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Aeronautical Air-Ground Data Link Communications

by Christophe Guerber Nicolas Larrieu José Radzik Mohamed Slim Ben Mahmoud Alain Pirovano

This book deals with air-ground aeronautical communications. The main goal is to give the reader a survey of the currently deployed, emerging and future communications systems dedicated to digital data communications between the aircraft and the ground, namely the data link. Those communication systems show specific properties relatively to those commonly used for terrestrial communications. In this book, the system architectures are more specifically considered from the access to the application layers as radio and physical functionalities have already been addressed in detail in others books.The first part is an introduction to aeronautical communications, their specific concepts, properties, requirements and terminology. The second part presents the currently used systems for air ground communications in continental and oceanic area. The third part enlightens the reader on the emerging and future communication systems and some leading research projects focused on this scope. Finally, before the conclusion, the fourth part gives several main challenges and research directions currently under investigation.

Aerospace Technologies and Applications for Dual Use

by Ramjee Prasad Giacinto Losquadro Hugh Griffiths Marina Ruggieri S. Greco Alexander Soucek Albena Mihovska General Pietro Finocchio Pietro Finocchio Giuseppe Morsillo Mario L. Cosmo Paul E. Gartz Gerardo Lancia G. C. Grasso Enrico Saggese S. Venturi P. Massafra K. P. Doerpelkus Carlo Alberto Penazzi Renzo Meschini Armando Buccheri Marco Tommasi Giovanni Guidotti Nunzio Cocco Marina Grossi Daniele Mortari Carlo Des Dorides Mario Ciampini S. Vetrella L. Verde U. Ciniglio F. Corraro Andrea De Martino Sergio Attilio Jesi Volker Liebig Giuseppe Veredice Ole Mørk Lauridsen L. Pasquali Massimo Capaldo Vittorio Dainelli Cosimo La Rocca Alexander Mager Tiziano Sassorossi S. Arenaccio G. Chiassarini R. Loforti F. Petrosino A. Vernucci Claudio De Bellis Michel Feuga Elisa Tonello Domenico D'Angelo Mesut Ciceker

The events occurred in the last years have shown how the threat related to both intentional and natural disasters could bring the civil and the military worlds closer in the conceivement and deployment of countermeasures as well as in the identification of effective strategies for enhancing the Planet safety and security. In this frame, the concept of dual use ? the set of technologies and applications that can be exploited for both civil and military purposes - becomes a key-topic. In addition, the aerospace is a strategic building block in the deployment of a network centric environment that aims at the global protection of the mankind. Aerospace is also a natural environment for dual use: many of the related enabling technologies have been first developed for the military world and then applied to civil ? including commercial - purposes.On September 12-14, 2007 an International Symposium has been held in Roma, Italy, joining the dual use approach with the aerospace technology: the international community has been gathered around the key-topic: aerospace technologies and applications for dual use. The event has called experts and operators from the military and civil community, belonging to industry, scientific and governmental institutions. The common aim was an effective convergence between the available and perspected technologies for the civil and military worlds as well as the conceivement of applications that can take the maximum benefit from the dual approach, optimizing the available economic resources. The Symposium has included invited-only contributions and an industrial panel. The main results of the Symposium, derived from key-note speeches, invited lectures, panel discussions and conclusions have created the starting material to develop this Edited Book.

Aesthetic Communication

by Ole Thyssen

This book deals with the organizational use of aesthetic means. Based on the idea that organizations are systems of communication, it is shown that consciously or not, organizations have always used aesthetic means to reinforce their communication.

AETA 2017 - Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Related Sciences: Theory and Application (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #465)

by Ivan Zelinka Vo Hoang Duy Tran Trong Dao Sang Bong Kim Tran Thanh Phuong

This proceedings book gathers papers presented at the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Theory and Applications 2017 (AETA 2017), held on 7-9 December 2017 at Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. It presents selected papers on 13 topical areas, including robotics, control systems, telecommunications, computer science and more. All selected papers represent interesting ideas and collectively provide a state-of-the-art overview. Readers will find intriguing papers on the design and implementation of control algorithms for aerial and underwater robots, for mechanical systems, efficient protocols for vehicular ad hoc networks, motor control, image and signal processing, energy saving, optimization methods in various fields of electrical engineering, and others. The book also offers a valuable resource for practitioners who want to apply the content discussed to solve real-life problems in their challenging applications. It also addresses common and related subjects in modern electric, electronic and related technologies. As such, it will benefit all scientists and engineers working in the above-mentioned fields of application.

AETA 2018 - Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Related Sciences: Theory and Application (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #554)

by Ivan Zelinka Pavel Brandstetter Tran Trong Dao Vo Hoang Duy Sang Bong Kim

These proceedings address a broad range of topic areas, including telecommunication, power systems, digital signal processing, robotics, control systems, renewable energy, power electronics, soft computing and more. Today’s world is based on vitally important technologies that combine e.g. electronics, cybernetics, computer science, telecommunication, and physics. However, since the advent of these technologies, we have been confronted with numerous technological challenges such as finding optimal solutions to various problems regarding controlling technologies, signal processing, power source design, robotics, etc. Readers will find papers on these and other topics, which share fresh ideas and provide state-of-the-art overviews. They will also benefit practitioners, who can easily apply the issues discussed here to solve real-life problems in their own work. Accordingly, the proceedings offer a valuable resource for all scientists and engineers pursuing research and applications in the above-mentioned fields.

AETA 2022—Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Related Sciences: Theory And Application (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #1081)

by Tran Trong Dao Vo Hoang Duy Ivan Zelinka Chau Si Thien Dong Phuong T. Tran

This proceedings book features selected papers on 12 themes, including wireless communications, power systems, signal processing, robotics, control systems, sustainable energy, power electronics, intelligent networks and more. Covering topics such as performance of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for 6G communication networks, improved neural network algorithms for optimizing the power flow of renewable energy sources, anomaly detection using stationary and non-stationary signal analysis in data sciences, novel object identification and distance estimation algorithms for self-driving vehicles, the book presents interesting ideas and state-of-the-art overviews.

Affect, Emotion, and Rhetorical Persuasion in Mass Communication

by Carlton Clark Lei Zhang

This volume examines the interplay between affect theory and rhetorical persuasion in mass communication. The essays collected here draw connections between affect theory, rhetorical studies, mass communication theory, cultural studies, political science, sociology, and a host of other disciplines. Contributions from a wide range of scholars feature theoretical overviews and critical perspectives on the movement commonly referred to as "the affective turn" as well as case studies. Critical investigations of the rhetorical strategies behind the 2016 United States presidential election, public health and antiterrorism mass media campaigns, television commercials, and the digital spread of fake news, among other issues, will prove to be both timely and of enduring value. This book will be of use to advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and active researchers in communication, rhetoric, political science, social psychology, sociology, and cultural studies.

Affective Methodologies: Developing Cultural Research Strategies For The Study Of Affect

by Carsten Stage Britta Timm Knudsen

The collection proposes inventive research strategies for the study of the affective and fluctuating dimensions of cultural life. It presents studies of nightclubs, YouTube memes, political provocations, heritage sites, blogging, education development, and haunting memories.

Affektive Medienpraktiken: Emotionen, Körper, Zugehörigkeiten im Reality TV

by Margreth Lünenborg Claudia Töpper Laura Sūna Tanja Maier

Das Buch liefert eine affekttheoretisch informierte Analyse des Reality TV. Dabei wird das komplexe Affektgeschehen zwischen Fernsehsendung, Medientechnologie und den Körpern der Zuschauenden empirisch zugänglich und sichtbar. Eine multiperspektivische Analyse zeigt auf, welche Strategien und Muster der Erzeugung von Affekten und Emotionen Fernsehproduzent*innen nutzen, wie Inklusion und Exklusion im audiovisuellen Medientext für Zuschauende körperlich spürbar wird und welche Spuren Affekte in den Körpern und den Diskursen des Publikums hinterlassen. Auf den Ebenen Körper, Diskurse und Praktiken werden auf diese Weise affektive Dynamiken der Aushandlung von Zugehörigkeiten analysiert. Die Studie leistet damit einen methodisch wie auch theoretisch innovativen Beitrag zur Affekt- und Emotionsforschung in der Kommunikationswissenschaft.

Affirmative Counseling With LGBTQI + People

by Misty M. Ginicola Cheri Smith Joel M. Filmore

Possessing counseling competence in serving the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, ques-tioning, intersex, asexual, ally, pansexual/polysexual, and two-spirited (LGBTQQLAAP-2S, henceforth referred to as LGBTQI+) communities is important, particularly because previous research has shown that large numbers of this population seek therapy. If counselors are unprepared for work with this population, they could potentially do harm to these clients. Many counselors have not received adequate training to work with affectional orientation and gender minority clients; LGBTQI+ clients are aware of this deficit in the field and prescreen therapists for safety and competence in issues of affectional orientation and gender orientation. Although many standard counseling interventions will be appropriate for work with the LGBTQI+ population, counselors need an awareness and knowledge of this population and its cultures and subcultures that extend beyond typical client concerns.

An Affirming Flame: Meditations on Life and Politics

by Roger Cohen

&“For more than forty years Roger Cohen has ventured to every corner of the earth to chronicle the great upheavals of our age, but he&’s never lost sight of what really matters: love, hope, and all the mysteries of the human heart. Here, in this collection of columns that will take you from the streets of Kyiv to an execution chamber in Alabama, you can read him at his best.&”—Dexter Filkins, best-selling author of The Forever WarA collection of the finest New York Times columns written by Roger Cohen over more than a decade, accompanied by an original, twenty-thousand-word essay on the state of the worldThe countless readers who followed Roger Cohen&’s column and mourned its end responded above all to what they saw as the marriage in his writing of head and heart. That tenor permeates An Affirming Flame.During his twelve years as a columnist, Cohen aimed to hold power to account at home and abroad, in the name of freedom, decency, pluralism, and the importance of truth and dissent in open societies. He watched with alarm as the outside threat of 9/11 morphed into the internal threat of January 6. This time, the assailants were not jihadi terrorists; they were American white supremacists and seditionists convinced of American decadence but unable to see that they personified it. The threat to American democracy is clear.Cohen dissects this ominous American fracture. He explores themes of displacement, belonging, and his own imperiled craft of journalism. His examination of the rising tide of authoritarian rule takes him to China, and in Kyiv he sees the devastating impact of Vladimir Putin's Russian nationalism. With its trenchant consideration of the plight of refugees, COVID-19, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the war in Afghanistan, Cohen's writing reflects his belief in the unquenchable human quest for dignity.He captures the fight to defend America&’s openness, democratic institutions, and ideals against the rising tide of retrogression, division, and assault on truth. This struggle, as Cohen writes, is also the world&’s. It is inseparable from the battle to save humanity from the creeping autocracy of the twenty-first century. As he writes, &“On lies is tyranny built.&”

Afganistán: Crónica de una ficción

by Mónica Bernabé

La historia reciente de Afganistán narrada por la única corresponsal española que vive en el país. Afganistán se ha convertido en un nombre cotidiano sin quererlo, en una imposición política, en un conflicto no deseado que, tras muchos años de lucha, sigue sin resolverse. Mònica Bernabé es la única periodista española que vive en Afganistán, una observadora privilegiada que nos cuenta la historia del país a través de su experiencia y narra los acontecimientos que han marcado una década: desde la caída del régimen talibán en el año 2001 hasta la quema de coranes de 2012, pasando por la violencia endémica contra las mujeres y el mito del burqa, las duras condiciones de vida en el frente, la nueva estrategia de Obama o la realidad de las tropas españolas en el país. Bernabé da voz al pueblo afgano en una crónica extraordinaria que se aleja de toda manipulación mediática y revela la verdad sobre el conflicto que ha conseguido desacreditar la política intervencionista de Occidente.

Afghan Refugees, Pakistani Media and the State: The Missing Peace (Routledge Research in Journalism)

by Ayesha Jehangir

Drawing on the frameworks of peace journalism, this book offers new insights into the Pakistani media coverage of Afghan refugees and their forced repatriation from Pakistan. Based on a three-year-study, the author examines the political, social and economic forces that influence and govern the reporting practices of journalists covering the protracted refugee conflict between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Through a critical discourse analysis of the structures of journalistic iterability of Afghan refugees in Pakistan, the author distils four dominant and three emerging frames, and proposes a new teleological turn for peace journalism as deliberative practice, that is to say practice that by promoting transparency and accountability (recognition) and challenging dominant power-proposed narratives and perspectives (resistance) encourages public engagement and participation (cosmopolitan solidarity). The author also privileges an analytical approach that conceptualises the nexus between digital witnessing and peace journalism through the paradigm of cosmopolitanism. The author finds routinely accommodated media narratives of security that represent Afghan refugees as a ‘threat’, a ‘burden’ and the ‘other’ that, through reinforcement, have become an incontestable reality for the public in Pakistan. This book will appeal to those interested in studying and practicing journalism as a conscientious communicative practice that elicits the very public it seeks to inform.

Africa in Translation: A History of Colonial Linguistics in Germany and Beyond, 1814-1945

by Sara Pugach

"Africa in Translationis a thoughtful contribution to the literature on colonialism and culture in Germany and will find readers in the fields of German history and German studies as well as appealing to audiences in the large and interdisciplinary fields of colonialism and postcolonialism. " ---Jennifer Jenkins, University of Toronto The study of African languages in Germany, or Afrikanistik, originated among Protestant missionaries in the early nineteenth century and was incorporated into German universities after Germany entered the "Scramble for Africa" and became a colonial power in the 1880s. Despite its long history, few know about the German literature on African languages or the prominence of Germans in the discipline of African philology. InAfrica in Translation: A History of Colonial Linguistics in Germany and Beyond, 1814--1945, Sara Pugach works to fill this gap, arguing that Afrikanistik was essential to the construction of racialist knowledge in Germany. While in other countries biological explanations of African difference were central to African studies, the German approach was essentially linguistic, linking language to culture and national identity. Pugach traces this linguistic focus back to the missionaries' belief that conversion could not occur unless the "Word" was allowed to touch a person's heart in his or her native language, as well as to the connection between German missionaries living in Africa and armchair linguists in places like Berlin and Hamburg. Over the years, this resulted in Afrikanistik scholars using language and culture rather than biology to categorize African ethnic and racial groups. Africa in Translationfollows the history of Afrikanistik from its roots in the missionaries' practical linguistic concerns to its development as an academic subject in both Germany and South Africa throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Sara Pugach is Assistant Professor of History at California State University, Los Angeles. Jacket image: Perthes, Justus. Mittel und Süd-Afrika. Map. Courtesy of the University of Michigan's Stephen S. Clark Library map collection.

African Accents: A Workbook for Actors

by Beth McGuire

This is a comprehensive workbook for actors, covering the key characteristics and profiles of a wide range of African accents of English. Its unique approach not only addresses the methods and processes by which to go about learning an accent, but also looks in detail at each example. This lets the reader plot their own route through the learning process and tailor not only their working methods but also their own personal idiolect. Full breakdowns of each accent cover: an introduction giving a brief history of the accent, its ethnic background, and its language of origin preparatory warm-up exercises specific to each accent a directory of research materials including documentaries, plays, films and online resources key characteristics such as melody, stress, pace and pitch descriptions of physical articulation in the tongue, lips, jaw, palate and pharynx practice sentences, phoneme tables and worksheets for solo study. African Accents is accompanied by a website at with an extensive online database of audio samples for each accent. The book and audio resources guide actors to develop their own authentic accents, rather than simply to mimic native speakers. This process allows the actor to personalize an accent, and to integrate it into the creation of character rather than to play the accent on top of character.

African American Communication: Exploring Identity and Culture

by Michael L. Hecht Ronald L. Jackson Sidney A. Ribeau

What communicative experiences are particular to African Americans? How do many African Americans define themselves culturally? How do they perceive intracultural and intercultural communication? These questions are answered in this second edition of African American Communication: Exploring Identity and Culture. Informing multiple audiences interested in African American culture, from cultural researchers and practitioners to educators, policymakers, and community leaders, this innovative and invaluable resource examines the richness and depth of African American communication norms and patterns, as well as African American identities. Positive and healthy African American identities are centrally positioned throughout the book. Applying the cultural contracts theory and the communication theory of identity, authors Michael L. Hecht, Ronald L. Jackson II, and Sidney A. Ribeau explore relationships among African Americans, as well as between African Americans and European Americans, while highlighting the need for sensitivity to issues of power when discussing race, ethnicity, and culture. This wide-ranging volume provides an extensive review of the relevant literature and offers recommendations designed to encourage understanding of African American communication in a context extending beyond Eurocentric paradigms. Considering African American identity with a communicative, linguistic, and relational focus, this volume: *Defines African American identities by describing related terms, such as self, self-concept, personhood and identity; *Explores Afrocentricity and African American discourse; *Examines the status of African Americans in the United States using census statistics and national studies from other research agencies; *Considers identity negotiation and competence; and *Features a full chapter on African American relationships, including gendered, familial, intimate, adolescent and adult, homosexual, friendship, communal, and workplace relationships. African American Communication: Exploring Identity and Culture begins an important dialogue in the communication discipline, intercultural studies, African American studies and other fields concerned with the centrality of culture and communication as it relates to human behavior. It is intended for advanced students and scholars in intercultural communication, interpersonal communication, communication theory, African American/Black studies, social psychology, sociolinguistics, education, and family studies.

African American Communication: Examining the Complexities of Lived Experiences (Routledge Communication Series #Vol. 2)

by Ronald L. Jackson II Amber L. Johnson Michael L. Hecht Sidney A. Ribeau

Now in its third edition, this text examines how African Americans personally and culturally define themselves and how that definition informs their communication habits, practices, and norms. This edition includes new chapters that highlight discussions of gender and sexuality, intersectional differences, contemporary social movements, and digital and mediated communication. The book is ideally suited for advanced students and scholars in intercultural communication, interpersonal communication, communication theory, African American/Black studies, gender studies, and family studies.

The African American Newspaper: Voice of Freedom (Visions of the American Press)

by Patrick Washburn

In March of 1827 the nation's first black newspaper appeared in New York City--to counter attacks on blacks by the city's other papers. From this signal event, The African American Newspaper traces the evolution of the black newspaper--and its ultimate decline--for more than 160 years until the end of the twentieth century. <p><p> The book chronicles the growth of the black press into a powerful and effective national voice for African Americans during the period from 1910 to 1950--a period that proved critical to the formation and gathering strength of the civil rights movement that emerged so forcefully in the following decades. In particular, author Patrick S. Washburn explores how the Pittsburgh Courier and the Chicago Defender led the way as the two most influential black newspapers in U.S. history, effectively setting the stage for the civil rights movement's successes. Washburn also examines the numerous reasons for the enormous decline of black newspapers in influence and circulation in the decades immediately following World War II. His book documents as never before how the press's singular accomplishments provide a unique record of all areas of black history and a significant and shaping affect on the black experience in America.

African American Women in the News: Gender, Race, and Class in Journalism

by Marian Meyers

African American Women in the News offers the first in-depth examination of the varied representations of Black women in American journalism, from analyses of coverage of domestic abuse and "crack mothers" to exploration of new media coverage of Michelle Obama on Youtube. Marian Meyers interrogates the complex and often contradictory images of African American women in news media through detailed studies of national and local news, the mainstream and Black press, and traditional news outlets as well as newer digital platforms. She argues that previous studies of African Americans and the news have largely ignored the representations of women as distinct from men, and the ways in which socioeconomic class can be a determining factor in how Black women are portrayed in the news. Meyers also proposes that a pattern of paternalistic racism, as distinct from the "modern" racism found in previous studies of news coverage of African Americans, is more likely to characterize the media's treatment of African American women. Drawing on critical cultural studies and black feminist theory concerning representation and the intersectionality of gender, race and class, Meyers goes beyond the cultural myths and stereotypes of African American women to provide an updated portrayal of Black women today. African American Women in the News is ideal for courses on African American studies, American studies, journalism studies, media studies, sociology studies, women’s studies and for professional journalists and students of journalism who seek to improve the diversity and sensitivity of their journalistic practice.

An African Athens: Rhetoric and the Shaping of Democracy in South Africa (Rhetoric, Knowledge, and Society Series)

by Philippe-Joseph Salazar

An African Athens offers an analysis of a new ecology of rhetoric--the reshaping of a nation into a democracy through rhetorical means. Author Philippe-Joseph Salazar provides a general view of issues as they have taken shape in the apartheid and post-apartheid South African experience, presenting the country as a remarkable stage for playing out the great themes of public deliberation and the rise of postmodern rhetorical democracy. Salazar's intimate vantage point focuses on the striking case of a democracy won at the negotiating table and also won every day in public deliberation. This volume presents a full-scale rhetorical analysis of a democratic transformation in post-Cold War era, and provides a study of the demise of apartheid and post-apartheid from the standpoint of political and public rhetoric and communication. In doing so, it serves as a template for similar enquiries in the rhetorical study of emerging democracies. Intended for readers engaged in the study of political and public rhetoric with an interest in how democracy takes shape, An African Athens highlights South Africa as a test case for global democracy, for rhetoric, and for the relevance of rhetoric studies in a postmodern democracy.

African Communication Systems and the Digital Age

by Eno Ime Akpabio

The book covers African communication systems, discussing modes and forms of communication across West, East and Southern Africa and comparing them with traditional and new media. African Communication Systems and the Digital Age contextualizes communication by bringing to the table African contributions to the field, examining the importance of African indigenous forms of communication and the intersection of African communication systems and the digital age. The book covers various concepts, models, theories and classifications of African communication systems, including instrumental communication, types of African music and their communication properties, indigenous writing systems, non-verbal communication, and mythological communication. Through careful analysis of communication in Africa, this book provides insights into the various modes of communication in use prior to the advent of traditional and new media as well as their continued relevance in the digital age. African Communication Systems and the Digital Age will be of interest to students and scholars of African communication.

African Discourse in Islam, Oral Traditions, and Performance (African Studies)

by Abdul-Rasheed Na'Allah

Through an engaged analysis of writers such as Wole Soyinka, Ola Rotimi, Niyi Osundare, and Tanure Ojaide and of African traditional oral poets like Omoekee Amao Ilorin and Mamman Shata Katsina, Abdul-Rasheed Na'Allah develops an African indigenous discourse paradigm for interpreting and understanding literary and cultural materials. Na'Allah argues for the need for cultural diversity in critical theorizing in the twenty-first century. He highlights the critical issues facing scholars and students involved in criticism and translation of marginalized texts. By returning the African knowledge system back to its roots and placing it side by side with Western paradigms, Na'Allah has produced a text that will be required reading for scholars and students of African culture and literature. It is an important contribution to scholarship in the domain of mobility of African oral tradition, and on African literary, cultural and performance discourse.

African Language Media (Routledge African Media, Culture and Communication Studies)

by Phillip Mpofu, Israel A. Fadipe, and Thulani Tshabangu

This book outlines how African language media is affected by politics, technology, culture, and the economy and how this media is creatively produced and appropriated by audiences across cultures and contexts. African language media can be considered as a tool for communication, socialization, and community that defines the various identities of indigenous people in Africa. This book shows how vernacular media outlets including radio and television, as well as native formats such as festivals, rituals and dance, can be used to influence all facets of local peoples’ experience and understanding of community. The book also explores the relationship between African language media sources and contemporary issues including the digitalization conundrum, peace and conflict resolution, identity formation, hate speech and fake news. Furthermore, it shows how local media can be used for development communication purposes during health and environmental crises. The book includes cases studies demonstrating the uses, experiences and activities related to various forms of media available in African languages. This book will be of interest to scholars in the field of communication and media studies, health and environmental communication, journalism, African studies and anthropology.

African Literature and the CIA: Networks of Authorship and Publishing (Elements in Publishing and Book Culture)

by Caroline Davis

During the period of decolonisation in Africa, the CIA subsidised a number of African authors, editors and publishers as part of its anti-communist covert propaganda strategy. Managed by two front organisations, the Congress of Cultural Freedom and the Farfield Foundation, its Africa programme stretched across the continent, with hubs in Ibadan, Kampala, Nairobi, Cape Town and Johannesburg. This Element unravels the hidden networks and associations underpinning African literary publishing in the 1960s; it investigates the success of the CIA in disrupting and infiltrating African literary magazines and publishing firms, and determines the extent to which new circuits of cultural and literary power emerged. Based on new archival evidence relating to the Transcription Centre, The Classic and The New African, it includes case studies of Wole Soyinka, Nat Nakasa and Bessie Head, which assess how their literary careers were influenced by these transnational literary institutions, and their response to these interventions.

African Luxury Branding: From Soft Power to Queer Futures (Routledge Critical Advertising Studies)

by Mehita Iqani

Bringing together critical race, queer and decolonial analytical approaches, visual analysis, and multimodal discourse analysis, this book explores the discursive strategies deployed by African luxury brands in an age of cross-platform, intertextual branding. Building on literature examining the aesthetics and politics of African luxury, this book demonstrates how leading African luxury brands create visual material speaking to complex sensibilities of culture, nature, and future. Iqani shows how powerful brand narratives and strategies reveal ethical and ideological messages that function to re-position Africa in an increasingly congested global marketplace of ideas. In acknowledging that there is a strong political validity to recognizing the importance of African brands staking their claim in luxury, this book also problematizes the role these brands play in the promotion of luxury discourses, advancing the project of capitalism and their contribution to broader patterns of inequality. Shedding new light not only on luxury branding strategies but also on the idea of a luxurious global “Africanicity” and on the complex cultural politics of South Africa, African Luxury Branding will be of interest to advanced students and researchers in disciplines, including Critical Advertising Studies, African Studies, Media and Communications.

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