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Strategies For Technical Communication In The Workplace (Third Edition)
by Laura J. Gurak John M. LannonBased on the acclaimed Technical Communication by Lannon and Gurak, Strategies for Technical Communication in the Workplace, Third Edition prepares students for workplace writing through a clear and concise writing style, useful checklists, practical applications, numerous sample documents, and coverage of technology and global issues. <P><P>The third edition addresses changing technology in the workplace with a complete chapter on social media, updated examples, and sample documents. This brief and affordable text is accessible to students of all writing levels.
Strategies in E-Business
by Ignacio Gil-Pechuán Daniel Palacios-Marqués Marta Peris Peris-Ortiz Eduardo Vendrell Cesar Ferri-RamirezIn this volume, the authors apply insights from a variety of perspectives to explore the alignment among strategy, organization design, process and human resource management, and e-business practices on developing successful social networking programs--with particular regard to applying such initiatives against the backdrop of the global financial crisis and challenges to traditional business models. Showcasing in-depth case studies, the authors present emerging approaches to analyze the impact of investment in social networking sites, aligning internal resources, and measuring effects on positioning, branding, and new business creation. The fact that a growing proportion of the world population has a relationship with social networking sites could prove very valuable for companies. The question is whether this represents a business opportunity, whether companies know how to make the most of it and if they will make the necessary efforts to adapt to these new platforms. In the modern world, social networking sites have enormous potential for large as well as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs); most companies are aware of the need for a presence on social networking sites, but at present their e-business strategies are part of their medium and long-term strategic planning and only a small percentage have been put into practice. In short, this book attempts to answer the following questions: Is there a business opportunity for companies on social networking sites? Do they know how to make the most of it? Are they willing to make the necessary effort to adapt? Can e-business strategies contribute to company creation and the success of already existing businesses? And if so, how?
Strategische Bildkommunikation: Über den Zusammenhang von psychologischen Kundenprofilen und Bildpräferenz (Schriftenreihe der Kalaidos Fachhochschule Schweiz)
by Yannik BrandenbergerIn einer sich rasant verändernden Marketinglandschaft wird die Bedeutung einer authentischen Verbindung zwischen Unternehmen und Konsumenten immer dringlicher. Statt mit Inhalten zu überfluten, liegt die Herausforderung darin, durch gezielte visuelle Kommunikation eine tiefere Bindung aufzubauen. Diese Herausforderung wird besonders in der fehlenden Anpassung von Bildern an die psychologischen Profile der Zielgruppe deutlich, für die bisher kein empirisch validiertes Modell existiert. In diesem Buch wird ein tiefer Einblick in den Zusammenhang zwischen psychologischen Kundenprofilen und Bildpräferenzen durch die Untersuchung und Weiterentwicklung des EIC-Modells gewonnen. Die empirischen Ergebnisse, gewonnen aus einer Studie mit 95 Teilnehmenden, bestätigen diese Verbindung und eröffnen neue Perspektiven für die strategische Bildkommunikation. Als Resultat dieser Forschung präsentiert sich das ICS-Modell – ein Instrument, das Fotograf*innen und Marketingexpert*innen befähigt, die Bildkommunikation gezielt auf Zielgruppen auszurichten. Dieses Buch bietet nicht nur einen Einblick in die theoretischen Grundlagen, es regt auch dazu an, wie diese Erkenntnisse in der Praxis für eine wirkungsvolle visuelle Kommunikation genutzt werden können.
Strategische Onlinekommunikation
by Olaf Hoffjann Thomas PleilOnlinekommunikation und speziel Social Media sind als besonders wichtige Herausforderungen des Kommunikationsmanagements erkannt. Kaum ein Unternehmen verzichtet mittlerweile auf die Beobachtung von Diskussionen im Internet und die Umsetzung eigener Kommunikationsstrategien im Social Web. Dort verändern sich für die PR und die Organisationskommunikation zentrale Aspekte: Öffentlichkeiten können heute sehr viel schneller entstehen. Es sind neue Formen der Meinungsbildung zu beobachten, die zunehmend weniger den Mechanismen der Massenkommunikation folgen, sondern Ergebnis netzwerkartiger Prozesse sind. In diesem Umfeld entstehen gleichzeitig neue Formen der Beteiligung, die durch entsprechende niederschwellige Instrumente im Internet erst ermöglicht werden. Aus Organisationssicht verändern sich damit unter anderem Entstehung und Pflege von Reputation oder das Management von Stakeholderbeziehungen. Zehn Jahre nach Beginn der Fachdiskussion zu PR und sozialen Medien gibt dieser Band auf Basis aktueller Untersuchungen Einblick in die Praxis und in aktuelle Herausforderungen der Organisationskommunikation im Internet.
Strategische Wahrheiten: Desinformation und Postfakten in der strategischen Kommunikation
by Olaf Hoffjann Lucas Seeber Ina von der WenseStrategische Kommunikation zielt mit ihren kontingenten Wirklichkeitsbeschreibungen seit jeher auf gesellschaftliche Wahrheitsmodelle. Wie häufig gesellschaftliche Wahrheitsmodelle auf strategische Kommunikationsbemühungen zurückgehen, auf Unwahrhaftigkeit beruhen und damit zumindest zeitweise zu strategischen Wahrheiten werden, zeigen eindrucksvoll zwischenzeitlich geglaubte Wahrheiten, die sich als Lüge entpuppt haben: von Walter Ulbrichts „Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten“ über Hitlers Tagebücher bis hin zu den Massenvernichtungswaffen im Irak. Die erfolgreichen Kampagnen der Brexiteers und von Donald Trump 2016 haben diesem Thema zu neuer und bislang ungeahnter Aufmerksamkeit verholfen. Während die Themen Desinformation und postfaktische Gesellschaft die Journalismus-, politische Kommunikations- und Medienethikforschung aktuell zu dominieren scheinen, ist das Schweigen der deutschsprachigen und internationalen PR- und Organisationskommunikationsforschung auffällig. Dies ist umso bemerkenswerter, weil die PR-Wissenschaft in der Vergangenheit immer wieder versucht hat, ihren Gegenstand zu schärfen, indem sie sich am Begriff der Propaganda abgearbeitet hat. Daraus müsste eigentlich eine Affinität für das Thema Desinformation resultieren. Aber genau das Gegenteil ist offensichtlich der Fall: Hat sich die PR-Wissenschaft gerade deshalb nicht mit Desinformation beschäftigt, weil sie sich so dezidiert von Propaganda und darin eingeschlossenen desinformierenden und manipulativen Techniken abgrenzen will? Was sind die Gründe hierfür? Glauben wir, bereits alles zum Thema gesagt zu haben? Liegt dies daran, dass sich die PR- und Organisationskommunikationsforschung seit jeher vor allem für Unternehmen und weniger für politische und Non-Profit-Organisationen interessiert? Oder fühlen wir uns hier schlicht und ergreifend nicht zuständig? Es scheint offenkundig höchste Zeit zu sein, sich wieder eingehend mit Fragen der Desinformation aus der Perspektive der strategischen Kommunikationsforschung zu befassen. Die Beiträge des Tagungsbandes fokussieren hierzu auf neue theoretische Perspektiven, normative Bewertungen und empirische Befunde.
Strategisches Wertversprechen, Innovationsmanagement in Software-Startups für anhaltenden Wettbewerbsvorteil: Ein strategisches Instrument für Wettbewerbsvorteile
by Varun GuptaDieses Buch hat zum Ziel, die Erfolgsquoten von Startups zu erhöhen, indem es sich auf die Innovation des Wertversprechens konzentriert. Dies wird vorangetrieben durch die Einbindung potenzieller Verbraucher sowie anderer Ressourcen wie Freiberufler und strategischer Partnerschaften mit der Akademie. Der Autor zeigt, wie Startups, die in Bezug auf Ressourcen eingeschränkt sind, Anstrengungen unternehmen können, um das Potenzial ihres Produktmarktes zu erkunden. Dabei wird auch untersucht, wie globale Märkte für den Erfolg eines Startups vorteilhaft sein können, während gleichzeitig Lösungen für schwer zugängliche Märkte aufgezeigt werden. Das Buch untersucht das Gewinnen von Wissen, das von Freiberuflern, Kunden und der Akademie geteilt wird, deren Beteiligung entscheidend sein kann, um Aktivitäten der Wertversprechen-Innovation wie Ideenentwicklung, Umsetzung und Vermarktung zu unterstützen. In Kombination führt der Autor die Leser dazu, ihre Fähigkeit zu entdecken, Wertversprechen-Innovationen zu fördern, die langfristige Wettbewerbsvorteile in einer stark schwankenden Geschäftsumgebung zur Folge haben.
The Strategy of Conflict
by Thomas C. SchellingThe text opens to rational analysis a crucial field of politics, the international politics of threat, or as the current term goes, of deterrence.
Streaming and Digital Media: Understanding the Business and Technology (Nab Executive Technology Briefings Ser.)
by Dan RayburnSteaming and Digital Media gives you a concise and direct analysis to understand a scalable, profitable venture, as well as the common and hidden pitfalls to avoid in your business. By focusing on both the business implications and technical differences between online video and traditional broadcast distribution, you will learn how to gain significant time-to-market and cost-saving advantages by effectively using streaming and digital media technologies. As part of the NAB Executive Technology Briefing series, the book is geared towards the manager or executive and no technical prerequisite is required. You can quickly learn the technical speak as well as the market and business implications.New In The Book: - Consumer generated content and portals- Distribution of full-length video content- New distribution outlets for delivering content (Sling, TiVO, IPTV)- Addition of Flash streaming technology and Podcasting- Up-to-date market research and data- New industry pricing data
The Streaming Media Guide: How to Successfully Integrate Streaming Media Into Your Communications Strategy
by Michael D'OliveiroStreaming media has irreversibly revolutionised the ways in which media is transmitted and consumed. Most of us engage with streaming media on a daily basis via platforms that deliver our entertainment: Spotify, YouTube and Netflix are new brands which many of us engage with daily for our information and entertainment. It has created upheaval in the entire value chain and wiped out industries slow to adapt to it (like the video store rental chain). And it continues to evolve. Streaming media is transforming business communications in myriad ways, and it is becoming almost as crucial for project managers and marketers to understand streaming technology as it is for media professionals. The Streaming Media Guide demystifies the technology and features behind a successful streaming media service, especially in the context of how it is used by broadcasters and other media organisations. Common terms and systems being used in this space are presented and defined simply and clearly for non-technical readers. Best practice examples from Michael D'Oliveiro's experiences demonstrate how this technology can be successfully implemented. This book equips any media professional with the most basic of traditional media knowledge to enable confident conversations in the typical media organisation they work in. For technology-based graduates or dedicated broadcast professional seeking to refresh their understanding, this book provides enough information to form a solid foundation for day-to-day work. Finally, for leaders in cross-functional senior management matrices, information is provided to enable you to understand and exploit streaming media capabilities as a business. This will be the ultimate reference source, guaranteed to be bedside reading for anyone serious about using streaming media.
Streampunks: Youtube y los rebeldes que estan transformando los medios
by Robert Kyncl<P>En los últimos diez años, la plataforma de videos por internet YouTube ha cambiado los medios y el entretenimiento tan profundamente como lo hicieron la invención del cine, la radio y la televisión. <P>Streampunks es una mirada a esta empresa advenediza que examina cómo ha evolucionado YouTube y hacia dónde va. <P>Basándose en relatos de las estrellas más influyentes de YouTube (Streampunks como Tyler Oakley, Lilly Singh y Casey Neistat) y los negociadores que promueven el futuro del entretenimiento (como Scooter Braun y Shane Smith), Robert Kyncl utiliza sus experiencias en tres de las compañías de medios más innovadoras, HBO, Netflix y Youtube, para contar la historia del streaming y de este monstruo moderno de la cultura pop. <P>En colaboración con Maany Peyvan (escritor de contenido de Google), Kyncl explica cómo se dictan las nuevas reglas del entretenimiento y cómo y por qué el panorama de los medios está cambiando radicalmente.
The Street Fair (Fountas & Pinnell Classroom, Guided Reading Grade 1)
by Cynthia Benjamin Lucy TrumanNIMAC-sourced textbook
Street Photography
by Gordon LewisSince the advent of the camera, there have been photographers whose mission is to record and interpret the public sphere in all its aspects. Eugene Atget documented evidence of everyday life in the streets as well as the buildings and monuments of Paris. Henri Cartier-Bresson pursued what he called "The Decisive Moment," the moment in which the meaning of an event was most clearly captured in a photograph. Their work, and that of many other masters, has inspired generations of photographers to wander public spaces, camera in hand, searching for meaningful moments in time.Success requires the street photographer to be proficient with their equipment, to be constantly aware of their surroundings, and to have a keen eye. Quick reflexes and self-confidence are essential: Street photographers know from experience that hesitation or procrastination could mean missing a once-in-a-lifetime shot. The adage "it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission" was probably coined by a street photographer. In Street Photography: The Art of Capturing the Candid Moment, Gordon Lewis helps readers understand and conquer the challenging yet rewarding world of street photography. The book includes discussions of why photographers are drawn to street photography, the different styles of street photography, and what makes a great street photograph. Lewis then goes on to explore how the choice of location can change a photographer's approach to image capture: from city streets to fairs to beaches, Lewis discusses the impact different environments have on the process of street photography. Another crucial element to becoming a good street photographer is learning to travel light, with minimal equipment. Lewis gives readers practical advice on everything from cameras and lenses to camera bags and clothing. Lewis also delves into the techniques and approaches that will help novices master the art of street photography. Whether your style is to engage your subjects or to remain unnoticed and take candid portraits, Lewis offers ideas on how to capture fascinating moments in time: a gesture, expression, or composition that may exist for only a fraction of a second, but can leave a lasting impression of the wonders, challenges, and absurdities of modern life.
Stretching Boundaries: Stretching Boundaries
by Patrice M. Buzzanell Jeremy Fyke Jeralyn FarisStretching Boundaries: Cases in Organizational and Managerial Communication focuses on non-traditional organizations in a variety of contexts. Because cases range from small family-owned entrepreneurships and cybervetting to provincial egovernment democratic movements in China, this supplemental text enables a reexamination of the boundaries of traditional organizational contexts. Cases delve into organizing structures, relationships, and visions for global not-for-profits, hybrid, creative industry, and entrepreneurial organizations. This book stands to benefit instructors and students in at least four ways. First, it provides instructors with an application-based teaching tool to help spark discussion. Second, students will find the case studies interesting and applicable to their future work lives, especially undergraduates who will soon be in the work force. Additionally, cases help students grasp course materials that may be otherwise challenging. Finally, for graduate students, the book encourages reflection on important topics for future research.
Strictly English: The correct way to write ... and why it matters
by Simon Heffer"Be in no doubt: the beer was drunk but the man drank the beer.""We must avoid vulgarities like 'front up'. If someone is 'fronting up' a television show, then he is presenting it."Simon Heffer's incisive and amusingly despairing emails to colleagues at the The Daily Telegraph about grammatical mistakes and stylistic slips have attracted a growing band of ardent fans over recent years. Now, in his new book Strictly English, he makes an impassioned case for an end to the sloppiness that has become such a hallmark of everyday speech and writing, and shows how accuracy and clarity are within the grasp of anyone who is prepared to take the time to master a few simple rules.If you wince when you see "different than" in print, or are offended by people who think that "infer" and "imply" mean the same thing, then this book will provide reassurance that you are not alone. And if you believe that precise and elegant English really does matter, then it will prove required reading.
by Anjan SundaramIn the powerful travel-writing tradition of Ryszard Kapuscinski and V.S. Naipaul, a haunting memoir of a dangerous and disorienting year of self-discovery in one of the world's unhappiest countries.
Stringers and the Journalistic Field: Marginalities and Precarious News Labour in Small-Town India (Ethnographic Innovations, South Asian Perspectives)
by Nimmagadda BhargavThis book is one of the first ethnographic works on small-town stringers or informal news workers in Indian journalism. It explores existing practices and cultures in the field of local journalism and the roles and spaces stringers occupy. The book outlines the caste, gender, class and region-based biases in the production of Indian-language journalism with a specific focus on stringers working in Telugu dailies in small towns or ‘mofussil’ areas of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, states in south India. Further, it captures their daily work and processes of news production, and the precarious lives they often lead while working in small towns or mofussils. The author, by using Bourdieu’s field theory, introduces the journalistic practices of stringers working on the margins and how they negotiate the complex hierarchies that exist within the journalistic field and outside it. This book will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of ethnography, media sociology, journalism and media studies, labour studies and Area studies, especially South Asian studies.
Stringing Together a Nation: Cândido Mariano Da Silva Rondon and the Construction of a Modern Brazil, 1906-1930
by Todd A. DiaconFocusing on one of the most fascinating and debated figures in the history of modern Brazil, Stringing Together a Nation is the first full-length study of the life and career of Cndido Mariano da Silva Rondon (1865-1958) to be published in English. In the early twentieth century, Rondon, a military engineer, led what became known as the Rondon Commission in a massive undertaking: the building of telegraph lines and roads connecting Brazil's vast interior with its coast. Todd A. Diacon describes how, in stringing together a nation with telegraph wire, Rondon attempted to create a unified community of "Brazilians" from a population whose loyalties and identities were much more local and regional in scope. He reveals the work of the Rondon Commission as a crucial exemplar of the issues and intricacies involved in the expansion of central state authority in Brazil and in the construction of a particular kind of Brazilian nation. Using an impressive array of archival and documentary sources, Diacon chronicles the Rondon Commission's arduous construction of telegraph lines across more than eight hundred miles of the Amazon Basin; its exploration, surveying, and mapping of vast areas of northwest Brazil; and its implementation of policies governing relations between the Brazilian state and indigenous groups. He considers the importance of Positivist philosophy to Rondon's thought, and he highlights the Rondon Commission's significant public relations work on behalf of nation-building efforts. He reflects on the discussions--both contemporaneous and historiographical--that have made Rondon such a fundamental and controversial figure in Brazilian cultural history.
Stripped: Reading the Erotic Body (RSA Series in Transdisciplinary Rhetoric #14)
by Maggie M. WernerStripped examines the ways in which erotic bodies communicate in performance and as cultural figures. Focusing on symbols independent of language, Maggie M. Werner explores the signs and signals of erotic dance, audience responses to these codes, and how this exchange creates embodied rhetoric.Informed by her own ethnographic research conducted in strip clubs and theaters, Werner analyzes the movement, dress, and cosmetic choices of topless dancers and neo-burlesque performers. Drawing on critical methods of analysis, she develops approaches for interpreting embodied erotic rhetoric and the marginal cultural practices that construct women’s public erotic bodies. She follows these bodies out into the streets—into the protest spaces where sex workers and anti-rape activists challenge discourses about morality and victimhood and struggle to remake their own identities. Throughout, Werner showcases the voices of these performers and in the analyses shares her experiences as an audience member, interviewer, and paying customer. The result is a uniquely personal and erudite study that advances conversations about women’s agency and erotic performance, moving beyond the binary that views the erotic body as either oppressed or empowered.Theoretically sophisticated and delightfully intimate, Stripped is an important contribution to the study of the rhetoric of the body and to rhetorical and performance studies more broadly.
Stripped: Reading the Erotic Body (RSA Series in Transdisciplinary Rhetoric)
by Maggie M. WernerStripped examines the ways in which erotic bodies communicate in performance and as cultural figures. Focusing on symbols independent of language, Maggie M. Werner explores the signs and signals of erotic dance, audience responses to these codes, and how this exchange creates embodied rhetoric.Informed by her own ethnographic research conducted in strip clubs and theaters, Werner analyzes the movement, dress, and cosmetic choices of topless dancers and neo-burlesque performers. Drawing on critical methods of analysis, she develops approaches for interpreting embodied erotic rhetoric and the marginal cultural practices that construct women’s public erotic bodies. She follows these bodies out into the streets—into the protest spaces where sex workers and anti-rape activists challenge discourses about morality and victimhood and struggle to remake their own identities. Throughout, Werner showcases the voices of these performers and in the analyses shares her experiences as an audience member, interviewer, and paying customer. The result is a uniquely personal and erudite study that advances conversations about women’s agency and erotic performance, moving beyond the binary that views the erotic body as either oppressed or empowered.Theoretically sophisticated and delightfully intimate, Stripped is an important contribution to the study of the rhetoric of the body and to rhetorical and performance studies more broadly.
Stripping Bare the Body: Politics Violence War
by Mark DannerFor the past two decades, Mark Danner has reported from Latin America, Haiti, the Balkans, and the Middle East. His perceptive, award-winning dispatches have not only explored the real consequences of American engagement with the world, but also the relationship between political violence and power. In Stripping Bare the Body, Danner brings together his best reporting from the world’s most troubled regions-from the fall of the Duvalier dictatorship in Haiti to the tumultuous rise of Aristide; from the onset of the Balkan Wars to the painful fragmentation of Yugoslavia; and finally to the disastrous invasion of Iraq and the radical, destructive legacy of the Bush administration. At a time when American imperial power is in decline, there has never been a more compelling moment to read these urgent, fiercely intelligent reports.
Strive: How Doing The Things Most Uncomfortable Leads to Success
by Scott AmyxHas success eluded you, no matter how hard you try? Are you frustrated by trying to achieve your dreams by copying others? Internationally-acclaimed speaker and founder of the cutting-edge venture capital Amyx Ventures, Scott Amyx reveals how you can attain real success in your life, your way. His theory of Strive is a challenge to the conventional wisdom that has held so many people back from achieving their goals and enjoying lasting happiness. Scott rose from obscure poverty to globe-trotting success, and he invites you to share in his journey by adopting a new mindset towards your personal challenges: embrace them. Scott shows you how through stories of the most unlikely individuals who embraced difficult personal change to become outrageously successful. He helps you take stock of your own habits and practices to identify how your routine and misconceptions are holding you back. Fascinating insights from throughout history up through today’s cutting-edge research show how embracing discomfort fuels lasting success. Shape your life in new, exciting ways. You can have control over your career, your outlook, your actions, and your priorities. This book helps you get a fresh start to begin building the successful life you want. Discover what really drives success---and how conventional wisdom is wrong Clearly identify your own personal challenges---and how to overcome them Delve into the latest research on high performance to create a better you Learn how high-achievers approach challenge, change, and success Strive is an unconventional approach to attaining your dreams because it takes what makes you unique and turns it to your advantage. Have you been duped by common myths of success? Are you disappointed by the constant struggle in life? Scott reveals how only you have the power to change your trajectory. Strive is your handbook for getting comfortable with discomfort, embracing and enjoying new challenges, and achieving real, lasting success.
Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences: Mobilizing Poor Voters
by Mariela SzwarcbergDemocracy has provided opportunities for political representation and accountability, but it has also created incentives for creating and maintaining clientelistic networks. Why has clientelism consolidated with the introduction of democracy? Drawing on network analysis, Mobilizing Poor Voters answers this question by describing and explaining the emergence, maintenance, and disappearance of political, partisan, and social networks in Argentina. Combining qualitative and quantitative data gathered during twenty-four months of field research in eight municipalities in Argentina, Mobilizing Poor Voters shows that when party leaders distribute political promotions to party candidates based only on the number of voters they mobilize, party leaders incentivize the use of clientelistic strategies among candidates competing to mobilize voters in poor neighborhoods. The logic of perverse incentives examined in this book explains why candidates who use clientelism succeed in getting elected and re-elected over time, contributing to the consolidation of political machines at the local level.
Structure, Audience and Soft Power in East Asian Pop Culture
by Chua Beng HuatEast Asian pop culture can be seen as an integrated cultural economy emerging from the rise of Japanese and Korean pop culture as an influential force in the distribution and reception networks of Chinese language pop culture embedded in the ethnic Chinese diaspora. Taking Singapore as a locus of pan-Asian Chineseness, Chua Beng Huat provides detailed analysis of the fragmented reception process of transcultural audiences and the processes of audiences' formation and exercise of consumer power and engagement with national politics. In an era where exercise of military power is increasingly restrained, pop culture has become an important component of soft power diplomacy and transcultural collaborations in a region that is still haunted by colonization and violence. The author notes that the aspirations behind national governments' efforts to use popular culture is limited by the fragmented nature of audiences who respond differently to the same products; by the danger of backlash from other members of the importing country's population that do not consume the popular culture products in question; and by the efforts of the primary consuming country, the People's Republic of China to shape products through co-production strategies and other indirect modes of intervention.
The Structure of Ideas: Mapping a New Theory of Free Expression in the AI Era
by Jared SchroederIn his historic 1919 dissent, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes named, and thus catalyzed the creation of, the marketplace of ideas. This conceptual space has, ever since, been used to give shape to American constitutional notions of the freedom of expression. It has also eluded clear definition, as jurists and scholars have contested its meaning for more than a century. In The Structure of Ideas, Jared Schroeder takes on the task of mapping the various iterations of the marketplace, from its early foundations in Enlightenment beliefs in universal truths and rational actors, to its increasingly expansive parameters for protecting expression in the arenas of commercial, corporate, and online speech. Schroeder contends that in today's information landscape, marked by the rapid emergence of artificial intelligence, the marketplace is failing to provide a space where truths succeed and falsity fails. AI and networked technologies have thoroughly overpowered all traditional pictures of the marketplace up to now. Schroeder proposes various theoretical interventions that would revise the marketplace for the current moment, and concludes by describing a new space built around algorithms, AI, and virtual communication.
The Structure of International Publishing in the 1990s
by Fred KobrakThe past decade has brought dramatic changes to the publishing industry. Publishing companies merged with one another or were bought by larger companies or media conglomerates; mergers and acquisitions crossed national boundaries and language barriers; technological advances altered the publication process and made available new media and the re-examination of the established print media. This volume examines these changes and illuminates the various prospects for the future of publishing in the coming decade.