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Domina Las Apps: Una Guía para Principiantes para Comenzar a Ganar Dinero con Apps
by Adidas WilsonLas teconlogías de la comunicación avanzan constatemente para adaptarse a los tiempos. Las apps de mensajes son algo enorme ahora. Han superdo completamente a las redes sociales al convertirse en nuestra forma primaria de comunicación. Cuando la mayoría de los empresarios inician, les gusta leer artículos sobre "cómo arrasar con tu primer app," "contruyendo la app de mil millones de dólares" y muchos libros relcionados a este tema. Están pegados a este lado de la historia y cegados al otro. A fin de tener tu propia historia de éxito, debes descubrir por qué otras apps fallan. La dolorosa verdad es que hay más app fallidas que apps exitosas.
Dominando el Podcasting: Cómo iniciar, hacer crecer y monetizar tu podcast
by Adidas WilsonUn podcast es, básicamente, algo parecido a una radio online. La única diferencia es que presenta ciertas ventajas, como la posibilidad de escucharlo cuando lo desees en lugar de tener que hacerlo en un determinado día u horario. Si bien los podcasts se parecen a los programas de entrevistas de la radio, son al mismo tiempo muy diferentes, como sucede con los videos de YouTube y la televisión. Un podcast se describe mejor como una serie de episodios almacenados en archivos de audio, del mismo tipo de los que usas para escuchar música en tu smartphone o en tu computadora . Al igual que cualquier otro programa de entrevistas de radio o televisión, un podcast generalmente trata sobre una categoría en particular: puede ser juegos, terror, entretenimiento, deportes, política, etc. En cada episodio, se aborda un tema de esa categoría. Puedes optar por suscribirte al podcast (generalmente es gratuito) o escuchar un tema en especial. Pod Saves America es un podcast muy popular que aborda las noticias políticas en forma progresiva. Los anfitriones son Daniel Pfeiffer, Jon Lovett, Tommy Vietor y Jon Favreau. Suelen invitar a expertos para que compartan sus opiniones. Los episodios se centran principalmente en cuestiones políticas como ser la reforma fiscal o la asistencia sanitaria. Otro podcast es The Critical Role.
Dominando o Podcasting
by Adidas WilsonBasicamente, um podcast é como uma forma online de rádio. A única diferença é que você tem certas vantagens em um podcast, como a capacidade de ouvir quando quiser, em vez de em um determinado horário ou dia. Embora os podcasts sejam um pouco como os talk shows de rádio, eles são, ao mesmo tempo, muito diferentes - como vídeos do YouTube e televisão. Um podcast é melhor descrito como uma série de episódios armazenados em arquivos de áudio, do mesmo tipo que você usa para músicas em seu smartphone ou laptop. Assim como qualquer outro programa de entrevistas de rádio ou televisão, um podcast geralmente é baseado em um tema - pense em jogos, horror, entretenimento, esportes, política etc. A cada episódio, um assunto desse tema é abordado. Você pode optar por assinar o podcast (normalmente gratuito) ou ouvir um assunto específico. Um podcast popular nos EUA é o Pod Salva a América (Pod Saves America). que aborda as notícias políticas progressivamente. No Brasil, podemos citar o Ideias (da Gazeta do Povo), com diferentes apresentadores, dentre eles o conhecido jornalista Alexandre Garcia. Os anfitriões são Daniel Pfeiffer, Jon Lovett, Tommy Vietor e Jon Favreau. Eles, frequentemente, convidam especialistas como convidados para dar suas opiniões. Os episódios se concentram principalmente em questões políticas, como reforma tributária ou assistência médica. Outro podcast americano é o Papel Crítico (Critical Role) .
Dominar la SEO: La guía de usuario definitiva para la optimización de motores de búsqueda
by Adidas WilsonComo verá pronto, los motores de búsqueda son una de las principales formas en que los usuarios de Internet encontrarán un sitio web. Por eso, es probable que un sitio bien posicionado en las listas de los motores de búsqueda experimente un aumento dramático en el tráfico que recibe. Aunque todo el mundo quiere estar bien posicionado en los listados, lamentablemente hay muchos sitios donde no aparecen o aparecen mal en los rankings de los motores de búsqueda. Esto se debe a que no han considerado exactamente cómo funciona un motor de búsqueda. Olvidan que presentarse a los motores de búsqueda es solamente una parte de la ecuación en la intención de que su sitio obtenga una buena clasificación en los motores de búsqueda. Por lo tanto, es importante que prepare su sitio mediante la optimización de motores de búsqueda.
Dominion and Agency
by Eli MaclarenThe 1867 Canadian confederation brought with it expectations of a national literature, which a rising class of local printers hoped to supply. Reforming copyright law in the imperial context proved impossible, and Canada became a prime market for foreign publishers instead. The subsequent development of the agency system of exclusive publisher-importers became a defining feature of Canadian trade publishing for most of the twentieth century.In Dominion and Agency, Eli MacLaren analyses the struggle for copyright reform and the creation of a national literature using previously ignored archival sources such as the Board of Trade Papers at the National Archives of the United Kingdom. A groundbreaking study, Dominion and Agency is an important exploration of the legal and economic structures that were instrumental in the formation of today's Canadian literary culture.
Don Juan: Comedy in Five Acts, 1665 (Applause Bks. #Volume 3)
by MolièreDon Juan, the "Seducer of Seville," originated as a hero-villain of Spanish folk legend, is a famous lover and scoundrel who has made more than a thousand sexual conquests. One of Molière's best-known plays, Don Juan was written while Tartuffe was still banned on the stages of Paris, and shared much with the outlawed play. Modern directors transform Don Juan in every new era, as each director finds something new to highlight in this timeless classic. Richard Wilbur's flawless translation will be the standard for generations to come, as have his translations of Molière's other plays. Witty, urbane, and poetic in its prose, Don Juan is, most importantly, as funny now as it was for audiences when it was first presented.
Donald Trump in the Frontier Mythology (Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics)
by Olena LeipnikThis book explores the presidential image of Donald Trump as it is constructed by the media within American national mythology, precisely the frontier myth. By offering an account of three milestones in the development of the frontier mythology in its intersection with presidential imagery, the book shows how the image of Donald Trump fits into the line of "cowboy presidents," together with Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan. It also offers insights into the reasons for making Russian president Vladimir Putin a part of Trump’s story and a routinely mentioned figure in American presidential politics. Applying the means of philosophical anthropology to this topical issue at the intersection of politics and the media, this volume will appeal to those working and studying in the areas of media studies, political anthropology, American studies, and myth studies.
Don't Be Afraid of the Bullets: An Accidental War Correspondent in Yemen
by Laura KasinofLaura Kasinof studied Arabic in college and moved to Yemen a few years later--after a friend at a late-night party in Washington, DC, recommended the country as a good place to work as a freelance journalist. When she first moved to the capital city of Sanaa in 2009, she was the only American reporter based in the country. She quickly fell in love with Yemen’s people and culture, and even found herself the star of a local TV soap opera. When antigovernment protests broke out in Yemen in 2011, part of the revolts sweeping the Arab world at the time, she contacted the New York Times to see if she could cover the rapidly unfolding events for the newspaper. Laura never planned to be a war correspondent, but found herself in the middle of brutal government attacks on peaceful protesters. As foreign reporters were rounded up and shipped out of the country, Laura managed to elude the authorities but found herself increasingly isolated--and even more determined to report on what she saw. With a new foreword by the author about what has happened in Yemen since the book’s initial publication, Don’t Be Afraid of the Bullets is a fascinating and important debut by a talented young journalist.
Don't Be Such a Scientist: Talking Substance in an Age of Style
by Randy OlsonAfter nearly a decade on the defensive, the world of science is about to be restored to its rightful place. But is the American public really ready for science? And is the world of science ready for the American public? Scientists wear ragged clothes, forget to comb their hair, and speak in a language that even they don't understand. Or so people think. Most scientists don't care how they are perceived, but in our media-dominated age, style points count.Enter Randy Olson. Fifteen years ago, Olson bid farewell to the science world and shipped off to Hollywood ready to change the world. With films like Flock of Dodos: The Evolution-Intelligent Design Circus (Tribeca '06, Showtime) and Sizzle: A Global Warming Comedy (Outfest '08), he has tried to bridge the cultural divide that has too often left science on the outside looking in.Now, in his first book, Olson, with a Harvard Ph.D. and formerly a tenured professor of marine biology at the University of New Hampshire, recounts the lessons from his own hilarious-and at times humiliating-evolution from science professor to Hollywood filmmaker. In Don't Be Such a Scientist, he shares the secrets of talking substance in an age of style. The key, he argues, is to stay true to the facts while tapping into something more primordial, more irrational, and ultimately more human.In a book enlivened by a profane acting teacher who made Olson realize that "nobody wants to watch you think," he offers up serious insights and poignant stories. You'll laugh, you may cry, and as a communicator you'll certainly learn the importance of not only knowing how to fulfill, but also how to arouse.
Don't Be Such a Scientist, Second Edition: Talking Substance in an Age of Style
by Dr Randy OlsonWhen Randy Olson first described his life-changing encounter with an acting teacher in Don't Be Such a Scientist, it seemed like the world of science was on the cusp of gaining new respect in the public eye. Through his writing, speaking, and films, Olson challenged scientists to toss out jargon in favor of a more human approach, bringing Hollywood lessons to the scientific community. Yet today, in everything from government funding cuts to climate change denial, science is under attack. And while communicating science is more crucial than ever, the scientific community still struggles to connect with everyday people.The time is right for a new edition of Olson's revolutionary work. In Don't Be Such a Scientist, Second Edition, Olson renews his call for communication that stays true to the facts while tapping into something more primordial, more irrational, and ultimately more human. In more than 50 pages of new material, Olson brings his pioneering message to this new age, providing tools for speaking out in anti-science era and squaring off against members of the scientific establishment who resist needed change.Don't Be Such a Scientist, Second Edition is a cutting and irreverent manual to making your voice heard in an age of attacks on science. Invaluable for anyone looking to break out of the boxes of academia or research, Olson's writing will inspire readers to "make science human”—and to enjoy the ride along the way.
Dont Be That Boss
by Mark WiskupAn executive coach shows you how better communication leads to productivity and profitability Communication is the key to success when you manage other people. But it's not enough to just communicate; you have to communicate in the right way to get the results you want from your people and teams. In Don't Be That Boss, renowned executive coach Mark Wiskup shows you how to communicate effectively with colleagues and workers to create a healthy, productive, happy work environment. The story follows two leaders through a typical workday and all their typical communications-including meetings, conferences, one-on-one discussions, break room banter, phone calls, and even emails. Based on real situations you'll probably recognize, you'll watch as two committed, intelligent people take different approaches to communication and reap very different results. Along the way, you'll realize what good communication is, how it works, and how it makes your business better in virtually every way. Written by an experienced communications coach who works with Fortune 500 clients, CEOs and managers across the country Shows that how you communicate in the office is just as important as what you communicate Explains why excellent communication skills are vital to individual and organizational success Effective communication is vital for the success of both large and small businesses Mark Wiskup is also the author of The It Factor and Presentation S. O. S. Whether you're an executive, manager or small business owner, this book will show you how to improve your communication skills to better your business.
Don't Believe a Word: The Surprising Truth About Language
by David ShariatmadariA linguist’s entertaining and highly informed guide to what languages are and how they function. Think you know language? Think again. There are languages that change when your mother-in-law is present. The language you speak could make you more prone to accidents. Swear words are produced in a special part of your brain. Over the past few decades, we have reached new frontiers of linguistic knowledge. Linguists can now explain how and why language changes, describe its structures, and map its activity in the brain. But despite these advances, much of what people believe about language is based on folklore, instinct, or hearsay. We imagine a word’s origin is it’s “true” meaning, that foreign languages are full of “untranslatable” words, or that grammatical mistakes undermine English. In Don’t Believe A Word, linguist David Shariatmadari takes us on a mind-boggling journey through the science of language, urging us to abandon our prejudices in a bid to uncover the (far more interesting) truth about what we do with words. Exploding nine widely held myths about language while introducing us to some of the fundamental insights of modern linguistics, Shariatmadari is an energetic guide to the beauty and quirkiness of humanity’s greatest achievement.
Don't Burn This Book: Thinking for Yourself in an Age of Unreason
by Dave RubinFrom host of The Rubin Report, the most-watched talk show about free speech and big ideas on YouTube right now, a roadmap for free thinking in an increasingly censored world.The left is no longer liberal. <P><P> Once on the side of free speech and tolerance, progressives now ban speakers from college campuses, "cancel" people who aren't up to date on the latest genders, and force religious people to violate their conscience. They have abandoned the battle of ideas and have begun fighting a battle of feelings. This uncomfortable truth has turned moderates and true liberals into the politically homeless class. <P><P> Dave Rubin launched his political talk show The Rubin Report in 2015 as a meeting ground for free thinkers who realize that partisan politics is a dead end. He hosts people he both agrees and disagrees with--including those who have been dismissed, deplatformed, and despised--taking on the most controversial issues of our day. As a result, he's become a voice of reason in a time of madness. <P><P> Now, Rubin gives you the tools you need to think for yourself in an age when tribal outrage is the only available alternative. Based on his own story as well as his experiences from the front lines of the free speech wars, this book will empower you to make up your own mind about what you believe on any issue and teach you the fine art of: <P><P> • Checking your facts, not your privilege, when it comes to today's most pervasive myths, from the wage gap and gun violence to climate change and hate crimes. • Standing up to the mob against today's absurd PC culture, when differences of opinion can bring relationships, professional or personal, to a sudden end. • Defending classically liberal principles such as individual rights and limited government, because freedom is impossible without them. The Progressive Woke Machine is waging war against the last free thinkers in the world. Don't Burn This Book is the definitive account of our current political upheaval and your guide to surviving it. <P><P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>
Don't Buy It: The Trouble with Talking Nonsense about the Economy
by Anat Shenker-OsorioAfter everything that’s happened, how is it possible that conservatives still win debates about the economy? Time and again the right wins over voters by claiming that their solutions are only common sense, even as their tired policies of budgetary sacrifice and corporate plunder both create and prolong economic disaster. Why does the electorate keep buying what they’re selling? According to political communications expert Anat Shenker-Osorio, it’s all about language-and not just theirs, but ours. InDon’t Buy ItShenker-Osorio diagnoses our economic discourse as stricken with faulty messages, deceptive personification, and, worst of all, a barely coherent concept of what the economy actually is. Opening up the business section of most newspapers or flipping on cable news unleashes an onslaught of economic doomsaying that treats the economy as an ungovernable force of nature. Alternately, by calling the economy "unhealthy” or "recovering” as we so often do, we unconsciously give it the status of a living being. No wonder Americans become willing to submit to any indignity required to keep the economy happy. Tread lightly, we can’t risk irritating the economy! Cutting through conservative myth-making, messaging muddles, and destructive misinformation, Shenker-Osorio suggests a new way to win the most important arguments of our day. The left doesn’t have to self-destruct every time matters economic come to the fore-there are metaphors and frames that can win, and Shenker-Osorio shows what they are and how to use them. Don’t Buy Itis a vital handbook for seizing victory in the economic debate. In the end, it convincingly shows that radically altering our politics and policies for the better is a matter of first changing the conversation-literally.
Don't Drop the Mic: The Power of Your Words Can Change the World
by T. D. JakesCommunicate boldly and effectively like never before with #1 New York Times bestselling author Bishop T.D. Jakes.In Don't Drop the Mic, Bishop Jakes speaks to readers about communication and how the ways we speak and interact with others can be part of our everyday ministries. He helps readers understand: Why the way we speak and the words we use matterHow speaking well, no matter your topic or audience, improves your chances of getting the result you wantHow to craft your message, whether it's a simple email or a speech under the spotlights, to connect with listenersWhy good communication is important for building connection and communityHow sharing God's Word produces abundant fruitDrawing lessons from Scripture and his own life, Jakes gives career advice for those who have or want to grow into a speaking career, but he also provides clear direction and insight for everyone who gives presentations, writes emails, or talks to other people in their job or home life.There will be practical advice about how to craft insightful and meaningful communications, but the heart of this book is really about how we can communicate more clearly to build community and share the hope of Christ in our everyday lives.The more adept we become at using all available resources to convey our message, the greater our impact. From lovers to litigators, entrepreneurs to entertainers, and bloggers to board members, we all want to communicate more effectively, intimately, and efficiently. Whether you're interviewing for a new position, proposing a new business plan, auditioning for a performance, delivering a report for your committee, teaching Sunday school, or sharing your heart with a loved one, this book will help.
Don’t Force It, Solve It!: How To Design Meaningful and Efficient Design Processes
by George Kalmpourtzis"Knowing various frameworks and methodologies is crucial.… This book takes you one step further by transforming individuals or teams into adaptable problem-solving powerhouses." George Ketsiakidis, Design Researcher, Shanghai Jiao Tong University "George is a master of design process thinking, and it comes out in every word of his writing." Ryan Gerber, Founder, Quest Labs It’s not how much time we spend on design that impacts product and service success: it’s whether that time has been spent on solving the right problems. The field of design, with a greater focus on user-centered design, steadily acquires a central position on the work of product design teams. From large corporate environments to startups, multidisciplinary teams of developers, designers, project managers, and product managers need to find ways to understand each other’s needs, overcome obstacles, communicate efficiently, and perform, creating products that satisfy their users’ needs. In an era when the main differentiating factor between products are the teams that created them, George Kalmpourtzis’ Don’t Force It, Solve It!: How To Design Meaningful and Efficient Design Processes is the perfect roadmap for navigating the twisting paths of project management and user-centered design. KEY FEATURES: • This book aims at helping software teams work more efficiently by setting up their own design processes. • For organizations, this book helps decode the design processes, allowing them to deliver experiences that address the real problems of their audiences. • This book offers a combination of theory and practice that will help its readers understand how to design efficient processes and apply this knowledge in their own work. • This book includes many insights in the form of colorful doodles. George Kalmpourtzis is an award-winning User Experience & Learning Experience Consultant and Game Designer. Finding himself between the fields of educational technology, design, and game studies, he has been founder, C-level stakeholder, director, and board member of several design studios, startups, and consulting agencies.
Don't Get a Job...Make a Job: How to make it as a creative graduate
by Gem BartonToo often a design or architecture degree is seen as a means to an end (a job in an established practice). But imagine for one moment that there are no employers, no firms to send your CV to, no interviews to be had – what would you do? How would you forge your own path after graduation?The current economic climate has seen many graduates chasing a finite number of positions. The most ingenious and driven designers have found weird and wonderful ways of making opportunities for themselves, often by applying their skills across the creative disciplines of art, design, architecture and interiors. Knowing what you want from your design career and being able to adapt your strategy to suit is basic and vital – just like in the wild, designers need to evolve.The book celebrates the various strategies that students and graduates are taking to gain exposure, while also including interviews and inspirational advice from those who are now enjoying success as a result of their creative approach to employment.
Don't Say Um: How to Communicate Effectively to Live a Better Life
by Michael Chad HoeppnerCommunicate with confidence and improve your presentation skills with this essential guide–because delivery matters. Michael Chad Hoeppner has coached presidential candidates, prominent CEOs, and Ivy League deans on their communication skills. Now, he shares his wide‑ranging knowledge in Don't Say Um. Hoeppner has created an entirely new approach to communication training, providing physical exercises to quickly improve speaking. With simple-to-master exercises, Don&’t Say Um is an essential tool for improving your speech. Don't Say Um challenges our preconceived notions of good speaking techniques and offers powerful tools to become master communicators.
Don't Take Yes for an Answer: Using Authority, Warmth, and Energy to Get Exceptional Results
by Steve HerzOne of the nation's premier talent agents and career advisors shows you how to catapult your career and your life forward with three key communication strategies—Authority, Warmth, and Energy.A self-empowerment guide to achieving your fullest professional and personal potential, Don’t Take YES for An Answer explains why positive feedback limits personal and professional growth and then teaches you how to embrace hard truths and critical feedback to escape mediocrity and break away from the pack.To stand out, to attract the attention of those who can raise your profile, to protect yourself during lean times, or to gain the interest of future employers, you must harness three critical communication traits that human beings respond to most: AWE: A—Authority. W—Warmth. E—Energy. When all else is equal—education, work ethic, intelligence, experience, ambition—the single biggest factor in winning business, promotions, friendships, or followers hinges on our ability to communicate and connect. Mastering AWE gives you an unparalleled advantage over the competition, no matter your field. Herz, who has represented and coached dozens of sports, media, and entertainment leaders over the course of nearly three decades, delivers a step-by-step program that helps you understand and hone your AWE skills. Packed with inspiring success stories, grounded in the latest social psychology and scientific research, and featuring "insider" anecdotes from some of the most popular entrepreneurs and professionals in broadcasting, sports, and the corporate world—many personally coached by Herz—Don’t Take YES for An Answer provides invaluable suggestions and practical techniques for “upping” your AWE in every aspect of your life.
Don't Touch That Dial!: Radio Programming in American Life, 1920 - 1960
by J. MacDonaldFor those who loved it, as well as for those who missed it, this book brings to life old-time radio, which was often called a "theater of the mind." It is an entertaining and important history of radio programming and its role in shaping social values and thought in America.
Don't Watch This: How the Media Are Destroying Your Life
by Michael RosenblumAn unfiltered look at the addictive properties of social media, TV, and movies on our culture, with strategies to help you reclaim control over your life. Today, the average person spends an astonishing eight hours a day watching TV or videos online. Watching social media stories, movies, and TV is now our number one activity, outpacing everything else that we do, including sleep. This habit has an incredibly powerful influence on our lives – from what we think to what we buy to whom we elect. Media are more than entertainment; they are a drug. This media addiction wreaks havoc on our mental health, causing increased stress, depression, and anxiety, and ruining personal relationships. It also drives us deeper and deeper into debt. In Don&’t Watch This, former TV producer and Ivy League professor Michael Rosenblum reveals the hidden psychology driving us to media addiction. He describes why solving the problem is not as simple as swearing off our devices, but about learning how to use media for good. Rosenblum reveals the key to getting the best out of technology, without letting it get the best of you. Inside, you&’ll learn: How to take control of the mediaHow to use your phone&’s camera to spread stories worth tellingHow having a former reality TV star in the Oval Office has changed the scope of mediaWhy posting selfies on Instagram isn&’t going to change the world, and what you can post instead Enlightening and empowering, Don&’t Watch This provides actionable, revolutionary techniques and insight to control your media addiction—helping you live the life you really want.
Don't You Know Who I Am?: Insider Diaries of Fame, Power and Naked Ambition
by Piers Morgan'They say you can always remember where you where when pivotal moments happen, such as losing your virginity or Elvis dying. Let me add another to the list: the moment I sang a duet to the the "Macarena" with Timmy Mallett, live to millions of people...'Sacked from his high-profile job as a national newspaper editor, Piers Morgan dived helplessly into the world of celebrity. But even twenty years of commenting on the lives of the rich and famous couldn't prepare him for the extraordinary world he uncovered...A riveting, scandelous and brutally honest account of one man's quest for celebrity, Don't You Know Who I Am? lifts the lid on the egos and outrageous behaviour of everyone from Paris Hilton to Cherie Blair, Kate Moss to the legend that is the Hoff.
Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World
by Naomi Klein#1 NATIONAL BESTELLERShortlisted for the 2024 Women's Prize for Non-Fiction Shortlisted for the 2024 Writers&’ PrizeFinalist for the 2024 National Book Critics Circle Award for CriticismA New York Times Notable Book of 2023Vulture&’s #1 Book of 2023A Guardian Best Ideas Book of 2023Named a Best Book of the Year by The Globe and Mail • TIME • Esquire • Slate • Harpers&’ Bazaar • The Times • The New Republic • Toronto Star • CBC • The Boston Globe • Electric Lit What if you woke up one morning and found you'd acquired another self—a double who was almost you and yet not you at all? What if that double shared many of your preoccupations but, in a twisted, upside-down way, furthered the very causes you'd devoted your life to fighting against?Not long ago, Naomi Klein had just such an experience—she was confronted with a doppelganger whose views she found abhorrent but whose name and public persona were similar enough to her own that many people confused her for the other. For a vertiginous moment, she lost her bearings. And then she got interested, in a reality that seems to be warping and doubling like a digital hall of mirrors. It&’s happening in our politics as New Age wellness entrepreneurs turned anti-vaxxers find common cause with fire-breathing far right propagandists (all in the name of protecting &“the children&”). It&’s happening in our culture as AI gobbles up music, paintings, fiction and everything in between and spits out imitations that threaten to overtake the originals. And it&’s happening to many of us as individuals as we create digital doubles of ourselves, filtered and curated just so for all the other duplicates to see. An award-winning journalist, bestselling author, public intellectual and activist, Naomi Klein writes books that orient us in our time. She has offered essential accounts of what branding, austerity, and climate profiteering have done to our societies and souls. Now, as liberal democracies teeter on the edge, Klein takes aim at absurdist authoritarianism, using a keen sense of the ridiculous to face the doubles that haunt us. Part tragicomic memoir, part chilling reportage and cobweb-clearing analysis, Doppelganger invites readers on a wild ride, smashing through the mirror world, charting a path beyond despair towards true solidarity.
Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World
by Naomi KleinA finalist for the 2023 National Book Critics Circle AwardWinner of the Women's Prize for NonfictionNEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER | National Indie BestsellerA New York Times notable book of 2023 | Vulture’s #1 book of 2023One of Slate’s ten best books of 2023 | A Guardian best ideas book of 2023 | One of Time’s ten best books of 2023 | Winner of the Pacific Northwest Book Award“I’ve been raving about Naomi Klein’s Doppelganger . . . I can’t think of another text that better captures the berserk period we’re living through.” —Michelle Goldberg, The New York Times“If I had to name a single book that makes sense of these last few dark years, it would be this one.” —Katie Roiphe, The New York Times Book Review (Editors’ Choice)What if you woke up one morning and found you’d acquired another self—a double who was almost you and yet not you at all? What if that double shared many of your preoccupations but, in a twisted, upside-down way, furthered the very causes you’d devoted your life to fighting against?Not long ago, the celebrated activist and public intellectual Naomi Klein had just such an experience—she was confronted with a doppelganger whose views she found abhorrent but whose name and public persona were sufficiently similar to her own that many people got confused about who was who. Destabilized, she lost her bearings, until she began to understand the experience as one manifestation of a strangeness many of us have come to know but struggle to define: AI-generated text is blurring the line between genuine and spurious communication; New Age wellness entrepreneurs turned anti-vaxxers are scrambling familiar political allegiances of left and right; and liberal democracies are teetering on the edge of absurdist authoritarianism, even as the oceans rise. Under such conditions, reality itself seems to have become unmoored. Is there a cure for our moment of collective vertigo?Naomi Klein is one of our most trenchant and influential social critics, an essential analyst of what branding, austerity, and climate profiteering have done to our societies and souls. Here she turns her gaze inward to our psychic landscapes, and outward to the possibilities for building hope amid intersecting economic, medical, and political crises. With the assistance of Sigmund Freud, Jordan Peele, Alfred Hitchcock, and bell hooks, among other accomplices, Klein uses wry humor and a keen sense of the ridiculous to face the strange doubles that haunt us—and that have come to feel as intimate and proximate as a warped reflection in the mirror.Combining comic memoir with chilling reportage and cobweb-clearing analysis, Klein seeks to smash that mirror and chart a path beyond despair. Doppelganger asks: What do we neglect as we polish and perfect our digital reflections? Is it possible to dispose of our doubles and overcome the pathologies of a culture of multiplication? Can we create a politics of collective care and undertake a true reckoning with historical crimes? The result is a revelatory treatment of the way many of us think and feel now—and an intellectual adventure story for our times.
Dot Complicated: Untangling Our Wired Lives
by Randi ZuckerbergWith Dot Complicated: Untangling Our Wired Lives, new media pioneer Randi Zuckerberg offers an entertaining and essential guide to understanding how technology and social media influence and inform our lives online and off.Zuckerberg has been on the frontline of the social media movement since Facebook’s early days and her following six years as a marketing executive for the company. Her part memoir, part how-to manual addresses issues of privacy, online presence, networking, etiquette, and the future of social change.