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The Yellow Journalism: The Press and America's Emergence as a World Power

by David R. Spencer

When a case containing dismembered human remains surfaced in New York's East River in June of 1897, the publisher of the New York Journal--a young, devil-may-care millionaire named William Randolph Hearst--decided that his newspaper would "scoop" the city's police department by solving this heinous crime. Pulling out all the stops, Hearst launched more than a journalistic murder investigation; his newspaper's active intervention in the city's daily life, especially its underside, marked the birth of the Yellow Press. <p><p>In a work that studies the rise and fall of this phenomenon, David R. Spencer documents the fierce competition that characterized yellow journalism, the social realities and trends that contributed to its success (and its ultimate demise), its accomplishments for good or ill, and its long-term legacy. Most notable among Hearst's competitors was New York City's The World, owned and managed by a European Jewish immigrant named Joseph Pulitzer. The Yellow Journalism describes how these two papers and others exploited the scandal, corruption, and crime among the city's most influential citizens, and its most desperate inhabitants--a policy that made this "journalism of action" remarkably effective, not just as a commercial force, but also as an advocate for the city's poor and defenseless. <p><p>Spencer shows how many of the innovations first introduced during this period--from investigative reporting to the use of color, entertainment news, and cartoons in papers--have had a lasting effect on journalism; and how media in our day reflects the Yellow Press's influence, but also its threatened irrelevance within the broader realities of contemporary society.

Yes!: 60 secrets from the science of persuasion

by Robert B. Cialdini Steve Martin Noah J. Goldstein

Since its publication in 2007, Yes! has shown how small changes can make a big difference to everyone's powers of persuasion - both at work and at home.Every day, we face the challenge of persuading others to do what we want. But what makes people say 'yes' to our requests? Based on decades of research into the psychology of persuasion, this book reveals many remarkable insights that will help you be more persuasive both at work and at home.Co-written by the world's most quoted expert on influence, Professor Robert Cialdini, Yes! contains dozens of tips that you wouldn't want to miss out on - all of them scientifically proven to boost your powers of persuasion.This special tenth Anniversary edition features ten new chapters of updated research and fresh secrets of persuasion. You will find out how to stop your listeners getting bored, what you can do on your commute to increase your influence, and why being second place is worse than being third. Whether you want someone to promote you, take their medicine, reduce their carbon footprint or even give you their vote, Yes! shows how small changes in your approach can have a dramatic effect on your success.

Yes Vote: The Public Hearing Plan for Developers

by Katie Coates

Building community support, overcoming opposition, and getting approval for real estate developments are challenging, time-consuming and costly endeavors. Developers can overcome these challenges with the hands-on strategies and tactics covered in Yes Vote: The Public Hearing Plan for Developers. Real estate developers must get approval for their real estate developments at a public hearing so that they don&’t lose money, lose face, and alienate their investors – or worse. They already know that the public hearing has its own pitfalls. They may even lie awake at night worrying about them. For 25 years, Consultant Katie Coates has been helping her clients get approval at their public hearings, even on projects that have been deemed lost causes or hopeless. In Yes Vote, Katie shares her special blend of analysis, strategy and real-world experience with readers so they can get their approval, too.In Yes Vote, readers learn how to:Overcome opposition.Find supporters, even in a hostile environment.Formulate a plan so they have a greater sense of control over their project's destiny.Get elected officials to listen to them instead of only listening to their opponents.Prevail at the public hearing and get approval for their project.

Yes We Did: Photos and Behind-the-Scenes Stories Celebrating Our First African American President

by Lawrence Jackson

"Eight years in the White House went by so fast. That's why I'm so grateful that Lawrence was there to capture them. I hope you enjoy his work as much as I do."--From the foreword by Barack ObamaWhen Lawrence Jackson took the job as White House photographer in early 2009, he knew he'd have a front row seat to history. What he didn't expect was the deep personal connection he would feel, as a fellow African American, with the President of the United States.Yes We Did is filled with Lawrence's intimate photographs and reflections, as well as first-person recollections from President Obama, everyday citizens, and notable personalities including Bono, Stephen Curry, Valerie Jarrett, Admiral Mike Mullen, and others. The book is a celebration of the most inclusive and representative White House in history - where in between momentous and pivotal decisions, the President and First Lady opened the doors of the People's House to schoolkids, athletes, senior citizens, hip-hop artists, and more.For anyone who misses the humanity, grace, and undefinable "cool factor" of the Obama White House, this warm and inspiring book provides an affirming, proud, and focused lens on our history.

YO 2.0

by Dan Schawbel

Los nuevos medios sociales abren un campo enorme de posibilidades en cualquier lugar del mundo. Para conseguir tus objetivos la estrategia más poderosa se basa en lograr diferenciarse mediante tu marca personal. Gracias a las herramientas de los nuevos medios, los blogs y las aplicaciones móviles, existen infinitas oportunidades para darte a conocer y conectar con otras personas.Tanto si estás buscando un trabajo, quieres dar un giro en tu carrera o aspiras a una promoción, Dan Schawbel , el gurú de la marca personal, te guía por el amplio territorio de los medios sociales y te muestra numerosos casos de éxito de personas que han construido sus marcas personales gracias a los medios sociales.Desde los sitios especializados en networking, como LinkedIn, Facebook o Twitter, hasta el potencial de los blogs, de los curriculums en video y de las aplicaciones móviles, Yo 2.0 representa una guía completa, práctica y actualizada para potenciar su marca personal y lograr sus objetivos profesionales.

Yo maldigo el río del tiempo

by Per Petterson

Ambientada en la Dinamarca contemporánea, la novela explora la incapacidad de las personas por comunicarse y entenderse en toda su complejidad humana.

Yo muero hoy: Las revueltas en el mundo árabe

by Olga Rodríguez

Un recorrido por la revoluciones que han sacudido el mundo árabe, desde Túnez hasta Siria. Las revueltas árabes de 2011 no surgieron por generación espontánea. Detrás de la caída de dictadores como Ben Alí, Mubarak o Gadafi hay una larga lucha silenciosa del activismo clandestino en defensa de los derechos humanos, de los movimientos obreros y de las agrupaciones que llevan años trabajando por la justicia social. La constancia de unos pocos sentó las bases y creó los cauces para canalizar el hartazgo de la mayoría. Sin unos y otros las revueltas no habrían tenido lugar. Los movimientos colectivos estallan solo cuando un cúmulo de elementos se encuentran, se mezclan y la mecha prende. Yo muero hoy cuenta las causas, los retos y la historia de esas revueltas, que han marcado los dos últimos años, a partir de las historias individuales de algunos de sus protagonistas. Historias que demuestran que, como dijo Eduardo Galeano, «mucha gente pequeña, en lugares pequeños, haciendo cosas pequeñas, puede cambiar el mundo».

Yo no peleo, tú no peleas: Mejora tus relaciones y vive en armonía

by Alejandra Stamateas

Aprende a navegar las dificultades de las relaciones interpersonales de la mano de Alejandra Stamateas Aprende a navegar las dificultades de las relaciones interpersonales de la mano de Alejandra Stamateas Es tan fácil amar a los demás cuando la vida es buena y te llevas bien con todo el mundo. Pero la mayoría de las veces, nuestras vidas no reflejan el cuento de hadas en el que nos gustaría vivir. Nuestras relaciones personales abarcan aquellas en las que nacimos (la familia) o elegimos (matrimonio y amistades), así como aquellas personas que la vida nos impone (compañeros de trabajo, clientes). Y ese abanico incluye a aquellos que necesitamos y a aquellos que nos manipulan y usan. ¡Esto es la vida real! y vivir la vida no siempre es tan fácil como Facebook e Instagram lo hacen parecer. En su nuevo libro, Alejandra Stamateas nos ayudará a navegar las relaciones más difíciles para que podamos disfrutar de las personas que están en nuestras vidas. Nos ayudará a restaurar lo que se rompió, nos abrirá los ojos para ver cuándo una relación no es saludable ¡y nos proporcionará una salida! Con historias y desafios personales, la autora presentará muchas de las problemáticas actuales de las relaciones interpersonales, dando tips para poder relacionarnos con uno mismo y con el otro de unamanera saludable. Contenido: Cómo me llevo con: · Mi vida familiar · Mi vida profesional · Mi vida diaria Conmigo misma

Yoga as Resistance: Equity and Inclusion On and Off the Mat

by Dr. Stacie Graham

A powerful manifesto outlining the personal inner work and practical steps that yoga practitioners and studios need to take to move to true equity and inclusion – on the mat, and off.Yoga as Resistance outlines a dynamic programme of social justice reform within the yoga industry. The majority of teachers in North America and Europe are white, able-bodied, cis-gendered, so how can they create inclusive environments? This book will inspire and welcome all to take part in questioning the status quo and learn how to move towards equity, and why it matters. Yoga teachers will learn why the most marginalized matter, even if they are not in the room: and how this affects their teaching.The book is structured around Sanskrit roots of yoga: TAPAS, AHIMSA, ASTEYA, SATYA. The meanings are explored in alignment with the social justice work presented.Each chapter closes with a yoga or meditation practice or journaling activity, to embody deeper understanding and work through any discomfort and issues that may arise, on a somatic and spiritual level. Diversity and inclusion within the wellness industry has been increasingly under the spotlight. This book responds to the appetite for guidance on how we actively create change. The mission of Yoga as Resistance is to educate and empower yoga practitioners and professionals to take action in aligning their practice on the mat with their lives off the mat.

Yoga for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents and Caregivers

by Stacey W. Betts Dion Betts

Having successfully used yoga to combat the stress of their own busy lives, Dion and Stacey Betts discovered its potential for their son Joshua, who has Asperger Syndrome. This fully-illustrated book combines the authors' professional expertise with their experience of parenting, offering a range of gentle and fun yoga positions and breathing techniques that are effective in dealing with the increased levels of anxiety, disorientation and tactile sensitivity often found in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). The authors give step-by-step descriptions of warming-up, strengthening, calming, and tension-releasing exercises that are suitable for reducing coping mechanisms, such as hand-flapping, and increasing muscle tone, muscle strength and body awareness. They also offer a range of short and long sequences that can be tailored to fit the needs of the individual child. Yoga for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders is ideal for parents and caregivers who want to use simple yoga techniques to help children with ASDs overcome some of the symptoms of the disorder.

Yoko Tawada's Portrait of a Tongue: An Experimental Translation by Chantal Wright (Literary Translation)

by Yoko Tawada

Yoko Tawada's Portrait of a Tongue: An Experimental Translation by Chantal Wright is a hybrid text, innovatively combining literary criticism, experimental translation, and scholarly commentary. This work centres on a German-language prose text by Yoko Tawada entitled ‘Portrait of a Tongue’ [‘Porträt einer Zunge’, 2002]. Yoko Tawada is a native speaker of Japanese who learned German as an adult. Portrait of a Tongue is a portrait of a German woman—referred to only as P—who has lived in the United States for many years and whose German has become inflected by English. The text is the first-person narrator’s declaration of love for P and for her language, a ‘thinking-out-loud’ about language(s), and a self-reflexive commentary. Chantal Wright offers a critical response and a new approach to the translation process by interweaving Tawada’s text and the translator’s dialogue, creating a side-by-side reading experience that encourages the reader to move seamlessly between the two parts. Chantal Wright’s technique models what happens when translators read and responds to calls within Translation Studies for translators to claim visibility, to practice “thick translation”, and to develop their own creative voices. This experimental translation addresses a readership within the academic disciplines of Translation Studies, Germanic Studies, and related fields. - This book is published in English.

A Yorkshire Boyhood

by Roy Hattersley

It was not until he was dead and I was forty that I realised my father was once in Holy Orders,' Roy Hattersley tells us in the opening pages of A YORKSHIRE BOYHOOD; so setting the tone for an elegant, continually surprising book.A somewhat precocious only child, Roy grew up surrounded by protective, ever-anxious adults, equally determined to expose him to books and to shield him from germs -- second-hand books were decontaminated by a sharp session in the oven. Uncle Ernest, a timber merchant's clerk celebrated for his skill at 'fretwork and the manipulation of Indian clubs'; a ten-year feud with the next-door neighbours; unwavering devotion to Sheffield Wednesday - all the pleasures and pangs of northern working-class childhood are magnificently evoked as Roy Hattersley takes us through the hardships of the Thirties and the Blitz; and into the 1940s, the 11-plus examination and Grammar School.Completely updated, A YORKSHIRE BOYHOOD is an autobiographical essay of unusual wit, eloquence and candour.

A Yorkshire Boyhood

by Roy Hattersley

It was not until he was dead and I was forty that I realised my father was once in Holy Orders,' Roy Hattersley tells us in the opening pages of A YORKSHIRE BOYHOOD; so setting the tone for an elegant, continually surprising book.A somewhat precocious only child, Roy grew up surrounded by protective, ever-anxious adults, equally determined to expose him to books and to shield him from germs -- second-hand books were decontaminated by a sharp session in the oven. Uncle Ernest, a timber merchant's clerk celebrated for his skill at 'fretwork and the manipulation of Indian clubs'; a ten-year feud with the next-door neighbours; unwavering devotion to Sheffield Wednesday - all the pleasures and pangs of northern working-class childhood are magnificently evoked as Roy Hattersley takes us through the hardships of the Thirties and the Blitz; and into the 1940s, the 11-plus examination and Grammar School.Completely updated, A YORKSHIRE BOYHOOD is an autobiographical essay of unusual wit, eloquence and candour.

You Are The Brand: The 8-Step Blueprint to Showcase Your Unique Expertise and Build a Highly Profitable, Personally Fulfilling Business

by Mike Kim

An inspiring and practical guide to help corporate professionals start, run, and grow a side-hustle into a full-time personal brand business as a coach, consultant, or creator.

You Are Here: A Field Guide for Navigating Polarized Speech, Conspiracy Theories, and Our Polluted Media Landscape

by Whitney Phillips Ryan M. Milner

How to understand a media environment in crisis, and how to make things better by approaching information ecologically.Our media environment is in crisis. Polarization is rampant. Polluted information floods social media. Even our best efforts to help clean up can backfire, sending toxins roaring across the landscape. In You Are Here, Whitney Phillips and Ryan Milner offer strategies for navigating increasingly treacherous information flows. Using ecological metaphors, they emphasize how our individual me is entwined within a much larger we, and how everyone fits within an ever-shifting network map.

You are the Explorer

by Nathan Aaseng

Discusses the decisions faced by such explorers as Christopher Columbus, James Cook, Samuel de Champlain, and Robert Scott, offers options these men needed to consider, and analyzes the courses of action they chose.

You Are the Message: Getting What You Want by Being Who You Are

by Roger Ailes

"You are the message." What does that mean, exactly? It means that when you communicate with someone, it's not just the words you choose to send to the other person that make up the message. You're also sending signals about what kind of person you are--by your eyes, your facial expression, your body movement, your vocal pitch, tone, volume, and intensity, your commitment to your message, your sense of humor, and many other factors.The receiving person is bombarded with symbols and signals from you. Everything you do in relation to other people causes them to make judgments about what you stand for and what your message is. "You are the message" comes down to the fact that unless you identify yourself as a walking, talking message, you miss that critical point. The words themselves are meaningless unless the rest of you is in synchronization. The total you affects how others think of and respond to you.

You Can Be A Winning Writer: The 4 C's System to Author Success: Craft, Commitment, Community & Confidence

by Joan Gelfand

A professional author shares the keys to success—from first draft to first printing and beyond—in this complete writer’s guide.For more than a decade, author Joan Gelfand has taught writers of all levels and disciplines how to find creative writing success using her unique 4 C’s approach that combines Craft, Commitment, Community and Confidence. In You Can Be a Winning Writer, Gelfand explains the 4 C’s with humor, empathy, and real-life anecdotes from famous, working, and emerging authors.The 4 C’s provide solid tips on mastering your craft, connecting with a literary community, and building your fan base. But the essential component to all of this is confidence. Gelfand knows that a lack of confidence has kept too many writers unpublished for too long. With the help of Renate Stendhal, PhD, Joan defines clear steps to overcoming the lack-of-confidence demon that haunts so many aspiring authors.This literary reference and publishing guide includes:Key authorship and publishing tipsImportant post-publication strategiesGuidance on avoiding common mistakesHow to enjoy greater success with the 4 C’s

You Can Get It If You Really Want: Start your business, transform your life

by Levi Roots

You Can Get It If You Really Want, by Levi Roots, the man behind the Reggae Reggae Sauce empire and hero of BBC's 'Dragons' Den', is a business book brimming with positivity. In this inspirational and upbeat book, Levi provides essential tips and advice for successful business start-ups whatever your idea and wherever your starting point might be. This book includes informative and practical advice as well as Levi's personal anecdotes of his success and the lessons he learned from his mistakes. Levi's experience and passion for his message shines through every chapter. Additionally, the book includes personal insights from Peter Jones (Levi's own Dragon) and many other entrepreneurs and captains of industry. You Can Get It If You Really Want also includes Levi's Top 10 Rules for the Roots of Business Success - together with an array of business tools to slay the dragons waiting in the world of start-ups.

You Can Negotiate Anything: The World's Best Negotiator Tells You How To Get What You Want

by Herb Cohen

Nine months on the New York Times bestseller list. Over One Million Copies Sold! YES, YOU CAN WIN! Master negotiator Herb Cohen has been successfully negotiating everything from insurance claims to hostage releases to his own son’s hair length and hundreds of other matters for over five decades. Ever since coining the term “win-win” in 1963, he has been teaching people the world over how to get what they want in any situation. In clear, accessible steps, he reveals how anyone can use the three crucial variables of Power, Time, and Information to always reach a win-win negotiation. No matter who you’re dealing with, Cohen shows how every encounter is a negotiation that matters. With the tools and skill sets he has devised, honed, and perfected over countless negotiations, the power of getting what you deserve is now a practical necessity you can fully master. “Flawlessly organized.” —Kirkus Reviews

You Can Say That Again!: A Fun Approach to Sounding Better When You Open Your Mouth to Speak

by Bruce Rogers

You Can Say That Again is Bruce Rogers’ light-hearted look at the the English language. It examines the origins, history, and peculiarities of the language, and provides instruction on how to speak effectively. It sets the record straight on how to pronounce some of the most troublesome words and names. It examines the standards of the electronic media and finds them wanting. And it offers tips on preparation and presentation for platform speakers and broadcasters. You Can Say That Again has a language quiz in every chapter, along with lists of origins, political and business terms, sports and science bloopers, puns, limericks, and euphemisms. There’s a pronunciation guide for major languages. And there is help for those who want to join the battle against jargon, slang, and cliches. Vocal confidence is essential for personal success. You Can Say That Again can help you sound better when you open your mouth to speak.

You Can Trust Me: The gripping, glamorous psychological thriller you won't want to miss

by Emma Rowley

The gripping psychological thriller full of twists and turns, from the bestselling author of WHERE THE MISSING GO - for fans of FOUND by Erin Kinsley, ALL THE RAGE by Cara Hunter and THE FAMILY UPSTAIRS by Lisa Jewell.'A gripping mystery in two compelling voices, exposing the dark side of influencer culture' Claire McGowan, author of THE PUSH*****************You can trust me.But can I trust you?Olivia is the domestic goddess who has won millions of followers by sharing her picture-perfect life online. And now she's releasing her tell-all autobiography.For professional ghostwriter Nicky it's the biggest job of her career. But as she delves deeper into Olivia's life, cracks begin to appear in the glamorous façade. From the strained relationship with her handsome husband, to murky details of a tragic family death in her childhood, the truth belies Olivia's perfect public image.But why is Olivia so desperate to leave an old tragedy well alone? And how far will she go to keep Nicky from the truth?*****************If you like Clare Mackintosh, Fiona Barton, Teresa Driscoll, Jenny Blackhurst, Rachel Abbott, Laura Marshall, Joy Ellis, Cara Hunter, Mel Sherratt or Lisa Jewell then you will be utterly gripped by this psychological thriller with a massive twist you won't see coming.Praise for You Can Trust Me:'Brilliant characters and unexpected turns! Grows and changes with every reveal...' Louisa de Lange, author of THE DREAM WIFE'So clever, so unpredictable, dark, haunting. I don't have enough words to do it justice' L V Matthews, author of THE PRANK (coming 2021)'An outstanding story. Cleverly plotted, fantastically written and a fast-paced, intriguing read' Lauren North, author of THE PERFECT BETRAYAL'Emotional, gripping and fast-paced. A taut, extremely satisfying thriller' Carys Jones, author of THE LIST'A completely gripping thriller, and a breath of fresh air. You need to read this book' Rebecca Reid, author of TRUTH HURTS'An utterly absorbing novel to escape into' Vikki Patis, author of THE GIRL ACROSS THE STREET'Twists and more twists! Original and gripping...' Jackie Kabler, author of THE PERFECT COUPLE'Atmospheric and claustrophobic. Very cleverly plotted; you won't know who to trust' Catherine Cooper, author of THE CHALET'Loved how it grasped my attention right from the off and then didn't let go!' Sam Carrington, author of SAVING SOPHIE'Curl up on the sofa with You Can Trust Me, Emma Rowley's tense thriller' Grazia'Rowley has a firm grip on language and plot, and her easy, chatty style disguises a genuine emotional intelligence' Daily Mail'An involving and atmospheric psychological thriller' Crime Monthly

You Can Trust Me: The gripping, glamorous psychological thriller you won't want to miss

by Emma Rowley

The gripping psychological thriller full of twists and turns, from the bestselling author of WHERE THE MISSING GO - for fans of FOUND by Erin Kinsley, ALL THE RAGE by Cara Hunter and THE FAMILY UPSTAIRS by Lisa Jewell.'A gripping mystery in two compelling voices, exposing the dark side of influencer culture' Claire McGowan, author of THE PUSH*****************You can trust me.But can I trust you?Olivia is the domestic goddess who has won millions of followers by sharing her picture-perfect life online. And now she's releasing her tell-all autobiography.For professional ghostwriter Nicky it's the biggest job of her career. But as she delves deeper into Olivia's life, cracks begin to appear in the glamorous façade. From the strained relationship with her handsome husband, to murky details of a tragic family death in her childhood, the truth belies Olivia's perfect public image.But why is Olivia so desperate to leave an old tragedy well alone? And how far will she go to keep Nicky from the truth?*****************If you like Clare Mackintosh, Fiona Barton, Teresa Driscoll, Jenny Blackhurst, Rachel Abbott, Laura Marshall, Joy Ellis, Cara Hunter, Mel Sherratt or Lisa Jewell then you will be utterly gripped by this psychological thriller with a massive twist you won't see coming.Praise for You Can Trust Me:'Brilliant characters and unexpected turns! Grows and changes with every reveal...' Louisa de Lange, author of THE DREAM WIFE'So clever, so unpredictable, dark, haunting. I don't have enough words to do it justice' L V Matthews, author of THE PRANK (coming 2021)'An outstanding story. Cleverly plotted, fantastically written and a fast-paced, intriguing read' Lauren North, author of THE PERFECT BETRAYAL'Emotional, gripping and fast-paced. A taut, extremely satisfying thriller' Carys Jones, author of THE LIST'A completely gripping thriller, and a breath of fresh air. You need to read this book' Rebecca Reid, author of TRUTH HURTS'An utterly absorbing novel to escape into' Vikki Patis, author of THE GIRL ACROSS THE STREET'Twists and more twists! Original and gripping...' Jackie Kabler, author of THE PERFECT COUPLE'Atmospheric and claustrophobic. Very cleverly plotted; you won't know who to trust' Catherine Cooper, author of THE CHALET'Loved how it grasped my attention right from the off and then didn't let go!' Sam Carrington, author of SAVING SOPHIE'Curl up on the sofa with You Can Trust Me, Emma Rowley's tense thriller' Grazia'Rowley has a firm grip on language and plot, and her easy, chatty style disguises a genuine emotional intelligence' Daily Mail'An involving and atmospheric psychological thriller' Crime Monthly

You Coach You: The No.1 Sunday Times Business Bestseller – How to Overcome Challenges and Take Control of Your Career

by Helen Tupper Sarah Ellis

THE SUNDAY TIMES BUSINESS BESTSELLER, January 2022'An insightful guide, filled with actionable advice to empower leaders hoping to improve their professional abilities and make meaningful change in their lives' Richard Branson'What I love about this book is that it gives us the tools to guide ourselves and know that change and our true value is within us all' Mary PortasOur careers are full of potential and possibilities, uncertainty and change. There is no such thing as a straight line to success and there are times when we get stuck, face obstacles, feel frustrated or want to explore new opportunities. In these moments the best place to start is by coaching yourself. No one can solve your problems better than you can, and learning to coach yourself will accelerate your self-awareness and help you take control of your career. In You Coach You, you'll learn the mindset, skillset and toolkit you need to coach yourself. You'll discover practical support on some of the most common coaching challenges including:- Exploring your progression possibilities and making them happen- Building your resilience reserves and turning adversity into action- Moving beyond busy to time well spent and finding the right work-life fit for you- Building the beliefs that help you succeed and overcoming setbacks- Creating the connections you need for your career and fixing friction in difficult relationships- Developing a sense of direction and a purpose that is motivating and meaningful for youPacked with ideas for action and insightful tools, this practical book will help you to get unstuck, and increase your confidence in and control over your career.If you enjoyed reading this, check out The Squiggly Career, Helen and Sarah's Sunday Times no. 1 bestselling guide to supercharging your confidence, playing to your strengths and setting yourself up for success.

You Did What?!: The Biggest Blunders Professionals Make (The Confident Communicator's Guides)

by Kim Zoller Kerry Preston

Hone your professional people skills with this guide to proper and improper business communication and etiquette. A study of thousands of fired employees, conducted by Harvard University&’s Bureau of Vocational Guidance, revealed that for every one person fired for performance-related issues, two lost their jobs for failure to deal with other people successfully and professionally. Setting yourself apart in today&’s highly competitive business environment takes thought and planning. Not only must you have excellent job skills, but you must also have excellent people skills.You Did What?! gives you solid techniques that can be used right away to achieve effective results. Inside you will find: Quick tips and strategies on professional behaviors. Real-life stories of how business behavior can make or break your career Tools to compete with and differentiate yourself from your competitors Whether you are a seasoned executive or a recent college graduate, You Did What?! will prepare you to handle a wide variety of business situations correctly.Praise for You Did What?! &“This is a great book! Zeller and Preston give some great advice when it comes to setting yourself apart in business.&” —JJ Ramberg, host of MSNBC&’s Your Business and author of It&’s Your Business &“This book is so important that we use it in our Mattel Corporate University. Knowing how to handle business situations correctly can make or break a career. You Did What?! is the answer.&” —Ann Adams, director of management development, Mattel, Inc. &“The details in business do matter. This book is the foundation for building successful careers.&” —Carl Sewell, chairman, Sewell Automotive Companies, author of Customers for Life

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