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Das vergessene Subjekt: Subjektkonstitutionen in mediatisierten Alltagswelten (Medien • Kultur • Kommunikation)
by Peter Gentzel Friedrich Krotz Jeffrey Wimmer Rainer WinterDer Band liefert eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme bestehender Subjektkonzeptionen der kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Forschung. Zudem werden Konzepte entwickelt um Subjektivität im Kontext aktueller theoretischer Debatten (u.a. Mediensoziologie, Cultural Studies, Psychoanalyse, Praxistheorie, Science and Technology Studies) sowie sozialer, kultureller und technischer Entwicklungen (u.a. Digitalisierung, Mediatisierung, Mobilität und Vernetzung) analysieren zu können. Da Subjektkonzeptionen für jegliche Kommunikations- und Medienanalysen von zentraler Bedeutung sind, schließt der Band eine zentrale Leerstelle der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft.
Das Verkaufsnavi für Medienberater: Der Fahrplan zu mehr Umsatz im Verkauf von Werbemitteln
by Ricky McKennaDieses Buch zeigt Medienverkäufern anhand einer strukturierten Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung den optimalen Verkaufsprozess auf: Mittels eines Verkaufsnavigators begleitet es Verkäufer aus dem Medienbusiness durch unterschiedliche Straßen und führt sie vom Start – der Suche nach geeigneten Kundenpotenzialen – zum Ziel: dem Verkaufsabschluss.Der Autor zeigt alle Baustellen und Umleitungen wie zum Beispiel Einwände oder taktische Preisverhandlungen auf, aber auch Abkürzungen, wie das Erkennen von frühzeitigen Kaufsignalen. Denn der Verkaufsprozess folgt immer einer klaren Struktur, und diese zu kennen, die jeweils passenden Techniken zu üben und immer wieder anzuwenden, kann zu spürbar mehr Umsatz führen.Ein kompaktes und unkompliziert lesbares Buch, gespickt mit persönlichen Erfahrungsberichten von Verkaufs- und Medienprofi Ricky McKenna, mit dessen Tipps Sie hochgesteckte Umsatzziele auch in wirtschaftlich schwierigen Zeiten erreichen.
Data: New Trajectories in Law (New Trajectories in Law)
by Robert HerianThis book explores the phenomenon of data – big and small – in the contemporary digital, informatic and legal-bureaucratic context. Challenging the way in which legal interest in data has focused on rights and privacy concerns, this book examines the contestable, multivocal and multifaceted figure of the contemporary data subject. The book analyses "data" and "personal data" as contemporary phenomena, addressing the data realms, such as stores, institutions, systems and networks, out of which they emerge. It interrogates the role of law, regulation and governance in structuring both formal and informal definitions of the data subject, and disciplining data subjects through compliance with normative standards of conduct. Focusing on the ‘personal’ in and of data, the book pursues a re-evaluation of the nature, role and place of the data subject qua legal subject in on and offline societies: one that does not begin and end with the inviolability of individual rights but returns to more fundamental legal principles suited to considerations of personhood, such as stewardship, trust, property and contract. The book’s concern with the production, use, abuse and alienation of personal data within the context of contemporary communicative capitalism will appeal to scholars and students of law, science and technology studies, and sociology; as well as those with broader political interests in this area.
Data Analysis and Optimization for Engineering and Computing Problems: Proceedings of the 3rd EAI International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering and Health Services (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)
by Pandian Vasant Igor Litvinchev Jose Antonio Marmolejo-Saucedo Roman Rodriguez-Aguilar Felix Martinez-RiosThis book presents the proceedings of The EAI International Conference on Computer Science: Applications in Engineering and Health Services (COMPSE 2019). The conference highlighted the latest research innovations and applications of algorithms designed for optimization applications within the fields of Science, Computer Science, Engineering, Information Technology, Management, Finance and Economics and Health Systems. Focusing on a variety of methods and systems as well as practical examples, this conference is a significant resource for post graduate-level students, decision makers, and researchers in both public and private sectors who are seeking research-based methods for modelling uncertain and unpredictable real-world problems.
Data Analytics for Internet of Things Infrastructure (Internet of Things)
by Rohit Sharma Gwanggil Jeon Yan ZhangThis book provides techniques for the deployment of semantic technologies in data analysis along with the latest applications across the field such as Internet of Things (IoT). The authors focus on the use of the IoT and big data in business intelligence, data management, Hadoop, machine learning, cloud, smart cities, etc. They discuss how the generation of big data by IoT has ruptured the existing data processing capacity of IoT and recommends the adoption of data analytics to strengthen solutions. The book addresses the challenges in designing the web based IoT system, provides a comparative analysis of different advanced approaches in industries, and contains an analysis of databases to provide expert systems. The book aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of IoT and big data analytics.
Data and Computer Communications: Networking and Internetworking
by null Gurdeep S. Hura null Mukesh SinghalThe protocols and standards for networking are numerous and complex. Multivendor internetworking, crucial to present day users, requires a grasp of these protocols and standards. Data and Computer Communications: Networking and Internetworking, a comprehensive text/reference, brings clarity to all of the complex issues involved in networking activi
Data and Energy Integrated Communication Networks: A Brief Introduction (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)
by Jie Hu Kun YangThe book discusses data and energy integrated communication networking technologies, including the latest research contributions in this promising area. It firstly provides an overview of data and energy integrated communication networks (DEINs) and introduces the key techniques for enabling integrated wireless energy transfer (WET) and wireless information transfer (WIT) in the radio frequency (RF) band. It then describes the ubiquitous architecture of DEINs and demonstrates the typical DEIN system and investigates the core issues in both the physical layer and the medium-access-control (MAC) layer in order to coordinate both the WIT and WET in the same RF band. Lastly, the book addresses a number of emerging research topics in the field of DEINs. It promotes joint efforts from both academia and industry to push DEIN a step closer to practical implementation. It is also a valuable resource for students interested in studying cutting-edge techniques in this field.
Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World
by Bruce SchneierYou are under surveillance right now. Your cell phone provider tracks your location and knows who's with you. Your online and in-store purchasing patterns are recorded, and reveal if you're unemployed, sick, or pregnant. Your e-mails and texts expose your intimate and casual friends. Google knows what you're thinking because it saves your private searches. Facebook can determine your sexual orientation without you ever mentioning it. The powers that surveil us do more than simply store this information. Corporations use surveillance to manipulate not only the news articles and advertisements we each see, but also the prices we're offered. Governments use surveillance to discriminate, censor, chill free speech, and put people in danger worldwide. And both sides share this information with each other or, even worse, lose it to cybercriminals in huge data breaches. Much of this is voluntary: we cooperate with corporate surveillance because it promises us convenience, and we submit to government surveillance because it promises us protection. The result is a mass surveillance society of our own making. But have we given up more than we've gained? In Data and Goliath, security expert Bruce Schneier offers another path, one that values both security and privacy. He shows us exactly what we can do to reform our government surveillance programs and shake up surveillance-based business models, while also providing tips for you to protect your privacy every day. You'll never look at your phone, your computer, your credit cards, or even your car in the same way again.
Data Classification and Incremental Clustering in Data Mining and Machine Learning (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)
by Sanjay Chakraborty Sk Hafizul Islam Debabrata SamantaThis book is a comprehensive, hands-on guide to the basics of data mining and machine learning with a special emphasis on supervised and unsupervised learning methods. The book lays stress on the new ways of thinking needed to master in machine learning based on the Python, R, and Java programming platforms. This book first provides an understanding of data mining, machine learning and their applications, giving special attention to classification and clustering techniques. The authors offer a discussion on data mining and machine learning techniques with case studies and examples. The book also describes the hands-on coding examples of some well-known supervised and unsupervised learning techniques using three different and popular coding platforms: R, Python, and Java. This book explains some of the most popular classification techniques (K-NN, Naïve Bayes, Decision tree, Random forest, Support vector machine etc,) along with the basic description of artificial neural network and deep neural network. The book is useful for professionals, students studying data mining and machine learning, and researchers in supervised and unsupervised learning techniques.
Data Communication and Networks: Proceedings of GUCON 2019 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1049)
by Lakhmi C. Jain George A. Tsihrintzis Valentina E. Balas Dilip Kumar SharmaThis book gathers selected high-quality papers presented at the International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies 2019 (GUCON 2019), organized by Galgotias University, India, in September 2019. The content is divided into three sections – data mining and big data analysis, communication technologies, and cloud computing and computer networks. In-depth discussions of various issues within these broad areas provide an intriguing and insightful reference guide for researchers, engineers and students alike.
Data Communications Network Auditing
by Bruce GriffisThis book contains product specific information based on Cisco router command line interface, and IBM's Net view. It is designed to help us understand the "parts and pieces" of communications and determine how components fit together, and what they look like on your bill.
Data-driven Block Ciphers for Fast Telecommunication Systems
by null Nikolai Moldovyan null Alexander A. MoldovyanThe Most Progressive and Complete Guide to DDO-Based CiphersDevelopers have long recognized that ciphers based on Permutation Networks (PNs) and Controlled Substitution-Permutation Networks (CSPNs) allow for the implementation of a variety of Data Driven Operations (DDOs). These DDOs can provide fast encryption without incurring excessive
Data-Driven Customer Engagement: Mastering MarTech Strategies for Success
by Ralf StraussEmbark on a journey through the rapidly evolving landscape of Marketing Technology (MarTech) with this comprehensive guide. From understanding the strategic imperatives driving MarTech adoption to navigating the intricacies of data-driven customer interaction, this book provides invaluable insights and practical strategies. Explore topics ranging from budget allocation and market potential to data readiness and GDPR compliance, gaining a deep understanding of key concepts and best practices. Whether you're grappling with the complexities of AI integration or seeking to optimize measurement and KPIs, this book equips you with the knowledge and tools needed to thrive in today's digital marketing environment. With decades of industry experience, Ralf Strauss offers in this book a roadmap for success, empowering marketers to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities presented by MarTech innovation.
Data-Driven Public Relations Research: 21st Century Practices and Applications
by Jim Eggensperger Natalie RedcrossThe public relations industry is undergoing a revolution in using data to define promotional programs, to measure influence and to address the needs of clients with more precision than ever. Applying tools that range from online surveys to social-media listening to applying big data with sophisticated algorithms, today’s PR professionals are data-driven in virtually everything they do. Data-Driven Public Relations Research is the first book for PR students and practitioners to offer an overview of these new practices as well as a glimpse into the future of these new applications, including "big data" and some of the applications from real-world PR campaigns and strategic planning. It includes contemporary cases involving brand name companies who are blazing new trails in the use of metrics in public relations. This book presents a practical, accessible approach that requires no prior training or experience, with easy to follow, step-by-step measurement examples from existing campaigns. Using Excel, the book enables readers to export lessons from the classroom to the office, where use of statistical packages is rare and can give PR practitioners the advantage over competitors. This pragmatic approach helps readers apply metrics to PR problems such as: Finding the best target audiences Understanding audience communication needs and preferences How best to present research outcomes How to manage major projects with specialized research firms. Accompanying electronic resources for the book include sample answers to the book’s discussion questions, PowerPoint lecture slides for instructors and sample research exercises using Excel.
Data-Driven Wireless Networks: A Compressive Spectrum Approach (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)
by Yue Gao Zhijin QinThis SpringerBrief discusses the applications of spare representation in wireless communications, with a particular focus on the most recent developed compressive sensing (CS) enabled approaches. With the help of sparsity property, sub-Nyquist sampling can be achieved in wideband cognitive radio networks by adopting compressive sensing, which is illustrated in this brief, and it starts with a comprehensive overview of compressive sensing principles. Subsequently, the authors present a complete framework for data-driven compressive spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks, which guarantees robustness, low-complexity, and security. Particularly, robust compressive spectrum sensing, low-complexity compressive spectrum sensing, and secure compressive sensing based malicious user detection are proposed to address the various issues in wideband cognitive radio networks. Correspondingly, the real-world signals and data collected by experiments carried out during TV white space pilot trial enables data-driven compressive spectrum sensing. The collected data are analysed and used to verify our designs and provide significant insights on the potential of applying compressive sensing to wideband spectrum sensing. This SpringerBrief provides readers a clear picture on how to exploit the compressive sensing to process wireless signals in wideband cognitive radio networks. Students, professors, researchers, scientists, practitioners, and engineers working in the fields of compressive sensing in wireless communications will find this SpringerBrief very useful as a short reference or study guide book. Industry managers, and government research agency employees also working in the fields of compressive sensing in wireless communications will find this SpringerBrief useful as well.
Data Engineering and Communication Technology: Proceedings of 3rd ICDECT-2K19 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1079)
by K. Srujan Raju Roman Senkerik Satya Prasad Lanka V. RajagopalThis book includes selected papers presented at the 3rd International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Technology (ICDECT-2K19), held at Stanley College of Engineering and Technology for Women, Hyderabad, from 15 to 16 March 2019. It features advanced, multidisciplinary research towards the design of smart computing, information systems, and electronic systems. It also focuses on various innovation paradigms in system knowledge, intelligence, and sustainability which can be applied to provide viable solutions to diverse problems related to society, the environment, and industry.
Data Engineering and Communication Technology: Proceedings of ICDECT 2020 (Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies #63)
by K. Ashoka Reddy B. Rama Devi Boby George K. Srujan RajuThis book includes selected papers presented at the 4th International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Technology (ICDECT 2020), held at Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal, India, during 25–26 September 2020. It features advanced, multidisciplinary research towards the design of smart computing, information systems and electronic systems. It also focuses on various innovation paradigms in system knowledge, intelligence and sustainability which can be applied to provide viable solutions to diverse problems related to society, the environment and industry.
Data for Journalism: Between Transparency and Accountability (Disruptions)
by Jingrong TongConsidering the interactions between developments in open data and data journalism, Data for Journalism: Between Transparency and Accountability offers an interdisciplinary account of this complex and uncertain relationship in a context of tightening the control over data and weighing transparency against privacy. As data has brought both promise and disruptive changes to societies, the relationship between transparency and accountability has become complicated, and data journalism is practised alongside the contradictory needs of opening up and protecting data. In addition to exploring the benefits of data for journalism, this book addresses the uncertain nature of data and the obstacles preventing data from being fluently accessed and properly used for data reporting. Because of these obstacles, it argues individual data journalists play a decisive role in using data for journalism and facilitating the circulation of data. Frictions in data access, newsrooms’ resources and cultures and data journalists’ skill and data literacy levels determine the degree to which journalism can benefit from data, and these factors potentially exacerbate digital inequalities between newsrooms in different countries and with different resources. As such, the author takes an international perspective, drawing on empirical research and cases from around the world, including countries such as the UK, the US, Germany, Sweden, Australia, India, China and Japan. Introducing a new dimension to the study of developments in journalism and the role of journalism in society, Data for Journalism will be of interest to academics and researchers in the fields of journalism and the sociology of (big and open) data.
Data for Journalists: A Practical Guide for Computer-Assisted Reporting
by Brant HoustonThis straightforward and effective how-to guide provides the basics for any reporter or journalism student beginning to use data for news stories. It has step-by-step instructions on how to do basic data analysis in journalism while addressing why these digital tools should be an integral part of reporting in the 21st century. In an ideal core text for courses on data-driven journalism or computer-assisted reporting, Houston emphasizes that journalists are accountable for the accuracy and relevance of the data they acquire and share. With a refreshed design, this updated new edition includes expanded coverage on social media, scraping data from the web, and text-mining, and provides journalists with the tips and tools they need for working with data.
Data-intensive Systems: Principles And Fundamentals Using Hadoop And Spark (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)
by Tomasz WiktorskiData-intensive systems are a technological building block supporting Big Data and Data Science applications.This book familiarizes readers with core concepts that they should be aware of before continuing with independent work and the more advanced technical reference literature that dominates the current landscape. The material in the book is structured following a problem-based approach. This means that the content in the chapters is focused on developing solutions to simplified, but still realistic problems using data-intensive technologies and approaches. The reader follows one reference scenario through the whole book, that uses an open Apache dataset. The origins of this volume are in lectures from a master’s course in Data-intensive Systems, given at the University of Stavanger. Some chapters were also a base for guest lectures at Purdue University and Lodz University of Technology.
Data + Journalism: A Story-Driven Approach to Learning Data Reporting
by Mike Reilley Samantha SunneTaking a hands-on and holistic approach to data, Data + Journalism provides a complete guide to reporting data-driven stories. This book offers insights into data journalism from a global perspective, including datasets and interviews with data journalists from countries around the world. Emphasized by examples drawn from frequently updated sets of open data posted by authoritative sources like the FBI, Eurostat and the US Census Bureau, the authors take a deep dive into data journalism’s "heavy lifting" – searching for, scraping and cleaning data. Combined with exercises, video training supplements and lists of tools and resources at the end of each chapter, readers will learn not just how to crunch numbers but also how to put a human face to data, resulting in compelling, story-driven news stories based on solid analysis. Written by two experienced journalists and data journalism teachers, Data + Journalism is essential reading for students, instructors and early career professionals seeking a comprehensive introduction to data journalism skills.
Data Journalism and the COVID-19 Disruption (Routledge Research in Journalism)
by Jingrong TongData Journalism and the COVID‑19 Disruption offers an international, multidisciplinary account of how and to what extent the COVID‑19 pandemic has been a blessing for data journalism.Bringing together insights into current developments in data journalism during (and since the onset of) the COVID‑19 pandemic from world‑leading data journalism practitioners and academics, this book draws on case studies and examples from different countries to critically reflect on emerging data journalism practices during the pandemic and their sustainability and implications for journalism and newsroom work in the post‑pandemic era. The chapters document changes in the practice and integration of data journalism into newsrooms and the 24/7 news cycle after the unexpected onset of the pandemic and explore how newsrooms and journalists are coping with the sudden and immense demand for data journalism and related challenges. This book also scrutinises the implications for understanding the roles played by newsroom structure and operation, the uncertain nature of data, and the relationship between journalism and other social entities such as audiences and the state in journalism’s development through times of crisis.Offering a timely contribution to the discussions on how data journalism evolved during a time of crisis, this volume will appeal to scholars and students of data journalism, journalism practice, media and communication studies, and media industry studies.
The Data Journalism Handbook: How Journalists Can Use Data to Improve the News
by Jonathan Gray Lucy Chambers Liliana BounegruWhen you combine the sheer scale and range of digital information now available with a journalist’s "nose for news" and her ability to tell a compelling story, a new world of possibility opens up. With The Data Journalism Handbook, you’ll explore the potential, limits, and applied uses of this new and fascinating field.This valuable handbook has attracted scores of contributors since the European Journalism Centre and the Open Knowledge Foundation launched the project at MozFest 2011. Through a collection of tips and techniques from leading journalists, professors, software developers, and data analysts, you’ll learn how data can be either the source of data journalism or a tool with which the story is told—or both.Examine the use of data journalism at the BBC, the Chicago Tribune, the Guardian, and other news organizationsExplore in-depth case studies on elections, riots, school performance, and corruptionLearn how to find data from the Web, through freedom of information laws, and by "crowd sourcing"Extract information from raw data with tips for working with numbers and statistics and using data visualizationDeliver data through infographics, news apps, open data platforms, and download links
Data Journalism in the Global South (Palgrave Studies in Journalism and the Global South)
by Saba Bebawi Bruce Mutsvairo Eddy Borges-ReyThis volume seeks to analyse the emerging wave of data journalism in the Global South. It does so by examining trends, developments and opportunities for data journalism in the aforementioned contexts. Whilst studies in this specific form of journalism are increasing in numbers and significance, there remains a dearth of literature on data journalism in less developed regions of the world. By demonstrating an interest in data journalism across countries including Chile, Argentina, the Philippines, South Africa and Iran, among others, this volume contributes to multifaceted transnational debates on journalism, and is a crucial reference text for anyone interested in data journalism in the ‘developing’ world. Drawing on a range of voices from different fields and nations, sharing empirical and theoretical experiences, the volume aims to initiate a global dialogue among journalism practitioners, researchers and students.
Data Literacy: A User′s Guide
by David L. HerzogA practical, skill-based introduction to data analysis and literacy We are swimming in a world of data, and this handy guide will keep you afloat while you learn to make sense of it all. In Data Literacy: A User′s Guide, David Herzog, a journalist with a decade of experience using data analysis to transform information into captivating storytelling, introduces students and professionals to the fundamentals of data literacy, a key skill in today’s world. Assuming the reader has no advanced knowledge of data analysis or statistics, this book shows how to create insight from publicly-available data through exercises using simple Excel functions. Extensively illustrated, step-by-step instructions within a concise, yet comprehensive, reference will help readers identify, obtain, evaluate, clean, analyze and visualize data. A concluding chapter introduces more sophisticated data analysis methods and tools including database managers such as Microsoft Access and MySQL and standalone statistical programs such as SPSS, SAS and R.