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Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology

by Klaus Krippendorff

What matters in people’s social lives? What motivates and inspires our society? How do we enact what we know? Since the first edition published in 1980, Content Analysis has helped shape and define the field. In the highly anticipated Fourth Edition, award-winning scholar and author Klaus Krippendorff introduces readers to the most current method of analyzing the textual fabric of contemporary society. Students and scholars will learn to treat data not as physical events but as communications that are created and disseminated to be seen, read, interpreted, enacted, and reflected upon according to the meanings they have for their recipients. Interpreting communications as texts in the contexts of their social uses distinguishes content analysis from other empirical methods of inquiry. Organized into three parts, Content Analysis first examines the conceptual aspects of content analysis, then discusses components such as unitizing and sampling, and concludes by showing readers how to trace the analytical paths and apply evaluative techniques. The Fourth Edition has been completely revised to offer readers the most current techniques and research on content analysis, including new information on reliability and social media. Readers will also gain practical advice and experience for teaching academic and commercial researchers how to conduct content analysis.

Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology

by Klaus Krippendorff

What matters in people’s social lives? What motivates and inspires our society? How do we enact what we know? Since the first edition published in 1980, Content Analysis has helped shape and define the field. In the highly anticipated Fourth Edition, award-winning scholar and author Klaus Krippendorff introduces readers to the most current method of analyzing the textual fabric of contemporary society. Students and scholars will learn to treat data not as physical events but as communications that are created and disseminated to be seen, read, interpreted, enacted, and reflected upon according to the meanings they have for their recipients. Interpreting communications as texts in the contexts of their social uses distinguishes content analysis from other empirical methods of inquiry. Organized into three parts, Content Analysis first examines the conceptual aspects of content analysis, then discusses components such as unitizing and sampling, and concludes by showing readers how to trace the analytical paths and apply evaluative techniques. The Fourth Edition has been completely revised to offer readers the most current techniques and research on content analysis, including new information on reliability and social media. Readers will also gain practical advice and experience for teaching academic and commercial researchers how to conduct content analysis.

The Content Analysis Guidebook

by Kimberly A. Neuendorf

Content analysis is one of the most important but complex research methodologies in the social sciences. In this thoroughly updated Second Edition of The Content Analysis Guidebook, author Kimberly Neuendorf draws on examples from across numerous disciplines to clarify the complicated aspects of content analysis through step-by-step instruction and practical advice. Throughout the book, the author also describes a wide range of innovative content analysis projects from both academia and commercial research that provide readers with a deeper understanding of the research process and its many real-world applications.

The Content Analysis Guidebook

by Kimberly A. Neuendorf

Content analysis is one of the most important but complex research methodologies in the social sciences. In this thoroughly updated Second Edition of The Content Analysis Guidebook, author Kimberly Neuendorf draws on examples from across numerous disciplines to clarify the complicated aspects of content analysis through step-by-step instruction and practical advice. Throughout the book, the author also describes a wide range of innovative content analysis projects from both academia and commercial research that provide readers with a deeper understanding of the research process and its many real-world applications.

Content and Complexity: information Design in Technical Communication

by Michael J. Albers Beth Mazur

Information design is an emerging area in technical communication, garnering increased attention in recent times as more information is presented through both old and new media. In this volume, editors Michael J. Albers and Beth Mazur bring together scholars and practitioners to explore the issues facing those in this exciting new field. Treating information as it applies to technical communication, with a special emphasis on computer-centric industries, this volume delves into the role of information design in assisting with concepts, such as usability, documenting procedures, and designing for users. Influential members in the technical communication field examine such issues as the application of information design in structuring technical material; innovative ways of integrating information design within development methodologies and social aspects of the workplace; and theoretical approaches that include a practical application of information design, emphasizing the intersection of information design theories and workplace reality. This collection approaches information design from the language-based technical communication side, emphasizing the role of content as it relates to complexity in information design. As such, it treats as paramount the rhetorical and contextual strategies required for the effective design and transmission of information. Content and Complexity: Information Design in Technical Communication explores both theoretical perspectives, as well as the practicalities of information design in areas relevant to technical communicators. This integration of theoretical and applied components make it a practical resource for students, educators, academic researchers, and practitioners in the technical communication and information design fields.

Content - The Atomic Particle of Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Content Marketing Strategy

by Rebecca Lieb

DISTINGUISHED FAVOURITE: NYC Big Book Awards 2017Content, in all its forms, is the single most critical element of any marketing campaign. Finding a successful equilibrium between content marketing and content strategy is difficult, but essential. Content - The Atomic Particle of Marketing goes beyond superficial descriptions of how to produce engaging social media content to offer the results of many years of deep quantitative research, and hours of interviews with senior marketers at some of the world's leading brands. Written by a recognized industry thought leader, Content - The Atomic Particle of Marketing explores how content functions in the broader framework of all marketing, as well as organizational concerns and IT decision making. It demonstrates the value content brings not only to "owned" media initiatives, such as a company website or blog, but also the essential role content plays in all other marketing initiatives, from social media to advertising to offline channels. It will enable readers to make the organizational, staffing, tools and process decisions necessary to get content up and running across divisions and organizational silos. Deeply researched and insightful, Content - The Atomic Particle of Marketing is, quite simply, the definitive research-based guide to content marketing.

Content-Centric Networks: An Overview, Applications and Research Challenges (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering #0)

by Syed Hassan Ahmed Safdar Hussain Bouk Dongkyun Kim

This book introduces Content-Centric Networking (CCN), a networking paradigm that provides a simple and effective solution to the challenging demands of future wired and wireless communications. It provides an overview of the recent developments in the area of future internet technologies, bringing together the advancements that have been made in Information-Centric Networking (ICN) in general, with a focus on CCN. It begins with an introduction to the basics of CCN is followed by an overview of the current internet paradigm and its challenges. Next, an application perspective has been included, where the authors encompass the selected applications for CCN with recent refereed research and developments. These applications include Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Grid, Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs), and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The book is a useful reference source for practising researchers, and can be used as supporting material for undergraduate and graduate level courses in computer science and electrical engineering.

Content Marketing: Wie Sie Ihre Zielgruppe anziehen und stabile Geschäftsbeziehungen schaffen

by Stephan Heinrich

Dieses Buch erkl#65533;rt ganz grundlegend, leicht verst#65533;ndlich und systematisch aufbereitet, was Content Marketing ist und was insbesondere kleine und mittlere Unternehmen davon haben. Denn gerade Selbstst#65533;ndige und mittelst#65533;ndische Unternehmen k#65533;nnen dieses m#65533;chtige Vermarktungswerkzeug zielf#65533;hrend nutzen und damit eine fundierte Basis zur effektiven Kundengewinnung schaffen. Das Prinzip ist einfach: Verwenden Sie Ihr vorhandenes Know-how und geben Sie n#65533;tzliches Wissen an Ihre Wunschkunden. So bauen Sie innerhalb Ihrer Zielgruppe eine dankbare Gefolgschaft auf, die zu zahlenden Kunden entwickelt werden kann - ohne Streuverluste und hohe Marketingkosten. Ein Buch f#65533;r Entscheider, die sich einen schnellen #65533;berblick verschaffen m#65533;chten, und ebenso f#65533;r fachlich Interessierte, die Einblicke in die Taktiken und Kniffe der ,,Macher" gewinnen wollen. Mit einem ausf#65533;hrlichen Glossar, erfolgreichen Praxisbeispielen und wertvollen, inspirierenden Gedankenanst#65533;#65533;en.

Content Marketing für Regionalbanken: So können Genossenschaftsbanken und Sparkassen Kunden gewinnen, binden und begeistern

by Stephan Reichhard

Dieses Buch beschreibt die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen beim Einsatz von Content Marketing in Sparkassen, Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken und zeigt, wie regionale, mittelständisch geprägte Kreditinstitute von dieser Marketingtechnik profitieren können. Denn: Content Marketing stellt die Grundsätze des traditionellen Marketings auf den Kopf und gewinnt in der Kommunikationspraxis kleinerer wie größerer Unternehmen immer mehr an Bedeutung. Die Grundsätze: hilfreiche Inhalte statt Produktwerbung, Beziehungsaufbau statt Unterbrechung, Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe statt einseitiges Aussenden von Marketingbotschaften. Im Zentrum des Buches steht die Frage, wie ein Content-Marketing-Prozess konkret in einer Regionalbank implementiert werden kann. Mit vielen Interviews und praxisbezogenen Fallbeispielen.

Content Marketing in der Praxis: Ein Leitfaden - Strategie, Konzepte und Praxisbeispiele für B2B- und B2C-Unternehmen

by Claudia Hilker

Dieses Fachbuch zeigt konkret, wie die neue Kommunikationsform Content-Marketing erfolgreich im Unternehmen implementiert werden kann. Es werden die Voraussetzungen gekl#65533;rt sowie ein praktikabler Leitfaden zur Umsetzung entwickelt. Best-Practice-Beispiele aus einer Vielzahl von Branchen veranschaulichen den Weg, wie dieser neuer Vermarktungs-Ansatz, der die Inhalte und Kompetenzen des Produktanbieters in den Vordergrund stellt, die Marketing- und Sales-Kommunikation erfolgreich beleben kann.

Content Marketing Strategy: Harness the Power of Your Brand’s Voice

by Robert Rose

Do you know how to turn the attention your content receives into profit? With a meaningful content marketing strategy, you can.An organization's content communicates everything to consumers. Content marketing is one of the most important pieces of the marketing plan, but many businesses do not take approach it strategically. As Chief Strategy Advisor for the Content Marketing Institute and CEO and Chief Strategy Officer for The Content Advisory, Robert Rose helps transform brands by honing their content marketing. In this book, he walks readers through his scalable, strategic approach.Content Marketing Strategy explains what top brands are doing to streamline their content and how marketing strategists can scale their methods to create business success. The chapters cover stacking a team, working with marketing and branding professionals on a consistent tone and message, setting meaningful goals for the content strategy, implementing it, and measuring the resulting outcomes. Filled with compelling examples from leaders in content marketing, including Salesforce, Cleveland Clinics, Amazon, and Arrow Electronics, the book offers a new model that will transform and optimize your content marketing.

Content Production for Digital Media: An Introduction

by John Weldon Jay Daniel Thompson

This book provides an introduction to digital media content production in the twenty-first century. It explores the kinds of content production that are undertaken in professions that include journalism, public relations and marketing. The book provides an insight into content moderation and addresses the legal and ethical issues that content producers face, as well as how these issues can be effectively managed. Chapters also contain interviews with media professionals, and quizzes that allow readers to consolidate the knowledge they have gathered through their reading of that chapter.

Content Strategy

by Rahel Anne Bailie Noz Urbina

If you've been asked to get funding for a content strategy initiative and need to build a compelling business case, if you've been approached by your staff to implement a content strategy and want to know the business benefits, or if you've been asked to sponsor a content strategy project and don't know what one is, this book is for you. Rahel Anne Bailie and Noz Urbina come from distinctly different backgrounds, but they share a deep understanding of how to help your organization build a content strategy. Content Strategy: Connecting the dots between business, brand, and benefits is the first content strategy book that focuses on project managers, department heads, and other decision makers who need to know about content strategy. It provides practical advice on how to sell, create, implement, and maintain a content strategy, including case studies that show both successful and not so successful efforts. Inside the Book Introduction to Content Strategy Why Content Strategy and Why Now The Value and ROI of Content Content Under the Hood Developing a Content Strategy Glossary, Bibliography, and Index

Content Strategy in Technical Communication: A How-to Guide (ATTW Series in Technical and Professional Communication)

by Guiseppe Getto Jack T. Labriola Sheryl Ruszkiewicz

Content Strategy in Technical Communication provides a balanced, comprehensive overview of the current state of content strategy within the field of technical communication while showcasing groundbreaking work in the field. Emerging technologies such as content management systems, social media platforms, open source information architectures, and application programming interfaces provide new opportunities for the creation, publication, and delivery of content. Technical communicators are now sometimes responsible for such diverse roles as content management, content auditing, and search engine optimization. At the same time, we are seeing remarkable growth in jobs devoted to these other content-centric skills. This book provides a roadmap including best practices, pedagogies for teaching, and implications for research in these areas. It covers elements of content strategy as diverse as "Editing Content for Global Reuse" and "Teaching Content Strategy to Graduate Students with Real Clients," while giving equal weight to professional best practices and to pedagogy for content strategy. This book is an essential resource for professionals, students, and scholars throughout the field of technical communication.

The Content Trap: A Strategist's Guide to Digital Change

by Bharat Anand

"As Bharat Anand shows in this eminently readable book, connections are now more important than content."--Daniel H. Pink, author of Drive and To Sell Is Human Harvard Business School Professor of Strategy Bharat Anand presents an incisive new approach to digital transformation that favors fostering connectivity over focusing exclusively on content. Companies everywhere face two major challenges today: getting noticed and getting paid. To confront these obstacles, Bharat Anand examines a range of businesses around the world, from The New York Times to The Economist, from Chinese Internet giant Tencent to Scandinavian digital trailblazer Schibsted, and from talent management to the future of education. Drawing on these stories and on the latest research in economics, strategy, and marketing, this refreshingly engaging book reveals important lessons, smashes celebrated myths, and reorients strategy. Success for flourishing companies comes not from making the best content but from recognizing how content enables customers' connectivity; it comes not from protecting the value of content at all costs but from unearthing related opportunities close by; and it comes not from mimicking competitors' best practices but from seeing choices as part of a connected whole. Digital change means that everyone today can reach and interact with others directly: We are all in the content business. But that comes with risks that Bharat Anand teaches us how to recognize and navigate. Filled with conversations with key players and in-depth dispatches from the front lines of digital change, The Content Trap is an essential new playbook for navigating the turbulent waters in which we find ourselves.Advance praise for The Content Trap"As Bharat Anand shows in this eminently readable book, connections are now more important than content. His insights will bring you several steps closer to understanding the digital revolution and how you can avoid its many perils."--Daniel H. Pink, New York Times bestselling author of Drive and To Sell Is Human"A very smart book--creators, ignore this at your peril. This revolution has been twenty years in the making, and Bharat Anand makes the past (and the future) a lot more clear."--Seth Godin, New York Times bestselling author of Meatball Sundae and Linchpin"Bharat Anand has written the rarest of books, one that combines deep strategic insight with great practical impact. The Content Trap is both a delight to read and the essential book for understanding today's digital revolution. In the process, Anand debunks the conventional wisdom time and time again; his insights are sharp, perceptive, and strikingly original."--David Garvin, C. Roland Christensen Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School"'Content is king' may once have been true, but favoring content over connections will only get you dethroned today. In clear and compelling prose, Anand shows us how to lay the strategy groundwork to thrive in an increasingly connected world. Understanding the Content Trap is the true solution to your digital dilemma!"--Barry Nalebuff, Milton Steinbach Professor, Yale School of Management, co-author of Why Not? and Co-opetition, and co-founder of Honest TeaFrom the Hardcover edition.

The Contentious Public Sphere: Law, Media, and Authoritarian Rule in China

by Ya-Wen Lei

Since the mid-2000s, public opinion and debate in China have become increasingly common and consequential, despite the ongoing censorship of speech and regulation of civil society. How did this happen? In The Contentious Public Sphere, Ya-Wen Lei shows how the Chinese state drew on law, the media, and the Internet to further an authoritarian project of modernization, but in so doing, inadvertently created a nationwide public sphere in China—one the state must now endeavor to control. Lei examines the influence this unruly sphere has had on Chinese politics and the ways that the state has responded.Using interviews, newspaper articles, online texts, official documents, and national surveys, Lei shows that the development of the public sphere in China has provided an unprecedented forum for citizens to influence the public agenda, demand accountability from the government, and organize around the concepts of law and rights. She demonstrates how citizens came to understand themselves as legal subjects, how legal and media professionals began to collaborate in unexpected ways, and how existing conditions of political and economic fragmentation created unintended opportunities for political critique, particularly with the rise of the Internet. The emergence of this public sphere—and its uncertain future—is a pressing issue with important implications for the political prospects of the Chinese people.Investigating how individuals learn to use public discourse to influence politics, The Contentious Public Sphere offers new possibilities for thinking about the transformation of state-society relations.

The Contest over National Security: FDR, Conservatives, and the Struggle to Claim the Most Powerful Phrase in American Politics

by Peter Roady

A new history shows how FDR developed a vision of national security focused not just on protecting Americans against physical attack but also on ensuring their economic well-being—and how the nascent conservative movement won the battle to narrow its meaning, durably reshaping US politics.Americans take for granted that national security comprises physical defense against attacks. But the concept of national security once meant something more. Franklin Roosevelt’s vision for national security, Peter Roady argues, promised an alternate path for the United States by devoting as much attention to economic want as to foreign threats. The Contest over National Security shows how a burgeoning conservative movement and power-hungry foreign policy establishment together defeated FDR’s plans for a comprehensive national security state and inaugurated the narrower approach to national security that has dominated ever since.In the 1930s, Roosevelt and his advisors, hoping to save the United States from fascism and communism, argued that national security entailed protection from both physical attack and economic want. Roosevelt’s opponents responded by promoting a more limited national security state privileging military defense over domestic economic policy. Conservatives brought numerous concerns to bear through an enormous public relations offensive, asserting not just that Roosevelt’s plans threatened individual freedom but also that the government was less competent than the private sector and incapable of delivering economic security.This contest to define the government’s national security responsibilities in law and in the public mind, Roady reveals, explains why the United States developed separate and imbalanced national security and welfare states, with far-reaching consequences. By recovering FDR’s forgotten vision, Roady restores a more expansive understanding of national security’s meanings as Americans today face the great challenges of their times.

Contested Kingdom: Fan Attachment and Corporate Control at Disneyland

by William McCarthy

In Contested Kingdom: Fan Attachment and Corporate Control at Disneyland, William McCarthy presents a groundbreaking study centered on the history of Disneyland and Disney theme park enthusiasts. Focusing on two unexplored yet interconnected phenomena—the dynamic relationship between the Disney corporation and Southern Californian fans in both online and physical park settings over a span of more than three decades—this volume sheds new light on the meaning and purpose of Disneyland. Through a comprehensive analysis of the interwoven dimensions of individuals, place, and cognitive, affective, and behavioral processes, McCarthy explores the fervent sense of place attachment experienced by the approximately one million annual passholders who visit the park. McCarthy’s analysis extends beyond the physical world of Disneyland by delving into the evolution of Disney fandom, discourse, commerce, and social formations in online social platforms like Usenet, web discussion boards, and social media. By employing a mixed-methods approach incorporating interviews, participant observation, surveys, and data analysis, this study establishes a novel analytical framework for comprehending the interrelationships between the Disney corporation, its fan communities, and online social platforms. As the first in-depth longitudinal analysis of the ongoing struggle on successive social platforms between fan users and a corporate entity, Contested Kingdom provides valuable insights for scholars and future investigations.

Contesting Cyberspace in China: Online Expression and Authoritarian Resilience

by Rongbin Han

The Internet was supposed to be an antidote to authoritarianism. It can enable citizens to express themselves freely and organize outside state control. Yet while online activity has helped challenge authoritarian rule in some cases, other regimes have endured: no movement comparable to the Arab Spring has arisen in China. In Contesting Cyberspace in China, Rongbin Han offers a powerful counterintuitive explanation for the survival of the world’s largest authoritarian regime in the digital age.Han reveals the complex internal dynamics of online expression in China, showing how the state, service providers, and netizens negotiate the limits of discourse. He finds that state censorship has conditioned online expression, yet has failed to bring it under control. However, Han also finds that freer expression may work to the advantage of the regime because its critics are not the only ones empowered: the Internet has proved less threatening than expected due to the multiplicity of beliefs, identities, and values online. State-sponsored and spontaneous pro-government commenters have turned out to be a major presence on the Chinese internet, denigrating dissenters and barraging oppositional voices. Han explores the recruitment, training, and behavior of hired commenters, the “fifty-cent army,” as well as group identity formation among nationalistic Internet posters who see themselves as patriots defending China against online saboteurs. Drawing on a rich set of data collected through interviews, participant observation, and long-term online ethnography, as well as official reports and state directives, Contesting Cyberspace in China interrogates our assumptions about authoritarian resilience and the democratizing power of the Internet.

Context-Aware Pervasive Systems and Applications (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #169)

by Parikshit N. Mahalle Prashant S. Dhotre

This textbook explores the current challenges in and future prospects of context-aware pervasive systems and applications. The phenomenal advances in broadband technology and ubiquitous access to the Internet have transformed Internet computing into the Internet of Things (IoT), which is now evolving toward the Internet of Everything. Modern scientific, engineering, and business applications are increasingly dependent on machine-to-machine communication, wherein there is less human intervention. In turn, this creates a need for context-aware pervasive systems and applications in which RFID, sensors, and smartphones play a key role. The book provides an essential overview of context, context management, and how to perform context management in various use cases. In addition, it addresses context-aware computing and personalization, various architectures for context-aware systems, and security issues. The content is explained using straightforward language and easy-to-follow examples, case studies, technical descriptions, procedures, algorithms, and protocols for context-aware systems.

Context Business: Neue Umsatzpotenziale durch Kontextualisierung

by Ansgar Mayer

,,Dieses Produkt könnte Ihnen auch gefallen. " Die Mechanismen, die hinter diesen bekannten Empfehlungen liegen, werden immer treffsicherer und sind ein guter Hinweis darauf, wohin sich Dienstleistung und Handel in den nächsten Jahren bewegen: Dank Big-Data-Auswertungen werden Kundenprofile so exakt wie nie zuvor. Kunden im Digitalzeitalter sind fortwährend am Vergleichen und Recherchieren, erhalten Kaufempfehlungen auf verschiedenen Plattformen, nutzen Preisvergleiche und Testtabellen und halten sich nicht zuletzt an die Empfehlungen von Freunden. Dank Mobile sind all diese zusätzlichen Kanäle immer und überall nutzbar. Die neue Erfolgsstrategie lautet deshalb ,,Context Business": Der Kunde muss zu 360 Grad im Kontext seiner Entscheidungen erfasst werden: Wo befindet er sich? Was sind seine Vorlieben und Vorerfahrungen? Wem vertraut er? Dank neuer Software-Lösungen werden Produkte und Dienstleistungen immer kontextualisiert sein und sich optimal in das Leben jedes Nutzers fügen. Das Marktforschungsunternehmen IDC ermittelte: Europaweit werden Unternehmen bis 2018 dank Big Data einen Umsatz von 70 Milliarden Dollar erzielen. Für die Zukunft gilt: Ohne Context kein Commerce.

Contextos: Curso Intermediario De Portugues

by Denise Santos Glaucia Silva Viviane Gontijo

Contextos: Curso Intermediário de Português is an engaging and motivating course that takes learners from the intermediate to advanced level. The course allows students to systematically practise all four language skills as well as develop intercultural awareness. Each unit contains clear learning objectives linked to recognised standards as well as self-assessment checklists and review plans. This supports students to become autonomous learners by tracking their own progress and focusing on specific areas of difficulty. A companion website provides an interactive workbook with additional grammar and vocabulary practice to reinforce those within the book, as well as the audio to accompany the course. The course takes learners from the intermediate-low to advanced-low according to the ACTFL proficiency guidelines and from A2 to B2 according to the CEFR.

Contingent Canons: African Literature and the Politics of Location (Elements in Publishing and Book Culture)

by Madhu Krishnan

This Element explores the mechanisms through which 'African literature', as a market category, has been consecrated within the global literary field. Drawing on archival, textual and field-based research, it proposes that the normative story of African literary writing has functioned to efface a broader material history of African literary production located on and oriented to the continent itself.

Contingent Faculty Publishing in Community: Case Studies for Successful Collaborations

by Letizia Guglielmo Lynée Lewis Gaillet

Contributors argue that the key to innovative teaching and scholarship lies in institutional support for the contingent labor force, and they encourage contingent faculty to organize self-mentoring groups, create venues for learning/disseminating their experiences and findings, and connect scholarship to service and teaching in novel ways.

Contra los periodistas y otros contras

by Karl Kraus

«Ninguna posición más seductora que la de Kraus, el disidente en el seno de una sociedad tolerante, estable y próspera.»Miguel Ángel Aguilar «Quien sea capaz de escribir aforismos no debiera desparramarse en artículos», afirma Karl Kraus, quien con gran inteligencia, ironía y capacidad de síntesis se despachó en estos textos contra la moral imperante, los políticos, la religión, la decadencia de la cultura y del lenguaje, los estetas, y por supuesto los periodistas y los medios de comunicación. Deslumbrantes, oportunas, a veces irritantes y siempre impertinentes, sus advertencias resuenan furiosamente en nuestro presente. Karl Kraus (Ji?ín, actual República Checa, 1874 - Viena, 1936) fue un eminente escritor y periodista conocido como ensayista, aforista, dramaturgo y poeta. Gran polemista, tuvo por principal arma Die Fackel, revista de gran audiencia que editó y escribió casi en solitario desde 1899 y durante treinta y siete años. Figuras como Schönberg, Musil, Canetti, Wittgenstein o Adorno esperaban impacientes la aparición del siguiente número. Reseñas:«Ninguna posición más seductora que la de Kraus, el disidente en el seno de una sociedad tolerante, estable y próspera.»Miguel Ángel Aguilar «Los periodistas representan la relajación del estilo y la falta de moralidad de la profesión. Kraus es el redentor; mientras Kraus exista y fulmine, todo está controlado.»Robert Musil «El mayor satírico en lengua alemana del siglo XX.»Isidoro Reguera

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