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Empowered Boundaries: Speaking Truth, Setting Boundaries, and Inspiring Social Change

by Cristien Storm

Strengthen relationships, build more resilient communities, and develop a stronger emotional toolbox Explaining power and privilege and the links between individual safety and community safety, Cristien Storm shows readers how to set emotional boundaries that build vibrant social movements and a better world for all. As there have been increases in violence against women, people of color, immigrants, and LGBTQI-identified people, there has been a corresponding demand for individual and community self-defense, boundary setting, and bystander trainings. Boundary setting can be used not just as a means for personal safety but as form of solidarity, resistance, and inspiration.From saying no to a boss who always asks you to work late, to setting a boundary with a loved one, to navigating an uncomfortable situation at the bus stop, Cristien Storm offers a new approach to verbal boundary setting that is accessible for all bodies and identities. Practical in scope, the book includes tools, tips, and strategies from Storm's decades of experience leading boundary-setting workshops. Grounded in resiliency and trauma-informed theory, Storm pays particular attention to the experiences of women, people of color, immigrants, and LQBTQI-identified people, making this necessary reading for anyone looking to create healthier relationships and build stronger communities.

Empowered Love: Use Your Brain to Be Your Best Self and Create Your Ideal Relationship

by Dr Steven Stosny

Ever wonder why your self-control, rationality, and compassion seem to go out the window when dealing with your partner? Couples therapist and relationship expert Steven Stosny explains it all in this revelatory book about the divide between our adult and our toddler brains. Too often, conflict in our intimate relationships reactivates our least-regulated "toddler" side, bringing out an instinctive desire to assert our own way and make everything a zero-sum game. Dr. Stosny shows the way toward overcoming these destructive impulses and nurturing our more loving and clear-eyed inclinations. Drawing upon his decades of experience in working with troubled marriages, he distills his insights into an actionable guide for embracing our best impulses in our relationships.Empowered Love is a valuable guide for married and live-in couples who struggle with an unhealthy dynamic; those already in individual or couples therapy who want a highly effective aid to help them communicate with their partner; and licensed therapists and counselors looking for an in-depth perspective on the developmental stages in play with relationship strife. "This book is for anyone who wants to learn from their painful relational past; rescue and revive a current relationship; and receive promise and hope for their future. This refreshingly brilliant book not only identifies the bottom line issues in relationships, it provides a concrete formula for creating mature, passionate relationships. In this book Dr. Stosny brilliantly identifies the underlying cause of all relationship dissatisfaction and distress. Refreshingly practical, the book draws a clear line between unhealthy and healthy interactions, enabling the reader to identify and prevent relationships disasters long before they happen. Steven Stosny's work never fails to inform, inspire and draw a clear roadmap to happier, healthier relationships." — Pat Love, Ed.D., LMFT, co-author You’re Tearing Us Apart: Twenty Ways We Wreck Our Relationships and Strategies to Repair Them"If you've ever wondered why all of your relationships are a breeze except for your intimate one, wonder no more. Steven Stosny explains how intimate partners often get stuck in repetitive and unproductive ways of interacting, and how, more importantly, to break free of these hurtful relationship habits. If your relationship isn't what it once was or what you hoped it would be, before you convince yourself that you picked the wrong partner, read this book! It combines cutting edge information about how our brains drive our choices in day to day interactions along with Stosny's extensive experience in helping people love each other more. This book is a must read!" —Michele Weiner-Davis, author of The Divorce Remedy"Combining the latest in neuroscience with decades of experience as a couples therapist specializing in the most difficult cases, Steven Stosny has written a clear, practical, immensely readable guide to arm and activate our better angels. Empowered Love is for anyone who wishes to show up more humanely in our closest and most important relationships."—Terry Real, author of The New Rules of Marriage

En antena. Libro de estilo del periodismo oral

by Cadena SER

«Usted habrá escuchado hablar alguna vez del sonido SER. Sepa que es el conjunto de buenas prácticas que permite identificar a cualquiera de las emisoras de esta cadena de radio "a simple oído".»Antonio Hernández-Rodicio, director de Cadena SER En antena. Libro de estilo del periodismo oral detalla los hábitos necesarios para expresarse y tratar la información como el mejor periodista radiofónico y, en definitiva, para ejercer un periodismo eficaz, riguroso y ético. Aunque las normas y consejos que recoge nacieron con el fin de unificar el método, los principios y las formas expresivas que configuran la personalidad de una cadena emblemática, su utilidad rebasa la de ese y cualquier otro medio, y se extiende a cualquier persona que se vaya a poner delante de un micrófono, una cámara o un público. «La época en la que este libro sale al mercado se caracteriza por lo que eufemística y agramaticalmente sedenomina "era de la posverdad"; palabra esta última que ocupa el lugar de lo que veníamos llamando mentira, manipulación o bulo. »Por eso las empresas informativas y sus profesionales acreditados se hacen cada vez más imprescindibles ante ese maremágnum donde todo vale; y pueden constituirse en el refugio de las noticias contrastadas y de las narraciones elaboradas con una perspectiva ética al servicio de la sociedad.»Álex Grijelmo

En antena. Libro de estilo del periodismo oral

by Cadena Ser

«Usted habrá escuchado hablar alguna vez del sonido SER. Sepa que es el conjunto de buenas prácticas que permite identificar a cualquiera de las emisoras de esta cadena de radio "a simple oído".»Antonio Hernández-Rodicio, director de Cadena SER En antena. Libro de estilo del periodismo oral detalla los hábitos necesarios para expresarse y tratar la información como el mejor periodista radiofónico y, en definitiva, para ejercer un periodismo eficaz, riguroso y ético. Aunque las normas y consejos que recoge nacieron con el fin de unificar el método, los principios y las formas expresivas que configuran la personalidad de una cadena emblemática, su utilidad rebasa la de ese y cualquier otro medio, y se extiende a cualquier persona que se vaya a poner delante de un micrófono, una cámara o un público. «La época en la que este libro sale al mercado se caracteriza por lo que eufemística y agramaticalmente sedenomina "era de la posverdad"; palabra esta última que ocupa el lugar de lo que veníamos llamando mentira, manipulación o bulo. »Por eso las empresas informativas y sus profesionales acreditados se hacen cada vez más imprescindibles ante ese maremágnum donde todo vale; y pueden constituirse en el refugio de las noticias contrastadas y de las narraciones elaboradas con una perspectiva ética al servicio de la sociedad.»Álex Grijelmo

En el filo de la navaja

by Yolanda Ruiz

El primer libro de Yolanda Ruiz es un magister en periodismo e historia reciente de país. Yolanda Ruiz recuerda el día que habló con Pablo Escobar para hacer una entrevista que esperó más de dos décadas para ser publicada. Tiene vivo también el impacto de ver los restos del avión que, según se dice en una versión controvertida, mandó a derribar el capo. Ha narrado la muerte de mil maneras y también las búsquedas desesperadas de paz. Frente a las cámaras de televisión y los micrófonos de la radio ha acumulado treinta y cuatro años de periodismo y ha enfrentado retos humanos y éticos. Ese tiempo le permite ver el espejo retrovisor y recordar muchas anécdotas y encrucijadas a las que ha tenido que enfrentarse para narrar el país. ¿Cómo preguntarle a Clara Rojas por su hijo horas después de haber sido liberada tras siete años de secuestro, o a Claudia Morales cuando acaba de denunciar una violación de la que fue víctima en el pasado? ¿De qué manera rectificar si se acaba de decir al aire que el político e industrial Pedro Juan Moreno y sus compañeros de viaje salieron ilesos cuando el helicóptero en el que volaban se fue a pique? ¿Qué hacer si un expresidente cuelga el teléfono en una entrevista al aire? ¿Cómo se aborda la denuncia de un escándalo en la Corte constitucional? ¿Cómo enfrentar el reto digital y las noticias falsas? ¿Cómo informar sobre un secuestro de periodistas o cómo enfrentar una amenaza? ¿Cómo mantener distancia cuando estamos también en la mira de los violentos? Este libro, además de repasar algunos de los sucesos más recordados de Colombia en los últimos 30 años, nos asoma al tras escena de la información para dejarnos ver cómo se cocinan las noticias y entender cómo se toman decisiones difíciles en medio de momentos complejos. Es una evaluación reflexiva y profunda sobre cómo funcionan los medios de comunicación en Colombia, por qué las redes están transformando el oficio, y por qué el afán de la "chiva" sigue dejando muchas lecciones. Una evaluación que solo el tiempo transcurrido y la experiencia de una periodista como Yolanda Ruiz permiten hacer con responsabilidad y humanismo.

En el lugar de los hechos

by Jorge Zarza

El lector encontrará en este libro lecciones de periodismo de primer nivel, así como el rostro más humano del reportero que con igual rigor implacable cubre las secuelas de una matanza de inocentes o la pasión religiosa de una Semana Santa en algún lugar del mundo. Jorge Zarza es uno de los reporteros con más prestigio internacional de México: sus coberturas respecto a un atentado terrorista, la tragedia humana ante un desastre natural o la voz rasgada de quienes sobreviven a un enfrentamiento armado confirman su rigor periodístico y su tenacidad para informar desde el lugar de los hechos. El destacado comunicador comparte en estas páginas qué hay detrás de cada reportaje, qué obstáculos deben superarse para informar desde el corazón de la catástrofe. Cuenta su experiencia terrible en Estados Unidos cuando asistió a la ejecución de un acusado mexicano; cuáles fueron las emociones captadas durante el rescate de los mineros en Chile en 2010; su dolor ante los cadáveres de mujeres, ancianos, niños, durante una matanza paramilitar; el rostro de la desolación después de los atentados de Atocha; cómo informar ante el legado sombrío de los huracanes Paulina o Jova. En estas páginas se encuentra la trayectoria de más de 25 años al servicio de la información: testimonios, anécdotas, confesiones, que el reportero asimila con profesionalismo para lograr la nota; el detalle de las horas de hambre y miedo en zonas de devastación, la ilusión en los rescates de vidas humanas, el fervor de los creyentes durante las visitas del Papa o las exigencias de los políticos, todo en un libro lleno de pasión e intenso amor al periodismo.

En la boca del lobo: La historia jamás contada del hombre que derrotó al cartel de Cali (Vintage Espanol Ser.)

by William C. Rempe

¿Arriesgarías tu vida para salvar tu alma? La historia jamás contada del hombre que derrotó al cartel de Cali. Colombia, en los años noventa, era un país sumido en el caos con un gobierno débil que combatía a la guerrilla y a los narcotraficantes inmersos en una guerra liderada por Pablo Escobar y sus eternos rivales: los hermanos Rodríguez Orejuela, del cartel de Cali. Jorge Salcedo, ingeniero, oficial de la reserva del ejército, un hombre de negocios respetado, padre de familia, que despreciaba a Escobar, entró a formar parte del cartel de Cali para convertirse en el jefe de seguridad de uno de los capos. Salcedo pretendía ignorar la corrupción, la violencia y la brutalidad que lo rodeaba, y luchó por preservar su integridad con grandes dificultades, hasta que un día recibió una orden directa del padrino que no podía cumplir pero tampoco desobedecer. Salcedo comprendió entonces que suúnica salida era traicionar al sindicato del crimen más rico y poderoso de todos los tiempos, arriesgarlo todo e intentar derrotar a los de Cali en un juego a vida o muerte en el que eran muy pocas las posibilidades de ganar. William C. Rempel es el único reportero con acceso directo a Jorge Salcedo y a su historia. Salcedo vive escondido con su familia en algún lugar de Estados Unidos. Nadie, ni siquiera el autor, conoce su paradero. Reseñas:«Un thriller real de ritmo vertiginoso que acelera el corazón.»Kirkus Reviews «Bill Rempel se ha ganado la reputación de mejor reportero de investigación de América, y como los cronistas de antaño, consigue que la gente le cuente historias asombrosas que no revelaría a nadie más. En la boca del lobo pone de manifiesto la maestría de Rempel al desvelar con todo lujo de detalles los secretos de la sangrienta guerra de las drogas en Colombia a partir del testimonio directo de uno de sus principales protagonistas. Al final te das cuenta de que el mayor misterio es que Jorge Salcedo haya logrado sobrevivir el tiempo suficiente para poder contarle su vida a Rempel.»James Risen, autor de Estado de guerra «En este impactante y extraordinario trabajo de no ficción, William Rempel pone de manifiesto la importancia de los reportajes de investigación, logrando acceder a la persona que podría, y de hecho lo hizo, difundir los secretos que desmontaron un cartel tan poderoso como el de Cali. Rempel tiene una historia extraordinaria que contar. No solamente arrastra al lector al oscuro mundo de los carteles de drogas, sino que ofrece también el estudio fascinante de un personaje, un hombre que tendrá que responder a una pregunta terrible: ¿Debe arriesgar su vida para salvar su alma o mantener un pacto con el diablo?»David Grann, autor de La ciudad perdida de Z y El diablo y Sherlock Holmes

En Perspectiva. 25 años y más.

by Carina Novarese Emiliano Cotelo

Todas las mañanas desde hace un cuarto de siglo, Emiliano Cotelo y suequipo acompañan a los uruguayos con su programa En Perspectiva, deradio El Espectador. Este nuevo libro del sello Aguilar celebra los 25años de este reconocido periodístico. Un cuarto de siglo atrás Uruguay nació nuevamente a la democracia. Hacíafalta una mirada fresca y rigurosa sobre todo ese proceso que comenzabaa desatarse. En Perspectiva surgió en ese entorno y, desde entonces, haacompañado cada día de los uruguayos a través de las voces de EmilianoCotelo y su equipo. Hay mucho para contar. Desde los comienzos enEmisora del Palacio hasta su instalación definitiva en radio ElEspectador. Es que por esos micrófonos desfilaron los protagonistas yacontecimientos claves de la historia reciente nacional. A través decartas, llamadas, mensajes de texto y de correo electrónico, en muchoscasos, el personaje principal fue la audiencia. O un presidente de laRepública. O un premio Nobel. O un artista reconocido. Lo que se ve y loque no se ve, lo que se escucha y lo que no se escucha del proceso de ?hacer radio? es un capítulo apasionante de este libro. ¿Cómo se hacepara saludar con tanto entusiasmo a las 7:00 de la mañana? ¿Cuál es ladinámica de trabajo que permite manejar todos los datos de la realidadnacional e internacional con tanta soltura? ¿Cuáles fueron las mejoresentrevistas? ¿Cómo se mantiene la independencia periodística en un medioque depende de los anunciantes para sobrevivir? ¿Cómo se maneja larelación con los representantes del poder político? Las respuestasvienen de la mano de Emiliano Cotelo y Carina Novarese para celebrarestos 25 años y más de En Perspectiva.

En sus trece: Prensa que irrita al poder (2011-2018)

by César Hildebrandt

"Porque el periodismo es eso: tensar la cuerda, retar, obtener, tras arduos trabajos, la enemistad de los que cortan el jamón, los muchachos del big money. A mí que no me vengan con prensa sedante, prensa láudano, chicharrón de prensa, mustios collados. Solo la prensa que irrita al poder se salva de envolver pescado." De los muchos textos escritos en estos años para el semanario que lleva mi nombre -groserías del márqueting, demandas de la subsistencia-, pocos son los que resultan legibles con el paso del tiempo. La mayor parte perece en la fugacidad, en el chisporreo grasiento de lo banal. Ahora los leo y me doy cuenta de cuánto reincido en temas y obsesiones. El menú de mi neurosis podría abreviarse de esta manera: me disgusta el mundo tanto como antes, cuando era joven y creía que lo cambiaríamos. Los consejos de la edad no me han servido de nada. Sigo siendo paciente de la ira y está intacto, más lozano si cabe, mi amor por las causas perdidas. Vivo en un país que amo y me abate al mismo tiempo, y he visto caer a casi todos los dioses que fueron el hechizo olimpo de mi juventud. Pero eso no me ha conducido a la melancolía, felizmente. Cada día estoy más convencido de que mi deber es pelear por lo que creo. ¿Creer? Sí, por qué no. No está mal creer que algún día el mundo será verde y que el Perú admitirá el placer de la civilización. No está mal creer que el mundo se deshará de los políticos y reconocerá, a la fuerza, que el planeta merece mejores guías y más ciertos discursos. En el fondo, esa es la pelea. Contra lo que muchos creen, no venero el pesimismo. Admito que el Perú alienta todas las tristezas y los desalientos, pero jamás me entregué al lujo de los años sabáticos y las treguas clínicas. La peor desgracia del Perú son sus políticos. Y eso es algo que hemos permitido los peruanos. No fue el imperialismo el que nos impuso a Fujimori ni vinieron de fuera los alisios viciosos que nos han hecho renunciar, tantas veces, a la dignididad ciudadana. No es de extrañar que buena parte de de estos textos estén dirigidos al denuesto altisonante de quienes asumieron el poder y nos defraudaron. César Hildebrandt

Enabling 6G Mobile Networks

by Jonathan Rodriguez Christos Verikoukis John S. Vardakas Nikos Passas

This book tackles the 6G odyssey, providing a concerted technology roadmap towards the 6G vision focused on the interoperability between the wireless and optical domain, including the benefits that are introduced through virtualization and software defined radio. The authors aim to be at the forefront of beyond 5G technologies by reflecting the integrated works of several major European collaborative projects (H2020-ETN-SECRET, 5GSTEPFWD, and SPOTLIGHT). The book is structured so as to provide insights towards the 6G horizon, reporting on the most recent developments on the international 6G research effort.The authors address a variety of telecom stakeholders, which includes practicing engineers on the field developing commercial solutions for 5G and beyond products; postgraduate researchers that require a basis on which to build their research by highlighting the current challenges on radio, optical and cloud-based networking for ultra-dense networks, including novel approaches; and project managers that could use the principles and applications for shaping new research proposals on this highly dynamic field.

Enabling Technologies for Next Generation Wireless Communications (Artificial Intelligence (AI): Elementary to Advanced Practices)

by Mohammed Usman Mohd Wajid Mohd Dilshad Ansari

Enabling Technologies for Next Generation Wireless Communications provides up-to-date information on emerging trends in wireless systems, their enabling technologies and their evolving application paradigms. This book includes the latest trends and developments toward next generation wireless communications. It highlights the requirements of next generation wireless systems, limitations of existing technologies in delivering those requirements and the need to develop radical new technologies. It focuses on bringing together information on various technological developments that are enablers vital to fulfilling the requirements of future wireless communication systems and their applications. Topics discussed include spectrum issues, network planning, signal processing, transmitter, receiver, antenna technologies, channel coding, security and application of machine learning and deep learning for wireless communication systems. The book also provides information on enabling business models for future wireless systems. This book is useful as a resource for researchers and practitioners worldwide, including industry practitioners, technologists, policy decision-makers, academicians, and graduate students.

Encountering China’s Past: Translation and Dissemination of Classical Chinese Literature (New Frontiers in Translation Studies)

by Lintao Qi Shani Tobias

This book features articles contributed by leading scholars and scholar-translators in Translation Studies and Chinese Studies from around the world. Written in English, the articles examine the translation of classical Chinese literature, from classics to poetry, from drama to fiction, into a range of Asian and European languages including Japanese, English, French, Czech, and Danish. The collection therefore provides a platform for readers to make comparative and critical readings of scholarship across languages, cultures, disciplines, and genres. With its integration of textual and paratextual materials, this collection of essays is of potential interest to not only academics in the area of Translation Studies, Chinese Studies, Literary Studies and Intercultural Communications, but it may also appeal to communities outside the academia who simply enjoy reading about literature.

Encounters: A Photographic Journey

by Levison Wood

Join Sunday Times bestselling author, award-winning explorer and photographer Levison Wood on his extraordinary journeys around the world - vividly revealed in his first photography book. 'A compelling visual record of a career spent at the extremes.' Sunday Telegraph'Levison Wood's new book is all the travelling you need to do this year... Bringing together 140 of his most striking photos, selected from over a decade on the road, it offers a stunning portrait of the vastly different places, people and lives the world contains - and which most of us will never see.' Gentleman's JournalFrom images documenting his time in war zones to encounters with communities who have returned to traditional ways of life in the face of ecological disasters, Wood's photographs offer a unique insight into the resilience and resourcefulness of those living in some of the least accessible places on the planet. Chapters include Frontiers, Wood's intrepid ventures to remote environments; Conflict, covering not only the front-line battles but also the long-term devastation of war; Heritage, documenting his observations on ancient practices co-existing with modern technology; and Community, his record of the universal importance of family roots, cultural identities and community ties.With his unique experiences in extraordinary locations and his eye for compelling compositions, Wood has created a powerful collection of images that celebrates humanity in all its variety.

Encounters: A Photographic Journey

by Levison Wood

Join Sunday Times bestselling author, award-winning explorer and photographer Levison Wood on his extraordinary journeys around the world - vividly revealed in his first photography book. 'A compelling visual record of a career spent at the extremes.' Sunday Telegraph'Levison Wood's new book is all the travelling you need to do this year... Bringing together 140 of his most striking photos, selected from over a decade on the road, it offers a stunning portrait of the vastly different places, people and lives the world contains - and which most of us will never see.' Gentleman's JournalFrom images documenting his time in war zones to encounters with communities who have returned to traditional ways of life in the face of ecological disasters, Wood's photographs offer a unique insight into the resilience and resourcefulness of those living in some of the least accessible places on the planet. Chapters include Frontiers, Wood's intrepid ventures to remote environments; Conflict, covering not only the front-line battles but also the long-term devastation of war; Heritage, documenting his observations on ancient practices co-existing with modern technology; and Community, his record of the universal importance of family roots, cultural identities and community ties.With his unique experiences in extraordinary locations and his eye for compelling compositions, Wood has created a powerful collection of images that celebrates humanity in all its variety.

Encyclopedia of American Humorists (Routledge Revivals)

by Steven H. Gale

First published in 1988, this book contains entries on famous American Humorists. Humor has been present in American literature, from the beginning, and has developed characteristics that reflect the American character, both regional and national. Although American literature was, in the past, treated as inferior to British literature, there has always been a large popular audience for the genre, which this book shows. The figures with entries in this encyclopedia not only amuse in their writing, but also aim to enlighten- setting out to expose the foibles and foolishness of society and the individuals who compose it. It is the manner in which these authors try to accomplish this end that determines whether they appear in the volume. Indeed, the book will demonstrate that the best humor has at its base, a ready understanding of human nature.

Encyclopedia of American Journalism

by Stephen L. Vaughn

The Encyclopedia of American Journalism explores the distinctions found in print media, radio, television, and the internet. This work seeks to document the role of these different forms of journalism in the formation of America's understanding and reaction to political campaigns, war, peace, protest, slavery, consumer rights, civil rights, immigration, unionism, feminism, environmentalism, globalization, and more. This work also explores the intersections between journalism and other phenomena in American Society, such as law, crime, business, and consumption. The evolution of journalism's ethical standards is discussed, as well as the important libel and defamation trials that have influenced journalistic practice, its legal protection, and legal responsibilities. Topics covered include: Associations and Organizations; Historical Overview and Practice; Individuals; Journalism in American History; Laws, Acts, and Legislation; Print, Broadcast, Newsgroups, and Corporations; Technologies.

Encyclopedia of Cloud Computing

by Irena Bojanova San Murugesan

The Encyclopedia of Cloud Computing provides IT professionals, educators, researchers and students with a compendium of cloud computing knowledge. Authored by a spectrum of subject matter experts in industry and academia, this unique publication, in a single volume, covers a wide range of cloud computing topics, including technological trends and developments, research opportunities, best practices, standards, and cloud adoption. Providing multiple perspectives, it also addresses questions that stakeholders might have in the context of development, operation, management, and use of clouds. Furthermore, it examines cloud computing's impact now and in the future. The encyclopedia presents 56 chapters logically organized into 10 sections. Each chapter covers a major topic/area with cross-references to other chapters and contains tables, illustrations, side-bars as appropriate. Furthermore, each chapter presents its summary at the beginning and backend material, references and additional resources for further information.

Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology

by Renzo Shamey

This fully revised and expanded 2nd edition provides a single authoritative resource describing the concepts of color and the application of color science across research and industry. Significant changes for the 2nd edition include: New and expanded sections on color engineeringMore entries on fundamental concepts of color science and color termsMany additional entries on specific materialsFurther material on optical concepts and human visual perceptionAdditional articles on organisations, tools and systems relevant to colorA new set of entries on 3D presentation of color In addition, many of the existing entries have been revised and updated to ensure that the content of the encyclopedia is current and represents the state of the art. The work covers the full gamut of color: the fundamentals of color science; the physics and chemistry; color as it relates to optical phenomena and the human visual system; and colorants and materials. The measurement of color is described through entries on colorimetry, color spaces, color difference metrics, color appearance models, color order systems and cognitive color. The encyclopedia also has extensive coverage of applications throughout industry, including color imaging, color capture, display and printing, and descriptions of color encodings, color management, processing color and applications relating to color synthesis for computer graphics are included. The broad scope of the work is illustrated through entries on color in art conservation, color and architecture, color and education, color and culture, and biographies of some of the key figures involved in color research throughout history. With over 250 entries from color science researchers across academia and industry, this expanded 2nd edition of the Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology remains the most important single resource in color science.

Encyclopedia of Communication Theory

by Dr Stephen W. Littlejohn Karen A. Foss

With more than 300 entries, these two volumes provide a one-stop source for a comprehensive overview of communication theory, offering current descriptions of theories as well as the background issues and concepts that comprise these theories. This is the first resource to summarize, in one place, the diversity of theory in the communication field.Key ThemesApplications and ContextsCritical OrientationsCultural OrientationsCybernetic and Systems OrientationsFeminist OrientationsGroup and Organizational ConceptsInformation, Media, and Communication TechnologyInternational and Global ConceptsInterpersonal ConceptsNon-Western OrientationsParadigms, Traditions, and SchoolsPhilosophical OrientationsPsycho-Cognitive OrientationsRhetorical OrientationsSemiotic, Linguistic, and Discursive OrientationsSocial/Interactional OrientationsTheory, Metatheory, Methodology, and Inquiry

Encyclopedia of Contemporary Spanish Culture (Encyclopedias of Contemporary Culture)

by Eamonn Rodgers

Some 750 alphabetically-arranged entries provide insights into recent cultural and political developments within Spain, including the cultures of Catalonia, Galicia and the Basque country. Coverage spans from the end of the Civil War in 1939 to the present day, with emphasis on the changes following the demise of the Franco dictatorship in 1975.Entries range from shorter, factual articles to longer overview essays offering in-depth treatment of major issues. Culture is defined in its broadest sense. Entries include:*Antonio Gaudí * science * Antonio Banderas * golf * dance * education * politics * racism * urbanization This Encyclopedia is essential reading for anyone interested in Spanish culture. It provides essential cultural context for students of Spanish, European History, Comparative European Studies and Cultural Studies.

Encyclopedia of Cryptology

by David E. Newton

Aimed at a general audience- perhaps high school students and above- rather than the sophisticated math and computer specialists who deal with the subject at a detailed level. The history, uses, significance, terminology and acronyms, and important personages and events connected with secret writing are explained in 550 entries, each with cross-references and most with suggestions for further reading. Includes an annotated bibliography.

Encyclopedia of Humor Studies

by Salvatore I. Attardo

The Encyclopedia of Humor: A Social History explores the concept of humor in history and modern society in the United States and internationally. This work’s scope encompasses the humor of children, adults, and even nonhuman primates throughout the ages, from crude jokes and simple slapstick to sophisticated word play and ironic parody and satire. As an academic social history, it includes the perspectives of a wide range of disciplines, including sociology, child development, social psychology, life style history, communication, and entertainment media. Readers will develop an understanding of the importance of humor as it has developed globally throughout history and appreciate its effects on child and adult development, especially in the areas of health, creativity, social development, and imagination. This two-volume set is available in both print and electronic formats. Features & Benefits: The General Editor also serves as Editor-in-Chief of HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research for The International Society for Humor Studies. The book’s 335 articles are organized in A-to-Z fashion in two volumes (approximately 1,000 pages). This work is enhanced by an introduction by the General Editor, a Foreword, a list of the articles and contributors, and a Reader’s Guide that groups related entries thematically. A Chronology of Humor, a Resource Guide, and a detailed Index are included. Each entry concludes with References/Further Readings and cross references to related entries. The Index, Reader’s Guide themes, and cross references between and among related entries combine to provide robust search-and-browse features in the electronic version. This two-volume, A-to-Z set provides a general, non-technical resource for students and researchers in such diverse fields as communication and media studies, sociology and anthropology, social and cognitive psychology, history, literature and linguistics, and popular culture and folklore.

Encyclopedia of Humor Studies

by Salvatore I. Attardo

The Encyclopedia of Humor: A Social History explores the concept of humor in history and modern society in the United States and internationally. This work’s scope encompasses the humor of children, adults, and even nonhuman primates throughout the ages, from crude jokes and simple slapstick to sophisticated word play and ironic parody and satire. As an academic social history, it includes the perspectives of a wide range of disciplines, including sociology, child development, social psychology, life style history, communication, and entertainment media. Readers will develop an understanding of the importance of humor as it has developed globally throughout history and appreciate its effects on child and adult development, especially in the areas of health, creativity, social development, and imagination. This two-volume set is available in both print and electronic formats. Features & Benefits: The General Editor also serves as Editor-in-Chief of HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research for The International Society for Humor Studies. The book’s 335 articles are organized in A-to-Z fashion in two volumes (approximately 1,000 pages). This work is enhanced by an introduction by the General Editor, a Foreword, a list of the articles and contributors, and a Reader’s Guide that groups related entries thematically. A Chronology of Humor, a Resource Guide, and a detailed Index are included. Each entry concludes with References/Further Readings and cross references to related entries. The Index, Reader’s Guide themes, and cross references between and among related entries combine to provide robust search-and-browse features in the electronic version. This two-volume, A-to-Z set provides a general, non-technical resource for students and researchers in such diverse fields as communication and media studies, sociology and anthropology, social and cognitive psychology, history, literature and linguistics, and popular culture and folklore.

Encyclopedia of Media Violence: One-Volume Set

by Matthew S. Eastin

Via 134 signed entries, this encyclopedia provides students, researchers, and the general public with an accessible, comprehensive, and well-balanced eviddence-based examination of theory, research and debates related to media violence. Entries conclude with Cross-References and Suggestions for Further Readings to guide users to related entries and resources for further research, and a thematic Reader’s Guide in the front matter groups related entries by topic to make it easier for users to locate related entries of interest.

Encyclopedia of Media Violence: One-Volume Set

by Matthew S. Eastin

Via 134 signed entries, this encyclopedia provides students, researchers, and the general public with an accessible, comprehensive, and well-balanced eviddence-based examination of theory, research and debates related to media violence. Entries conclude with Cross-References and Suggestions for Further Readings to guide users to related entries and resources for further research, and a thematic Reader’s Guide in the front matter groups related entries by topic to make it easier for users to locate related entries of interest.

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