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Controlled Document Authoring in a Machine Translation Age (Routledge Studies in Translation Technology and Techno-Humanities)

by Rei Miyata

This book explains the concept, framework, implementation, and evaluation of controlled document authoring in this age of translation technologies. Machine translation (MT) is routinely used in many situations, by companies, governments, and individuals. Despite recent advances, MT tools are still known to be imperfect, sometimes producing critical errors. To enhance the performance of MT, researchers and language practitioners have developed controlled languages that impose restrictions on the form or length of the source-language text. However, a fundamental, persisting problem is that both current MT systems and controlled languages deal only with the sentence as the unit of processing. To be effective, controlled languages must be contextualised at the document level, consequently enabling MT to generate outputs appropriate for their functional context within the target document. With a specific focus on Japanese municipal documents, this book establishes a framework for controlled document authoring by integrating various research strands including document formalisation, controlled language, and terminology management. It then presents the development and evaluation of an authoring support system, MuTUAL, that is designed to help non-professional writers create well-organised documents that are both readable and translatable. The book provides useful insights for researchers and practitioners interested in translation technology, technical writing, and natural language processing applications.

The Controversialist: Arguments with Everyone, Left Right and Center

by Martin Peretz

From his deep involvement in the civil rights and anti-war movements of the 1960s to his almost forty years at the head of the New Republic, Martin Peretz traces his personal history alongside those of the cultural and political centers—Harvard, Wall Street, Washington—in which he was a key player for decades.From 1974 to 2012, during his years as publisher and editor-in-chief of the New Republic, Martin Peretz was a familiar presence on the political scene. In its time under his leadership, the magazine was always fresh, erudite, contrarian, and brave. Anyone interested in finding out the most distinctive expert takes on the issues that mattered—whether they be domestic or international, cultural or political—knew that the New Republic was required reading. The Controversialist begins in a vibrant but tragedy-stricken community of Yiddish Jews in his native Bronx and takes Peretz, blessed with that rare trait of always being in the right place at the right time, into the same rooms as some of the most prominent writers, thinkers, businessmen, activists, and politicians of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Peretz&’s insights into his relationships with these men and women—many of them his students, teachers, colleagues, friends, and, of course, enemies—are both original and illuminating. Through his examination of the personalities, not least his own, at the center of the events that have defined the postwar and neoliberal decades, Peretz makes a rich and compelling argument for the ideals that have been the focus of his life: liberalism, democracy, and Zionism. In revisiting this rich life, he considers, too, what will come next now that those ideals are no longer assured.

Controversies in Contemporary Advertising

by Kim B. Sheehan

Presenting a range of perspectives on advertising in a global society, this Second Edition of Controversies in Contemporary Advertising examines economic, political, social, and ethical perspectives and covers a number of topics including stereotyping, controversial products, consumer culture, and new technology. The book is divided equally between macro and micro issues, providing a balanced portrait of the role advertising has in society today. Author Kim Bartel Sheehan′s work recognizes the plurality of opinions towards advertising, allowing the reader to form and analyze their own judgments. It encourages readers to obtain a critical perspective on advertising issues.

Controversies Over the Imitation of Cicero in the Renaissance

by Izora Scott

Though the term Ciceronianism could be applied to Cicero's influence and teaching in the field of politics, philosophy, or rhetoric, it is limited in the present study to the technical department of rhetoric. In addition, it represents the trend of literary opinion in regard to accepting Cicero as a model for imitation in composition. The history of Ciceronianism, thus interpreted, has been written with more or less emphasis upon the controversial aspect of the subject in various languages. This work is particularly valuable because the author presents not only her clear analysis of the issues involved, but also translations of key texts by major Renaissance humanists who were involved in the controversy. These include a set of letters between the Italians Pietro Bembo and Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola and, more importantly, "The Ciceronian" of the Dutch humanist Desiderius Erasmus. The issues were complex. At one end of the spectrum were the "ultra Ciceronians," mainly Italian, who believed that no Latin word or syntactical structure should be used that was not in Cicero's works. At the other end of the spectrum were those who felt that a number of authors -- Cicero included -- were worthy of emulation. It was not however a mere quibbling about literary style, since the debate came to involve charges of paganism versus Christianity, and challenged the basic concept of humanism developed first in Italy and then in France during the 15th and 16th centuries. The work falls into three divisions: * an introductory chapter on the influence of Cicero from his own time to that of Poggio and Valla when men of letters began a series of controversial writings on the merits of Cicero as a model of style, * a series of chapters treating of these controversies, and * a study of the connection between the entire movement and the history of education.

Convence sin abrir la boca: Claves del lenguaje no verbal para persuadir a cualquier audiencia

by Jordi Reche

Descubre las claves del lenguaje no verbal para cautivar y persuadir a cualquier audiencia y en cualquier situación. En el entorno personal y profesional, nuestros gestos, miradas, posturas, sonrisas... dicen más de nosotros que las palabras que pronunciamos. Porque el lenguaje del cuerpo es revelador: cómo nos sentamos, cómo caminamos, cómo saludamos..., todo comunica. Los demás interpretan y recuerdan nuestros mensajes por lo que transmitimos a nivel visual mucho más que por lo que decimos. Pero ¿sabes qué expresas con tu cuerpo? Jordi Reche te descubre los secretos del lenguaje no verbal: qué significa cada gesto, por qué lo haces y cómo interpretarlo tanto en ti mismo como en los demás. Convence sin abrir la boca te proporciona las herramientas para dominar el lenguaje corporal y conectar con tus interlocutores. Aprende a utilizarlas para ser más convincente y persuasivo, transmitir mayor seguridad y confianza, y ganar influencia entre quienes te rodean. En este libro aprenderás: * A comunicar mejor, reforzando tu mensaje hablado con tu gestualidad. * A tener mayor consciencia de tu cuerpo y a utilizarlo para sentirte mejor y para que, quienes te rodean, te vean mejor. * A leer en los gestos de los demás información que han decidido no darte u ocultarte, o simplemente a descifrar que te están mintiendo.* A descubrir que tu poder de persuasión puede aumentar de manera significativa si cuidas tu lenguaje no verbal de líder. * A conocer mejor los mensajes que envían tus fotos de perfil, tus fotos grupales o los vídeos que cuelgas en las redes. * A detectar las emociones reales de una persona, más allá de lo que nos cuente con sus palabras. * A aumentar tu capacidad de seducción y a leer en el cuerpo de las personas con las que te relacionas si estás atrayendo su atención de manera positiva o no. Reseñas:«Con el libro de Jordi puedes aprender tanto a leer a los demás como a mejorar tu comunicación de una forma amena y entretenida. Puedes usarlo siempre que quieras para mejorar y llevar tu comunicación y conocimiento a otro nivel que no muchos conocen».Jose Fernández @soycriminologo. Experto en criminología y comportamiento no verbal«Jordi ha condensado en un libro una gran cantidad de trucos y técnicas para entender cómo funciona la comunicación no verbal. Esto permite que lo apliques es muchos ámbitos: en negociaciones, ventas, formaciones... Es un manual didáctico y directo que te ayudará a iniciarte de lleno en el apasionante mundo de la comunicación».Fernando Miralles. Formador y divulgador experto en oratoria«Jordi te explica paso a paso todo lo que cualquier comunicador debería saber, ya sea hablando con un cliente o frente a miles de espectadores. Sin duda, una caja de herramientas que todo profesional debería leer. Un título obligatorio para cualquiera que desee destacarse en su carrera».Nico Fernández Miranda. Empresario, conferencista y profesor universitario«En este mundo tan expeditivo Jordi nos enseña no solo cómo mejorar nuestro lenguaje corporal sino también cómo leer a quienes tenemos enfrente, esto nos ayudara luego a complementar nuestro objetivo final en una reunión o quizás en esa charla incomoda que tanto evadimos. Aquí aprenderás cómo congeniar eso que quieres decir no solo con palabras si no con todo tu cuerpo».Evelina Cabrera. Entrenadora de fútbol, coach deportivo y escritora

Converged Communications: Evolution from Telephony to 5G Mobile Internet

by Erkki Koivusalo

CONVERGED COMMUNICATIONS A one-of-a-kind exploration of the past, present, and future of telecommunications In Converged Communications: Evolution from Telephony to 5G Mobile Internet, telecommunications industry veteran Erkki Koivusalo delivers an essential reference describing how different communications systems work, how they have evolved from fixed telephone networks to the latest 5G mobile systems, and how the voice and data services converged. The central theme of the book is to build deeper understanding about incremental technological progress by introducing both state of the art and their predecessor technologies. The book explores four main areas, including fixed telephone systems, data communication systems, mobile cellular systems, and IP multimedia systems. It clearly explains architectures, protocols, and functional procedures, and discusses a variety of topics ranging from physical layer processes to system level interactions. Converged ­Communications offers: In-depth treatments of fixed telephone and transmission systems, including operation of telephone exchanges and signaling systems Comprehensive explorations of data communication systems, including transmission of data over telephone lines and data network technologies, such as Ethernet and TCP/IP Incisive discussions of mobile cellular systems, including GSM, 3G, LTE, VoLTE and 5G Insightful analysis of incremental system evolution to justify various design choices made The book is supported with extensive online appendices, which covers communication system concepts, an overview of standardization, various technologies used in the past, state-of-the art technologies such as WLAN, cable modems, and FTTx, complementing the other systems described in the book which have evolved from the fixed telephone network. Perfect for network operators, system integrators, and communication system vendors, Converged Communications: Evolution from Telephony to 5G Mobile Internet will also earn a place in the libraries of undergraduate and graduate students studying telecommunications and mobile systems. Constructive comments and improvement proposals about Converged Communications or its online appendices can be sent by email to address The feedback will be considered for possible new editions of the book or the revisions of the appendices.

Convergence in Broadcast and Communications Media

by John Watkinson

Convergence in Broadcast and Communications Media offers concise and accurate information for engineers and technicians tackling products and systems combining audio, video, data processing and communications. Without adequate fundamental knowledge of the core technologies, products could be flawed or even fail. John Watkinson has provided a definitive professional guide, designed as a standard point of reference for engineers, whether you are from an audio, video, computer or communications background. Without assuming any background and starting from first principles, the four core technologies of image reproduction, sound reproduction, data processing and communications are described. Covering everything from digital fundamentals to conversion methods, sound and image technologies, compression techniques, digital coding principles, storage devices and the latest communications systems, the book shows how these technologies operate together and the necessary conversions that take place between them. Acronyms and buzzwords are introduced only after their purpose has been described in plain English - as the book serves to give a reliable grasp of the fundamentals. The criteria involved in determining image and sound quality are based on a thorough treatment of the human senses, a unique description of how motion portrayal works in managing systems.John Watkinson is an international consultant in audio video and data recording. He is a Fellow of the AES, a member of the British Computer Society and a chartered information systems practitioner. He presents lectures, seminars, conference papers and training courses worldwide and writes for many industry magazines. His other books for Focal Press are widely acknowledged as standard reference works and industry `bibles'. John is author of MPEG2, The Art of Digital Video and the Art of Digital Audio, An Introduction to Digital Video, An Introduction to Digital Audio, The Art of Sound Reproduction, Television Fundamentals, Co-author of The Digital Interface Handbook and Contributor to The Loudspeaker and Headphone Handbook.

Convergence of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things (Internet of Things)

by George Mastorakis Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis Jordi Mongay Batalla Evangelos Pallis

This book gathers recent research work on emerging Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods for processing and storing data generated by cloud-based Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructures. Major topics covered include the analysis and development of AI-powered mechanisms in future IoT applications and architectures. Further, the book addresses new technological developments, current research trends, and industry needs. Presenting case studies, experience and evaluation reports, and best practices in utilizing AI applications in IoT networks, it strikes a good balance between theoretical and practical issues. It also provides technical/scientific information on various aspects of AI technologies, ranging from basic concepts to research grade material, including future directions. The book is intended for researchers, practitioners, engineers and scientists involved in the design and development of protocols and AI applications for IoT-related devices. As the book covers a wide range of mobile applications and scenarios where IoT technologies can be applied, it also offers an essential introduction to the field.

Convergence of Communications, Navigation, Sensing and Services (River Publishers Series In Communications Ser.)

by Leo Ligthart Ramjee Prasad

Activities on integrated communications, navigation, sensing and services are urgently needed in a wide range of human-centered and/or device-centered system applications. They require a multi-disciplinary approach. It is foreseen that the economic scale of these activities are comparable with the present scale of wireless communications. The area in which systems operate can vary from personal area network to global network.This book covers the following topics;• CONASENSE Architecture• Performance Analyses of Integrated Communication Systems• Cognitive Radio Networks• Brain Computer Interfacing• Quality Improvement of Generic Services• Machine to Machine communications• Chip to Chip CommunicationsThus, the multi-disciplinary approach get attention in the book.

Convergence of ICT and Smart Devices for Emerging Applications (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)

by Sara Paiva Suman Paul

This book focuses on recent topics related to the convergence of information and communication technologies (ICT) and computing with smart devices. Domain areas of application include social, industrial, business development, and day to day life aspects. This book presents chapters related to the aforementioned topics including case studies showcasing future technological trends and challenges. Topics social inclusion solutions and social changes; smart devices and applications for day to day life; smart IoT and applications; and smart cities solutions. The book is applicable to researchers, students, professionals, and professors in a wide range of fields.Focuses on recent developments in ICT and smart devices that pose a clear benefit for users;Presents applications of ICT in education, health, electronics, communication, networking, computing, tourism, transportation;Appeals to researchers, academics, and professionals in a cross section of disciplines.

Convergence of Internet of Things and Blockchain Technologies (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)

by H L Gururaj V Ravi Kumar Sam Goundar Ahmed A Elngar B H Swathi

This book presents chapters from diverse range of authors on different aspects of how Blockchain and IoT are converging and the impacts of these developments. The book provides an extensive cross-sectional and multi-disciplinary look into this trend and how it affects artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems, and robotics with a look at applications in aerospace, agriculture, automotive, critical infrastructures, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, smart transport systems, smart cities, and smart healthcare. Cases include the impact of Blockchain for IoT Security; decentralized access control systems in IoT; Blockchain architecture for scalable access management in IoT; smart and sustainable IoT applications incorporating Blockchain, and more. The book presents contributions from international academics, researchers, and practitioners from diverse perspectives.Presents how Blockchain and IoT are converging and the impacts of these developments on technology and its application;Discusses IoT and Blockchain from cross-sectional and multi-disciplinary perspectives;Includes contributions from researchers, academics, and professionals from around the world.

Convergence of Telecommunications and Broadcasting in Japan, United Kingdom and Germany: Technological Change, Public Policy and Market Structure

by Koichiro Agata Kiyoshi Nakamura

The convergence of telecommunications and broadcasting raises many questions. What form will convergence take in the future? When convergence produces new opportunities in the information, education and entertainment markets, what sort of rules of the game will be required? How will the players behave in these new markets? What policies might be needed?

Convergent Journalism: Writing and Producing Across Media

by Vincent F. Filak

Convergent Journalism: An Introduction is a pioneering textbook that will teach you how to master the skills needed to be a journalist in today's converged media landscape. This book shows you what makes a news story effective, and how to identify the best platform for a particular story, whether it's the Web, broadcast or print. The bedrock tenets of journalism remain at the core of this book, including information dissemination, storytelling, audience engagement. After establishing these journalism basics, the book goes into great detail on how to tailor a story to meet the needs of various media. Vincent F. Filak has brought this second edition completely up to date through: A thorough reorganization of the chapters, which provides a newer, more practical approach focused on "how to do convergent journalism," rather than simply observing the current state of converged media. A number of new pedagogical features to improve learning and retention, including examples, exercises, breakout boxes and more. Coverage of additional topics such as issues of law and ethics in digital media, and also writing for mobile platforms and social media. A companion website with links to additional examples of quality text, images and multimedia for students, as well as an instructor site with a test bank, suggested exercises and discussion questions.

Convergent Journalism: Writing and Producing Across Media

by Vincent F. Filak

Bringing together industry experts from across platforms and journalism specialisms, Convergent Journalism: An Introduction is the pioneering textbook on practicing journalism in today’s multimedia landscape. Convergent Journalism combines practical skills with a solid ethical framework. Each chapter is written by an expert in the field and features lively examples, exercises and breakout boxes to aid learning and retention. Written from the perspective of a responsible and audience-centric form of journalism and demonstrating ways journalists can use new media tools as both senders and receivers, this fourth edition features: • Completely revised chapters on social media, digital journalism, and law; • Additional discussion questions and exercises in every chapter; • Updated examples throughout. This book is an invaluable resource for students enrolled in courses such as Convergent Journalism, Digital Media, Online Journalism, and Multimedia Journalism.

Convergent Journalism: Chinese Approaches (Chinese Perspectives on Journalism and Communication)

by Woody Bing Liu

Convergent Journalism is an online news system that uses a range of media and methods to collect and present information. With the advent and growth of the Internet, this form of news has been flourishing globally and has become the mainstream in China. In 2014, the Chinese Government established media convergence as a national strategy. This book offers a panoramic view of the theories and practice of Convergent Journalism in a Chinese media landscape. Drawing on a plethora of cases, the author introduces concepts, subjects, and processes, and elaborates on media components including text, visuals, audio, and video. In addition, he discusses the application of search engine optimization, hyperlinks in reporting, user interaction, and user creation of content. Aside from providing an in-depth theoretical analysis, the book provides much guidance for practitioners. Students, scholars, and professionals of communication studies, journalism, and media studies will benefit from this book.

Convergent Journalism: Writing and Producing Across Media

by Vincent F. Filak

Convergent Journalism: An Introduction is the pioneering textbook on practicing journalism in the 21st century, now in its third edition, offering chapters by industry experts covering key components for today’s convergenced media landscape. <p><p> Each chapter of this book is written by an expert in the field, offering practical and key skills for the different aspects that make up the practice of journalism today. This new edition, written from the ground up, shifts the discussion toward a model of responsible and audience-centric journalism and demonstrates the ways journalists can use new media tools as both senders and receivers. The bedrock tenets of journalism remain at the core of this book, including information dissemination, storytelling, and audience engagement. This book offers readers: <p> • A number of pedagogical features to improve learning and retention, including examples, exercises, breakout boxes and more <p> • Coverage of additional topics such as issues of law and ethics in digital media, and also writing for mobile platforms and social media <p> • Individual chapters written by subject experts, giving readers the necessary know-how for converged media by proven leaders in the field <p> Students looking for the practical skills and ethical background necessary for producing journalism in the contemporary media landscape will find this book an invaluable resource. It is perfect for students in courses such as Convergent Journalism, Digital Media, Online Journalism, and Multimedia Journalism.

Converging Media: An Introduction To Mass Communication And Digital Innovation

by Shawn McIntosh John Pavlik

Industry. Culture. Technology. They have come together. What's next? From reading news on tablets to video calling on smartphones, digital media has changed the ways in which we communicate. Placing convergence at the center of the discussion, Converging Media: An Introduction to Mass Communication, Seventh Edition, uses the technologies we employ every day to explain our current media environment-and to consider where we might be headed.

Converging Media

by John V. Pavlik Shawn McIntosh

Industry. Culture. Technology. It's time they came together. From reading news on tablets to video calling on smartphones, digital media has changed the ways in which we communicate. Placing convergence at the center of the discussion, Converging Media: A New Introduction to Mass Communication, Sixth Edition, uses the technologies we employ every day to explain our current media environment--and to consider where we might be headed.

Converging NGN Wireline and Mobile 3G Networks with IMS: Converging NGN and 3G Mobile

by Rebecca Copeland

Focusing on the future network architecture and its main principles, Converging NGN Wireline and Mobile 3G Networks with IMS provides a comprehensive view of the methods, functions, network elements, and the interfaces among them that enable the building of a service agnostic and access agnostic session control layer based on the IMS standar

Conversation: A History of a Declining Art

by Stephen Miller

Essayist Stephen Miller pursues a lifelong interest in conversation by taking an historical and philosophical view of the subject. He chronicles the art of conversation in Western civilization from its beginnings in ancient Greece to its apex in eighteenth-century Britain to its current endangered state in America. As Harry G. Frankfurt brought wide attention to the art of bullshit in his recent bestselling On Bullshit, so Miller now brings the art of conversation into the light, revealing why good conversation matters and why it is in decline. Miller explores the conversation about conversation among such great writers as Cicero, Montaigne, Swift, Defoe, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, and Virginia Woolf. He focuses on the world of British coffeehouses and clubs in "The Age of Conversation" and examines how this era ended. Turning his attention to the United States, the author traces a prolonged decline in the theory and practice of conversation from Benjamin Franklin through Hemingway to Dick Cheney. He cites our technology (iPods, cell phones, and video games) and our insistence on unguarded forthrightness as well as our fear of being judgmental as powerful forces that are likely to diminish the art of conversation.

Conversation Analysis

by Jack Sidnell

Combining the main findings, methods and analytic techniques of this central approach to language and social interaction, along with real-life examples and step-by-step explanations, Conversation Analysis is the ideal student guide to the field. * Introduces the main findings, methods and analytic techniques of conversation analysis (CA) - a growing interdisciplinary field exploring language and social interaction * Provides an engaging historical overview of the field, along with detailed coverage of the key findings in each area of CA and a guide to current research * Examines the way talk is composed, and how conversation structures highlight aspects of human behavior * Focuses on the most important domains of organization in conversation, including turn-taking, action sequencing, repair, stories, openings and closings, and the effect of context * Includes real-life examples and step-by-step explanations, making it an ideal guide for students navigating this growing field

Conversation Analysis: An Introduction (Language in Society #45)

by Jack Sidnell

Combining the main findings, methods and analytic techniques of this central approach to language and social interaction, along with real-life examples and step-by-step explanations, Conversation Analysis is the ideal student guide to the field. Introduces the main findings, methods and analytic techniques of conversation analysis (CA) – a growing interdisciplinary field exploring language and social interaction Provides an engaging historical overview of the field, along with detailed coverage of the key findings in each area of CA and a guide to current research Examines the way talk is composed, and how conversation structures highlight aspects of human behavior Focuses on the most important domains of organization in conversation, including turn-taking, action sequencing, repair, stories, openings and closings, and the effect of context Includes real-life examples and step-by-step explanations, making it an ideal guide for students navigating this growing field

Conversation and Community

by Anne Gentle

Anne Gentle's Conversation and Community has become the go-to reference for social media and technical communication. Her clear-eyed survey of the social media landscape has been adopted by many universities and is widely used by technical communicators. Now, in this second edition, she has updated and expanded her book, adding chapters on building a content strategy, analyzing web techniques, and developing an open source strategy. With more interviews and case studies, this is your guide to the new world of technical communication and social media. Inside the Book Towards the Future of Documentation Defining a Writer's Role with the Social Web Community and Documentation Commenting and Connecting with Users Wikis as Documentation Systems Finding Your Voice Content Strategy for Community Documentation NEW Chapter Analyzing and Measuring Web Techniques NEW Chapter Open Source Documentation NEW Chapter Concepts and Tools of the Social Web Glossary, Expanded Bibliography, and Index

The Conversation Company: Boost Your Business Through Culture, People and Social Media

by Steven Van Belleghem

Research shows that consumer conversations, client happiness and empowered employees are the pillars of growth in a successful company. However, many organizations make decisions that contradict these findings and hamper their prospects of expansion. The Conversation Company will help your organization become a business in which people are the key driver of growth, sharing engaging content and building the company's culture and business objectives. People now expect any brand to have a human 'face' and you need to define a clear set of values for both employees and customers, incorporating them in your marketing so that all company communication reflects the DNA of your organization. Based on solid research and including interviews and case studies of companies such as Zappos, Kodak, Nokia and Microsoft, The Conversation Company is the key to sustainable success.

The Conversational Firm: Rethinking Bureaucracy in the Age of Social Media (The Middle Range Series)

by Catherine Turco

A fast-growing social media marketing company, TechCo encourages all of its employees to speak up. By promoting open dialogue across the corporate hierarchy, the firm has fostered a uniquely engaged workforce and an enviable capacity for change. Yet the path hasn't always been easy. TechCo has confronted a number of challenges, and its experience reveals the essential elements of bureaucracy that remain even when a firm sets out to discard them. Through it all, TechCo serves as a powerful new model for how firms can navigate today's rapidly changing technological and cultural climate.Catherine J. Turco was embedded within TechCo for ten months. The Conversational Firm is her ethnographic analysis of what worked at the company and what didn't. She offers multiple lessons for anyone curious about the effect of social media on the corporate environment and adds depth to debates over the new generation of employees reared on social media: Millennials who carry their technological habits and expectations into the workplace. Marshaling insights from cultural and economic sociology, organizational theory, economics, technology studies, and anthropology, The Conversational Firm offers a nuanced analysis of corporate communication, control, and culture in the social media age.

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