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Handbuch Public Affairs: Politische Kommunikation für Unternehmen und Organisationen
by Ulrike Röttger Patrick Donges Ansgar ZerfaßDas Handbuch bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die Grundlagen, Rahmenbedingungen, Einsatzfelder, Instrumente und Maßnahmen des Public-Affairs-Managements. Es vermittelt grundlegendes Know-how über die Funktionsweisen, Potenziale und auch Risiken strategischer Kommunikation, die auf das politisch-administrative System und das gesellschaftspolitische Organisationsumfeld ausgerichtet ist. Die interdisziplinäre Herangehensweise des Handbuchs berücksichtigt zum einen Erkenntnisse aus unterschiedlichen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen wie z.B. der Kommunikationswissenschaft, der Politikwissenschaft, der Rechtswissenschaft und der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Zum anderen wird die Vertretung und Klärung von Interessen aus unterschiedlichen Praxisperspektiven beleuchtet – so etwa aus Sicht von Unternehmen, Politikerinnen und Politikern, Behörden, Interessenorganisationen und auch Public-Affairs-Dienstleistern. Das Handbuch richtet sich an Interessierte aus Wissenschaft und Praxis sowie an Studierende aus den genannten Bereichen und angrenzenden Fachgebieten.
Handbuch Soziale Medien
by Jan-Hinrik Schmidt Monika TaddickenSoziale Medien erleichtern es Menschen, Informationen aller Art zu teilen und soziale Beziehungen zu pflegen. Sie sind in den letzten Jahren und Jahrzehnten zu einem wesentlichen Bestandteil der digitalen Kommunikation geworden und verändern die Strukturen gesellschaftlicher Öffentlichkeit, aber auch den alltäglichen Austausch über privat-persönliche Themen. Ihre kommunikative Architektur nährt Hoffnungen auf verbesserte gesellschaftliche Partizipation genauso wie Befürchtungen, immer mehr Bereiche des Lebens würden kommerzialisiert und überwacht. Das Handbuch bereitet den aktuellen Forschungs- und Diskussionsstand zu Nutzung, gesellschaftlicher Einbettung und Folgen der sozialen Medien aus der Kommunikationswissenschaft und den angrenzenden Sozialwissenschaften auf. Für die zweite Auflage wurden die Beiträge überarbeitet und aktualisiert sowie das Handbuch um neue Beiträge ergänzt.
Handbuch Unternehmenskommunikation: Strategie – Management – Wertschöpfung (Springer Nachschlagewissen Ser.)
by Ulrike Röttger Ansgar Zerfaß Manfred PiwingerDie dritte Auflage des deutschsprachigen Standardwerks zur Unternehmenskommunikation zeigt, wie Kommunikation zum wirtschaftlichen Erfolg beiträgt, Handlungsspielräume schafft, Beziehungen aufbaut sowie Reputation und Unternehmenswert steigert. Im Mittelpunkt steht konzeptionelles Wissen, das Vorstand, Geschäftsführung und andere Führungskräfte benötigen, um zielführend mit Kommunikationsabteilungen und Agenturen zusammenzuarbeiten. Darüber hinaus erfahren Kommunikationsverantwortliche, Studierende und Wissenschaftler, wie man Kommunikation managen und Erfolgspotenziale aufbauen kann. Das Handbuch verbindet betriebswirtschaftliches Know-how mit kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Konzepten und Erfahrungen aus der Unternehmenspraxis. Grundbegriffe werden ebenso vermittelt wie neue Erkenntnisse zur digitalen Transformation, Agilität und Internationalisierung, zum Einsatz von Managementtools, Influencer- und CEO-Kommunikation, dem Alignment von Unternehmens- und Kommunikationszielen sowie den Merkmalen exzellenter Kommunikationsabteilungen.
Handbuch Visuelle Kommunikationsforschung
by Katharina LobingerDas Handbuch liefert einen umfassenden Einblick in zentrale Theorien, Forschungsfelder, Methoden und aktuelle Herausforderungen der Visuellen Kommunikationsforschung. Ziel ist es, einen State of the Art-Überblick über das dynamische Forschungsfeld zu geben, dabei traditionelle wie innovative Themenbereiche abzubilden, methodische Anleitungen zu geben und für kritische Aspekte der visuellen Forschung zu sensibilisieren.
Handbuch Wissenschaftskommunikation
by Herbert Münder Christian Kleinert Beatrice DernbachDer Band bietet einen Überblick über die Wissenschaftskommunikation unter vielen Perspektiven: Ausgehend von den politischen, ökonomischen und sozialen Rahmenbedingungen, unter denen Wissenschaft und Wissenschaftskommunikation stattfinden, werden die institutionellen Akteure auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene sowie Best-practice-Beispiele vorgestellt. Thematisiert werden ebenso die Perspektive der Wissenschaftskommunikation als Risiko- und Krisenkommunikation, das Verhältnis von Wissenschaftskommunikation zu Medien und Journalismus sowie die Evaluation von Wissenschaftskommunikation.
Hands-On Guide to Flash Video: Web Video and Flash Media Server (Hands-on Guide Ser.)
by Stefan Richter Jan OzerThe Hands-On Guide to Flash Video is a professional reference book written by industry experts that are currently helping professionals produce Web video and implement Flash Media Server. This book covers Flash Video production from soup to nuts, beginning with how to configure your camcorder and ending to advanced server techniques like bandwidth detection and FMS logging and reporting. Real word lessons from case studies of successful Flash Video deployments are also included. Supplemental files located at: www.flashvideobook.comBy reading this book, you'll learn to:* Shoot high quality video for streaming* Choose the best encoder and encoding techniques for producing Flash Video* Deploy Flash Video via progressive download or via the Flash Media Server. * Create and light a compression friendly set* Deinterlace and preprocess your video prior to encoding* Choose encoding parameters like data rate, resolution and frame rate* Optimize encoding with Sorenson Squeeze, Flix Pro and the Adobe Flash Video Encoder* Shoot and produce chromakey video for alpha channel delivery* Customize a Flash player via skinning, and use Cue Points for navigation * Setup, install, and maintain Flash Media Server
Hands-On Guide to Streaming Media: an Introduction to Delivering On-Demand Media (Hands-on Guide Streaming Media Ser.)
by Joe FollansbeeThis book describes the steps for creating an on-demand and live streaming video in an all-in-one refernce guide for new users and companies that need introduced to the technology.After reading this book, you will understand:- How the Internet works in relation to streaming media- Client/server technology, specifically related to streaming media- Strengths and limits of streaming media, including best uses for the technology- Choices of streaming media content creation tools
Hands-On Guide to Video Blogging and Podcasting: Emerging Media Tools for Business Communication (Focal Hands-on Guide Ser.)
by Damien Stolarz Lionel FelixFor all of your video and audio blogging business and professional communication needs, this book is it!The Hands-on Guide to Video Blogging and Podcasting provides tremendous value to those content publishers, big and small, that want to create syndicated video blog and podcast content. The simplified, plain talking break-down the authors bring to the book will give everyone the tools to plan, create, and execute a blog/podcast outlet.This book explains these emerging media tools from a professional perspective. Quickly learn the technical aspects of video blogging and podcasting along with their business and financial ramifications.
Hands-On Guide to Webcasting: Internet Event and AV Production (Hands-on Guide Streaming Media Ser.)
by Dan Rayburn Steve MackIn "Hands-On Guide to Webcasting," industry experts address the fastest-growing application for streaming media - broadcasting live audio and video on the Internet. Used in all industry verticals from corporate to entertainment, this book provides an end-to-end technical overview of the webcasting process. Providing you with step-by-step instructions from audio/video production, encoding and authoring to delivery and business issues, this guide provides both the depth and breadth necessary for mastery of the subject.
Hands-On Guide to Windows Media (Hands-on Guide Streaming Media Ser.)
by Joe FollansbeeHands-On Guide to Windows Media is a practical guide that teaches how to distribute audio and video efficiently and effectively over computer networks. This book enables you to get up and running quickly and focuses on one of the most popular tools in the streaming media universe, Windows Media. This book will help you to understand the unique characteristics and demands of streaming audio and video information over packet-switched networks. Ideal even for non-technical readers.
Hands-on Signal Analysis with Python: An Introduction
by Thomas HaslwanterThis book provides the tools for analyzing data in Python: different types of filters are introduced and explained, such as FIR-, IIR- and morphological filters, as well as their application to one- and two-dimensional data. The required mathematics are kept to a minimum, and numerous examples and working Python programs are included for a quick start. The goal of the book is to enable also novice users to choose appropriate methods and to complete real-world tasks such as differentiation, integration, and smoothing of time series, or simple edge detection in images. An introductory section provides help and tips for getting Python installed and configured on your computer. More advanced chapters provide a practical introduction to the Fourier transform and its applications such as sound processing, as well as to the solution of equations of motion with the Laplace transform. A brief excursion into machine learning shows the powerful tools that are available with Python. This book also provides tips for an efficient programming work flow: from the use of a debugger for finding mistakes, code-versioning with git to avoid the loss of working programs, to the construction of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for the visualization of data. Working, well-documented Python solutions are included for all exercises, and IPython/Jupyter notebooks provide additional help to get people started and outlooks for the interested reader.
Hands-on Signals and Systems Theory
by Kajetana Marta SnopekThis textbook presents the theory of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems and shows how it can be used to solve analytically different problems. The book is dedicated to engineering students who are interested in mathematical methods used to solve real technical problems connected with signals and systems. The book covers, both in continuous- and in discrete domains, analysis of signals in time domain; orthogonal signal representation including Fourier series; convolution and correlation of signals; analysis of signals in the frequency domain and signal sampling, including aliasing and stroboscopic effects, among others. The author also emphasizes the role of Fourier-, one-sided Laplace- and one-sided Z transformations in signals and systems. Chosen methods of analog and digital filter design and stability criteria of analog and digital filters are also described. The author presents the necessary theory in the form of a concise “lecture” accompanied with a number of solved original problems. Every chapter ends with examples of complete solutions with explanation and necessary graphical visualization (graphs, schemes etc.).
by Peter WestDo you realize how revealing your handwriting is? Whenever you put pen to paper - whether applying for a job, addressing an envelope or merely doodling - you may be giving away much more about yourself than you intend.In this highly readable and authoritative guide, graphologist Peter West uses over 300 illustrations to analyse:-General features - slant, size and margin-Specifics - capitals, numbers, signatures and choice of ink and paper colour-Doodles - what is the secret of your absent-minded designs?-The letters of the alphabet - identifying the main stylistic variationsIt includes illuminating sections on graphology as an aid to:-Assessing compatibility in relationships-Personal management-Child guidanceHandwriting provides a fascinating and invaluable chance to better understanding yourself and others.
Happiness--Found in Translation: A Glossary of Joy from Around the World
by Tim LomasA beautifully illustrated dictionary of words from around the world that describe experiences of happiness for which there are no equivalents in the English language.Have you ever had a feeling that you couldn't quite describe because there was no word in English that captured it? Our ability to fully experience moments of joy in our lives can be limited by the words at our disposal. In this magical book, psychologist Tim Lomas surveys words from around the world to help readers put their finger on feelings of happiness that before might have lingered for only a moment in their mind's eye before disappearing. The ideal gift for language lovers, or for anyone looking for a megadose of pure joy, Happiness--Found in Translation features such "untranslatable" words as:Bazodee: A Creole (Trinidad and Tobago) word to describe a dizzy and dazed happiness, a bewildered, discombobulated joy.Charmolypi: A Greek word for the sad, joy-making sorrow when happiness and sadness intermingle.Wú wéi: A Chinese term for natural, spontaneous, and effortless action, skilfully flowing with the currents of life.Happiness--Found in Translation gives readers access to the great happiness that the world's languages have to offer.
Happiness in Journalism
by Valérie Bélair-Gagnon Avery E. Holton Mark Deuze Claudia MelladoThis book examines how journalism can overcome harmful institutional issues such as work-related trauma and precarity, focusing specifically on questions of what happiness in journalism means, and how one can be successful and happy on the job. Acknowledging profound variations across people, genres of journalism, countries, types of news organizations, and methodologies, this book brings together an array of international perspectives from academia and practice. It suggests that there is much that can be done to improve journalists’ subjective well-being, despite there being no one-size-fits-all solution. It advocates for a shift in mindset as much in theoretical as in methodological approaches, moving away from a focus on platforms and adaptation to pay real attention to the human beings at the center of the industry. That shift in mindset and approach involves exploring what happiness is, how happiness manifests in journalism and media industries, and what future we can imagine that would be better for the profession. Happiness is conceptualized from both psychological and philosophical perspectives. Issues such as trauma, harassment, inequality, digital security, and mental health are considered alongside those such as precarity, recruitment, emotional literacy, intelligence, resilience, and self-efficacy. Authors point to norms, values and ethics in their regions and suggest best practices based on their experience. Constituting a first-of-its-kind study and guide, Happiness in Journalism is recommended reading for journalists, educators, and advanced students interested in topics relating to journalists’ mental health and emotion, media management, and workplace well-being. This book is accompanied by an online platform which supports videos, exercises, reports and links to useful further reading.
Happiness the Mindful Way
by Ken A. VerniHappiness: The Mindful Way is a practical step-by-step guide to help focus the mind, improve performance, and be happy.This easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide is filled with infographics and questionnaires, making the road to happiness an enjoyable, personal journey. Discover how breathing techniques, body scanning, and simple meditation can help you be in the present moment, lessen anxiety, and distance yourself from damaging emotions. The range of methods presented makes it easy to tailor a program to fit your needs.From coping with anxiety to breaking bad habits to making a speech in front of a crowd, Happiness: The Mindful Way offers foolproof methods and expert advice for gaining resilience, confidence, and communication skills, and becoming more successful in the pursuit of your goals.
Happy Days: My Mother, My Father, My Sister & Me
by Shana AlexanderAcclaimed 60 Minutes commentator and true-crime author Shana Alexander turns her journalist&’s eye to her own unconventional family—and herself—in this fascinating, moving memoir Shana Alexander spent most of her life trying to figure out her enigmatic parents. Milton Ager was a famous songwriter whose creations included &“Ain&’t She Sweet&” and &“Happy Days Are Here Again.&” Cecelia Ager was a film critic and Variety columnist. They were a glamorous Jazz Age couple that moved in charmed circles with George and Ira Gershwin, Dorothy Parker, and Jerome Kern. They remained together for fifty-seven years, and yet they lived separate lives. This wise, witty, unflinchingly candid memoir is also a revealing account of Alexander&’s own life, from her successful career as a writer and national-news commentator to her troubled marriages and emotionally wrenching love affairs. She shares insights about growing up with a cold, hypercritical mother, her relationship with her younger sister, the suicide of her adopted daughter, and her reconciliation with her parents after a twenty-year estrangement. &“I had to do a lot of detective work to uncover the truth about my parents&’ lives,&” Alexander said. &“I knew almost nothing about them as people. But by the end they really did become my best friends.&”
Happy Days: 1880-1892 (H.L. Mencken's Autobiography)
by H. L. MenckenWith a style that combined biting sarcasm with the "language of the free lunch counter," Henry Louis Mencken shook politics and politicians for nearly half a century. Now, fifty years after Mencken's death, the Johns Hopkins University Press announces The Buncombe Collection, newly packaged editions of nine Mencken classics: Happy Days, Heathen Days, Newspaper Days, Prejudices, Treatise on the Gods, On Politics, Thirty-Five Years of Newspaper Work, Minority Report, and A Second Mencken Chrestomathy. Most of these autobiographical writings first appeared in the New Yorker. Here Mencken recalls memories of a safe and happy boyhood in the Baltimore of the 1880s.
Happy Days Were Here Again: Reflections of a Libertarian Journalist
by William F. Buckley Jr.In "Happy Days Were Here Again", William F. Buckley Jr. offers a collection of his finest essays from the latter part of his long career. Sometimes celebrating, sometimes assailing, Buckley takes on opponents ranging from Mikhail Gorbachev to Carl Sagan to Leonard Bernstein; reflects on the academic scene, the Gulf War, and the idea of sin; and offers appreciations of friends, both right and left. For everyone who appreciates the wit and style of America's preeminent conservative, this is a must-have collection.
Happy High Status: Get the secret to lasting confidence, from the bestselling author of How to Own the Room
by Viv GroskopRedefine what confidence looks like at home and at work.Everyone wants to be able to face challenging situations without feeling daunted, intimidated or stressed. But no-one wants to be labelled over-confident, arrogant or smarmy, or to get caught up in their own hype. So how can you feel authentically confident - without the cringe, and without pretending to be something you're not?Happy high status is a new way of thinking about confidence and how you relate to yourself. It's how actors and comedians enhance their presence on stage and screen. It lends strength and energy to your interactions, big and small, and is a way of projecting status, minimising self-doubt and moving effortlessly through life.Drawing on research, practical tips and lessons from the worlds of comedy, film, television, politics and sport, Viv Groskop offers a masterclass in how you can access this new form of confidence at any time. All, crucially, with no risk of anyone thinking that you are your own biggest fan."Viv always makes me feel more confident. Get the magic now in book form" - Katy Brand"I recommend Viv Groskop to anyone wanting more self-confidence" - Philippa Perry"Reassuring, inspiring and wise - a practical handbook for anyone held back by self-doubt" - Julia Samuel
Happy Mum, Happy Baby: My adventures into motherhood
by Giovanna FletcherCONTAINS A BRAND NEW CHAPTERSunday Times Number One Bestseller Happy Mum Happy Baby is now a Number One podcast. A positive and uplifting book about what it is to be a mother and all things mum and baby by Celebrity Mum of the Year and phenomenally popular vlogger, author, TV presenter and actress Giovanna Fletcher.Being a mum is an incredible journey, a remarkable experience that changes how we look, how we feel, who we are. As mothers we are strong, protective, proud. We feel a love like no other.But being a parent can be hard too. It challenges us physically, mentally, emotionally. There are the days where just managing to fit a shower in amidst the endless feeding, entertaining young children and surviving on a lack of sleep feels like an achievement. With so many people ready to offer 'advice' on the best way to parent, it can feel like you are getting it all wrong.Since Giovanna and her husband Tom Fletcher have had their sons Buzz and Buddy, they have been sharing glimpses of their family life. With an infectiously positive outlook and happy take on all things mum-related, Giovanna has developed a following of fellow parents and mums-to-be.This is not a book about how to have the perfect family experience - Gi would be the first to admit she is winging it just as much as the rest of us - instead it is an honest, upbeat and incredibly personal account of her own experience of having a family. In Happy Mum, Happy Baby Giovanna shares her own journey through parenthood and in doing so, she looks at what it is to be a mother today, encourages you to be confident in yourself as a parent and celebrates how putting a focus on being a happy and confident mum can really make for a happy baby.
Happy Mum, Happy Baby: My adventures into motherhood
by Giovanna FletcherBeing a mum is an incredible journey, a remarkable experience that changes how we look, how we feel, who we are. As mothers we are strong, protective, proud. We feel a love like no other.But being a parent can be hard too. It challenges us physically, mentally, emotionally. There are the days where just managing to fit a shower in amidst the endless feeding, entertaining young children and surviving on a lack of sleep feels like an achievement. With so many people ready to offer 'advice' on the best way to parent, it can feel like you are getting it all wrong.Since Giovanna and her husband Tom Fletcher have had their sons Buzz and Buddy, they have been sharing glimpses of their family life. With an infectiously positive outlook and happy take on all things mum-related, Giovanna has developed a following of fellow parents and mums-to-be.This is not a book about how to have the perfect family experience - Gi would be the first to admit she is winging it just as much as the rest of us - instead it is an honest, upbeat and incredibly personal account of her own experience of having a family. In Happy Mum, Happy Baby Giovanna shares her own journey through parenthood and in doing so, she looks at what it is to be a mother today, encourages you to be confident in yourself as a parent and celebrates how putting a focus on being a happy and confident mum can really make for a happy baby.(P)2017 Hodder & Stoughton
The Harcourt Brace Guide to Documentation and Writing in the Disciplines (4th edition)
by Laurie G. Kirszner Stephen R. MandellPreparing to write for research; developing an argument; writing in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and business; overview of documentation styles for books and articles
Hard Feelings: Reporting on Pols, the Press, People and New York
by Ken AulettaKen Auletta's memoir about his time as a reporter.
Hardball for Women
by Susan K. Golant Pat HeimIn Hardball for Women, Pat Heim shows women how to break patterns of behavior that have put them at a disadvantage in the business world of men. Whether the arena is a law firm, a medical group, a corporation, or any other work environment, Hardball for Women decodes the male business culture and gives readers strategies on how to use its rules to get ahead--and stay ahead. Readers will learn to: Be assertive without being obnoxious Display confidence Engage in smart self-promotion Lead both men and women--and recognize the differences between them Use "power talk" language to your advantage