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Skills for Effective Counseling: A Faith-Based Integration (Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books)

by Heather Davediuk Gingrich Fred C. Gingrich Elisabeth A. Nesbit Sbanotto

Skills for Effective Counselingmulticultural counselingbiblical/theological applicationscurrent and seminal research related to microskillsdiagnostic and theoretical implicationsclinical tips for using skills in "real world" counseling settingsthe relevance of specific microskills to interpersonal relationships and broader ministry settings

Skills for Effective Counseling: A Faith-Based Integration (Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books)

by Heather Gingrich Fred Gingrich Elisabeth A. Nesbit Sbanotto

Anyone in a helping profession—including professional counselors, spiritual directors, pastoral counselors, chaplains and others—needs to develop effective communication skills. But learning these skills is like learning a new language: it takes time and practice to communicate effectively, and lack of practice can lead to the loss of one's ability to use this new language. Suitable for both beginning students and seasoned practitioners, Skills for Effective Counseling provides a biblically integrated approach to foundational counseling skills that trains the reader to use specific microskills. These skills include perceiving, attending, validating emotion and empathic connection. Chapters include textbook features such as sample session dialogues, role plays and a variety of both in-class and out-of-class exercises and reflection activities that will engage various learning styles.

The Skills of Document Use: From Text Comprehension to Web-Based Learning

by Jean-Francois Rouet

The Skills of Document Use: From Text Comprehension to Web-Based Learning examines functional literacy from a psychological standpoint. It offers a comprehensive discussion of the cognitive skills involved in reading, comprehending, and making use of complex documents. Understanding such skills is important at times when printed and online informat

Skillstreaming the Adolescent: A Guide for Teaching Prosocial Skills

by Ellen McGinnis

Skillstreaming the Adolescent employs a four-part training approach--modeling, role-playing, performance feedback, and generalization--to teach essential prosocial skills to adolescents. This book provides a complete description of the Skill streaming program, with instructions for teaching 50 prosocial skills.

The Skinny: Marketing from Scratch

by David Strutton Kenneth Thompson

The book takes established marketing principles and recasts them in new light by passing those principles through metaphorical market, environmental, and economic prisms to reveal truths about key marketing success factors that have always existed inside them. <p><p> During the seventeenth century Sir Isaac Newton did something similar when he passed white light through actual prisms to reveal colors that had been present all along inside the white light. One core marketing truth, one new color, was revealed through the passages. We call the new color The Skinny. <p><p> The book provides accurate and timely information and actual insights about marketing principles that most folks do not and never will know.

“Skygirl On Cloud 9”

by Sharon Birlson Kirkham

"Skygirl On Cloud 9" is an entertaining narrative of the amazing globe-trekking adventures of fllight attendant Sharon Birlson Kirkham. Each amusing account recalls one of the exciting opportunities Sharon and her husband Cary have experienced through-out her career, and since. While she says they've done their best to see as much as possible, "the world is a really big place. There are hundreds more trips to be taken and stories to be written, 'but' there are only 365 days in a year...."

Skype For Dummies

by Niklas Zennstrom Loren Abdulezer Howard Dammond Susan Abdulezer

See how to use Skype for secure chats and connect SkypeOut and SkypeIN. Here's the fun and easy way (r) to understand all the hype about Skype and make this cool alternative communication system work for you! You'll get great advice about hardware, directions for downloading and installing Skype, ideas for using Skype in your business, and the lowdown on making Skype calls to people with old-fashioned phones.Discover how to:Install Skype and start making callsCreate a contacts listSet up voicemail and call forwardingUse Skype for worldwide conference calls and SkypecastingEnhance Skype with Bluetooth, Wi-Fi wireless, and video

Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism

by Sharyl Attkisson

USA TODAY BESTSELLER!New York Times bestselling author Sharyl Attkisson takes on the media’s misreporting on Black Lives Matter, coronavirus, Joe Biden, Silicon Valley censorship, and more.When the facts don’t fit their Narrative, the media abandons the facts, not the Narrative. Virtually every piece of information you get through the media has been massaged, shaped, curated, and manipulated before it reaches you. Some of it is censored entirely. The news can no longer be counted on to reflect all the facts. Instead of telling us what happened yesterday, they tell us what’s new in the prepackaged soap opera they’ve been calling the news.For the past four years, five-time Emmy Award–winning investigative journalist and New York Times bestselling author Sharyl Attkisson has been collecting and dissecting alarming incidents tracing the shocking devolution of what used to be the most respected news organizations on the planet. For the first time, top news executives and reporters representing every major national television news outlet—from ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN to FOX and MSNBC—speak frankly, confiding in Attkisson about the death of the news as they once knew it. Their concern transcends partisan divides.Most frightening of all, a broad campaign in the media has convinced many Americans not only to accept but to demand censorship over journalism. It is a stroke of genius on the part of those seeking to influence public opinion: undermine public confidence in the news, then insist upon “curating” information and divining the “truth.” The thinking is done for you. They’ll decide which pesky facts shouldn’t cross your desk by declaring them false, irrelevant, debunked, unsafe, or out-of-bounds.We have reached a state of utter absurdity, where journalism schools teach students that their own, personal truth or chosen narratives matter more than reality. In Slanted, Attkisson digs into the language of propagandists, the persistence of false media narratives, the driving forces behind today's dangerous blend of facts and opinion, the abandonment of journalism ethics, and the new, Orwellian definition of what it means to report the news.

The Slavonic Languages (Routledge Language Family Series)

by Professor Greville Corbett Professor Bernard Comrie

In this scholarly volume, each of the living Slavonic languages are analysed and described in depth, together with the two extinct languages - Old Church Slavonic and Polabian. In addition, the various alphabets of the Slavonic languages - particularly Roman, Cyrillic and Glagolitic - are discussed, and the relationships of the Slavonic languages to other Indo-European languages and to one another, are explored. The last chapter provides an account of those Slavonic languages in exile, for example, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech and Slovak in the USA.Each language-chapter is written by an expert in the field, in a format designed for comparative study. Information on each language includes: an introductory description of social context and development (where appropriate); a discussion of phonology; a detailed presentation of synchronic morphology, noting major historical developments; comprehensive treatment of syntactic properties; a discussion of vocabulary; an outline of main dialects; and an extensive bibliography, listing English and other sources.

Sleepless Nights in the Procrustean Bed: Essays (I. O. Evans Studies In The Philosophy And Criticism Of Literature #No. 5)

by Harlan Ellison

Harlan Ellison--master essayist, gadfly, literary myth figure, and viewer of dark portent--has been, for the greater part of his life, a burr under the saddle of complacency. In this collection, his former assistant and confidante, Marty Clark, has culled from hundreds of rare and un-reprinted works to select twenty wide-ranging essays--nonfiction writings ranging from travelogue to media criticism, literary exploration to personal musing--that demonstrate why the monstre sacre of imaginative literature won the prestigious Silver Pen award from PEN International for his journalistic forays.

Sleight of Mouth: The Magic of Conversational Belief Change

by Robert B. Dilts

Robert B. Dilts has been a developer, author, and consultant in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming since the mid 1970's. His work has explored the practical applications of cognitive strategies and belief systems to such areas as Creativity, Learning, Health, and Leadership.

slide:ology - Oder die Kunst, brillante Praesentationen zu entwickeln

by Nancy Duarte

Wie viele Präsentationen haben Sie in Ihrem Berufsleben bereits verfolgt? Und Hand aufs Herz: Wie viele davon haben einen bleibenden Eindruck bei Ihnen hinterlassen? Wirklich gute Präsentationen sind noch immer die Ausnahme, denn nur selten werden die Möglichkeiten dieses Mediums optimal genutzt. Wer sein Publikum nachhaltig überzeugen möchte, muss seine Ideen verdichten und in stimmige Bilder umsetzen. slide:ology setzt hier an und führt Sie in die Kunst des visuellen Erzählens ein. Die Autorin Nancy Duarte weiß, wovon sie spricht: Sie leitet Duarte Design, das Unternehmen, das unter anderem die Slide-Show in Al Gores Oscar-prämiertem Film Eine unbequeme Wahrheit entwickelt hat. In slide:ology gewährt sie tiefe Einblicke in ihr umfangreiches Wissen als Designerin. Anhand von Fallstudien bringt sie Ihnen darüber hinaus die Visualisierungsstrategien einiger der erfolgreichsten Unternehmen der Welt nahe. slide:ology zeigt Ihnen unter anderem, wie Sie: - Ihr Publikum gezielt ansprechen - Ihre Ideen auf den Punkt bringen und ein stimmiges Design entwickeln - Ihre Aussagen mit Farben, Bildern und prägnantem Text unterstützen - Grafiken erstellen, die Ihren Zuhörern das Verständnis erleichtern - Präsentationstechnologien optimal nutzen

Slide Rules

by Traci Nathans-Kelly Christine G. Nicometo

A complete road map to creating successful technical presentations Planning a technical presentation can be tricky. Does the audience know your subject area? Will you need to translate concepts into terms they understand? What sort of visuals should you use? Will this set of bullets truly convey the information? What will your slides communicate to future users? Questions like these and countless others can overwhelm even the most savvy technical professionals. This full-color, highly visual work addresses the unique needs of technical communicators looking to break free of the bulleted slide paradigm. For those seeking to improve their presentations, the authors provide guidance on how to plan, organize, develop, and archive technical presentations. Drawing upon the latest research in cognitive science as well as years of experience teaching seasoned technical professionals, the authors cover a myriad of issues involved in the design of presentations, clearly explaining how to create slide decks that communicate critical technical information. Key features include: Innovative methods for archiving and documenting work through slides in the technical workplace Guidance on how to tailor presentations to diverse audiences, technical and nontechnical alike A plethora of color slides and visual examples illustrating various strategies and best practices Links to additional resources as well as slide examples to inspire on-the-job changes in presentation practices Slide Rules is a first-rate guide for practicing engineers, scientists, and technical specialists as well as anyone wishing to develop useful, engaging, and informative technical presentations in order to become an expert communicator. Find the authors at or on Facebook at: SlideRulesTAC

A Sliver of Light: Three Americans Imprisoned in Iran

by Sarah Shourd Joshua Fattal Shane Bauer

"A Sliver of Light weaves a spellbinding tale of hard-won survival at the intersection of courage and love -- the love of friends struggling to support one another in wretched circumstances, the unyielding bedrock of mothers' love for their long-lost children, and the fiercely tested love of three people for the family of humankind. It is a triumph of writing born of a triumph of being." -- Andrew Solomon, author of Far from the Tree and The Noonday Demon In summer 2009, Shane Bauer, Josh Fattal, and Sarah Shourd were hiking in the mountains of Iraqi Kurdistan when they unknowingly crossed into Iran and were captured by a border patrol. Wrongly accused of espionage, the three Americans ultimately found themselves in Tehran's infamous Evin Prison, where activists and protesters from the Green Movement were still being confined and tortured. Cut off from the world and trapped in a legal black hole, Bauer, Fattal, and Shourd discovered that pooling their strength of will and relying on one another was the only way they could survive. In A Sliver of Light, the three finally tell their side of the story. They offer a rare glimpse inside Iran at a time when understanding this fractured state has never been more important. But beyond that, this memoir is a profoundly humane account of defiance, hope, and the elemental power of friendship. "Riveting and necessary and illuminating in countless unexpected ways. The hikers have pulled off the almost impossible task of making from their hellish experience something of beauty and grace." -- Dave Eggers "A Sliver of Light is the record of a human rights triumph, a moving memoir by three individuals who found the strength to survive." -- San Jose Mercury News

A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (and Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media

by Bernard Goldberg

This Time They Went Beyond Bias. From the day Barack Obama announced his candidacy to the moment he took the oath of office, the mainstream media fawned over him like love-struck school girls. Even worse, this time they went beyond media bias to media activism, says CBS veteran and #1 bestselling author Bernard Goldberg. In his most provocative book yet, A Slobbering Love Affair, Goldberg shows how the mainstream media's hopelessly one-sided coverage of President Obama has shredded America's trust in journalism and endangered our free society. Highlighting the media's laughable coverage and shameless hypocrisy, Goldberg exposes how liberal reporters ignored important issues, focused on trivial matters, and attacked those who dared to question "The One." Goldberg also argues that the media's blatant disregard for their traditional role as the fourth estate and government watchdog has endangered America and eroded the notion of a free and fair press.

Slow Print: Literary Radicalism and Late Victorian Print Culture

by Elizabeth Carolyn Miller

This book explores the literary culture of Britain's radical press from 1880 to 1910, a time that saw a flourishing of radical political activity as well as the emergence of a mass print industry. While Enlightenment radicals and their heirs had seen free print as an agent of revolutionary transformation, socialist, anarchist and other radicals of this later period suspected that a mass public could not exist outside the capitalist system. In response, they purposely reduced the scale of print by appealing to a small, counter-cultural audience. "Slow print," like "slow food" today, actively resisted industrial production and the commercialization of new domains of life. Drawing on under-studied periodicals and archives, this book uncovers a largely forgotten literary-political context. It looks at the extensive debate within the radical press over how to situate radical values within an evolving media ecology, debates that engaged some of the most famous writers of the era (William Morris and George Bernard Shaw), a host of lesser-known figures (theosophical socialist and birth control reformer Annie Besant, gay rights pioneer Edward Carpenter, and proto-modernist editor Alfred Orage), and countless anonymous others.

Small Acts of Courage: A Legacy of Endurance and the Fight for Democracy

by Ali Velshi

A captivating family history that illustrates how small actions can have an outsized political impact.Small acts of courage matter. Sometimes, they change the world. Our history books are filled with the stories of those who fought for democracy and freedom—for idealism itself—against all odds, from Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela to Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. These iconic struggles for social change illustrate the importance of engagement and activism, and offer a template for the battles we are fighting today. But using the right words is often easier than taking action; action can be hard, and costly.More than a century ago, MSNBC host Ali Velshi’s great-grandfather sent his seven-year-old son to live at Tolstoy Farm, Gandhi’s ashram in South Africa. This difficult decision would change the trajectory of his family history forever. From childhood, Velshi’s grandfather was imbued with an ethos of public service and social justice, and a belief in absolute equality among all people—ideals that his children carried forward as they escaped apartheid, emigrating to Kenya and ultimately Canada and the United States.In Small Acts of Courage, Velshi taps into 125 years of family history to advocate for social justice as a living, breathing experience—a way of life more than an ideology. With rich detail and vivid prose, he relates the stories of regular people who made a lasting commitment to fight for change, even when success seemed impossible. This heartfelt exploration of how we can breathe new life into the principles of pluralistic democracy is an urgent call to action—for progress to be possible, we must all do whatever we can to make a difference.

Small Cell Networks: Deployment, Management, and Optimization

by Holger Claussen David Lopez-Perez Lester Ho Rouzbeh Razavi Stepan Kucera

The first and only up-to-date guide offering complete coverage of HetNets—written by top researchers and engineers in the field Small Cell Networks: Deployment, Management, and Optimization addresses key problems of the cellular network evolution towards HetNets. It focuses on the latest developments in heterogeneous and small cell networks, as well as their deployment, operation, and maintenance. It also covers the full spectrum of the topic, from academic, research, and business to the practice of HetNets in a coherent manner. Additionally, it provides complete and practical guidelines to vendors and operators interested in deploying small cells. The first comprehensive book written by well-known researchers and engineers from Nokia Bell Labs, Small Cell Networks begins with an introduction to the subject—offering chapters on capacity scaling and key requirements of future networks. It then moves on to sections on coverage and capacity optimization, and interference management. From there, the book covers mobility management, energy efficiency, and small cell deployment, ending with a section devoted to future trends and applications. The book also contains: The latest review of research outcomes on HetNets based on both theoretical analyses and network simulations Over 200 sources from 3GPP, the Small Cell Forum, journals and conference proceedings, and all prominent topics in HetNet An overview of indoor coverage techniques such as metrocells, picocells and femtocells, and their deployment and optimization Real case studies as well as innovative research results based on both simulation and measurements Detailed information on simulating heterogeneous networks as used in the examples throughout the book Given the importance of HetNets for future wireless communications, Small Cell Networks: Deployment, Management, and Optimization is sure to help decision makers as they consider the migration of services to HetNets. It will also appeal to anyone involved in information and communication technology.

Small Group Communication: An Anthology

by Randy Y. Hirokawa Robert S. Cathcart Larry A. Samovar Linda D. Henman

The eighth edition of Small Group Communication: Theory and Practice presents a collection of readings from the most well-known researchers and practitioners in the field. This comprehensive anthology spans a broad range of topics in communication theory, research, and practice. These include contemporary views of small groups, theories of group communication, group development and organization, group communication processes, group and team performance, group leadership, culture and diversity in groups, and methods for analyzing group communication. New to the Eighth Edition: New lead coeditor Randy Hirokawa (University of Iowa) brings a strong background in small group communication to the new edition, which features fourteen new and three updated chapters. New topics include: * The bona fide group perspective * The functional perspective * Symbolic convergence theory * Multiple sequence models of group development * Virtual group communication * New communication technologies * Social influence processes in groups * Counteractive influence and group leadership * Characteristics of effective health care teams * Sex, gender, and communication in groups * Narrative analysis of group communication * Methods for evaluating group communication In addition, two new sections have been added: "Theories of Group Communication" and "Observing Group Communication," with three new chapters in each section. Thought-provoking introductions to each section provide internal cohesiveness and structure to the book. Importantly, each reading offers its own individual introduction, which alerts readers to key points and integrates the selection into the larger themes of the section. These introductions serve as a "road map" as students travel through the ongoing intellectual developments, diverse views, and continuing debates that make the study of small group communication an exciting adventure.

Small Message, Big Impact: The Elevator Speech Effect

by Terri L. Sjodin

Don't just think of an elevator speech as a generic tool you use in chance moments--consider the concept as a strategy to manage multiple talking points and to communicate more complex idea's as well. Terri L. Sjodin's new work, Small Message, Big Impact, provides an entertaining, straightforward, and practical how-to guide on effectively communicating an important message in a short period of time. She gives listeners an inspiring new perspective on the power of what she calls the Elevator Speech Effect and shows them how to employ this amazing little tool to create influence in today's market. Perhaps you want to promote an idea, a project, or a concept. Maybe you are looking to create a more compelling message to sell a product or service that will help you access challenging decision makers. Whatever your purpose--be it professional, academic, political, philanthropic, or personal--you can learn to craft a fresh, brief, and persuasive message that generates tangible results! This audiobook shows: How a small message can have a big impact in helping you to communicate more effectively. How to build a compelling and persuasive case using six of the most consistently effective arguments in today's market. How to repurpose your existing presentations; incorporate new creative illustrations, and bring your message to life. How to speak in your own authentic voice--it's not only what you say, it's how you say it. How to morph your elevator speech content and employ your best material in a variety of presentation opportunities, including the internet and on social media platforms.

Small Message, Big Impact

by Terri L. Sjodin

"Whether I'm pitching a potential client or creating a blockbuster ad campaign, I'm always thinking about how to make the message smaller so the impact will be big­ger. Terri Sjodin has codified the science of getting this right." --Linda Kaplan Thaler, CEO of The Kaplan Thaler Group and best-selling coauthor of The Power of Small and Bang! You're at the airport waiting for a flight, burning time by checking your e-mail. Then you spot the CEO of a company you've wanted to connect with for ages. He's also waiting for his flight. Your flight! Should you walk over? What would you say? We've all been there. An opportunity presents itself and you have one chance to share your impor­tant message. The clock is ticking. And in this age of information overload, no business skill is more essential than being able to connect with others quickly, whether in a one-on-one meeting or in front of thousands of people. Acclaimed speaker and consultant Terri Sjodin defines an elevator speech as a brief presenta­tion that introduces a product, service, or idea. Its purpose isn't to say everything about your topic--just to intrigue and inspire the listener to want to hear more. And Sjodin suggests you expand your vision of what it can do. "Don't just think of an elevator speech as a generic tool you use in chance moments--consider the concept as a strategy to manage multiple talking points and to communicate more complex ideas as well." Her bestselling book is an entertaining, practical guide to making your message concise, compelling, and effective. She reveals, for instance, how to: Build a convincing case using six of the most consistently effective arguments. Incorporate unique illustrations to bring your message to life. Speak in your own authentic voice; the art is in your delivery! In this newly updated edition, Sjodin offers her time-tested strategies and advice, including sim­ple outlines, worksheets, a sample elevator speech, evaluation forms, and much more. Whatever your goal, you can learn to craft a fresh, brief, convincing message that generates tangible results.

A Small Nation of People: W. E. B. Du Bois and African American Portraits of Progress

by David Levering Lewis Deborah Willis

An incredible treasure trove of more than 150 illustrations detailing a small nation of African Americans prepared to make their mark on America

The Small Pearl in Every Girl: Affirmations of Life & Leadership From the Power of Her Skirttail

by Terry Williams Spicer

In a powerful explosion of Lessons and Affirmations of life, leadership and love, Terry Williams Spicer provides strategic tools for exquisite black and brown girls. Designed for PEARLS of all ages, this poignant book will help them prepare and navigate the journey of life and confidently utilize the power of their voices to achieve dreams, goals and vision yet to be imagined. As the founder of the mentoring initiative, The SISI Small PEARLS Apprentice Program, Terry has taught leadership development and life-enhancing skillsets that have helped girls and women find the fullness of their tremendous gifts and stand in flat-footed confidence, owning and knowing who they are and who God made them to become. The Small PEARL In Every Girl is the extension of this dynamic Program. Terry invited her Circle of PEARLS, global, corporate and community leaders from across the nation to write Love Letters of Affirmation and Legacy to share their wisdom and remarkable experiences to educate, empower and help propel our girls forward. Terry's Lessons and each Letter will help young girls everywhere embrace and lift the trajectory of their lives to powerful todays and stellar tomorrows.

Small Talk: How to Talk to People, Start Conversations, Improve Your Charisma, Social Skills, and Lessen Social Anxiety, 2nd Edition

by Aston Sanderson

Never feel awkward in a small talk conversation again! If you’ve ever felt awkward when you meet new people, worrying about social anxiety, how to talk to people, and how to be interesting, this quick-read small talk guide will make you someone who people love to talk to. <P><P>*New 2nd Edition: Updated & Expanded! Includes new chapter: Small Talk for Dating and expanded chapter on Reading Body Language <P><P>If you’ve ever felt nervous before a work party, blind date, or friend’s dinner, worry no more after reading this book and getting awesome tips on improving your social skills and charisma.

Small Talk Techniques: Smart Strategies for Personal and Professional Success

by Lisa Green Chau MA

Simple strategies for turning small talk into an essential tool for success The ability to engage in effective small talk is an invaluable skill for any social interaction, from casual to professional. Small Talk Techniques is your ultimate guide to becoming a pleasantries pro, with practical strategies that help you establish genuine connections and leave people with a positive, lasting impression. This book is a straightforward resource featuring clear examples and explanations for how these techniques work. You'll also find a range of simple ways to start, maintain, and exit conversations gracefully, listen actively, and keep others interested and engaged. Small Talk Techniques will help you: Navigate any conversation—Learn about the essential components of small talk like asking open-ended questions, expanding on small details, matching someone's mood, and even recovering from social missteps. Expand your network—This expert advice helps you prepare yourself for conversations ahead of time, as well as giving you the tools to make new connections on the fly, and adapt to changing social dynamics with ease. Get the truth about small talk—Break down why small talk is so important and how it opens the door for trust, credibility, and future success at work and in life. Explore how far small talk can take you, with simple strategies and examples that make it easy.

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