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Communication, Culture and Ecology: Rethinking Sustainable Development in Asia (Communication, Culture and Change in Asia #6)

by Kiran Prasad

This book offers comprehensive insights into the cultural and ecological values that influence sustainable development across Asia, addressing the cultural, religious and philosophical moorings of development through participatory and grassroots communication approaches. It presents a range of contributions and case studies from leading experts in Asia to highlight the debates on environmental communication and sustainable development that are relevant today, and to provide an overview of the positive traditions of ecological sensitivity and cultural communication that may find common ground between communities. This well-researched guide to the dynamic and complex terrain of communication for sustainable development offers uniquely practical perspectives on communication, environment and sustainable development that are of immense value for policy makers, media scholars, development practitioners, researchers and students of communication and media studies.

Communication, Devices, and Computing: Proceedings of ICCDC 2017 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #470)

by Jaydeb Bhaumik Indrajit Chakrabarti Bishnu Prasad De Banibrata Bag Surajit Mukherjee

This book provides insights into the First International Conference on Communication, Devices and Computing (ICCDC 2017), which was held in Haldia, India on November 2–3, 2017. It covers new ideas, applications and the experiences of research engineers, scientists, industrialists, scholars and students from around the globe. The proceedings highlight cutting-edge research on communication, electronic devices and computing, and address diverse areas such as 5G communication, spread spectrum systems, wireless sensor networks, signal processing for secure communication, error control coding, printed antennas, analysis of wireless networks, antenna array systems, analog and digital signal processing for communication systems, frequency selective surfaces, radar communication, and substrate integrated waveguide and microwave passive components, which are key to state-of-the-art innovations in communication technologies.

Communication Electronics: RF Design with Practical Applications using Pathwave/ADS Software (River Publishers Series in Electronic Materials, Circuits and Devices)

by Stephen I Long

This text/reference develops practical intuition into the art of RF circuit design and introduces users to the widely used simulation tool, Pathwave ADS, from Keysight Technologies. By using project-oriented assignments, it builds a strong foundation and focuses on practical applications illustrated by examples, simulation tutorials, and homework problems. Learning through doing has proven to be an effective preparatory tool for more advanced and complex applications, and this book is developed from the author’s lecture notes for a senior/graduate class at University of California Santa Barbara. The class had a significant lab component employing measurement techniques, board-level prototyping, and RFIC design. Falling somewhere between a traditional textbook and a practical handbook, it focuses mainly on analog RF analysis and design and circuit simulation techniques.

Communication Engineering Principles

by Ifiok Otung

For those seeking a thorough grounding in modern communication engineering principles delivered with unrivaled clarity using an engineering-first approach Communication Engineering Principles: 2nd Edition provides readers with comprehensive background information and instruction in the rapidly expanding and growing field of communication engineering. This book is well-suited as a textbook in any of the following courses of study: Telecommunication Mobile Communication Satellite Communication Optical Communication Electronics Computer Systems Primarily designed as a textbook for undergraduate programs, Communication Engineering Principles: 2nd Edition can also be highly valuable in a variety of MSc programs. Communication Engineering Principles grounds its readers in the core concepts and theory required for an in-depth understanding of the subject. It also covers many of the modern, practical techniques used in the field. Along with an overview of communication systems, the book covers topics like time and frequency domains analysis of signals and systems, transmission media, noise in communication systems, analogue and digital modulation, pulse shaping and detection, and many others.

Communication Essentials For Dummies

by Elizabeth Kuhnke

Get ahead in your personal and professional life with crowd-pleasing communication skillsPacked with advice on improving verbal and non-verbal communication skills alike, Communication Essentials For Dummies is a comprehensive, approachable guide to communication no one should be without. Utilising a core range of simple skills, this friendly guide shows you how easy it is to communicate effectively. You'll find out how to listen actively, establish rapport, communicate with credibility, manage communication in difficult situations and converse with ease using modern technology -- and lots more.Great communication skills can make all the difference in your personal and professional life, but for those who tend to get a bit tongue-tied under pressure or just have a hard time asserting themselves, voicing thoughts coherently and confidently can be a sweat-inducing experience. Here, expert author Elizabeth Kuhnke takes the intimidation out of communication by sharing her top tips for successful communication in any situation.Discover how to get ahead in the workplace by mastering your communication skillsRealise the benefits of active listening and the value of establishing rapportUnderstand how the use of effective communication skills can help you secure a new job offerRecognise how to use effective communication to negotiate your way to personal and professional successWhether you're looking to climb the corporate ladder, take on a new professional challenge or just want to improve your communication skills in personal and professional relationships, Communication Essentials For Dummies will have you listening, voicing and articulating your way to success in no time.

Communication Essentials for Financial Planners: Strategies and Techniques

by John E. Grable Joseph W. Goetz

Communication Essentials for Financial Planners tackles the counseling side of practice to help financial planners build more productive client relationships. CFP Board’s third book and first in the Financial Planning Series, Communication Essentials will help you learn how to relate to clients on a more fundamental level, and go beyond "hearing" their words to really listen and ultimately respond to what they're saying. Expert coverage of body language, active listening, linguistic signals, and more, all based upon academic theory. There is also an accompanied set of videos that showcase both good and bad communication and counseling within a financial planning context. By merging written and experiential learning supplemented by practice assignments, this book provides an ideal resource for any client-facing financial professional as well as any student on their pathway to CFP® certification. Counseling is a central part of a financial planner's practice, and attention to interpersonal communication goes a long way toward progressing in the field; this guide provides practical instruction on the proven techniques that make a good financial planner great. The modern financial planning practice is more than just mathematics and statistical analysis—at its heart, it is based on trust, communication, and commitment. While interpersonal skills have always been a critical ingredient for success, only recently has this aspect been given the weight it deserves with its incorporation into the certification process. Communication Essentials for Financial Planners provides gold-standard guidance for certification and beyond.

Communication Ethics and Universal Values

by Clifford G. Christians Dr Michael Traber

This volume is designed to revolutionize the field of communication by identifying a broad ethical theory which transcends the world of mass media practice to reveal a more humane and responsible code of values. The contributors, representing a diverse range of intercultural perspectives, defend the possibility of universal moral imperatives such as justice, reciprocity and human dignity. Through an examination of the values in which their cultures are grounded, they provide a short list of ethical principles which form the common ground from which to view contemporary issues in the media, interpersonal communication, mediation and conflict resolution.

Communication Ethics Literacy: Dialogue and Difference

by Dr Ronald C. Arnett Dr Janie Fritz Dr Leeanne M. Bell

This comprehensive and engaging treatment of communication ethics combines student application and theoretical engagement. Communication Ethics Literacy: Dialogue and Difference reviews classic communication ethics approaches and extends the conversation about dialogue and difference in public and private life. Introducing communication ethics as a pragmatic survival skill in a world of difference, the authors offer a learning model that frames communication ethics as arising from a set of goods found within particular narratives, traditions, or virtue structures that guide human life.

Communication Ethics Literacy: Dialogue and Difference

by Ronald C. Arnett Janie M. Harden Fritz Leeanne M. Bell Mcmanus

Communication ethics is imperative in the 21st century as the prevalence of conflicting opinions endangers successful, respectful communication. <p><p>Utilizing a dialogic approach to ethical communication, Communication Ethics Literacy: Dialogue and Difference provides a timely review of classic communication ethics literature and extends the conversation about dialogue and difference in public and private life. <p><p>Understanding communication ethics as a pragmatic survival skill in a world of difference, this work frames communication ethics as a discipline and practice that arises from multiple understandings of goods found across diverse narratives, traditions, and virtue structures that guide human life.

Communication Excellence: How To Develop, Manage And Lead Exceptional Communications

by Ralph Tench Dejan Verčič Ansgar Zerfass Ángeles Moreno Piet Verhoeven

Exploring the implications of 10 years of data from more than 21,000 communication professionals across Europe, combined with case studies and interviews with senior communication directors from top European companies and organisations, this book provides an insight into how to build, develop and lead excellent communications. It presents a culmination of research and best practice models, covering strategic communication, the impact on reputation, crisis, mediatisation, organisational culture, new digital, social and mobile media as well as the development of professionalisation. Providing clear guidance on the difference between normal and excellent communication departments, the book shows readers how communication can effectively influence and support the organisation and positively fit within the business strategy of today's global and changing markets. The study behind this book, the European Communication Monitor, is known as the most comprehensive provider of reliable data in the communication field worldwide.

Communication for Behavior Change

by Esta De Fossard John Riber

The book demonstrates how to create TV and FILM DRAMAS that encourage people to make positive behavioral changes to improve their lives. The book teaches people how to: * Create SERIAL OR STAND-ALONE DRAMAS that will appeal to a select audience * Create characters that represent and attract the target audience * Introduce subtle and convincing ways to improve the standard of living of the audience * Conduct design workshops for preparing design documents that help script writers create 'convincing' dramas containing the behavior-change message accurately

Communication for Social Change: Context, Social Movements and the Digital

by Pradip Ninan Thomas

Communication for Social Change: Context, Social Movements and the Digital is a critical introduction to communication for social change (CSC) theory. The book presents refreshingly new perspectives and specifically makes the case for CSC theory to factor in context, leanings from social movements and a critique of the digital technology. This book offers perspectives on the historical continuities within this field of study along with the departures that have been hastened and shaped by confluences between ideas and practice as well as by digital technology and social movements. It introduces readers to a raft of new theorists of CSC and puts forth new thinking, new ideas, and a new basis for theorisation of communication for social change.

Communication From The Inside Out: Strategies For The Engaged Professional

by Karen Mueller

This text will guide you to a more effective relationship with patients and colleagues by exploring three inter-related elements of communication (internal, external and instrumental), which start from the inside out. You'll begin with a thorough analysis of your internal communication, which includes self talk related to personal esteem, resilience, and outlook. Next, you'll explore how to build effective and satisfying alliances with others (your external communication), which includes the development of skills related to negotiation, social awareness and emotional intelligence. Finally, you will be guided to develop your instrumental communication, which includes skills related to effective teaching, advocacy and leadership.

Communication Fundamentals

by Alberts Nakayama Martín

COURSE DESCRIPTION Competent communication is based on the ability to create and share meaning effectively and appropriately in a variety of contexts. This course provides students with theoretical knowledge and practical experience in communicating interpersonally, across cultures, in groups and teams, and in public spaces. We combine an understanding of the theories and research on communication with the development of practical skills. Since audience adaptation is fundamental to effective communication, an appreciation for the differences among people will be integrated into our studies. Through speeches and a paper, in-class and on-line activities, class discussions and debates, we will explore the ways in which differences shape identities and communication styles, and how to recognize and analyze the range of ways in which people communicate, in an effort to also improve our own skills in communicating with a variety of people. A primary focus in this course is on speaking effectively, using and evaluating qualitative data, and examining human differences.

Communication Genius: 40 Insights From the Science of Communicating

by Tony Buon

The fast-track MBA in communicationImagine having instant access to the world's smartest thinking on human communication - and being shown exactly what to do to guarantee that all of your communication is right, every time. Communication Genius makes it easy to apply the scientific facts that researchers know about communication to the real world. 40 chapters based on cutting-edge business and psychology research projects reveal what works and what doesn't work when we interact with each other. Each of the 40 chapters is a mini-masterclass in communicating better, explaining the research and showing you how to apply it for yourself to improve your own communication skills.Too often, conventional wisdom says one thing while research says another. Communication Genius cuts through the noise to bring you proven research and techniques for applying it that will simply make you a better all-round communicator.With chapters on body language, emotional intelligence, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), presentations, mimicry, groupthink and the latest neuroscience, Communication Genius explodes some myths and gives you the best that science has to offer on communication. Quick to read and intensely practical, this book will bring a little communication genius into your day.'A must read if you want to communicate better' Professor Sir Cary Cooper, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester'Required reading for anyone seeking to better their communication skills in the workplace and otherwise' Dr Anastasia P. Rush, Clinical Psychologist, CEO HELLAS EAP (Greece)'Calls into question accepted 'beliefs' (Maslow's hierarchy) and introduces the reader to an array of new theories from "IQ" racism to the Obama effect' Kate Nowlan, Chief Executive, CiC Employee Assistance, Fellow Royal Society of Arts (FRSA)'Tony has done a fantastic job in pulling together an amazing number of articles and scientific studies and making them understandable to the lay person' Andrew Kinder, Chartered Counselling & Chartered Occupational Psychologist, Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAPA -UK) Chair

Communication Genius: 40 Insights From the Science of Communicating

by Tony Buon

The fast-track MBA in communicationImagine having instant access to the world's smartest thinking on human communication - and being shown exactly what to do to guarantee that all of your communication is right, every time. Communication Genius makes it easy to apply the scientific facts that researchers know about communication to the real world. 40 chapters based on cutting-edge business and psychology research projects reveal what works and what doesn't work when we interact with each other. Each of the 40 chapters is a mini-masterclass in communicating better, explaining the research and showing you how to apply it for yourself to improve your own communication skills.Too often, conventional wisdom says one thing while research says another. Communication Genius cuts through the noise to bring you proven research and techniques for applying it that will simply make you a better all-round communicator.With chapters on body language, emotional intelligence, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), presentations, mimicry, groupthink and the latest neuroscience, Communication Genius explodes some myths and gives you the best that science has to offer on communication. Quick to read and intensely practical, this book will bring a little communication genius into your day.'A must read if you want to communicate better' Professor Sir Cary Cooper, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester'Required reading for anyone seeking to better their communication skills in the workplace and otherwise' Dr Anastasia P. Rush, Clinical Psychologist, CEO HELLAS EAP (Greece)'Calls into question accepted 'beliefs' (Maslow's hierarchy) and introduces the reader to an array of new theories from "IQ" racism to the Obama effect' Kate Nowlan, Chief Executive, CiC Employee Assistance, Fellow Royal Society of Arts (FRSA)'Tony has done a fantastic job in pulling together an amazing number of articles and scientific studies and making them understandable to the lay person' Andrew Kinder, Chartered Counselling & Chartered Occupational Psychologist, Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAPA -UK) Chair

Communication Highwire: Leveraging The Power Of Diverse Communication Styles

by Barbara Kappler Mikk Basma Ibrahim Devries Dianne Hofner Saphiere

No matter where we live or what we do, we deal with people using a wide variety of communication styles every day. At work, in the marketplace and at home, diverse communication styles present opportunities for growth on the one hand, and misunderstanding on the other. Communication Highwire: Leveraging the Power of Diverse Communication Styles is an important breakthrough for managers, team leaders, community leaders, educators, trainers and facilitators as they work with individuals and teams to overcome frustrations, prevent mistakes and save time and money. World-class intercultural trainers and educators share their strategies, techniques and-most importantly-their tools for taking advantage of diversity in the modern world. Communication Highwire offers the following: twenty-six powerful activities, ready to go with a minimum of prep work; the debut of the Five-Factor Model (Context, Goals, Values, Self-Concept and Communication Style Repertoire), presented in an easy-to-use star chart; and dozens of examples that make concepts real and applicable.

Communication in a Civil Society

by John Gooch Ruth Anne Abigail Shelley D. Lane

First Published in 2016. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an Informa company.

Communication in a Civil Society

by Shelley D. Lane Ruth Anna Abigail John Casey Gooch

Using the concept of “civility” as the major theme, this fully updated second edition offers a unique and alternative way to teach and learn about communication.The book brings together discrete areas that explore the fundamentals of communication and intrapersonal communication, interpersonal communication, small group communication, and public speaking. Every chapter includes theories, concepts, and examples that allow students to use civil and ethical communication skills in their personal relationships, in collaboration with colleagues, and in giving public speeches and professional presentations. This new edition highlights advances in and concepts related to mediated and technology-based communication, such as chatbots, technostress, and dating apps, and shows how students can engage in civil face-to-face and mediated interaction. Additionally, each chapter includes a real-world incident that students are asked to analyze in terms of specific chapter information and skills related to civility.Communication in a Civil Society is an ideal textbook for Introduction to Communication, Interpersonal Communication, and Public Speaking courses.Materials for instructors including PowerPoint slides, a test bank, and an instructor’s manual, are available at

Communication in Action

by null Jonathan Michael Bowman

Through a narrative, practical approach enriched with inclusive examples, Communication in Action inspires students to think critically about the role of effective communication in driving meaningful change within their own lives and communities. Author Jonathan Bowman empowers students to apply fundamental communication principles in daily life, fostering self-awareness and an understanding of diverse perspectives. Each chapter includes activities that motivate students to engage with their online and in-person social networks, practicing effective communication for personal and professional growth. Bowman also challenges students to confront issues of power, privilege, and social justice by encouraging them to take impactful actions—whether through direct interaction or civic involvement and engagement. With engaging discussions of core concepts and contemporary examples, this text not only encourages students to explore how effective communication can drive change in their lives but also inspires a new wave of communicators committed to fostering community well-being.

Communication in Action

by null Jonathan Michael Bowman

Through a narrative, practical approach enriched with inclusive examples, Communication in Action inspires students to think critically about the role of effective communication in driving meaningful change within their own lives and communities. Author Jonathan Bowman empowers students to apply fundamental communication principles in daily life, fostering self-awareness and an understanding of diverse perspectives. Each chapter includes activities that motivate students to engage with their online and in-person social networks, practicing effective communication for personal and professional growth. Bowman also challenges students to confront issues of power, privilege, and social justice by encouraging them to take impactful actions—whether through direct interaction or civic involvement and engagement. With engaging discussions of core concepts and contemporary examples, this text not only encourages students to explore how effective communication can drive change in their lives but also inspires a new wave of communicators committed to fostering community well-being.

Communication in Action: Teaching Literature-Based Language Arts (Eighth Edition)

by Dorothy Hennings

Communication in Action integrates the language arts--speaking, listening, viewing, reading, and writing--into a total curriculum that centers around children's literature. The text includes ideas for using literature to teach language skills across the curriculum, and a planning resource handbook at the end of the text that helps teachers create lesson plans, select children's books, and evaluate software options.

Communication in Atypical Infants and Toddlers

by Christina F. Papaeliou

This book presents a comparative review of the latest studies and data on prelinguistic communication and early semantic development in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Williams syndrome (WMS), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and early language delay. Papaeliou offers a critical analysis of the literature, compares key theoretical approaches, and interprets data on development in atypical populations.A fruitful synthesis of theory and research reveals that, instead of cognitive deficits, the core feature of these neurodevelopmental disorders consists of deficits in the ability for self- and intersubjective coordination, which adversely affects early interactions and, consequently, the emergence of language. The book composes fragmentary proposals on the role of rhythm disruptions in different conditions, setting out the idea that disruption in interactional synchrony is a connecting thread through neurodevelopmental disorders which show high prevalence or high comorbidity rates. Papaeliou identifies distinct communicative patterns characteristic of each disorder and puts forward a unifying theory for interpreting data on early communication and language development in atypical populations.This is ideal reading for psychologists, psycholinguists, psychiatrists, paediatricians, speech therapists, and special educators. Students in developmental psychology and anyone interested in understanding the research behind typical and atypical development will also benefit from this text.

Communication in Construction: Theory and Practice

by Michael Murray David Moore Andrew Dainty

Communication within project-based environments presents special challenges. This is especially true within the construction industry, where interaction tends to be characterised by unfamiliar groups of people coming together for short periods before disbanding to work on other endeavours. This book examines communication at a number of levels ranging from interpersonal interactions between project participants to corporate communication between organizations. Several non-typical perspectives on the process of communication are introduced to encourage the reader to think about communication in a more innovative manner. The combination of differing perspectives illustrates the diversity of communication problems facing those working within project-based environments. Practical guidance is provided on possible solutions to communication problems, and a number of examples and case studies are presented.

Communication in Eastern Europe: The Role of History, Culture, and Media in Contemporary Conflicts (Routledge Communication Series)

by Fred L. Casmir

This volume represents a clear attempt to learn something from the events in Eastern European countries. It does not start with simplistic or old assumptions based on convenient Western communication models, but instead takes a new approach. If chaos theory could fundamentally change how physicists looked at order in the universe, then it may be of value for communication scholars to attempt to understand the diversity of chaos or order in the human universe, rather than attempt to force existing models on it for their own explanatory purposes. This book is not merely based on the study of select groups of university students or on laboratory settings created in the minds of social scientists. It seeks to understand some of the "real world," including the historical backgrounds and the theoretical assumptions brought to studies of intercultural conflicts. Using personal and professional insights developed during firsthand contacts with existing situations, chapter authors illustrate some of the realities by using the complexity of changes in Eastern European states during the final decade of the 20th century. From education to business, from the role of women to the role of mass media, from the impact of political systems to the impact of history, communication between those who are culturally diverse, though they may have been arbitrarily forced to live under the same "political roof," is the theme of these scholarly studies. The editor's reason for developing this volume of original essays is his belief that diversity rather than assumed similarity or even sameness -- based on the use of inadequate terminology -- is necessary for learning from contemporary human experiences. He further believes that diversity and the significant roles of cultural values as well as of history need to become key concepts in the model with which to begin when it comes to the study of various aspects of intercultural communication. It is therefore vital that scholars who represent various points of view and backgrounds contribute to that process. After all, understanding what is happening in the world is centrally anchored in or related to effective and successful "intercultural" communication between scholars who have different academic and personal backgrounds.

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