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La guía definitiva de las negociaciones
by Passos Dias AguiarEste libro resulta de un seminario con el mismo nombre que hace algunos años realizamos en diversas ocasiones para públicos muy distintos con considerable éxito. Por esta razón se presenta de forma informal en un lenguaje coloquial. No es texto académico, es una obra práctica destinada a quien busca asesoramiento, consejos y estrategias de aplicación inmediata en situaciones reales. Passos Dias Aguiar
Guía para principiantes. Hacer dinero con tu pequeña empresa en las redes sociales
by E2e Alex Nkenchor UwajehLas redes sociales ofrecen gran variedad de posibilidades para pequeñas empresas. No solo son una forma barata de dar a conocer tu marca y tus productos, sino que son también una vía excelente para atraer nuevos clientes. La clave del éxito está en entender las diferentes formas de beneficiarte de cada red social.
Guía para sobrevivir al presente: Atrapados en la era digital
by Santiago BilinkisSantiago Bilinkis aborda en su nuevo libro un tema central del presente: cómo esa supercomputadora de bolsillo que es el teléfono celular está afectando nuestras vidas. El impacto de las nuevas tecnologías sobre el cerebro, la educación, el trabajo y el uso del tiempo libre, bajo la mirada del autor de Pasaje al futuro. ¿Qué impacto tienen los aparatos digitales sobre nuestras vidas?¿Qué efectos produce su uso permanente en nuestros cerebros y los de nuestros chicos?¿Por qué pasamos tanto tiempo atrapados en las redes? Basta alzar la vista para corroborarlo: hoy vivimos mirando el celular. Y no es casual: científicos y empresas trabajan intensamente para aprovechar los últimos avances en neurociencia y psicología y profundizar la dependencia con sus sitios y aplicaciones. Con el objetivo de incrementar sus ganancias, las principales compañías de tecnología se encuentran en una guerra por conquistar nuestro tiempo. Y la están ganando: sin siquiera darnos cuenta, desbloqueamos el celular 120 veces al día. Esta es la primera vez que una herramienta, apenas comenzamos a usarla, empieza a usarnos a nosotros. ¿Cuál es el resultado de esta manipulación? Niños enchufados a las pantallas a edades cada vez más tempranas; redes sociales y aplicaciones de citas que vapulean la autoestima de adolescentes y adultos; numerosas personas que, enganchadas en un consumo maratónico de series, reducen al mínimo su descanso. La tentadora promesa de novedades permanentes esconde una trampa detrás de cada app, a menudo a costa de nuestros intereses prioritarios y hasta de nuestra salud. Develando los mecanismos que han convertido al celular en un objeto irresistible, Santiago Bilinkis propone en esta Guía para sobrevivir al presente una manera apasionante de desbloquear nuestra ingenuidad frente a los dispositivos. Y nos ofrece ideas para utilizar los aparatos digitales para conectarnos y vivir experiencias compartidas en vez de encerrarnos en nuestra propia pantalla. En definitiva, nos invita a recuperar el control sobre la vida personal, familiar y laboral, y así disfrutar de los beneficios y las oportunidades que brinda la tecnología sin quedar atrapados en ella.
Guía práctica de pragmática del español
by María Elena Placencia Xose A. PadillaGuía práctica de pragmática del español es un texto introductorio en español. Ofrece introducciones accesibles a una importante variedad de teorías y conceptos imprescindibles en el campo de la pragmática del español. El libro contiene 22 capítulos divididos en seis secciones que cubren: actos de habla, formas de tratamiento, cortesía y descortesía, comunicación y persuasión, discurso digital, metodología en pragmática. Los diferentes capítulos incluyen ejemplos tomados de la comunicación cara a cara y en línea, lecturas (recomendadas y complementarias), y preguntas y actividades que toman como punto de partida diferentes variedades del español y diferentes contextos sociales, culturales y/o políticos en el mundo hispanohablante. Constituye un recurso valioso para estudiantes de pragmática y lingüística hispánica, tanto hablantes nativos como estudiantes de español avanzado.
Guide d'utilisation des logiciels de reconnaissance vocale : comment taper plus vite en dictant, par Barbara Watkinson
by Barbara WatkinsonSaviez-vous qu'un logiciel de dictée peut vous aider à écrire votre livre jusqu'à 3 fois plus vite ? Vous souhaitez écrire un roman plus rapidement et plus efficacement ? Si la réponse est oui, alors cet ouvrage est pour vous ! Ce guide contient d’innombrables stratégies pour dicter votre roman, le tout dans le confort de votre salon et sans toucher un clavier ! Voici les thèmes abordés dans le livre : Comment se lancer Comment préparer et établir un plan Les meilleures applications de reconnaissance vocale Comment utiliser un logiciel de dictée pour publier un roman ET BIEN PLUS ENCORE ! Si vous voulez apprendre à écrire votre roman en parlant, alors ce livre est pour vous !
A Guide for Newspaper Stringers (Routledge Communication Series)
by Margaret DavidsonFirst Published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Guide to Analysis of Language Transcripts
by Kristine S. RetherfordGuide to Analysis of Language Transcripts is now in its third edition This updated text is more reader-friendly and includes analysis practice on CD-ROM, too. Through the use of this comprehensive text readers learn classic semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic analysis. The opening chapter thoroughly explains the collection and transcription of conversation speech samples. The GALT presents hundreds of helpful example utterances (with full explanations) plus four transcriptions for analysis.
A Guide to Best Practice in Special Education, Health and Social Care: Making the System Work to Meet the Needs of Children, Young People and Their Families
by Rona Tutt Paul WilliamsA Guide to Best Practice in Special Education, Health and Social Care explores and explains the changes in governmental policies across the education, health and social care services, and what they mean for young individuals, parents and professionals. In a period of significant change, many practitioners need to understand the government’s plans for bringing about a more efficient, effective and sustainable system to meet the needs of young people and their families. Without trawling through reviews, green papers, white papers and bills, this book not only explains the significance of recent events, but provides practical examples, in the form of conversations and case studies, about how parents and professionals are making change happen. With decades of experience, Rona Tutt and Paul Williams delve deep into the separate origins of the three strands – the SEND Review, the review of children’s social care, and the Health and Care Act 2022. The book explores how pupils in different types of schools can have their needs met more effectively; how to make better use of available resources; and how to create a culture of mutual respect across all the three services.A Guide to Best Practice in Special Education, Health and Social Care not only fills in gaps in readers’ knowledge about the working of all three services, but provides innovative examples of how change is happening at ground level. People of all age groups working in schools and seeking to enhance their knowledge will find it to be an essential read. It will also be of interest to parents and professionals from across health and social care.
A Guide to Competitive International Telecommunications
by Gene RetskeThis book provides vital information on the business, technical, legal and practical considerations in the 'New Telecom World Order'. The book offers a complete overview of the new technologies and marketing methods that new competitors are using around t
Guide to Cross-Cultural Communication
by Sana Reynolds Deborah ValentineThis concise, practical book will help you communicate successfully in culturally diverse workplaces at home and abroad.
The Guide to Earned Media: How to Use PR Strategies to Enhance Your Brand
by Annie Pace ScrantonHarness the power of public relations and discover how you can secure meaningful press for your organization.It can be difficult to publicize a company or a product without formal training, yet it's more important than ever for successful marketing strategies to include media relations. In this book, media expert Annie Pace Scranton breaks down the most powerful and efficient PR tactics that brands can use to garner the right kind of attention. The book guides marketing and PR professionals through the process of developing authentic messaging, unique selling points, timely news pitches and other engaging ways to reach the media.The Guide to Earned Media is a must-read for anyone ready to unleash the power of public relations, perfect their messaging and work toward long-term brand prominence. Readers will walk away knowing how to make use of the most effective media strategies available today.
A Guide to English-Russian and Russian-English Non-literary Translation
by Alexandr ZaytsevLying at the intersection of translatology, cognitive science and linguistics, this brief provides a comprehensive framework for studying, investigating and teaching English-Russian/Russian-English non-literary translation. It provides a holistic perspective on the process of non-literary translation, illustrating each of its steps with carefully analyzed real-life examples. Readers will learn how to choose and process multidimensional attention units in original texts by activating different types of knowledge, as well as how to effectively devise target-language matches for them using various translation techniques. It is rounded out with handy and feasible recommendations on the structure and content of an undergraduate course in translation. The abundance of examples makes it suitable not only for use in the classroom, but also for independent study.
Guide to Literary Agents 2020: The Most Trusted Guide to Getting Published (Market #2020)
by Robert Lee BrewerThe Best Resource Available for Finding a Literary Agent! No matter what you're writing--fiction or nonfiction, books for adults or children--you need a literary agent to get the best book deal possible from a traditional publisher. Guide to Literary Agents 2020 is your go-to resource for finding that literary agent and earning a contract from a reputable publisher. Along with listing information for more than 1,000 agents who represent writers and their books, the 29th edition of GLA includes: • The key elements of a successful nonfiction book proposal. • Informative articles on crafting the perfect synopsis and detailing what agents are looking for in the ideal client--written by actual literary agents. • Plus, a 30-Day Platform Challenge to help writers build their writing platforms +Includes 20 literary agents actively seeking writers and their writing
Guide to Literary Agents 30th Edition
by edited by Robert Lee BrewerThe Best Resource Available for Finding a Literary Agent, fully revised and updatedNo matter what you're writing--fiction or nonfiction, books for adults or children--you need a literary agent to get the best book deal possible from a traditional publisher. Guide to Literary Agents 30th edition is your go-to resource for finding that literary agent and earning a contract from a reputable publisher. Along with listing information for more than 1,000 agents who represent writers and their books, the 30th edition of GLA includes: • Hundreds of updated listings for literary agents and writing conferences • Informative articles on crafting effective queries, synopses, and book proposals (and the agent query tracker) • Plus, a 30-Day Platform Challenge to help writers build their writing platforms • Includes 20 literary agents actively seeking writers and their writing
A Guide to Microsoft Office 2007 for Information and Communications Technologies
by Beth Brown Elaine Malfas Jones Jan MarrelliNIMAC-sourced textbook
A Guide to Midwestern Conversation
by Taylor Kay PhillipsLearn (and love) the language of the landlocked in this bitingly funny illustrated guide to the common phrases and sentiments of the American Heartland, from the author of the McSweeney&’s series &“A Guide to Midwestern Conversation.&”If you end an evening by slapping your thighs and saying, &“Welp, I&’ll go ahead and get outta your hair,&” then you don&’t need this guide, but you sure as heck might like it. Full of common Midwestern phrases (and what they really mean behind the friendly facade), A Guide to Midwestern Conversation is an affectionate, self-deprecating look at the language of a people long defined by their kindness and reduced to their voting patterns. Written by born-and-bred Midwesterner Taylor Kay Phillips, it&’s a wink, a hug, and a firm handshake (with eye contact) to the millions of Americans who say soda and pop interchangeably and grew up doing tornado drills in school.Discover Midwestern conversational staples like: How to announce that you hate something beyond comprehension (&“I didn&’t really care for it&”) What counts as &“a short drive&” (less than eight hours) Sports talk (starts early, doesn&’t end till we&’re six feet under)Describing the ultimate dream home (&“It&’s got a finished basement&”)An ode to the Garage FridgeIncluding an array of guides, tips, and profiles of all the states included, A Guide to Midwestern Conversation is guaranteed to make Midwesterners (and their friends) laugh out loud, nod their heads, and ask if &“anyone needs anything real quick while I&’m up.&”
A Guide to Publishing in Scholarly Communication Journals (Published for the International Communication Association)
by Mark L. Knapp John A. DalyThis guide offers detailed advice on the journal article publication process, describing each step of the process and providing insights for improving the presentation of work intended for publication in communication journals. It includes advice from journal editors across the discipline and offers resource materials to help both new and seasoned writers publish their work. The guide begins with an overview of the publication process, followed by a discussion of each step of the manuscript submission, review, and revision processes. In addition to reality-based answers to questions often posed to editors, resource materials are provided in the appendices, introducing readers to the various forms and correspondence they will encounter when they submit their work for consideration. The guide focuses on the issues and procedures associated with the publication process, examining rules and expectations encountered during the publishing process that are often assumed to be known but are rarely articulated. The guidance provided here will aid in establishing consistency in publication practices and will contribute toward improving the quality of journal submissions, as well as enhancing interaction with editors and reviewers. As a guide to demystifying procedures associated with the publication process, this resource will serve all academic authors desiring to publish their work in scholarly communication journals.
Guide to Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
by Isaac Woungang Subhas Chandra Misra Sudip MisraWireless communication technologies have been undergoing rapid advancements, however there are several challenges that still need to be addressed. This book provides a comprehensive guide on the new ideas and results in the areas of mobile ad hoc networks, sensor networks and other ad hoc and ubiquitous computing systems, all in the wireless communication technology field. Wireless ad hoc networks and ubiquitous computing are explored by leading experts in the field from both academia and industry, with various challenges in diverse environments, standards, routing mechanisms, etc. This comprehensive book features in-depth descriptions of terminologies and concepts related to the diverse subject areas in wireless communication. This wide-ranging text will be a valuable reference for researchers, students, instructors, engineers, and strategists seeking the state of the art in the field.
Guide to Wireless Sensor Networks
by Isaac Woungang Subhas Chandra Misra Sudip MisraWireless communication technologies continue to undergo rapid advancement. In recent years, there has been a steep growth in research in the area of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In WSNs, communication takes place with the help of spatially distributed, autonomous sensor nodes equipped to sense specific information. WSNs can be found in a variety of both military and civilian applications worldwide. Examples include detecting enemy intrusion on the battlefield, object tracking, habitat monitoring, patient monitoring and fire detection. Sensor networks are emerging as an attractive technology with great promise for the future. However, challenges remain to be addressed in issues relating to coverage and deployment, scalability, quality-of-service, size, computational power, energy efficiency and security. This highly useful guide presents a comprehensive account of the fundamental concepts, new ideas and results in the field of WSNs.
A Guide to Writing as an Engineer
by David Beer David McmurreyWritten for engineers, this book provides more than technical know-how and focuses on how to be an effective communicator. This new edition helps to eliminate the glitches that trip up the busy reader or listener, causing annoyance, confusion, or misunderstanding'so that their writing and speech are crystal clear. This text also focuses on the technical writing and speaking issues encountered in day to day work, writing reports, business letter, memoranda, proposals, emails, presentations, and more. The new edition includes new coverage of social media, including coverage of popular forms, best practices, dangers and ethics of using social media, and expanded coverage of informal communication.
Guidebook for Aligning Practices and Steering Multi-System Change: From Intervention to Social Change II (Solving Social Problems)
by Triin Vihalemm Margit Keller Maie KiiselBuilding on the work of the authors’ previous volume, the Guidebook for Aligning Practices and Steering Multi‑System Change translates cutting‑edge theoretical concepts into the language and applied toolkits of change practitioners. This empirically grounded and theoretically sophisticated book provides policymakers and change‑managers methods and toolkits for conceptual modelling of change when handling cross‑sectoral issues. The authors both ‘zoom in’ to the granular unfolding change of everyday life and ‘zoom out’ to examine the ‘big picture’ of socio‑technical systems such as energy, mobility, food and healthcare. In addition to the social practice theories introduced in the first volume, the authors draw on the multi‑level perspective that underpins sustainability transition studies and combine two theories. They are also inspired by the Deep Transition concept that tackles multi‑systems change. Bridging the gap between the theorisation of sustainability transitions and practical guidelines, it will appeal to policymakers, sustainability project managers and students of management, social and political sciences, technology and innovation.
Guidelines for Microsoft Office 2010
by Nancy Muir Anita VernoLearning how to use software should be a simple, straightforward, and engaging experience. The book has taken a step-by-step visual approach to teaching the key features of the Office programs, building knowledge in a logical and easy-to-follow way.
Guilty of Journalism: The Political Case against Julian Assange
by Kevin GosztolaFrom an acclaimed independent journalist, this carefully-documented analysis of the government&’s case against Julian Assange and its implications for press freedom acts as a crucial, compelling guidebook to Assange&’s upcoming trial.The legal action against Julian Assange is poised to culminate in a trial in the United States in 2023, and this book will help the public understand the proceedings. The establishment media's coverage of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's extradition case has focused on his deteriorating health and what CBS News called his &“secret family,&” but most of this coverage failed to detail the complex issues at stake against Assange. Guilty of Journalism outlines how WikiLeaks exposed the reality of American wars, the United States government&’s unprecedented indictment against Assange as a publisher, and the media&’s role in persuading the public to &“shoot the messenger.&”This new book by Kevin Gosztola, who has spent the last decade covering Assange, WikiLeaks, and the wider war on whistleblowers, tells the full story based on testimony from dozens of witnesses. It examines abuses of power by the CIA and the FBI, including a spying operation that targeted Assange&’s family, lawyers, and doctors. Guilty of Journalism offers a balanced and comprehensive perspective on all the events leading up to what press freedom advocates have called the trial of the century.Guilty of Journalism is a joint production of The Censored Press and Seven Stories Press.
Gulag Voices
by Jehanne M Gheith Katherine R. JolluckIn this volume, the powerful voices of Gulag survivors become accessible to English-speaking audiences for the first time through oral histories, rather than written memoirs. It brings together interviews with men and women, members of the working class and intelligentsia, people who live in the major cities and those from the "provinces," and from an array of corrective hard labor camps and prisons across the former Soviet Union. Its aims are threefold: 1) to give a sense of the range of the Gulag experience and its consequences for Russian society; 2) to make the Gulag relevant to English-speaking readers by offering comparisons to historical catastrophes they are likely to know more about, such as the Holocaust; and 3) to discuss issues of oral history and memory in the cultural context of Soviet and post-Soviet society.
The Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm 1990–1991 (Modern Warfare)
by Anthony Tucker-JonesThis photographic history of Operation Desert Storm vividly captures the drama and humanity of each stage of the conflict. In the early 1990s, the American military led a coalition of United Nations forces to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi occupation. With more than 180 color photographs, The Gulf War provides a remarkable visual account of the conflict, documenting the vast array of military equipment deployed by both sides in the air, at sea and on land. Author and military expert Anthony Tucker-Jones, who was an analyst for British Defense Intelligence at the time of the conflict, describes the armed forces that were ranged against each other, including troops, armored vehicles, artillery pieces and aircraft. He also offers a concise overview of key events, including the preliminary air campaign, the elimination of the Iraqi navy, the coalition's ground offensive, tank battles, the liberation of Kuwait City, and more.