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Elegant Legal Writing

by Ryan McCarl

Elegant Legal Writing helps attorneys elevate their writing from passable to polished. Drawing on ideas from cognitive science, stylistics, and litigation strategy, the book teaches practical techniques by example using fast-paced chapters. Readers will learn the essentials of effective legal composition: Writing clear, efficient prose Crafting strong arguments Telling a client's story through a compelling narrative Overcoming procrastination and drafting more productively Readability, aesthetics, and argumentation are intertwined. Ryan McCarl shows how litigation documents that are easier and more pleasant to read are more likely to persuade judges and other busy readers. The book also discusses parts of legal writing that many guides overlook, including sentence mechanics, writing technology, and typography.

The Elegant Pitch: Create a Compelling Recommendation, Build Broad Support, and Get it Approved

by Mike Figliuolo

“We’re sorry but your recommendation wasn’t approved.”We’ve all heard those words; it’s a sentence that swallows your hopes and crushes your confidence.Getting ideas or projects approved and securing the resources needed to implement them is one of the greatest challenges business leaders face. With multiple stakeholders, constrained budgets, and competing agendas, it’s difficult to cut through the clutter and garner the required support.The Elegant Pitch provides a simple, proven process to go from idea to approval more quickly and effectively than ever before. This is the same method used by elite strategy consulting firms such as McKinsey & Co. and Bain Consulting. But you don’t have to be a high-priced consultant to master a process that promises:Clearer and more compelling recommendations and ideas.Shorter and crisper communications.Greater efficiency.Shorter and fewer meetings.More efficient decision-making processes.A higher likelihood of getting your recommendations approved.Do less work, hold fewer and shorter meetings, and get ideas approved on the first pass? Sign me up!By using the methods in The Elegant Pitch, you can get to “yes” more quickly and drive the results that set you apart from the crowd.

Elektrotechnik und Elektronik in Maschinenbau und Mechatronik: Für Studierende und für die Praxis

by Julian Endres

Anlagen und Maschinen werden immer komplexer, auch weil in ihnen immer mehr Elektronik verbaut ist. Die Grundlagen und die Anwendungen der Elektrotechnik, der Elektronik und der Kommunikationstechnik spielen daher für den Maschinenbau eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Dieser Entwicklung trägt das Buch Rechnung. Es stellt die Grundlagen dieser Fachgebiete sowie der Halbleiter- und Leistungselektronik ausführlich dar. Zudem behandelt es elektrische Maschinen und Anlagen, Energieversorgung und die Datenkommunikation mit Feldbussen. Jeder Abschnitt ist in gleicher Weise gegliedert: Eine strukturierte Übersicht zeigt die Zusammenhänge auf, Beispiele verdeutlichen die Rechnungen und die Gedankengänge, Diagramme und Fotos veranschaulichen die Anwendungen. Zusammen mit den Übungsaufgaben und Lösungen ergibt sich ein didaktischer Aufbau, der es Lesern erleichtert, sich in die Elektrotechnik und die Elektronik einzuarbeiten.Für die 4. Auflage wurden die Inhalte aktualisiert und ergänzt. Unter anderem wurde eine Einführung in elektrische Fahrzeugantriebe eingefügt und das Kapitel zur Energieversorgung um Abschnitte zur Energieübertragung in Stromnetzen erweitert. Das Werk eignet sich als Lehrbuch für Studierende der Ingenieurwissenschaften, insbesondere des Maschinenbaus, richtet sich aber auch an angehende Wirtschaftsingenieure und Mechatroniker. Für Ingenieure im Beruf ist der Band ein umfassendes und fundiertes Nachschlagewerk – auch wenn es um neue Herausforderungen in den Bereichen Industrie 4.0 und elektrische Antriebstechnogien geht.

Elementaire sociale vaardigheden: Transferpunt Vaardigheidsonderwijs

by Marian Adriaansen Josien Caris

Communiceren is een belangrijk onderdeel van vrijwel elk beroep. Of communicatieprocessen effectief verlopen is niet alleen afhankelijk van aan te leren technieken, maar vooral ook van de 'echtheid' van iemands optreden. Om effectief te kunnen communiceren heb je (zelf)kennis nodig over je eigen kwaliteiten. Dit leermateriaal helpt je om de basisvaardigheden zo aan te leren dat zij kunnen dienen als solide basis voor de ontwikkeling van je specifieke beroepsvaardigheden. De auteurs besteden in de hoofdstukken op oriënterend niveau ook aandacht aan de toepassing van de basisvaardigheden in verschillende hulpverleningssituaties binnen welzijn en gezondheidszorg. Nieuw is de website met daarop een serie filmfragmenten waarin de besproken vaardigheden worden gedemonstreerd. Op deze website zijn ook toetsvragen, studieopdrachten en oefeningen opgenomen, die een actieve wijze van kennismaken met en oefenen van de beoogde vaardigheden mogelijk maken. Aan deze geheel herziene druk zijn twee nieuwe hoofdstukken toegevoegd: Argumenteren en Digitaal communiceren. Waar vele boeken vooral ingaan op de theorie, is dit boek ook erg praktijkgericht. Het geeft studenten goede handvatten om theorie toe te passen en te oefenen, waardoor het boek meer is dan alleen een verdiepend boek.

Elementaire sociale vaardigheden: Transferpunt Vaardigheidsonderwijs

by Marian Adriaansen Josien Caris

Dit boek helpt studenten in zorg en welzijn om communicatieve basisvaardigheden zó aan te leren dat die een solide basis vormen voor de ontwikkeling van specifieke beroepsvaardigheden. Ook leren ze om die communicatieve vaardigheden in verschillende hulpverleningssituaties toe te passen. Daarbij heeft het boek aandacht voor aan te leren technieken, én voor de echtheid van iemands optreden. Effectief communiceren vereist immers ook kennis over je eigen kwaliteiten. Elementaire sociale vaardigheden gaat uitgebreid in op de theorie, én is erg praktijkgericht. Het s een verdiepend boek, dat studenten handvatten geeft om theorie te oefenen en toe te passen. Aan deze geheel herziene druk is bovendien een nieuw hoofdstuk toegevoegd: omgaan met laaggeletterdheid. Ook nieuw is de mogelijkheid om met behulp van een app direct vanuit het boek de bijpassende filmfragmenten te bekijken. In deze filmfragmenten worden de besproken vaardigheden gedemonstreerd. Ze staan ook op - net als de toetsvragen, studieopdrachten en oefeningen. Zo kun je eenvoudig kennismaken met de beoogde vaardigheden, en ze actief oefenen.

Elemente optischer Netze: Grundlagen und Praxis der optischen Datenübertragung

by Volkmar Brückner

In diesem einführenden und kompakten Lehrbuch werden die wichtigsten Elemente von optischen Netzen eingeführt und für die ingenieurmäßige Lösung praktischer Probleme aufbereitet. Thematische Schwerpunkte sind Glas- und Polymerfasern, optische Sender und Empfänger, die Modulation von Laserlicht für hochbitratige Übertragungen, Elemente passiver (Koppler, Verzweiger) und aktiver (Schalter, optische Verstärker) Netze und der Einfluss nichtlinearer Effekte auf die optische Datenübertragung. An Beispielen werden Vorteile und Grenzen der Datenübertragung in optischen Netzen erläutert. Zu jedem Schwerpunkt werden praxisnahe bzw. praxisorientierte Fragen und Aufgaben gestellt. Schwierige mathematische Zusammenhänge und Formeln werden nachvollziehbar in MathCad® simuliert.

Elemente optischer Netze: Grundlagen und Praxis der optischen Datenübertragung

by Volkmar Brückner

In diesem einführenden und kompakten Lehrbuch werden die wichtigsten Elemente von optischen Netzen eingeführt und für die ingenieurmäßige Lösung praktischer Probleme aufbereitet. Thematische Schwerpunkte sind Glas- und Polymerfasern, optische Sender und Empfänger, die Modulation von Laserlicht für hochbitratige Übertragungen, Elemente passiver (Koppler, Verzweiger) und aktiver (Schalter, optische Verstärker) Netze und der Einfluss nichtlinearer Effekte auf die optische Datenübertragung. An Beispielen werden Vorteile und Grenzen der Datenübertragung in optischen Netzen erläutert. Zu jedem Schwerpunkt werden praxisnahe bzw. praxisorientierte Fragen und Aufgaben gestellt. Schwierige mathematische Zusammenhänge und Formeln werden nachvollziehbar in MathCad® simuliert.

The Elements of Blogging: Expanding the Conversation of Journalism

by Mark Leccese Jerry Lanson

Becoming a blogger takes practice, hard work, and, ultimately, a passion for the craft. Whether you plan to blog on politics or parenting, The Elements of Blogging is designed to give you the skills and strategies to get started, to sustain your work, and to seek out a robust audience. This book is loaded with practical advice on important topics such as determining a niche, finding the best stories, and blogging effectively and ethically. It features examples from both amateur and professional bloggers that show the techniques for building an argument, finding a voice, crafting a headline, and establishing a brand. Key features: Real-world applicability. This book includes thumbnail profiles of bloggers and their sites, which illuminate key skills you will need to become an effective blogger Interactivity. Each chapter features discussion points and exercises intended to get you to think about, reflect on, and apply the contents of each chapter Creativity. While this book dives into software and plug-ins for bloggers, its main goal is to cover how to write blogs on a myriad of topics: news, opinion pieces, travel, politics, art, and more. Visit the companion website:

The Elements of Business Writing

by Gary Blake Robert W. Bly

From an interoffice memo to a fifty-page proposal, this is the definitive guide to business writing. Anyone who has ever had to write any business document will find "The Elements of Business Writing" the single most effective tool for producing clear, concise, and persuasive prose. Equally useful to executives and support staff, it shows how to: write clearly and powerfully; rid writing of jargon and pompous language; organize material effectively; and avoid errors in spelling, grammar, and usage.

Elements of Data Science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence Using R

by Frank Emmert-Streib Salissou Moutari Matthias Dehmer

The textbook provides students with tools they need to analyze complex data using methods from data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence. The authors include both the presentation of methods along with applications using the programming language R, which is the gold standard for analyzing data. The authors cover all three main components of data science: computer science; mathematics and statistics; and domain knowledge. The book presents methods and implementations in R side-by-side, allowing the immediate practical application of the learning concepts. Furthermore, this teaches computational thinking in a natural way. The book includes exercises, case studies, Q&A and examples.

The Elements of Great Public Speaking: How to Be Calm, Confident, and Compelling

by J. Lyman Macinnis

Great speakers aren't just born; they prepare and they practice. THE ELEMENTS OF GREAT PUBLIC SPEAKING takes the fear out of taking the podium, distilling essential techniques and tricks for just about any speaking occasion. Experienced businesspeople, nervous students, best men, and eulogists alike can benefit from the author's simple, direct, and tested advice on everything from body language and word choice to responding to the audience and overcoming stage fright. Because there's no such thing as a boring topic Äîjust boring speakers ÄîELEMENTS shows how to look, sound, and act like someone worth listening to.Reviews ÄúThe go-to guide for anyone about to stand up and say something. . . A practical guide to thumb through before every speech, whether it's your first or 500th. Äù ÄîUSA Today

The Elements of Humor: The Tools of Comedy that Make You Funnier, Happier, and Better Looking

by Scott Dikkers

Find the funny in your writing, speeches, presentations, and everyday conversations Are you ready to elevate your writing, speeches, and conversations with unparalleled wit and comedy? Look no further than The Elements of Humor by bestselling author and comedy writing legend, Scott Dikkers. This isn't just another book on humor—it's a transformative guide that stands head and shoulders above the rest, designed to make you the funniest version of yourself. While many writers treasure Strunk and White's Elements of Style for its writing standards and best practices, the realm of humor writing has long awaited a credible, comprehensive guide. Scott Dikkers answers the call with a book that is both hilarious and instructive, offering clear, replicable steps to infuse your writing and speaking with unforgettable humor. In the book, you'll find: Step-by-step guidance for everything from sophomoric pranks to sophisticated satire as you learn the fundamentals of crafting humor that resonates Diverse humor strategies for different kinds of funny, including self-deprecation, referential jokes, shock humor, hyperbole, wordplay, slapstick, and even meta-humor Engaging tools, including helpful diagrams, funny illustrations, interactive exercises, and a comprehensive index of all discussed tools, skills, and methods The Elements of Humor is your key to making the people around you laugh. Scott Dikkers' expert advice is easy to follow, ensuring that anyone can become a master of humor. Perfect for enhancing presentations, content creation, or everyday conversations, this book will secure a prominent place on your library shelf. Don't miss the chance to transform your approach to humor. Whether you aim to entertain, persuade, or simply bring more joy into your life and the lives of others, The Elements of Humor is your go-to resource. Add it to your cart now and step into a world where laughter is just a page turn away!

Elements of Influence: The Art of Getting Others to Follow Your Lead

by Terry R. Bacon

What do a person's knowledge, expressiveness, history, character, and attraction have in common? Or his or her role resources, information, network, and reputation? Each is a key to either personal or organizational power, and together they open the complex combination lock on the door of true leadership and irresistible influence. The Elements of Powercombines the latest research on the nature of power all over the world with a handy self-assessment and invaluable insight into: * How power works in organizations * How people use and lose power * The relationship between power and leadership * Whatmakes famous people powerful - or what diminishes their power * Sources of power and how to build each one * Leading and influencing others more effectively Complete with "Portraits in Power" examining key business figures and world leaders alike, the full effect is an accessible and unprecedented pipeline to the many sources and types of internal and external power, including the most valuable of all: the power of will.

The Elements of International English Style: A Guide to Writing Correspondence, Reports, Technical Documents, and Internet Pages for a Global Audience

by Edmond H. Weiss

This easy-to-use handbook is an essential resource for anyone who needs to write English correspondence for an international business audience. In an engaging, accessible style it integrates the theory and controversies of intercultural communication with the practical skills of writing and editing English for those who read it as a second language. The book emphasizes principles of simplicity and clarity, proper etiquette, cultural sensitivity, appropriate layout and typography, and more to increase the chances that a text prepared by a native English speaker will be better understood by a non-native speaker. It also updates traditional advice with new insights into "e-mail culture." Equally useful for students and professionals in business communication, marketing communication, and international business, The Elements of International English Style is filled with realistic examples, problems, and projects, including: 57 specific tactics to internationalize one's English; hundreds of before-and-after comparisons showing the effects of editing for an international audience; models of international correspondence; practical discussion questions and work projects; useful resources for further study, including books, articles, and websites.

The Elements of Journalism: What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect

by Bill Kovach Tom Rosenstiel

In July 1997, twenty-five of America's most influential journalists sat down to try and discover what had happened to their profession in the years between Watergate and Whitewater. What they knew was that the public no longer trusted the press as it once had. They were keenly aware of the pressures that advertisers and new technologies were putting on newsrooms around the country. But, more than anything, they were aware that readers, listeners, and viewers — the people who use the news — were turning away from it in droves. <P><P> There were many reasons for the public's growing lack of trust. On television, there were the ads that looked like news shows and programs that presented gossip and press releases as if they were news. There were the "docudramas," television movies that were an uneasy blend of fact and fiction and which purported to show viewers how events had "really" happened. At newspapers and magazines, celebrity was replacing news, newsroom budgets were being slashed, and editors were pushing journalists for more "edge" and "attitude" in place of reporting. And, on the radio, powerful talk personalities led their listeners from sensation to sensation, from fact to fantasy, while deriding traditional journalism. Fact was blending with fiction, news with entertainment, journalism with rumor. <P> Calling themselves the Committee of Concerned Journalists, the twenty-five determined to find how the news had found itself in this state. Drawn from the committee's years of intensive research, dozens of surveys of readers, listeners, viewers, editors, and journalists, and more than one hundred intensive interviews with journalists and editors, The Elements of Journalism is the first book ever to spell out — both for those who create and those who consume the news — the principles and responsibilities of journalism. Written by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel, two of the nation's preeminent press critics, this is one of the most provocative books about the role of information in society in more than a generation and one of the most important ever written about news. By offering in turn each of the principles that should govern reporting, Kovach and Rosenstiel show how some of the most common conceptions about the press, such as neutrality, fairness, and balance, are actually modern misconceptions. They also spell out how the news should be gathered, written, and reported even as they demonstrate why the First Amendment is on the brink of becoming a commercial right rather than something any American citizen can enjoy. <P> The Elements of Journalism is already igniting a national dialogue on issues vital to us all. This book will be the starting point for discussions by journalists and members of the public about the nature of journalism and the access that we all enjoy to information for years to come. <P>

The Elements of Journalism: What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect

by Bill Kovach Tom Rosenstiel

The Book That Every Citizen and Journalist Should Read. "What this book does better than any single book on media history, ethics, or practice is weave [together] why media audiences have fled and why new technology and megacorporate ownership are putting good journalism at risk." --Rasmi Simhan, Boston Globe

The Elements of Journalism, Revised and Updated 3rd Edition

by Tom Rosenstiel Bill Kovach

The Book That Every Citizen and Journalist Should Read"What this book does better than any single book on media history, ethics, or practice is weave . . . [together] why media audiences have fled and why new technology and megacorporate ownership are putting good journalism at risk." --Rasmi Simhan, Boston Globe"Kovach and Rosenstiel's essays on each [element] are concise gems, filled with insights worthy of becoming axiomatic. . . . The book should become essential reading for journalism professionals and students and for the citizens they aim to serve." --Carl Sessions Stepp, American Journalism Review"If you think journalists have no idea what you want . . . here is a book that agrees with you. Better--it has solutions. The Elements of Journalism is written for journalists, but any citizen who wonders why the news seems trivial or uninspiring should read it." --Marta Salij, Detroit Free PressThe elements of journalism are:* Journalism's first obligation is to the truth.* Its first loyalty is to citizens.* Its essence is a discipline of verification.* Its practitioners must maintain an independence from those they cover.* It must serve as an independent monitor of power.* It must provide a forum for public criticism and compromise.* It must strive to make the significant interesting and relevant.* It must keep the news comprehensive and proportional.* Its practitioners must be allowed to exercise their personal conscience.

The Elements of Journalism, Revised and Updated 4th Edition: What Newspeople Should Know And The Public Should Expect

by Bill Kovach Tom Rosenstiel

A timely new edition of the classic journalism text, now featuring updated material on the importance of reporting in the age of media mistrust and fake news—and how journalists can use technology to navigate its challengesMore than two decades ago, the Committee of Concerned Journalists gathered some of America&’s most influential newspeople and asked them, &“What is journalism for?&” Through exhaustive research, surveys, interviews, and public forums, the committee identified the essential elements that define journalism and its role in our society. The result is one of the most important books on media ever written—winner of the Goldsmith Book Prize from Harvard, a Society of Professional Journalists Award, and the Bart Richards Award for Media Criticism from Penn State University.Updated with new material covering the ways journalists can leverage technology to their advantage, especially given the shifting revenue architecture of news—and with the future of news, facts, and democracy never more in question—this fourth edition of The Elements of Journalism is the authoritative guide for journalists, students, and anyone hoping to stay informed in contentious times.

The Elements of Negotiation: 103 Tactics for Everyone to Win in Each Deal

by Keld Jensen

Comprehensive guide to mastering negotiation, based on 24 years of research The Elements of Negotiation provides readers with an easy-to-follow step-by-step approach to becoming exceptional negotiators in both their professional and personal lives. Grounded in 24 years of extensive research, studying the habits and techniques of 35,000 individual negotiators, the 103 steps provide a detailed roadmap for negotiation excellence, covering preparation, execution, and post-negotiation analysis. Backed by tested science proving the tips' efficacy, The Elements of Negotiation explores a wealth of real-world case studies and examples, with trends and predictions into the future of negotiation, and additional resources and training programs to further improve your negotiation skills. In this book, you'll learn: How to prepare for negotiations to achieve superior financial outcomes What to say—and not say—during any negotiation, big or small How successful negotiators achieve positive outcomes for both parties Why successful negotiators are usually successful in both their personal and professional lives With its research-backed approach and the expertise of Keld Jensen, an international authority on negotiation with countless accolades and clients like the Financial Times, Target, Government of Canada, and UCLA, The Elements of Negotiation is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to elevate their negotiation skills.

Elements of News Writing

by James W. Kershner

Kershner's The Elements of News Writing 3/e is a concise handbook that presents the essential rules of journalism, while offering in-depth analysis of the evolving industry. With comprehensive coverage from history to how-to, and discussions of new media, online journalism, blogging, and social networking, this text covers news writing from a 360 degree view. <P><P> The Elements of News Writing covers the basics of news writing without the extra verbiage. The author pays extra attention to grammar and usage, with easy-to-follow basic tips on writing for all types of mass media, new and old.

Elements of Optical Networking: Basics and Practice of Glass Fiber Optical Data Communication

by Volkmar Brückner

This compact textbook introduces the most important elements of optical networks and uses them to solve practical problems by engineering solutions. The main topics are glass fibers, optical transmitters and receivers, modulation of laser light for high bit rates, elements of passive (couplers, distributors) and active (switches, optical amplifiers) networks, influence of nonlinearities in optical transmission as well as integration into the global network. Examples describe advantages and limits of optical data transfer in networks. In addition to each topic, practical exercises and questions are given. Difficult mathematical relationships and formulas are explained and simulated using a mathematical program.This textbook has been recommended and developed for university courses in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.The contentPhotonics, wave-guide structures, glass fibers – Parameters and properties of optical fibers: attenuation and dispersion, transmission bandwidth – Optical transmitters, modulation of transmitters – Optical amplifiers – Optical receivers – Active and passive optical couplers and switches – Nonlinear processes in glass fibers, solitons – Active and passive optical networksTarget GroupsStudents of Bachelor and Master courses at Universities of Applied SciencesStudents of Bachelor courses at Technical UniversitiesPractitioners in the fields of telecommunications and communication technologyLife-long learners

The Elements of Power: Lessons on Leadership and Influence

by Terry R. Bacon

What do a person's knowledge, expressiveness, history, character, and attraction have in common? Or his or her role, resources, information, network, and reputation? Each is a key to either personal or organizational power, and together they open the complex combination lock on the door of true leadership and irresistible influence. The Elements of Power combines the latest research on the nature of power all over the world with a handy self-assessment and invaluable insight into: How power works in organizations How people use and lose power The relationship between power and leadership What makes famous people powerful or what diminishes their power Sources of power and how to build each one Leading and influencing others more effectively Complete with "Portraits in Power" examining key business figures and world leaders alike, the full effect is an accessible and unprecedented pipeline to the many sources and types of internal and external power, including the most valuable of all: the power of will.

The Elements of Résumé Style: Essential Rules for Writing Resumes and Cover Letters That Work

by Scott Bennett

<p>It's amazing the misinformation found in most resume books! Scott Bennett has hired hundreds of people in a variety of industries, and he knows firsthand what kind of resume sparks an employer's interest-and which ones fail. In <i>The Elements of Resume Style</i>, he warns against popular "tricks" that tend to backfire-and instead shows readers how to craft clear, compelling, targeted resumes and cover letters that actually work. <p>In this new edition, readers see that whether it's on paper or online, the rules are the same: use clear, dynamic language-and keep it short and focused. Now covering social media, the online application process, and more, this indispensable guide provides: <p> <li>More than 1,400 action words, statements, and position descriptions that help sell your skills and experience <li>Hundreds of words, phrases, and vague claims to avoid <li>Advice for handling employment gaps, job-hopping, and requests for salary history and requirements <li>Sample resumes, response letter, inquiry letter, informational interview request letter, references, and more <li>Surprising tips for acing the interview</li> <p> <p>Competition is intense no matter what your field, but this candid book's time-tested tools will make you stand out-and help get you the job you deserve!</p>

The Elements of Visual Grammar: A Designer's Guide for Writers, Scholars, and Professionals (Skills For Scholars Ser.)

by Angela Riechers

A color-illustrated introduction to the basic principles of visual language that every content creator and consumer needs to knowThe right images capture attention, pique curiosity, and inspire viewers to stick around long enough to read any accompanying text. Nearly everyone today needs to use or understand images in communications of all kinds, from the most formal professional publication to the most casual social media post, and knowing the basics of visual language is essential for content creators and consumers alike. However, most people aren’t taught visual grammar unless they go into art- or design-related fields. The Elements of Visual Grammar explains image use in any media in practical terms for writers, scholars, and other professionals. Award-winning art director and design professor Angela Riechers offers a flexible set of principles and best practices for selecting images that work—and using them in the most persuasive way. The result is an indispensable guide for anyone who wants to learn how to work more successfully with images and words.Features more than 200 color illustrations—drawn from a wide range of styles, media, and eras—that demonstrate the principles of visual grammar and how images can support and enhance written contentDefines and illustrates the basic elements of images, describes how images function within text regardless of media, and explains how to choose images and integrate them with textIntroduces the practical, cultural, conceptual, and scientific factors that influence image useAnalyzes images by function and describes ways to employ symbolism, synecdoche, allegory, metaphor, analogy, and iconography

Elements of Writing Third Course

by James L. Kinneavy John E. Warriner

A language arts textbook covering the following areas in three parts: PART 1 Writing PART 2 Handbook PART 3 Resources

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