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Wireless Vehicular Networks for Car Collision Avoidance
by Rola NajaWireless Vehicular Networks for Car Collision Avoidance focuses on the development of the ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) in order to minimize vehicular accidents. The book presents and analyses a range of concrete accident scenarios while examining the causes of vehicular collision and proposing countermeasures based on wireless vehicular networks.The book also describes the vehicular network standards and quality of service mechanisms focusing on improving critical dissemination of safety information. With recommendations on techniques and protocols to consider when improving road safety policies in order to minimize crashes and collision risks.
Wireless Virtualization
by Heming Wen Prabhat Kumar Tiwary Tho Le-NgocThis SpringerBriefs is an overview of the emerging field of wireless access and mobile network virtualization. It provides a clear and relevant picture of the current virtualization trends in wireless technologies by summarizing and comparing different architectures, techniques and technologies applicable to a future virtualized wireless network infrastructure. The readers are exposed to a short walkthrough of the future Internet initiative and network virtualization technologies in order to understand the potential role of wireless virtualization in the broader context of next-generation ubiquitous networks. Three main wireless virtualization perspectives are explored, along with the potential challenges and requirements of a sustainable wireless virtualization framework. Finally, it presents an example of a multi-perspective wireless virtualization framework. The readers learn the latest concepts in the application of wireless virtualization as well as its relationship with cutting-edge wireless technologies such as software-defined radio (SDR) and cognitive radio.
Wirelessly Powered Sensor Networks and Computational RFID
by Joshua R. SmithThe Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform (WISP) is the first of a new class of RF-powered sensing and computing systems. Rather than being powered by batteries, these sensor systems are powered by radio waves that are either deliberately broadcast or ambient. Enabled by ongoing exponential improvements in the energy efficiency of microelectronics, RF-powered sensing and computing is rapidly moving along a trajectory from impossible (in the recent past), to feasible (today), toward practical and commonplace (in the near future). This book is a collection of key papers on RF-powered sensing and computing systems including the WISP. Several of the papers grew out of the WISP Challenge, a program in which Intel Corporation donated WISPs to academic applicants who proposed compelling WISP-based projects. The book also includes papers presented at the first WISP Summit, a workshop held in Berkeley, CA in association with the ACM Sensys conference, as well as other relevant papers. The book provides a window into the fascinating new world of wirelessly powered sensing and computing.
Wiring the World: The Social and Cultural Creation of Global Telegraph Networks (Columbia Studies in International and Global History)
by Simone MüllerThe successful laying of a transatlantic cable in 1866 remade world communications. A message could travel across the ocean in minutes, shrinking the space between continents, cultures, and nations. An eclectic group of engineers, entrepreneurs, politicians, and media visionaries then developed this technology into a telecommunications system that spread a particular vision of civilization—but not everyone wanted to wire the world the same way. Wiring the World is a cultural and social history that explores how the large Anglo-American cable companies won out over alternative visions. Bitter rivalries emerged over telegram prices, visions for world peace, scientific innovation, and the role of the nation-state. Such struggles determined the growth of cable technology, which in turn influenced world history. Filled with fascinating characters and new insights into pivotal events, Wiring the World traces globalization's diverse paths and close ties to business and politics.
Wirksame Kundenkommunikation: Korrespondenz, die überzeugt – klar, zielführend und sympathisch schreiben (essentials)
by Udo TaubitzDieses essential gibt Ihnen das Handwerkszeug für kundenfreundlichen Schreibstil, der sich positiv auf die Kundenbeziehung auswirkt – und Ihr Business nach vorn bringt. Ob Brief, E-Mail oder Newsletter, ob B2B oder B2C: Sie lernen, wie Sie Ihre Message schnell, verständlich und nahbar rüberbringen – und wie Sie lösungsorientiert auf Beschwerden antworten.
Wirkungsmechanismen im Reputationsmanagement: Die Bedeutung neurowissenschaftlicher und psychologischer Erkenntnisse für den Aufbau des guten Rufs
by Ulrich BihlerDieses Buch zeigt aus neuro- und kommunikationswissenschaftlichen sowie psychologischen Perspektiven auf, wie Reputation von Unternehmen, Organisationen, C-Level-Management oder Aufsichtsrat entsteht und erfolgreich gemanagt werden kann.Ihren guten Ruf in der Öffentlichkeit können insbesondere Unternehmen zwar durch die Konsistenz aus Unternehmensrealität und -kommunikation bewirtschaften – aber alleine in den Köpfen der Menschen wird über die Reputation entschieden. Nur wer versteht, wie sie bei Stakeholdern genau entsteht und welche Wirkmechanismen dabei zum Tragen kommen, wird auch künftig erfolgreich als Unternehmen kommunizieren und das öffentliche Urteil über die eigenen Wesenszüge – die Reputation – positiv gestalten. Autorinnen und Autoren aus Wissenschaft und Praxis teilen in diesem Werk ihren Erfahrungs- und Wissensfundus, um Reputation als auslösende Wirkkraft im Gehirn für gewünschtes menschliches Handeln im Sinne von Unternehmen zu erläutern. Die Autorinnen und Autoren liefern ganzheitliche, aber auch überraschende Perspektiven, neue Zusammenhänge und Insights sowie hilfreiche Praxistipps.
Wirkungsvoll fürs Web texten für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Gero PflugerSie haben eine Website und möchten in Texten Informationen über Produkte oder Dienstleistungen liefern? Sie verkaufen übers Internet und brauchen knackige Produktbeschreibungen? Oder ist Ihr tägliches Brot das Schreiben von Online-Pressemitteilungen, E-Mail-Newslettern oder Social-Media-Beiträgen? Dieses Buch unterstützt Sie dabei, bessere Texte für Ihre Online-Auftritte zu produzieren, damit diese für Ihre Besucher und Follower relevanter werden. Lernen Sie Texten: Es ist gar nicht so schwer.
Wirkungsvolle Videos fürs Web für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Oliver Langewitz Kurt Schlegel Elke SchloteMithilfe von Videos das Netz begeistern Videos bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit, eigene Ideen zu vermitteln oder Ihre Marke zu präsentieren. Wie Sie wirkungsvolle Videos fürs Web erstellen und was Sie bei der videobasierten Kommunikation beachten müssen, erfahren Sie in diesem Buch. Oliver Langewitz, Kurt Schlegel und Elke Schlote erklären Ihnen in praktischen Schritten, wie Ihnen die Planung, Erstellung und Verbreitung von Videos fürs Web optimal gelingt. Dabei lernen Sie auch die Besonderheiten der verschiedenen Internetplattformen kennen und wie Sie Ihre Zielgruppe mit Ihren Inhalten abholen. Sie erfahren Wie Sie professionelle Webvideos produzieren Wie Sie in Ihren Videos wirksame Geschichten erzählen Welche Online-Kanäle für Ihre Videos wichtig sind Wie es Ihnen gelingt, mit Ihren Videos eine breite Community zu erreichen
The Wisdom of the Whole: Coaching for Joy, Health, and Success
by Linda Bark<p>Learn all about holistic/integral coaching! If you are a professional who helps others to lead flourishing, happier lives, this book will help you become even more effective. If you are interested in learning about effective change for yourself, this book is also for you because of its fun and easy design, playful illustrations, and interactive exercises. <p>The Wisdom of the Whole invites people to look through multiple windows for exploration and action. The powerful mental tools described in this book are based on critical thinking, analysis, and planning. But we can’t stop there! The stories clients tell themselves as well as techniques such as imagery and affirmations, can help clients travel forward on a path to their goals. Ways for coaches and clients to employ intuition and the more subtle aspects of being add to the complete approach. Finding out how sense of purpose can impact motivation or shape an aspiration is also part of this model described here. The multidimensional approach enables people to move more quickly and easily toward their goals with greater authenticity, often eliminating false starts or wrong turns.
Wisdom of Wildly Creative Women: Real Stories from Inspirational, Artistic, and Empowered Women
by Angela Lomenzo James LomenzoReal Stories from Wildly Creative Women“If you need an extra boost of bravery, read this book! If you want to simply feel more positive about the world, read this book!” —Sherry Richert Belul, founder of Simply Celebrate and author of Say It Now#1 New Release in Interviews, Photography Criticism & Essays, and PhotojournalismAngela LoMenzo combines stunning photography and powerful real stories documented from interviews with a diverse group of accomplished women that encourages us to dig deep into our own creative lives!Women from all walks of life. Artists, musicians, authors, fashion designers, entrepreneurs, and others from a multitude of creative careers share their experiences with depression, bullying, infertility, cancer, assault, loss of loved ones, drug addiction, and many other issues women often do not have a safe space to talk about. These stories show you just how real life is.Powerful affirmations and true-life stories to empower you. This book is packed with words of wisdom from women who have both overcome adversity and achieved an authentic life honoring their individuality and freedom of personal expression. Their real stories illustrate that it is possible to live the life you have always desired now.Inside, you’ll find:Words of wisdom and beautiful photography of wildly creative womenRaw and authentic interviews featuring stories by women redefining the role of a womanAnd much more!If you're looking for unique gifts for women who have everything or if you like books such as Women, In the Company of Women, Collective Wisdom, or A Room of Her Own, you need to read Wisdom of Wildly Creative Women!
Wissenschaftliche Paper publizieren für Dummies
by Frank ErdnüßEs ist soweit: Sie haben endlose Zeit im Labor, Feld oder über Literaturbergen verbracht und nun ist es an der Zeit, Ihre Erkenntnisse der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft mitzuteilen; kurzum Sie müssen oder wollen in einer Fachzeitschrift publizieren. Dabei gibt es einiges zu beachten und meist ist die Zeit auch noch knapp. Aber keine Sorge, Frank Erdnüß hat für Sie kurz alles Wichtige zusammengestellt, was es bei einer wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichung zu beachten gibt. Egal ob es Ihr erstes Paper ist oder ob Sie schon Publikationserfahrung haben; Sie erhalten Tipps zur Auswahl des richtigen Journals, zu Statistik, Literaturverwaltung, Grafiken, Zitierweisen, Wissenschaftsenglisch und vielem mehr. Dieses praxisnahe Buch begleitet Sie über die gesamte Manuskripterstellung und den Publikationsprozess hinweg, bis es schließlich heißt: Paper accepted.
Wissenschaftsjournalismus zwischen Elfenbeinturm und Boulevard: Eine Langzeitanalyse Der Wissenschaftsberichterstattung Deutscher Zeitungen
by Helena BergHelena Berg beschäftigt sich mit der Frage nach Boulevardisierungstendenzen in der Wissenschaftsberichterstattung deutscher überregionaler Qualitätszeitungen. Basierend auf einer Inhaltsanalyse im Zeitraum von 1995 bis einschließlich 2014 untersucht die Autorin Veränderungen der Berichterstattung im Hinblick auf zentrale gestalterische, inhaltliche und sprachliche Merkmale des Boulevardjournalismus. Dabei stellt sie Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in der Entwicklung der fünf analysierten Zeitungen heraus und nimmt eine differenzierte Betrachtung des Zusammenhangs von Boulevardisierungsprozessen und journalistischer Qualität vor.
Wissenschaftskommunikation, neu sortiert: Eine Systematisierung der externen Kommunikationen der Wissenschaft
by Peer PasternackDer Ausgangspunkt dieser Neusortierung ist: Wissenschaftskommunikation ist die Kontaktaufnahme und -pflege der Wissenschaft mit der Nichtwissenschaft, also mit ihrer Umwelt. Damit wird das Verständnis von Wissenschaftskommunikation sowohl eingeschränkt als auch erweitert: eingeschränkt auf die externe Kommunikation der Wissenschaft, erweitert auf jegliche Kontaktaufnahmen und -pflege der Wissenschaft mit der Nichtwissenschaft.Es zeigt sich, dass es sehr viel mehr Wissenschaftskommunikation gibt, als man gemeinhin denkt, darunter zahlreiche Varianten, die noch gar nicht als Wissenschaftskommunikation erkannt werden. Zugleich zeigt sich: Gemessen an der Verarbeitbarkeit der Angebote findet zu viel Wissenschaftskommunikation statt, und gemessen an der Wirksamkeit der Angebote findet zu wenig effektive, d. h. zielerreichende Wissenschaftskommunikation statt. Um das zu ändern, bedarf es eines deutlichen Bildes davon, was Wissenschaftskommunikation ist, wie sie von anderen Kommunikationen abgegrenzt ist und wie sie intern differenziert ist. Dieses Bild wird hier gezeichnet.
With the Beatles
by Lewis LaphamHalfway between the summer of love and the Tet offensive, the Beatles went to India to study with the Maharishi--and Lewis Lapham, esteemed Harper's editor and award-winning writer, was there. WITH THE BEATLES is a remarkable book of cultural commentary on that seminal '60s moment.The ashram in Rishikesh, India was the ultimate '60s scene: the Beatles, Donovan, Mia Farrow, a stray Beach Boy and other '60s icons gathered along the shores of the Ganges--amidst paisley and incense and flowers and guitars--to meditate at the feet of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The February 1968 gathering received such frenzied, world-wide attention that it is still considered a significant, early encounter between Western pop culture and the mystical East. And Lewis Lapham was the only journalist allowed inside.And what went on inside the compound has long been the subject of wild speculation and rampant rumor. The Beatles said they wrote some of their greatest songs there . . . and yet they also came away bitterly disillusioned. In WITH THE BEATLES, Lewis Lapham finally tells the whole story.
Within the Veil: Black Journalists, White Media
by Pamela NewkirkWinner of the National Press Club Prize for Media CriticismUnmasks race-related conflicts in the newsrooms and the push for more equitable coverage of racial minorities Thirty years ago, the Kerner Commission Report made national headlines by exposing the consistently biased coverage afforded African Americans in the mainstream media. While the report acted as a much ballyhooed wake-up call, the problems it identified have stubbornly persisted, despite the infusion of black and other racial minority journalists into the newsroom. In Within the Veil, Pamela Newkirk unmasks the ways in which race continues to influence reportage, both overtly and covertly. Newkirk charts a series of race-related conflicts at news organizations across the country, illustrating how African American journalists have influenced and been denied influence to the content, presentation, and very nature of news. Through anecdotes culled from interviews with over 100 broadcast and print journalists, Newkirk exposes the trials and triumphs of African American journalists as they struggle in pursuit of more equitable coverage of racial minorities. She illuminates the agonizing dilemmas they face when writing stories critical of blacks, stories which force them to choose between journalistic integrity, their own advancement, and the almost certain enmity of the black community.Within the Veil is a gripping front-line report on the continuing battle to integrate America's newsrooms and news coverage.Companion website: http://www.nyupress.nyu.edu/authors/veil.html
Without a Trace: The Life of Sierra Phantom
by Danielle NadlerIt started as just another interview. Young journalist Danielle Nadler agreed to call an old man who had lived 50 years in the wilderness of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Through their weekly conversations, the mountaineer boasts of his decades of outdoor survival only to eventually reveal his personal tragedies that drove him to life in the wild. Without a Trace drops readers into the California mountain town of Bishop alongside the man locals call Sierra Phantom just as he surrenders to life with an address, and searches for a renewed purpose and community with which to share it.
Without Compromise: The Brave Journalism that First Exposed Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and the American Epidemic of Corruption
by Wayne BarrettA collection of groundbreaking investigations by Wayne Barrett, the intrepid, muckraking Village Voice journalist who exposed corruption in New York City and beyond.With piercing moral clarity and exacting rigor, Wayne Barrett tracked political corruption in the pages of the Village Voice fact by fact, document by document for 40 years. The first to report on the scams and crooked deals that fueled the rise of Donald Trump in 1979, Barrett went on to expose the shady dealings of small-time slum lords and powerful New York City politicians alike, from Ed Koch to Rudy Giuliani to Michael Bloomberg.Without Compromise is the first anthology of Barrett's investigative work, accompanied by essays from colleagues and those he trained. In an age of lies, fog, and propaganda, when the profession of journalism is degraded by the White House and the industry is under financial threat, Barrett reminds us that facts, when clearly accumulated, are our best defense of democracy.Featuring essays by:Joe ConasonKim Phillips-FeinErrol LouisGerson BorreroTom RobbinsTracie McMillanPeter NoelAdam FifieldJarrett MurphyAndrea BernsteinJennifer GonnermanMac Barrett
Without Saying a Word: Master the Science of Body Language and Maximize Your Success
by Kasia Wezowski Patryk WezowskiWithout Saying a Word explains how even the subtlest motions have meaning. Distilling decades of research, the book deciphers these unspoken signals.One wrong move can undercut your message. Believe it or not, our bodies speak louder than our words. Postures, gestures, and expressions convey reams of information—and often not what you’d expect. A smile, for example, is usually considered welcoming. But crook one corner of your mouth higher and you project superiority, subconsciously chasing other people away. Without Saying a Word explains how even the subtlest motions have meaning. Distilling decades of research, the book deciphers these unspoken signals: from facial expressions and fleeting micro expressions to positive and negative body language. Discover which postures and gestures indicate confidence and build rapport—and which reveal disinterest, arrogance, or even aggression. Learn to end off-putting habits, accentuate good ones, and become an authentic and effective communicator. Exhibiting body language that is open, honest, and self-assured increases your social influence and enhances your skill as a negotiator . . . while the ability to read the emotions and intentions of others is equally indispensable. Whether you’re making a presentation, pitching a project, or closing a deal, the right body language can be your best ally.
Witness: One of the Great Foreign Correspondents of the Twentieth Century Tells Her Story
by Ruth GruberWith her perfect memory (and plenty of zip), ninety-five-year-old Ruth Gruber--adventurer, international correspondent, photographer, maker of (and witness to) history, responsible for rescuing hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees during World War II and after--tells her story in her own words and photographs. Gruber's life has been extraordinary and extraordinarily heroic. She received a B.A. from New York University in three years, a master's degree from the University of Wisconsin a year later, and a Ph.D. from the University of Cologne (magna cum laude) one year after that, becoming at age twenty the youngest Ph.D. in the world (it made headlines in The New York Times; the subject of her thesis: the then little-known Virginia Woolf). At twenty-four, Gruber became an international correspondent for the New York Herald Tribune and traveled across the Soviet Arctic, scooping the world and witnessing, firsthand, the building of cities in the Siberian gulag by the pioneers and prisoners Stalin didn't execute... At thirty, she traveled to Alaska for Harold L. Ickes, FDR's secretary of the interior, to look into homesteading for G.I.s after World War II... And when she was thirty-three, Ickes assigned another secret mission to her--one that transformed her life: Gruber escorted 1,000 Holocaust survivors from Italy to America, the only Jews given refuge in this country during the war. "I have a theory," Gruber said, "that even though we're born Jews, there is a moment in our lives when we become Jews. On that ship, I became a Jew." Gruber's role as rescuer of Jews was just beginning. In Witness, Gruber writes about what she saw and shows us, through her haunting and life-affirming photographs-- taken on each of her assignments-- the worlds, the people, the landscapes, the courage, the hope, the life she witnessed up close and firsthand: the Siberian gulag of the 1930s and the new cities being built there (Gruber, then untrained as a photographer, brought her first Rolleicord with her)... the Alaska highway of 1943, built by 11,000 soldiers, mostly black men from the South (the highway went from Dawson Creek, British Columbia, 1,500 miles to Fairbanks)... her thirteen-day voyage on the army-troop transport Henry Gibbins with refugees and wounded American soldiers, escorting and then photographing the refugees as they arrived in Oswego, New York (they arrived in upstate New York as Adolf Eichmann was sending 750,000 Jews from Hungary to Auschwitz). In 1947, Gruber traveled for the Herald Tribune with the United Nations Special Commission on Palestine (UNSCOP) through the postwar displaced persons camps in Europe, and then to North Africa, Palestine, and the Arab world; the committee's recommendation that Palestine be partitioned into a Jewish state and an Arab state was one of the key factors that led to the founding of Israel. We see Gruber's remarkable photographs of a former American pleasure boat (which had been renamed Exodus 1947) as it limped into Haifa harbor, trying to deliver 4,500 Jewish refugees (including 600 orphans), under attack by five British destroyers and a cruiser that stormed the Exodus with guns, tear gas, and truncheons, while the crew of the Exodus fought back with potatoes, sticks, and cans of kosher meat. In a cable to the Herald Tribune, Gruber reported that "the ship looks like a matchbox splintered by a nutcracker." She was with the people of the Exodus and photographed them when they were herded onto three prison ships. Gruber represented the entire American press aboard the ship Runnymede Park, photographing the prisoners as they defiantly painted a swastika on the Union Jack. During her thirty-two years as a correspondent, Ruth Gruber photographed what she saw and captured the triumph of the human spirit. "Take photographs with your heart," Edward Steichen told her. Witness is a revelation--of a time, a place, a world, a spirit, a belief. It is, above all else, a book of heart.
The Wives: The Women Behind Russia's Literary Giants
by Alexandra PopoffMuses and editors, saviors and publishers: Meet the women behind the greatest works of Russian literature "Behind every good man is a good woman" is a common saying, but when it comes to literature, the relationship between spouses is even that much more complex. F. Scott Fitzgerald, James Joyce, and D. H. Lawrence used their marriages for literary inspiration and material, sometime at the expense of their spouses' sanity. Thomas Carlyle wanted his wife to assist him, but Jane Carlyle became increasingly bitter and resentful in her new role, putting additional strain on their relationship. In Russian literary marriages, however, the wives of some of the most famous authors of all time did not resent taking a "secondary position," although to call their position secondary does not do justice to the vital role these women played in the creation of some of the greatest literary works in history. From Sophia Tolstoy to Véra Nabokov, Elena Bulgakov, Nadezdha Mandelstam, Anna Dostevsky, and Natalya Solzhenitsyn, these women ranged from stenographers and typists to editors, researchers, translators, and even publishers. Living under restrictive regimes, many of these women battled censorship and preserved the writers' illicit archives, often risking their own lives to do so. They established a tradition all their own, unmatched in the West. Many of these women were the writers' intellectual companions and made invaluable contributions to the creative process. And their husbands knew it. Leo Tolstoy made no secret of Sofia's involvement in War and Peace in his letters, and Vladimir Nabokov referred to Véra as his own "single shadow."
The Wolf in CIO's Clothing: A Machiavellian Strategy for Successful IT Leadership
by Tina NunnoMachiavellians are few in number in IT. The massive pressure on CIOs continues to increase as the opportunities to use technology in business become more prevalent and more competitive. As CIOs often find themselves at the center of business conflict, they must not only familiarize themselves with Machiavellian tactics as a defensive weapon, but also learn to use them as an offensive weapon in extreme situations so that they can increase IT's contribution to their enterprises.As Italian political philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli implied, you're either predator or prey, and the animal you most resemble determines your position on the food chain. In The Wolf in CIO's Clothing Gartner analyst and author Tina Nunno expands on Machiavelli's metaphor, examining seven animal types and the leadership attributes of each. Nunno posits the wolf -- a social animal with strong predatory instincts--as the ideal example of how a leader can adapt and thrive.Technology may be black and white, but successful leadership demands an ability to exist in the grey. Drawing on her experience with hundreds of CIOs, Nunno charts a viable way to master the Machiavellian principles of power, manipulation, love, and war. Through compelling case studies, her approach demonstrates how CIOs and IT leaders can adjust their leadership styles in extreme situations for their own success and that of their teams.
The Wolf of Wall Street: More Incredible True Stories Of Fortunes, Schemes, Parties, And Prison
by Jordan BelfortStock market multimillionaire at 26. Federal convict at 36. The iconic true story of greed, power and excess.THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER AND MAJOR MOVIE SENSATION, DIRECTED BY MARTIN SCORSESE AND STARRING LEONARDO DICAPRIO'What separates Jordan's story from others like it, is the brutal honesty.' - Leonardo DiCaprioBy day he made thousands of dollars a minute. By night he spent it as fast as he could. From the binge that sunk a 170-foot motor yacht and ran up a $700,000 hotel tab, to the wife and kids who waited for him for at home, and the fast-talking, hard-partying young stockbrokers who called him king and did his bidding, here, in Jordan Belfort's own words, is the story of the ill-fated genius they called THE WOLF OF WALL STREET.In the 1990s Jordan Belfort became one of the most infamous names in American finance: a brilliant, conniving stock-chopper who led his merry mob on a wild ride out of the canyons of Wall Street and into a massive office on Long Island. It's an extraordinary story of greed, power and excess no one could invent - and then it all came crashing down.'The outrageous memoirs of the real Gordon Gekko' Daily Mail'Reads like a cross between Tom Wolfe's Bonfire of the Vanities and Scorsese's Goodfellas' Sunday Times
The Wolf of Wall Street
by Jordan BelfortNOW AN AWARD-WINNING MOTION PICTURE DIRECTED BY MARTIN SCORSESE, STARRING LEONARDO DICAPRIO, MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY AND JONAH HILL.'What separates Jordan's story from others like it, is the brutal honesty.' - Leonardo DiCaprioBy day he made thousands of dollars a minute. By night he spent it as fast as he could, on drugs, sex, and international globe-trotting. From the binge that sunk a 170-foot motor yacht, crashed a Gulfstream jet, and ran up a $700,000 hotel tab, to the wife and kids who waited for him for at home, and the fast-talking, hard-partying young stockbrokers who called him king and did his bidding, here, in his own inimitable words, is the story of the ill-fated genius they called... THE WOLF OF WALL STREET In the 1990s Jordan Belfort, former kingpin of the notorious investment firm Stratton Oakmont, became one of the most infamous names in American finance: a brilliant, conniving stock-chopper who led his merry mob on a wild ride out of the canyons of Wall Street and into a massive office on Long Island. In this astounding and hilarious tell-all autobiography, Belfort narrates a story of greed, power, and excess no one could invent - the story of an ordinary guy who went from hustling Italian ices at sixteen to making hundreds of millions. Until it all came crashing down.(P)2013 John Murray Press
The Wolf Shall Dwell with the Lamb: A Spirituality for Leadership in a Multicultural Community
by Eric H. F. LawThis groundbreaking work explores how certain cultures consciously and unconsciously dominate in multicultural situations and what can be done about it.
The Woman All Spies Fear: Code Breaker Elizebeth Smith Friedman and Her Hidden Life
by Amy Butler GreenfieldAn inspiring true story, perfect for fans of Hidden Figures, about an American woman who pioneered codebreaking in WWI and WWII but was only recently recognized for her extraordinary contributions.Elizebeth Smith Friedman had a rare talent for spotting patterns and solving puzzles. These skills led her to become one of the top cryptanalysts in America during both World War I and World War II. She originally came to code breaking through her love for Shakespeare when she was hired by an eccentric millionaire to prove that Shakespeare's plays had secret messages in them. Within a year, she had learned so much about code breaking that she was a star in the making. She went on to play a major role decoding messages during WWI and WWII and also for the Coast Guard's war against smugglers. Elizebeth and her husband, William, became the top code-breaking team in the US, and she did it all at a time when most women weren't welcome in the workforce. Amy Butler Greenfield is an award-winning historian and novelist who aims to shed light on this female pioneer of the STEM community.