige Verwaltungsbehörden sowie an Staatsanwaltschaften und Strafgerichte, aber ebenso und nicht zuletzt an die Verteidigerinnen und Verteidiger im Bußgeldverfahren.

Organisation, Interaction and Practice

by Nick Llewellyn Jon Hindmarsh

Ethnomethodology has an elusive relationship with organisation studies. The ethnomethodological work of Harold Garfinkel, and the allied conversation analytic work of Harvey Sacks, is often cited and yet empirical contributions informed by ethnomethodology and conversation analysis remain rare. Organisation studies clearly has a lot to say about work but this is normally related to some broader set of social, economic and political issues. Rarely, if ever, does this research involve an analysis of the mundane and practical details of what actual work consists of. This book acts as an evidence-based corrective by showing how research based on ethnomethodology and conversation analysis can contribute to key issues and debates in organisation studies. Drawing on audio/video recordings from a diverse range of work settings, a team of leading scholars present a series of empirical studies that illustrate the importance of paying attention to the real-time achievement of organisational processes and practices.

Organisational Responses to Social Media Storms: An Applied Analysis of Modern Challenges

by Andy Phippen Emma Bond

This book explores the growing phenomenon of the social media storm in the context of educational establishments. With a methodological approach that draws on aspects of virtual and offline ethnography, the text presents a series of case studies of public online risk-related incidents. Our ethnographic methodology adopts the use of unobtrusive data collection approaches, to explore publicly available data from online interactive behaviours. Drawing on a range of methods from internet mediated research (IMR) to inform our ethnographic account, the book provides an in-depth exploration of the public and organisational discourses arising from four short, clear high-profile internet risk case studies in the education sector ranging from early year to higher education. It considers the social construction of a new ‘risk’ culture arising computer-mediated social interactions and its impact on, and response by, the organisations and society.

Organisationen: Eine sehr kurze Einführung

by Stefan Kühl

Von der Wiege bis zur Bahre wird unser Leben durch Organisationen bestimmt. Aber wir sind nicht dafür ausgebildet worden, wie wir als Mitglied mit Unternehmen, Verwaltungen, Universitäten, Schulen, Krankenhäusern, Gefängnissen, Parteien oder Armeen zurechtkommen können. Organisationen – was sind das für „Gebilde“, die unsere moderne Gesellschaft so stark bestimmen? Wie "ticken" sie? Welche Eingriffsmöglichkeiten gibt es? Anhand der drei zentralen Merkmale Zwecke, Hierarchie und Mitgliedschaften wird grundlegend erklärt, wie Organisationen funktionieren.

Organisationskommunikation von Max Weber zu Niklas Luhmann: Wie interdisziplinäre Theoriebildung gelingen kann (essentials)

by Manfred Rühl

Seit ihren Anfängen stellt die Kommunikationswissenschaft die menschliche Kommunikation [human communication] in den Mittelpunkt (Dance, 1967; A. G. Smith, 1966; Schramm, 1980). Der Begriff Organisation ist seit dem 19. Jahrhundert in sozialwissenschaftlichem Gebrauch (Luhmann, 1964). Für Probleme der Organisationskommunikation [organizational communication] erstellt W. Charles Redding (1972) einen ersten Forschungsüberblick, und Karlene H. Roberts et al. (1974, S. 501) konstatieren: "Organizational communication appears to be in an identity crisis. " Üblicherweise werden Anfänge der Organisationskommunikation mit Messungen organisatorischer Arbeit in Industriebetrieben durch die Ingenieure Frederick W. Taylor (1911) und Henri Fayol (1916) in Zusammenhang gebracht. Die junge deutsche Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Plenge, 1919) suchte nach der richtigen Betriebsführung [management], und die sozialpsychologisch-empirisch operierenden Hawthorne-Studien (Mayo, 1933; Roethlisberger & Dickson, 1939) experimentierten in tayloristisch bestimmten Arbeitsorganisationen. Mit seiner Bürokratieforschung eröffnete Max Weber (1922) das Theoretisieren über sinnmachendes Handeln rationaler Organisation. Mary Parker Follett (1941), Chester I. Barnard (1938, 1948) und Herbert A. Simon (1945, 1958) problematisierten Verbindungen zwischen Organisation, Entscheidung und Kommunikation. Und Niklas Luhmann (2000) empfahl, die Organisation nicht länger als eine, durch Hierarchie und Zweck/Mittel-Beziehungen strukturierte Gegebenheit hinzunehmen, vielmehr ein autopoietisches System zu rekonstruieren, das sich durch Kommunikation und Entscheidungsprogramme selbst reproduziert. Im deutschen Sprachraum setzt sich die Journalismusforschung am ehesten mit dieser Entwicklung auseinander.

Organization and Organizing: Materiality, Agency and Discourse

by François Cooren Daniel Robichaud

Recipient of the '2013 Top Edited Book Award', by the Organizational Communication Division of the National Communication Association (USA) This timely collection addresses central issues in organizational communication theory on the nature of organizing and organization. The unique strength of this volume is its contribution to the conception of materiality, agency, and discourse in current theorizing and research on the constitution of organizations. It addresses such questions as: To what extent should the materiality of texts and artifacts be accounted for in a process view of organization? What part does materiality play in the process by which organizations achieve continuity in time and space? In what sense do artifacts perform a role in human communication and interaction and in the constitution of organization? What are the voices and entities participating in the emergence and stabilization of organizational reality? The work represents scholarship going on in various parts of the world, and features contributions that overcome traditional conceptions of the nature of organizing by addressing in specific ways the difficult issues of the performative character of agency; materiality as the basis of the iterability of communication and continuity of organizations; and discourse as both textuality and interaction. The contributions laid out in this book also pay tribute to the work of the organizational communication theorist James R. Taylor, who developed a view of organization as deeply rooted in communication and language. Contributors extend and challenge Taylor’s communicative view by tackling issues and assumptions left implicit in his work.

Organization as Communication: Perspectives in Dialogue

by Steffen Blaschke Dennis Schoeneborn

The idea that communication constitutes organization (CCO) provides a unique perspective to organization studies by highlighting the fundamental and formative role of communication for organizational phenomena of various kinds. The book features original works that address the idea of organization as communication in the light of other theories, related concepts, as well as the tension between strategy and emergence. The first set of chapters discusses the idea of organization communication in the light of critical works of European scholars (Habermas, Honneth, and Günther). The second set of chapters reflects on a range of concepts such as institutions, routines, and leadership from a CCO perspective. The final set of chapters examines the tension between strategic and emergent communication by drawing on new methodology and empirical evidence. The chapters are set into dialogue with some of the most prominent proponents of CCO scholarship. The book offers an important contribution to CCO thinking by adding European perspectives on organization as communication. It connects the primarily North American approach and European traditions of theoretical thought to existing debates in communication and organization studies.

Organizational Autoethnographies: Our Working Lives

by Andrew Herrmann

This text takes a new approach to autoethnography by using personal narratives to analyze our work across multiple disciplines and subdisciplines. These stories feature authors working at the intersections of autoethnography and critical theory within a given organizational context. Organizations are not simply entities, but systems of meaning. As such they are sites of cultural practices and performances, and of domination, resistance and struggle.? Working at the intersection of organizational studies and autoethnography, this book explores the ability of autoethnographic and personal narrative approaches to generate important, innovative, and empowering understandings of difference, discourses, and identities, while attending to the various powerful dynamics that are at play in organizations. These are stories of work, at work, and help to finally bring theory and direct exemplars together.

Organizational Behavior

by Robert Kreitner Angelo Kinicki

In its tradition of being an up-to-date, relevant and user-driven textbook, Kreitner and Kinicki's approach to organizational behavior is based on the authors' belief that reading a comprehensive textbook is hard work; however, the process should be interesting and sometimes even fun. The authors' commitment to continuous improvement makes complex ideas understandable through clear and concise explanations, contemporary examples, a visually appealing photo/art program, and/or learning exercises. The authors respond to user feedback by ensuring the text covers the very latest OB research and practices.

Organizational Behavior Reading: Negotiation

by Max Bazerman Francesca Gino Katherine Shonk

Core Curriculum in Organizational Behavior is a series of readings that cover fundamental course material in Organizational Behavior. Readings include videos and interactive illustrations to help students master complex concepts. Managerial, executive, and entrepreneurial success requires the ability to negotiate. The essential reading and recommended module plan will help students to become more effective negotiators by: 1) mastering a negotiation framework that will help them analyze, prepare for, and execute negotiations more systematically—and hence, more effectively—in a wide variety of contexts; 2) building a negotiation toolkit that consists of practical strategies for creating and capturing value in negotiation; and 3) learning how to create a negotiation environment that helps diagnose individual needs, and allows negotiators to identify techniques for mitigating weaknesses and leveraging their strengths. The supplemental reading addresses two additional topics: cross-cultural negotiations and gender issues in negotiation. This reading includes two videos: "Asking Questions to Understand Interests" and "Post-settlement Settlements."

Organizational Change: Creating Change Through Strategic Communication (Foundations of Communication Theory Series)

by Laurie Lewis

A comprehensive guide to essential theories and practices of change creation and implementation Organizational Change provides an essential overview to implementing deliberate and focused change through effective communication strategies. Author Laurie Lewis integrates academic rigor with real-world case studies to provide a comprehensive examination of both theoretical and pragmatic approaches to alterations and modifications of organizational structures. Emphasizing the importance of formal and informal communication in implementation of change, this text investigates methods of information dissemination and examines various channels for communicating change. Coverage of stakeholder relationships, concepts of uncertainty and resistance, assessing change outcomes, and more provides readers with a solid foundational knowledge of change dynamics in organizations. Extensively revised and updated, this second edition provides new case studies on topics such as design of input solicitation, and current research in areas including the persuasive effects of sidedness or inoculation, and socially supportive communication. Improved pedagogical tools, streamlined organization of topics, and additional charts, graphs, and images reinforce efficient presentation of material and increase reader retention and comprehension. Examines empirical, theoretical, and conceptual approaches to strategic communication during organization change Explores key elements of change, appropriate communication strategies, and outcome evaluation methods Presents adaptive and programmatic strategic implementation models Provides studies of real-world companies and actual research on organizational change Debunks popular myths and clarifies misunderstandings of research and theory on implementation of change Demonstrates how Individuals, groups, and entire organizations can create change and influence implementation. Organizational Change provides a thorough survey of the communication and implementation strategies, methods, and conceptual foundations of change in public and private sector organizations, suitable for undergraduate and graduate study and practitioners with interest in complex change implementation.

Organizational Change: Creating Change Through Strategic Communication (Foundations of Communication Theory Series #4)

by Laurie Lewis

Organizational Change integrates major empirical, theoretical and conceptual approaches to implementing communication in organizational settings. Laurie Lewis ties together the disparate literatures in management, education, organizational sociology, and communication to explore how the practices and processes of communication work in real-world cases of change implementation. Gives a bold and comprehensive overview of communication research and ideas on change and those who bring it about Fills in an important piece of the applied communication puzzle as it relates to organizations Illustrated with student friendly, real life case studies from organizations, including organizational mergers, governmental or nonprofit policy or procedural implementation, or technological innovation Winner of the 2011 Organizational Communication NCA Division Book of the Year

Organizational Communication: Balancing Creativity and Constraint

by Eric M. Eisenberg Angela Trethewey Marianne Legreco H. L. Goodall Jr.

Organizational Communication covers the core theories and skills that organizational communication students need, sharing the very best of current scholarship, particularly as it relates to rapidly evolving topics like diversity, economics, and technology. Throughout, the book asks students to put what they're learning into practice, always considering both the enabling and constraining aspects of communication. Striking this balance between creativity and constraint helps people achieve their professional and personal goals. Perhaps the most notable addition to the new edition is a new co-author. Marianne LeGreco, from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. LaGreco is an Associate Professor in their Department of Communication Studies. Her expertise in organizational policy, community organizing, and the intersections of health and organizing add a new and exciting dimension to the text.

Organizational Communication: Balancing Creativity and Constraint

by Eric M. Eisenberg Angela Trethewey Marianne LeGreco H. L. Goodall, Jr.

Organizational Communication provides you with the core theories and communication skills necessary for success in personal, professional, and academic settings.

Organizational Communication: A Lifespan Approach

by Michael Kramer Ryan Bisel

Organizational Communication: A Lifespan Approach is a student-focused introduction to the field. Featuring real-world stories, helpful and unique illustrations, and practical applications of theory, this text engages students and shows them how to apply concepts, theories, and perspectives in every chapter. Organizational Communication helps students understand their communication as participants in organizations throughout their lifetimes. It begins with how pre-career experiences influence our expectations for organizational experiences and ends with organizational exits, including retirement. This approach provides a seamless integration of theory and application while helping students at any stage of life reflect on past experiences, prepare for new endeavors and roles, and understand vital organizational theories and perspectives in new and concrete ways.

Organizational Communication: Approaches And Processes (Mindtap Course List Series)

by Katherine Miller Joshua Barbour

Miller's text presents organizational communication from both a communication and managerial perspective. Her writing style and consistent use of examples and case studies results in a text that undergraduates students will find easy to understand.

Organizational Communication: Foundations, Challenges, and Misunderstandings (3rd edition)

by Daniel P. Modaff Sue Dewine Jennifer A. Butler

A clearly articulated treatment of organizational communication, Organizational Communication utilizes interviews to explore communication and misunderstandings at all levels of the organization. This book offers a unique perspective on the field of internal organizational communication. The authors review the foundational material, but intersperse the discussions with excerpts from interviews conducted with more than 160 leaders and workers in a variety of organizations. Unlike other books in this field, Organizational Communication explores organizational communication from the perspective of all organizational members, not just management.

Organizational Communication: A Critical Approach

by Dennis K. Mumby

Organizational Communication: A Critical Approach is the first textbook in the field that is written from a critical perspective while providing a comprehensive survey of theory and research in organizational communication. The text familiarizes students with the field of organizational communication—historically, conceptually, and practically—and challenges them to reconsider their common sense understandings of work and organizations, preparing them for participation in 21st century organizational settings. Linking theory with practice, Mumby skillfully explores the significant role played by organizations and corporations in constructing our identities. The book thus provides important ways for students to critically reflect on their own relationships to work, consumption, and organizations.

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