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Digitaler Erfolg im Lokaljournalismus: Leitfaden für Praxis und Ausbildung in Redaktionen (Journalistische Praxis)
by Oliver Haustein-TeßmerDieses Buch hilft Führungskräften und Mitarbeitenden in Redaktionen, digitale Werkzeuge erfolgreich anzuwenden. Es richtet sich an erfahrene und neu einsteigende Journalistinnen und Journalisten. Im Fokus stehen dringende Fragen der digitalen Transformation: Wie erreichen lokale Medien mehr und jüngere Menschen? Wie gewinnen und halten regionale Verlage Abonnentinnen und Abonnenten online? Die Leserinnen und Leser lernen, welche Strategien eine digitale Arbeitsweise befördern. Der Leitfaden erläutert datenorientiertes Planen und Produzieren sowie die Arbeit mit Zielgruppen und deren Bedürfnissen (User Needs). Checklisten, Grafiken und Tabellen sorgen für Übersicht. Es gibt viele Praxisbeispiele; Interviews mit Fachleuten bieten zusätzliche Einblicke. Der Autor geht auf Trends wie konstruktiven Journalismus ein und zeigt, wie journalistische Qualität mit dem Einsatz generativer Künstlicher Intelligenz vereinbar ist. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf Karrierechancen und Ausbildung. Dabei berücksichtigt der Autor sowohl die Perspektive journalistischer Talente als auch die veränderten Anforderungen an Volontariate und ausbildende Medienunternehmen. Ziel ist es zu zeigen, wie vielfältig Journalismus als Beruf in der digitalisierten Gesellschaft wirken kann. Per App: einfach die SN More Media App kostenfrei herunterladen, ein Bild oder einen Link mit dem Play-Button scannen und sofort die Videos auf Smartphone oder Tablet ausspielen.
Digitaler Journalismus in der Praxis: Grundlagen von Onlinerecherche, Storytelling und Datenjournalismus
by Tim OsingDieses Lehrbuch vermittelt die besonderen Möglichkeiten des digitalen Journalismus. Es erklärt mit großem Praxisbezug und vielen Beispielen digitales Storytelling, zeigt Techniken des Datenjournalismus und liefert Tipps und Tools für die Recherche im Internet. Um einer digitalisierten Welt gerecht werden zu können, müssen Journalist*innen sich dieses Handwerk aneignen – und es intuitiv einsetzen können, da im hektischen Alltag einer Online-Redaktion nicht viel Zeit bleibt. Wer Open Data richtig nutzen, Geschichten multimedial erzählen und Fakten zügig überprüfen kann, hebt sich im Internet und den sozialen Medien entscheidend ab.
Digitales Storytelling: Eine Einführung in neue Formen des Qualitätsjournalismus
by Simon SturmDas Buch gibt einen Einblick in die neuen Erzählweisen des digitalen Journalismus. Es untersucht die Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf die Medienbranche und den mit ihr verbundenen Wandel journalistischer Darstellungsformen. Dabei geht es auch um die Möglichkeiten des journalistischen Storytellings auf mobilen Endgeräten wie Tablet-Computern. Es wird eine neuartige Typologie von Darstellungsformen entwickelt, die u ber die klassischen Text-, Audio- und Fernsehformate hinaus digitales Storytelling ermöglicht.
The Digitalisation of Anti-Corruption in Brazil: Scandals, Reforms, and Innovation (ISSN)
by Fernanda OdillaThis book investigates how digital technologies, such as social media and artificial intelligence, can contribute to combatting corruption in Brazil.Brazil, with its long history of scandals and abundant empirical data on digital media usage, serves as a perfect case study to trace the development of bottom-up and top-down digital anti-corruption technologies and their main features. This book highlights the connections between anti-corruption reforms and the rapid implementation of innovative solutions, primarily developed by tech-savvy public officials and citizens committed to anti-corruption efforts. The book draws on interviews with experts, activists and civil servants, as well as open-source materials and social media data to identify key actors, their practices, challenges and limitations of anti-corruption technologies. The result is a thorough analysis of the process of digitalisation of anti-corruption in Brazil, with a theoretical framework which can also be applied to other countries. The book introduces the concept of “integrity techies” to encompass social and political actors who develop and facilitate anti-corruption technologies, and discusses different outcomes and issues associated with digital innovation in anti-corruption.This book will be a key resource for students, researchers and practitioners interested in technologies and development in Brazil and Latin America, as well as corruption and anti-corruption studies more broadly.
Digitally Assisted, Fully Integrated, Wideband Transmitters for High-Speed Millimeter-Wave Wireless Communication Links (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing)
by David Del Rio Ainhoa Rezola Juan F. Sevillano Igone Velez Roc BerenguerThis book presents design methods and considerations for digitally-assisted wideband millimeter-wave transmitters. It addresses comprehensively both RF design and digital implementation simultaneously, in order to design energy- and cost-efficient high-performance transmitters for mm-wave high-speed communications. It covers the complete design flow, from link budget assessment to the transistor-level design of different RF front-end blocks, such as mixers and power amplifiers, presenting different alternatives and discussing the existing trade-offs. The authors also analyze the effect of the imperfections of these blocks in the overall performance, while describing techniques to correct and compensate for them digitally. Well-known techniques are revisited, and some new ones are described, giving examples of their applications and proving them in real integrated circuits.
Digitaltechnik: Grundlagen, VHDL, FPGAs, Mikrocontroller
by Winfried Gehrke Marco WinzkerModerne Digitaltechnik, umfassend und kompakt: Dieses Lehr- und Übungsbuch spannt den Bogen von den Grundlagen der Digitaltechnik über den Entwurf mit VHDL und Komponenten digitaler Systeme bis zu modernen Mikrocontrollern der STM32-Serie.Digitale Grundelemente wie Logikgatter und Flip-FlopsKombinatorische und sequenzielle SchaltungenSchaltungsentwurf und Simulation mit VHDLProgrammierbare Logikbausteine: CPLDs, FPGAsHalbleiterspeicherA/D- und D/A-UmsetzerArchitektur von MikroprozessorenProgrammierung von Arm® CortexTM Mikroprozessoren in C und Assembler32-Bit-Mikrocontroller der STM32-FamilieFunktion und Programmierung von STM32-Peripheriemodulen Die 8. Auflage wurde aktualisiert und die Themenbereiche Mikroprozessoren und Mikrocontroller grundlegend überarbeitet.Zahlreiche Beispiele erleichtern das Verständnis. Viele Übungsaufgaben mit Musterlösungen unterstützen die Lernkontrolle und stehen zu jedem Kapitel zur Verfügung. Ergänzendes Material wird auf der Webseite zum Buch angeboten.Das Buch ist so konzipiert, dass es sowohl als Begleitlektüre von Lehrveranstaltungen als auch für das Selbststudium in den Bereichen Digitaltechnik, Mikrocontroller und Systementwurf geeignet ist.
Digitising the Industry Internet of Things Connecting the Physical, Digital and VirtualWorlds
by Ovidiu Vermesan Peter FriessThis book provides an overview of the current Internet of Things (IoT) landscape, ranging from the research, innovation and development priorities to enabling technologies in a global context. A successful deployment of IoT technologies requires integration on all layers, be it cognitive and semantic aspects, middleware components, services, edge devices/machines and infrastructures. It is intended to be a standalone book in a series that covers the Internet of Things activities of the IERC - Internet of Things European Research Cluster from research to technological innovation, validation and deployment. The book builds on the ideas put forward by the European Research Cluster and the IoT European Platform Initiative (IoT-EPI) and presents global views and state of the art results on the challenges facing the research, innovation, development and deployment of IoT in the next years. The IoT is bridging the physical world with virtual world and requires sound information processing capabilities for the "digital shadows" of these real things. The research and innovation in nanoelectronics, semiconductor, sensors/actuators, communication, analytics technologies, cyber-physical systems, software, swarm intelligent and deep learning systems are essential for the successful deployment of IoT applications. The emergence of IoT platforms with multiple functionalities enables rapid development and lower costs by offering standardised components that can be shared across multiple solutions in many industry verticals. The IoT applications will gradually move from vertical, single purpose solutions to multi-purpose and collaborative applications interacting across industry verticals, organisations and people, being one of the essential paradigms of the digital economy. Many of those applications still have to be identified and involvement of end-users including the creative sector in this innovation is crucial. The IoT applications and deployments as integrated building blocks of the new digital economy are part of the accompanying IoT policy framework to address issues of horizontal nature and common interest (i.e. privacy, end-to-end security, user acceptance, societal, ethical aspects and legal issues) for providing trusted IoT solutions in a coordinated and consolidated manner across the IoT activities and pilots. In this, context IoT ecosystems offer solutions beyond a platform and solve important technical challenges in the different verticals and across verticals. These IoT technology ecosystems are instrumental for the deployment of large pilots and can easily be connected to or build upon the core IoT solutions for different applications in order to expand the system of use and allow new and even unanticipated IoT end uses. Technical topics discussed in the book include: • Introduction• Digitising industry and IoT as key enabler in the new era of Digital Economy• IoT Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda• IoT in the digital industrial context: Digital Single Market• Integration of heterogeneous systems and bridging the virtual, digital and physical worlds• Federated IoT platforms and interoperability• Evolution from intelligent devices to connected systems of systems by adding new layers of cognitive behaviour, artificial intelligence and user interfaces.• Innovation through IoT ecosystems• Trust-based IoT end-to-end security, privacy framework• User acceptance, societal, ethical aspects and legal issues• Internet of Things Applications
Digitizing Democracy (Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics)
by Aljosha Karim Schapals Axel Bruns Brian McNairWhat are the key challenges facing our increasingly digitized democracy, and how might we as citizens contribute to resolving them? This book explores these questions, adopting a multi-disciplinary approach that combines work from media studies, journalism studies, and political science scholars, and draws on trends in countries including Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Egypt, and Indonesia. The book is divided into four main themes: (1) the impact of digital communication on politics and government; (2) the future of news and journalism in the network society; (3) the potential of digital media to enhance civic engagement and social inclusion; and (4) visions for the future of digital democracy.
DigiTools: Technology Application Tools
by Karl Barksdale Jack P. Hoggatt Jon A. ShankDIGITOOLS is a one-semester course that reflects a new direction being taken in keyboarding. It not only includes the standard teaching methods for learning to type and format documents, but also covers computer applications such as word processing, presentations, speech recognition, database and spreadsheet, and the Internet.
Digitools: Communication, Information, and Technology Skills
by Karl Barksdale Jack P. Hoggatt Jon A. ShankNo other book better prepares students for the innovations in Microsoft Office (2010 and 2007) and living in today's digital world like the third edition of DIGITOOLS! DIGITOOLS emphasizes computer applications, such as word processing, presentations, spreadsheets, and database while also providing instruction on the proper way to key and format documents using proven instructional methods, Students learn to effectively use the Internet and input technologies, including speech and handwriting recognition.
Dignity: Seeking Respect in Back Row America
by Chris Arnade"A profound book.... It will break your heart but also leave you with hope." --J.D. Vance, author of Hillbilly Elegy"[A] deeply empathetic book." --The EconomistWith stark photo essays and unforgettable true stories, Chris Arnade cuts through "expert" pontification on inequality, addiction, and poverty to allow those who have been left behind to define themselves on their own terms.After abandoning his Wall Street career, Chris Arnade decided to document poverty and addiction in the Bronx. He began interviewing, photographing, and becoming close friends with homeless addicts, and spent hours in drug dens and McDonald's. Then he started driving across America to see how the rest of the country compared. He found the same types of stories everywhere, across lines of race, ethnicity, religion, and geography. The people he got to know, from Alabama and California to Maine and Nevada, gave Arnade a new respect for the dignity and resilience of what he calls America's Back Row--those who lack the credentials and advantages of the so-called meritocratic upper class. The strivers in the Front Row, with their advanced degrees and upward mobility, see the Back Row's values as worthless. They scorn anyone who stays in a dying town or city as foolish, and mock anyone who clings to religion or tradition as naïve.As Takeesha, a woman in the Bronx, told Arnade, she wants to be seen she sees herself: "a prostitute, a mother of six, and a child of God." This book is his attempt to help the rest of us truly see, hear, and respect millions of people who've been left behind.
Dilemmas in the Courtroom: A Study of Trials of Violent Crime in the Netherlands (Everyday Communication Ser.)
by Martha L. KomterInteractional dilemmas occur when participants are required to engage in two contradictory activities at the same time or orient to two conflicting goals. The existence of such dilemmas provides a context for interactants to be creative, pro-active, and indeed strategic as they maneuver between the numerous demands placed on them and produce behavior that fits the ongoing communication episode. Trials are one such episode in which the various participants -- in this case, the judge, the defendant, and lawyers -- experience interactional dilemmas and work to resolve these through their behavior. This volume offers an analysis of both the institutional factors which promote dilemmas during court proceedings and the interactional behaviors used by trial participants to navigate these dilemmas. Using ethnomethodology, conversation analysis, and ethnography as complementary methods, Komter's research combines an understanding of the legal rules for courtroom procedure and crime descriptions, with details of actual trial discourse. The analysis is based upon fieldnotes of 48 trials and audiotapes of 31 trials, all related to violent crimes and occurring in courtrooms in Amsterdam, Utrecht, and Haarlem. Dilemmas reflect enduring conflicts of interest or values; they derive from the ongoing institutional and interactional positions of the various courtroom participants. Komter points to the existence of dilemmas and to their role in shaping unfolding interaction during the trials. She especially highlights the different dilemmas faced by judges and suspects, and the ways in which behavior on the part of one constrains that of the other. She further reveals the wide variety of ways in which interactants handle dilemmas -- their innovativeness and resourcefulness -- and the consequences these have for the unfolding interaction and the court's ultimate judgment. Of course, dilemmas are not only relevant to an understanding of judicial interaction. This study has implications for other contexts, since concerns with credibility, blame, responsibility, and morality -- and their opposites -- are incorporated into many everyday interactions. This volume examines behavior that is quite specific to a single context, yet its conclusions bear upon a wide range of communication events. Of interest to scholars in communication, linguistics, anthropology, criminal justice, or those with interests in ethnomethodology, conversation analysis, and ethnography.
Dilemmas of Free Expression
by Emmett MacfarlaneFree expression is under threat. Social media and "fake news," misinformation, and disinformation have prompted governments to propose new forms of regulation that are deeply challenging to free expression. Hate speech, far-right populism, campus speech debates, and censorship consistently make headlines in Canada and abroad. Dilemmas of Free Expression offers forward-looking appraisals of ways to confront challenging moral issues, policy problems, and controversies that pay heed to the fundamental right to free expression. The essays in this volume offer timely analyses of the law, policy, and philosophical challenges, and social repercussions to our understanding of expressive freedom in relation to government obligations and public discourse. Free expression and its limits are multifaceted, deeply complex, inherently values-based, and central to the ability of a society to function. Dilemmas of Free Expression addresses the challenges of limiting free expression across a host of issues through an analyses by leading and emerging voices in a number of disciplines, including political science, law, philosophy, and Indigenous studies.
Dilettante: True Tales of Excess, Triumph, and Disaster
by Dana BrownA witty, insightful, and delightfully snarky blend of pop culture meets memoir meets real-life Devil Wears Prada as readers learn the stories behind twenty-five years at Vanity Fair from the magazine&’s former deputy editor&“Dilettante offers the best seat in the house into the workings of one of the great cultural institutions of our time.&”—Buzz Bissinger, New York Times bestselling author of Friday Night LightsDana Brown was a twenty-one-year-old college dropout playing in punk bands and partying his way through downtown New York&’s early-nineties milieu when he first encountered Graydon Carter, the legendary editor of Vanity Fair. After the two had a handful of brief interactions (mostly with Brown in the role of cater waiter at Carter&’s famous cultural salons he hosted at his home), Carter saw what he believed to be Brown&’s untapped potential, and on a whim, hired him as his assistant. Brown instantly became a trusted confidante and witness to all of the biggest parties, blowups, and takedowns. From inside the famed Vanity Fair Oscar parties to the emerging world of the tech elite, Brown&’s job offered him access to some of the most exclusive gatherings and powerful people in the world, and the chance to learn in real time what exactly a magazine editor does—all while trying to stay sober enough from the required party scene attendance to get the job done. Against all odds, he rose up the ranks to eventually become the magazine&’s deputy editor, spending a quarter century curating tastes at one of the most storied cultural shops ever assembled.Dilettante reveals Brown&’s most memorable moments from the halcyon days of the magazine business, explores his own journey as an unpedigreed outsider to established editor, and shares glimpses of some of the famous and infamous stories (and people) that tracked the magazine&’s extraordinary run all keenly observed by Brown. He recounts tales from the trenches, including encounters with everyone from Anna Wintour, Lee Radziwill, and Condé Nast owner Si Newhouse, to Seth Rogen, Caitlyn Jenner, and acclaimed journalists Dominick Dunne and Christopher Hitchens.Written with equal parts affection, cultural exploration, and nostalgia, Dilettante is a defining story within that most magical time and place in the culture of media. It is also a highly readable memoir that skillfully delivers a universal coming-of-age story about growing up and finding your place in the world.
Dimension-Based Quality Analysis and Prediction for Videotelephony (T-Labs Series in Telecommunication Services)
by Falk Ralph SchiffnerThis book provides an in-depth investigation of the quality relevant perceptual video space in the domain of videotelephony. The author presents an extensive investigation and quality modeling of the underlying video quality dimensions and the overall quality. The author examines the underlying quality dimensions and describes a method for subjective evaluation as well as the instrumental estimation of video quality in videotelephony. The book presents a new subjective test method in the field of video quality assessment. Further, it explains the experimental examination of the underlying video quality dimensions and the subjective-based, as well as instrumental-based quality estimation.Provides an investigation of the underlying quality dimensions of video in videotelephony;Presents insights into a new subjective test method, standardized as ITU-T Rec. P.918;Includes insights into the subjective and instrumental video quality estimation.
Dimension-based Quality Modeling of Transmitted Speech
by Marcel WältermannIn this book, speech transmission quality is modeled on the basis of perceptual dimensions. The author identifies those dimensions that are relevant for today's public-switched and packet-based telecommunication systems, regarding the complete transmission path from the mouth of the speaker to the ear of the listener. Both narrowband (300-3400 Hz) as well as wideband (50-7000 Hz) speech transmission is taken into account. A new analytical assessment method is presented that allows the dimensions to be rated by non-expert listeners in a direct way. Due to the efficiency of the test method, a relatively large number of stimuli can be assessed in auditory tests. The test method is applied in two auditory experiments. The book gives the evidence that this test method provides meaningful and reliable results. The resulting dimension scores together with respective overall quality ratings form the basis for a new parametric model for the quality estimation of transmitted speech based on the perceptual dimensions. In a two-step model approach, instrumental dimension models estimate dimension impairment factors in a first step. The resulting dimension estimates are combined by a Euclidean integration function in a second step in order to provide an estimate of the total impairment.
Dimensions of Advertising Theory and Practice in Africa
by Ganiyu Olalekan Akashoro Sibongile Sindane Gilbert Motsaathebe Sydney Friendly Kankuzi Rotimi Williams Olatunji Shaibu Husseini Mariska Bertram Jacinta Mwende Maweu Sunday Adekunle Akinjogbin Nelson Okorie Chinenye Nwabueze Julius Abioye Adeyemo Beatrice Adeyinka Laninhun Nnamdi Tobechukwu Ekeanyanwu Assay Benjamin Enahoro Olujimi Kayode Seyi Soremekun Olayinka Egbokhare Angelique Van Niekerk Noeem Taiwo Thannyhis book brings together cutting-edge research by leading African communication and media theorists to provide a broad but detailed survey of the history and present state of the art of advertising in Africa. The book is a thought-provoking reminder of the variety of approaches to the study of marketing communication on a continent where advertising is often taken for granted. From indigenous African forms of advertising - by street criers, wall paintings, and even olfactory appeals - to the latest experiments in integrated marketing communication via the Internet, home videos, smartphones, and social media, Dimensions of Advertising Theory and Practice in Africa is a comprehensive survey both of Africa's contributions to the globalized advertising industry and of the industry's profound affect on African economies and cultures. The first collection of its kind, the book marks an important moment in the study of marketing communication in Africa. It will be an essential text for years to come.
Dining in the Dark: A Famed Restaurant Critic's Struggle with and Triumph over Depression
by Bryan MillerThe Rise and Fall of the World&’s Most Powerful Restaurant Critic and His Battle with Severe, Debilitating Depression From the early 1980s to the mid-1990s, Bryan Miller was a household name among restaurant goers in the greater New York City area and beyond as the restaurant critic for the New York Times, as well as the author of numerous books, a public speaker, and a radio and television commentator. Over ten years as a columnist, he dined out more than five thousand times in the United States and abroad, from haute to humble. The Wine Spectator, in a front-page profile, declared Miller &“the most powerful restaurant critic in America.&” And for much of that time, he wanted to die.Dining in the Dark chronicles Miller&’s battle with Bipolar II disorder, also known as depression, which ruined his life, professionally and personally. Depression was directly responsible for his surrendering the New York Times restaurant column and, shortly thereafter, leaving the paper altogether. Everything he had worked for so diligently, rising from cub reporter to big-city columnist in less than a decade, vanished. In the ensuing years, unable to work, he lost his home, his life savings, two wonderful wives, the chance to have a family, and numerous friends and colleagues. He became increasingly reclusive; like many victims of serious depression, he reached the point where he was afraid to answer the phone. Pile on a brain tumor, electroshock therapy, a near-fatal bout with Lyme disease, accidental drug overdoses (he was once carried out of the newsroom on a gurney), and you have a life in shambles.Dining in the Dark tells the story of Miller&’s battle, but it also brings hope by sharing his journey to coping with, and finally conquering, his depression. The coping mechanisms he employed in order to get through the day will be of benefit to those in need of a helping hand. Dining in the Dark is philosophical, inspirational, educational, and even humorous at times. And, of course, there are lots of inside-the-New York Times anecdotes, as well as lots of food, wine, travel, and celebrity.
Dinner with Joseph Johnson: Books and Friendship in a Revolutionary Age
by Daisy HayA fascinating portrait of a radical age through the writers associated with a London publisher and bookseller—from William Wordsworth and Mary Wollstonecraft to Benjamin FranklinOnce a week, in late eighteenth-century London, writers of contrasting politics and personalities gathered around a dining table. The veal and boiled vegetables may have been unappetising but the company was convivial and the conversation brilliant and unpredictable. The host was Joseph Johnson, publisher and bookseller: a man at the heart of literary life. In this book, Daisy Hay paints a remarkable portrait of a revolutionary age through the connected stories of the men and women who wrote it into being, and whose ideas still influence us today.Johnson’s years as a publisher, 1760 to 1809, witnessed profound political, social, cultural and religious changes—from the American and French revolutions to birth of the Romantic age—and many of his dinner guests and authors were at the center of events. The shifting constellation of extraordinary people at Johnson’s table included William Blake, William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Benjamin Franklin, the scientist Joseph Priestly and the Swiss artist Henry Fuseli, as well as a group of extraordinary women—Mary Wollstonecraft, the novelist Maria Edgeworth, and the poet Anna Barbauld. These figures pioneered revolutions in science and medicine, proclaimed the rights of women and children and charted the evolution of Britain’s relationship with America and Europe. As external forces conspired to silence their voices, Johnson made them heard by continuing to publish them, just as his table gave them refuge.A rich work of biography and cultural history, Dinner with Joseph Johnson is an entertaining and enlightening story of a group of people who left an indelible mark on the modern age.
Diplomacy, Organisations and Citizens: A European Communication Perspective
by Sónia Pedro Sebastião Susana de Carvalho SpínolaThis book uses an innovative interdisciplinary approach to explain how communication is a necessary condition for diplomacy in a digital and relationship-driven world. Divided into three parts, it highlights the importance of communication strategies and processes in contemporary society and in current global socio-political events in general, particularly within the field of diplomacy. The first part discusses the main theoretical debates that shaped the central concepts of the project, while the second part of the book presents further practical approaches and examples of diplomatic practice. Lastly, the third part focuses on pedagogical and methodological approaches, which can be useful in diplomacy and communication classes and for the implementation of a European curriculum. This interdisciplinary book will appeal to students, researchers, policy-makers, and practitioners from various disciplines, including international relations, political science, business, and communication.
Diplomatic and Political Interpreting Explained (Translation Practices Explained)
by Mira Kadrić Sylvi Rennert Christina SchäffnerThe role of the interpreter at international meetings of politicians and diplomats is a critical one. This book examines the history of diplomacy and diplomatic interpreting as well as the rules and realities of modern diplomatic relations. Building on interviews with interpreters, diplomats and politicians, it examines language as a tool of diplomatic and political communication, the role of interpreters in diplomacy, and the different forms of interaction and communicative behaviour interpreters face and exhibit. The book covers the different ways in which interpreters manage information, expressivity, and interaction, and what diplomats think about it. Each chapter presents key concepts and definitions; examples from existing literature are combined with interviews conducted with professional interpreters as well as seasoned diplomats and politicians to illustrate their relevance in interpreting practice. With activities for group work and self-study, including analysis and discussion of real-life interpreted diplomatic or political events, this book offers a range of interpreting exercises that encourage students to apply the different strategies discussed in the book. Weaving together the voices of interpreters, diplomats, and politicians with a systematic look at the theory and practice of interpreting in diplomatic settings, this is not only an essential textbook for interpreting students and educators but will also be of interest to professional interpreters and students and scholars of politics and international relations. Additional resources are available on the Routledge Translation Studies Portal: http://routledgetranslationstudiesportal.com
Direct Hit!
by Caroline Margaret SutherlandShe's a well-known author. He's a handsome, educated medical professional. How does a storybook romance turn into a Facebook nightmare of shattered trust, defamation, and even identity theft?Direct Hit! How Facebook Destroyed My Marriage and How I Healed is a harrowing account of what can and does happen on Facebook and other social media sites with alarming regularity. When Caroline Sutherland made the shocking discovery that her husband was romancing other women on Facebook-using her online profile-she didn't know that that was just the tip of the iceberg. In this riveting exposé, she charts the steps she took to uncover his criminal activities online and the legal channels she followed to seek justice.As inspiring as it is page-turning, this book is a wake-up call for readers who wonder what their spouses are really doing on the Internet. Sutherland offers straight talk about the uses and misuses of social media, practical ways for families to stay safe on Facebook, and the spiritual wisdom that can lead to healing after a betrayal of epic proportions.
Directness and Indirectness Across Cultures
by Sara Mills Karen GraingerThis book analyses the complex relationship between directness, indirectness, politeness and impoliteness. Definitions of directness and indirectness are discussed and problematised from a discursive theoretical perspective.
Dirty Cities
by Leila Simona Talani Alexander Clarkson Ramon Pacheco PardoOver the last three decades, the rapid growth of transport and telecommunications systems and the expansion of transnational diasporas have intensified links between the urban spaces of Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. Increasing global mobility has fostered the development of 'informal' trading networks in which diaspora communities play a central role. As a consequence, the shadow economies of societies with vastly different levels of prosperity have begun to come into contact with one another. While the economic consequences of diaspora trading networks have been extensively explored over the past few decades, the impact of globalization on the economic underground has received much less attention. This volume elaborates on the definition of globalization, on its impact on illegal and illicit activities, and on the role of the 'Global City' as the intersection between the local and the global which allows for the empowerment of generally marginalized actors often through technological progress. The contributors explore the dark side of globalization, more specifically, the relations between globalization and the new dynamics of legal/illegal practices in urban settings of global cities.
Dirty French: Everyday Slang from "What's Up?" to "F*%# Off!" (Dirty Everyday Slang)
by Henry Rowe Adrien ClautrierLearn the slang words, modern phrases, and curses they definitely never taught you in French class with this super-handy and hilariously improper English-French phrasebook.You already know enough French to get by, but you want to be able to tell those inside jokes, greet your friends in a laid-back manner, and casually pick someone up at a bar. From &“what&’s up?&” to &“Wanna go home with me?&” Dirty French will teach you how to speak like you're a regular on the streets of Paris. But you&’ll also discover material that goes beyond a traditional phrasebook, including: Hilarious insults Provocative facts Explicit swear words Themed French cocktails And more! Next time you&’re traveling or chatting with your friends in &“the language of love,&” pick up this book, drop the textbook formality, and get dirty!