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Communicate with Courage: Taking Risks to Overcome the Four Hidden Challenges
by Michelle D GladieuxConfront the psychological blocks that are holding you back—and become a fearless and peerless communicator. Winner of the 2023 PenCraft Best Book Award for Nonfiction, 2023 Nonprofit Authors Association Silver Award, 2023 Readers&’ Favorite Bronze Medal Award for Business, and 2023 Dan Poynter&’s Global Ebook Gold Award for Communications As a lifelong communication coach, Michelle Gladieux has discovered the four sneaky obstacles that can keep you from becoming an effective communicator:Hiding—Fearing your low self-confidence will expose your supposed weaknessesDefining—Putting too much stock into your assumptions and being quick to judge right and wrongRationalizing—Using &“being realistic&” to shield yourself from taking chances, engaging in conflict, or doing other scary but potentially rewarding actionsSettling—Stopping at good enough instead of pushing for something better What all these challenges have in common is they require taking risks—to reveal yourself, to question your beliefs, to take a leap of faith, or to move out of your comfort zone. As a response, each chapter includes a Pro Move, or a best practice, and an exercise designed to help you overcome your fears and become a powerful communicator. Courageous communication requires self-knowledge, practice, and a fierce desire to continually improve; this book is like having an expert coach along with you for every step of the journey. &“[A] wonderful book.&” —Karl W. Einolf, PhD, President, Indiana Institute of Technology
Communicate with Mastery: Speak With Conviction and Write for Impact
by JD SchrammDevelop your leadership communication Communicating with Mastery provides readers with a rich treasure trove of frameworks and tools for leadership communication as developed and taught over the past decade at Stanford's Graduate School of Business. Designed for the business leader on the go, it provides you quick access to helpful approaches to vexing communication problems leaders face today in speaking and writing to various audiences. Projects often fail not because of the vision, but in the articulation of that vision. With the help of this book, you’ll learn how to ensure you get the results you desire as a leader and communicator including: Speak with conviction and write with impact Tailor your communication to any goal, setting, or audience Scale your leadership through effective coaching Every time you write or speak, you need to make your words count. And this book shows you how.
Communicating: The Multiple Modes of Human Communication
by Ruth FinneganTreatments of human communication mostly draw on cognitive and word-centred models to present it as predominantly a matter of words. This, Finnegan argues, seriously underestimates the far-reaching multi-modal qualities of human interconnecting and the senses of touch, olfaction, and, above all, audition and vision that we draw on. In an authoritative and readable account, Ruth Finnegan brings together research from linguistic and sensory anthropology, material culture, non-verbal communication, computer-mediated communication, and, strikingly, research on animal communication, such as the remarkable gesture systems of great apes. She draws on her background in classical studies and her long anthropological experience to present illuminating examples from throughout the world, past and present. The result is to uncover an amazing array of sounds, sights, smells, gestures, looks, movements, touches, and material objects used by humans and other animals to interconnect both nearby and across space and time She goes on to first explore the extra-sensory modes of communication now being revealed in the extraordinary "new science" research and then, in an incendiary conclusion, to deny the long-prevailing story of human history by questioning whether orality really came before literacy; whether it was really through "the acquisition of language" that our prehistoric cave painting ancestors made a sudden leap into being "true humans"; and finally, astonishingly, to ask whether human communicating had its first roots not, after all, in verbal language but something else. Not to be missed, this highly original book brings a fresh perspective on, among other things, that central topic of interest today – the dawn of human history – and on what being homo sapiens really means. This revised and updated edition has additional illustrations, updated chapters, and a new concluding chapter. A provocative and controversial account that will stir worldwide debate, this book is an essential transdisciplinary overview for researchers and advanced students in language and communication, anthropology, and cultural studies.
Communicating: A Social, Career, and Cultural Focus (Mycommunicationlab Ser.)
by Andrew Wolvin Darlyn R. Wolvin Roy Berko Joan E. AitkenThis highly-regarded introduction to communication book offers a comprehensive blend of basic communication theory, research, and skills, with a strong emphasis on relationship communication (social), workplace (career), and intercultural communication (culture). Communicating introduces the basic principles of communication and applies them to interpersonal, group, interviewing, and public speaking contexts. The book stresses communication competence through boxed material, Learn by Doing activities, thought-provoking questions, and self-assessment tests. New and strengthened pedagogy highlights and reinforces the book's social, career, and cultural themes, with a particular emphasis on intercultural communication and communicating in an increasingly high-tech, global environment.
Communicating About Health: Current Issues And Perspectives, 4th Edition
by Athena DupréAn ideal combination of communication theory and practical advice, Communicating About Health: Current Issues and Perspectives, Fourth Edition, is an indispensable resource for readers looking to improve their communication abilities in the health care field. Written by Athena du Pre - anexperienced researcher and noted scholar - the text offers an excellent balance of theory and practice; research and pedagogy; coverage of patient/caregiver issues; and material on the current, historical, and philosophical backgrounds of communication in health care. In addition to enhancingfeatures found in the previous edition, this new edition includes a greater emphasis on theory, narrative, and technology in order to reflect changes in the health industry.
Communicating Across Cultures
by Stella Ting-ToomeyFrom high-level business negotiations to casual conversations among friends, every interpersonal interaction is shaped by cultural norms and expectations. Seldom is this more clearly brought to light than in encounters between people from different cultural backgrounds, when dissimilar communication practices may lead to frustration and misunderstanding. This thought-provoking text presents a new framework for understanding the impact of culture on communication and for helping students build intercultural communication competence. With illustrative examples from around the globe, the book shows that verbal and nonverbal communication involves much more than transmitting a particular message it also reflects each participant's self-image, group identifications and values, and privacy and relational needs. Readers learn to move effectively and appropriately through a wide range of transcultural situations by combining culture-specific knowledge with mindful listening and communication skills. Throughout, helpful tables and charts and easy-to-follow guidelines for putting concepts into practice enhance the book's utility for students.
Communicating Across Cultures, Second Edition: Esl Learners In The Non-esl Classroom (The\guilford Communication Ser.)
by Stella Ting-Toomey Tenzin DorjeeThis highly regarded text--now revised and expanded with 50% new material--helps students and professionals mindfully build their knowledge and competencies for effective intercultural communication in any setting. The authors' comprehensive, updated theoretical framework (integrative identity negotiation theory) reveals how both verbal and nonverbal communication are affected by multilayered facets of identity. Written in a candid, conversational style, the book is rich with engaging examples illustrating cultural conflicts and misunderstandings that arise in workplace, educational, interpersonal, and community contexts. Readers learn how to transform polarized conversations into successful intercultural engagements by combining knowledge about culture with mindful listening and communication skills. New to This Edition *Extensively revised to reflect the ongoing development of integrative identity negotiation theory, nearly 20 years of research advances, the growing diversity of the United States, and global trends. *Chapter providing a mindfulness lens on intercultural and intergroup communication competence. *Chapter on culture shock in sojourners (international students, global businesspeople, and others). *Chapter on immigrants' acculturation processes. *Lively chapter-opening case examples, including compelling personal stories from the authors and others from diverse cultures. *End-of-chapter summaries, "Mindful Guidelines" to put into practice, and critical thinking questions. *New and expanded discussions of hot topics: cross-cultural workplaces, community building, peace building, romantic relationships, prejudice and discrimination, microaggressions, and ethical issues.
Communicating Affection
by Kory FloydExplores how and why people express affection, the many positive effects it can have, and the risks it often carries.
Communicating and Organizing in Context: The Theory of Structurational Interaction (Routledge Communication Series)
by Beth Bonniwell HaslettCommunicating and Organizing in Context integrates Giddens’ structuration theory with Goffman’s interaction order and develops a new theoretical base—the theory of structurational interaction—for the analysis of communicating and organizing. Both theorists emphasize tacit knowledge, social routines, context, social practices, materiality, frames, agency, and view communication as constitutive of social life and of organizing. Thus their integration in structurational interaction provides a coherent, communication-centric approach to analyzing communicating, organizing and their interrelationships. This book will be a valuable resource for students and scholars as an orientation to the field of organizational communication and as an integration of organizing and communicating. It will also be useful for practitioners as a tool for understanding how conceptual frames limit possibilities and constitute the nature of organizing and members' participation in organizations.
Communicating around Interculturality in Research and Education (New Perspectives on Teaching Interculturality)
by Fred DervinThis book does not instruct the reader how to communicate interculturally but supports them in reflecting on how they can (re-)negotiate and (re-)construct knowledge(s), ideologies and relations around the notion of interculturality. Anchored in the author’s original and thought-provoking perspectives on interculturality, this interdisciplinary and global-minded book explores how communicating around the notion cannot do away with ideologisms, issues of language and translation or the problematization of voice and silence in research and education. Written in an original and stimulating way, relying on different writing genres and styles to ‘mimic’ the dynamism and flexibility of the very notion under review, the author urges us to (un-)voice, scrutinize, nurture and galvanize our ways of dealing with interculturality alone and together with others in academia. The very specific focus of the book, communicating around interculturality (instead of ‘doing’ interculturality), represents a fresh and important move for observing, analyzing, speaking of and contributing to today's complex and divided world. The title is aimed at researchers, students and educators interested in examining and enriching their own takes on interculturality, from a more reflexive and interactive perspective.
Communicating at the End of Life: Finding Magic in the Mundane (LEA's Series on Personal Relationships)
by Elissa FosterThis enlightening volume provides first-hand perspectives and ethnographic research on communication at the end of life, a topic that has gone largely understudied in communication literature. Author Elissa Foster’s own experiences as a volunteer hospice caregiver form the basis of the book. Communicating at the End of Life recounts the stories of Foster and six other volunteers and their communicative experiences with dying patients, using communication theory and research findings to identify insights on the relationships they form throughout the process. What unfolds is a scholarly examination of a subject that is significant to every individual at some point in the life process. Organized chronologically to follow the course of Foster’s involvement with hospice and the phases of the study, the book opens with Part 1, providing background and contextual information to help readers understand subsequent stories about communication between volunteers and patients. Part 2 of the volume emphasizes the adjustments required by the volunteers as they entered the world of hospice and the worlds of the patients. Part 3 underscores the importance of improvisation and finding balance within the role of volunteer—in particular how to be fully present for patients as well as their family members. The volume concludes with Part 4, which addresses how volunteers coped with the death of their patients and what they learned from the experience of volunteering. Communicating at the End of Life is appropriate for scholars and advanced students studying personal relationships, health communication, gerontology, interpersonal communication, lifespan communication, and communication & aging. Its unique content offers precious and meaningful insights on the communication processes at a critical point in the life process.
Communicating at Work: Strategies For Success in Business and the Professions (11th Edition)
by Ronald B. Adler Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst Kristen LucasThe 11th edition of Communicating at Work enhances the strategic approach, real-world practicality, and reader-friendly voice that have made this text the market leader for three decades. On every page, students learn how to communicate in ways that enhance their own career success and help their organization operate effectively. This edition retains the hallmark features that have been praised by faculty and students--a strong emphasis on ethical communication and cultural diversity, discussions of evolving communication technologies, and self-assessment tools--while incorporating important updates and ground-breaking digital teaching and learning tools to help students better connect to the course material and apply it to real world business situations.
Communicating at Work
by Tony AlessandraIn today's competitive workplace, your ability to communicate is your most important business skill.This valuable handbook to better business communication can help you develop the skills you need to succeed. Using real-life examples, it offers practical, easy-to-use instruction in writing effective memos and reports, making memorable presentations, and leading productive meetings. It also introduces key telephone skills, shows you how to interpret body language and personal communication styles -- and teaches you the critical listening and questioning skills you need to get ahead.Whether you're a top manager trying to lead a large organization or one of the millions of people who actually get the work done, Communicating at Work can help you be more effective, get more of what you want out of work, and improve your chances for success.
Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally: An Introduction to Missionary Communication
by David HesselgraveThis revised edition of Dr. David Hesselgrave's great work Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally updates the original edition and interacts with the most recent literature on this increasingly important topic. The original edition went through fifteen printings and, very deservedly, has come to be one of the most widely used textbooks on Christian cross-cultural communications. The revisions in this new edition are extensive and carry on the high level of discussion maintained throughout the original edition, taking into account, for example, the current discussion on the relationship between form and function and the enormous body of literature that has sprung up recently on contextualization. To enhance the volume's usefulness for students, Dr. Hesselgrave has added an extensive bibliography of twenty-five pages on various aspects of cross-cultural communications. This revision of Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally is superb. It raises a great book into a unique category, undoubtedly the finest book on this topic available today.
Communicating Clearly about Science and Medicine: Making Data Presentations as Simple as Possible ... But No Simpler
by John ClareScientific communication is challenging. The subject matter is complex and often requires a certain level of knowledge to understand it correctly; describing hazard ratios, interpreting Kaplan Meier curves and explaining confounding factors is different from talking about a new car or clothing range. Processes, for example in clinical trials, are laborious and tedious and knowing how much of the detail to include and exclude requires judgement. Conclusions are rarely clear cut making communicating statistical risk and probability tough, especially to non-statisticians and non-scientists such as journalists. Communicating Clearly about Science and Medicine looks at these and many more challenges, then introduces powerful techniques for overcoming them. It will help you develop and deliver impactful presentations on medical and scientific data and tell a clear, compelling story based on your research findings. It will show you how to develop clear messages and themes, while adhering to the advice attributed to Einstein: 'Make things as simple as possible...but no simpler.' John Clare illustrates how to communicate clearly the risks and benefits contained in a complex data set, and balance the hope and the hype. He explains how to avoid the 'miracle cure' or 'killer drug' headlines which are so common and teaches you how to combine the accuracy of peer-to-peer reviewed science with the narrative skills of journalism.
Communicating Climate Change: Making Environmental Messaging Accessible (Routledge Studies in Environmental Communication and Media)
by Juita-Elena Wie Yusuf And Burton St. John IIIThis edited collection focuses on theoretical and applied research-based observations concerning how experts, advocates, and institutions make climate change information accessible to different audiences. Communicating Climate Change concentrates on three key elements of climate change communication – access, relevance, and understandability – to provide an overview of how these aspects allow multiple groups of stakeholders to act on climate-related information to build resilience. Featuring contributions from a wide range of scholars from across different disciplines, this book explores a multitude of different scenarios and communication methods, including social media; public opinion surveys; participatory mapping; and video. Overall, climate change communication is addressed from three different perspectives: communicating with the public; communicating for stakeholder engagement; and organizational, institutional, risk, and disaster communication. With each chapter focusing on implications and applications for practice, this book will be of great interest to students and researchers of climate change and environmental communication, as well as practitioners interested in understanding how to better engage stakeholders through climate change-related communication.
Communicating Climate Change in China: A Dynamic Discourse Approach
by Sidan WangThis book explores how China's media narrate climate policy and climate change. With the rapid growth of economy and carbon emissions, China has been seen as having a key role in addressingclimate change and receives substantial attention from the media. In theChinese coverage, climate change issues can be interpreted as various concernsand ideas involving the dimensions of the economy, energy and emissions, publicinvolvement, science and ecology, and responsibility. In this sense, a discourseapproach can be used to understand how the newspapers construct the climatechange discourse and discourse networks in the coverage. This study selectsthree different newspapers in China, namely People’sDaily, China Daily and Southern Weekend. This book will interest scholars of Chinese politics, environmentalists, and media studies scholars.
Communicating Climate Change Information for Decision-Making (Springer Climate)
by Liese Coulter Anne Coudrain Silvia Serrao-NeumannThis book provides important insight on a range of issues focused on three themes; what new climate change information is being developed, how that knowledge is communicated and how it can be usefully applied across international, regional and local scales. There is increasing international investment and interest to develop and communicate updated climate change information to promote effective action. As change accelerates and planetary boundaries are crossed this information becomes particularly relevant to guide decisions and support both proactive adaptation and mitigation strategies. Developing new information addresses innovations in producing interdisciplinary climate change knowledge and overcoming issues of data quality, access and availability. This book examines effective information systems to guide decision-making for immediate and future action. Cases studies in developed and developing countries illustrate how climate change information promotes immediate and future actions across a range of sectors.
Communicating Construction: Insight, Experience and Best Practice
by Liz Male and Penny NortonThis book is a wide-ranging exploration of PR and communication in the construction industry, with a strong emphasis on communications theory, strategy and technique. The editors begin with an introduction to the UK construction industry and its supply chains, as well as various elements of PR in relation to the construction process. Subsequent chapters provide a strategic overview, practical examples, success stories, case studies and personal perspectives on PR for different parts of the built environment and reputational issues in construction. Chapters include expert advice on communications for architecture, planning, building consultancy, building products and manufacturers, general and specialist contractors, construction technology, infrastructure and communicating sustainability in the built environment. The conclusion looks at the current and upcoming reputational priorities for communicators in construction, as well as the top ten priorities for implementing PR as a strategic management discipline in the industry. This book is essential reading for all construction PR teams, students studying both for built environment and PR/marketing degrees and CPD courses, and anyone working in the built environment sector who needs to consider PR and marketing as part of their role.
Communicating COVID-19: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
by Kate Holland Monique Lewis Eliza GovenderThis book explores communication during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Featuring the work of leading communication scholars from around the world, it offers insights and analyses into how individuals, organisations, communities, and nations have grappled with understanding and responding to the pandemic that has rocked the world. The book examines the role of journalists and news media in constructing meanings about the pandemic, with chapters focusing on public interest journalism, health workers and imagined audiences in COVID-19 news. It considers public health responses in different countries, with chapters examining community-driven approaches, communication strategies of governments and political leaders, public health advocacy, and pandemic inequalities. The role of digital media and technology is also unravelled, including social media sharing of misinformation and memetic humour, crowdsourcing initiatives, the use of data in modelling, tracking and tracing, and strategies for managing uncertainties created in a pandemic.
Communicating COVID-19: Media, Trust, and Public Engagement
by Monique Lewis Eliza Govender Kate HollandThis edited collection, follows on from 'Communicating COVID-19: Interdisciplinary Perspectives' (2021) and brings together different scholars from around the world to explore and critique the ongoing advances of communicating COVID, two years into the pandemic. Pandemic life has become familiar to us, with all its disruptions and uncertainties. In the second year of COVID, many societies emerged well attuned to new waves of infections, while others, having initially demonstrated 'gold standard' responses, regressed, either through a premature end to public health restrictions or challenges around vaccine rollouts. In many countries, bitter social divisions have arisen over mask-wearing, lockdowns, quarantine and vaccination. To better understand the ever evolving communicative landscape of COVID-19, this collection shares updated perspectives from the disciplines of media and communication, journalism, public health and primary care, sociology, and political and behavioural science, addressing the major issues that have confronted communicators, including vaccine hesitancy, misinformation, and the mobilisation of community driven communication responses as restrictions eased in various parts of the world.
Communicating Development with Communities (Rethinking Development)
by Linje ManyozoDevelopment theory and practice are often taught in a manner that strips them of their historical context and obscures alternative intellectual assumptions and critical frameworks. This prevents students from acquiring a holistic understanding of the world and consequently, when it comes to development practice, most lack the skills to live and engage with people. It has become crucial to properly consider what it means to conceive and implement participatory development out in the field and not just in the boardroom. Building on the work of Robert Chambers and Arturo Escobar, Communicating Development with Communities is an empirically grounded critical reflection on how the development industry defines, imagines and constructs development at the implementation level. Unpacking the dominant syntax in the theory and practice of development, the book advocates a move towards relational and indigenous models of living that celebrate local ontologies, spirituality, economies of solidarity and community-ness. It investigates how subaltern voices are produced and appropriated, and how well-meaning experts can easily become oppressors. The book propounds a pedagogy of listening as a pathway that offers a space for interest groups to collaboratively curate meaningful development with and alongside communities. This is a valuable resource for academics and practitioners in the fields of Development Studies, Communication for Development, Communication for Social Change, Social Anthropology, Economic Development and Public Policy. Foreword by Robin Mansell.
Communicating Differences: Culture, Media, Peace and Conflict Negotiation
by Ibrahim Shaw Sudeshna RoyThis volume captures the essence of how we communicate differences in relationships, between and across cultures, in organizations, through education and in moments of local and global conflict and crisis that demonstrates the importance and viability of approaching peace and conflict communication from various fields within communication studies.
Communicating Effectively (10th Edition)
by Saundra Hybels Richard L. Weaver IICommunicating Effectively, Tenth Edition, presents the foundations of communication theory and provides many opportunities for skill building practice. Using a pragmatic approach with numerous examples from the classroom, workplace, and community, students will learn to appreciate the practical application of the ideas, concepts, and theories in their own lives and in the lives of people close to them.
Communicating Effectively During a Health Crisis: A Critical Examination of Communication Breakdowns During the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Rukhsana Ahmed Devjani SenExploring how and why communication breakdowns occur during pandemics and world disasters, this book offers solutions for improving communication and managing future public health crises.A compilation of evidence-based lessons learned, this book shows how to effectively convey critical lifesaving information during a pandemic. It assesses how trust in leaders and governments during a public health crisis is formed and the impact this has on how information is perceived by the public. Using the COVID-19 pandemic as a case study, the book demonstrates how informative policy decisions and health risk messages can be better communicated for the handling of future pandemics. At a macro-level, the book looks at issues concerning situational awareness, how different countries managed or mismanaged the pandemic, and the lessons readers can learn from those occurrences. At a micro-level, it examines individual differences in public health message perceptions and corresponding actions taken or not taken.An interdisciplinary critique of the delivery and reception of messages during global disasters, this text is suitable for undergraduate and graduate courses in Communication Studies, Health Communication, Risk Communication and Public Health, Psychology, Sociology, and Disaster Management.