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Showing 601 through 625 of 17,227 results

Agglomeration Economics

by Edward L. Glaeser

When firms and people are located near each other in cities and in industrial clusters, they benefit in various ways, including by reducing the costs of exchanging goods and ideas.One might assume that these benefits would become less important as transportation and communication costs fall. Paradoxically, however, cities have become increasingly important, and even within cities industrial clusters remain vital. Agglomeration Economics brings together a group of essays that examine the reasons why economic activity continues to cluster together despite the falling costs of moving goods and transmitting information. The studies cover a wide range of topics and approach the economics of agglomeration from different angles. Together they advance our understanding of agglomeration and its implications for a globalized world.

The Agglomeration of the Animation Industry in East Asia

by Kenta Yamamoto

This book will be of interest to scholars and students of Asian studies, cultural industries, economic geography, and related areas of study. It discusses the results of a microscopic survey focusing on topics such as how animation studios form business relationships and how workers gain skills in the industry. The methodology was based on traditional Japanese economic geographical methods. The study also examines macroscopic issues such as why industrial agglomerations are formed in metropolises, why metropolises develop mutual networks, and how a type of cultural product is created in the metropolises. The methodology uses case studies of the animation industries in Japan, South Korea, and China. The detailed analysis covers the process of the industry's agglomeration within the East Asian metropolises of Tokyo, Seoul, and Shanghai as well as the division of labor among them. In addition, the transaction relationships among animation studios are examined, together with the promotion of the industry in the peripheral region of Okinawa, Japan. Differences in work styles and output among these cities are also examined. The research presented in this book contributes to understanding the spatial structure and reality of creativity in an innovative industry, particularly the East Asian content industry.

Aggregating the News: Secondhand Knowledge and the Erosion of Journalistic Authority

by Mark Coddington

Aggregated news fills our social media feeds, our smartphone apps, and our e-mail inboxes. Much of the news that we consume originated elsewhere and has been reassembled, repackaged, and republished from other sources, but how is that news made? Is it a twenty-first-century digital adaptation of the traditional values and practices of journalistic and investigative reporting, or is it something different—shoddier, less scrupulous, more dangerous? <P><P>Mark Coddington gives a vivid account of the work of aggregation—how such content is produced, what its values are, and how it fits into today’s changing journalistic profession. Aggregating the News presents an analysis built on observation and interviews of news aggregators in a variety of settings, exploring how aggregators weigh sources, reshape news narratives, and manage life on the fringes of journalism. Coddington finds that aggregation is defined by its derivative relationship to reporting, which colors it with a sense of inferiority. Aggregators strive to be seen as legitimate journalists, but they are constrained by commercial pressures, professional disapproval, and limited access to important forms of evidence. The first comprehensive treatment of news aggregation as a practice, Aggregating the News deepens our understanding of how news and knowledge are produced and consumed in the digital age. By centering aggregation, Coddington sheds new light on how journalistic authority and legitimacy are created—and the consequences when their foundations are eroded.

Agile PR: Expert Messaging in a Hyper-Connected, Always-On World

by Marian Salzman THE TEAM AT HAVAS PR

Bloggers, influencers, citizen's news landscape is crowded and constantly changing. As a PR professional, how do you match your message to the medium and ensure that it gets heard above the noise?Public relations maverick Marian Salzman goes behind the scenes of creative power house Havas PR, revealing the newest, most effective tactics for championing brands, organizations, and causes. Punctuated by case studies from the United Nations Foundation, Wyclef Jean, Sears, and other campaigns, Agile PR reveals how to:Use newscrafting to help clients be the newsPersonalize pitches to reporters and bloggersMaster the art of storytellingBreak through Web clutterCreate branded hashtags that get sharedBump clients to the top of online searchesGain exposure at SXSW, TED, and other key conferencesAvert and resolve crisesMeasure the impact of media placementsAnd moreAmbitious media plans call for cutting-edge tools. Agile PR unlocks industry secrets sure to help anyone broaden their reach and increase their impact.

Aging, Communication, and Health: Linking Research and Practice for Successful Aging (Routledge Communication Series)

by Mary Lee Hummert Jon F. Nussbaum

This collection highlights the current efforts by scholars and researchers to understand the aging process as it relates to the health of older adults. With contributions from international scholars in communication, psychology, public health, medicine, nursing, and other areas, this volume emphasizes communication as a critical research, education, policy, and practice issue for the design, provision, and evaluation of health and social services for older adults. Organized into sections addressing communication developments in the healthcare arena, issues in provider-patient communication, and the relationships between family communication and health. The chapters cover critical topics related to successful aging, such as Alzheimer's disease, managed care and older adults, communication issues of severe dementia, and healthcare decision-making within families. The editors have designed this volume to be accessible to a broad audience, including scholars and students of aging and communication, healthcare practitioners with older clients, and aging individuals and their families who are pursuing strategies for successful aging. The chapters represent the highest levels of current scholarship on communication, aging, and health, providing a strong foundation for future research. Each contribution also addresses the applied implications of this research, offering practical guidance to readers dealing with these issues in their own lives. As a whole, Aging, Communication, and Health represents a major advance toward understanding the importance and application of communication for successful aging.

Agrarkommunikation: Eine Einführung in Theorie, Konzeption und Umsetzung

by Matthias Kussin Jan Berstermann

Tierwohl, Grüne Gentechnik, Hofsterben, biologische Vielfalt: Das Agri- und Foodbusiness steht im hohen Maße im Fokus der Öffentlichkeit. In diesem Buch werden Handlungsmöglichkeiten mit Blick auf die kommunikativen Aufgaben der Branche dargestellt – und dies erstmals auf Basis einschlägiger Ansätze aus den Kommunikationswissenschaften und dem PR-Management. Die Autoren liefern einen Überblick über branchenrelevante Themen wie Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation, Storytelling und Krisenkommunikation sowie ihre Einsatz- und Wirkungsweise im Rahmen einer professionellen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit.

Agrippa II: The Last of the Herods (Routledge Ancient Biographies)

by David Jacobson

Agrippa II is the first comprehensive biography of the last descendant of Herod the Great to rule as a client king of Rome. Agrippa was the last king to assume responsibility for the management of the Temple in Jerusalem, and he ultimately saw its destruction in the Judaean-Roman War. This study documents his life from a childhood spent at the Imperial court in Rome and rise to the position of client king of Rome under Claudius and Nero. It examines his role in the War during which he sided with Rome, and offers fresh insights into his failure to intervene to prevent the destruction of Jerusalem and its Sanctuary, as well as reviewing Agrippa’s encounter with nascent Christianity through his famous interview with the Apostle Paul. Also addressed is the vexed question of the obscurity into which Agrippa II has fallen, in sharp contrast with his sister Berenice, whose intimate relationship with Titus, the heir to the Roman throne, has fired the imagination of writers through the ages. This study also includes appendices surveying the coins issued in the name of Agrippa II and the inscriptions from his reign. This volume will appeal to anyone studying Judaean-Roman relations and the Judaean-Roman War, as well as those working more broadly on Roman client kingship, and Rome’s eastern provinces. It covers topics that continue to attract general interest as well as stirring current scholarly debate.

El agua de abajo

by Juan Leonel Giraldo

Un libro extraordinario sobre la Colombia ignorada lleno de personajes inolvidables, los verdaderos protagonistas de la historia del país. Juan Leonel Giraldo rescata del anonimato un sinnúmero de historias y personajes fascinantes de diversos puntos de la geografía colombiana. Por estas páginas desfilan María Otilia Ruiz Mancipe de Jerez, una tenaz alfarera de Ráquira en cuyas contrahechas vírgenes de cerámica muchos adivinan el dolor entero de sus antepasados; El Deber, un periódico conservador de Bucaramanga hecho como en los tiempos de Gutenberg; Néstor el Baba Jiménez, un tremendo boxeador cartagenero venido a menos pero con la posibilidad de ser campeón mundial; Darío Rodríguez, un cogedor de café que ya viejo se hizo famoso jugando al trompo y el balero en plazas del Valle y el Quindío; Eva María Ramos, una mujer que bailó cumbia un siglo# Músicos, poetas, jornaleros, mediadores políticos,indígenas, domadores de potros, saltimbanquis, marineros, hombres y mujeres increíbles, un mosaico maravilloso de la Colombia más desconocida y a la vez la más rica, del país del pasado pero también del actual, y con una prosa tan precisa como poética.

Ahead of Time: My Early Years as a Foreign Correspondent

by Ruth Gruber

The renowned journalist and Jewish activist looks back on her first 25 years in &“one of the most evocative journalistic autobiographies to appear&” (Publishers Weekly). In this fascinating memoir, Ruth Gruber recalls her first twenty-five years, from her youth in Brooklyn to her astonishing academic accomplishments and groundbreaking journalistic career. She shares her experiences entering New York University at fifteen and just five years later becoming the world&’s youngest person to earn a PhD. She recounts her time in Cologne, Germany, studying during Hitler&’s rise to power, and her adventures in Europe and the Arctic as a reporter for the New York Herald Tribune. Spirited and compelling, Ahead of Time is a striking account of the early years of a woman at the center of the twentieth century&’s turning points.

¿Ahora qué?: Apuntes urgentes para entender una campaña interminable

by Diego Salazar

El periodista Diego Salazar analiza con rigor y una perspectiva única los sucesos y polémicas que marcaron esta campaña electoral interminable. En un país harto de unas élites y una clase política desconectadas de la ciudadanía, la sorpresiva segunda vuelta entre Pedro Castillo y Keiko Fujimori tuvo como consecuencia una sociedad aún más polarizada y la percepción generalizada de que buena parte de la prensa favorecía de forma poco honesta a una candidatura. El periodista Diego Salazar analiza con rigor y una perspectiva única los sucesos y polémicas que marcaron esta campaña electoral interminable. En una serie de artículos y reflexiones posteriores, Salazar realiza un pormenorizado recuento de lo ocurrido en estas elecciones 2021, así como de la actuación de varios de sus personajes principales. Por las páginas de ¿Ahora qué? desfilan como protagonistas no solo el ahora presidente Pedro Castillo y la excandidata Keiko Fujimori, sino también, en un papel que pocos esperaban, el premio nobel Mario Vargas Llosa, quien apoyó de forma incondicional a la hija de su antiguo rival, Alberto Fujimori. A ellos se suman políticos de distinto signo, aliados de uno y otro bando, y periodistas que, como el director de Canal N y América Noticias, Gilberto Hume, parecen haber olvidado que el periodismo político es algo más que un show interesado. En este libro, Salazar publica en exclusiva y por primera vez la entrevista que realizó a Gilberto Hume y que dio pie a su comentado artículo sobre la aparición del criptoanalista Arturo Arriarán en el programa televisivo Cuarto Poder, uno de los momentos más vergonzosos de toda la cobertura electoral.

AI and Society: Tensions and Opportunities (Chapman & Hall/CRC Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Series)

by Christo El Morr

AI's impact on human societies is and will be drastic in so many ways. AI is being adopted and implemented around the world, and government and universities are investing in AI studies, research, and development. However, very little research exists about the impact of AI on our lives. This book will address this gap; it will gather reflections from around the world to assess the impact of AI on different aspects of society as well as propose ways in which we can address this impact and the research agendas needed.

AI Enabled IoT for Electrification and Connected Transportation (Transactions on Computer Systems and Networks)

by Naveenkumar Marati Akash Kumar Bhoi Victor Hugo C. De Albuquerque Akhtar Kalam

This book presents an overview of artificial intelligence (AI) in the automotive section, especially in the modern era of green energy-based electrification of vehicles and smart transportation systems. The book also discusses different Internet of Things aspects involved in the automotive domain with AI. The book presents autonomous driving systems, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), autonomy, AI involvement, and machine learning techniques with challenges in electrification, prognostics, and diagnostics. AI and IoT are two emerging technologies, and their importance in other modern technology electrification on transportation, connected vehicle segment are discussed thoroughly in this book with different topologies. It also presents AI applications in the charging profile prediction, state of charge, state of health, battery lifetime, and battery temperature detection in dynamic conditions. Different algorithms are also given in the book to discuss the nearest point charging station for electric vehicle users. The book also discusses cybersecurity issues and challenges in the real-time environment for AI implementation, IoT in transportation, and autonomous driving. The other aspects of telematics, smart sensors for the implementation of the IoT, and AI are also discussed, especially in guidance and control aspects. The book will be useful for the researchers, practitioners, and industry people working in AI, IoT in the electrification and transportation segment.

AI, IoT, Big Data and Cloud Computing for Industry 4.0 (Signals and Communication Technology)

by Amy Neustein Parikshit N. Mahalle Prachi Joshi Gitanjali Rahul Shinde

This book presents some of the most advanced leading-edge technology for the fourth Industrial Revolution -- known as “Industry 4.0.” The book provides a comprehensive understanding of the interconnections of AI, IoT, big data and cloud computing as integral to the technologies that revolutionize the way companies produce and distribute products and the way local governments deliver their services. The book emphasizes that at every phase of the supply chain, manufactures are found to be interweaving AI, robotics, IoT, big data/machine learning, and cloud computing into their production facilities and throughout their distribution networks. Equally important, the authors show how their research can be applied to computer vision, cyber security, database and compiler theory, natural language processing, healthcare, education and agriculture.Presents the fundamentals of AI, IoT, and cloud computing and how they can be incorporated in Industry 4.0 applicationsMotivates readers to address challenges in the areas of speech communication and signal processingProvides numerous examples, case studies, technical descriptions, and approaches of AI/ML

Aids: A Communication Perspective (Routledge Communication Series)

by Timothy Edgar Vicki S. Freimuth Mary Anne Fitzpatrick

Prevention through appropriate behavior is the best weapon available to fight further spread of HIV infection. However, individuals take necessary actions to prevent diseases such as AIDS only when they are properly informed and they feel motivated to respond to the information they possess. In order to achieve a clearer understanding of these two facets of the prevention process, this book examines the interplay of the messages individuals receive about AIDS at the public level and the messages exchanged between individuals at the interpersonal level. The specific purpose of the book is to provide a theoretical and conceptual foundation for understanding the pragmatic concerns related to the AIDS crisis in the United States and other parts of the world. The book represents the first systematic examination of how theory informs our understanding of AIDS and communication processes. Contributors explore the issues from a variety of theoretical and conceptual viewpoints. Their goal is to stimulate thought which will lead to the pragmatic application of the ideas presented. The chapters focus on four general communication concerns: * interpersonal interaction as it relates to choices individuals make about safer sex practices, * theory and practice of public campaigns about AIDS, * intercultural issues, and * critical and descriptive approaches for understanding news coverage of AIDS.

AIDS and Business (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies #Vol. 41)

by Saskia Faulk Jean-Claude Usunier

The spread of HIV/AIDS affects businesses in all sectors, all industries and all countries. For companies and organizations everywhere, the question is no longer whether to take action on HIV/AIDS but which actions to take. Complete with an impressive collection of complex background and research on HIV/AIDS and a foreword by Dr. Peter Piot, former Executive Director of UNAIDS, this volume collects case studies of managers worldwide faced with challenging HIV/AIDS-related management decisions. AIDS and Business will fascinate the general reader seeking an understanding of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and to the advanced reader looking to develop a more sophisticated understanding of the impact of the disease. The case studies in this volume, set in nine countries, detail the issues facing businesses operating in areas where HIV/AIDS prevalence is growing. The topics discussed include understanding the role of social and cultural factors in the spread of HIV, the different organizations and institutions fighting the epidemic, designing an HIV communications campaign, HIV testing, ethical issues, marketing ethics and CSR, condoms marketing, and designing an HIV workplace program. Useful as a resource on HIV/AIDS and business, a set of case studies, or a training tool, this book contains a unique range of tools for learning to understand the epidemic, designed from a grounded and practical business perspective.

AIDS, Communication, and Empowerment: Gay Male Identity and the Politics of Public Health Messages

by Roger Myrick

AIDS, Communication, and Empowerment examines the cultural construction of gay men in light of discourse used in the media’s messages about HIV/AIDS--messages often represented as educational, scientific, and informational but which are, in fact, politically charged. The book offers a compelling and substantive look at the social consequences of communication about HIV/AIDS and the reasons for the successes and failures of contemporary health communication. This analysis is important because it provides a reading of health communication from a marginal perspective, one that has often been kept silent in mainstream academic research. AIDS, Communication, and Empowerment offers a critical, historical analysis of public health communication about HIV/AIDS; the ways this communication makes sense historically and culturally; and the implications such messages have for the marginal group which has been most stigmatized as a consequence of these messages. It covers such topics as: the relationship among gay identity, language, and power cultural studies of the historical development of gay identity studies in health communication about HIV/AIDS and health risk communication the political consequences of public health education about HIV/AIDS on gay men the political consequences of media representations of gay identity and its relationship to disease Based primarily on the French scholar Michel Foucault’s critical, historical analysis of discourse and sexuality, this book takes a timely and original approach which differs from traditional, quantitative communication studies. It examines the relationship between language and culture using a qualitative, cultural studies approach which places medicalization theories in the broader context of histories of sexuality, the discursive development of contemporary gay identity, and recent public health communication.Author Roger Myrick explains how mainstream communication about HIV/AIDS relentlessly stigmatizes and further marginalizes gay identity. He describes how national health education stigmatizes groups by associating them with images of disease and “otherness.” Even communication which originates from marginal groups, particularly those relying on federal funds, often participates in linking gay identities with disease. According to Myrick, government funding, while often necessary for the continuation of community-based health campaigns, poses obvious and direct restrictions on effective marginal education. AIDS, Communication, and Empowerment allows for a rethinking of ways marginal groups can take control of their own education on public health issues. As HIV/AIDS cases continue to rise dramatically among marginalized and disenfranchised groups, analysis of health communication directed toward them becomes crucial to their survival. This book provides valuable insights and information for scholars, professionals, readers interested in the relationship among language, power and marginal identity, and for classes in gay and lesbian studies, health communication, or political communication.

The AIDS Movie: Representing a Pandemic in Film and Television

by Kylo-Patrick R Hart

Are people with HIV/AIDS treated fairly in films?Here is a compelling book that provides you with a thorough examination of how HIV/AIDS is characterized and portrayed in film and how this portrayal affects American culture. The AIDS Movie: Representing a Pandemic in Film and Television uncovers the primary ways that films about HIV/AIDS influence American ideology and contribute to society's view of the disease. In The AIDS Movie, professors and scholars in the areas of popular culture, film, sociology, and gay and lesbian studies will discover cross-cultural approaches that can be used to analyze the representation of AIDS in American films made in the first two decades of the pandemic. Giving you insight into the production and circulation of social meanings pertaining to HIV/AIDS, this study explores the social ramifications of such representations for gay men in American society, as well as for the rest of the population. Interesting and informative, The AIDS Movie: Representing a Pandemic in Film and Television examines the ways that AIDS has been represented in American movies over the past two decades, defines and proposes criteria for identifying an “AIDS movie” and explores how these images shape social opinions about AIDS and gay men. The AIDS Movie discusses several character types such as “innocent victims” and “guilty villains” and the process of victim-blaming that occurs in AIDS movies. Defining an “AIDS movie” as a film with at least one character who either has been infected with HIV, has developed AIDS, or is grieving the recent death of a loved one from AIDS, this guide bases standards for these movies on several works, including: Chocolate Babies It's My Party Jeffrey The Living End Grief An Early Frost Men in Love A Place for Annie Philadelphia The Ryan White Story Gia Boys on the SideThe AIDS Movie: Representing a Pandemic in Film and Television is compelling and insightful as it cleverly reveals how AIDS is portrayed in cinema and television, and how that portrayal affects American culture.

Aim for the Heart: Write, Shoot, Report and Produce for TV and Multimedia

by Al Tompkins

Al Tompkins teaches students about broadcast journalism using a disarmingly simple truth—if you aim for the heart with the copy you write and the sound and video you capture, you will compel your viewers to keep watching. With humor, honesty, and directness, award-winning journalist and author Al Tompkins bottles his years of experience and insight in a new Third Edition that offers students the fundamentals they need to master journalism in today’s constantly evolving media environment, with practical know-how they can immediately put to use in their careers. Aim for the Heart is as close as you can get to spending a week in one of Tompkins’s training sessions that he has delivered in newsrooms around the world, from which students: • Learn how to build compelling characters who connect with the audience • Write inviting leads • Get memorable soundbites • See how to light, crop, frame, and edit compelling videos • Learn how to leverage social media to engage audiences • Gain critical thinking skills that move your story from telling the "what" to telling the "why"

Aim for the Heart: Write, Shoot, Report and Produce for TV and Multimedia

by Al Tompkins

Al Tompkins teaches students about broadcast journalism using a disarmingly simple truth—if you aim for the heart with the copy you write and the sound and video you capture, you will compel your viewers to keep watching. With humor, honesty, and directness, award-winning journalist and author Al Tompkins bottles his years of experience and insight in a new Third Edition that offers students the fundamentals they need to master journalism in today’s constantly evolving media environment, with practical know-how they can immediately put to use in their careers. Aim for the Heart is as close as you can get to spending a week in one of Tompkins’s training sessions that he has delivered in newsrooms around the world, from which students: • Learn how to build compelling characters who connect with the audience • Write inviting leads • Get memorable soundbites • See how to light, crop, frame, and edit compelling videos • Learn how to leverage social media to engage audiences • Gain critical thinking skills that move your story from telling the "what" to telling the "why"

Air Traffic Management and Systems III: Selected Papers of the 5th ENRI International Workshop on ATM/CNS (EIWAC2017) (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #555)

by Electronic Navigation Research Institute

This proceedings provides novel concepts and techniques for air traffic management (ATM) and communications, navigation, and surveillance (CNS) systems. The volume consists of selected papers from the 5th ENRI International Workshop on ATM/CNS (EIWAC2017) held in Tokyo in November 2017, the theme of which was “Drafting Future Skies”. Included are key topics to realize safer and more efficient skies in the future, linked to the integrated conference theme consisting of long-term visions based on presentations from various fields. The proceedings is dedicated not only to researchers, academicians, and university students, but also to engineers in the industry, air navigation service providers (ANSPs), and regulators of aviation.

Air Traffic Management and Systems IV: Selected Papers of the 6th ENRI International Workshop on ATM/CNS (EIWAC2019) (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #731)

by Electronic Navigation Research Institute

This book provides novel concepts and techniques for air traffic management (ATM) and communications, navigation, and surveillance (CNS) systems. The book consists of selected papers from the 6th ENRI International Workshop on ATM/CNS (EIWAC2019) held in Tokyo in October 2019, the theme of which was “Exploring Ideas for World Aviation Challenges”. Included are key topics to realize safer and more efficient skies in the future, linked to the integrated conference theme consisting of long-term visions based on presentations from various fields. The book is dedicated not only to researchers, academicians, and university students, but also to engineers in the industry, air navigation service providers (ANSPs), and regulators of aviation.

Air Words: Writing for Broadcast News

by John Hewitt

An introductory text for broadcast newswriting, with numerous exercises and examples illustrating broadcast news style. Defines and explains standard industry formats, rules, and procedures, and covers fact checking, ethics, script formats, shifting from print to broadcast, writing leads, interviews, aspects of TV writing, and copyediting and producing. Includes chapter glossaries. This second edition discusses technology advances such as wire capture and producing from CRTs. Lacks a bibliography. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Airhead: The Imperfect Art of Making News

by Emily Maitlis

FEATURING EMILY MAITLIS' GROUNDBREAKING INTERVIEW WITH PRINCE ANDREWThe news has never been more prominent - but are we getting the full story? Newsnight presenter Emily Maitlis gives us a behind-the-scenes look at some of the biggest news stories and interviews of recent years 'Smart, funny and brilliantly told' Elizabeth Day 'Revelatory, riveting and frequently hilarious' James O'Brien 'Absolutely irresistible' Jeremy Vine ________ In this no holds barred account of life in the seconds before, during and after going on air, Newsnight presenter, leading journalist, and queen of the side eye Emily Maitlis gives us the insider info on what we don't get to see on-screen. Giving us the inside scoop on her interviews with everyone from Emma Thompson to Russell Brand, and Donald Trump to Tony Blair, as well as covering news stories such as President Clinton's affairs, Boris Johnson's race to PM, Grenfell, #MeToo, and that interview with Prince Andrew. Airhead is a brilliant exposé of the moments that never make the news. From News Presenter of the Year and 2020 BAFTA nominee ________ 'Funny and subtly smart' GUARDIAN, BOOKS OF THE YEAR DAILY MAIL BOOKS OF THE YEAR 'Deliciously funny . . . Irresistible' The Times '[Emily] is so absolutely of the moment' Evening Standard

Aktive Krisenkommunikation: Erste Hilfe für Management und Krisenstab (essentials)

by Wolfgang Immerschitt

In diesem Essential erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihr Unternehmen strategisch, organisatorisch und kommunikativ auf Krisensituationen vorbereiten und in einer akuten Krise professionell agieren. Gezeigt wird, wie Abläufe, Verantwortlichkeiten, Verständigungsketten und Leitfäden für die Kommunikatoren festgelegt werden und wie das Informationsbedürfnis von Stakeholdern erfüllt wird. Denn immer mehr Unternehmen sehen sich plötzlich mit abrupten externen und internen Veränderungen konfrontiert. Breiter Raum wird den Aufgaben des Krisenstabs und der Erstellung des Krisenhandbuchs gewidmet, das Anweisungen, Checklisten und Kontaktdaten für den Notfall enthält.

Al Jazeera and the Global Media Landscape: The South is Talking Back (Routledge Advances in Internationalizing Media Studies)

by Tine Ustad Figenschou

This book analyzes how and why Al Jazeera English (AJE) became the channel of choice to understand the massive protests across the Arab world 2011. Aiming to explain the ‘Al Jazeera moment,’ it tracks the channel’s bumpy road towards international recognition in a longitudinal, in-depth analysis of the channel’s editorial profile and strategies. Studying AJE from its launch in mid-November 2006 to the ‘Arab Spring’, it explains and problematizes the channel’s ambitious editorial agenda and strategies, examines the internal conflicts, practical challenges and minor breakthroughs in its formative years. The Al Jazeera-phenomenon has received massive attention, but it remains under-researched. The growth of transnational satellite television has transformed the global media landscape into a complex web of multi-vocal, multimedia and multi-directional flows. Based on a combination of policy-, production- and content analysis of comprehensive empirical data the book offers an innovative perspective on the theorization of global news contra-flows. By problematizing the distinctive characteristics of AJE, it examines the strategic motivation behind the channel and the ways in which its production processes and news profile are meant to be different from its Anglo-American competitors. These questions underscore a central nexus of the book: the changing relationship between transnational satellite news and power.

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