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Der ideale Stellvertreter: Eine empirisch begründete Handreichung für alle Anhänger moderner Führung (essentials)

by Alexander Marinos

In diesem Essential stehen jene im Rampenlicht, die sonst eher ein Schattendasein fristen: die Führungskräfte aus der zweiten Reihe. Stellvertretern kommt eine Schlüsselrolle zu, wenn der digitale Wandel in den Unternehmen gelingen soll. Sie verstehen eine Menge davon, Teams durch Kommunikation und Motivation, durch Delegation und Beteiligung zu steuern. Sie sind Experten für laterale Führung und damit die potenziell besten Change-Manager und Projektleiter.Doch zu selten können Stellvertreter ihre volle Wirkungsmacht entfalten, wie eine neue empirische Untersuchung zeigt, die Redaktionsleitungen regionaler Zeitungsverlage in Deutschland unter die Lupe genommen hat. Dabei ist „ideale Stellvertretung“ kein Hexenwerk. Wer in den Paradoxien, die in dieser Rolle stecken, mehr Chancen als Gefahren sieht, kommt der Lösung schon ganz nah.

Der Mensch im digitalen Zeitalter: Zum Zusammenhang von Ökonomisierung, Digitalisierung und Mediatisierung (Ethik in mediatisierten Welten)

by Michael Litschka Larissa Krainer

Dieser Band versammelt interdisziplinäre Perspektiven zum Zusammenhang von Mediatisierung, Digitalisierung und Ökonomisierung und bietet eine ethische Reflexion derselben an. Beleuchtet werden philosophische, ökonomische, rechtliche, pädagogische und psychologische Aspekte, von denen der Mensch im digitalen Zeitalter betroffen ist. Kernfragen sind dabei: Bedarf der Metaprozess der Mediatisierung neuer anthropologischer Grundannahmen in Hinblick auf medien- und kommunikationsethische Fragestellungen? Welcher ethische Reflexionsbedarf ist angezeigt? Welche Handlungs- und Entscheidungsoptionen ergeben sich für Individuen, Organisationen und Institutionen im digitalen Zeitalter? Welche Gestaltungs- und Widerstandsformen bieten sich an?

Der öffentliche (Mehr-)Wert von Medien

by Nicole Gonser

Der Band sammelt Aufsätze, die sich mit der Publikumszuwendung zu Medien bzw. Einschätzungen des Publikums gegenüber Medien heute auseinandersetzen und unterschiedliche Aspekte von Beständigkeiten und Veränderungen vertiefen. Medien werden bedeutende öffentliche Aufgaben zugeschrieben. Dies setzt aber voraus, dass sie die Öffentlichkeit erreichen und diese das Konzept der öffentlichen Aufgabe auch trägt. Allerdings zeigt sich, dass das Verständnis, die Wertschätzung und die Bereitschaft seitens der Gesellschaft bzw. des Publikums diesen Medien bzw. ihren Aufgaben gegenüber schwinden. Um aber dieses Konzept aufrechtzuerhalten, müssen solche Entwicklungen genauer betrachtet werden, um Folgen aufzuzeigen und/oder Auswege abzuleiten.

Der Roman als Netzwerk: Formen, Ideen, Waren

by Tim Lanzendörfer Corinna Norrick-Rühl

Der Roman als Netzwerk: Formen, Ideen, Waren beschäftigt sich mit dem zeitgenössischen englischsprachigen Roman und seinen Derivaten und Nebenprodukten wie Graphic Novels, Comics, Podcasts und Quality TV. Dieser Sammelband untersucht die Bedeutung des Romans im größeren System der zeitgenössischen Medienproduktion und (Post-)Printkultur und betrachtet den Roman durch die Linse der Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie als einen Knotenpunkt im Roman-Netzwerk. Die Kapitel unterstreichen die enge Verbindung zwischen allen Aspekten des Romans, zwischen dem Roman als (literarischer) Form, als Idee und als Ware. Der Sammelband bringt Expert*innen aus amerikanischer und anglistisches Literaturwissenschaft und Postcolonial Studies sowie den Buch- und Medienwissenschaften zusammen und bietet einen neuen Blickwinkel auf den Roman in seinen vielfältigen Erscheinungsformen.

Der vierte Parameter, Kurtosis und die logarithmische Varianz: Mathematisches Konstrukt Und Die Anwendungen In Den Naturwissenschaften (Essentials)

by Marcus Hellwig

Marcus Hellwig zeigt auf, wie Asymmetrie die Natur und deren Gesetze beherrscht. Er diskutiert, dass nichts, das zu beobachten und zu messen ist, mit vollständig symmetrischen Eigenschaften erscheint. Die logarithmische Equibalancedistribution Eqbl als Variante der Eqb soll dort Abhilfe schaffen, wo die allgegenwärtige Gauß`sche Normalverteilung vom Grundsatz her nicht anwendbar ist. Im Gegensatz zur Log-Normalverteilung haben aber alle Parameterwerte Bestand und erhalten zusätzlich Parameter für Schiefe und Kurtosis. Der Autor belegt die Ausführungen anhand praktischer Beispiele für Anwender.Der Autor Dipl.-Ing. Marcus Hellwig war Projektleiter bei einem deutschen, international agierenden Ingenieurbüro und ist Autor einiger Bücher.

Der Wandel des Fleischessens im Spiegel medialer Öffentlichkeit: Eine Diskursanalyse über kollektive Wissensbestände von der Nachkriegszeit bis heute

by Verena Fingerling

Seit jeher löst Fleisch Kontroversen aus – sei es durch seine ressourcenintensive Gewinnung, die es zum Ausdruck für Wohlstand, Kraft und Gesundheit macht, oder sei es durch moralische Fragestellungen, die sich durch das Nutzen und Töten fühlender Lebewesen ergeben. Anhand des deutschen Leitmediums Der Spiegel setzt sich diese Arbeit mit Wandlungsprozessen öffentlicher Kommunikation über das Fleischessen auseinander. Für den Zeitraum der Jahre 1947 bis 2019 zeichnet sie nach, wie verschiedene Ernährungsdiskurse miteinander verschränkt sind, sich gegenseitig bedingen, befruchten und aufeinander beziehen und zeigt auf, welche Wissens- und Deutungselemente dabei zu verschiedenen Zeiten als relevant oder irrelevant in Erscheinung treten. Methodologisch basiert dies auf Konzepten der Wissenssoziologischen Diskursanalyse nach Keller und der Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring.

Los desacuerdos de paz: Artículos y conversaciones (2012 - 2022)

by Juan Gabriel Vásquez

"En el proceso de negociación de unos acuerdos, quien sea capaz de imponer su versión de nuestro pasado tendrá un inmenso ascendiente sobre la vida pública de las próximas generaciones, y no es exagerado decir que podrá moldearla a su antojo" Desde que fueron anunciadas las negociaciones de paz con las Farc, Juan Gabriel Vásquez no ha dejado de comentar ese proceso que tanta esperanza -y tanta polarización- le ha traído al país. Este libro recoge todo lo que ha escrito al respecto: sus columnas de opinión en medios de Colombia y el mundo, pero también conversaciones con Humberto de la Calle, Juan Manuel Santos y Doris Salcedo. Los desacuerdos de paz no sólo documenta los acontecimientos de los últimos diez años: también propone una reflexión sobre la mentira y la violencia que han degradado nuestra conversación ciudadana. El libro incluye un prólogo y un epílogo inéditos en los que Vásquez procura dar respuesta a dos preguntas: en los tiempos de la posverdad, ¿cómo ejercer el periodismo de opinión? Y en el país del posconflicto, ¿cómo contar nuestro pasado? Desde su periodismo, Vásquez defendió antes las negociaciones igual que defiende ahora los acuerdos, pero siempre con la mirada lúcida y alejada de todo sectarismo, y a partir de una posición que no es ideológica ni sólo política, sino también humanista y moral. La crítica ha dicho: Sobre Los informantes: "Un magnífico y aterrador estudio sobre cómo el pasado puede invadir el presente, y una fascinante revelación de un rincón poco conocido del teatro de la guerra nazi".John Banville Sobre Historia secreta de Costaguana :"Un libro vívido, contundente, magistral".Alberto Manguel,The Guardian Sobre El ruido de las cosas al caer: "Una novela cautivadora, que atrapa hasta el final. Si bien estamos ante un "vuelapáginas", se trata también de una profunda meditación sobre el destino y la muerte". Edmund White,en portada de The New York Times Book Review Sobre Las reputaciones: "Uno sale de esta novela simplemente aturdido por la gran lección de literatura impartida por el autor".Étienne de Montety,Le Figaro Sobre La forma de las ruinas: "Vásquez ha sucedido a García Márquez como el gran maestro literario de Colombia".Ariel Dorfman,The New York Review of BooksSobreVolver la vista atrás:"Una de las grandes novelas que se han escrito en nuestra lengua".Mario Vargas Llosa,El País

El desastre del PRIAN

by Martí Batres

En este libro, Martí Batres -político y académico de larga trayectoria, actualmente dirigente de Morena- designa como PRIAN a la unión no declarada de dos partidos políticos, PRI y PAN, obstinados en presentarse ante el electorado como antagónicos. Con hondura crítica y datos concretos expone claramente cómo los proyectos de ambos son idénticos y no tienen más finalidad que propugnar y concretar las reformas estructurales de índole neoliberal. Sin embargo, apoyado en referencias estadísticas, sostiene que este propósito mancomunado ha hundido al país en el estancamiento y la pobreza. El desastre del PRIAN no se queda en la crítica: desarrolla propuestas concretas como la disminución del salario de la clase política; el impulso no a la gran empresa sino a la mediana, pequeña y micro; lucha contra la corrupción, recuperación salarial, diversificación de las exportaciones, práctica de una democracia participativa; así como otras medidas políticas, sociales y económicas. Sólo de esta forma, concluye el autor, podrá abandonarse el modelo del PRIAN y cambiar el rumbo de la nación.

Descriptive Metadata for Television: An End-to-End Introduction

by Mike Cox Ellen Mulder Linda Tadic

Descriptive Metadata for Television is a comprehensive introduction for television professionals that need to understand metadata's purpose and technology. This easy-to-read book translates obscure technical to hands-on language understandable by real people.

Descriptor Revision

by Sven Ove Hansson

This book provides a critical examination of how the choice of what to believe is represented in the standard model of belief change. In particular the use of possible worlds and infinite remainders as objects of choice is critically examined. Descriptors are introduced as a versatile tool for expressing the success conditions of belief change, addressing both local and global descriptor revision. The book presents dynamic descriptors such as Ramsey descriptors that convey how an agent's beliefs tend to be changed in response to different inputs. It also explores sentential revision and demonstrates how local and global operations of revision by a sentence can be derived as a special case of descriptor revision. Lastly, the book examines revocation, a generalization of contraction in which a specified sentence is removed in a process that may possibly also involve the addition of some new information to the belief set.

Desert Dogs: The Marines of Operation Iraqi Freedom

by Russ Bryant Amy Goodpaster Strebe

A photographic account that highlights the human side of war, the day-in-the-life of US Marines stationed in Iraq.Desert Dogs includes dramatic, harrowing, and simply unbelievable images of the marines of Operation Iraqi Freedom, personal letters, and stories of coping with the pain of separation from their families and the horrors of war. Russ Bryant’s photography chronicles every aspect of the daily lives of these marines: lazy camels amble by a cargo drop; blinding sandstorms threaten to blow away tents, supplies, and marines alike; Scud missile attack sirens send marines scuttling to their bunkers; sniper fire crisscrosses marine convoys moving into Iraq; tanks and bombs topple the portraits of Saddam that seem to loom over every Iraqi village; shelled-out tanks, armored vehicles, and even busses litter the road on the way to Baghdad; medical personnel attend to fallen marines and prisoners alike; the occasional silent interlude allows time for prayer and remembrance.

Design and Architecture for Signal and Image Processing: 15th International Workshop, DASIP 2022, Budapest, Hungary, June 20–22, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13425)

by Karol Desnos Sergio Pertuz

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed conference proceedings of the First International Workshop on Design and Architecture for Signal and Image Processing, DASIP 2022, held in Budaypest, Hungary in June 2022. The 13 full included in the volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 32 submissions. They are organized in the following topical sections: leading signal, image and video processing and machine learning in custom embedded, edge and cloud computing architectures and systems.

Design and Implementation of Practical Schedulers for M2M Uplink Networks

by Akshay Kumar Ahmed Abdelhadi T. Charles Clancy

This book presents the design of delay-efficient packet schedulers for heterogeneous M2M uplink traffic classified into several classes, based on packet delay requirements, payload size, arrival process, etc. Specifically, the authors use tools from queuing theory to determine the delay-optimal scheduling policy. The proposed packet schedulers are designed for a generic M2M architecture and thus equally applicable to any M2M application. Additionally, due to their low implementation complexity and excellent delay-performance, they authors show how they are also well-suited for practical M2M systems. The book pertains primarily to real-time process scheduler experts in industry/academia and graduate students whose research deals with designing Quality-of-Service-aware packet schedulers for M2M packet schedulers over existing and future cellular infrastructure. Presents queuing theoretic analysis and optimization techniques used to design proposed packet scheduling strategies;Provides utility functions to precisely model diverse delay requirements, which lends itself to formulation of utility-maximization problems for determining the delay- or utility-optimal packet scheduler;Includes detail on low implementation complexity of the proposed scheduler by using iterative and distributed optimization techniques.

Design and Implementation of Sensory Solutions for Industrial Environment: Utilizing 1-wire® Technology in Industrial Solutions (Signals and Communication Technology)

by Juraj Ďuďák Gabriel Gašpar

This book presents applicable guidance into sensor system hardware and software design, extensions, and integration aimed at utilization of 1-wire networks. The content is structured from the design of the sensor system architecture—hardware and software—through the implementation and optimization of the solution to the practical verification. The hardware part consists of the design of specific solutions for sensor data collection and the design and integration of standard and special sensors into these solutions. The development of the hardware solutions is focused on integration with 32-bit microcontrollers with ARM Cortex M0 to Cortex M4 cores. For the sensor solutions, the focus is on design versatility and miniaturization of dimensions with respect to the availability of the technology in the physical design. The focus is on minimizing power consumption to the design of power independent modules. The presented solution includes the design and implementation of the software layer, which includes control software for direct communication with the sensor modules as well as an information system for continuous data storage and remote access. The book presents an extensive case study that describes the design and development of a 1-wire bus controller hardware module solution with proprietary modifications that achieve improvements to the maximum 1-wire bus length. The study also includes the design and implementation of a universal and power independent 1-wire bus device. Using this module, almost any sensor can be connected to the 1-wire bus.

Design and Political Dissent: Spaces, Visuals, Materialities (Routledge Research in Design Studies)

by Jilly Traganou

This book examines, through an interdisciplinary lens, the relationship between political dissent and processes of designing. In the past twenty years, theorists of social movements have noted a diversity of visual and performative manifestations taking place in protest, while the fields of design, broadly defined, have been characterized by a growing interest in activism. The book’s premise stems from the recognition that material engagement and artifacts have the capacity to articulate political arguments or establish positions of disagreement. Its contributors look at a wide array of material practices generated by both professional and nonprofessional design actors around the globe, exploring case studies that vary from street protests and encampments to design pedagogy and community-empowerment projects. For students and scholars of design studies, urbanism, visual culture, politics, and social movements, this book opens up new perspectives on design and its place in contemporary politics.

Design Elements: Understanding the Rules and Knowing When to Break Them - A Visual Communication Manual

by Timothy Samara

A new and updated 3rd Edition of Rockport's best-selling Design Elements, a visually rich and accessible handbook that presents the fundamentals of design in lists, tips, brief text, and examples. With new images and diagrams, the book covers everything from working with grids, color application, typography, and imagery to how to finally put it all together. <p><p>Features include: <p>•The ultimate primer on graphic design's basic visual toolkit—dot, line, plane, texture, space, and contrast—and how these basics underpin all successful layouts <p>•An in-depth look at color—from its optical qualities and its effect on type to its potential for communication concepts and emotions <p>•One of the most thorough compilations of typography concepts to be found—including information on letterform structure and optics, combining typeface styles, the mechanics of detailed text typesetting, and using type as image <p>•An extensive overview of imagery—the endless possibilities of medium, depiction, abstraction, stylization, and how these all communicate effectively <p>•Methods for integrating type and image, including a tutorial on using grid systems to structure layouts <p>•Twenty rules for making good design—and the best ways to break them <p><p>Being a creative designer is often about coming up with unique design solutions. But when the basic rules of design are ignored in an effort to be distinctive, design becomes useless. In language, a departure from the rules is only appreciated as great literature if recognition of the rules underlies the text. Graphic design is a "visual language," and brilliance is recognized in designers whose work seems to break all the rules, yet communicates its messages clearly.

Design Firms Open for Business

by Steven Heller Lita Talarico

While many young designers perceive a design studio to be little more than a table and computer, the majority of businesses consider the physical locale and architectural surroundings of a firm to be as important as the work that is produced. Design Firms Open for Business is a firsthand look inside studios and offices, both large and small, from all over the world. The inner workings of more than 40 different-sized and variously focused design establishments are explored, offering keen insights into firms working on everything from two- to three-dimensional projects. Designers reveal their thinking about a broad spectrum of important issues, ranging from the names they selected to the underlying philosophy of their practices to the business models they employ. Profusely illustrated with photos of both specific work and working environments, this book provides a unique blend of analysis and biography rolled into one. Each firm is placed in the spotlight, providing an array of successful models to consider by those who are looking to start their own ventures and by those experienced professionals looking for fresh ideas.

Design Frameworks for Wireless Networks (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #82)

by Santosh Kumar Das Sourav Samanta Nilanjan Dey Rajesh Kumar

This book provides an overview of the current state of the art in wireless networks around the globe, focusing on utilizing the latest artificial intelligence and soft computing techniques to provide design frameworks for wireless networks. These techniques play a vital role in developing a more robust algorithm suitable for the dynamic and heterogeneous environment, making the network self-managed, self-operational, and self-configurational, and efficiently reducing uncertainties and imprecise information.

Design is Storytelling

by Ellen Lupton

A playbook for creative thinking, created for contemporary students and practitioners working across the fields of graphic design, product design, service design and user experience. Design Is Storytelling explores the psychology of visual perception from a narrative point of view. Presenting dozens of tools and concepts in a lively, visual manner, this book will help any designer amplify the narrative power of their work. Use this book to stir emotions, build empathy, articulate values and convey action; to construct narrative arcs and create paths through space; integrate form and language; evaluate a project’s storytelling power; and to write and deliver strong narratives.

Design, Learning, and Innovation: 5th EAI International Conference, DLI 2020, Virtual Event, December 10-11, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering #366)

by Eva Irene Brooks Anthony Brooks Cristina Sylla Anders Kalsgaard Møller

This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings the 5th EAI International Conference on DLI 2020, Design, Leaning and Innovation, which took place in December 2020. Due to COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held virtually. The 14 revised full papers presented were carefully selected from 40 submissions and are organized in four thematic sessions on: digital technologies and learning; designing for innovation; digital games, gamification and robots; designs for innovative learning.

Design Made Easy with Inkscape: A practical guide to your journey from beginner to pro-level vector illustration

by Christopher Rogers

Discover quick and easy ways to make charts, diagrams, illustrations, and UX/UI mockups with end-to-end guidance using hands-on tutorials, tips, and tricksKey FeaturesGet up to speed with vector illustration in no timeExplore hotkey charts and tips, with best practices developed over ten years of using InkscapeLearn the fundamentals of vector illustration and efficiently leverage Inkscape's powerful toolsetBook DescriptionWith the power and versatility of the Inkscape software, making charts, diagrams, illustrations, and UI mockups with infinite resolution becomes enjoyable. If you're looking to get up to speed with vector illustration in no time, this comprehensive guide has got your back! Design Made Easy with Inkscape is easy to follow and teaches you everything you need to know to create graphics that you can use and reuse forever, for free! You'll benefit from the author's industry experience as you go over the basics of vector illustration, discovering tips and tricks for getting professional graphics done fast by leveraging Inkscape's powerful toolset. This book teaches by example, using a great variety of use cases from icons and logos to illustration, web design, and product design. You'll learn about hotkeys and take a best-practices approach developed over ten years of using Inkscape as a design tool in production. What's more, this book also includes links to free graphics resources that you can use in all your projects. Whether you're a new user or a professional, by the end of this book, you'll have full understanding of how to use Inkscape and its myriad of excellent features to make stunning graphics for your projects.What you will learnUnderstand the benefits of vector illustration and the reasons behind choosing Inkscape over other non-free alternativesNavigate the Inkscape setup and workspace to make effective use of the softwareExplore the wide range of tools from Inkscape to create amazing and infinitely scalable graphics quicklyUse real-world scenarios and practice lessons to learn how to create by exampleDiscover tips and tricks to make Inkscape an extension of your creativityConvert photos to vector art and practice with professional design examples as you work with layers, shading, coloring and much moreWho this book is forThis book is for aspiring designers, developers, and anyone who wants to leverage the power of Inkscape for vector illustration. No prior knowledge of graphics applications or vector and raster graphics is required. This book simplifies Inkscape for dummies; all you need to know is how to use a mouse and keyboard.

Design of Digital Phase Shifters for Multipurpose Communication Systems

by Binboga Siddik Yarman

This book aims to cover a new emerging need in designing digital phase shifter for modern communication systems. With the advancement of new generation mobile communication systems, directed beams of antenna arrays save a substantial amount of power as well as improve the communication quality. In this regard, beam-forming circuits, such as digital phase shifters (DPS) constitute essential parts of the antenna array systems. Therefore, this book is devoted to the design of digital phase shifters for various communications systems. Nowadays, phase array systems demand compact phase shifters suitable for chip implementation with wide phase-range and broad frequency band. Each chapter of this book is organized as stand-alone in such a way that the reader requires no specific background acquired from the other chapters. For each phase shifter topology introduced in this book, the reader is furnished with explicit design equations to construct the circuit under consideration. Furthermore, design equations are programmed using MATLAB to assess the electrical performance of the phase shifters with ideal and lossy components. MATLAB design programs are given at the and of each chapter as appendices and provided as soft copy on the web page of the book. In chapters 12 and 14, MMIC layouts for the lattice and T-section based DPS are provided for the readers. It is hoped that an interested reader can immediately identifies the “optimum phase shifter topology” for the need under consideration with its estimated electric performance.

Design of Video Quality Metrics with Multi-Way Data Analysis

by Christian Keimel

This book proposes a data-driven methodology using multi-way data analysis for the design of video-quality metrics. It also enables video- quality metrics to be created using arbitrary features. This data- driven design approach not only requires no detailed knowledge of the human visual system, but also allows a proper consideration of the temporal nature of video using a three-way prediction model, corresponding to the three-way structure of video. Using two simple example metrics, the author demonstrates not only that this purely data- driven approach outperforms state-of-the-art video-quality metrics, which are often optimized for specific properties of the human visual system, but also that multi-way data analysis methods outperform the combination of two-way data analysis methods and temporal pooling.

Design Thinking: Integrating Innovation, Customer Experience, and Brand Value

by Thomas Lockwood

This thought-provoking and inspirational book covers such topics as: developing a solid creative process through "Visual Reflection Notebooks” and "Bring Play to Work”; understanding the artist’s unique identity in relation to the larger culture; building systems of support and collaboration; explaining how an artist’s needs and passions can lead to innovation and authenticity; using language to inspire visual creativity; responding to the Internet and changing concepts of what is public and private; and accepting digression as a creative necessity. Through the exercises and techniques outlined in Art Without Compromise*, the reader will develop new confidence to pursue individual goals and inspiration to explore new paths, along with motivation to overcome creative blocks. With a revised understanding of the relevance in their own work within the sphere of contemporary culture, the artist will come away with a clearer perspective on his or her past and future work and a critical eye for personal authenticity.

Design Thinking Research: Investigating Design Team Performance (Understanding Innovation)

by Christoph Meinel Larry Leifer

Extensive research conducted by the Hasso Plattner Design Thinking Research Program at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, USA, and the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam, Germany, has yielded valuable insights on why and how design thinking works. The participating researchers have identified metrics, developed models, and conducted studies, which are featured in this book, and in the previous volumes of this series.Offering readers a closer look at design thinking, and its innovation processes and methods, this volume addresses the new and growing field of neurodesign, which applies insights from the neurosciences in order to improve design team performance. Thinking and devising innovations are inherently human activities – and so is design thinking. Accordingly, design thinking is not merely the result of special courses or of being gifted or trained: it is a way of dealing with our environment and improving techniques, technologies and life in general. As such, the research outcomes compiled in this book are intended to inform and provide inspiration for all those seeking to drive innovation – be they experienced design thinkers or newcomers.

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