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A 1.778 km de distancia. Cómo cuidar las relaciones en un mundo online
by Ferran Ramón-CortesDel autor de La isla de los 5 faros, con más de 100.000 ejemplares vendidos. Ferran Ramon-Cortés nos ofrece las claves para mejorar la comunicación virtual, fortalecer las relaciones y reconectar a las personas en un mundo online. Tras más de ocho horas enlazando videoconferencias, Ferran acaba una nueva jornada exhausto y frustrado. Recibe entonces un misterioso mensaje: «Apreciado Ferran: (...) desde hace más de un año estoy sumergido en la nueva comunicación virtual; vivo permanentemente conectado a mi familia, a mis amigos y a todo mi entorno, pero cada día me siento más alejado de todos y del mundo. (...) no sé si darle las gracias a esa nueva comunicación virtual o culparla de todo lo que me pasa. (...) Lo que es seguro es que busco respuestas. ¿Las tienes tú?». Acompañado de su fiel perra Nim, Ferran se embarcará en un nuevo viaje con la intención de encontrar respuesta a cinco preguntas clave: - ¿Funciona la comunicación online?- ¿Cómo afecta la comunicación virtual a nuestras relaciones?- ¿Trabajar online es una opción?- ¿Cómo podemos comunicarnos mejor online?- ¿Cómo podemos relacionarnos mejor (punto)? Una reflexión calmada, basada en investigaciones pioneras, en torno a los retos y las oportunidades de la comunicación virtual para las relaciones de hoy.
A la caza de la mujer
by James EllroyJames Ellroy, el legendario autor de novela policiaca, nos ofrece unas memorias crudas y brutalmente sinceras. En 1959 James Ellroy tenía diez años. Un día, después de hacerle un regalo, su madre, Jean Hilliker, que acababa de divorciarse de su marido, le dio a elegir entre vivir con ella o con su padre. James eligió a su padre sin dudarlo y Jean zanjó el asunto con una bofetada. Desde el suelo, James deseó que se muriera y tres meses después fue asesinada. En torno a este hecho, James Ellroy reconstruye su infancia desestructurada, los delitos de su época adolescente y la temporada que pasó en la cárcel, su vida como escritor, su avidez sexual, sus matrimonios fallidos y la crisis nerviosa que tuvo cuando conoció a una mujer extraordinaria que podría haber sido Ella. Superponiendo épocas y lugares, momentos cargados de emoción e instantes llenos de clarividencia, Ellroy narra la historia de su vida con el pulso narrativo desus mejores novelas. La crítica ha dicho... «El último libro de James Ellroy es también el más íntimo y personal. Es convincente e implacable en sus revelaciones. Sus frases hacen que te sientas agradecido de leer su prosa, cargada de esa furia, pasión y energía maravillosas.»San Francisco Chronicle «Quizá las memorias más confesionales que he leído nunca.»Dallas Morning News
A ver esa lengua: Cómo el habla se adapta a las nuevas realidades: lenguaje inclusivo y otros asuntos espinosos
by VanfunfunUsando palabras sencillas y argumentos de perroflauta punki de la lengua, defendidos por la lingüística más actual, este influencer de YouTube va a cambiar tu percepción de cómo se habla. ¡Hola! ¿Sabías que hablar mal es imposible? ¿Que la RAE no tiene la razón en muchas ocasiones? ¿Que el lenguaje inclusivo es bueno? ¿Que çe pue eccribî en andalû y no se acaba el mundo? ¿Y que, de hecho, la gente joven no está arruinando la lengua?
AAC and Aided Language in the Classroom: Breaking Down Barriers for Learners with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (nasen spotlight)
by Katy Leckenby Meaghan Ebbage-TaylorHave you got learners in your class who have Speech, Language, and Communication Needs (SLCNs) who would benefit from resources to support their communication skills, such as using Aided Language/ Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)?This empowering book is designed with these questions at its heart. Written in an accessible style, by teachers for teachers, it offers guidance and support to help you to overcome barriers and successfully implement AAC. The book: Addresses myths and misconceptions, with discussion points to encourage the reader to reflect on their own practice. Shares the current evidence base around successful support strategies. Includes easy to implement, practical strategies that can be adopted in any classroom to have maximum impact and enhance learners’ communication skills. Contains a wealth of relatable, real-life examples and case studies included throughout, to bring theory to life and help you deliver effective classroom practice and support your learners with SLCN. Clearly outlines the variety of different assistive technologies available for facilitating communication. Providing readers with a range of useful tools and resources to implement Aided Language/AAC, AAC and Aided Language in the Classroom builds practitioners’ confidence and enables educators to provide a universal level of support for learners with SLCN. It is valuable reading for school leaders, SENCOs, teachers, and learning support assistants, as well as speech and language therapists supporting educators with the implementation of Aided Language/ AAC.
AARP Facebook
by Marsha CollierConnect with old friends and make some new ones with Facebook and this one-of-a-kind referenceAARP Facebook: Tech to Connect is packed with examples and guidance to familiarize you with Facebook and all it has to offer. People over 55 are among Facebook's fastest-growing user segment, with well over six million users, and this guide shares the insights of many 50+ users. It covers signing up, creating a profile, adding friends, posting status updates, chatting online, uploading photos and video, creating events, joining groups, and much more.Covers creating and tweaking a profile, finding and adding friends, creating events and groups, subscribing to news feeds, creating status updates, and sending messages to friendsExplains how to become a fan, play social games, add and manage applications, post notes, share links, add and tag photos, and adjust privacy optionsFeatures task-oriented tutorials arranged in such a way to make it easy to find material and achieve successYou might as well face it. You'll love Facebook, and this guide is filled with the essentials you need to enrich your experience and have some Facebook fun.
AARP PowerPoint 2010 For Dummies
by Doug LoweAdd some pizzazz to your presentations Slideshows are one of the best ways to captivate your audience during a presentation, and this one-of-a-kind mini guide will show you how to build great-looking slides, add sound and video, animate your slideshow graphics, and more. Whether you're showing off pictures from your summer vacation or trying to raise money for your favorite cause, PowerPoint 2010 is sure to add the power you need to all your presentations. Open the book and find: What's new in PowerPoint 2010 Tips on navigating the Ribbon How to create and edit a slide presentation Hints for working in Backstage View How to set up a presentation
AARP Word 2010 For Dummies
by Dan GookinIt's a whole new Word – make the most of it! Here's exactly what you need to know to get going with Word 2010. From firing up Word, using the spell checker, and working with templates to formatting documents, adding images, and saving your stuff, you'll get the first and last word on Word 2010 with this fun and easy mini guide. So get ready to channel your inner writer and start creating Word files that wow! Open the book and find: Tips for navigating Word with the keyboard and mouse Advice on using the Ribbon How to edit text and undo mistakes Things to know about saving and naming files How to print documents
Abandoned Malls of America: Crumbling Commerce Left Behind
by Seph LawlessWhat happens when the symbol of commerce crumbles? This collection of nearly two hundred stunning yet melancholic photos captures the decline of one of the biggest symbols of American consumerism—the shopping mall. Seph Lawless, whom Huffington Post refers to as the &“master of the abandoned,&” details the dilapidated state of these buildings that were once thriving with people and merchandise, now left to rot and be overrun with plant and animal life. In Abandoned Malls of America, Lawless showcases haunting images of shopping malls from all across America, from his hometown of Cleveland, OH in the Midwest to Birmingham, AL in the South and all the way to Los Angeles, CA on the West Coast. Alongside these beautiful images are first-hand accounts from people who grew up going to these malls, reminiscing on the dually wistful and fond memories of their once-favorite local hangouts. These essays include anecdotes from actress Yvette Nicole Brown (Drake and Josh; Community; etc.), actor Justin Kucsulain (The Walking Dead), New Yorker investigative journalist Ronan Farrow, and more. In this follow-up to his previous book, Abandoned, &“artivist&” Seph Lawless continues his journey photo-documenting the America left behind in the throes of economic instability and overall decline. Abandoned Malls of America is a perfect read for those interested in photography, architecture, or just longing for a little bit of nostalgia.
El ABC de la comunicación efectiva: hablada, escrita y escuchada
by Sonia GonzálezEl ABC de la comunicación efectiva: hablada, escrita y escuchada combina las enseñanza más queridas de los tres primeros libros de la serie «Habilidades de comunicación...» de Sonia González en un solo volúmen para un liderazgo más asertivo y de alto impacto.Este libro, ofrece claves prácticas para eliminar los bloqueadores comunes de la expresión escrita, hablada y escuchada. Ofrece lecciones para ordenar las ideas y lograr una comunicación hablada más asertiva y persuasiva. Con claves sencillas y aplicables ayuda a efectuar un cambio extremo en la comunicación escrita, y además expone la virtud superior de la gente inteligente: el escuchar.
The ABCs of IP Addressing
by Gilbert HeldOur world is rapidly becoming an Internet-based world, with tens of millions of homes, millions of businesses, and within a short period of time, possibly hundreds of millions of mobile professionals accessing the literal mother of all networks. One of the key problems affecting many Internet users, ranging from individual professionals to networki
ABCs of Speaking: Your Building Blocks to Speaking Success
by Caterina Rando Adryenn Ashley Bret RidgwayAn A–Z primer for all levels of public speaking, from securing engagements to delivering unforgettable speeches to making money as a speaker. Can you make it as a professional speaker? Knowing how to deliver a great presentation is obviously important, but truly understanding how the speaking industry really works is probably even more important. What do you need to know to deal with event promoters? What can you do to take control of the room and not let the unexpected derail your presentation? Should you pursue the fee or free speaking model? What about technology? What do they mean by ‘buying units.’ Industry insiders Adryenn Ashley, Bret Ridgway, and Caterina Rando share their combined decades of experience from both the platform and the promoter perspectives. They pull back the curtains and give you a sneak peek into how the speaking world really works. You’ll learn how to build a profitable speaking business that allows you to more effectively build your platform and share your powerful message with the world. Even if you already consider yourself a professional speaker, you’re guaranteed to pick up a few nuggets that can help you take things to the next level with your speaking. Get more gigs, make more money and impact more lives today!
Ableist Rhetoric: How We Know, Value, and See Disability (RSA Series in Transdisciplinary Rhetoric #11)
by James L. CherneyAbleism, a form of discrimination that elevates "able" bodies over those perceived as less capable, remains one of the most widespread areas of systematic and explicit discrimination in Western culture. Yet in contrast to the substantial body of scholarly work on racism, sexism, classism, and heterosexism, ableism remains undertheorized and underexposed. In this book, James L. Cherney takes a rhetorical approach to the study of ableism to reveal how it has worked its way into our everyday understanding of disability.Ableist Rhetoric argues that ableism is learned and transmitted through the ways we speak about those with disabilities. Through a series of textual case studies, Cherney identifies three rhetorical norms that help illustrate the widespread influence of ableist ideas in society. He explores the notion that "deviance is evil" by analyzing the possession narratives of Cotton Mather and the modern horror touchstone The Exorcist. He then considers whether "normal is natural" in Aristotle’s Generation of Animals and in the cultural debate over cochlear implants. Finally, he shows how the norm "body is able" operates in Alexander Graham Bell’s writings on eugenics and in the legal cases brought by disabled athletes Casey Martin and Oscar Pistorius. These three simple equivalencies play complex roles within the social institutions of religion, medicine, law, and sport. Cherney concludes by calling for a rhetorical model of disability, which, he argues, will provide a shift in orientation to challenge ableism’s epistemic, ideological, and visual components. Accessible and compelling, this groundbreaking book will appeal to scholars of both rhetoric and disability studies, as well as to disability rights advocates.
Ableist Rhetoric: How We Know, Value, and See Disability (RSA Series in Transdisciplinary Rhetoric)
by James L. CherneyAbleism, a form of discrimination that elevates “able” bodies over those perceived as less capable, remains one of the most widespread areas of systematic and explicit discrimination in Western culture. Yet in contrast to the substantial body of scholarly work on racism, sexism, classism, and heterosexism, ableism remains undertheorized and underexposed. In this book, James L. Cherney takes a rhetorical approach to the study of ableism to reveal how it has worked its way into our everyday understanding of disability.Ableist Rhetoric argues that ableism is learned and transmitted through the ways we speak about those with disabilities. Through a series of textual case studies, Cherney identifies three rhetorical norms that help illustrate the widespread influence of ableist ideas in society. He explores the notion that “deviance is evil” by analyzing the possession narratives of Cotton Mather and the modern horror touchstone The Exorcist. He then considers whether “normal is natural” in Aristotle’s Generation of Animals and in the cultural debate over cochlear implants. Finally, he shows how the norm “body is able” operates in Alexander Graham Bell’s writings on eugenics and in the legal cases brought by disabled athletes Casey Martin and Oscar Pistorius. These three simple equivalencies play complex roles within the social institutions of religion, medicine, law, and sport. Cherney concludes by calling for a rhetorical model of disability, which, he argues, will provide a shift in orientation to challenge ableism’s epistemic, ideological, and visual components. Accessible and compelling, this groundbreaking book will appeal to scholars of rhetoric and of disability studies as well as to disability rights advocates.
Aboriginal Writers and Popular Fiction: The Literature of Anita Heiss (Elements in Publishing and Book Culture)
by Fiannuala MorganWiradjuri woman, Anita Heiss, is arguably one of the first Aboriginal Australian authors of popular fiction. A focus on the political characterises her chick lit; and her identity as an author is both supplemented and complemented by her roles as an academic, activist and public intellectual. Heiss has discussed genre as a means of targeting audiences that may be less engaged with Indigenous affairs, and positions her novels as educative but not didactic. Her readership is constituted by committed readers of romance and chick lit as well as politically engaged readers that are attracted to Heiss' dual authorial persona; and, both groups bring radically distinct expectations to bear on these texts. Through analysis of online reviews and surveys conducted with users of the book reviewing website Goodreads, I complicate the understanding of genre as a cogent interpretative frame, and deploy this discussion to explore the social significance of Heiss' literature.
Abortion Politics, Mass Media, and Social Movements in America
by Deana A. Rohlinger"Weaving together analyses of archival material, news coverage, and interviews conducted with journalists from mainstream and partisan outlets as well as with activists across the political spectrum, Deana A. Rohlinger reimagines how activists use a variety of mediums, sometimes simultaneously, to agitate for - and against - legal abortion"--
About A Son: A Murder and A Father’s Search for Truth
by David Whitehouse'The book that everyone will be talking about this year: a staggering work of honesty, empathy and humanity, wholly unlike anything else you will have read' Terri WhiteOn the evening of Halloween in 2015, Morgan Hehir was walking with friends close to Nuneaton town centre when they were viciously attacked by a group of strangers. Morgan was stabbed, and died hours later in hospital. He was twenty years old and loved making music with his band, going to the football with his mates, having a laugh; a talented graffiti artist who dreamed of moving away and building a life for himself by the sea.From the moment he heard the news, Morgan's father Colin Hehir began to keep an extraordinary diary. It became a record not only of the immediate aftermath of his son's murder, but also a chronicle of his family's evolving grief, the trial of Morgan's killers, and his personal fight to unravel the lies, mistakes and cover-ups that led to a young man with a history of violence being free to take Morgan's life that night.Inspired by this diary, About a Son is a unique and deeply moving exploration of love and loss and a groundbreaking work of creative non-fiction. Part true crime, part memoir, it tells the story of a shocking murder, the emotional repercussions, and the failures that enabled it to take place. It shows how grief affects and changes us, and asks what justice means if the truth is not heard. It asks what can be learned, and where we go from here.
About A Son: A Murder and A Father’s Search for Truth
by David WhitehouseAs heard on the HOW TO FAIL podcast with Elizabeth Day'I was utterly floored by the emotional depth of About A Son - a book that reaches so deeply into the human experience that to read it is to be forever changed. It is an unflinching examination of grief, a painstaking deconstruction of injustice and a dispatch from the frontiers of the human heart' Elizabeth DayOn the evening of Halloween in 2015, Morgan Hehir was walking with friends close to Nuneaton town centre when they were viciously attacked by a group of strangers. Morgan was stabbed, and died hours later in hospital. He was twenty years old and loved making music with his band, going to the football with his mates, having a laugh; a talented graffiti artist who dreamed of moving away and building a life for himself by the sea.From the moment he heard the news, Morgan's father Colin Hehir began to keep an extraordinary diary. It became a record not only of the immediate aftermath of his son's murder, but also a chronicle of his family's evolving grief, the trial of Morgan's killers, and his personal fight to unravel the lies, mistakes and cover-ups that led to a young man with a history of violence being free to take Morgan's life that night.Inspired by this diary, About a Son is a unique and deeply moving exploration of love and loss and a groundbreaking work of creative non-fiction. Part true crime, part memoir, it tells the story of a shocking murder, the emotional repercussions, and the failures that enabled it to take place. It shows how grief affects and changes us, and asks what justice means if the truth is not heard. It asks what can be learned, and where we go from here.
About A Son: A Murder and A Father’s Search for Truth
by David WhitehouseAs heard on the HOW TO FAIL podcast with Elizabeth Day'I was utterly floored by the emotional depth of About A Son - a book that reaches so deeply into the human experience that to read it is to be forever changed. It is an unflinching examination of grief, a painstaking deconstruction of injustice and a dispatch from the frontiers of the human heart' Elizabeth DayOn the evening of Halloween in 2015, Morgan Hehir was walking with friends close to Nuneaton town centre when they were viciously attacked by a group of strangers. Morgan was stabbed, and died hours later in hospital. He was twenty years old and loved making music with his band, going to the football with his mates, having a laugh; a talented graffiti artist who dreamed of moving away and building a life for himself by the sea.From the moment he heard the news, Morgan's father Colin Hehir began to keep an extraordinary diary. It became a record not only of the immediate aftermath of his son's murder, but also a chronicle of his family's evolving grief, the trial of Morgan's killers, and his personal fight to unravel the lies, mistakes and cover-ups that led to a young man with a history of violence being free to take Morgan's life that night.Inspired by this diary, About a Son is a unique and deeply moving exploration of love and loss and a groundbreaking work of creative non-fiction. Part true crime, part memoir, it tells the story of a shocking murder, the emotional repercussions, and the failures that enabled it to take place. It shows how grief affects and changes us, and asks what justice means if the truth is not heard. It asks what can be learned, and where we go from here.
About Writing
by Gareth L. PowellGareth L. Powell would be the first to tell you that he doesn't know everything about being a writer, or about getting published, or about life when your work is in a bookshelf. But his field-guide to publishing, About Writing, is absolutely here to help writers on every stage of their journey.Whether you need a bit of writing inspiration or tips on how to find your voice, are struggling to manage writing alongside a day job, want some no-nonsense advice about working with an agent or a publisher or are all at sea with social media, this updated and expanded guide is a must have.Positive, blunt and refreshingly honest, this is a guide to the practical business of writing from a professional author with a decade's experience, who has navigated working with publishers of all sizes, and walked the path from debut to award-winner. Written with Gareth L. Powell's trademark warmth and wisdom, About Writing is here to help you achieve your goals, and write your own story.Originally published by Luna Press, this new edition contains updated tips, advice and information, plus more than 20,000 words of new material.
About Writing
by Gareth L. PowellGareth L. Powell would be the first to tell you that he doesn't know everything about being a writer, or about getting published, or about life when your work is in a bookshelf. But his field-guide to publishing, About Writing, is absolutely here to help writers on every stage of their journey.Whether you need a bit of writing inspiration or tips on how to find your voice, are struggling to manage writing alongside a day job, want some no-nonsense advice about working with an agent or a publisher or are all at sea with social media, this updated and expanded guide is a must have.Positive, blunt and refreshingly honest, this is a guide to the practical business of writing from a professional author with a decade's experience, who has navigated working with publishers of all sizes, and walked the path from debut to award-winner. Written with Gareth L. Powell's trademark warmth and wisdom, About Writing is here to help you achieve your goals, and write your own story.Originally published by Luna Press, this new edition contains updated tips, advice and information, plus more than 20,000 words of new material.
About Writing
by Gareth L. PowellGareth L. Powell would be the first to tell you that he doesn't know everything about being a writer, or about getting published, or about life when your work is in a bookshelf. But his field-guide to publishing, About Writing, is absolutely here to help writers on every stage of their journey.Whether you need a bit of writing inspiration or tips on how to find your voice, are struggling to manage writing alongside a day job, want some no-nonsense advice about working with an agent or a publisher or are all at sea with social media, this updated and expanded guide is a must have.Positive, blunt and refreshingly honest, this is a guide to the practical business of writing from a professional author with a decade's experience, who has navigated working with publishers of all sizes, and walked the path from debut to award-winner. Written with Gareth L. Powell's trademark warmth and wisdom, About Writing is here to help you achieve your goals, and write your own story.Originally published by Luna Press, this new edition contains updated tips, advice and information, plus more than 20,000 words of new material.
Above the Fold: A Personal History of the Toronto Star
by John HonderichA remarkable memoir and journalistic history of the Toronto Star, the newspaper that has shaped and continues to shape the issues most important to Canadians.Don't let them ruin the newspaper. . . These were the dying words of Beland Honderich to his son, John. The newspaper was the Toronto Star, founded in 1892 by Joseph E. (Holy Joe) Atkinson and, to this day, one of the world&’s leading and most respected socially liberal broadsheets. For the second half of its legendary—and sometimes controversial—history, both John and his father, as successive editors, publishers, and family owners, made it into the newspaper we know today. The Star has been, at different times, home base to the likes of Ernest Hemingway, Morley Callaghan, Pierre Berton, June Callwood, Peter C. Newman, Gary Lautens, Robert Fulford, Richard Gwyn, Christie Blatchford, Michele Landsberg, Chantal Hébert, Joey Slinger, and many more. It also brandishes a corporate history unlike any other. In an extraordinary exercise of arbitrary power, the Ontario government held veto power over all of the Star's operations until the paper eventually evolved to the five families of the Torstar Voting Trust, one of which were the Honderichs. And in that process, those families committed in court to observe and promote the intellectual and spiritual basis on which the Star has always operated. Completed just weeks before the author&’s untimely death, Above the Fold gives us an on-the-ground account of how the Star, once known primarily for its tabloid sensationalism and screaming headlines, transformed into a bastion of journalistic quality that routinely wins the industry&’s highest honours and accolades. Honderich writes about the paper he loved and the challenges it faced over the years, including crippling strikes, boardroom battles, soaring egos, the vicious newspaper wars with various competitors, and, most recently, the shift away from print. He also delves deeply into his relationship with his father, who could be remarkably cold and unfeeling toward his son and others, earning the nickname &”The Beast.&” There was great love between the two men but it came at a cost both professionally and, of course, personally. Always worried about accusations of nepotism as he rose to the top job at the paper, John felt he needed to prove himself that much more, which he did—and then some. Honest, frank, generous, and highly informative, Above the Fold is a personal history of one of the most storied and successful newspapers of our time, told through the lives of the father and son who ran it for close to half-a-century.
Above the Fold: Understanding the Principles of Successful Web Site Design
by Brian MillerThis is a different kind of web design book. Above the Fold is not about timely design or technology trends; instead, this book is about the timeless fundamentals of effective communication within the context of web design. It is intended to help you, the reader, understand the considerations that web designers make when developing successful websites.Above the Fold is divided into three sections:Design & TypographyPlanning & UsabilityBusiness Value Each section represents a phase in the continuous cycle of web design. It's the balance among design, usability, and return on investment that makes a website truly great.Topics covered in Above the Fold include:What makes web design uniqueThe history of web designAnatomy of a web pageWhite space and grid use in web designThe elements of web design: color, texture, imagery, scale, depth, animation, and variabilityWeb typography, including web-safe type, images of type, and font replacement and embeddingWeb project planningInformation architecture, including site maps, wireframes, and user flow diagramsThe elements of usability: navigation, breadcrumbs, links, search, submission forms, and error messagingSearch engine optimizationOnline marketing, including banner ads, viral and social marketing, on-site marketing, and email marketingWeb statistics and analysis
Above the Fold, Revised Edition
by Brian D MillerAbove the Fold is a book about the fundamentals of clear graphic communication within the context of Web design. The book has three sections, which follow the cycle of a typical Web project:PLAN Section I focuses on the predesign phase of a Web project. From project planning and brief writing to information architecture and responsive grid creation.DESIGN The second section of Above the Fold explores the enduring principles of design and the nuances that are specific to the field of Web design.OPTIMIZE Finally, we close the loop and discover ways to enable your client to maximize the investment they've made in their Web site with marketing and analytics.
Abraham Lincoln’s Cyphering Book and Ten other Extraordinary Cyphering Books
by M. A. Ken Clements Nerida F. EllertonThis well-illustrated book provides strong qualitative and comparative support for the main arguments developed by Nerida Ellerton and Ken Clements in their groundbreaking Rewriting this History of School Mathematics in North America 1607-1861: The Central Role of Cyphering Books. Eleven extraordinary handwritten school mathematics manuscripts are carefully analyzed--six were prepared entirely in Great Britain, four entirely in North America, and 1 partly in Great Britain and partly in North America. The earliest of the 11 cyphering books was prepared around 1630, and the latest in 1835. Seven of the manuscripts were arithmetic cyphering books; three were navigation cyphering books, and one was a mensuration/surveying manuscript. One of the cyphering books examined in this book was prepared, over the period 1819-1826, by a young Abraham Lincoln, when he was attending small one-teacher schools in remote Spencer County, Indiana. Chapter 6 in this book provides the first detailed analysis of young Abraham's cyphering book--which is easily the oldest surviving Lincoln manuscript. Another cyphering book, this one prepared by William Beattie in 1835, could have been prepared as a special gift for the King of England. The analyses make clear the extent of the control which the cyphering tradition had over school mathematics in North America and Great Britain between 1630 and 1840. In their final chapter Ellerton and Clements identify six lessons from their research into the cyphering tradition which relate to present-day circumstances surrounding school mathematics. These lessons are concerned with sharp differences between intended, implemented and attained curricula, the remarkable value that many students placed upon their cyphering books, the ethnomathematical circumstances which surrounded the preparations of the extraordinary cyphering books, and qualitative differences between British and North American school mathematics.