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Distinctive Qualities in Communication Research

by Donal Carbaugh Patrice M. Buzzanell

This timely volume provides an in-depth look at why the field of communication is so central in initiatives for social impact around the world. In Distinctive Qualities in Communication Research, editors Donal Carbaugh and Patrice M. Buzzanell bring together scholars with varied and productive approaches to communication to address the question of what distinguishes communication research from similar studies in other disciplines. Each contributor responds to the question: "What makes your research communication research? How does your program of inquiry treat communication not simply as data, but as its primary theoretical concern?" Their responses are the heart of this book. The questions addressed and answered herein define the qualities that set research in communication apart from work in related fields, such as social psychology, linguistics, sociology, anthropology, and psychology. The book begins and ends by looking across these studies generally, bringing into view not only the specific possibilities in the study of communication today, but also what such study contributes generally to understanding human problems, social relations, and communities. This volume provides an invaluable resource for graduate students beginning their study in communication; academics needing to define the distinctive contributions that communication research makes; and administrators who want to understand the scope and breadth of work in communication. It provides an invaluable resource for defining the role of communication research in the academic community and the contributions it makes to the study of human interaction.

Distributed Computing and Intelligent Technology: 20th International Conference, ICDCIT 2024, Bhubaneswar, India, January 17–20, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14501)

by Stéphane Devismes Partha Sarathi Mandal V. Vijaya Saradhi Bhanu Prasad Anisur Rahaman Molla Gokarna Sharma

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Intelligent Technology, ICDCIT 2024, which was held in Bhubaneswar, India, during January 17–20, 2024. The 24 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 116 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: Distributed Computing (DC) and Intelligent Technology (IT). The DC track solicits original research papers contributing to the foundations and applications of distributed computing, whereas the IT track solicits original research papers contributing to the foundations and applications of Intelligent Technology.

Distributed Computing and Intelligent Technology: 19th International Conference, ICDCIT 2023, Bhubaneswar, India, January 18–22, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13776)

by Anisur Rahaman Molla Gokarna Sharma Pradeep Kumar Sanjay Rawat

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Intelligent Technology, ICDCIT 2023, which was held in Bhubaneswar, India, in January 2023.The 20 full papers and 9 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 55 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: Invited Talks; Distributed Computing; Intelligent Technology.

Distributed Control and Optimization of Networked Microgrids: A Multi-Agent System Based Approach (Power Systems)

by Lei Ding Qing-Long Han Boda Ning

This book presents new techniques and methods for distributed control and optimization of networked microgrids. Distributed consensus issues under network-based and event-triggered mechanisms are first addressed in a multi-agent system framework, which can explicitly characterize the relationship between communication resources and the control performance. Then, considering the effects of network uncertainties, multi-agent system-based distributed schemes are tailored to solve the fundamental issues of networked microgrids such as distributed frequency regulation, voltage regulation, active power sharing/load sharing, and energy management. The monograph will contribute to stimulating extensive interest of researchers in electrical and control fields.

Distributed Machine Learning and Computing: Theory and Applications (Big and Integrated Artificial Intelligence #2)

by M. Hadi Amini

This book focuses on a wide range of distributed machine learning and computing algorithms and their applications in healthcare and engineering systems. The contributors explore how these techniques can be applied to different real-world problems. It is suitable for students and researchers interested in conducting research in multidisciplinary areas that rely on distributed machine learning and computing techniques.

Distributed Medium Access Control in Wireless Networks

by Weihua Zhuang Ping Wang

This brief investigates distributed medium access control (MAC) with QoS provisioning for both single- and multi-hop wireless networks including wireless local area networks (WLANs), wireless ad hoc networks, and wireless mesh networks. For WLANs, an efficient MAC scheme and a call admission control algorithm are presented to provide guaranteed QoS for voice traffic and, at the same time, increase the voice capacity significantly compared with the current WLAN standard. In addition, a novel token-based scheduling scheme is proposed to provide great flexibility and facility to the network service provider for service class management. Also proposed is a novel busy-tone based distributed MAC scheme for wireless ad hoc networks and a collision-free MAC scheme for wireless mesh networks, respectively, taking the different network characteristics into consideration. The proposed schemes enhance the QoS provisioning capability to real-time traffic and, at the same time, significantly improve the system throughput and fairness performance for data traffic, as compared with the most popular IEEE 802.11 MAC scheme.

Distributed Real-Time Systems: Theory and Practice (Computer Communications and Networks)

by K. Erciyes

This classroom-tested textbook describes the design and implementation of software for distributed real-time systems, using a bottom-up approach. The text addresses common challenges faced in software projects involving real-time systems, and presents a novel method for simply and effectively performing all of the software engineering steps. Each chapter opens with a discussion of the core concepts, together with a review of the relevant methods and available software. This is then followed with a description of the implementation of the concepts in a sample kernel, complete with executable code.Topics and features: introduces the fundamentals of real-time systems, including real-time architecture and distributed real-time systems; presents a focus on the real-time operating system, covering the concepts of task, memory, and input/output management; provides a detailed step-by-step construction of a real-time operating system kernel, which is then used to test various higher level implementations; describes periodic and aperiodic scheduling, resource management, and distributed scheduling; reviews the process of application design from high-level design methods to low-level details of design and implementation; surveys real-time programming languages and fault tolerance techniques; includes end-of-chapter review questions, extensive C code, numerous examples, and a case study implementing the methods in real-world applications; supplies additional material at an associated website.Requiring only a basic background in computer architecture and operating systems, this practically-oriented work is an invaluable study aid for senior undergraduate and graduate-level students of electrical and computer engineering, and computer science. The text will also serve as a useful general reference for researchers interested in real-time systems.

Distributed Sensor Systems

by Jose M. Alcaraz Calero Habib F. Rashvand

This book focuses on the distinct but tightly inter-related areas of development for distributed sensing systemsIn this book, the authors discuss the technological developments lead by sensor technology, addressing viable new applications to inspire a technological evolution. Under the advanced and visionary approach of distributed intelligence, the authors focus on three distinct but tightly inter-related areas of developments for distributed sensing systems (DSS): firstly, the sensor technology embracing the conversion of the phenomena of interest into desirable form of signal such as electric, secondly, the interaction process between sensing points which requires immense intelligence loosely called networking, and finally, the adoption of useful maturing systems through potential applications for right impacts for a better life and a brighter economy. Furthermore, the book contains a number of case studies and typical applications illustrating the technical details, features and functions of the systems, as well as demonstrating their benefits and limitations.Key Features:Discusses the technological developments lead by sensor technologyAddresses viable new applicationsContains a number of case studies and typical applications illustrating the technical details, features and functions of the systemsDemonstrates the benefits and limitations of distributed sensingWritten by experts with vast experience in the field (both in academia and industry)This book will be an invaluable reference for postgraduates studying related courses (communication engineering, engineering management, computer systems, industrial process, automation, design, environmental, urban, surveillance), R&D engineers, system and application designers, researchers, industrial project managers and engineers, and technical and strategic managers planning new products.

Distributed Space-Time Coding

by Yindi Jing

Distributed Space-Time Coding (DSTC) is a cooperative relaying scheme that enables high reliability in wireless networks. This brief presents the basic concept of DSTC, its achievable performance, generalizations, code design, and differential use. Recent results on training design and channel estimation for DSTC and the performance of training-based DSTC are also discussed.

Ditch the Pitch

by Steve Yastrow

In today's world, customers don't want to hear sales pitches, but so many salespeople still rely on them. In his breakthrough handbook, Ditch the Pitch, Steve Yastrow, founder of a successful business strategy consulting firm, asks us to throw out everything we've been taught about pitching to customers. Steve's advice: tear up your sales pitch and instead improvise persuasive conversations. Ditch the Pitch is an essential read for salespeople, business managers, and anyone wishing to persuade those around them. Organized into six habits, with each habit consisting of three practices necessary for mastery, Ditch the Pitch is designed to teach Yastrow's approach to fresh, spontaneous, persuasive conversations. These new skills will show the reader how to identify the details that make each customer unique and subsequently navigate a conversation that focuses on the right message for the right customer at the right time. Throughout the book, the author quotes well-known improv comedians and musicians. He translates the techniques these artists use when improvising to create persuasive situations with customers. With the new confidence Ditch the Pitch offers, you will become master of the art of on-the-spot, engaging, and effective customer interactions. Let go of pre-written scripts and embrace Yastrow's guidelines for effortlessly enabling spontaneous conversations that persuade customers to say "yes. "

DITA for Practitioners Volume 1

by Eliot Kimber

DITA expert Eliot Kimber takes you inside the DITA XML standard, explaining the architecture and technology that make DITA unique. Volume 1 of his two-volume exploration of DITA starts with a hands-on explanation of end-to-end DITA processing that will get you up and running fast. Then, he explores the DITA architecture, explaining maps and topics, structural patterns, metadata, linking and addressing, keys and key references, relationship tables, conditional processing, reuse, and more. DITA for Practitioners Volume 1: Architecture and Technology is for engineers, tool builders, and content strategists: anyone who designs, implements, or supports DITA-based systems and needs a deeper understanding of DITA technology. Kimber's unique perspective unwraps the puzzle that is DITA, explaining the rationale for its design and structure, and giving you an unvarnished, detailed look inside this important technology.

Diverse Voices in Chinese Translation and Interpreting: Theory and Practice (New Frontiers in Translation Studies)

by Riccardo Moratto Martin Woesler

This book presents a thoughtful and thorough account of diverse studies on Chinese translation and interpreting (TI). It introduces readers to a plurality of scholarly voices focusing on different aspects of Chinese TI from an interdisciplinary and international perspective. The book brings together eighteen essays by scholars at different stages of their careers with different relationships to translation and interpreting studies. Readers will approach Chinese TI studies from different standpoints, namely socio-historical, literary, policy-related, interpreting, and contemporary translation practice. Given its focus, the book benefits researchers and students who are interested in a global scholarly approach to Chinese TI. The book offers a unique window on topical issues in Chinese TI theory and practice. It is hoped that this book encourages a multilateral, dynamic, and international approach in a scholarly discussion where, more often than not, approaches tend to get dichotomized. This book aims at bringing together international leading scholars with the same passion, that is delving into the theoretical and practical aspects of Chinese TI.

La diversidad del español y su enseñanza (Routledge Advances in Spanish Language Teaching)

by Natividad Hernández Muñoz Javier Muñoz-Basols Carlos Soler Montes

La diversidad del español y su enseñanza es la primera publicación concebida para reflexionar sobre la diversidad de la lengua desde un punto de vista crítico, interdisciplinario, institucional, aplicado e internacional. El análisis de doce lecturas y de una detallada guía de explotación didáctica potencian la adquisición de conocimientos sobre la lengua y desvelan la complejidad de la investigación sobre las variedades del español. Características principales: • Artículos de investigación desde diferentes enfoques y perspectivas; • Actividades de reflexión para verificar la asimilación de contenidos; • Análisis crítico de extractos y citas de autoridad (español e inglés); • Preguntas analíticas sobre el estado de la cuestión y recursos institucionales; • Modelos metodológicos de investigación empírica sobre la diversidad de la lengua; • Propuestas de temas para la investigación y el debate dentro y fuera del aula; • Pautas bibliográficas detalladas para profundizar sobre la materia; • Selección de conceptos clave para potenciar la adquisición de terminología lingüística; • Glosario bilingüe en línea (español e inglés) sobre variedades del español, sociolingüística aplicada y política lingüística; • Soluciones de las guías de lectura e información complementaria. Diseñado como libro de texto o material de autoaprendizaje, La diversidad del español y su enseñanza es una herramienta imprescindible para familiarizarse con la diversidad de la lengua. La información será de interés y aplicable en contextos académicos y profesionales de enseñanza, diseño curricular y elaboración de materiales didácticos de español como lengua extranjera o segunda y de herencia. Cualquier investigador, profesor, estudiante o lector podrá acceder de manera crítica y pautada a esta importante parcela de conocimiento sobre el idioma. La diversidad del español y su enseñanza brings together twelve articles that investigate Spanish linguistic variation and the impact this has on Spanish language teaching. Based on a special edition of the Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, each chapter here presents an article from the Journal with an additional reading guide designed to transform the information into a pedagogical tool that can be used and applied in the classroom. Each article is accompanied by critical analysis, reflection activities, questions for future research and debate, and suggestions for further reading. A bilingual glossary covering key terms within Spanish language variation, applied sociolinguistics and language policy is available online at This book is a practical overview of the evolution and current state of the study of Spanish language variation and will be of most interest to researchers and teachers of Spanish as a second language who will gain insight into how to include linguistic variation in their teaching.

Diversity and Inclusion in Young Adult Publishing, 1960–1980 (Elements in Publishing and Book Culture)

by Karen Sands-O'Connor

This Element examines the early years of British Young Adult (YA) publishing at three strategic publishing houses: Penguin, Heinemann and Macmillan. Specifically, it discusses their YA imprints (Penguin Peacocks, Heinemann New Windmills and Macmillan Topliners), all created at a time when the population of Britain was changing and becoming more diverse. Migration of colonial and former colonial subjects from the Caribbean, India, and Africa contributed to a change in the ethnic makeup of Britain, especially in major urban centres such as London, Birmingham and Manchester. While publishing has typically been seen as slow to respond to societal changes in children's literature, all three of these Young Adult imprints attempted to address and include Black British and British Asian readers and characters in their books; ultimately, however, their focus remained on white readers' concerns.

Diversity Competence: Cultures Don’t Meet, People Do

by Dr Edwin Hoffman Arjan Verdooren

In today's world many people live, learn and work in international and multicultural environments. Intercultural communication has become an important topic in many fields of work and study. Given the complexities of globalization, knowledge of cultures and cultural differences is rarely sufficient. In this book, interpersonal communication forms the point of departure: the meeting of people, not of cultures. The authors describe what diversity competence entails: which processes, challenges and skills are relevant in a 'superdiverse' world. They demonstrate how the TOPOI model offers an inclusive, communicative approach to analyzing and addressing potential miscommunication. - Addresses controversial topics frankly and clearly without being simplistic. - Discusses theory from several different fields. - Case studies provide practical examples and guidelines. - Companion website with extra case studies and study assignments. The target audience for Diversity Competence includes students, educators and professionals in the fields of communication and media, business, management and leadership, governance and international relations and cooperation.

Diversity Competence: Cultures Don’t Meet, People Do

by Dr Edwin Hoffman Arjan Verdooren

In today's world many people live, learn and work in international and multicultural environments. Intercultural communication has become an important topic in many fields of work and study. Given the complexities of globalization, knowledge of cultures and cultural differences is rarely sufficient. In this book, interpersonal communication forms the point of departure: the meeting of people, not of cultures. The authors describe what diversity competence entails: which processes, challenges and skills are relevant in a 'superdiverse' world. They demonstrate how the TOPOI model offers an inclusive, communicative approach to analyzing and addressing potential miscommunication. - Addresses controversial topics frankly and clearly without being simplistic. - Discusses theory from several different fields. - Case studies provide practical examples and guidelines. - Companion website with extra case studies and study assignments. The target audience for Diversity Competence includes students, educators and professionals in the fields of communication and media, business, management and leadership, governance and international relations and cooperation.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Strategic Communications: Becoming Culturally Proficient Communicators

by Karen Lindsey Lee Bush

Taking a DEI-first approach, this book teaches students to become culturally proficient communicators by approaching diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) with intentionality in every aspect of strategic communications. Those who work in strategic communications play a powerful role in shaping public perceptions and thus have a crucial responsibility to understand and practice the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion in their work. This book introduces students to DEI theories and concepts and guides them through applying these concepts to communications research, planning, and execution. Chapters in the book align with the courses and competencies most often taught in advertising and public relations programs. It also includes chapters on “Inclusive Leadership” and “Working on Diverse Teams,” as students will need these competencies when working on group class projects and in preparing for internships. The concluding chapter on “Communicating for Social Change” allows students to look beyond advertising and PR as corporate-centered disciplines and expand their understanding of the power of communications to advocate for social justice and change. Ideal for students at the undergraduate level with relevance to graduate students as well, the book can be used as a stand-alone text in DEI communications courses, as a supplement to core advertising or public relations texts, or in modules in advanced communications courses. Online materials for instructors include teaching tips, suggested discussions and activities, student assignments, sample quizzes, and video links. They are available at

The Diversity Gap: Where Good Intentions Meet True Cultural Change

by Bethaney Wilkinson

A sweeping leadership framework to institute clear and intentional actions throughout your organization so that people of all racial backgrounds are empowered to lead, collaborate, and excel at work.The Diversity Gap is a fearless, groundbreaking guide to help leaders at every level shatter the barriers that are causing diversity efforts to fail.Combining real-world research with honest first-person experiences, racial justice facilitator Bethaney Wilkinson provides leaders a replicable structure to foster a diverse culture of belonging within your organization.With illuminating and challenging insights on every page, you will:Better understand today&’s racial climate and its negative impact on your organization and team;Be equipped to shift your organizational culture from one that has good intentions for &“diversity&” to one that addresses systemic barriers to all employees thriving at work; andBe emboldened to participate in creating an organizational culture where people from various racial backgrounds are growing in their purpose, making their highest contributions, and collaborating effectively towards greater impact at work and in the world.Ultimately, The Diversity Gap is the quantum shift between well-intentioned organizational diversity programs that do little to move the needle and a lasting culture of equity and belonging that can transform your organization and outpace your industry.

Diversity in der Wirtschaftskommunikation (Europäische Kulturen in der Wirtschaftskommunikation #36)

by Marcus Stumpf

Diversity bedeutet Vielfalt oder Verschiedenheit. Bezogen auf sozialpolitische Felder bezieht Diversity sich zumeist auf den Schutz der Dimensionen geschlechtliche Identität, sexuelle Orientierung, Religion und Weltanschauung, ethnische Herkunft bzw. Nationalität, Alter sowie körperliche und geistige Verfassung. In Bezug auf diese Anwendungsfelder lässt sich ein konstanter Wandel in der Gesellschaft feststellen. Welche Konsequenzen diese Veränderungen auf die Wirtschaftskommunikation haben und wie Unternehmens- bzw. Marketingkommunikation mit Diversität umgehen, untersuchen die Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Bandes.

Diversity in U.S. Mass Media

by Catherine A. Luther Naeemah Clark Carolyn Ringer Lepre

Provides students with clear and up-to-date coverage of the various areas associated with representations of diversity within the mass media Diversity in U.S. Mass Media is designed to help undergraduate and graduate students deepen the conversations around diversity, equity, and inclusion in the media industries. Identifying consistencies and differences in representations of social identity groups in the United States, this comprehensive textbook critically examines a wide range of issues surrounding media portrayals of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, class, and religion. Throughout the text, students are encouraged to contextualize various issues, place one social group within the framework of others, and consider how diverse communities inform and intersect with each other. Now in its third edition, Diversity in U.S. Mass Media addresses ongoing problematic portrayals, highlights recent progress, presents new research studies and observations, and offers innovative approaches for promoting positive change across the media landscape. Two entirely new chapters explore the ways identity-based social movements, Artificial Intelligence (AI), gaming, social media, and social activism construct, challenge, and defend representations of different groups. Updated references and new examples of social group depictions in streaming services and digital media are accompanied by expanded discussion of intersectionality, social activism, creating inclusive learning and working environments, media depictions of mixed-race individuals and couples, and more. Offering fresh insights into the contemporary issues surrounding depictions of social groups in films, television, and the press, Diversity in U.S. Mass Media: Examines the historical evolution and current media depictions of American Indians, African Americans, Latino/Hispanic Americans, Arab Americans, and Asian Americans Helps prepare students in Journalism and Mass Communication programs to work in diverse teams Covers the theoretical foundations of research in mass media representations, including social comparison theory and feminist theory Contains a wealth of real-world examples illustrating the concepts and perspectives discussed in each chapter Includes access to an instructor's website with a test bank, viewing list, exercises, sample syllabi, and other useful pedagogical tools Diversity in U.S. Mass Media, Third Edition, remains an ideal textbook for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses in Media Communication, Film and Television Studies, Journalism, American Studies, Entertainment and Media Research, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).

Diversity & Inclusion in Strategie und Kommunikation: Vielfalt in Konzeption, Kultur und Sprache im Unternehmen

by Annika Schach

Dieses Buch bietet den ersten umfassenden Gesamtblick auf Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) in der Unternehmenspraxis – von den Grundlagen über Strategie und Maßnahmen bis zur Unternehmenskommunikation. Es richtet sich an alle, die sich professionell mit Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit im Arbeitsalltag beschäftigen und D&I in Organisationen vorantreiben wollen.Diversitätssensible Unternehmen sind wirtschaftlich erfolgreicher und für Bewerber:innen und Mitarbeitende interessant. Aber wie gelingt es, in der strategischen Entwicklung, der Organisationskultur und Kommunikation ein erfolgreiches Umfeld für Vielfalt zu schaffen? Die Autorin entwickelt wissenschaftlich fundierte, praxisnahe Modelle und Handlungsempfehlungen für Diversity & Inclusion und beschreibt den Weg zu einer vielfältigen und respektvollen Arbeitsumgebung anhand konkreter Beispiele.

The Diversity Style Guide: A Journalist's Handbook

by Rachele Kanigel

A companion to the online resource of the same name, The Diversity Style Guide raises the consciousness of journalists who strive to be accurate. Based on studies, news reports and style guides, as well as interviews with more than 50 journalists and experts, it offers the best, most up-to-date advice on writing about underrepresented and often misrepresented groups. Addressing such thorny questions as whether the words Black and White should be capitalized when referring to race and which pronouns to use for people who don’t identify as male or female, the book helps readers navigate the minefield of names, terms, labels and colloquialisms that come with living in a diverse society. <p><p> The Diversity Style Guide comes in two parts. Part One offers enlightening chapters on Why is Diversity So Important; Implicit Bias; Black Americans; Native People; Hispanics and Latinos; Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders; Arab Americans and Muslim Americans; Immigrants and Immigration; Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation; People with Disabilities; Gender Equality in the News Media; Mental Illness, Substance Abuse and Suicide; and Diversity and Inclusion in a Changing Industry. Part Two includes Diversity and Inclusion Activities and an A-Z Guide with more than 500 terms. <p> The Diversity Style Guide is first and foremost a guide for journalists, but it is also an important resource for journalism and writing instructors, as well as other media professionals. In addition, it will appeal to those in other fields looking to make informed choices in their word usage and their personal interactions.

A Divided Union: Structural Challenges to Bipartisanship in America

by Dario Moreno, Eduardo Gamarra, Rep. Patrick E. Murphy, and Rep. David Jolly

A Divided Union delves deep into ten pressing political challenges that former US Representatives Patrick Murphy (D) and David Jolly (R) have identified over their multiple terms in Congress and that continue to plague the American electorate today. In an introduction describing their unique paths to Congress, Murphy and Jolly focus in detail on key institutional barriers they faced in Washington in attempting to do the job voters elected them to do. They introduce us to geographic challenges, demographic change, a polarized media, gerrymandering, the role of money in politics, the structure of primary elections, and several other aspects of political life on Capitol Hill. The core of the book is original analysis by experts who tackle these topics in a manner relevant to both the seasoned political science student as well as the general reader. From the commercials we see on TV to the city council districts in which we live, these concerns shape every facet of our public lives and are distilled here in a careful synthesis of years of experience and research. Contributors include former federal elected officials, political science professors, members of the press, and scholars immersed in their fields of study. While other textbooks may examine similar issues, few have been edited by former members of the U.S. House who have walked the halls of Congress and directly experienced political dysfunction at so many levels – and are willing to address it. A Divided Union is appropriate for all political science students as well as the general public frustrated and alarmed by political gridlock.

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly: A Memoir of Life in Death

by Jean-Dominique Bauby Jeremy Leggatt

In December 1995, Jean-Dominique Bauby, the forty-three-year-old editor of French Elle, suffered a massive stroke that left him completely and permanently paralyzed, a victim of "locked-in syndrome." Where once he had been renowned for his gregariousness and wit, Bauby now found himself imprisoned in an inert body, able to communicate only by blinking his left eye. The miracle is that in doing so he was able to compose this stunningly eloquent memoir, which was published two days before Bauby's death in 1996 and went on to become a number-one bestseller across Europe. The second miracle is that is less a record of affliction than it is a celebration of the liberating power of consciousness. In a voice that is by turns wistful and mischievous, angry and sardonic, Bauby tells us what it is like to spend a day with his children; to imagine lying in bed beside his lover; to conjure up the flavor of delectable meals even as he is fed by tube. Most of all, this triumphant book allows us to follow the flight of an indomitable spirit and to share its exultation at its own survival. (Taken from the back cover)

DIY Citizenship: Critical Making and Social Media (The\mit Press Ser.)

by Megan Boler Matt Ratto

How social media and DIY communities have enabled new forms of political participation that emphasize doing and making rather than passive consumption.Today, DIY—do-it-yourself—describes more than self-taught carpentry. Social media enables DIY citizens to organize and protest in new ways (as in Egypt's “Twitter revolution” of 2011) and to repurpose corporate content (or create new user-generated content) in order to offer political counternarratives. This book examines the usefulness and limits of DIY citizenship, exploring the diverse forms of political participation and “critical making” that have emerged in recent years. The authors and artists in this collection describe DIY citizens whose activities range from activist fan blogging and video production to knitting and the creation of community gardens.Contributors examine DIY activism, describing new modes of civic engagement that include Harry Potter fan activism and the activities of the Yes Men. They consider DIY making in learning, culture, hacking, and the arts, including do-it-yourself media production and collaborative documentary making. They discuss DIY and design and how citizens can unlock the black box of technological infrastructures to engage and innovate open and participatory critical making. And they explore DIY and media, describing activists' efforts to remake and reimagine media and the public sphere. As these chapters make clear, DIY is characterized by its emphasis on “doing” and making rather than passive consumption. DIY citizens assume active roles as interventionists, makers, hackers, modders, and tinkerers, in pursuit of new forms of engaged and participatory democracy.ContributorsMike Ananny, Chris Atton, Alexandra Bal, Megan Boler, Catherine Burwell, Red Chidgey, Andrew Clement, Negin Dahya, Suzanne de Castell, Carl DiSalvo, Kevin Driscoll, Christina Dunbar-Hester, Joseph Ferenbok, Stephanie Fisher, Miki Foster, Stephen Gilbert, Henry Jenkins, Jennifer Jenson, Yasmin B. Kafai, Ann Light, Steve Mann, Joel McKim, Brenda McPhail, Owen McSwiney, Joshua McVeigh-Schultz, Graham Meikle, Emily Rose Michaud, Kate Milberry, Michael Murphy, Jason Nolan, Kate Orton-Johnson, Kylie A. Peppler, David J. Phillips, Karen Pollock, Matt Ratto, Ian Reilly, Rosa Reitsamer, Mandy Rose, Daniela K. Rosner, Yukari Seko, Karen Louise Smith, Lana Swartz, Alex Tichine, Jennette Weber, Elke Zobl

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