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Como escrever um livro - Superar o bloqueio

by Clara Tiscar Nuno Filipe Oliveira E Sá Da Costa Lopes

Queres escrever? Já padeceste de um "bloqueio de escrita"? Tens medo quando olhas para a página em branco? Este livro é para ti caso te identifiques com as seguintes situações: Quero começar a escrever, mas não encontro o momento certo. Estou enrascado no meu livro, não sei como seguir em frente. Sei a história que quero contar, mas não a consigo escrever. Não bloqueei, mas falta-me motivação continuar a escrever o meu livro. Conselhos e técnicas para superar o infame bloqueio de escritor. Ferramentas e estratégias para não voltares a bloquear.

Como escrever uma postagem de blog que venda

by Richard G Lowe Jr Nícolas Poloni

Escrever um artigo que induza o leitor a tomar a decisão de fazer algo é uma arte. Esse é o principal foco do livro. Você aprenderá a criar um artigo que deixe o leitor interessado, instigado, informado e ainda o faça tomar uma decisão ao terminar a leitura.

Cómo Escribir un Blog que Venda

by Richard G Lowe Jr

Hay algo en la manera de escribir un artículo que hace al lector tomar la decisión de hacer algo. Ese es el objetivo de este libro. Aprenderá a crear un artículo que consiga el interés de los lectores, los atraiga, los informe y los lleve a tomar una decisión al terminar la lectura.

Cómo Escribir un Libro Electrónico en un Mes

by Beautrice Norfolk

"Cómo Escribir un Libro Electrónico en un Mes: Pasos y Puntos a Considerar, Motivaciones y Creatividad," es una obra que consigue con asombrosa diafanidad potenciar en las personas interesadas en realizar una obra literaria, las habilidades necesarias con sencillas herramientas que permiten explotar el talento que subyace de forma anonima en las personas.

Como ganhar dinheiro com aplicativos

by Adidas Wilson

O mercado de aplicativos continua crescendo a cada dia. Pessoas de todo o mundo estão usando aplicativos para estilo de vida, negócios, jogos e praticamente tudo o mais. Muitos outros estão interessados ​​em criar seus próprios aplicativos e a constante pergunta em suas mentes é: "quanto custa?" Bem, não é tão caro. Através deste livro, você será capaz de compreender de que forma você poderá ganhar dinheiro através de aplicativos.  

Cómo grabar audiolibros

by George Smolinski M. Celeste Espina

¡El audio es fantástico! No es ninguna novedad el hecho de que, ya sea en podcast o en audiolibros, la gente prefiere escuchar contenido más que verlo o leerlo. ¡Comience a grabar su propio audiolibro! Esta es una completa guía con instrucciones en video que le permitirán crear su propio producto. ¡Lo sé porque yo utilicé ÉSTAS MISMAS TÉCNICAS para grabar este libro para Audible! Los audiolibros son hoy la tendencia más candente en edición. Hubo un crecimiento explosivo en las ventas de audiolibros durante los últimos cuatro años, y hoy usted necesita tener su libro en este formato. Esta guía le enseñará los pormenores de la creación de audiolibros, ¡incluso si desea hacer la grabación usted mismo! Ésta guía abarca: 1. Qué equipamiento necesitará para la grabación y narración de su libro. 2. Cómo comenzar a grabar con los softwares GarageBand y Audacity. 3. Trucos y consejos para ayudarlo a comenzar con buen pie en la narración de audiolibros. 4. Cómo subir su libro terminado a Audible y a iTunes. 5. Recursos útiles para externalizar su producción en el caso de que usted no sea una persona hábil para el "hágalo usted mismo". ¡Súbase al carro de los audiolibros y aprenda a realizarlos hoy mismo!

Cómo no fracasar en el mundo editorial: Consejos irresponsables de Actualidad Panamericana

by Actualidad panamericana

Los lectores descubrirán cómo en cuatro años Actualidad Panamericana logró posicionarse como una marca digital a punta de afecto y bacanería. ¿Tuvieron que venderle el alma al demonio (o a Facebook) para triunfar en Internet? ¿Es posible llevar gente a un sitio web sin usar titulares engañosos? ¿Cómo han mantenido la motivación mientras consiguen que su audiencia crezca? ¿Cómo logran expresar lo que quieren decir y que la gente lo entienda? ¿Cómo eligen el mejor contenido y los canales por donde llegará más lejos? ¿Cómo superan el miedo al fracaso y a ofender a otros? En este libro, los creadores de Actualidad Panamericana responden a estas preguntas, entre muchas otras, y revelan todo lo que sus lectores siempre han querido saber sobre ellos. Cada día, miles de nuevos medios digitales se lanzan a las turbulentas aguas de Internet a perseguir ese monstruo mitológico llamado éxito. Son muchos los peligros y errores que pueden llevar al naufragio los sueños de fama y fortuna. Actualidad Panamericana a diario inventa noticias en tono de sátira para criticar los males de nuestra sociedad y, curiosamente, se ha consolidado como uno de los portales independientes con mayor credibilidad del país. Acá se comparten todos los secretos -muchas veces en contravía de lo que los gurús de Internet recomiendan- que lo han llevado a ser uno de los medios con más seguidores en Colombia.

Cómo tratar con gente complicada: Saca lo mejor de los demás en sus peores momentos

by Rick Brinkman

El bestseller que ha ayudado a miles de personas a lidiar de forma adecuada con distintos tipos de personas conflictivas y situaciones difíciles. Cómo tratar con gente complicada te brinda una serie de estrategias y herramientas emocionales y de comportamiento para mejorar tus relaciones interpersonales. Descubre las características de los diferentes psicotipos (tipos de personalidad) para llevarte bien cuando tratas con personas que tienen la misteriosa habilidad de sabotear, descarrilar e interferir con tus planes, necesidades y deseos. Aprenderás cómo: - Usar técnicas de escucha sofisticadas para abrir las puertas a las mentes, corazones y necesidades más profundas de las personas. - Aplicar habilidades de "ponte al mando" que convierten el conflicto en cooperación al reducir las diferencias entre las personas. - Transformar el comportamiento destructivo delTanque, el Francotirador, el Sabelotodo, el Quejumbroso, el Mártir, el Entrometido y otros tipos de personas difíciles. Ya sea que estés tratando con un compañero de trabajo que intenta atribuirse el mérito de tu proyecto, un familiar que no conoce límites personales o un desconocido que habla muy alto por teléfono en el transporte público, este libro te brindará las herramientas para sacar lo mejor de las personas en su peor momento.

Cómo triunfar en el mundo digital

by Lina Cáceres

Los secretos y consejos de la mánager de Calle y Poché, Pautips, Sebastián Villalobos y muchos más. Muchos se preguntan quiénes están detrás del éxito de los creadores de contenido más populares de los últimos tiempos, como Calle & Poché, Sebastián Villalobos, Juan Pablo Jaramillo, Mario Ruiz y Xime Ponch. Uno de ellos es Lina Cáceres, cofundadora del departamento digital de la agencia de representación de talentos más importante de la región, LatinWE, quien ha convertido a sus creadores digitales en celebridades multiplataforma. ¿Cuál es el secreto? ¿Cuáles son las estrategias para ampliar sus audiencias, generar contenidos de calidad y ser la imagen de grandes marcas? ¿Cuáles son las bases para entender el entorno digital hoy y durante los próximos años? Este libro responde todos los interrogantes necesarios para entender y conocer las últimas tendencias y el futuro de un sector líder en el mundo de los negocios del entretenimiento.

Compact Antennas for High Data Rate Communication: Ultra-wideband (UWB) and Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) Technology (Springer Topics in Signal Processing #14)

by Amalendu Patnaik M. V. Kartikeyan Jagannath Malik

This book discusses the development of promising technologies for compact antennas for high data-rate communications. It discusses and analyzes the design of compact ultra-wideband (UWB) and multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) antennas, providing essential know-how for designers, practicing engineers and scientists. These wireless communication technologies enable consumers to have convenient access to a wide range of services - anytime, anywhere. And the introduction of wireless mobile access points eliminates the limitations to communication imposed by geographical location. The Internet has allowed people to access and share information much more rapidly, but in order to achieve higher data rates with the limited available resources and imposed constraints, wireless communication technology needs to be pushed beyond the physical limits of the propagation channel. This book contributes to achieving this goal.

A companion to translation studies

by Edited By Sandra Bermann Catherine Porter

This series offers comprehensive, newly written surveys of key periods and movements and certain major authors, in English literary culture and history. Extensive volumes provide new perspectives and positions on contexts and on canonical and post-canonical texts, orientating the beginning student in new fields of study and providing the experienced undergraduate

Comparative Law - Engaging Translation

by Simone Glanert

In an era marked by processes of economic, political and legal integration that are arguably unprecedented in their range and impact, the translation of law has assumed a significance which it would be hard to overstate. The following situations are typical. A French law school is teaching French law in the English language to foreign exchange students. Some US legal scholars are exploring the possibility of developing a generic or transnational constitutional law. German judges are referring to foreign law in a criminal case involving an honour killing committed in Germany with a view to ascertaining the relevance of religious prescriptions. European lawyers are actively working on the creation of a common private law to be translated into the 24 official languages of the European Union. Since 2004, the World Bank has been issuing reports ranking the attractiveness of different legal cultures for doing business. All these examples raise in one way or the other the matter of translation from a comparative legal perspective. However, in today’s globalised world where the need to communicate beyond borders arises constantly in different guises, many comparatists continue not to address the issue of translation. This edited collection of essays brings together leading scholars from various cultural and disciplinary backgrounds who draw on fields such as translation studies, linguistics, literary theory, history, philosophy or sociology with a view to promoting a heightened understanding of the complex translational implications pertaining to comparative law, understood both in its literal and metaphorical senses.

Comparative Print Culture: A Study of Alternative Literary Modernities (New Directions in Book History)

by Rasoul Aliakbari

Drawing on comparative literary studies, postcolonial book history, and multiple, literary, and alternative modernities, this collection approaches the study of alternative literary modernities from the perspective ofcomparative print culture. The term comparative print culture designates a wide range of scholarly practices that discover, examine, document, and/or historicize various printed materials and their reproduction, circulation, and uses across genres, languages, media, and technologies, all within a comparative orientation. This book explores alternative literary modernities mostly by highlighting the distinct ways in which literary and cultural print modernities outside Europe evince the repurposing of European systems and cultures of print and further deconstruct their perceived universality.

Comparative Public Opinion

by Cameron D. Anderson and Mathieu Turgeon

This book presents a comprehensive examination of public opinion in the democratic world. Built around chapters that highlight key explanatory frameworks used in understanding public opinion, the book presents a coherent study of the subject in a comparative perspective, emphasizing and interrogating immigration as a key issue of high concern to most mass publics in the democratic world. Key features of the book include: Covers several theoretical issues and determinants of opinion such as the effects of personality, age and life cycle, ideology, social class, partisanship, gender, religion, ethnicity, language, and media, highlighting over time the effects of political, social, and economic contexts. Each chapter explores the theoretical rationale, mechanisms of effect, and use in the scholarly literature on public opinion before applying these to the issue of immigration comparatively and in specific places or regions. Widely comparative using a nine-country sample (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America) in the analysis of individual-level determinants of public opinion about immigration and extending to other countries like Belgium, Brazil, and Japan when evaluating contextual factors. This edited volume will be essential reading for students, scholars, and practitioners interested in public opinion, political behaviour, voting behaviour, politics of the media, immigration, political communication, and, more generally, democracy and comparative politics.

Comparative Rhetoric: An Historical and Cross-Cultural Introduction

by George A. Kennedy

Comparative Rhetoric is the first book to offer a cross-cultural overview of rhetoric as a universal feature of expression, composition, and communication. It begins with a theory of rhetoric as a form of mental and emotional energy which is transmitted from a speaker or writer to an audience or reader through a speech or text. In the first part of the book, George Kennedy explores analogies to human rhetoric in animal communication, possible rhetorical factors in the origin of human speech, and rhetorical conventions in traditionally oral societies in Australia, the South Pacific, Africa, and the Americas.<P><P> Topics discussed include forms of reasoning, the function of metaphor, and the forms and uses of formal language. The second part of the book provides an account of rhetoric as understood and practiced in early literate societies in the Near East, China, India, Greece, and Rome, identifying unique or unusual features of Western discourse in comparison to uses elsewhere. The concluding chapter summarizes the results of the study and evaluates the validity of traditional Western rhetorical concepts in describing non-Western rhetoric. Addressing both what is general or common in all rhetorical traditions and what is unique or unusual in the Western tradition, Comparative Rhetoric is ideally suited for courses in rhetoric, rhetoric theory, the history of rhetoric, intercultural communication, linguistic anthropology, and comparative linguistics.

A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Legal Language and Culture (Peking University Linguistics Research #4)

by Falian Zhang

This book involves a variety of aspects and levels, including the diachronic and synchronic dimensions. Law profoundly affects our daily lives, but its language and culture can at times be nearly impossible to understand. As a comparative study of Chinese and Western legal language and legal culture, this book investigates the similarities and differences of both sides and identifies their respective advantages and disadvantages. Accordingly, it considers both social and cultural functions, and both theoretical and practical values.Firstly, the book addresses the differences, that is, the basic frameworks and disparities between the Chinese and Western legal languages and legal cultures. Secondly, it explores relevant changes over time, that is, the historical evolution and the basic driving forces that were at work before the Chinese and Western legal languages and cultures “met.” Lastly, the book elaborates on their fusion, that is, the conflicts and changes in Chinese and Western legal languages and cultures in China in the modern era, as well as the introduction, transplantation and transformation of Western legal culture.

Comparing Charismatic Leaders’ Communication Styles: A Study of Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump (Routledge Focus on Communication Studies)

by Tim P. McMahon

In examining the presidencies of Barack Obama and Donald Trump, and by extension their communication styles, this book provides a foundation for understanding charismatic leadership and its potent effect on followers.The book identifies each leader’s charismatic leadership attributes, focusing specifically on communication and impression management. It presents a qualitative collection of leader observations and outcomes based on publications and audio and video recordings. By examining two distinctly different leaders, each with evidence of effective, if controversial, outcomes, it shows a spectrum of approaches to mobilizing followers.This book is suited to students and readers interested in leadership studies, leadership communication, and persuasion.

Comparing Media Systems

by Daniel C. Hallin Paolo Mancini

Comparing Media Systems Beyond the Western World offers a broad exploration of the conceptual foundations for comparative analysis of media and politics globally. It takes as its point of departure the widely used framework of Daniel C. Hallin and Paolo Mancini's Comparing Media Systems, exploring how the concepts and methods of their analysis do and do not prove useful when applied beyond the original focus of their "most similar systems" design and the West European and North American cases it encompassed. It is intended both to use a wider range of cases to interrogate and clarify the conceptual framework of Comparing Media Systems and to propose new models, concepts, and approaches that will be useful for dealing with non-Western media systems and with processes of political transition. Comparing Media Systems Beyond the Western World covers, among other cases, Brazil, China, Israel, Lebanon, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Thailand.

Comparing Post-Socialist Media Systems: The Case of Southeast Europe (Routledge Advances in Internationalizing Media Studies)

by Zrinjka Peruško Dina Vozab Antonija Čuvalo

This book explains divergent media system trajectories in the countries in southeast Europe, and challenges the presumption that the common socialist experience critically influences a common outcome in media development after democratic transformations, by showing different remote and proximate configuration of conditions that influence their contemporary shape. Applying an innovative longitudinal set-theoretical methodological approach, the book contributes to the theory of media systems with a novel theoretical framework for the comparative analysis of post-socialist media systems. This theory builds on the theory of historical institutionalism and the notion of critical junctures and path dependency in searching for an explanation for similarities or differences among media systems in the Eastern European region. Extending the understanding of media systems beyond a political journalism focus, this book is a valuable contribution to the literature on comparative media systems in the areas of media systems studies, political science, Southeast and Central European studies, post-socialist studies and communication studies.

The Compass of Friendship: Narratives, Identities, and Dialogues

by William K Rawlins

2012 Recipient of the Gerald R. Miller Book Award from the Interpersonal Communication Division of the National Communication Association (NCA) <p><p> 2009 Recipient of the David R. Maines Narrative Research Award from the Ethnography Division of the National Communication Association (NCA) <p> Exploring how friends use dialogue and storytelling to construct identities, deal with differences, make choices, and build inclusive communities, The Compass of Friendship examines communication dialectically across private, personal friendships as well as public, political friendships. Author William K. Rawlins uses compelling examples and cases from literature, films, dialogue and storytelling between actual friends, student discussions of cross-sex friendships, and interviews with interracial friends. Throughout the book, he invites readers to consider such questions as: What are the possibilities for enduring, close friendships between men and women? How far can friendship's practices extend into public life to facilitate social justice? What are the predicaments and promises of friendships that bridge racial boundaries? How useful and realistic are the ideals and activities of friendship for serving the well-lived lives of individuals, groups, and larger collectives?

Compassionate Communicating: Poetry, Prose, and Practices

by Kimberly Pearce

Compassionate Communication is a book that provides a more expansive view of communication and its role in increasing compassion for ourselves and others. The book advances innovative ideas and specific practices to improve our relationships and increase compassion in our lives.

The Compassionate Connection: The Healing Power Of Empathy And Mindful Listening

by David Rakel

“This book explains not only the healing power of compassionate human connection, but in the most accessible and practical ways, how to cultivate our capacity to create that connection and thereby empower others to find their best selves.”—John Makransky, author of Awakening through Love All of us have an innate capacity for compassion. We recognize when others are hurting, and we want to help, but we’re not always good at it. There is another way. In The Compassionate Connection, Dr. David Rakel explains how we can strengthen our bonds with others—all the while doing emotional and physical good for ourselves. As founder and director of the University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine program, Dr. Rakel discovered that we become the most effective helpers when we use the tool of human connection. Drawing on his own research and practice, as well as thirty years of published studies in medicine, sociology, psychology, meditation, and neuroscience, Dr. Rakel "stacks the deck" in favor of healing and introduces the concept of bio-psycho-spiritual authentic awareness. Not only are our bodies and minds connected, but also it has been scientifically proven that our capacity to feel beauty, awe, and compassion enhances our health and wellbeing. In The Compassionate Connection, Dr. Rakel provides an innovative approach to enhancing health in others and strengthening relationships through the art of connecting. These tools guide us to improve our connections—whether between doctor and patient, husband and wife, parent and child, or boss and employee—and live with clarity, wisdom, and good health.

Compassionate Conversations: How to Speak and Listen from the Heart

by Diane Musho Hamilton Gabriel Menegale Wilson Kimberly Loh

The definitive guide to learning effective skills for engaging in open and honest conversations about divisive issues from three professional mediators.When a conversation takes a turn into the sometimes uncomfortable and often contentious topics of race, religion, gender, sexuality, and politics, it can be difficult to know what to say or how to respond to someone you disagree with. Compassionate Conversations empowers us to transform these conversations into opportunities to bridge divides and mend relationships by providing the basic set of conflict resolution skills we need to be successful, including listening, reframing, and dealing with strong emotions. Addressing the long history of injury and pain for marginalized groups, the authors explore topics like social privilege, power dynamics, and, political correctness allowing us to be more mindful in our conversations. Each chapter contains practices and reflection questions to help readers feel more prepared to talk through polarizing issues, ultimately encouraging us to take risks, to understand and recognize our deep commonalities, to be willing to make mistakes, and to become more intimate with expressing our truths, as well as listening to those of others.

Compassionate Leadership: How to create and maintain engaged, committed and high-performing teams

by Manley Hopkinson

Forcing compliance is easy. Anyone can 'make' another do a task or a job. It will get done, but when, and to what standard? High performance and, more importantly, sustained high performance can only come from engagement with and commitment to the job in hand. This book will introduce you to the art of compassionate leadership - the art of getting the best for and out of people through the fulfilment of self-worth. It will show leaders how to give their teams a real sense of purpose and direction in order to motivate and inspire them to perform at a high level. To illustrate his message, author Manley Hopkinson draws on his background as a board member of companies including ATLAS Consortium and Hewlett Packard Defence UK, his career as an inspirational speaker and his adventure experiences as skipper in the BT Global Challenge (a round the world yacht race) and The Polar Race (an expedition style race to the Magnetic North Pole).

Compelling People: The Hidden Qualities That Make Us Influential

by John Neffinger Matthew Kohut

'This is not just another pop-psych book: it's the first book to capture and share the insights from all the recent groundbreaking research on how we judge and persuade each other. And it translates that into simple, practical terms anyone can use to build more effective relationships at the office or home' Amy CuddyHOW PEOPLE JUDGE YOU - AND HOW TO COME OUT LOOKING GOOD Everyone wants to know how to be more influential. But most of us don't really think we can have the kind of magnetism or charisma that we associate with someone like Bill Clinton or Oprah Winfrey unless it comes naturally. In Compelling People - now required reading and Harvard Business School - John Neffinger and Matthew Kohut show that this isn't something we have to be born with, it's something we can learn. They trace the path to influence through a balance of strength and warmth. Each seems simple, but only a few of us figure out the tricky task of projecting both at once. Drawing on cutting-edge social science research as well as their own work with Fortune 500 executives, members of Congress, TED speakers and Nobel Prize winners, Compelling People explains how we size each other up - and how we can learn to win the admiration, respect, and affection we desire.

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