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Creativity and Copyright: Legal Essentials for Screenwriters and Creative Artists
by John L. Geiger Howard SuberInspired by Strunk & White's The Elements of Style, this elegant, short reference is the perfect guide for screenwriters and creative artists looking to succeed as industry professionals. Readers will quickly understand the laws that govern creativity, idea-making, and selling, and learn how to protect themselves and their works from the legal quagmires they may encounter. Written by an unrivaled pair of experts, John L. Geiger and Howard Suber, who use real-life case studies to cover topics such as clearance, contracts, collaboration, and infringement, Creativity and Copyright is poised to become an indispensable resource for beginners and experts alike.
Creator Culture: An Introduction to Global Social Media Entertainment
by Stuart Cunningham David CraigExplores new perspectives on social media entertainmentThere is a new class of cultural producers—YouTube vloggers, Twitch gameplayers, Instagram influencers, TikTokers, Chinese wanghong, and others—who are part of a rapidly emerging and highly disruptive industry of monetized “user-generated” content. As this new wave of native social media entrepreneurs emerge, so do new formations of culture and the ways they are studied.In this volume, contributors draw on scholarship in media and communication studies, science and technology studies, and social media, Internet, and platform studies, in order to define this new field of study and the emergence of creator culture. Creator Culture introduces readers to new paradigms of social media entertainment from critical perspectives, demonstrating both relations to and differentiations from the well-established media forms and institutions traditionally within the scope of media studies.This volume does not seek to impose a uniform perspective; rather, the goal is to stimulate in-depth, globally-focused engagement with this burgeoning industry and establish a dynamic research agenda for scholars, teachers, and students, as well as creators and professionals across the media, communication, creative, and social media industries.Contributors include: Jean Burgess, Zoë Glatt, Sarah Banet-Weiser, Brent Luvaas, Carlos A. Scolari, Damián Fraticelli, José M. Tomasena, Junyi Lv, Hector Postigo, Brooke Erin Duffy, Megan Sawey, Jarrod Walzcer, Sangeet Kumar, Sriram Mohan, Aswin Punathambekar, Mohamed El Marzouki, Elaine Jing Zhao, Arturo Arriagada, Jeremy Shtern, Stephanie Hill
Cree Narrative Memory: From Treaties To Contemporary Times
by Neal McLeodNeal McLeod examines the history of the nêhiyawak (Cree People) of western Canada from the massive upheavals of the 1870s and the reserve period to the vibrant cultural and political rebirth of contemporary times. Central to the text are the narratives of McLeod's family, which give first hand examples of the tenacity and resiliency of the human spirit while providing a rubric for reinterpreting the history of Indigenous people, drawing on Cree worldviews and Cree narrative structures. <p><p> In a readable style augmented with extensive use of the Cree language throughout, McLeod draws heavily on original research, the methodology of which could serve as a template for those doing similar work. While the book is based on the Cree experience of the Canadian prairies, its message and methodology are applicable to all Indigenous societies.
Créez votre blog et faites-le triompher: 15 articles qui vous aideront à créer un blog à succès
by Rafa OsunaVous envisagez de créer un blog ou vous en avez déjà un mais vous ne savez pas quoi en faire ? Dans ce cas, ce livre est fait pour vous. Qu'allez-vous trouver dans ce livre ? Bon... mieux, qu'en penses-tu si je commence par vous dire ce que vous ne trouverez pas ? Dans ce livre, vous ne trouverez pas de philosophie bon marché sur les blogs. Le genre que les gens qui n'ont jamais réussi avec un blog essaient de vous vendre. Dans ce livre, vous ne trouverez pas de cours sur la façon de démarrer un blog au niveau technique. Aujourd'hui, les plateformes de blogs sont si intuitives et faciles à utiliser qu'il ne vaut pas la peine de perdre du temps à lire un livre pour cela. Si c'est ce que vous recherchez, je vous conseille l'un des nombreux tutoriels sur le sujet qui se trouvent, par exemple, sur YouTube. Recherche en ligne. Vous n'allez pas non plus trouver dans ce livre des formules magiques pour devenir millionnaire avec votre blog en deux semaines. Croyez-moi, si quelqu'un vous propose quelque chose comme ça, fuyez-le immédiatement. Ce que vous trouverez dans ce livre est un petit résumé de ce que j'ai écrit sur mon blog personnel (El Último Blog) au cours des 10 dernières années. 10 ans durant lesquels j'ai non seulement entretenu mon blog mais dirigé un réseau de blogs avec plus de 50 rédacteurs, j'ai participé à des blogs collaboratifs, j'ai donné des conférences et des cours sur les blogs, j'ai participé à plusieurs livres... Ce que je voulais vous proposer dans ce livre, en guise de synthèse de ces 10 ans de blogging, c'est une sélection de 15 articles qui, je pense, reflètent de manière claire et concise tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour réussir votre blog. Il y a 15 articles que j'ai sélectionnés parmi plus de 2000 que j'ai publiés au cours de ces années. Articles que j'ai retouchés pour publication dans ce livre, afin que, tout en conservant la fraîcheur d'
Cría hijos que respeten a las chicas (Raising Boys Who Respect Girls, Spanish Edition): Supera la mentalidad machista, los puntos ciegos, y el sexismo involuntario
by Dave WillisDave Willis, autor, conferencista y padre de cuatro niños, habla bíblica y prácticamente sobre cómo criar a una generación de niños que son campeones, alentadores y respetuosos de las mujeres.En la era #MeToo y #ChurchToo, con tantos hombres y niños que siguen cometiendo los mismos errores, tenemos que preguntarnos: ¿en qué estamos fallando? Y quizás lo más importante, ¿cómo educamos a hombres que romperán este ciclo?Como padre de cuatro hijos, el coach de relaciones y autor Dave Willis ha estudiado este tema a profundidad, concluyendo que, si vamos a criar niños que respeten a las niñas, y no terminar con hombres que dicen respetar a las mujeres, pero cuyas acciones revelan lo contrario, debemos volver al corazón de las cosas. O, más específicamente, debemos volver a nuestros propios corazones.En Críe hijos que respeten a las chicas, Willis ayuda a los lectores a hacer un inventario de los puntos ciegos que conducen a formas accidentales de falta de respeto, mostrando cómo eliminar los problemas en nuestros corazones antes de que transmitamos involuntariamente estos mismos problemas a nuestros niños. También enseña a los lectores cómo cultivar un respeto saludable por Dios y por ellos mismos por ser creados a su imagen, así como un respeto similar por los demás. Lleno de las Escrituras, investigación, herramientas específicas de la edad y modelos de conversación, este libro ofrece una estrategia práctica para que los padres conscientes incorporen primero los principios correctos y luego los enseñen a sus hijos.
Crie o seu blog e torne-o um Sucesso
by Rosane Bujes Rafa OsunaVocê está pensando em começar a escrever em um blog ou já tem um, mas não tem certeza de que fazer com ele? Então, este livro é para você mesmo. O que você encontrará neste livro? Ou melhor, o que você acha se começo falando sobre o que não encontrará? Neste livro, você não encontrará filosofia barata sobre blogs. Do tipo que tentam vender algumas pessoas que nunca tiveram sucesso com um blog. Também não encontrará um curso sobre como fazer um blog funcionar em termos técnicos. Hoje em dia, as plataformas de criação de blogs são muito intuitivas e fáceis de usar, de forma que não vale a pena perder tempo lendo um livro para isso. Mas se por um acaso é isso que você está procurando recomendo-lhe um dos diversos tutoriais sobre o assunto que existem, por exemplo, no Youtube. Tampouco irá encontrar neste livro fórmulas mágicas para tornar-se milionário com seu blog em duas semanas. Acredite em mim, se alguém lhe oferecer algo assim, fuja imediatamente dele. O que você encontrará neste livro é um pequeno resumo daquilo que escrevi no meu blog pessoal (EL ÚLTIMO BLOG - O ÚLTIMO BLOG) no período dos últimos 10 anos. Tempo em que não somente mantive meu blog, como também dirigi uma rede de blogs com mais de 50 redatores, participei em blogs colaborativos, dei conferências e cursos sobre blogs, participei em vários livros ... O que desejei oferecer-lhe neste livro, como resumo destes 10 anos de blogging, trata-se de uma seleção de artigos na qual acredito refletir, de maneira clara e concisa, tudo o que você necessita para triunfar com seu blog. São 15 artigos que selecionei dos mais de 2000 que publiquei nestes anos. Artigos que fiz alguns ajustes para a publicação neste livro, de maneira que, mantendo o frescor de um post, tivesse ligação entre eles. Assim, espero ter conseguido que com algumas leituras rápidas, próprias dos artigos de um blog, voc
Crime and Local Television News: Dramatic, Breaking, and Live From the Scene (Routledge Communication Series)
by Jeremy H. Lipschultz Michael L. HiltThis volume offers an analysis of crime coverage on local television, exploring the nature of local television news and the ongoing appeal of crime stories. Drawing on the perspectives of media studies, psychology, sociology, and criminology, authors Jeremy H. Lipschultz and Michael L. Hilt focus on live local television coverage of crime and examine its irresistibility to viewers and its impact on society's perceptions of itself. They place local television news in its theoretical and historical contexts, and consider it through the lens of legal, ethical, racial, aging, and technological concerns. In its comprehensive examination of how local television newsrooms around the country address coverage of crime, this compelling work discusses such controversial issues as the use of crime coverage to build ratings, and considers new models for reform of local TV newscasts. The volume includes national survey data from news managers and content analyses from late night newscasts in a range of markets, and integrates the theory and practice of local television news into the discussion. Lipschultz and Hilt also project the future of local television news and predict the impact of social and technological changes on news. As a provocative look at the factors and forces shaping local news and crime coverage, Crime and Local Television News makes an important contribution to the discussions taking place in broadcast journalism, mass communication, media and society, and theory and research courses. It will also interest all who consider the impact of local news content and coverage.
Crime, Media and Culture
by Greg MartinWorking broadly from the perspective of cultural criminology, Crime, Media and Culture engages with theories and debates about the nature of media-audience relations, examines representations of crime and justice in news media and fiction, and considers the growing significance of digital technologies and social media. The book discusses the multiple effects media representations of crime have on audiences but also the ways media portrayals of crime and disorder influence government policy and lawmaking. It also considers the processes by which certain stories are selected for their newsworthiness. Also examined are the theoretical, conceptual and methodological underpinnings of cultural criminology and its subfields of visual criminology and narrative criminology. Drawing on case studies and empirical examples from the increasingly blurred worlds of reality and entertainment, the dynamics of crime, media and culture are illuminated across a range of chapters covering topics that include: moral panics/folk devils and trial by media; fear of crime; cop shows and courtroom dramas; female criminality and child-on-child killing; serial killers; surveillance, new media and policing; organized crime and state crime. Crime, Media and Culture will be an invaluable resource for undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in criminology and media studies. The book will also prove useful for lecturers and academic researchers wishing to explore the intersections of crime, media and cultural inquiry.
Crímenes: Diez casos reales
by Carles Porta*****INCREÍBLEMENTE REAL***** El periodismo literario de Carles Porta sigue la estela de Ferdinand von Schirach y Patrick Radden Keefe. Carles Porta probablemente sea uno de nuestros mejores periodistas, pero sin duda se ha coronado, con sus libros, podcasts y series televisivas, como un magistral narrador de relatos reales. En este volumen, que recoge diez de los casos más impactantes de la crónica negra reciente, descubriremos su especialidad literaria: contarnos extraordinarias historias de crimen y trabajo policial mientras nos mantiene en vilo hasta la última línea. La fórmula puede parecer sencilla, pero él la convierte en inimitable gracias al tratamiento riguroso que hace de los grandes personajes que escoge y la manera en que los sabe envolver en tramas tan potentes como verídicas. Aquí encontraremos, entre otros: el caso de Amaia Azkue, la vecina de Zarautz cuyo asesino fue identificado por un detalle trivial; la estremecedora desaparición de los hermanos Òrrit en el hospital de Manresa y la búsqueda que ha llevado a cabo durante décadas su numerosa familia; el asesinato a sangre fría de un hombre en Madrid a causa de un macabro juego de rol; o el sangriento robo que cometió una mujer en Fargo, Dakota del Norte, contra su propia vecina. La crítica ha dicho:«El rey de la crónica negra en España.»El Mundo «Un profundo ejercicio de depuración de estilo.»ABC «Periodismo en profundidad, y próximo.»La Vanguardia «Combina el rigor y el entretenimiento sin caer en la tentación del morbo ni tampoco rehuir los anzuelos para propulsar la lectura.»El País La crítica ha dicho sobre La farmacéutica:«Se lee todo del tirón y uno no da crédito a que sucediera de verdad. [...] Crónica definitiva de aquel secuestro, es un libro de lectura muy dinámica.»El Mundo «Lo que realmente le gusta a Porta es contar buenas historias. [...] La última es un clásico de 1992, tiene como protagonista a una farmacéutica y la cuenta en un gran libro.»La Vanguardia «Un solo hilo narrativo que combina la vivacidad, el drama y la ironía, además de evidenciar la grandeza y, a su vez, la miseria humana. [...] Sin duda, con esta crónica, Porta se consagra, según los expertos del género, como un maestro del periodismo narrativo.»NacióDigital «Este libro pone orden y claridad a los acontecimientos: Porta narra con dinamismo y rellena todos los agujeros con tal de revertir los malentendidos que circulan en la esfera pública.»El País «Una crónica trepidante.»ABC «Una especie de Fargo en la Garrotxa.»Diari de Girona
Crímenes: pecados capitales
by Carles PortaVuelve Carles Porta, el creador de ¿Por qué matamos? y Crims/Crímenes,con su formato más adictivo: los crímenes reales más increíbles,como jamás te los han contado. «Combina el rigor y el entretenimiento sin caer en la tentación del morbo ni tampoco rehuir los anzuelos para propulsar la lectura».El País «El rey de la crónica negra en España».El Mundo Soberbia, avaricia, lujuria, ira, gula, envidia y pereza. Los siete pecados capitales. Descritos por Dante en la Divina comedia. Señalados por la tradición eclesiástica cristiana como el origen de los demás vicios. Son, sin duda, lacras que desde tiempos inmemoriales han arraigado en nuestra mente. ¿Podríamos imaginar al ser humano sin ellas? ¿Son estas las pasiones que mueven el mundo en que vivimos? ¿Por qué matamos? Las siete historias reales que leeréis tienen alguna de estas pasiones del alma como móvil del crimen: el secuestro de Mélodie Nakachian, en el ámbito de la jet set de la Costa del Sol en los años ochenta; el crimen del supermercado Esclat de Mollet del Vallès, con el apuñalamiento ensañado a un guardia de seguridad; la desaparición del bebé de una familia de Canovelles, cerca de Granollers, a la que poco antes había tocado el Gordo de Navidad; el caso Febamar en Alcanar, en el extremo sur de Catalunya, donde el propietario de un concesionario de coches y su mujer fueron víctimas de un asalto mortal; la crónica de cómo una intervención policial ordinaria destapó la tragedia siniestra del caníbal de Ventas, en Madrid; la historia del monje shaolín de Bilbao, que había convertido su gimnasio en un pozo de los horrores; y el asesinato, cerca de Figueres, de Isidre Matas, un hombre con muy mala suerte. La crítica ha dicho:«Un profundo ejercicio de depuración de estilo».ABC «Periodismo en profundidad, y próximo».La Vanguardia Sobre Crímenes. Diez casos reales:«Su especialidad literaria: contarnos extraordinarias historias de crimen y trabajo policial mientras nos mantiene en vilo hasta la última línea».La Razón«La crónica negra de toda la vida pero narrada como nunca».ABC «Un auténtico maestro en el arte de contar casos [...] siempre riguroso y prestando atención a todas las aristas, ya sean estas psicológicas, sociales, políticas o culturales. Historias inverosímiles que nunca creeríamos si no supiéramos que ocurrieron realmente».Men's HealthSobre La farmacéutica: «Se lee todo del tirón y uno no da crédito a que sucediera de verdad. [...] Crónica definitiva de aquel secuestro, es un libro de lectura muy dinámica».El Mundo «Este libro pone orden y claridad a los acontecimientos: Porta narra con dinamismoy rellena todos los agujeros con tal de revertir los malentendidos que circulan en la esfera pública».El País «Una especie de Fargo en la Garrotxa».Diari de Girona
Crímenes. Siete historias de oscuridad: Incluye el crimen de la Guardia Urbana (Crímenes #Volumen 1)
by Carles PortaLos crímenes reales más increíbles, como jamás te los han contado.Por el creador de ¿Por qué matamos? y Crims/Crímenes ***INCLUYE EL CRIMEN DE LA GUARDIA URBANA*** Carles Porta es el narrador de crímenes más singular del panorama nacional. Sus historias son estremecedoras sin amarillismo, frías pero delicadas, apasionantes sin caer en lo morboso. En este volumen se reúnen siete crónicas narradas con ritmo experto y rigor documental, la marca del éxito de su autor.Entre ellas, destacan el crimen de la Viuda Negra de L’Hospitalet, que en los años noventa fue definida como «la asesina en serie por envenenamiento más importante de la historia criminal española»; el caso del rico informático catalán descuartizado en Bangkok; la historia del camionero alemán que, en sus viajes por Europa, fue dejando un rastro de muerte a largo de veinte países; o el célebre caso de la Guardia Urbana, en el que las intrincadas declaraciones de los protagonistas van conformado un relato donde la realidad supera a la ficción.Como colofón, esta edición incluye también los guiones completos de la miniserie El Crimen de la Guardia Urbana, emitida en TV3 y Movistar+, donde asistimos al desenlace final de uno de los sucesos más mediáticos de la historia reciente de nuestro país. La crítica ha dicho:«Hoy, Porta es el capo del true crime en España».Antonio Rivera, Esquire «Periodismo en profundidad, y próximo».La Vanguardia «El rey del true crime en España».Sara Polo, El Mundo«El desafío de contar historias respetuosamente. […] Sin duda, Carles Porta se ha convertido en un maestro de la narración de crímenes reales en el mundo de los medios modernos».Laura Pérez Mariño, Qué! ...Sobre Crímenes. Pecados capitales:«El fenómeno Crímenes no tiene límites y ha convertido a Carles Porta en un icono pop: su forma de abordar un tema tan delicado como los crímenes, rigiéndose siempre por el principios de las tres erres «rigor informativo, respeto y ritmo narrativo», busca evitar el amarillismo y no generar más morbo».El Periódico ...Sobre Crímenes. Diez casos reales:«Su especialidad literaria: contarnos extraordinarias historias de crimen y trabajo policial mientras nos mantiene en vilo hasta la última línea».La Razón«La crónica negra de toda la vida, pero narrada como nunca».ABC ...Sobre La farmacéutica:«Se lee todo del tirón y uno no da crédito a que sucediera de verdad. [...] Crónica definitiva de aquel secuestro, es un libro de lectura muy dinámica».El Mundo «Este libro pone orden y claridad a los acontecimientos: Porta narra con dinamismo y rellena todos los agujeros con tal de revertir los malentendidos que circulan en la esfera pública».El País «Una especie de Fargo en la Garrotxa».Diari de Girona
Crimes and Cover-ups in American Politics: 1776-1963
by Donald JeffriesThe history that the textbooks left out. For far too long, American history has been left in the unreliable hands of those that author Donald Jeffries refers to as the court historians. Crimes and Cover-ups in American Politics: 1776-1963 fights back by scrutinizing the accepted history of everything from the American War of Independence to the establishment reputation of Thomas Jefferson and the other Founding Fathers, the Civil War, the Lincoln assassination, both World Wars, US government experimentation on prisoners, mental patients, innocent children and whole populated areas, the Lindbergh baby kidnapping and much, much more. Secular saints like Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Franklin D. Roosevelt are examined in a critical way they seldom have been. Jeffries spares no one and nothing in this explosive new book. The atrocities of Union troops during the Civil War, and Allied troops during World War II, are documented in great detail. The Nuremberg Trials are presented as the antithesis of justice. In the follow-up to his previous, bestselling book Hidden History: An Expose of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups in American Politics, Jeffries demonstrates that crimes, corruption, and conspiracies didn't start with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. History should be much more than cardboard villains and impossibly unrealistic heroes. Thanks to the efforts of the court historians, most Americans are historically illiterate. Crimes and Cover-ups in American Politics: 1776-1963 is a bold attempt at setting the record straight.
The Criminal Alphabet: An A-Z of Prison Slang
by Noel 'Razor' Smith'I have spent almost 33 of the last 53 years in and out of prison, but mainly in. I was a juvenile offender back in the mid 1970s and went on to become an adult prisoner in the 1980s and beyond. My shortest prison sentence was 7 days (for criminal damage) and my longest sentence was life (for bank robbery and possession of firearms). I have 58 criminal convictions for everything from attempted theft to armed robbery and prison escape, and I was a career criminal for most of my life. What I do not know about criminal and prison slang could be written on the back of a postage stamp and still leave room for The Lord's Prayer ...'From ex-professional bank robber and bestselling author Noel Smith, this is the most authoritative dictionary of criminal slang out there - and an unmissable journey, through words, into the heart of the criminal world.
Crises of the Republic: Lying in Politics, Civil Disobedience, On Violence, Thoughts on Politics and Revolution (Pelican Ser.)
by Hannah ArendtFour thought-provoking political essays by the author of The Origins of Totalitarianism. Taking an in-depth look at the tumult of the 1960s and &’70s, one of the great political philosophers of our era examines how these crises challenged the American form of government. &“Lying in Politics&” is a penetrating analysis of the Pentagon Papers that deals with the role of image-making and public relations. &“Civil Disobedience&” examines various opposition movements, from the Freedom Riders to the war resisters to the segregationists. And in two additional essays, Hannah Arendt delves into issues of revolution and violence. Wise and insightful, these pieces offer historical perspective on problems and controversies that still plague the United States in the twenty-first century.
Crisis Ahead: 101 Ways to Prepare for and Bounce Back from Disasters, Scandals and Other Emergencies
by Edward SegalHow many splashy scandals and crisis situations have befallen companies and public figures in the past week alone? How did the organizations and people at the center of those crises manage the situation? Did they survive with their reputations intact or are they facing an ongoing public nightmare that keeps building on itself in the era of social media?This new book from veteran public relations expert Edward Segal is based on the following premise: it's not a matter of IF a scandal or crisis will hit, it's WHEN. How a company deals with it will have lasting impact on their reputation, profits, and more. But for most organizations, when a crisis hits, they're caught off guard and ill-prepared. While essential, crisis plans are worthless unless properly executed, as the stories and examples featured throughout Crisis Ahead attest. Edward Segal's vivid and memorable accounts underscore the benefits of practicing and updating crisis plans at least once a year. The book also provides a template for creating a customizable crisis management plan.Crisis Ahead is for CEOs, senior staff, corporate communication professionals, HR and legal teams, boards of directors, and front-line employees who need to know what to do in the moment: what levers to pull and what moves to make in real time when faced with a crisis, scandal, or disaster. This book is written with the need for speed in mind. It's concise and practical with a light touch and occasional humor to help people on the front lines prepare for, survive, and bounce back from a crisis. It includes dozens of anecdotes, stories, and lessons about how companies, organizations, and individuals - ranging from Amazon, Apple, and the European Union, to Disney, Starbucks, and entrepreneur Elon Musk - have prepared for, created, managed, and communicated about crisis situations. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; color: #454545}
Crisis Ahead: 101 Ways to Prepare for and Bounce Back From Disasters, Scandals, and Other Emergencies
by Edward SegalHow many splashy scandals and crisis situations have befallen companies and public figures in the past week alone? How did the organizations and people at the center of those crises manage the situation? Did they survive with their reputations intact or are they facing an ongoing public nightmare that keeps building on itself in the era of social media?This new book from veteran public relations expert Edward Segal is based on the following premise: it's not a matter of IF a scandal or crisis will hit, it's WHEN. How a company deals with it will have lasting impact on their reputation, profits, and more. But for most organizations, when a crisis hits, they're caught off guard and ill-prepared. While essential, crisis plans are worthless unless properly executed, as the stories and examples featured throughout Crisis Ahead attest. Edward Segal's vivid and memorable accounts underscore the benefits of practicing and updating crisis plans at least once a year. The book also provides a template for creating a customizable crisis management plan.Crisis Ahead is for CEOs, senior staff, corporate communication professionals, HR and legal teams, boards of directors, and front-line employees who need to know what to do in the moment: what levers to pull and what moves to make in real time when faced with a crisis, scandal, or disaster. This book is written with the need for speed in mind. It's concise and practical with a light touch and occasional humor to help people on the front lines prepare for, survive, and bounce back from a crisis. It includes dozens of anecdotes, stories, and lessons about how companies, organizations, and individuals - ranging from Amazon, Apple, and the European Union, to Disney, Starbucks, and entrepreneur Elon Musk - have prepared for, created, managed, and communicated about crisis situations.
Crisis, Catastrophe, and Disaster in Organizations: Managing Threats to Operations, Architecture, Brand, and Stakeholders
by Dennis W. TafoyaThis book explores how and why an event is a precursor to the emergence of a crisis and how a given crisis affects an organization and its stakeholders. Using existing systems theory blended with innovative use of wave, epidemiological, immunological and psycho-social theories, the author discusses ways to understand the effects of different types of crises while showing how to document and/or quantitatively measure those effects. The book offers new models illustrating how events trigger crises and how they subsequently morph into catastrophes and disasters. Using theories and tools tested in organizational settings to identify contributors to a traumatic event, this book makes a valuable contribution to organizational and crisis management literature.
Crisis Communication: Managing Stakeholder Relationships
by Audra Diers-LawsonCrises come in many shapes and sizes, including media blunders, social media activism, extortion, product tampering, security issues, natural disasters, accidents, and negligence – just to name a few. For organizations, crises are pervasive, challenging, and catastrophic, as well as opportunities for organizations to thrive and emerge stronger. Despite the proliferation of research and books related to crisis communication, the voice that is often lost is that of the stakeholder. Yet, as both a public relations and management function, stakeholders are central to the success and failure of organizations responding to and managing crises in a cross-platform and global environment. This core textbook provides a comprehensive and research-driven introduction to crisis communication, critical factors influencing crisis response, and what we know about predicting stakeholder responses to crises. Incorporated into each chapter are global case studies, ethical challenges, and practitioner considerations. Online resources include an extensive set of multimedia materials ranging from podcast mini-lectures to in-class exercises, and simulation-based activities for skills development (https://audralawson.com/resources/crisis-communication-managing-stakeholder-relationships/). Demonstrating the connection between theory, decision-making, and strategy development in a crisis context, this is a vital text for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of Communications, Public Relations, Marketing, and Strategic Management.
Crisis Communication: A Stakeholder Approach
by Martin N. NdlelaThis timely book explores crises as an inevitable part of modern society, which causes ramifications not only for organisations, but also for a diverse range of stakeholders. Addressing the need for organisations to be guided by a stakeholder-oriented approach throughout all phases of the crisis communication process, the author draws upon various business disciplines and covers the management of issues, risk, reputation and relationships. Covering all stages of crisis communication, from pre-crisis to post-crisis, stakeholder engagement is analysed through a series of case studies, with a particular focus on the role of social media. Scholars of corporate communications and business strategy will find this new book undoubtedly useful, and it will be of particular interest to those involved in crisis communication and management.
Crisis Communication: Theory and Practice
by Alan Jay ZarembaCrises happen. When they do, organizations must learn to effectively communicate with their internal and external stakeholders, as well as the public, in order to salvage their reputation and achieve long-term positive effects. Ineffective communication during times of crisis can indelibly stain an organization’s reputation in the eyes of both the public and the members of the organization. The subject of crisis communication has evolved from a public relations paradigm of reactive image control to an examination of both internal and external communication, which requires proactive as well as reactive planning. There are many challenges in this text, for crisis communication involves more than case analysis; students must examine theories and then apply these principles. This text prepares students by: Providing a theoretical framework for understanding crisis communication Examining the recommendations of academics and practitioners Reviewing cases that required efficient communication during crises Describing the steps and stages for crisis communication planning Crisis Communication is a highly readable blend of theory and practice that provides students with a solid foundation for effective crisis communication.
Crisis Communication and Crisis Management: An Ethical Approach
by Yvette E. Pearson Burton St. JohnCrisis Communication and Crisis Management: An Ethical Approach is the only text on the market to provide students with the integration of ethical inquiry into the fundamentals of crisis communication.. Authors Burton St. John III and Yvette E. Pearson combine comprehensive coverage of the key skills, concepts, and theories of crisis communication with an extensive collection of contemporary case studies, giving students a strong understanding of the essential role that communicators play in moments of crisis. Students are encouraged to build upon their communication and ethical decision making skills using a variety of stakeholder inventories, hypothetical scenarios, discussion questions, and professional profiles. Students will also gain exposure to a mixture of discrete and ongoing crises, preparing them to manage both one-time crises and continuing crises.
Crisis Communication and Crisis Management: An Ethical Approach
by Yvette E. Pearson Burton St. JohnCrisis Communication and Crisis Management: An Ethical Approach is the only text on the market to provide students with the integration of ethical inquiry into the fundamentals of crisis communication.. Authors Burton St. John III and Yvette E. Pearson combine comprehensive coverage of the key skills, concepts, and theories of crisis communication with an extensive collection of contemporary case studies, giving students a strong understanding of the essential role that communicators play in moments of crisis. Students are encouraged to build upon their communication and ethical decision making skills using a variety of stakeholder inventories, hypothetical scenarios, discussion questions, and professional profiles. Students will also gain exposure to a mixture of discrete and ongoing crises, preparing them to manage both one-time crises and continuing crises.
Crisis Communication Cases from Asia: A Cultural Approach
by Krishnamurthy Sriramesh Su Lin YeoThis book analyzes crisis communication in Asia, focusing on how culture (broadly defined) plays a central role in the way a crisis develops and is resolved.Using the case study method, this book offers the reader glimpses of the variety of cultures in the continent, displaying the complexity of the cross-cultural process of conducting crisis communication in this diverse environment. Each of these cases addresses the onset, evolution, and resolution of the crisis. The contributors are seasoned practitioners who have done crisis communication work in this continent and have used the same framework of five environmental variables that define culture in this book: political culture, economic systems, societal culture, media systems, and activist environments.This edited volume is ideal for scholars and advanced students in public relations and strategic communication generally and crisis communication specifically.
Crisis Communication in Canada
by Duncan KoerberPrivate companies that respond poorly to a crisis may go bankrupt, wiping out investments and jobs. Charities that respond poorly to a crisis may lose donations, ending support for the most vulnerable. Professional athletes, religious leaders, CEOs, and politicians who respond poorly to a crisis may lose their long-standing careers and the respect of their colleagues, supporters, fans, and customers. This book offers both theory and practical help for organizations and professionals to deal effectively with crises. Crisis communication lessons have typically been the purview of public relations professionals. However, since the 1990s there has been a growing body of scholarly research on the topic. Crisis Communication in Canada offers a unique scholarly and professional contribution, synthesizing recent research and providing a context for practical advice. Written in clear and concise style, directed at beginners but rooted in research, this book will offer instructors and students a unique resource for the study and practice of crisis communication.
Crisis Communication Strategies: How to Prepare in Advance, Respond Effectively and Recover in Full
by Amanda ColemanCrisis communication is high stakes work. For communications managers and PR professionals, it's likely to be the most stressful time of their working life. Crisis Communication Strategies is a must-have handbook for laying the groundwork before a crisis hits, meaning that when the inevitable day comes, the company already has policies and procedures in place to leap into meaningful action without delay. Crisis Communication Strategies is unique in the way it equips readers to deal with any kind of crisis - whether caused by internal error, customer action, natural disasters, terrorism or political upheaval. Moving chronologically, the book opens by looking at the skills, policies and procedures that should be set up in advance, during times of normal business operations. It then moves on to look at how those procedures can be activated when a crisis occurs and during the immediate response. Finally, it delivers strategies for true long-term recovery for both the company itself and, where necessary, the wider community. Packed with actionable tips, checklists and global case studies, Crisis Communication Strategies is the essential guide to protecting your company and building true, long-term resilience.