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Techniques for College Writing: The Thesis Statement and Beyond

by Kathleen Muller Moore Susie Lan Cassel

This book is divided into three parts that build on one another. Part One (Thinking Through the Thesis Statement) introduces the basics for writing a paper--from think¬ing about the audience and format to developing a thesis statement and concluding well. Part Two (Thinking Through Your Writing Assignment) moves to the next stage of the writing process by looking more closely at the writing prompt and its requirements to plan a response that is relevant and appropriate. Part Three (Writing Beyond the Composition Classroom) looks beyond the composition classroom to more specialized writing, such as writing for a scientific paper, an informa¬tive paper, and literature reviews.

Techniques of Close Reading

by Barry S. Brummett

In a world in which messages increasingly ask us to believe, accept, buy, and follow, the ability to read texts closely in order to gain a deeper understanding of their meanings is an indispensable survival skill. Techniques of Close Reading is a brief book that helps students see what texts may be saying, be they written, oral, visual, or mediated. Renowned scholar and professor Barry Brummett explains and explores the various ways to "read" messages (such as speeches, cartoons, or magazine ads), teaching students how to see deeper levels of meaning and to share those insights with others. Students learn techniques for discovering form, rhetorical tropes, argument, and ideologies within texts.This book differs from other books in rhetorical criticism, textual analysis, or critical thinking by: Focusing on the act and techniques of criticism rather than on schools of thought, grand theories, and specific methods, thus helping students to engage in the act of critical close reading in ways that are congenial to a wide range of methods - making the book an ideal companion to texts focused on specific methodsExplaining the relationships among theory, methods, and techniques of rhetorical criticismExamining the ethics and risks of doing and reading rhetorical criticism via plenty of examples, figures, and exercises taken from everyday life Serving as a brief, affordable text, thus allowing instructors the flexibility to assign other textbooks

Techniques of Close Reading

by Barry S. Brummett

Techniques of Close Reading, Second Edition helps you gain a deeper understanding of what texts may be saying, whether they are written, oral, visual, or mediated. Renowned scholar and professor Barry Brummett explains and explores the various ways to "read" messages (such as speeches, cartoons, or magazine ads), teaching you how to see deeper levels of meaning and to share those insights with others. You will learn techniques for discovering form, rhetorical tropes, argument, and ideologies within texts. New to the Second Edition: A new Chapter 6 includes a selection of techniques from each chapter to show you how different techniques may be used together when reading text. A close reading of a group of ads from the insurance company, Liberty Mutual, offers you an opportunity to apply the techniques to recent texts.

Techniques of Close Reading

by Barry S. Brummett

Techniques of Close Reading, Second Edition helps you gain a deeper understanding of what texts may be saying, whether they are written, oral, visual, or mediated. Renowned scholar and professor Barry Brummett explains and explores the various ways to "read" messages (such as speeches, cartoons, or magazine ads), teaching you how to see deeper levels of meaning and to share those insights with others. You will learn techniques for discovering form, rhetorical tropes, argument, and ideologies within texts. New to the Second Edition: A new Chapter 6 includes a selection of techniques from each chapter to show you how different techniques may be used together when reading text. A close reading of a group of ads from the insurance company, Liberty Mutual, offers you an opportunity to apply the techniques to recent texts.

Technische Grundlagen Eingebetteter Systeme: Elektronik, Systemtheorie, Komponenten und Analyse

by Karsten Berns Alexander Köpper Bernd Schürmann

Lernen Sie mit diesem Lehrbuch eingebettete Systeme besser kennenEmbedded Systems (eingebettete Systeme) sind aus dem Alltag nicht mehr wegzudenken. In Smartphones, Fahrzeugen oder Haushaltsgeräten verbinden sie die analoge mit der digitalen Welt. Daraus ergeben sich speziell für Entwickler eingebetteter Systeme viele Anforderungen. Sie müssen nicht nur Kenntnisse aus der Entwicklung von Softwaresystemen mitbringen, sondern gleichzeitig Wissen in Sachen Elektrotechnik oder Systemkomponenten besitzen. Dieses Lehrbuch führt Sie umfassend in das Feld eingebetteter Systeme ein. Die Autoren liefern Ihnen das notwendige methodische sowie systematische Wissen zur Systementwicklung. Zum optimalen Verständnis ist dieses Werk in vier Teile untergliedert:Technische Grundlagen eingebetteter Systeme aus den Gebieten Elektronik, Systemtheorie, Steuerung und Regelung Systemtheoretische Grundlagen und Entwürfe von ReglernÜberblick und Einbindung der Systemkomponenten eingebetteter SystemeModellierung und Analyse von Algorithmen mit Blick auf EchtzeitanforderungenDurch Anwendungsbeispiele und Methoden der Echtzeitplanung können Sie mit diesem Lehrbuch Ihr Wissen im Bereich eingebettete Systeme nachhaltig vertiefen. Inhaltlich für Praktiker und Theoretiker zu empfehlenAufgrund seines thematischen Schwerpunkts profitieren von diesem Werk speziell folgende Leser:a) Studierende und Anwender der Informatik ohne tiefgreifende Vorkenntnisse im Bereich Elektrotechnikb) Ingenieure, Physiker und Mathematiker, die sich für die Grundlagen der Entwicklung eingebetteter Systeme interessierenIn den einführenden Kapiteln des Lehrbuchs definieren die Autoren zunächst die Merkmale eingebetteter Systeme. Sie zeigen Ihnen Anwendungsfelder und erläutern, in welcher Form diese Systeme zum Einsatz kommen – beispielsweise als Cyber-Physikalische Systeme (CPS). Im weiteren Verlauf werden u. a. diese Teilaspekte näher behandelt:Elektrische NetzwerkeElektronische GrundschaltungenSignalverarbeitungsprozesseSensordatenverarbeitungAktuatorikRecheneinheiten für eingebettete SystemeKommunikationEin Grundlagenwerk mit verständlichem KonzeptDurch seinen systematischen Aufbau ermöglicht Ihnen dieses Werk einen schnellen Einstieg in die Materie. Anschauliche Tabellen, Grafiken, Anwendungsbeispiele sowie Modelle unterstützen Sie beim Lernprozess. Wenn Sie sich für eingebettete Systeme interessieren, darf dieses Lehrbuch in Ihrer Sammlung nicht fehlen.

Technisches Zeichnen für Ingenieure: Ein Überblick (essentials)

by Bernd Schröder

Maschinenbauliche und bautechnische Zeichnungen legen die zu erstellenden Objekte fest. Um diese Zeichnungen eindeutig zu gestalten, wurde ein umfangreiches Normenwerk etabliert, in welchem Grundnormen und Zeichnungsarten vereinbart sind. Formate, Maßstäbe und Ansichten werden vorgestellt, ebenso wie Linien und Darstellungen (Linienarten, Buchstaben, Ziffern und Schrift). Schraffur und Bemaßung sind ebenfalls aufgeführt. Für bautechnische Zeichnungen wird die Darstellung von Baumaterialien gezeigt, aber auch Bauelemente. Beim werkzeugbaulichen Zeichnen interessieren die technischen Oberflächen und Rauheitsbezeichnungen, Grenzmaße und Passungen. Auch Schweißbezeichnungen gehören dazu oder Muster von Bearbeitungsspuren. Für technische Systeme werden Stücklisten behandelt. Form- und Lagetoleranzen sichern die geometrische Genauigkeit des zu fertigenden Bauteils.

Techno-Geopolitics: US-China Tech War and the Practice of Digital Statecraft (International Politics in the Age of Disruption)

by Pak Nung Wong

Techno-Geopolitics explores contemporary US-China relations and the future of global cyber-security through the prisms of geopolitics and financial-technological competition. It puts forward a new conceptual framework for an emerging field of digital statecraft and discusses a range of key issues including the controversies around 5G technology, policy regulations over TikTok and WeChat, the emergence of non-traditional espionage, and potential trends in post-pandemic foreign policy. Analysing the ramifications of the ongoing US-China trade standoff, this book maps the terrain of technological war and the race for global technological leadership and economic supremacy. It shows how China’s technological advancements have not only been the key to its national economic development but have also been the core focus of US intelligence. Further, it draws on US-China counter-intelligence cases sourced from the US Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to explore emerging patterns and techniques of China’s espionage practice. A cutting-edge study on the future of statecraft, this volume will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of international relations, security and intelligence studies, information technology and artificial intelligence, political science, especially US foreign policy and China studies. It will also be of great interest to policymakers, career bureaucrats, security and intelligence practitioners, technology regulators, and professionals working with think tanks and embassies.

Techno Politics in Presidential Campaigning: New Voices, New Technologies, and New Voters

by John Allen Hendricks Lynda Lee Kaid

The 2008 US presidential campaign saw politicians utilizing all types of new media -- Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Twitter, e-mail, and cell phone texting – to reach voters of all ages, ethnicities, socio-economic backgrounds, and sexual orientations. This volume examines the use of these media and considers the effectiveness of reaching voters through these channels. It explores not only the use of new media and technologies but also the role these tactics played in attracting new voters and communicating with the electorate during the 2008 presidential debates. Chapters focus on how the technologies were used by candidates, the press, and voters.

Technological Governance and Escapism in Times of Accelerated Change (Information Technology and Global Governance)

by Ignas Kalpokas

This book examines escapist coping strategies brought about by the pace, breadth and governance of technological change. It argues that escapism manifests in various forms, ranging from nostalgia for a fantasised past of unhindered reason and agency, to progressive visions of societal and political improvement, and greater empowerment. Drawing on post-humanist theory and critical disability studies, the book also assesses how escapism should not be viewed as an unavoidable reaction to technological change, and develops a model for an ethically equitable relationship between humans and technology. It will appeal to all those interested in governance and politics, media and communication studies, technology studies, and philosophy.

Technological Sustainability and Business Competitive Advantage (Internet of Things)

by Muneer Al Mubarak Allam Hamdan

This book discusses advanced technological solutions in Industry 5.0 that can be used for business competitive advantage and sustainability. The book presents tools that can help reduce time and make use of data in an efficient way while using resources efficiently and sustainably. The book aims to highlight technological sustainability through promoting innovations, improving social development, and providing green products that benefit the society. The authors discuss the recent technological advancements such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Financial Technology (FinTech), Big Data, and Blockchain. They also discuss the benefits of incorporating such technologies in areas such as green supply chain, storage technology, Internet banking, and nanotechnology. The target audience of this book includes all interested individuals and institutions in the fields of engineering, business, technology, and public services. The book provides insights and solutions to many issues and creates opportunities for further sustainability.

Technological Trends in Improved Mobility of the Visually Impaired (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)

by Sara Paiva

This book provides an insight into recent technological trends and innovations in mobility solutions and platforms to improve mobility of visually impaired people. The authors' goal is to help to contribute to the social and societal inclusion of the visually impaired. The book’s topics include, but are not limited to, obstacle detection systems, indoor and outdoor navigation, transportation sustainability systems, and hardware/devices to aid visually impaired people. The book has a strong focus on practical applications, tested in a real environment. Applications include city halls, municipalities, and companies that can keep up to date with recent trends in platforms, methodologies and technologies to promote urban mobility. Also discussed are broader realms including education, health, electronics, tourism, and transportation. Contributors include a variety of researchers and practitioners around the world.Features practical, tested applications of technological mobility solutions for visual impaired people;Presents topics such as obstacle detection systems, urban mobility, smart home services, and ambient assisted living;Includes a number of application examples in education, health, electronics, tourism, and transportation.

Technologies for Spacecraft Antenna Engineering Design (Space Science and Technologies)

by Rui You Wenjun Gao Chunbang Wu Hongbin Li

This book focuses on engineering design approaches for spacecraft antennas. Based on their functions in spacecraft, it discusses practical antenna design, measurement and testing. Most of the antennas covered originated at the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), which has launched almost 300 satellites into orbit. The book presents antenna systems for seven existing spacecraft designs, while also introducing readers to new antenna technologies for spacecraft. This book is intended for researchers, graduate students, and engineers in various fields of aerospace technology and astronautics, especially spacecraft design, communication engineering and related areas.

Technologies of Empire: Writing, Imagination, and the Making of Imperial Networks, 1750–1820

by Dermot Ryan

Technologies of Empire looks at the ways in which writers of the long eighteenth century treat writing and imagination as technologies that can produce rather than merely portray empire. Authors ranging from Adam Smith to William Wordsworth consider writing not as part of a larger logic of orientalism that represents non-European subjects and spaces in fixed ways, but as a dynamic technology that organizes these subjects and transforms these spaces. Technologies of Empire reads the imagination as an instrument that works in tandem with writing, expanding and consolidating the networks of empire. Through readings across a variety of genres, ranging from Smith’s The Wealth of Nations and Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France to Maria Edgeworth’s Irish fiction and Wordsworth’s epic poetry, this study offers a new account of writing’s role in empire-building and uncovers a genealogy of the romantic imagination that is shot through by the imperatives of imperialism. Published by University of Delaware Press. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.

Technologies of the New Real: Viral Contagion and Death of the Social (Digital Futures)

by Arthur Kroker Marilouise Kroker

With astonishing speed, we have been projected into a new reality where interactions with drones, robotic bodies, and high-level surveillance are increasingly mainstream. In this age of groundbreaking developments in robotic technologies, synthetic biology is merging with artificial intelligence, forming a newly blended reality of machines, bodies, and affect. Technologies of the New Real draws from critical intersections of technology and society – including drones, surveillance, DIY bodies, and innovations in robotic technology – to explore what these advances can tell us about our present reality, or what authors Arthur and Marilouise Kroker deem the "new real" of digital culture in the twenty-first century. Technologies of the New Real explores the many technologies of our present reality as they infiltrate the social, political, and economic static of our everyday lives, seemingly eroding traditionally conceived boundaries between humans and machines, and rendering fully ambivalent borders between the human mind and simulated data.

Technology and American Democracy

by Anthony Trotta

The growth and proliferation of technology in American society places new demands on the U.S. government and the health of its democracy, affecting both policymaking and public administration. Technology and American Democracy explores the underpinning democratic theories, including constitutional justifications, that guide decision makers during the application of Information Technology (IT) in governance to promote democratic principles such as transparency and accountability. The book examines the capacity of IT to facilitate deliberative democracy, alter modern bureaucratic structures and functions, and affect areas of public policy including public budgeting and performance measurement. Author Anthony Trotta demonstrates the ways in which technology creates new problems for contemporary government, including a discussion of virtual currency and its possible issues that must be addressed by the public sector. The discussion avoids highly technical language and confusing industry jargon, focusing instead on explaining important concepts in an accessible fashion, applicable to a broad spectrum of readers. Technology and American Democracy is required reading for students enrolled in courses on politics, public administration, and public policy.

The Technology and Business of Mobile Communications: An Introduction (IEEE Press)

by Ben Allen Tony Vernon Mythri Hunukumbure Justin P. Coon

An intuitive and insightful overview of the technical and business aspects of the telecoms industry In The Technology and Business of Mobile Telecommunications: An Introduction, a team of expert telecommunications researchers and consultants delivers a rigorous exploration of the technical and business aspects of mobile telecommunications. The book offers a complete overview of an industry that has seen rapid technical and economic changes while retaining the ability to provide end users with communications coverage and capacity. The authors demonstrate the technical foundations of the mobile industry and show how a communications network is deployed. They detail many of the main innovations introduced over the last few years and some of the most salient challenges facing the industry today. The business models of major mobile operators are examined as well, from the purchasing spectrum to network deployment and customer attraction and retention. The role of the regulator is also thoroughly discussed, with explorations of its role in encouraging the maintenance of a competitive market in which the needs of consumers are met. Readers will also enjoy: Thorough introductions to the social and economic impacts of mobile communications, as well as a brief history of mobile and cellular communications Comprehensive explorations of the mobile telecoms ecosystem, from spectrum regulation to standardization, research, end users, operators, vendors, and standard bodies Practical discussions of the business models and challenges of mobile operators, including mobile virtual network operators and the implementation of international roaming In-depth examinations of telecommunications standards, including 5G Perfect for anyone studying mobile telecommunications technology at the undergraduate and graduate levels, The Technology and Business of Mobile Telecommunications: An Introduction is also an indispensable resource for practitioners within the telecommunications industry in a technical or business-oriented role.

Technology and English Studies: Innovative Professional Paths

by James A. Inman Beth L. Hewett

In scholarship about technology and English studies, there are a number of first-person narratives that suggest what may be termed "traditional" professional paths. That is, they chronicle the positive influence of a particular technology, class, professor, or publication, and suggest that it inspired a distinct and rewarding professional path. What is missing is the rest of the story--alternate ways that individuals have come to do work in technology and English studies and analysis of what this means for paths others might pursue. Technology and English Studies: Innovative Professional Paths meets this need.The volume begins with definitions of its three central terms: technology, English Studies, and professional paths. Chapters are organized in four sections, reflecting both a chronological progression and thematic professional development: "The Past as the Future"; "Searching the Academy"; "Pushing Boundaries"; and "Forging Beyond." As a forerunner in addressing professionalization across the domains that comprise technology and English studies, it will prove foundational for many readers with non-traditional or otherwise alternate backgrounds who are working out what professional paths might be available to them.Technology and English Studies: Innovative Professional Paths is an important professional development resource for professors, instructors, and graduate students across the field of English studies, including rhetoric and composition, computers and writing, computer-assisted language learning, literary and linguistic computing, literary studies, English education, technical communication, linguistics, writing centers, second-language education/ESL, and creative writing.

Technology and Workflows for Multiple Channel Content Distribution: Infrastructure implementation strategies for converged production

by Philip J. Cianci

This book addresses the emergence of multi-channel broadcasting. Televisions, PC's, handheld and mobile reception devices now all receive content hat was once solely distributed by broadcast TV.No book currently on the market addresses the production infrastructure necessary to efficiently produce content for multi-channel delivery to a variety of reception platforms/devices.Readers will acquire an overview of not just the technology, but processes that impact the creative process and new cross-platform advertising sale/buy model.

Technology Development for Security Practitioners (Security Informatics and Law Enforcement)

by Babak Akhgar Dimitrios Kavallieros Evangelos Sdongos

This volume is authored by a mix of global contributors from across the landscape of academia, research institutions, police organizations, and experts in security policy and private industry to address some of the most contemporary challenges within the global security domain. The latter includes protection of critical infrastructures (CI), counter-terrorism, application of dark web, and analysis of a large volume of artificial intelligence data, cybercrime, serious and organised crime, border surveillance, and management of disasters and crises. This title explores various application scenarios of advanced ICT in the context of cybercrime, border security and crisis management, serious and organised crime, and protection of critical infrastructures. Readers will benefit from lessons learned from more than 30 large R&D projects within a security context. The book addresses not only theoretical narratives pertinent to the subject but also identifies current challenges and emerging security threats, provides analysis of operational capability gaps, and includes real-world applied solutions.Chapter 11 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO License via

The Technology of Video and Audio Streaming

by David Austerberry

* Learn the end-to-end process, starting with capture from a video or audio source through to the consumer's media player* A quick-start quide to streaming media technologies* How to monetize content and protect revenue with digital rights managementFor broadcasters, web developers, project managers implementing streaming media systems, David Austerberry shows how to deploy the technology on your site, from video and audio capture through to the consumer's media player. The book first deals with Internet basics and gives a thorough coverage of telecommunications networks and the last mile to the home. Video and audio formats are covered, as well as compression standards including Windows Media and MPEG-4. The book then guides you through the streaming process, showing in-depth how to encode audio and video. The deployment of media servers, live webcasting and how the stream is displayed by the consumer's media player are also covered.A final section on associated technologies illustrates how you can protect your revenue sources with digital rights management, looks at content delivery networks and provides examples of successful streaming applications.The supporting website,, offers updated links to sources of information, manufacturers and suppliers.David Austerberry is co-owner of the new media communications consultancy, Informed Sauce. He has worked with streaming media since the late nineties. Before that, he has been product manager for a number of broadcast equipment manufacturers, and formerly had many years with a leading broadcaster.

Technology Offsets in International Defence Procurement (Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organizations and Technology)

by Kogila Balakrishnan

Technology offsets, a nonconventional international trade-financing tool, is used by governments (buyers) to obtain industrial and technological benefits from companies (sellers) as part of international procurement. Offsets deals involve billions of dollars and this practice exists in around 80 countries around the world. Though offsets is a popular practice in defence, it is increasingly gaining popularity in civil sectors. Offsets is often tainted by controversy and receives bad press. What then makes offsets popular? Governments claim that offsets delivers technology and knowledge transfer, skills in high technology sectors and employment, and offsets expands export opportunities through participation in OEM supply chains. For companies, offsets is mainly employed as a tool to obtain a competitive edge and win sales in international business. In the past, there have been mixed results of case studies on the impact of offsets successes and failures. Considering the mismanagement of globalisation, unfair trade agreements and current political and economic discontent, there is a stronger need for governments and companies to use vehicles such as offsets to create a relationship of trust and commitment for sustainable development. This book fills the gap in offsets and focuses on how to manage offsets more effectively by addressing issues of strategy, policy and implementation, technology management, governance and risk. Technology Offsets in International Defence Procurement is designed for those studying international procurement, international trade, international business, technology management, defence policy and industrial policy. This book will also be of interest to practitioners and policy makers in both government and industry.

Technology, Policy, and Inclusion: An Intersection of Ideas for Public Policy (Innovations, Practice and the Future of Public Policy in India)

by Anjal Prakash, Aarushi Jain, Puran Singh, and Avik Sarkar

Technology, Policy, and Inclusion looks at the intersections between public policy and technology in India. It explores the barriers in instituting effective governance and development and examines how these can be mitigated through technological interventions in developing countries. Increased digitisation of the economy has added to the development challenges in India and issues such as exclusion and social inequality. This volume stresses the need for governments to leverage technology to bring more vulnerable and marginalised groups into the fold of financial and social inclusion. It also focuses on the importance of regulation for a responsible integration of technologies and minimising risks. The book includes examples and case studies from different areas including management of the COVID-19 pandemic through digital means, real estate digital infrastructure, digital census, e-markets for farmers, and government interventions that use technology to deliver financial services in remote areas of the country. It also outlines various solutions for fostering equity and socio-economic development. Part of the Innovations, Practice and the Future of Public Policy in India series, this volume will be of interest to students and researchers of public policy, political science, development studies, and sociology as well as policy professionals and technocrats. This book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

Técnicas de comunicación

by Mauricio D'Ambra

- Tanto en las relaciones de trabajo como en las relaciones interpersonales es muy importante comunicar de forma eficaz. - Un buen comunicador es capaz de comprender a su interlocutor, evitar situaciones conflictivas y argumentar de forma convincente y persuasiva. - Con este libro aprenderá cómo utilizar las palabras más adecuadas para convencer, todos los sistemas para persuadir, los mecanismos que orientan el pensamiento. - También podrá aprender cómo evitar las palabras equivocadas o contraproducentes que pueden molestar al interlocutor. - todos los recursos para comuicar Con el grupo aprovechando las técnicas para captar la atención del auditorio.

TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking

by Chris Anderson

For anyone who has ever been inspired by a TED talk... ...this is an insider's guide to creating talks that are unforgettable. Since taking over TED in the early 2000s, Chris Anderson has shown how carefully crafted short talks can be the key to unlocking empathy, stirring excitement, spreading knowledge, and promoting a shared dream. Done right, a talk can electrify a room and transform an audience's worldview. Done right, a talk is more powerful than anything in written form. This book explains how the miracle of powerful public speaking is achieved, and equips you to give it your best shot. There is no set formula; no two talks should be the same. The goal is for you to give the talk that only you can give. But don't be intimidated. You may find it more natural than you think. Chris Anderson has worked behind the scenes with all the TED speakers who have inspired us the most, and here he shares insights from such favorites as Sir Ken Robinson, Amy Cuddy, Bill Gates, Elizabeth Gilbert, Salman Khan, Dan Gilbert, Mary Roach, Matt Ridley, and dozens more -- everything from how to craft your talk's content to how you can be most effective on stage. This is the 21st-century's new manual for truly effective communication and it is a must-read for anyone who is ready to create impact with their ideas.

TED Talks: The official TED guide to public speaking: Tips and tricks for giving unforgettable speeches and presentations

by Chris Anderson

'This is not just the most insightful book ever written on public speaking-it's also a brilliant, profound look at how to communicate' - Adam Grant, author of ORIGINALSIn Ted Talks Chris Anderson, Head of TED, reveals the inside secrets of how to give a first-class presentation. Where books like Talk Like TED and TED Talks Storytelling whetted the appetite, here is the official TED guide to public speaking from the man who put TED talks on the world's stage. 'Nobody in the world better understands the art and science of public speaking than Chris Anderson. He is absolutely the best person to have written this book' Elizabeth Gilbert.Anderson shares his five key techniques to presentation success: Connection, Narration, Explanation, Persuasion and Revelation (plus the three to avoid). He also answers the most frequently asked questions about giving a talk, from 'What should I wear?' to 'How do I handle my nerves?'.Ted Talks is also full of presentation tips from such TED notable speakers as Sir Ken Robinson, Bill Gates, Mary Roach, Amy Cuddy, Elizabeth Gilbert, Dan Gilbert, Amanda Palmer, Matt Ridley and many more. This is a lively, fun read with great practical application from the man who knows what goes into a truly memorable speech. In Ted Talks Anderson pulls back the TED curtain for anyone who wants to learn how to prepare an exceptional presentation.

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