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Showing 3,651 through 3,675 of 18,184 results

Corpus-Based Studies of Translational Chinese in English-Chinese Translation (New Frontiers in Translation Studies)

by Richard Xiao Xianyao Hu

This book takes a corpus-based approach, which integrates translation studies and contrastive analysis, to the study of translational language. It presents the world's first balanced corpus of translational Chinese, which, in combination with a comparable native Chinese corpus, provides a reliable empirical basis for a comprehensive account of the macro-statistic, lexical, and grammatical features of translational Chinese in English-to-Chinese translation - a significant contribution to Descriptive Translation Studies. The research findings based on these two distinctly different languages have important implications for universal translation research on the European tradition.

Corpus-based Translation and Interpreting Studies in Chinese Contexts: Present and Future (Palgrave Studies in Translating and Interpreting)

by Kaibao Hu Kyung Hye Kim

This edited collection reflects on the development of Chinese corpus-based translation and interpreting studies while emphasising perspectives emerging from a region that has traditionally been given scant consideration in English-language dominated literature. Striking the balance between methodological and theoretical discussion on corpus-based empirical research into Chinese translation and interpreting studies, the chapters additionally introduce and examine a wide variety of case studies. The authors include up-to-date corpus-based research, and place emphasis on new perspectives such as sociology-informed approaches and cognitive translation studies. The book will be of interest to researchers and advanced students of translation/interpreting and contrastive linguistics studies, corpus linguistics, and Chinese linguistics.

Corpus Exploration of Lexis and Discourse in Translation (Routledge Studies in Empirical Translation and Multilingual Communication)

by Meng Ji Michael P. Oakes

This edited volume reflects on the development of corpus translation studies as a rapidly growing, diversified field of translation studies. It examines the evolving identity of corpus translation from a marginal research tactic focusing on generating numeric corpus attributes to a powerful and increasingly sophisticated corpus analytical scheme and methodological paradigm that has significantly changed and continues to shape our understanding of the research and practical, social values of empirical translation studies. Since its inception in the 1990s, corpus translation studies have permeated through almost every corner and branch of contemporary translation studies – from literary translation stylistics, through cognitive and neural translation, to more socially oriented translation studies, such as health care, environmental, and political and policy translation. Corpus methodological innovation has become a central research aim and priority in some of the most dynamic areas of translation studies. Methodological advancement has as its main aim a better, enhanced understanding on the part of translation studies scholars of the internal factors and external variables that may account for the prevalence of certain translation features (for example, corpus textual and linguistic patterns). This edited collection presents the latest studies of corpus-based and corpus-driven specialised translation and will appeal to students and scholars of translation studies, in particular those interested in corpus translation.

Corpus Linguistics for Online Communication: A Guide for Research (Routledge Corpus Linguistics Guides)

by Luke Curtis Collins

Corpus Linguistics for Online Communication provides an instructive and practical guide to conducting research using methods in corpus linguistics in studies of various forms of online communication. Offering practical exercises and drawing on original data taken from online interactions, this book: introduces the basics of corpus linguistics, including what is involved in designing and building a corpus; reviews cutting-edge studies of online communication using corpus linguistics, foregrounding different analytical components to facilitate studies in professional discourse, online learning, public understanding of health issues and dating apps; showcases both freely-available corpora and the innovative tools that students and researchers can access to carry out their own research. Corpus Linguistics for Online Communication supports researchers and students in generating high quality, applied research and is essential reading for those studying and researching in this area.

Corpus Linguistics for Translation and Contrastive Studies: A guide for research (Routledge Corpus Linguistics Guides)

by Robert Cooper Mikhail Mikhailov

Corpus Linguistics for Translation and Contrastive Studies provides a clear and practical introduction to using corpora in these fields. Giving special attention to parallel corpora, which are collections of texts in two or more languages, and demonstrating the potential benefits for multilingual corpus linguistics research to both translators and researchers, this book: explores the different types of parallel corpora available, and shows how to use basic and advanced search procedures to analyse them; explains how to compile a parallel corpus, and discusses their uses for translation purposes and to research linguistic phenomena across languages; demonstrates the use of corpus extracts across a wide range of texts, including dictionaries, novels by authors including Jane Austen and Mikhail Bulgakov, and newspapers such as The Sunday Times; is illustrated with case studies from a range of languages including Finnish, Russian, English and French. Written by two experienced researchers and practitioners, Corpus Linguistics for Translation and Contrastive Studies is essential reading for postgraduate students and researchers working within the area of translation and contrastive studies.

Corpus Methodologies Explained: An empirical approach to translation studies (Routledge-WIAS Interdisciplinary Studies)

by Michael Oakes Meng Ji Li Defeng Lidun Hareide

This book introduces the latest advances in Corpus-Based Translation Studies (CBTS), a thriving subfield of Translation Studies which forms an important part of both translator training and empirical translation research. Largely empirical and exploratory, a distinctive feature of CBTS is the development and exploration of quantitative linguistic data in search of useful patterns of variation and change in translation. With the introduction of textual statistics to Translation Studies, CBTS has geared towards a new research direction that is more systematic in the identification of translation patterns; and more explanatory of any linguistic variations identified in translations. The book traces the advances from the advent of language corpora in translation studies, to the new textual dimensions and shift towards a probability-variation model. Such advances made in CBTS have enabled in-depth analyses of translation by establishing useful links between a translation and the social and cultural context in which the translation is produced, circulated and consumed.

Corpus Triangulation: Combining Data and Methods in Corpus-Based Translation Studies (Routledge Studies in Empirical Translation and Multilingual Communication)

by Sofia Malamatidou

Despite the recognition that corpus-based translation research would benefit from the triangulation of corpora, little has been done in the direction of actually employing combined corpus data and methods in the field. This book aims to address this gap by providing a much needed detailed account of corpus triangulation, where different corpora (e.g. parallel, comparable, synchronic, diachronic) and/or different methods of analysis (e.g. qualitative, quantitative) can be used to increase our understanding of the phenomena where translation plays a key role. The book also demonstrates clearly how the proposed methodology can be fruitfully employed to investigate different linguistic features, through its systematic application to empirical data. The first part of the book introduces the innovative framework for corpus triangulation, which is based on a new and comprehensive corpus typology, while the second part applies the methodological framework to two case studies examining the language of translation and the relationship between translation and language change. The book advances current translation studies in terms of methodology innovation and offers a model on which future studies investigating the network of relationships surrounding translated texts can be based.

Correcting the Scholarly Record for Research Integrity: In the Aftermath of Plagiarism (Research Ethics Forum #6)

by M. V. Dougherty

This volume is the first book-length study on post-publication responses to academic plagiarism in humanities disciplines. It demonstrates that the correction of the scholarly literature for plagiarism is not a task for editors and publishers alone; each member of the research community has an indispensable role in maintaining the integrity of the published literature in the aftermath of plagiarism. If untreated, academic plagiarism damages the integrity of the scholarly record, corrupts the surrounding academic enterprise, and creates inefficiencies across all levels of knowledge production. By providing case studies from the field of philosophy and related disciplines, the volume exhibits that current post-publication responses to academic plagiarism are insufficient. It catalogues how humanities disciplines fall short in comparison with the natural and biomedical sciences for ensuring the integrity of the body of published research. This volume provides clarity about how to conceptualize the scholarly record, surveys the traditional methods for correcting it, and argues for new interventions to improve the reliability of the body of published research. The book is valuable not only to those in the field of philosophy and other humanities disciplines, but also to those interested in research ethics, meta-science, and the sociology of research.

Corrections Today

by Larry J. Siegel

Get a frontline look at the field of corrections with CORRECTIONS TODAY, 4th Edition. This briefer, visual, paperback alternative to hardback Introduction to Corrections texts is ideal for readers who are interested in real-world concepts and applications. It examines the field of corrections through the lens of students -- perhaps like you -- who are giving serious thought to a career in the field or are working in corrections while seeking an advanced degree in order to be promoted or switch job paths. Updated with new professional profiles and insightful coverage of restorative justice, special offender populations, the use of private prisons, and many other timely topics, the fourth edition offers a practical, engaging, career-focused, and authoritative introduction to corrections.

The Correspondence of Sir Walter Scott and Charles Robert Maturim (Routledge Revivals)

by Fannie E. Ratchford William H. McCarthy

Originally published in 1937, The Correspondence of Sir Walter Scott and Charles Robert Maturin contains twenty-two letters presenting a penetrating and vivid self-portrait of Sir Walter Scott. Scott's patronage of Maturin, this impecunious Irish author, giving him wise advice, lending encouragement in his work and at times badly needed financial assistance, extended over a period of twelve years to the time of Maturin's death, and his kind subsequent letters, written to Maturin's family, in the midst of his own great financial troubles, bring to a fitting close this single unit in Scott's rich social life. Since the two men never met, the whole relationship was built up through thier literary work and their letters to each other, displayed in this volume.

Correspondences and Contrasts in Foreign Language Pedagogy and Translation Studies (Second Language Learning and Teaching)

by Ewa Kościałkowska-Okońska Katarzyna Piątkowska

The book constitutes a selection of 18 papers on foreign language pedagogy (11 papers) and translation studies (9 papers). The first part of the book is devoted to foreign language pedagogy. The articles in this part focus on issues such as English as lingua franca, foreign language teacher training, the role of individual learner differences in language learning and teaching especially with respect to strategies of language learning as well as psychological and socioaffective factors. The part focusing on translation studies comprises articles devoted to a variety of topics. It places a wide range of readings within the context of varying translation domains such as translation competence, literary translation, translation strategies, translation teaching (including strategies of dictionary use) and translator training. The combination of the above aspects intends to underline the truly interdisciplinary nature of translation.

The Correspondents: Six Women Writers on the Front Lines of World War II

by Judith Mackrell

The riveting, untold history of a group of heroic women reporters who revolutionized the narrative of World War II—from Martha Gellhorn, who out-scooped her husband, Ernest Hemingway, to Lee Miller, a Vogue cover model turned war correspondent. "Thrilling from the first page to the last." —Mary Gabriel, author of Ninth Street WomenOn the front lines of the Second World War, a contingent of female journalists were bravely waging their own battle. Barred from combat zones and faced with entrenched prejudice and bureaucratic restrictions, these women were forced to fight for the right to work on equal terms with men. The Correspondents follows six remarkable women as their lives and careers intertwined: Martha Gellhorn, who got the scoop on Ernest Hemingway on D-Day by traveling to Normandy as a stowaway on a Red Cross ship; Lee Miller, who went from being a Vogue cover model to the magazine&’s official war correspondent; Sigrid Schultz, who hid her Jewish identity and risked her life by reporting on the Nazi regime; Virginia Cowles, a &“society girl columnist&” turned combat reporter; Clare Hollingworth, the first English journalist to break the news of World War II; and Helen Kirkpatrick, the first woman to report from an Allied war zone with equal privileges to men. From chasing down sources and narrowly dodging gunfire to conducting tumultuous love affairs and socializing with luminaries like Eleanor Roosevelt, Picasso, and Man Ray, these six women are captured in all their complexity. With her gripping, intimate, and nuanced portrait, Judith Mackrell celebrates these courageous reporters who risked their lives for the scoop.

La corrupción en el poder: Y el poder de la corrupción en Colombia

by Jorge Enrique Robledo

Un libro llamado a revelar los niveles de corrupción, politiquería y demagogia a los que ha llegado Colombia: Transmilenio, Saludcoop, Isagén, Reficar y las Zidres. (Para ver las transcripciones de los debates del senador Robledo sobre los temas tratados en este libro por favor copie el siguiente link y péguelo en una ventana nueva: ) Con la rigurosidad que lo caracteriza, Jorge Enrique Robledo explica de manera sencilla y directa qué hubo detrás de los grandes desfalcos y escándalos de corrupción en Colombia en los últimos años. Reconocido como uno de los senadores más respetados de Colombia, Robledo presenta un libro revelador que promete levantar ampolla: como resultado de una exhaustiva y valiente investigación revela los detalles más sorprendentes de cómo se han ejecutado proyectos y negocios que involucran las más estratosféricas sumas de dinero con el único objetivo de lucrar a empresarios y entregar beneficios non sanctos a representantes de diferentes gobiernos y a políticos colombianos. Su investigación devela los casos de Transmilenio en Bogotá, Reficar en Cartagena, Saludcoop, Isagén y las Zonas de Interés de Desarrollo Rural, Económico y Social (Zidres) que busca arrebatarle la tierra a los campesinos y mal usar los terrenos baldíos de la Nación para entregárselos a particulares.

Corruption Networks: Concepts and Applications (Understanding Complex Systems)

by Oscar M. Granados José R. Nicolás-Carlock

This book aims to gather the insight of leading experts on corruption and anti-corruption studies working at the scientific frontier of this phenomenon using the multidisciplinary tools of data and network science, in order to present current theoretical, empirical, and operational efforts being performed in order to curb this problem. The research results strengthen the importance of evidence-based approaches in the fight against corruption in all its forms, and foster the discussion about the best ways to convert the obtained knowledge into public policy.The contributed chapters provide comprehensive and multidisciplinary approaches to handle the non-trivial structural and dynamical aspects that characterize the modern social, economic, political and technological systems where corruption takes place.This book will serve a broad multi-disciplinary audience from natural to social scientists, applied mathematicians, including law and policymakers.

CORS Essentials

by Rajesh Gunasundaram Randall Goya

Web developers have been limited by the Same Origin Policy and often wish they could spread their application across different domains. You know JavaScript and AJAX, and have run up against the Same Domain Policy, which is limiting your applications.

Cosas que decir sin lengua: Todos los secretos del lenguaje no verbal

by Mike Fajardo

Mike Fajardo te enseña un montón de curiosidades y trucos sobre la comunicación no verbal para que aprendas a interpretar qué dice la gente cuando no abre la boca. ¿Sabes detectar si una persona está mintiendo? ¿Qué significa que alguien te frunza el ceño? ¿Crees que puedes saber si eres bienvenido en un lugar por la posición de los pies de las personas que te reciben? Y, sobre todo, ¿hay manera de saber, sin preguntarlo, si a esa persona que tanto te gusta también le gustas tú?A partir de ahora, los gestos y los guiños ya no tendrán secretos para ti. En estas páginas encontrarás explicaciones sencillas a por qué cruzamos las piernas en una conversación, los trucos para hablar en público, las técnicas para adelantarnos a los movimientos de los demás y, por supuesto, las claves básicas para interpretar si le gustamos a esa persona.

Cosmopolitan Communications: Cultural Diversity in a Globalized World

by Pippa Norris Ronald Inglehart

Societies around the world have experienced a flood of information from diverse channels originating beyond local communities and even national borders, transmitted through the rapid expansion of cosmopolitan communications. For more than half a century, conventional interpretations, Norris and Inglehart argue, have commonly exaggerated the potential threats arising from this process. A series of fire-walls protect national cultures. This book develops a new theoretical framework for understanding cosmopolitan communications and uses it to identify the conditions under which global communications are most likely to endanger cultural diversity. The authors analyze empirical evidence from both the societal level and the individual level, examining the outlook and beliefs of people in a wide range of societies. The study draws on evidence from the World Values Survey, covering 90 societies in all major regions worldwide from 1981 to 2007. The conclusion considers the implications of their findings for cultural policies.

Cosmopolitanism and the New News Media (ISSN)

by Lilie Chouliaraki Bolette Blaagaard

The Arab Spring, the Occupy Wall Street movement and the Haiti earthquake are only some of the recent examples of the power of new media to transform journalism. Some celebrate this power as a new cosmopolitanism that challenges the traditional boundaries of foreign reporting, yet others fear that the new media simply reproduce old power relations in new ways. It is this important controversy around the role of new media in shaping a cosmopolitan journalism that offers the starting point of this book. By bringing together an impressive range of leading theorists in the field of journalism and media studies, this collection insightfully explores how Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube are taking the voice of ordinary citizens into the forefront of mainstream journalism and how, in so doing, they give shape to new public conceptions of authenticity and solidarity. This collection is directed towards a readership of students and scholars in media and communications, digital and information studies, journalism, sociology as well as other social sciences that engage with the role of new media in shaping contemporary social life. This book was originally published as a special issue of Journalism Studies.

Cosmos and Image in the Renaissance: French Love Lyric and Natural-philosophical Poetry

by Kathryn Banks

Renaissance images could be real as well as linguistic. Human beings were often believed to be an image of the cosmos, and the sun an image of God. Kathryn Banks explores the implications of this for poetic language and argues that linguistic images were a powerful tool for rethinking cosmic conceptions. She reassesses the role of natural-philosophical poetry in France, focusing upon its most well-known and widely-read exponent, Guillaume de Saluste Du Bartas.Through a sustained analysis of Maurice Sceve's Delie , Banks also rethinks love lyric's oft-noted use of the beloved as image of the poet. Cosmos and Image makes an original contribution to our understanding of Renaissance thinking about the cosmic, the human, and the divine. It also proposes a mode of reading other Renaissance texts, and reflects at length upon the relation of 'literature' to history, to the history of science, and to political turmoil.

Counseling Survivors of Sexual Abuse (AACC Counseling Library)

by Diane Mandt Langberg

This powerful book deals with the issue of how Christians, especially those called to counsel, can help survivors of sexual abuse find healing and hope. From 20 years of experience, the author demonstrates how counselors can walk alongside people deeply wounded by sexual abuse as they face the truth about who they are, who their abuser was, and who God is as the Savior and Redeemer of all life. Counseling Survivors of Sexual Abuse issues a strong call to the church at large to walk with survivors through the long dark nights of their healing.

Counselling People on the Autism Spectrum: A Practical Manual

by Irene Estay Katherine Paxton

The characteristics of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) present unique challenges, not only to people themselves affected, but also to counselling professionals. This manual provides counselling techniques that work not only for professionals, but also for individuals either coping with being on the spectrum themselves, or living with someone who has an ASD. Regardless of intellectual and linguistic ability, people on the autism spectrum often have significant impairments in emotional expression, regulation, and recognition, and they are known to have higher rates of depression and anxiety than the general population. This comprehensive book shows how to develop the tools necessary to help people on the spectrum cope with their emotions, anxieties, and confusion about the often overwhelming world that surrounds them. Illustrated with useful case studies, it covers a range situations where counselling may be helpful for individuals with ASD, both children and adults, families where a member is on the spectrum, and couples where a partner has ASD. It also addresses specific issues, including depression, anxiety, emotional regulation, social skills, and stress, with effective strategies for dealing with each issue. As well as being indispensable for counsellors, this book provides valuable information and advice for anyone working with people and families affected by ASDs.

The Counselor and the Law: A Guide to Legal and Ethical Practice (Seventh Edition)

by Anne Marie Wheeler Burt Bertram

In this seventh edition of The Counselor and the Law, each chapter has been updated to reflect changes in the 2014 ACA Code of Ethics, findings of recent court cases, and new federal and state legislation. Attorney Nancy Wheeler and Burt Bertram, a private practitioner and counselor educator, provide a comprehensive overview of the law as it pertains to counseling practice; an in-depth look at counselors legal and ethical responsibilities; and an array of risk management strategies. Written in a clear and engaging style, this text is not only a widely used and respected resource for students, it also provides real answers for clinicians who are challenged daily to act in the best interest of their clients while minimizing the chances of becoming involved in an ethical or legal complaint. The issues surrounding civil malpractice liability, licensure board complaints, confidentiality, duty to warn, suicide and threats of harm to self, professional boundaries, records and documentation, and managing a counseling practice are addressed in detail.

Counterculture Colophon: Grove Press, the Evergreen Review, and the Incorporation of the Avant-Garde

by Loren Glass

Responsible for such landmark publications asLady Chatterley's Lover,Tropic of Cancer,Naked Lunch, Waiting for Godot,The Wretched of the Earth, andThe Autobiography of Malcolm X, Grove Press was the most innovative publisher of the postwar era. Counterculture Colophontells the story of how the press and its house journal,The Evergreen Review, revolutionized the publishing industry and radicalized the reading habits of the "paperback generation. " In the process, it offers a new window onto the 1960s, from 1951, when Barney Rosset purchased the fledgling press for $3,000, to 1970, when the multimedia corporation into which he had built the company was crippled by a strike and feminist takeover. Grove Press was not only responsible for ending censorship of the printed word in the United States but also for bringing avant-garde literature, especially drama, into the cultural mainstream as part of the quality paperback revolution. Much of this happened thanks to Rosset, whose charismatic leadership was crucial to Grove's success. With chapters covering world literature and the Latin American boom, including Grove's close association with UNESCO and the rise of cultural diplomacy; experimental drama such as the theater of the absurd, the Living Theater, and the political epics of Bertolt Brecht; pornography and obscenity, including the landmark publication of the complete work of the Marquis de Sade; revolutionary writing, featuring Rosset's daring pursuit of the Bolivian journals of Che Guevara; and underground film, including the innovative development of the pocket filmscript, Loren Glass covers the full spectrum of Grove's remarkable achievement as a communications center of the counterculture.

Counterintuitive Marketing: Achieving Great Results Using Common Sense

by Peter C. Krieg Kevin J. Clancy

Why does American business seem to sputter along where it ought to thrive? What is the source of the current plague of downsizing, disappearing companies, dot-com crashes, and here-today-gone-tomorrow advertising campaigns? Why do more products flop than ever before? Marketing experts Kevin J. Clancy and Peter C. Krieg have the answers. In Counterintuitive Marketing, Clancy and Krieg trace the high rate of business failure back to bad marketing strategy, and the even worse implementation of that strategy. Excess testosterone, they argue, compels senior managers to make decisions intuitively, instinctively, quickly, and, unfortunately, disastrously. In this informative and enlightening book, Clancy and Krieg confront these "over-and-over-again" marketers, who don't have time to do it right the first time, but endless time and a company bankroll to do it wrong over and over again. The authors draw from their decades of consumer and business-to-business marketing experience to describe the intuitive decision-making practices that permeate business today, and demonstrate how these practices lead to disappointing performance. Chapter by chapter, Counterintuitive Marketing contrasts how marketing decisions are made today with how they should be made. The authors give equal treatment to targeting, positioning, product development, pricing, customer service, e-commerce, marketing planning, implementation, and more as they present counterintuitive ideas for building and introducing blockbuster marketing programs. Readers will discover in this iconoclastic treasure chest hundreds of penetrating insights that have enabled the authors' firm, Copernicus, to transform companies and become a "brand guardian" to the Fortune 500 and emerging businesses around the world. The tools to create exceptional marketing programs really do exist, and they are all here in Counterintuitive Marketing, the ultimate practical guide for any company of any size.

Country Editor's Boy: A Memoir

by Hal Borland

A memoir of youthful years spent in Colorado as the American West was transformed, by the author of High, Wide, and Lonesome and The Dog Who Came to Stay. Country Editor&’s Boy picks up where Hal Borland&’s classic memoir High, Wide and Lonesome left off: with Borland, on the cusp of adulthood in the early twentieth century, making his way in an eastern Colorado town that still retained all the flavors of the Old West. Borland&’s father, the editor of a local weekly newspaper, was working to help his publication transition along with the town around him. At the same time, young Hal was experiencing dramatic social and economic change in his own way. In a matter of a decade, Borland&’s Colorado town shifted from a frontier outpost to part of a rapidly urbanizing new America. This memoir shows a boy entering adulthood as the world around him comes of age. Evocative and wholly engrossing, Country Editor&’s Boy is a vividly drawn portrait of western life, by one of the greatest naturalist writers of his age.

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