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Showing 3,701 through 3,725 of 17,279 results

Cryptography and Secure Communication

by Richard E. Blahut

Today's pervasive computing and communications networks have created an intense need for secure and reliable cryptographic systems. Bringing together a fascinating mixture of topics in engineering, mathematics, computer science, and informatics, this book presents the timeless mathematical theory underpinning cryptosystems both old and new. Major branches of classical and modern cryptography are discussed in detail, from basic block and stream cyphers through to systems based on elliptic and hyperelliptic curves, accompanied by concise summaries of the necessary mathematical background. Practical aspects such as implementation, authentication and protocol-sharing are also covered, as are the possible pitfalls surrounding various cryptographic methods. Written specifically with engineers in mind, and providing a solid grounding in the relevant algorithms, protocols and techniques, this insightful introduction to the foundations of modern cryptography is ideal for graduate students and researchers in engineering and computer science, and practitioners involved in the design of security systems for communications networks.

Cryptography in Constant Parallel Time (Information Security and Cryptography)

by Benny Applebaum

Locally computable (NC0) functions are "simple" functions for which every bit of the output can be computed by reading a small number of bits of their input. The study of locally computable cryptography attempts to construct cryptographic functions that achieve this strong notion of simplicity and simultaneously provide a high level of security. Such constructions are highly parallelizable and they can be realized by Boolean circuits of constant depth. This book establishes, for the first time, the possibility of local implementations for many basic cryptographic primitives such as one-way functions, pseudorandom generators, encryption schemes and digital signatures. It also extends these results to other stronger notions of locality, and addresses a wide variety of fundamental questions about local cryptography. The author's related thesis was honorably mentioned (runner-up) for the ACM Dissertation Award in 2007, and this book includes some expanded sections and proofs, and notes on recent developments. The book assumes only a minimal background in computational complexity and cryptography and is therefore suitable for graduate students or researchers in related areas who are interested in parallel cryptography. It also introduces general techniques and tools which are likely to interest experts in the area.

A Cryptography Primer

by Philip N. Klein

Cryptography has been employed in war and diplomacy from the time of Julius Caesar. In our Internet age, cryptography's most widespread application may be for commerce, from protecting the security of electronic transfers to guarding communication from industrial espionage. This accessible introduction for undergraduates explains the cryptographic protocols for achieving privacy of communication and the use of digital signatures for certifying the validity, integrity, and origin of a message, document, or program. Rather than offering a how-to on configuring web browsers and e-mail programs, the author provides a guide to the principles and elementary mathematics underlying modern cryptography, giving readers a look under the hood for security techniques and the reasons they are thought to be secure.

Cryptology and Network Security with Machine Learning: Proceedings of ICCNSML 2023 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #918)

by Atul Chaturvedi Sartaj Ul Hasan Bimal Kumar Roy Boaz Tsaban

The book features original papers from International Conference on Cryptology & Network Security with Machine Learning (ICCNSML 2023), organized by PSIT, Kanpur, India during 27–29 October 2023. This conference proceeding provides the understanding of core concepts of Cryptology and Network Security with ML in data communication. The book covers research papers in public key cryptography, elliptic curve cryptography, post-quantum cryptography, lattice based cryptography, non-commutative ring-based cryptography, cryptocurrency, authentication, key agreement, Hash functions, block/stream ciphers, polynomial-based cryptography, code-based cryptography, NTRU cryptosystems, security and privacy in machine learning, blockchain, IoT security, wireless security protocols, cryptanalysis, number theory, quantum computing, cryptographic aspects of network security, complexity theory, and cryptography with machine learning.

Cryptology and Network Security with Machine Learning: Proceedings of ICCNSML 2022 (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)

by Bimal Kumar Roy Atul Chaturvedi Boaz Tsaban Sartaj Ul Hasan

The book features original papers from International Conference on Cryptology & Network Security with Machine Learning (ICCNSML 2022), organized by PSIT, Kanpur, India during 16 – 18 December 2022. This conference proceeding will provide the understanding of core concepts of Cryptology & Network Security with ML in data communication. The book covers research papers in public key cryptography, elliptic curve cryptography, post quantum cryptography, lattice based cryptography, non-commutative ring based cryptography, cryptocurrency, authentication, key agreement, Hash functions, block/stream ciphers, polynomial based cryptography, code based cryptography, NTRU cryptosystems, security and privacy in machine learning, block chain, IoT security, wireless security protocols, cryptanalysis, number theory, quantum computing, cryptographic aspects of network security, complexity theory, and cryptography with machine learning.

Crystallizing Public Opinion

by Edward Bernays

Famed as "the father of public relations," Edward Bernays pioneered the technique of working to change attitudes rather than just selling products. In this 1923 classic, the first book ever written about the public relations industry, he delineates the approaches that corporations and governments have taken for the past century to influence social tendencies.Crystallizing Public Opinion identifies the techniques employed by public relations professionals, from authoritative-sounding surveys to persuasive endorsements from opinion leaders, celebrities, and experts. Bernays — whose high-profile clients included Procter & Gamble, General Electric, CBS, NBC, and Time, Inc. — cites examples from his successful campaigns, including a physician-endorsed promotion of bacon as a healthy breakfast option. He quotes leading theorists on the role of herd mentality in the minds of the educated as well as the ignorant, and he explains the value of communicating the right facts at the right time to a targeted audience. Although technology has changed in the years since this book's debut, human nature has not, and these principles remain of timeless value to business and marketing professionals, students of public relations, and other readers.

Crystallizing Public Opinion

by Edward L. Bernays

A revolutionary work on public relations and marketing by the provocative thinker who was dubbed the father of public relations Few books have been as quietly powerful as Edward L. Bernays's Crystallizing Public Opinion. First published in 1923, it is a groundbreaking and, as history has shown, influential guide to the most crucial principles of mass persuasion. Aimed at governments and corporations in the wake of World War I, this classic work combines crowd psychology with the pillars of psychoanalysis to argue the importance of public relations in democratic society. Citing far-reaching case studies from the resuscitation of a beleaguered magazine in New York to Lithuania's campaign for global recognition, Bernays illustrates the burgeoning significance of his field in shaping public opinion while also laying out the crucial techniques for mobilizing broad-based support in an increasingly fragmented world. Celebrated by PBS in its Books That Shook the World feature, Crystallizing Public Opinion occupies a fascinating place in history, defining both a concept and a system that were taken up by progressive social movements, corporate barons, and national governments alike.

CSR Communication in the Media: Media Management on Sustainability at a Global Level (CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance)

by Franzisca Weder Lars Rademacher René Schmidpeter

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an established management focus of today's companies and organizations of different types, scope and size. Communication practices on CSR and sustainability in the media industry, related theoretical concepts, and empirical foundations have not yet been sufficiently explored. This book focuses on a new normative framework of sustainability, bridging the established debate on public value with the current debate on social impact and the social license to operate in the media industry. With a variety of contributions from theory and practice, the book addresses the dual nature of media and media companies, which simultaneously produce economic and cultural goods and thus bear a "double responsibility": on the one hand, for the way they present reality, monitor and criticize economic and political developments, and bring ethical concerns to the public debate. On the other hand, they bear responsibility for their own activities as companies (license to operate). The book is therefore aimed at readers interested in the journalistic perspective and at executives in the media industry.

CSR und Interne Kommunikation: Forschungsansätze und Praxisbeiträge (Management-Reihe Corporate Social Responsibility)

by Riccardo Wagner Nicole Roschker Alexander Moutchnik

Dieses Buch zeigt wie Vorstand, Gesch#65533;ftsf#65533;hrung und CSR-Beauftragte die interne CSR-Kommunikation verbessern k#65533;nnen. Die eigenen Mitarbeiter tragen entscheidend dazu bei, dass Unternehmensverantwortung und Nachhaltigkeit in Unternehmen und Organisationen gelebt werden. Konkrete Unternehmensbeispiele und aktuelle Forschungsans#65533;tze veranschaulichen wie F#65533;hrungskr#65533;fte und Belegschaft eingebunden, aktiviert und zu CSR-Botschaftern im eigenen Unternehmen gemacht werden k#65533;nnen. Eine lohnenswerte Lekt#65533;re f#65533;r CSR-Verantwortliche, Kommunikationsprofis und -berater ebenso wie Forscher, die sich dem inter- und intradisziplin#65533;ren Thema ,,Interne CSR-Kommunikation" widmen.

CSR und Kommunikation: Unternehmerische Verantwortung überzeugend vermitteln (Management-Reihe Corporate Social Responsibility)

by Peter Heinrich

Corporate Social Responsiblity gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung. Viele Unternehmen engagieren sich heute gesellschaftlich und übernehmen Verantwortung. Ein sinnvoller Schritt, denn so leisten sie einen Beitrag zur gesamtwirtschaftlichen Nachhaltigkeit, prägen ihr Image und generieren dabei gezielt Wettbewerbsvorteile. Ein wichtiger Schlüssel zum Erfolg liegt dabei in der Kommunikation. Sie muss fundiert, professionell gesteuert und langfristig angelegt sein, um die Engagements intern zu kommunizieren und auch das öffentliche Bewusstsein für dieses Thema zu schärfen. ,,Tue Gutes und sprich darüber" - es geht um einen Dialog mit allen relevanten Stakeholdern. Dieses Buch liefert einen fundierten, praxisbezogenen Überblick über die Kommunikationsinstrumente und -möglichkeiten sowie den Planungsprozess. Es ist ein Ideenkatalog und vermittelt zugleich auch das wissenschaftliche Hintergrundwissen. Experten aus verschiedenen Branchen zeigen, wie die CSR-Kommunikation wirksam angewendet wird. Letztendlich soll es den Menschen, die sich mit CSR beschäftigen - ob auf Unternehmens- oder Beraterseite, ob als Newcomer oder Experte - Orientierung, Impulse und Handlungsempfehlungen für die tägliche Praxis geben.

CSR und Kommunikation: Unternehmerische Verantwortung Uberzeugend Vermitteln (Management-Reihe Corporate Social Responsibility)

by Peter Heinrich

Diese aktualisierte und überarbeitete 2. Auflage liefert einen fundierten, praxisbezogenen Überblick über die Kommunikationsinstrumente und -möglichkeiten sowie den Planungsprozess im Bereich CSR. Es ist ein Ideenkatalog und vermittelt zugleich auch das wissenschaftliche Hintergrundwissen. 20 Praxisbeiträge aus verschiedenen Branchen zeigen, wie die CSR-Kommunikation wirksam angewendet wird. Viele Unternehmen engagieren sich heute gesellschaftlich und übernehmen Verantwortung. Ein sinnvoller Schritt, denn so leisten sie einen Beitrag zur gesamtwirtschaftlichen Nachhaltigkeit, prägen ihr Image und generieren dabei gezielt Wettbewerbsvorteile. Ein wichtiger Schlüssel zum Erfolg liegt dabei in der Kommunikation. „Tue Gutes und sprich darüber“ – es geht um die Kommunikation mit allen relevanten Dialoggruppen. In diesem Zusammenhang gibt dieses Buch den Menschen, die sich mit CSR beschäftigen – ob auf Unternehmens- oder Beraterseite, ob als Newcomer oder als Experte – Orientierung, Impulse und Handlungsempfehlungen für die tägliche Praxis.

CSR und Reporting: Nachhaltigkeits- und CSR-Berichterstattung verstehen und erfolgreich umsetzen (Management-Reihe Corporate Social Responsibility)

by Matthias S. Fifka

Nachhaltigkeits- bzw. CSR-Reporting wird zunehmend zu einem Standard für Großunternehmen. 94% der 250 größten Unternehmen der Welt legen bereits einen Bericht zu den entsprechenden Aktivitäten vor. Dabei erfolgt zunehmend eine Orientierung an den Vorgaben der Global Reporting Initiative, die sich mehr und mehr als internationale Leitlinie durchsetzt. Obschon sich also eine gewisse Standardisierung hinsichtlich der Inhalte durchsetzt, gibt es noch immer große Unterschiede hinsichtlich der zur Verfügung gestellten Information. Dies gilt besonders im internationalen Vergleich. Dieses Buch gibt Ihnen einen Einblick in die bestehenden Unterschiede und zeigt wie CSR- und Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung erfolgreich implementiert werden kann. Dabei wird insbesondere auf die Chancen und Risiken zur Verfügung stehender Medien eingegangen.

CSR und Social Media: Unternehmerische Verantwortung in sozialen Medien wirkungsvoll vermitteln (Management-Reihe Corporate Social Responsibility)

by Riccardo Wagner Georg Lahme Tim Breitbarth

Renommierte Experten aus Wissenschaft, Unternehmenspraxis und Zivilgesellschaft analysieren Grundlagen und geben praxisnahe Tipps zur zielgruppengerechten und wirkungsvollen CSR-Kommunikation in sozialen Medien. In exemplarischen Praxisfällen, insbesondere rund um Marken- und Unternehmenskommunikation, Beziehungsauf- und ausbau im digitalen Zeitalter, sowie Berichterstattung und Transparenz im Social Web geht dieses Buch der Frage nach, wie CSR und Social Media erfolgreich strategisch miteinander verbunden werden können.

CSR und Stakeholdermanagement: Strategische Herausforderungen und Chancen der Stakeholdereinbindung (Management-Reihe Corporate Social Responsibility)

by Reinhard Altenburger Roman H. Mesicek

Die Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)- und/oder Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie beeinflusst die Arten und Formen der Einbindung von Stakeholdern. Dieses Buch zeigt innovative Formen des Stakeholder Managements bzw. Engagements. Anhand von Fallbeispielen aus deutschen und österreichischen Unternehmen werden Erwartungen bzw. Anforderungen konkreter Stakeholder (z. B. NGOs, Lieferanten, Kunden, regionale Partner, Wissenschaft) an Unternehmen aufgezeigt und entsprechend erläutert. Die Vielzahl an gesellschaftlichen und ökologischen Herausforderungen, denen sich Unternehmen aller Branchen gegenübersehen, erfordern eine verstärkte Diskussion des Themas Verantwortung und die Einbindung von Stakeholdern Die aktuelle Diskussion in der Wissenschaft und Beratung zeigt unterschiedliche Zugangsweisen und bietet hilfreiche Ansätze zur Lösung dieses vermeintlichen Kommunikationsproblems.

Cuarenta y un intentos fallidos: Ensayos sobre escritores y artistas

by Janet Malcolm

Los mejores ensayos sobre arte y literatura de una maestra del periodismo Uno de los libros del 2013 para el Publisher Weekly y finalista del premio de la crítica de EEUU La obra de Janet Malcolm figura destacada en cualquier canon de la no ficción contemporánea, con piezas tan brillantes como la que da título a esta antología, con sus cuarenta y un intentos fallidos de comenzar un perfil del pintor David Salle, que acaban componiendo un retrato excepcional del artista. Malcolm está entre los autores más estimulantes intelectualmente, capaz de convertir «epifanías de la percepción en estallidos de conocimiento» como escribió David Lehman en The Boston Globe. Esta antología reúne piezas publicadas a lo largo de varias décadas, sobre todo en The New Yorker y The New York Review of Books, que recogen su interés por los artistas y su trabajo, pintores, fotógrafos, escritores y críticos. Explora la obsesión del grupo de Bloomsbury por la creación tanto plástica como literaria; las apasionadas colaboraciones que hay detrás de los desnudos de Edward Weston; y la personalidad del fotógrafo alemán Thomas Struth, que vive «bajo la sombra de su pasado nazi», pero cuyas fotografías muestran «ligereza de espíritu». Se asoma a la ficción de Edith Wharton y a los héroes puros de Salinger. «Una y otra vez», como escribió Ian Frazier, «demuestra que la no ficción, un libro reportaje, un artículo de revista, algo que vemos a diario, puede alcanzar el más alto nivel literario.» La crítica ha dicho... «Cuarenta y un intentos fallidos es una obra notable y a su extraña manera fascinante. Consigue algo muy difícil: explicar algo valioso sobre un tema tan inasible como es el proceso creativo.» Zoe Heller, The New York Review of Books «Una excelente colección de ensayos. Malcolm probablemente sea la escritora más dotada del periodismo americano.» Chicago Tribune «Periodismo inteligente que siempre se nota que ha sido escrito por un ser humano, con un corazón que late, un sentido moral, una curiosidad muy amplia y un punto de vista.» Laura Collins-Hughes, The Boston Globe «Sin duda la obra de un genio.» Adam Kitsch, New York Times

Cuba’s Digital Revolution: Citizen Innovation and State Policy (Reframing Media, Technology, and Culture in Latin/o America)

by Ted A. Henken and Sara Garcia Santamaria

A wide-ranging examination of the ways digital technologies are impacting Cuba’s Revolutionary project The triumph of the Cuban Revolution gave the Communist Party a monopoly over both politics and the mass media. However, with the subsequent global proliferation of new information and communication technologies, Cuban citizens have become active participants in the worldwide digital revolution. While the Cuban internet has long been characterized by censorship, high costs, slow speeds, and limited access, this volume argues that since 2013, technological developments have allowed for a fundamental reconfiguration of the cultural, economic, social, and political spheres of the Revolutionary project.The essays in this volume cover various transformations within this new digital revolution, examining both government-enabled paid public web access and creative workarounds that Cubans have designed to independently produce, distribute, and access digital content. Contributors trace how media ventures, entrepreneurship, online marketing, journalism, and cultural e-zines have been developing on the island alongside global technological and geopolitical changes.As Cuba continues to expand internet access and as citizens challenge state policies on the speed, breadth, and freedom of that access, Cuba’s Digital Revolution provides a fascinating example of the impact of technology in authoritarian states and transitional democracies. While the streets of Cuba may still belong to Castro’s Revolution, this volume argues that it is still unclear to whom Cuban cyberspace belongs. Contributors: Larry Press | Edel Lima Sarmiento | Olga Khrustaleva | Alexei Padilla Herrera | Eloy Viera Cañive | Marie Laure Geoffray | Ted A. Henken | Sara Garcia Santamaria | Anne Natvig | Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Arechavaleta | Mireya Márquez-Ramírez, Ph.D.| Abel Somohano Fernández | Rebecca Ogden | Jennifer Cearns | Walfrido Dorta | Paloma DuongA volume in the series Reframing Media, Technology, and Culture in Latin/o America, edited by Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste and Juan Carlos RodríguezPublication of the paperback edition made possible by a Sustaining the Humanities through the American Rescue Plan grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Cuerpo a cuerpo: Cómo son y cómo piensan los políticos españoles

by María Antonia Iglesias

Cuerpo a cuerpo no es solo un libro de entrevistas a políticos de todos los partidos, de todas las ideas. Es el resultado de una apasionante aventura: la de aproximarse a los personajes sin máscaras. Para preguntar, para escuchar, para comprender. María Antonia Iglesias no es solo una gran entrevistadora, es una mujer que, desde su papel de periodista, intenta descubrir la realidad saltando por encima de los prejuicios y de los lugares comunes. En Cuerpo a cuerpo se reúnen sus mejores entrevistas, en su mayoría políticas, un subgénero condenado por su propia naturaleza a responder al día a día. Sin embargo, las de María Antonia Iglesias superan los márgenes de la actualidad para convertirse en el retrato de un personaje y de un momento de nuestra historia reciente. Quizá eso sucede porque aplica de forma generosa y constante una misma metodología, la que ella misma nos cuenta en la introducción de su libro: «Escuchar para aprender, para comprender. Éste ha sido el sentido último de las entrevistas que he publicado en El País en los últimos diez años y de las que he seleccionado para este libro las cien que mejor resumen el reto de enfrentar al personaje consigo mismo. Lograr que los entrevistados (políticos en su gran mayoría, que se blindan tanto) digan en alta voz aquello que piensan, pero que no tenían intención de decir, persuadirlos para que abandonen la posición defensiva y disfruten, incluso, con la verdad de sus reflexiones más recónditas. Ése era siempre mi objetivo en ese cuerpo a cuerpo a veces duro, estimulante siempre, en el que siempre también he buscado la verdadera inteligencia con el otro.»María Antonia Iglesias

Cues: Master the Secret Language of Charismatic Communication

by Vanessa Van Edwards

For anyone who wants to be heard at work, earn that overdue promotion, or win more clients, deals, and projects, the bestselling author of Captivate, Vanessa Van Edwards, shares her advanced guide to improving professional relationships through the power of cues.What makes someone charismatic? Why do some captivate a room, while others have trouble managing a small meeting? What makes some ideas spread, while other good ones fall by the wayside? If you have ever been interrupted in meetings, overlooked for career opportunities or had your ideas ignored, your cues may be the problem – and the solution. Cues – the tiny signals we send to others 24/7 through our body language, facial expressions, word choice, and vocal inflection – have a massive impact on how we, and our ideas, come across. Our cues can either enhance our message or undermine it. In this entertaining and accessible guide to the hidden language of cues, Vanessa Van Edwards teaches you how to convey power, trust, leadership, likeability, and charisma in every interaction. You&’ll learn: • Which body language cues assert, &“I&’m a leader, and here&’s why you should join me.&” • Which vocal cues make you sound more confident • Which verbal cues to use in your résumé, branding, and emails to increase trust (and generate excitement about interacting with you.) • Which visual cues you are sending in your profile pictures, clothing, and professional brand. Whether you're pitching an investment, negotiating a job offer, or having a tough conversation with a colleague, cues can help you improve your relationships, express empathy, and create meaningful connections with lasting impact. This is an indispensable guide for entrepreneurs, team leaders, young professionals, and anyone who wants to be more influential.

Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism

by Amanda Montell

The author of the widely praised Wordslut analyzes the social science of cult influence: how cultish groups from Jonestown and Scientology to SoulCycle and social media gurus use language as the ultimate form of power.What makes “cults” so intriguing and frightening? What makes them powerful? The reason why so many of us binge Manson documentaries by the dozen and fall down rabbit holes researching suburban moms gone QAnon is because we’re looking for a satisfying explanation for what causes people to join—and more importantly, stay in—extreme groups. We secretly want to know: could it happen to me? Amanda Montell’s argument is that, on some level, it already has . . .Our culture tends to provide pretty flimsy answers to questions of cult influence, mostly having to do with vague talk of “brainwashing.” But the true answer has nothing to do with freaky mind-control wizardry or Kool-Aid. In Cultish, Montell argues that the key to manufacturing intense ideology, community, and us/them attitudes all comes down to language. In both positive ways and shadowy ones, cultish language is something we hear—and are influenced by—every single day. Through juicy storytelling and cutting original research, Montell exposes the verbal elements that make a wide spectrum of communities “cultish,” revealing how they affect followers of groups as notorious as Heaven’s Gate, but also how they pervade our modern start-ups, Peloton leaderboards, and Instagram feeds. Incisive and darkly funny, this enrapturing take on the curious social science of power and belief will make you hear the fanatical language of “cultish” everywhere.

Cultivating Compassion: How Digital Storytelling Is Transforming Healthcare

by Pip Hardy Tony Sumner

This book explores how digital storytelling can catalyze change in healthcare. Edited by the co-founders of the award-winning Patient Voices Programme, the authors discuss various applications for this technique; from using digital storytelling as a reflective process, to the use of digital stories in augmenting quantitative data. Through six main sections this second edition covers areas including healthcare education, patient engagement, quality improvement and the use of digital storytelling research. The chapters illuminate how digital storytelling can lead to greater humanity, understanding and, ultimately, compassion. This collection will appeal to those involved in delivering, managing or receiving healthcare and healthcare education and research, as well as people interested in digital storytelling and participatory media.

Cultivating Cosmopolitanism for Intercultural Communication: Communicating as a Global Citizen (Routledge Studies in Rhetoric and Communication #15)

by Miriam Sobre-Denton Nilanjana Bardhan

Winner of the National Communication Association's International and Intercultural Communication Division's 2014 Outstanding Authored Book of the Year award This book engages the notion of cosmopolitanism as it applies to intercultural communication, which itself is undergoing a turn in its focus from post-positivistic research towards critical/interpretive and postcolonial perspectives, particularly as globalization informs more of the current and future research in the area. It emphasizes the postcolonial perspective in order to raise critical consciousness about the complexities of intercultural communication in a globalizing world, situating cosmopolitanism—the notion of global citizenship—as a multilayered lens for research. Cosmopolitanism as a theoretical repertoire provides nuanced descriptions of what it means to be and communicate as a global citizen, how to critically study interconnectedness within and across cultures, and how to embrace differences without glossing over them. Moving intercultural communication studies towards the global in complex and nuanced ways, this book highlights crucial links between globalization, transnationalism, postcolonialism, cosmopolitanism, social injustice and intercultural communication, and will help in the creation of classroom spaces devoted to exploring these links. It also engages the links between theory and praxis in order to move towards intercultural communication pedagogy and research that simultaneously celebrates and interrogates issues of cultural difference with the aim of creating continuity rather than chasms. In sum, this book orients intercultural communication scholarship firmly towards the critical and postcolonial, while still allowing the incorporation of traditional intercultural communication concepts, thereby preparing students, scholars, educators and interculturalists to communicate ethically in a world that is simultaneously global and local.

Cultural Adaptation in Chinese Mental Health Translation (New Frontiers in Translation Studies)

by Meng Ji Yi Shan

This open access book demonstrates the necessity, feasibility, and effectiveness of cultural adaptation in the translation of mental health scales into Chinese. It illustrates the key principles of culturally effective mental health translation, through offering in-depth discussions of the methods and techniques used to translate mental health materials into Chinese. This SpringerBrief title provides an essential reading for academics, researchers, students from language studies, public health and health communication who are interested to develop more advanced skills of translating and adapting mental health instruments for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Cultural and Creative Industries Policymaking: Sweden in the European Context (New Directions in Cultural Policy Research)

by Katja Lindqvist

This book traces the emergence and development of cultural and creative industries (CCI) policy in Europe in the last 25 years. Why and how CCI policy has been designed and implemented in Europe is a central question of the book, in particular with regards to negotiations and relations between policy actors across established policy domains. There are many policy publications and reports on best practice and general descriptions of how policy systems work, fewer describe policy development over time and from a comparative perspective. Drawing mainly on research in policy studies, this book aims to improve knowledge of the dynamics of cultural and creative activities as well as that of policymaking in a changing policy landscape and increasingly cross-disciplinary research frameworks.

A Cultural Approach to Interpersonal Communication

by Leila Frances Monaghan Jane E. Goodman

This reader connects interpersonal communication and culture, primarily but not exclusively through an anthropological, ethnographic lens. Monaghan (interpersonal communication, Indiana U.) and Goodman (communication and culture, Indiana U.) have chosen 42 pieces that generally share a performance-based approach to communication and culture that emphasizes the dynamic and creative role language plays in the construction of social reality. Combining theoretical discussions and ethnographic case studies, the contributions have been organized into three sections that first provide an introduction to cultural, ethnographic, and performance-based approaches to personal communication; explore the use of linguistic meaning, form, and function for social purposes and link language to social identity; place questions of interpersonal communication into the context of social groups; and discuss how interpersonal interactions shape and are shaped by institutional settings. Annotation ©2007 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Cultural Chauvinism: Intercultural Communication and the Politics of Superiority (Routledge Focus on Media and Cultural Studies)

by Minabere Ibelema

This book explores the concept of cultural chauvinism as the sense of superiority that ethnic or national groups have of themselves relative to others, particularly in the context of international relations. Minabere Ibelema shows the various ways that academics, statesmen, and especially journalists, express their cultural groups’ sense of superiority over others. The analysis pivots around the notion of “Western values” given its centrality in international relations and diplomacy. To the West, this stands for an array of largely positive political and civic values; to a significant portion of the global community, it embodies degeneracies. Ibelema argues that often the most routine expressions go under the radar, even in this age of hypersensitivity. This book throws a unique light on global relations and will be of particular interest to scholars in international relations, communication studies and journalism studies.

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