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Crónicas: 1944-1953

by Albert Camus

Un testimonio de primera línea sobre un periodo convulso de la historia moderna, con la firma inconfundible del Premio Nobel de 1957 Publicados en la prensa francesa entre 1944 y 1953, los escritos periodísticos recopilados por Albert Camus en este volumen constituyen un testimonio de primera línea sobre un periodo convulso de la historia moderna. En buena parte provienen de los editoriales de la revista Combat, que el autor dirigió entre 1944 y 1947, aunque no faltan las piezas más personales, como las que responden a la polémica suscitada por El hombre rebelde. El conjunto nos muestra a un escritor incisivo y siempre abierto al diálogo al considerar los hechos más relevantes de su tiempo. Sobre la obra:«La modernidad de Albert Camus debe probablemente mucho al periodismo.»María Santos Sáinz, autora de Albert Camus, periodista: De reportero en Argel a editorialista en París «Camus elaboró una verdadera filosofía de un periodismo crítico, cuyos ejemplos se han vuelto escasos hoy en día.»Robert Kopp «Sus tomas de posición eran audaces, tanto sobre la cuestión de la independencia de Argelia como sobre sus relaciones con el Partido Comunista Francés.»France Inter

Crónicas argelinas

by Albert Camus

Un volumen con todos los artículos de Albert Camus dedicados a su Argelia natal Publicado en 1958, en plena guerra de Argelia, Crónicas argelinas reúne los artículos que Albert Camus dedicó a su tierra natal a partir de 1939, cuando trabajaba como reportero en el periódico Alger-Républicain, y más tarde como miembro de la prensa parisina. Con su habitual lucidez, el autor aborda asuntos concretos como la penuria de la región de Cabilia, el malestar político de los años cuarenta, el desgarramiento de la identidad nacional o la necesidad de una tregua civil. Pero también ofrece agudas críticas de las inequidades históricas del colonialismo y reflexiones sobre una posible concordia que conservan toda su vigencia.

Crónicas de América Latina: Narrativa de no-ficción

by Miguel Á. Novella Esteban Mayorga

Crónicas de América Latina: narrativa de no-ficción es la primera edición de una novedosa antología de crónicas diseñada para la enseñanza de español avanzado. Los textos, fascinantes y accesibles, permiten que los estudiantes se adentren en la compleja realidad contemporánea, tanto política como social y cultural, de América Latina, mientras refuerzan la lectura, la redacción y la conversación. Los ejercicios, todos ellos diseñados a partir de los propios textos, pretenden repasar problemas gramaticales y léxicos tradicionales, con especial énfasis en aquellos que atañen a las variedades dialectales del español americano: por ejemplo, el uso del pronombre ‘vos’. Este libro es un excelente material de lectura que puede usarse en clases de español como segunda lengua o en clases de español para hablantes de herencia, tanto en clases de lengua (gramática o conversación) como de contenido (cultura). Dividido en nueve capítulos, el material abarca temas cruciales tales como política, identidad, raza, género, inmigración, violencia, exilio, medio ambiente, gastronomía, fútbol y música. Cada texto puede leerse de forma independiente, lo que permite que los profesores seleccionen las lecturas según las particularidades de cada curso. Pensado en un principio para estudiantes de español, esta antología es sobre todo una lectura indispensable para cualquier persona interesada en la zona que concentra el mayor número de hispanohablantes en el mundo.

Crónicas de un aprendiz: 50 años de periodismo

by Graziano Pascale

Graziano Pascale ejerció el periodismo desde los convulsionados años setenta, la oscuridad de la dictadura y el parto hacia la reapertura democrática. La selección de artículos de su producción escrita que se presenta en este libro es a la vez un sobrevuelo histórico a los episodios más fuertes del Uruguay y un caminar con el pulso del momento. Historia, política y periodismo se funden en una navegación a veces pintoresca, a veces turbulenta; un abordaje singular e iluminador de las personas y sus circunstancias.

El cronista y la historia

by Julio María Sanguinetti

Este libro compila la trayectoria de Julio María Sanguinetti en su rol de periodista, durante más de sesenta años de trabajo. ¿Cómo se veía Cuba en 1959 cuando Fidel asumía personalmente el gobierno? ¿Y Checoslovaquia al borde de la invasión de 1968? ¿Y la Corea del Norte de Kim Il Sung, hoy considerado divinidad por su nieto?Julio María Sanguinetti, en su rol de periodista, estuvo en esos lugares, en aquel tiempo lejano, y escribió crónicas que hoy son historia. También lo son las que publicó en el momento mismo del golpe de Estado uruguayo, en 1973, que no vieron nunca la luz en Uruguay y que fueran publicadas en Argentina, México y también Brasil, donde sufrió la proscripción para escribir de asuntos políticos, tal como le ocurriría luego en nuestro país.En sesenta años de periodismo no ha cesado de mantener su mirada histórica, a través de artículos generalmente # de combate #, referidos al abuso de la memoria, la politización de la historia, la leyenda del # Estado tapón #, la denigración de Rivera, los equívocos en nuestra celebración de la independencia, la laicidad republicana y otros temas que no son pasado congelado sino historia viva.Como dice Marc Bloch, fundador de la historiografía moderna, # la incomprensión del presente nace fatalmente de la ignorancia del pasado #.

Cronistas bohemios: La rebeldía de la Gente Nueva en 1900

by Miguel Angel del Arco

El retrato de una época legendaria para la esfera intelectual española y el sector del periodismo, a través de cinco de sus protagonistas. Alrededor de 1900 las redacciones de los periódicos estaban repletas de bohemios que acudían allí para calentarse o para demandar una colaboración. Pero no todos eran hampones y pedigüeños. Entre ellos había literatos de altura que pasaron a la historia como la Gente Nueva y fueron coetáneos, compañeros de café y colegas de modernistas y noventayochistas. Algunos de ellos fueron auténticos pioneros, los primeros corresponsales, cronistas y reporteros, y conformaron los inicios del periodismo moderno. Además de una magnífica contextualización histórica y la descripción de las relaciones entre el periodismo y bohemia de aquel tiempo, Cronistas bohemios reúne algunos de los mejores textos -precedidos de un perfil de cada autor-, excelente muestra de las grandes aportaciones de esta bohemia a la historia del periodismo, esencialmente en el lenguaje (basado en la paradoja y el uso de la palabra como explosivo), el contenido (de calado social) y el humor(a menudo ácido, incluso negro). Los cinco autores aquí reunidos son Antonio Palomero, Alejandro Sawa, Pedro Barrantes, Joaquín Dicenta y Luis Bonafoux, nombres que hoy no representan gran cosa. Sin embargo, estos textos tienen muy poco que envidiar, en calidad, en estilo, en atrevimiento y en novedoso enfoque, a lo que muchos años después conoceríamos como nuevo periodismo. Se pueden leer, hoy mismo, con gusto y asombro. Reseñas:«Además de una magnífica contextualización histórica y la descripción de las relaciones entre periodismo y bohemia de aquel tiempo, Cronistas bohemios reúne algunos de los mejores textos, precedidos de un perfil de cada autor, excelente muestra de las grandes aportaciones de esta bohemia a la historia del periodismo, esencialmente en el lenguaje (basado en la paradoja y el uso de la palabra como explosivo), el contenido (de calado social) y el humor (a menudo ácido, incluso negro).»Todo Literatura «No dejaron huella aparente en el oficio. La Guerra Civil partió en dos el rastro de aquellos hombres en beneficio de una amnesia triunfal que borró su estela. Pero de esos días delirantes quedan sus crónicas y el peso de leyenda que los enclavijó en la bohemia cuando en verdad fueron algo más. En un entorno de sacamantecas, feriantes de café y colmeneros del hambre y la cazalla, dibujaron un periodismo de buen paño que se levantó en los periódicos, en las redacciones de vinagre y ruido, en el fervor de un Madrid sacudido de miseria y sediento de honor, síntomas de una época tremenda y feliz. De una forma de hacer periódicos con el ideal puesto en el último café que cierra más allá de la madrugada.»Antonio Lucas, El Mundo


by Douglas Brinkley

For decades, Walter Cronkite was known as "the most trusted man in America." Millions across the nation welcomed him into their homes, first as a print reporter for the United Press on the front lines of World War II, and later, in the emerging medium of television, as a host of numerous documentary programs and as anchor of the CBS Evening News, from 1962 until his retirement in 1981. Yet this very public figure, undoubtedly the twentieth century's most revered journalist, was a remarkably private man; few know the full story of his life. Drawing on unprecedented access to Cronkite's private papers as well as interviews with his family and friends, Douglas Brinkley now brings this American icon into focus as never before. Brinkley traces Cronkite's story from his roots in Missouri and Texas through the Great Depression, during which he began his career, to World War II, when he gained notice reporting with Allied troops from North Africa, D-day, and the Battle of the Bulge. In 1950, Edward R. Murrow recruited him to work for CBS, where he covered presidential elections, the space program, Vietnam, and the first televised broadcasts of the Olympic Games, as both a reporter and later as an anchor for the evening news. Cronkite was also witness to--and the nation's voice for--many of the most profound moments in modern American history, including the Kennedy assassination, Apollos 11 and 13, Watergate, the Vietnam War, and the Iran hostage crisis. Epic, intimate, and masterfully written, Cronkite is the much-anticipated biography of an extraordinary American life, told by one of our most brilliant and respected historians.

Cross-border Shadow Education and Critical Pedagogy: Questioning Neoliberal and Parochial Orders in Singapore (Palgrave Studies on Global Policy and Critical Futures in Education)

by Glenn Toh

This book explores critical pedagogy and issues relating to entrepreneurialism, commodification, and marketization in education, and their deleterious effects on student agency and subjectivity. The central theme of the book is a cross-border critical ethnographic study of the shadow education practices of an overseas Japanese business community in Singapore which ​d​​ra​w​s attention to the elaborate extent to which families are engaged in shadow or cram tutoring practices as part of their children’s education, supported by the strong presence of overseas branches of well-established corporate tutoring businesses headquartered in Japan. The author ultimately critiques a banking approach to education, particularly in terms of its oppressive and dehumanizing outcomes, sustained by the inner workings of neoliberal forces and mercantilist ideologies.

Cross-Cultural and Intercultural Communication

by William B. Gudykunst

Intercultural communication is a relatively new area of research in the communication discipline but has made tremendous progress in recent years. The book maintains that understanding cross-cultural communication is a prerequisite to understanding intercultural communication. Part One of the book discusses cross-cultural communication―the comparison of communication across cultures―and Part Two examines intercultural communication―the communication between people from different cultures. Each part begins with an introduction, includes a chapter on theory, and ends with a chapter on issues.

Cross-Cultural Communication

by Brian J. Hurn Barry Tomalin

A comprehensive survey of the key areas of research in cross-cultural communication, based on the authors' experience in organizing and delivering courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students and in business training in the UK and overseas.

Cross-cultural Communication and Aging in the United States (Routledge Communication Series)

by Hana S. Noor Al-Deen Jennings Bryant

Recently, the communication discipline has devoted increasing energy toward the study of aging, yet most of the research has insufficiently addressed a crucial factor in communicative relationships--culture. Meanwhile, cross-cultural/intercultural communication has not adequately addressed the aging process. Combining three powerful elements--communication, aging, and culture--all of which have an increasingly profound impact on today's multicultural society, this book focuses on older Americans in various communicative contexts within the framework of their cultures. Composed of original research by experts in their respective fields, the book combines communication, aging, and culture for a unique examination of those elements in American society. Section 1 deals with perspectives in cross-cultural communication and aging. These perspectives both illustrate the issues that greatly affect the lives of our elders and suggest ways to improve their status. Section 2 showcases three American co-cultures: Hawaiian, Arab, and Mormon illustrate how language, attitudes, and mentoring can serve as the links for maintaining cross-generational continuity in multicultural society. Section 3 demonstrates that many American organizations frequently contribute to the hardships that both internal elder customers (employees) and external elder customers (residents and patients) must endure. Section 4 incorporates popular culture and aging. It presents the role of selective popular media in portraying our elders. Because Americans rely heavily on the media, their mediated perceptions can have a profound impact on their attitudes toward the older population. Designed as a reader or supplementary text for college students in communication, gerontology, anthropology, sociology, and other related fields, this text can also be used by professionals in gerontological service areas, by libraries, and as a personal reference. It offers extensive appendices, figures, and tables for additional reference.

Cross-Cultural Connections: Stepping Out and Fitting In Around the World

by Duane H. Elmer

This book intends to help the reader become aware of the realities in making a cultural transition--in business, in short- or long-term missions, as a bivocational person.

Cross-Cultural Exchange in the Atlantic World

by Roquinaldo Ferreira

This book argues that Angola and Brazil were connected, not separated, by the Atlantic Ocean. Roquinaldo Ferreira focuses on the cultural, religious, and social impacts of the slave trade on Angola. Reconstructing biographies of Africans and merchants, he demonstrates how cross-cultural trade, identity formation, religious ties, and resistance to slaving were central to the formation of the Atlantic world. By adding to our knowledge of the slaving process, the book powerfully illustrates how Atlantic slaving transformed key African institutions, such as local regimes of forced labor that predated and coexisted with Atlantic slaving, and made them fundamental features of the Atlantic world's social fabric.

Cross-Cultural Health Translation: Exploring Methodological and Digital Tools (Routledge Studies in Empirical Translation and Multilingual Communication)

by Meng Ji

Health translation represents a critical yet underexplored research field in Translation Studies. High-quality health translation represents an integral part in the development of multicultural health resources. The empirical study and evaluation of health translations, and the establishment of effective health translation methods and models, holds the key to the success of multicultural health communication and promotion. Chapters in this book aim to fill in a persistent knowledge gap in current multicultural health research, that is, culturally effective and user-oriented healthcare translation. Research presented in this book points to an important opportunity to improve and enhance current multicultural healthcare services based on empirical, evidence-based health translation studies. Health translation provides a powerful intervention tool to engage with migrants with diverse language, cultural backgrounds and health literacy levels. This book provides much-needed reading in the emerging research field of healthcare translation. It makes useful and original contributions to this emerging research field through the exploration of culturally effective health translation methods, approaches and models, as well as the development and evaluation of digital health translation resources and tools.

Cross-Cultural Journalism: Communicating Strategically About Diversity

by Earnest Perry María Len-Ríos

Built on the hands-on reporting style and curriculum pioneered by the University of Missouri, this introductory textbook teaches students how to write about and communicate with people of backgrounds that may be different from their own, offering real-world examples of how to practice excellent journalism and strategic communication that take culture into account. Specifically, the book addresses how to: engage with and talk across difference; identify the ways bias can creep into our communications, and how to mitigate our tendencies toward bias; use the concept of fault lines and approach sources and audiences with humility and respect; communicate with audiences about the complexity inherent in issues of crime, immigration, sports, health inequalities, among other topics; interpret census data categories and work with census data to craft stories or create strategic campaign strategies; reconsider common cultural assumptions about race, class, gender, identity, sexual orientation, immigration status, religion, disability, and age, and recognize their evolving and constructed meaning and our role as professional communicators in shaping national discussions of these issues. In addition to its common sense, practical approach, the book's chapters are written by national experts and leading scholars on the subject. Interviews with award-winning journalists, discussion questions, suggested activities, and additional readings round out this timely and important new textbook. Supplemented by a companion website featuring additional case studies and examples of best practice, Cross-Cultural Journalism offers journalists and other communication professionals the conceptual framework and practical know-how they need to report and communicate effectively about difference.

Cross-Cultural Management: With Insights from Brain Science (Routledge International Business Studies)

by Mai Nguyen-Phuong-Mai

Cross-Cultural Management: With Insights from Brain Science explores a broad range of topics on the impact of culture in international business and vice versa, and the impact of businesses and individuals in shaping a culture. It provides critical and in-depth information on globalization, global/glocal leadership, cross-cultural marketing, and cross-cultural negotiation. It also discusses many other topics that are not typically found in the mainstream management textbooks such as diversity management, bias management, cross-cultural motivation strategies, and change management. While most literature in the field is dominated by the static paradigm, that is, culture is fixed, nation equates to culture, and values are binary, this book takes a different approach. It regards national values as a first-best-guess and balances it with an introduction of the dynamic paradigm. This school of thought posits that culture is not static, context is the software of the mind, opposing values coexist, change is constant, and individuals can develop a multicultural mind. A unique feature of this book is the contribution of an interdisciplinary approach. It’s the first textbook of cross-cultural management that incorporates latest findings from the emerging discipline of cultural neuroscience and evolutionary biology in the discussion. Such a holistic approach is meant to help readers gain a deeper and broader understanding of the subjects.

Cross-Cultural Personal Selling: Agents’ Competences in International Personal Selling of Services

by Anna Antczak Barbara A. Sypniewska

Providing in-depth analysis, this book enables readers to understand the theoretical aspects of personal selling and explores the difficulties of selling services which are sensitive to cultural, age and gender differences, and to customers originating from diverse cultural zones. Agents and personal sellers must be aware of these differences and be familiar with the expectations of customers. Cross-cultural Personal Selling provides extensive empirical research results with special emphasis on competences, skills and qualifications of personal sellers which are necessary for successful, effective and efficient promotion campaigns aimed at customers from different cultures. Academics of international marketing and promotion will find this study extremely useful, as well as practitioners looking to expand their knowledge on personal selling.

Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Serving The World in Christlike Humility

by Duane Elmer

Duane Elmer asked people around the world how they felt about Western missionaries. The response? "Missionaries could be more effective if they did not think they were better than us. "The last thing we want to do in cross-cultural ministry is to offend people in other cultures. Unfortunately, all too often and even though we don't mean it, our actions communicate superiority, paternalism, imperialism and arrogance. Our best intentions become unintentional insults. How can we minister in ways that are received as true Christlike service? Cross-cultural specialist Duane Elmer gives Christians practical advice for serving other cultures with sensitivity and humility. With careful biblical exposition and keen cross-cultural awareness, he shows how our actions and attitudes often contradict and offend the local culture. He offers principles and guidance for avoiding misunderstandings and building relationships in ways that honor others. Here is culturally-savvy insight into how we can follow Jesus' steps to become global servants. Whether you're going on your first short-term mission trip or ministering overseas for extended periods, this useful guide is essential reading for anyone who wants to serve effectively in international settings with grace and sensitivity.

A Cross-Cultural Theory of Voter Behavior

by Bruce I Newman Wojciech Cwalina Andrzej Falkowski

The rapid development of democracy and political freedoms has created new and sophisticated psychology-based methods of influencing the way voters choose, as well as political systems based on free market principles. A Cross-Cultural Theory of Voter Behavior uses advanced empirical testing to determine whether the behavior of voters in established and emerging democracies around the world is predictable. The results of the testing suggest the theory is a ground-breaking cross-cultural model with theoretical and strategic global implications. This unique book examines the many facets of political marketing and its direct relationship with the voter. A comprehensive theory meticulously tested in the dynamic political waters of the U.S. and Europe, this text bridges the latest theoretical developments in the emerging and advanced democracies. A Cross-Cultural Theory of Voter Behavior offers an innovative and seldom seen international perspective that integrates up-to-date literature in political science with advanced political marketing to provide readers with useable, unified information. In addition, the text is replete with detailed references and illustrated with a wealth of informative tables and graphics to made pertinent data accessible and easily understood. Some of the topics discussed in A Cross-Cultural Theory of Voter Behavior include politics in an age of manufactured images, partisanship and party identification, candidate-centered politics, political cognition, social categorization of politicians, the role of advertising and emotion, among others. An ideal text for students, academics, and researchers, the information presented in A Cross-Cultural Theory of Voter Behavior is also a vital resource for political practitioners such as consultants, candidates, lobbyists, political action committees, fund-raisers, pollsters, government officials, ad specialists, journalists, public relations executives, and congressional aides.

Cross-Technology Communication for Internet of Things: Fundamentals and Key Technologies

by Xiuzhen Guo Yuan He Yunhao Liu

Cross-technology communication (CTC) is a technology that enables direct communication between heterogeneous devices that use different wireless standards. It works like a “translator” between two or more wireless technologies. CTC not only creates a new avenue for inter-operation and data exchange between wireless devices but also enhances the ability to manage wireless networks. This book focuses on the enabling technology CTC and introduces readers to a variety of CTC techniques in heterogeneous wireless networks. These techniques can be divided into two categories: packet-level CTCs based on energy modulation and channel intervention; and physical-level CTCs based on cross-demapping, digital emulation, and split encoding. The book offers a comprehensive comparison and analysis, granting readers a deeper understanding of CTC techniques in terms of throughput, reliability, hardware modification, and concurrency. Moreover, it highlights upper-layer CTC application scenarios and cutting-edge developments, which include but are not limited to interference management, channel quality estimation, network routing, etc. The book is intended for all readers – e.g., researchers, students, and even professionals – who are interested in the areas of wireless networking, wireless communication, mobile computing, and Internet of Things. The findings and summaries presented here can help: 1) guide researchers to rethink CTC techniques in connection with design methodology; 2) further advance the infrastructure of future IoT by introducing CTC; and 3) enable important IoT applications by delivering ubiquitous network connectivity.

Cross-Word Modeling for Arabic Speech Recognition (SpringerBriefs in Speech Technology)

by Dia Abuzeina Moustafa Elshafei

Cross-Word Modeling for Arabic Speech Recognition utilizes phonological rules in order to model the cross-word problem, a merging of adjacent words in speech caused by continuous speech, to enhance the performance of continuous speech recognition systems. The author aims to provide an understanding of the cross-word problem and how it can be avoided, specifically focusing on Arabic phonology using an HHM-based classifier.

Crossing Borders: Stories and Essays about Translation

by Lynne Sharon Schwartz

In Joyce Carol Oates’s story “The Translation,” a traveler to an Eastern European country falls in love with a woman he gets to know through an interpreter. In Lydia Davis’s “French Lesson I: Le Meurtre,” what begins as a lesson in beginner’s French takes a sinister turn. In the essay “On Translating and Being Translated,” Primo Levi addresses the joys and difficulties awaiting the translator. Lynne Sharon Schwartz’s Crossing Borders: Stories and Essays About Translation gathers together thirteen stories and five essays that explore the compromises, misunderstandings, traumas, and reconciliations we act out and embody through the art of translation. Guiding her selection is Schwartz’s marvelous eye for finding hidden gems, bringing together Levi, Davis, and Oates with the likes of Michael Scammell, Harry Mathews, Chana Bloch, and so many other fine and intriguing voices.

Crossing Cultures In The Language Classroom, Second Edition

by Andrea DeCapua Ann Wintergerst

Crossing Cultures in the Language Classroom attempts to balance theory and practice for pre-service and in-service teachers in general education programs or in ESL/EFL, bilingual, and foreign language teacher training programs, as well as cross-cultural awareness workshops. This book is unique in that it combines theory with a wide range of experiential activities and projects designed to actively engage users in the process of understanding different aspects of cross-cultural awareness. The goals of the book are to help readers: expand cultural awareness of one’s own culture and that of others achieve a deeper understanding of what culture is and the relationship between culture and language acquire the ability to observe behaviors in order to draw conclusions based on observation rather than preconceptions understand and implement observations of cultural similarities and differences develop an attitude of tolerance toward cultural differences and move away from the “single story.” The new edition has been thoroughly updated and includes a Suggested Projects section in each chapter. This section provides opportunities for users of the text to explore in greater depth an area and topic of interest. It also includes even more Critical Incidents--brief descriptions of events that depict some element or elements of cultural differences, miscommunication, or culture clash. Critical Incidents develop users’ ability to analyze and understand how multiple perspectives of the same situation are rooted in differing culturally influenced beliefs, behaviors, norms of interaction, and worldviews.

Crossing the Digital Divide: Applying Technology to the Global Refugee Crisis

by Culbertson Dimarogonas Costello Lanna

Amid a growing global forced displacement crisis, refugees and the organizations that assist them have turned to technology as an important resource in solving problems in humanitarian settings. This report analyzes technology uses, needs, and gaps, as well as opportunities for better using technology to help displaced people and improving the operations of responding agencies.

The Crosslinguistic Study of Language Acquisition: Volume 5: Expanding the Contexts

by Dan Isaac Slobin

In this final volume in the series, the contributors attempt to "expand the contexts" in which child language has been examined crosslinguistically. The chapters build on themes that have been touched on, anticipated, and promised in earlier volumes in the series. The study of child language has been situated in the disciplines of psychology and linguistics, and has been most responsive to dominant issues in those fields such as nativism and learning, comprehension and production, errors, input, and universals of morphology and syntax. The context has primarily been that of the individual child, interacting with a parent, and deciphering the linguistic code. The code has been generally treated in these volumes as a system of morphology and syntax, with little attention to phonology and prosody. Attention has been paid occasionally to the facts that the child is acquiring language in a sociocultural setting and that language is used in contexts of semantic and pragmatic communication. In addition, there has been a degree of attention paid to the interactions between language and cognition in the process of development. As for individual differences between children, they have been discussed in those studies where they could not be avoided, but such variation has rarely been the focus of systematic attention. Differences between individual languages have been of great interest, but these differences have not often been placed in a framework of systematic typological variation. And although languages and their grammars change over time, the focus of attention on the individual child learner has generally led to neglect of explanatory principles that are best found on the level of linguistic diachrony, rather than the level of innate ideas or patterns of learning and cognition in the individual child. The chapter authors seek to explore these neglected contexts in more depth.

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