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The Well-Spoken Woman: Your Guide to Looking and Sounding Your Best

by Christine K. Jahnke

Who doesn't want to be confident, concise, and compelling when speaking in public? In this must-have guide, one of the nation's premier speech coaches shares tested techniques from twenty years of coaching women on what works and what doesn't. The autohr details the practices and techniques of successful women to help all women improve their presentation and public speaking skills. With access to her expertise, you'll learn strategies that will help you present your best self in forums from PTA meetings to TV studios, conferences to classrooms, boardrooms to YouTube. The author has advised First Lady Michelle Obama for her International Olympic Committee speech, provided speaker training to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, and coached corporate CEOs and more women elected officials than any other trainer. Every woman can benefit from studying the polished speaking skills of such powerful women. In this book, Jahnke explains how Melinda Gates emerged as a powerful advocate, Michelle Obama honed her podium presence, Suze Orman conquered the camera, and Ann Richards always owned the room--and then demonstrates what the take-away is for you. Strategic advice on everything from messaging to hair and hemlines will allow you to come across as polished and prepared. Jahnke includes easy-to-follow exercises so you can try out techniques immediately, from the use of sound bites and secrets to establishing eye contact to what not to do with your hands.Filled with behind-the-scenes advice, this book is for every woman who wants to present herself well, express her ideas with confidence, and earn the respect of any audience.

The Well-Spoken Woman Speaks Out: How to Use Your Voice to Drive Change

by Christine K. Jahnke

Practical and inspiring, this book is a valuable asset for women seeking to drive change with #MeToo, March for our Lives, Time's Up, Black Women Lead, Climate Action, She Should Run, Power to the Polls, and women's marches.In her successful book The Well-Spoken Woman, top speech coach Christine K. Jahnke shared techniques to help women present their ideas effectively in any setting. This new follow-up is for women who are persisting, resisting, advocating, or running for office--and gives them the tools to be effective, persuasive, and powerful communicators. The Well-Spoken Woman Speaks Out will guide any woman who wants to state her case in the most compelling way, ensure that she is truly heard and understood, and seeks to impact and inspire others. It takes Jahnke's direct experience working with women like Michelle Obama and the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton and pairs it with the recent surge of women nationwide who are speaking up to drive social and political change. Jahnke, who has spent twenty-five years helping women leaders, provides guidance and best practices so you can: rally support for a cause, make a persuasive pitch, campaign for public office, be a successful advocate, and motivate people to make positive change. She applies her expertise to many facets of communicating publicly, including using your voice in social media; participating in panels, meetings, and discussions; giving presentations; and speaking to the media.

Weller's War: A Legendary Foreign Correspondent's Saga of World War II on Five Continents

by George Weller

Walter Cronkite called him "one of our best war correspondents." His stories from Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific during World War II won him the Pulitzer Prize. Now, George Weller is immortalized in a collection of fearless, intrepid dispatches that crisscross a shattered globe. Edited by his son, Weller's War provides an eyewitness look at modern history's greatest upheaval, and also contains never-published reporting alongside excerpts from three books. From battlefront to beachhead, Weller incisively chronicles the heroism and humanity that still managed to triumph amid horrific events. Following the Nazi seizure of Eastern Europe and his own "quarantine" in Greece by the Gestapo, George Weller accompanies Congolese troops freeing Ethiopia for Haile Selassie. He remains in doomed Singapore until the colony falls. On Java, he watches brave American fighter pilots delay the island's collapse. Strafed by Japanese planes, he escapes by small boat to Australia. He covers the Pacific, from the Solomon Islands to the jungle hell of New Guinea. Back in Europe he sees a liberated Greece beset by civil war, then crosses the Middle East. In Burma, he risks guerrilla raids behind enemy lines. At the war's close, he hurries from China to a defeated but uncowed Japan, where new horrors await. And he struggles throughout against a tireless adversary--censorship. Vivid and heart-stopping, the dispatches of World War II reporter George Weller are as intimate, memorable, and relevant today as they were nearly seventy years ago--and demonstrate what it meant to be a foreign correspondent long before the era of satellite phones and the Internet.

We're All Journalists Now

by Scott Gant

As the internet continues to reshape almost all corners of our world, no institution has been more profoundly altered than the practice of journalism and distribution of information. In this provocative new book, Scott Gant, a distinguished Washington attorney and constitutional law scholar, argues that we as a society need to rethink our notions of what journalism is, who is a journalist and exactly what the founding fathers intended when they referred to "the freedom of the press." Are bloggers journalists, even if they receive no income? Even if they are unedited and sometimes irresponsible? Many traditional news organizations would say no. But Gant contends otherwise and suggests we think of these sometimes unruly online purveyors of information and opinion as heirs to those early pamphleteers who helped shape our fledgling democracy. He gives us a persuasive and engaging argument for affording bloggers and everyone else who disseminates information and opinion in the U.S. the same rights and privileges that traditional journalists enjoy. The rise of the Internet and blogosphere has blurred the once distinct role of the media in our society. It wasn't long ago that the line between journalists and the rest of us seemed relatively clear: Those who worked for news organizations were journalists and everyone else was not. Those days are gone. On the Internet, the line has totally disappeared. It's harder than ever to answer the question, "Who is a journalist?" Yet it is a question asked routinely in American courtrooms and legislatures because there are many circumstances where those deemed "journalists" are afforded rights and privileges not available to the rest of us. The question will become increasingly important as the transformation of journalism continues, and bloggers and other "citizen journalists" battle for equal standing with professional journalists. Advancing arguments that are sure to stir controversy, Scott Gant leads the debate with a serious yet accessible discussion about whether, where, and how the government can decide who is a journalist. Challenging the mainstream media, Gant puts forth specific arguments about how to change existing laws and makes elegant suggestions for new laws that will properly account for the undeniable reality that We're All Journalists Now. For all of us who care about the ways in which the digital revolution is sweeping through our culture, this is a work of opinion that will be seen as required reading.

We're Not Broken: Changing the Autism Conversation

by Eric Garcia

“This book is a message from autistic people to their parents, friends, teachers, coworkers and doctors showing what life is like on the spectrum. It’s also my love letter to autistic people. For too long, we have been forced to navigate a world where all the road signs are written in another language.” <p><p> With a reporter’s eye and an insider’s perspective, Eric Garcia shows what it’s like to be autistic across America. <p><p> Garcia began writing about autism because he was frustrated by the media’s coverage of it; the myths that the disorder is caused by vaccines, the narrow portrayals of autistic people as white men working in Silicon Valley. His own life as an autistic person didn’t look anything like that. He is Latino, a graduate of the University of North Carolina, and works as a journalist covering politics in Washington D.C. Garcia realized he needed to put into writing what so many autistic people have been saying for years; autism is a part of their identity, they don’t need to be fixed. <p><p> In We’re Not Broken, Garcia uses his own life as a springboard to discuss the social and policy gaps that exist in supporting those on the spectrum. From education to healthcare, he explores how autistic people wrestle with systems that were not built with them in mind. At the same time, he shares the experiences of all types of autistic people, from those with higher support needs, to autistic people of color, to those in the LGBTQ community. In doing so, Garcia gives his community a platform to articulate their own needs, rather than having others speak for them, which has been the standard for far too long.

Werewolf Histories (Palgrave Historical Studies in Witchcraft and Magic)

by Willem De Blécourt

Werewolf Histories is the first academic book in English to address European werewolf history and folklore from antiquity to the twentieth century. It covers the most important werewolf territories, ranging from Scandinavia to Germany, France and Italy, and from Croatia to Estonia.

Wert- und Interessenkonflikte in der strategischen Kommunikation: Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Analysen zu Organisationen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Gemeinwohl und Partikularinteressen

by Kerstin Thummes Anna Dudenhausen Ulrike Röttger

Der Band sammelt aktuelle Modelle, Analysen und Befunde dazu, wie strategische Kommunikation im Spannungsfeld zwischen Gemeinwohl und Partikularinteressen verortet und gestaltet werden kann. Bisherige Ansätze der Forschung zur strategischen Kommunikation, etwa zur CSR-Kommunikation oder zu dialogorientierter Public Relations, ordnen die Verfolgung gesellschaftlicher Interessen oft in den größeren Rahmen des Strebens nach Partikularinteressen ein und zeigen auf, wie gesellschaftliche Verantwortungsübernahme zu organisationalen Interessen beitragen kann und soll. Demgegenüber gelangen die Beiträge des Sammelbands durch die Kontrastierung von Gemeinwohl und Partikularinteresse zu neuen Erkenntnissen. Dabei stehen zwei Fragen im Zentrum: 1. Wie kann strategische Kommunikation modelliert und praktiziert werden, die systematisch neben Partikularinteressen auch oder vornehmlich Gemeinwohlinteressen bedient? 2. Welche typischen Wertkonflikte existieren im Kontext der strategischen Kommunikation und welche theoretisch begründeten und/oder empirisch erprobten Ansätze gibt es zum Umgang mit solchen Konflikten?

Werte und Metaphern in der Unternehmenskommunikation: Sensemaking, Mindset, Sprache

by Annika Schach Ulrike Buchholz Victoria von der Haar

Die Transformation durch Digitalisierung und Kulturwandel in Unternehmen bewirken eine Konzentration auf Werte. Stärkere Kollaboration und weniger Hierarchie erfordern Halt und Orientierung aus der Organisation heraus. Purpose, Sensemaking und Mindset spiegeln sich in Texten der Unternehmenskommunikation – besonders in Leitbildern und der Unternehmensphilosophie. Hilfreich ist die Beschäftigung mit Metaphern. So lassen sich sinnstiftende Konzepte identifizieren, in Texte integrieren und im Kommunikationsmanagement einsetzen. Das Buch beschäftigt sich mit dem werteorientierten Kommunikationsmanagement und der Wertevermittlung mit Metaphern in Unternehmenstexten. Der InhaltEinleitung • Werteorientierte Unternehmensführung und Kommunikationsmanagement • Wertevermittlung durch Sprache und Text • Metaphern in der werteorientierten Unternehmenskommunikation Die AutorinnenDr. Ulrike Buchholz ist Professorin für Unternehmenskommunikation an der Hochschule Hannover, Fakultät III – Medien, Information und Design.Dr. Annika Schach ist Professorin für Angewandte PR an der Hochschule Hannover, Fakultät III – Medien, Information und Design.Victoria von der Haar ist Referentin für Unternehmenskommunikation bei der Dr. Wolff-Gruppe, Bielefeld.

Wertschätzende Kommunikation mit Spenderinnen und Spendern: Gewinnung und Bindung von Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützern durch empathische Gespräche (essentials)

by Stephanie Neumann

Je detaillierter eine Organisation die Motive ihrer Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützer kennt, desto besser kann sie sie langfristig binden. Dabei ist es wichtig zu verstehen, dass Zuhören nicht gleich Zustimmen ist. Stephanie Neumann beschreibt in diesem essential die von Marshall Rosenberg entwickelte Methode der „Gewaltfreien Kommunikation“ (GFK) – ein Handlungskonzept, in dem es darum geht, die Gefühle und Bedürfnisse der Gesprächspartnerin oder des Gesprächspartners zu verstehen, damit Vertrauen entstehen kann. Dies ist in der Kommunikation mit Spenderinnen und Spendern eine Grundvoraussetzung, da eine Organisation nur mit deren Unterstützung existieren kann. Wenn die Mitarbeitenden der Organisation verstehen, was ihre Spenderinnen und Spender bewegt, werden sie erfolgreich Mittel generieren.

West of the West: Dreamers, Believers, Builders, and Killers in the Golden State

by Mark Arax

Teddy Roosevelt once exclaimed, "When I am in California, I am not in the West. I am west of the West," and in this book, Mark Arax spends four years travelling up and down the Golden State to explore its singular place in the world. This is California beyond the clichés. This is California as only a native son, deep in the dust, could draw it.Compelling, lyrical, and ominous, his new collection finds a different drama rising out of each confounding landscape. "The Summer of the Death of Hilario Guzman" has been praised as a "stunningly intimate" portrait of one immigrant family from Oaxaca, through harrowing border crossings and brutal raisin harvests. Down the road in the "Home Front," right-wing Christians and Jews form a strange pact that tries to silence debate on the War on Terror, and a conflicted father loses not one but two sons in Iraq. "The Last Okie in Lamont," the inspiration for the town in the Grapes of Wrath, has but one Okie left, who tells Arax his life story as he drives to a funeral to bury one more Dust Bowl migrant. "The Highlands of Humboldt" is a journey to marijuana growing capital of the U.S., where the old hippies are battling the new hippies over "pollution pot" and the local bank collects a mountain of cash each day, much of it redolent of cannabis. Arax pieces together the murder-suicide at the heart of a rotisserie chicken empire in "The Legend of Zankou," a story included in the Best American Crime Reporting 2009. And, in the end, he provides a moving epilogue to the murder of his own father, a crime in the California heartland finally solved after thirty years.In the finest tradition of Joan Didion, Arax combines journalism, essay, and memoir to capture social upheaval as well as the sense of being rooted in a community. Piece by piece, the stories become a whole, a stunning panorama of California, and America, in a new century.

Western Corporations and Covert Operations in the early Cold War: Re-examining the Vogeler/Sanders Case

by Margaret Murányi Manchester

This book examines the Vogeler/Sanders espionage case that ruptured ties between the US and UK and Hungary in 1949, and analyses this as an example of Western covert operations in the early Cold War. The work focuses on the 1949 case of ITT in Hungary, where two of its executives, the American Robert A. Vogeler and the Briton Edgar Sanders, were arrested by the secret police, tortured, forced to confess, put on a public show trial, and found guilty of espionage. This happened at a time that the US and the UK were cooperating in numerous operations to undermine the credibility of the communist regime and to encourage local resistance by “all means short of war.” Using the case as a lens to examine the dynamics of the early Cold War, the book integrates business history, diplomatic history and intelligence history, and thereby traces the impact of the case on Anglo-Hungarian, American-Hungarian, and Anglo-American relations during the critical period of 1949-1956. Vogeler’s case had a strong impact on the growing criticism of the Truman Administration’s containment policies and contributed to the demand for a more activist policy of ‘liberation of captive peoples’. His experiences also rallied the business community, especially trade associations such as the National Foreign Trade Council, the US Chamber of Commerce, and the National Association of Manufacturers, to support the anti-communist crusade both abroad and at home. Vogeler’s wife also waged a personal campaign to secure her husband’s release and exemplifies the activism of conservative and Catholic women who waged their own anti-communist crusade. The book thus tells the “rest of the story” often omitted in traditional works.This book will be of much interest to students of Cold War history, intelligence studies and European political history.

Western European Perspectives on the Development of Public Relations: Other Voices

by Tom Watson

The National Perspectives on the Development of Public Relations: Other Voices series is the first to offer an authentic world-wide view of the history of public relations. It will feature six books, five of which will cover continental and regional groups. This book in the series focuses on Western Europe.

Western Literature in China and the Translation of a Nation

by Shouhua Qi

This book studies the reception history of Western literature in China from the 1840s to the present. Qi explores the socio-historical contexts and the contours of how Western literature was introduced, mostly through translation and assesses its transformative impact in the cultural, literary as well as sociopolitical life of modern China.

Western Union and the Creation of the American Corporate Order, 1845-1893

by Joshua D. Wolff

This work chronicles the rise of Western Union Telegraph from its origins in the helter-skelter ferment of antebellum capitalism to its apogee as the first corporation to monopolize an industry on a national scale. The battles that raged over Western Union's monopoly on nineteenth-century American telecommunications - in Congress, in courts, and in the press - illuminate the fierce tensions over the rising power of corporations after the Civil War and the reshaping of American political economy. The telegraph debate reveals that what we understand as the normative relationship between private capital and public interest is the product of a historical process that was neither inevitable nor uncontested. Western Union's monopoly was not the result of market logic or a managerial revolution, but the conscious creation of entrepreneurs protecting their investments. In the process, these entrepreneurs elevated economic liberalism above traditional republican principles of public interest and helped create a new corporate order.

The Westminster Lobby Correspondents: A Sociological Study of National Political Journalism (Routledge Revivals)

by Jeremy Tunstall

The Westminster Lobby correspondents have a special place in both the politics and the mass media of Britain. These journalists dominate the behind-the-scenes reporting of British national politics. In this book, originally published in 1970, Jeremy Tunstall presents the first systematic social science study of the uniquely British phenomenon of Lobby correspondents.The study includes data collected from interviews with the national Lobby correspondents, who also completed lengthy questionnaires. It contains evidence of their careers, political opinions, pay, working conditions, relationships with their employing news organization and political news sources, and on the way in which the correspondents both compete with, and exchange information with, each other. As well as this fascinating empirical data, the book offers an important contribution to the sociology of politics and the mass media, and to the study of ‘organizational intelligence’ and the sociology of occupations.There had long centred upon the Lobby correspondents many myths and misconceptions, which Jeremy Tunstall effectively demolishes. (The so-called ‘Lobby rules’ were here published for the first time.) Other real dilemmas are, however, revealed: the competing demands of publicity and secrecy; the dilemmas of British politics in which basic principles – such as Parliamentary supremacy and Cabinet secrecy – are daily breached, not only by the correspondents, but also by leading politicians; and the problems of a system of political communication whose obsession with daily news values is so similar to official and academic contributions. With media and politics still very much linked today, this reissue can be read and enjoyed in its historical context.

What a Boy Wants

by Nyrae Dawn

If you adore Jennifer E. Smith's The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight and Jessica Park's Flat-Out Love, you'll love this book.Courtesy of watching his mom's relationships, Sebastian Hawkins knows what girls need to do to get a guy. He has what he considers a PHD in hooking up. When he needs extra cash for a car, Sebastian starts up an online venture as The Hook-up Doctor, to anonymously help girls land the guy of their dreams. Of course, his services don't offer a happily-ever-after guarantee. He's seen firsthand getting together never means staying together. And then he falls in love... With the last girl he would expect...Totally not in his game plan. Suddenly, Sebastian finds himself muddled in the game he's always prided himself on. He can't even pick up girls at parties anymore! Why would anyone want to be in love when it turns you into a stuttering, screwed-up, mess with really lame stalker tendencies? Stalking? Totally not his gig. But the Hook-up Doctor won't let himself go down easily. He's always known how to give a girl what she wants and now it's time to figure out what a boy wants... and he definitely plans on getting it.A companion novel to What a Boy Needs.

What Are You Laughing At?: How to Write Humor for Screenplays, Stories, and More

by Brad Schreiber Chris Vogler

“People have forgotten how to be funny,” says Chris Vogler in his foreword to What Are You Laughing at? Luckily, experienced and award-winning humor writer Brad Schreiber is here to remind us all how it’s done. If laughter is the best medicine, be prepared to feel fit as a fiddle after perusing these pages. Brad’s clever wit and well-timed punch lines are sure to leave you grasping your sides, while his wise advice will ensure that you’re able to follow in his comedic footsteps.With more than seventy excerpts from such expert prose and screenwriters as Woody Allen, Steve Martin, and Kurt Vonnegut Jr., as well as unique writing exercises for all situations, this comprehensive tutorial will teach you how to write humor prose for any literary form, including screenwriting, story writing, theater, television, and audio/radio. Additionally, readers are given sage advice on different tactics for writing comedic fiction versus comedic nonfiction. Some of the topics discussed include:Life experience versus imaginationHow to use humor to develop theme/setting, character, and dialogueRhythm and sound of wordsVulgarity and bad tasteHow to market your humor prose in the digital marketThoroughly revised and updated, and with new information on writing short, humorous films, What Are You Laughing at? is your endless source to learning the art of comedy.

What are you Reading?: The World Market and Indian Literary Production

by Pavithra Narayanan

This book offers a material critique on various aspects of Indian literary production and its reception by its audiences. Taking a historical and contemporary lineage into account, the author variously discusses the social, political, and economic factors that impact upon and determine choices in the publishing world. Examining the constructions of the archive of postcolonial works by Indian writers in relation to nationalist histories, language wars, and the relationship between economic policies and literature, the book forcefully argues that why we read what we read is more than coincidental. Placing the rights of minoritized and disadvantaged communities at the heart of the analysis of India’s decolonization and industrial projects, the book attempts to address not just inequalities in the publishing world, but also social inequities engendered by global capitalism. Offering a critique of academics who act as cultural gatekeepers of intellectual production, the book finally underscores the disconnect between the academic theory and practice of scholars of postcolonial studies who argue against inequality and marginalization while simultaneously supporting hegemonic academic practices. This book will be of interest to scholars of development studies, cultural studies, literature, postcolonial studies, economics, and those studying globalization, as well as the interested lay reader.

What Color Is Your Parachute?: Your Guide to a Lifetime of Meaningful Work and Career Success

by Richard N. Bolles

The groundbreaking, indispensable guide to rewarding work and a fulfilling life—more than ten million copies sold!For more than fifty years, What Color Is Your Parachute? has transformed the way people think about job hunting. Whether searching for that first position, recovering from a layoff, or dreaming of a career change, What Color Is Your Parachute? has shown millions of readers how to network effectively, compose impressive resumes and cover letters, interview with confidence, and negotiate the best possible salary—while discovering how to make their livelihood part of authentic living. More than a job-hunting book, Richard N. Bolles&’s timeless wisdom and famed self-assessment exercise clarifies seven key dimensions, so you can uncover your greatest passions, most valued traits, and transferable skills to design a life that enables you to flourish. With the job market in constant flux, people everywhere have found that understanding who they are—what they care about, where and how they do their best work, and the most effective way to express their abilities—is the best compass to navigating an ever-changing and challenging professional landscape. It is also how their work can become part of a life filled with passion and purpose. Using the trailblazing advice and enduring guidance of What Color Is Your Parachute?, job-hunters and career changers will have the tools to discover—and land—the work, and life, most meaningful to them.

What Color Is Your Parachute? 2013

by Richard N. Bolles

The world's most popular job-search book is updated for 2013 to tailor its long-trusted guidance with up-to-the-minute information and advice for today's job-hunters and career-changers.As unemployment stretches on and people face new challenges in this economy, they turn to What Color Is Your Parachute? to help them find meaningful work. Combining classic elements like the famed Flower Exercise with updated advice on social media and the job market, this revised edition outlines what works-and what doesn't. Career guru Richard N. Bolles demystifies the entire job-search process, from resumes to interviewing to networking. Recently named to Time magazine's list of All-Time 100 Best Non-fiction Books, What Color Is Your Parachute? is a book of practical wisdom that should be required reading for all.

What Color Is Your Parachute? 2018: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers

by Richard N. Bolles

<p>With more than 10 million copies sold in 28 countries, the world's most popular job-search book is updated for 2018 and tailors Richard Bolles's long-trusted guidance with up-to-the-minute information and advice for today's job-hunters and career-changers. <p>In today's challenging job-market, the time-tested advice of <i>What Color Is Your Parachute?</i> is needed more than ever. Recent grads facing a tough economic landscape, workers laid off mid-career, and people searching for an inspiring work-life change all look to career guru Richard N. Bolles for support, encouragement, and advice on which job-hunt strategies work--and which don't. This revised edition combines classic elements like the famed Flower Exercise with updated tips on social media and search tactics. Bolles demystifies the entire job-search process, from writing resumes to interviewing to networking, expertly guiding job-hunters toward their dream job.</p>

What Color Is Your Parachute? 2019: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers

by Richard N. Bolles

<p>With more than 10 million copies sold in 28 countries, the world's most popular job-search book is updated for 2019, tailoring Richard Bolles's long-trusted guidance with up-to-the-minute information and advice for today's job-hunters and career-changers. <p>In today's challenging job-market, the time-tested advice of <i>What Color Is Your Parachute?</i> is needed more than ever. Recent grads facing a tough economic landscape, workers laid off mid-career, and people searching for an inspiring work-life change all look to career guru Richard N. Bolles for support, encouragement, and advice on which job-hunt strategies work—and which don't. This revised edition combines classic elements like the famed Flower Exercise with updated tips on social media and search tactics. Bolles demystifies the entire job-search process, from writing resumes to interviewing to networking, expertly guiding job-hunters toward their dream job.</p>

What Color Is Your Parachute? 2020: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers

by Richard N. Bolles

With more than 10 million copies sold in 28 countries, the world's most popular job-search book is updated for 2020, tailoring Richard Bolles's long-trusted guidance with up-to-the-minute information and advice for today's job-hunters and career-changers.NAMED ONE OF THE ALL-TIME 100 BEST NONFICTION BOOKS BY TIMEWhat Color Is Your Parachute? is the world’s most popular job-hunting guide, revised and updated annually with more than ten million copies sold. This newly streamlined edition features the latest resources, case studies, and perspectives on today’s job market, revealing surprising advice on what works—and what doesn’t—so you can focus your efforts on tactics that yield results. At its core is Richard N. Bolles’s famed Flower Exercise, a unique self-inventory that helps you design your career—and your life—around your key passions, transferable skills, traits, and more. This practical manual also provides essential tips for writing impressive resumes and cover letters, networking effectively, interviewing with confidence, and negotiating the best salary possible. Whether you’re searching for your first job, were recently laid off, or are dreaming of a career change, What Color Is Your Parachute? will guide you toward a fulfilling and prosperous life’s work.

What Color Is Your Parachute? 2021: Your Guide to a Lifetime of Meaningful Work and Career Success

by Richard N. Bolles Katharine Brooks

With timeless advice, up-to-the-minute insights, and more than ten million copies sold over fifty years, the world&’s most popular and best-selling career guide is fully revised and expanded for 2021.In today&’s challenging job-market, as recent grads face a shifting economic landscape and seek work that pays and inspires, as workers are laid off mid-career, and as people search for an inspiring work-life change, the time-tested advice of What Color Is Your Parachute? is needed more than ever. This completely updated edition features the latest resources, strategies, and perspectives on today&’s job market, revealing surprising advice on what works—and what doesn&’t—so you can focus your efforts on tactics that yield results. This practical manual has been fully revised for 2021 by Vanderbilt University Career Center Director Katharine Brooks, EdD, with modern advice on the job hunt strategies that are working today, such as building an online resume, making the most of social media tools to network effectively, interviewing virtually with confidence, and negotiating the best salary possible. At its core is Richard N. Bolles&’s famed Flower Exercise, a unique self-inventory that helps you design your career—and your life—around your key passions, transferable skills, traits, and more. With the unique and authoritative guidance of What Color Is Your Parachute?, job-hunters and career changers will have all the tools they need to discover—and land—their dream job.

What Color Is Your Parachute? 2022: Your Guide to a Lifetime of Meaningful Work and Career Success

by Richard N. Bolles

With timeless advice, up-to-the-minute insights, and more than ten million copies sold over fifty years, the world&’s most popular and best-selling career guide is fully revised and expanded for 2022. &“One of the first job-hunting books on the market. It is still arguably the best. And it isindisputably the most popular.&”—Fast CompanyIn today&’s challenging job market, as recent grads face a shifting economic landscape and seek work that pays and inspires, as workers are laid off mid-career, and as people search for an inspiring work-life change, the time-tested advice of What Color Is Your Parachute? is needed more than ever.This new edition has been fully revised for 2022 by Vanderbilt University Career Center director Katharine Brooks, EdD, with modern advice on the job-hunt strategies that are working today, such as building an online resume, making the most of social media tools, and acing virtual interviews. Building on the wisdom of original author Richard N. Bolles, this edition updates the famed Flower Exercise (which walks job seekers through the seven ways of thinking about themselves) and demystifies the entire job-search process, from writing resumes to interviewing and networking.With the unique and authoritative guidance of What Color Is Your Parachute?, job-hunters and career changers will have all the tools to discover—and land—their dream job.

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