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Scared Speechless: 9 Ways to Overcome Your Fears and Captivate Your Audience

by Steve Rohr Shirley Impellizzeri

Panic at the podium? This guide by a clinical psychologist and a Hollywood publicist will help you understand—and overcome—your public-speaking fears.What you say and how you say it speaks volumes about your professional promise and leadership potential. Whether it’s giving an impromptu sales pitch or keynoting a major business conference, public speaking can make you or break you. Are you scared yet? No surprise—most people are! In fact, it’s the #1 fear among Americans. Even many Academy Award winners still get the jitters, as talent rep and publicist Steve Rohr knows very well.Scared Speechless takes a powerful, unique approach that sets it apart from other public-speaking guides. Rohr’s coauthor, Dr. Shirley Impellizzeri, uses the psychology behind our fears to explain and tame our anxiety. Combine this knowledge with humorous anecdotes, real-world examples, and wisdom about the art of organizing and delivering a spectacular speech, and you have the freshest, most entertaining, and most effective public speaking book available.

Schadenfreude, A Love Story

by Rebecca Schuman

"This book is a wild and wonderful ride. Your guide, Rebecca Schuman, is a super-smart and very funny person who writes brilliantly about Germany and Germans (who are not what you think) and being young and insane and life in general and… just read it, OK?"-Dave BarrySometimes Love Gets Lost in TranslationYou know that feeling you get watching the elevator doors slam shut just before your toxic coworker can step in? Or seeing a parking ticket on a Hummer? There’s a word for this mix of malice and joy, and the Germans (of course) invented it. It’s Schadenfreude, deriving pleasure from others’ misfortune. Misfortune happens to be a specialty of Slate columnist Rebecca Schuman—and this is great news for the Germans. For Rebecca adores the Vaterland with the kind of single-minded passion its Volk usually reserve for beer, soccer, and being right all the time. Let’s just say the affection isn’t mutual. Schadenfreude is the story of a teenage Jewish intellectual who falls in love – in love with a boy (who breaks her heart), a language (that’s nearly impossible to master), a culture (that’s nihilistic, but punctual), and a landscape (that’s breathtaking when there’s not a wall in the way). Rebecca is an everyday, misunderstood 90’s teenager with a passion for Pearl Jam and Ethan Hawke circa Reality Bites, until two men walk into her high school Civics class: Dylan Gellner, with deep brown eyes and an even deeper soul, and Franz Kafka, hitching a ride in Dylan’s backpack. These two men are the axe to the frozen sea that is Rebecca’s spirit, and what flows forth is a passion for all things German. First love might be fleeting, but Kafka is forever, and in pursuit of this elusive passion Rebecca will spend two decades stuttering and stumbling through German sentences, trying to win over a people who can’t be bothered. At once a snapshot of a young woman finding herself, and a country slowly starting to stitch itself back together after nearly a century of war (both hot and cold), Schadenfreude, A Love Story is an exhilarating, hilarious, and yes, maybe even heartfelt memoir proving that sometimes the truest loves play hard to get.

Schaltungstechnik: Entwicklungsmethodik, Funktionsschaltungen, Funktionsprimitive Von Schaltkreisen (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Johann Siegl Edgar Zocher

Das Lehrbuch bietet eine gründliche und systematische Einführung in die Entwicklungs- und Analysemethodik analoger und gemischt analog/digitaler Schaltungen. Leser lernen, wie Schaltungen erfolgreich entwickelt werden können. Wesentlich hierfür ist die funktionsorientierte Vorgehensweise, die durch eine Einführung in die Abschätzanalyse und in rechnergestützte Entwurfsverfahren unterstützt wird. Mit vielen anschaulichen Beispielen und Übungsaufgaben. Zusätzlich kann ein virtuelles Labor mit 300 Experimenten und weiteren Aufgaben genutzt werden.

Scheduling and Congestion Control for Wireless Internet

by Xin Wang

This brief proposes that the keys to internet cross-layer optimization are the development of non-standard implicit primal-dual solvers for underlying optimization problems, and design of jointly optimal network protocols as decomposition of such solvers. Relying on this novel design-space oriented approach, the author develops joint TCP congestion control and wireless-link scheduling schemes for wireless applications over Internet with centralized and distributed (multi-hop) wireless links. Different from the existing solutions, the proposed schemes can be asynchronously implemented without message passing among network nodes; thus they are readily deployed with current infrastructure. Moreover, global convergence/stability of the proposed schemes to optimal equilibrium is established using the Lyapunov method in the network fluid model. Simulation results are provided to evaluate the proposed schemes in practical networks.

Scheduling Parallel Applications on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems

by Gang Zeng Guoqi Xie Renfa Li Keqin Li

This book focuses on scheduling algorithms for parallel applications on heterogeneous distributed systems, and addresses key scheduling requirements – high performance, low energy consumption, real time, and high reliability – from the perspectives of both theory and engineering practice. Further, it examines two typical application cases in automotive cyber-physical systems and cloud systems in detail, and discusses scheduling challenges in connection with resource costs, reliability and low energy. The book offers a comprehensive and systematic treatment of high-performance, low energy consumption, and high reliability issues on heterogeneous distributed systems, making it a particularly valuable resource for researchers, engineers and graduate students in the fields of computer science and engineering, information science and engineering, and automotive engineering, etc. The wealth of motivational examples with figures and tables make it easy to understand.

Schlüsselkompetenz Zuhören (Fit for Future)

by Anke Ames

Haben Sie noch ein Ohr fürs Wesentliche? Für Ihre Geschäftspartner, Ihre Kollegen, Ihre Mitarbeiter und nicht zuletzt für Ihr engstes Umfeld? Oder kommunizieren auch Sie schon vorwiegend einseitig über Smartphone, E-Mail und Co? Die zunehmende Digitalisierung und Zeitnot unserer Leistungsgesellschaft erschweren den echten zwischenmenschlichen Austausch.Dieses Buch stellt die häufig unterschätzte und manchmal sogar in Vergessenheit geratene Fähigkeit des Zuhörens in den Fokus. Es zeigt auf, wie echtes Zuhören im Job gelingt und welche Vorteile dies mit sich bringt. Zuhören schafft Verbindung und wird in Zukunft eine der wichtigsten beruflichen Schlüsselkompetenzen werden.Über die Buchreihe "Fit for Future"Die Zukunft wird massive Veränderungen im Arbeits- und Privatleben mit sich bringen. Tendenzen gehen sogar dahin, dass die klassische Teilung zwischen Arbeitszeit und Freizeit nicht mehr gelingen wird. Eine neue Zeit – die sogenannte „Lebenszeit“ – beginnt. Laut Bundesregierung werden in den nächsten Jahren viele Berufe einen tiefgreifenden Wandel erleben und in ihrer derzeitigen Form nicht mehr existieren. Im Gegenzug wird es neue Berufe geben, von denen wir heute noch nicht wissen, wie diese aussehen oder welche Tätigkeiten diese beinhalten werden. Betriebsökonomen schildern mögliche Szenarien, dass eine stetig steigende Anzahl an Arbeitsplätzen durch Digitalisierung und Robotisierung gefährdet sind. Die Reihe „Fit for future“ beschäftigt sich eingehend mit dieser Thematik und bringt zum Ausdruck, wie wichtig es ist, sich diesen neuen Rahmenbedingungen am Markt anzupassen, flexibel zu sein, seine Kompetenzen zu stärken und „Fit for future“ zu werden. Der Initiator der Buchreihe Peter Buchenau lädt hierzu namhafte Experten ein, ihren Erfahrungsschatz auf Papier zu bringen und zu schildern, welche Kompetenzen es brauchen wird, um auch künftig erfolgreich am Markt zu agieren. Ein Buch von der Praxis für die Praxis, von Profis für Profis. Leser und Leserinnen erhalten „einen Blick in die Zukunft“ und die Möglichkeit, ihre berufliche Entwicklung rechtzeitig mitzugestalten.

Schlüsselwerke der Journalismusforschung

by Wiebke Loosen Armin Scholl

Wie in anderen Forschungsfeldern gibt es auch in der Journalismusforschung Schlüsseltexte, die ein Forschungsgebiet erschlossen haben, auf dem weitere Forschung aufbaut. Der Band versammelt solche Schlüsselwerke und stellt sie in Kurzbeschreibungen vor. Zusätzlich werden sie in den Forschungskontext eingebettet und ihre Wirkung auf den weiteren Fortgang der Forschungstradition erläutert. Schließlich werden sie in Bezug auf ihre Bedeutung für aktuelle Fragen und Themen der Journalismusforschung eingeschätzt.

Schlüsselwerke der Medienwissenschaft

by Ivo Ritzer

Der Band stellt ausgewählte Positionen und zentrale Ideen im disziplinären Rahmen der Medienwissenschaft vor. Schwerpunkte liegen auf medienphilosophischen Ansätzen und einer kulturtheoretischen Perspektive, die sich vor einem dezidiert geisteswissenschaftlichen Horizont konturiert. Dabei versteht der Band sich nicht nur als Handbuch und Nachschlagewerk für Studierende wie Lehrende, er soll vielmehr auch einen eigenen Beitrag zur medienwissenschaftlichen Theoriebildung leisten.

Schlüsselwerke: Theorien (in) der Kommunikationswissenschaft

by Ralf Spiller Christian Rudeloff Thomas Döbler

Der Band gibt eine kompakte Übersicht zu zentralen Theorien (in) der Kommunikationswissenschaft. Insgesamt werden 28 Schlüsselwerke aus der Mikro-, Meso und Makro-Ebene vorgestellt. Ziel ist es, Studierende und Dozierende in den Stand zu versetzen, ein wesentliches Werk in dessen Kontext zu verstehen und in die jeweilige Fachdiskussion einzuordnen. Darüber hinaus wird in diesem Band die Frage diskutiert, welches analytische und empirische Potenzial von den „Klassikern“ in Zeiten digitaler Kommunikation ausgeht.

Scholarly Publication in a Changing Academic Landscape: Models for Success

by Lynée Lewis Gaillet Letizia Guglielmo

Scholarly Publication in a Changing Academic Landscape focuses on ways contingent faculty members can join scholarly conversations by making public the work they are already engaged in and how they might publish their way into increased fulfillment and increased job security. Recognizing that contingent faculty often find few opportunities to enroll in publication courses, take advantage of professional development and mentoring sessions, or find allies and peers within their departments, this volume outline the realities of contingent employment and offers concrete advice for maintaining a research and publishing agenda, even without department support. The authors suggest ways to work within the present system, offering concrete strategies for engaging in professional development opportunities and disseminating research findings.

Scholarly Publishing in the Humanities, 2000-2024: Marketing and Communications Challenges and Opportunities (Marketing and Communication in Higher Education)

by Albert N. Greco

This book explores the recent history and future directions of scholarly publishing in the humanities in the United States from a marketing and communications perspective. The study draws on statistical surveys and data from a multidude of sources in order to analyze the major challenges confronting the humanities in higher education as well as the opportunities for print and digital publication since 2000. Chapters cover all types of publishing from university to trade presses, libraries, national programs, and self publishing, and focuses on changes in higher education funding, the impact of disruptive technologies such as AI, and the importance of global markets in disseminating new research in the humanities. The author explores these trends and other relevant theories, practices, and examples to achieve a better understanding of why publishing scholarly books and journals in the humanities is, and will remain, a critically important yet complicated component of the higher education landscape.

Scholarship, Commerce, Religion

by Ian Maclean

A decade ago in the Times Literary Supplement, Roderick Conway Morris claimed that almost everything that was going to happen in book publishing-from pocket books, instant books and pirated books, to the concept of author’s copyright, company mergers, and remainders-occurred during the early days of printing. Ian Maclean’s colorful survey of the flourishing learned book trade of the late Renaissance brings this assertion to life. The story he tells covers most of Europe, with Frankfurt and its Fair as the hub of intellectual exchanges among scholars and of commercial dealings among publishers. The three major religious confessions jostled for position there, and this rivalry affected nearly all aspects of learning. Few scholars were exempt from religious or financial pressures. Maclean’s chosen example is the literary agent and representative of international Calvinism, Melchior Goldast von Haiminsfeld, whose activities included opportunistic involvement in the political disputes of the day. Maclean surveys the predicament of underfunded authors, the activities of greedy publishing entrepreneurs, the fitful interventions of regimes of censorship and licensing, and the struggles faced by sellers and buyers to achieve their ends in an increasingly overheated market. The story ends with an account of the dramatic decline of the scholarly book trade in the 1620s, and the connivance of humanist scholars in the values of the commercial world through which they aspired to international recognition. Their fate invites comparison with today’s writers of learned books, as they too come to terms with new technologies and changing academic environments.

Scholastic Journalism

by Sherri A. Taylor C. Dow Tate

The new 12th edition of Scholastic Journalism is fully revised and updated to encompass the complete range of cross platform multimedia writing and design to bring this classic into the convergence age.Incorporates cross platform writing and design into each chapter to bring this classic high school journalism text into the digital ageDelves into the collaborative and multimedia/new media opportunities and changes that are defining the industry and journalism education as traditional media formats converge with new technologiesContinues to educate students on the basic skills of collecting, interviewing, reporting, and writing in journalismIncludes a variety of new user-friendly features for students and instructorsFeatures updated instructor manual and supporting online resources, available at

Schreiben in der Finanzwelt: Analysen, Methoden, Praxistipps

by Marlies Whitehouse

Das Buch erfasst zuerst den komplexen und dynamischen Kontext, in dem Schreiben in der Finanzwelt geschieht, und untersucht dann am Beispiel einer zentralen Textsorte, was diese Textprodukte tatsächlich leisten. Schließlich entwickelt das Buch forschungsbasierte Werkzeuge, die den Kommunikationserfolg von Finanztexten systematisch und wirksam verbessern können.

Schreiben und Redigieren – auf den Punkt gebracht: Das Schreibtraining für Kommunikationsprofis und Corporate Writer

by Ivo Hajnal Franco Item

Das Buch bietet professionellen Schreiberinnen und Schreibern praxisnahe Anregungen, eigene wie fremde Texte zu optimieren. Ein professioneller Sprachgebrauch hält sich an klare, objektive Vorgaben. Dementsprechend beruht dieses Buch auf empirischen Daten zur Verständlichkeit von Unternehmens- und Medientexten, die in eine leicht umzusetzende Checkliste münden.

Science and the Skeptic: Discerning Fact from Fiction

by Marc Zimmer

Fake news, pseudoscience, and quackery have become scourges, spreading through society from social media all the way to Congress. The line between entertainment and reality, between fact and fiction, has become blurred. Some of the most crucial issues of our time—climate change, vaccines, and genetically modified organisms—have become prime targets for nefarious disinformation campaigns. Far too many people have become distrustful of real science. Even those who still trust science no longer know what to believe or how to identify the truth. Not only does this result in the devaluation and distrust of real science, but it is also dangerous: people acting based on false information can hurt themselves or those around them. We must equip ourselves with the knowledge and skills to fight back against all this disinformation. InScience and the Skeptic: Discerning Fact from Fiction, you will learn how science is done, from the basic scientific method to the vetting process that scientific papers must go through to become published; how and why some people intentionally or unintentionally spread misinformation; and the dangers in believing and spreading false information. You'll also find twenty easy-to-follow rules for distinguishing fake science from the real deal. Armed with this book, empower yourself with knowledge, learning what information to trust and what to dismiss as deceit. "We're not just fighting an epidemic; we're fighting an infodemic. . . . This is a time for facts, not fear. This is a time for rationality, not rumors. This is a time for solidarity, not stigma."—Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO "Our deepest beliefs should help navigate reality, not determine it."—Michael Gersen, The Washington Post "Journalism is very much about trying to simplify and distribute information about what's new and where advances have been made. That's incompatible with the scientific process, which can take a long time to build a body of evidence."—Kelly McBride, Poynter Institute

Science Blogging

by Bethany Brookshire Christie Wilcox Jason G. Goldman

Here is the essential how-to guide for communicating scientific research and discoveries online, ideal for journalists, researchers, and public information officers looking to reach a wide lay audience. Drawing on the cumulative experience of twenty-seven of the greatest minds in scientific communication, this invaluable handbook targets the specific questions and concerns of the scientific community, offering help in a wide range of digital areas, including blogging, creating podcasts, tweeting, and more. With step-by-step guidance and one-stop expertise, this is the book every scientist, science writer, and practitioner needs to approach the Wild West of the Web with knowledge and confidence.

Science Communication in a Crisis: An Insider's Guide

by Christopher Reddy

Science Communication in a Crisis: An Insider’s Guide identifies the principal challenges that scientists face when communicating with different stakeholder groups and offers advice on how to navigate the maze of competing interests and deliver actionable science when the clock is ticking. If a scientist’s goal is to deliver content and expertise to the people who need it, then other stakeholder groups—the media, the government, industry—need to be considered as partners to collaborate with in order to solve problems. Written by established scientist Christopher Reddy, who has been on the front lines of several environmental crisis events, the book highlights ten specific challenges and reflects on mistakes made and lessons learned. Reddy’s aim is not to teach scientists how to ace an interview or craft a soundbite, rather, through exploring several high-profile case studies, including the North Cape oil spill, Deepwater Horizon, and the 2021 Sri Lanka shipping disaster, he presents a clear pathway to effective and collaborative communication. This book will be a great resource for junior and established scientists who want to make an impact, as well as students in courses such as environmental and science communication.

Science Communication in the World

by Michel Claessens Shunke Shi Bernard Schiele

This volume is aimed at all those who wonder about the mechanisms and effects of the disclosure of knowledge. Whether they have a professional interest in understanding these processes generally, or they wish to conduct targeted investigations in the PCST field, it will be useful to anyone involved in science communication, including researchers, academics, students, journalists, science museum staff, scientists high public profiles, and information officers in scientific institutions.

Science Communication Practice in China

by Fujun Ren Lin Yin Gauhar Raza

China has made remarkable and rapid progress in the area of science communication, both in theory and practice. This book critically examines all aspects of science communication practices in China. Dealing with major turning points since the introduction of the ‘Science and Technology Popularization Law’ and the ‘Outline of the National Scheme for Scientific Literacy’, the book tells a success story by scrutinizing structural changes in science communication policies, education system, construction and efficacious utilisation of science popularisation facilities, and creative use of a mix of traditional and modern channels of communication. The book also gives an in-depth analysis of the monitoring and evaluation mechanism, which constitutes the backbone of the national science communication project. The historical roots of science communication in China include shifts in methodologies, policy instruments, effectual approaches and resultant practices since the days of initial efforts to popularise modern scientific ideas. However, the primary focus of the book remains on the initiatives launched at the turn of the present century. Without losing sight of the national dimensions, each chapter of the book draws from provincial as well as grassroots level experiences. Quantitative and qualitative methods have been used to analyse strengths, weaknesses, hurdles and the efficacy of corrective measures. This book offers a remarkable insight to anyone who is interested in probing the causal relationship between science communication and China’s transformation into a modern society. The primary objective of the book is to analyse the nature of ‘science communication with Chinese characteristics’ and the specificity of the socio-cultural environment in which Science and Technology is located. Though the book is of particular interest to scholars, researchers, students and practitioners of science communication, the narrative style makes it accessible to the general reader who is interested in science-society relationship.

Science Communication Skills for Journalists: A Resource Book for Universities in Africa

by Charles Wendo

This book has an introduction and 22 other chapters that cover science communication skills. The editor has detailed knowledge of the field and consultation with leading editors and journalists in the region. It provides hands-on guidance together with examples, learning activities, graded and ungraded quizzes to facilitate learning. The content has been tried and tested by lecturers at two universities in Nigeria and Uganda, who used it to successfully train thousands of students in science communication. Each chapter carries hands-on advice on the practice of science journalism, with learning activities to deepen the learner's understanding of the topic. The book also includes five academic systematic review papers, written by university faculty, that that identify, review and synthesize available literature and experiences on science journalism and communication issues in the region. It also includes a case study detailing the experience of Uganda's Makerere University in introducing science journalism and communication into their undergraduate and post-graduate curricula.

Science Communication Through Poetry

by Sam Illingworth

Science Communication Through Poetry aims to explore how we might communicate science effectively both to and with non-scientific audiences across the spectrum of science communication, from dissemination to dialogue, via the medium of poetry. It has been written for scientists, science communicators, public engagement practitioners, and poets, so that they can learn how to use poetry as an effective tool through which to diversify science. As well as containing specific advice and guidance for how to use poetry to communicate science with different audiences, this book contains a number of exercises for the reader to reflect on what has been learnt and to put into practice what is discussed. Further study and additional readings are also provided to help improve knowledge, understanding, and familiarity with both poetry and science communication.

Science Fiction, Fantasy und Horror schreiben für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Rick Dakan Ryan G. Van Cleave

Sie spielen schon lange mit dem Gedanken, ein Science-Fiction-, Fantasy- oder Horrorwerk zu schreiben, aber Sie wissen nicht, wie Sie es angehen sollen? Oder Sie sind vielleicht schon mitten im Schreibprozess, aber kommen nicht weiter? Dieses Buch liefert Ihnen alle Basics, die Sie brauchen, um faszinierende Welten und packende Charaktere zu erschaffen. Lernen Sie Strategien, um Geschichten aus verschiedenen Genres zu schreiben, zum Beispiel Romane, Kurzgeschichten, Videospiele oder Drehbücher. Anschließend geht es um das spezifische Handwerkszeug für Science-Fiction-, Fantasy- und Horrortexte. Zu guter Letzt geben Ihnen die Autoren auch Tipps, wie Sie Ihr Buch lektorieren, einen Agenten finden oder Ihr Buch per Self-Publishing auf den Markt bringen. So wird aus Ihnen vielleicht bald der nächste Tolkien, King oder Asimov!

Science from Sight to Insight: How Scientists Illustrate Meaning

by Alan G. Gross Joseph E. Harmon

John Dalton’s molecular structures. Scatter plots and geometric diagrams. Watson and Crick’s double helix. The way in which scientists understand the world—and the key concepts that explain it—is undeniably bound up in not only words, but images. Moreover, from PowerPoint presentations to articles in academic journals, scientific communication routinely relies on the relationship between words and pictures. In Science from Sight to Insight, Alan G. Gross and Joseph E. Harmon present a short history of the scientific visual, and then formulate a theory about the interaction between the visual and textual. With great insight and admirable rigor, the authors argue that scientific meaning itself comes from the complex interplay between the verbal and the visual in the form of graphs, diagrams, maps, drawings, and photographs. The authors use a variety of tools to probe the nature of scientific images, from Heidegger’s philosophy of science to Peirce’s semiotics of visual communication. Their synthesis of these elements offers readers an examination of scientific visuals at a much deeper and more meaningful level than ever before.

Science Journalism in the Arab World: The Quest for ‘Ilm’ and Truth (Palgrave Studies in Journalism and the Global South)

by Abdullah Alhuntushi Jairo Lugo-Ocando

This book examines the main issues and challenges that science journalism faces in the MENA region while analyzing how journalists in these countries cover science and engage with scientists. Most countries in the Middle East and North Africa region have set an ambitious goal for 2030: to transform their societies and become knowledge economies. This means modernizing institutions and encouraging people to embrace Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics as part of their daily lives. This books claims that the main vehicle to achieve this goal is science news reporting, as it continues to be the main platform to disseminate scientific knowledge to the general public. Simultaneously, it is also poorly equipped to achieve this task. Interviewing dozens of journalists, the authors looked at specific areas such as the gender divide and its effects on science news reporting as well as the role of religion and culture in shaping journalism as a political institution. The authors conclude that traditional normative assumptions as to why science reporting does not live up to expectations need to be reviewed in light of other more structural problems such as lack of skills and specialization in science communication in the region. In so doing, the book sets out to understand the past, present and future of science news in one of the most challenging regions in the world for journalists.

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