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Hardware for Quantum Computing

by Chuck Easttom

This book covers extensively the physical implementation of qubits and quantum architecture. The author demonstrates how quantum computing is implemented by the underlying physical implementation of qubits, including trapped ions, nitrogen vacancy centers, frozen neon, and other implementations. The book shows how, ultimately, the physical implementation of the qubit is the foundation of quantum computing, and that the choice of physical qubit will impact such things as decoherence times, computational efficiency, and even error rate. The book explores all the current approaches to physical qubit implementation and includes appendices that review basic quantum computing and physics.

The Harlan Ellison Hornbook: Essays

by Harlan Ellison

A major collection of Harlan Ellison's incomparable, troublemaking, uncompromising, confrontational essays and newspaper columns, The Harlan Ellison Hornbook mines deep into the author's colorful past. Failed love affairs, departed pets, a defense of comic books--in lesser hands, these subjects would be pabulum or treacle. When Harlan Ellison is behind the typewriter, the mundane becomes an all-out intellectual brawl. Emotionally moving and verbally stimulating, these columns cannot be missed, especially Ellison's article on controversial comedian Lenny Bruce or the chilling account of the author's trip to visit a death row inmate in San Quentin State Prison.

Harmful Interference in Regulatory Perspective: Legal rules for interference-free radio communication

by Mahulena Hofmann

This collection analyses the regulatory aspects of harmful interference faced by those entities operating space communication and broadcasting. While technology reacts to this international phenomenon with the development of continuously improving technological systems for preventing and combating harmful interference, its international regulatory and legal framework develops at a much slower pace. Issues discussed include the increasing deterioration of signals from broadcasting and communication satellites, including cases of intentional interference known as `jamming’; the human rights balance between freedom of expression and protection from hate speech; the efficacy of the current regulatory system and the legal consequences of non-compliance; the role of national authorities, and supranational bodies such as the EU and UN. The contributors include experts drawn from international and national academia, the ITU, national regulatory authorities and operators to present an international, multidimensional, and critical analysis of this complex phenomenon.

Harnessing the Power of Analytics

by Leila Halawi Amal Clarke Kelly George

This text highlights the difference between analytics and data science, using predictive analytic techniques to analyze different historical data, including aviation data and concrete data, interpreting the predictive models, and highlighting the steps to deploy the models and the steps ahead. The book combines the conceptual perspective and a hands-on approach to predictive analytics using SAS VIYA, an analytic and data management platform. The authors use SAS VIYA to focus on analytics to solve problems, highlight how analytics is applied in the airline and business environment, and compare several different modeling techniques. They decipher complex algorithms to demonstrate how they can be applied and explained within improving decisions.

Harry Reasoner: A Life in the News

by Douglass K. Daniel

Harry Reasoner was one of the most trusted and well-liked journalists of the golden age of network television news. <P><P>Whether anchoring the evening newscast on CBS in the 1960s or on ABC in the 1970s, providing in-depth reporting on 60 Minutes, or hosting numerous special programs covering civil rights struggles, the Vietnam War, and Watergate, Reasoner had "that almost mystical quality it seems to take for good television reporting, exuding this atmosphere of truth and believability," in the words of Walter Cronkite. Yet his reassuring manner and urbane, often witty, on-air persona masked a man who was far more complex and contradictory. Though gifted with the intelligence and drive to rise to the top of his profession, Reasoner was regarded by many colleagues as lazy and self-indulgent, a man who never achieved his full potential despite his many accomplishments.

Harry the Hopper: Targeting the h Sound (Speech Bubbles 2)

by Melissa Palmer

Harry loves to hop, and believes he is a ‘hopper’ – but not everyone agrees… This picture book targets the /h/ sound and is part of Speech Bubbles 2, a series of picture books that target specific speech sounds within the story. The series can be used for children receiving speech therapy, for children who have a speech sound delay/disorder, or simply as an activity for children’s speech sound development and/or phonological awareness. They are ideal for use by parents, teachers or caregivers. Bright pictures and a fun story create an engaging activity perfect for sound awareness. Picture books are sold individually, or in a pack. There are currently two packs available – Speech Bubbles 1 and Speech Bubbles 2. Please see further titles in the series for stories targeting other speech sounds.

Harry's Story: A Picture Book To Raise Awareness Of And Support Children With Dld (Supporting Children with DLD)

by Kate Kempton

For effective use, this book can be purchased alongside the professional guide, Supporting Children with DLD. Both books can be purchased together as a set, Supporting Children with DLD: A Picture Book and User Guide to Learn About Developmental Language Disorder [978-0-367-70920-4]. This beautifully illustrated picture book has been created to develop awareness of Developmental Language Disorder and provides a unique opportunity to sensitively gain children’s perspectives of the condition. Harry enjoys school, but faces daily challenges due to his language difficulties. When he is asked to write a story, he struggles to find the words to put his thoughts onto paper. He learns to share his stories through pictures instead and, in doing so, helps his supportive teacher understand what she can do to make life easier for him. With bright illustrations and language that can be accessed by children with DLD, this story can be used to start conversations about the lived experience of children with Developmental Language Disorder, giving them a voice and helping them express their thoughts and feelings. It can also be used as a training tool for teachers and other professionals. This is an essential resource for parents and practitioners looking to understand and support children with DLD.

Hash House Lingo: The Slang of Soda Jerks, Short-Order Cooks, Bartenders, Waitresses, Carhops and Other Denizens of Ye

by Paul Dickson Scott Russo Jack Smiley

Originally published in 1941, this pocket-sized treasury preserves the language of diners and roadside restaurants during their golden age in the '30s and '40s. From "all hot" (baked potato) and "dog soup" (water) to "perk" (coffee) and "first lady" (spare ribs), the long-lost terms are fascinating, funny, and sometimes politically incorrect by today's standards. Historic photos from the Library of Congress add nostalgic appeal.

Hashing in Computer Science

by Alan G. Konheim

Written by one of the developers of the technology, Hashing is both a historical document on the development of hashing and an analysis of the applications of hashing in a society increasingly concerned with security. The material in this book is based on courses taught by the author, and key points are reinforced in sample problems and an accompanying instructor s manual. Graduate students and researchers in mathematics, cryptography, and security will benefit from this overview of hashing and the complicated mathematics that it requires.

Hashtag Activism and Women’s Rights: Are Social Media Campaigns Really Making Laws Better for Women and Girls?

by Reilly Anne Dempsey Willis

With over five billion internet users globally, it is crucial to understand social media activism and legal change for women and girls. This insightful book examines the impact of international Twitter (now X) campaigns on domestic laws affecting women and girls. Exploring the complexities of legal change for women and girls across seven countries from Latin America to Middle East and Africa, the book offers empirical insights into the effectiveness of hashtag advocacy and sheds light on the role of social media in shaping different outcomes. This is a key resource for understanding the dynamics driving social media activism and its potential impact on the rights of women and girls worldwide.

Hashtag Islam: How Cyber-Islamic Environments Are Transforming Religious Authority (Islamic Civilization and Muslim Networks)

by Gary R. Bunt

Gary R. Bunt is a twenty-year pioneer in the study of cyber-Islamic environments (CIEs). In his new book, Bunt explores the diverse and surprising ways digital technology is shaping how Muslims across vast territories relate to religious authorities in fulfilling spiritual, mystical, and legalistic agendas. From social networks to websites, essential elements of religious practices and authority now have representation online. Muslims, embracing the immediacy and general accessibility of the internet, are increasingly turning to cyberspace for advice and answers to important religious questions. Online environments often challenge traditional models of authority, however. One result is the rise of digitally literate religious scholars and authorities whose influence and impact go beyond traditional boundaries of imams, mullahs, and shaikhs. Bunt shows how online rhetoric and social media are being used to articulate religious faith by many different kinds of Muslim organizations and individuals, from Muslim comedians and women's rights advocates to jihad-oriented groups, such as the "Islamic State" and al-Qaeda, which now clearly rely on strategic digital media policies to augment and justify their authority and draw recruits. This book makes clear that understanding CIEs is crucial for the holistic interpretation of authority in contemporary Islam.

#HashtagActivism: Networks of Race and Gender Justice

by Brooke Foucault Welles Sarah J. Jackson Moya Bailey

How marginalized groups use Twitter to advance counter-narratives, preempt political spin, and build diverse networks of dissent. The power of hashtag activism became clear in 2011, when #IranElection served as an organizing tool for Iranians protesting a disputed election and offered a global audience a front-row seat to a nascent revolution. Since then, activists have used a variety of hashtags, including #JusticeForTrayvon, #BlackLivesMatter, #YesAllWomen, and #MeToo to advocate, mobilize, and communicate. In this book, Sarah Jackson, Moya Bailey, and Brooke Foucault Welles explore how and why Twitter has become an important platform for historically disenfranchised populations, including Black Americans, women, and transgender people. They show how marginalized groups, long excluded from elite media spaces, have used Twitter hashtags to advance counternarratives, preempt political spin, and build diverse networks of dissent. The authors describe how such hashtags as #MeToo, #SurvivorPrivilege, and #WhyIStayed have challenged the conventional understanding of gendered violence; examine the voices and narratives of Black feminism enabled by #FastTailedGirls, #YouOKSis, and #SayHerName; and explore the creation and use of #GirlsLikeUs, a network of transgender women. They investigate the digital signatures of the “new civil rights movement”—the online activism, storytelling, and strategy-building that set the stage for #BlackLivesMatter—and recount the spread of racial justice hashtags after the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and other high-profile incidents of killings by police. Finally, they consider hashtag created by allies, including #AllMenCan and #CrimingWhileWhite.

Hassrede und Freiheit der Meinungsäußerung: Der Schutzbereich der Meinungsäußerungsfreiheit in Fällen demokratiefeindlicher Äußerungen nach der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention, dem Grundgesetz und der Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht #278)

by Anna Katharina Struth

Dieses Buch analysiert den grundrechtlichen Schutzbereich der Garantien der Meinungsäußerungsfreiheit in den Grundrechtskatalogen der EMRK, des Grundgesetzes und der Grundrechtecharta der EU. Das Werk untersucht, inwieweit Hassreden und vergleichbare demokratiefeindliche Äußerungen vom Schutzbereich der Meinungsäußerungsfreiheit umfasst sind. Die Autorin setzt sich mit der zu diesen Äußerungen ergangenen Rechtsprechung der zuständigen Gerichte auseinander. Sie kommt über ausführliche Auslegungserwägungen zu den relevanten Bestimmungen zum Ergebnis, dass die Äußerungen, auch wenn sie einen Grundrechtsmissbrauch darstellen, im Schutzbereich der Meinungsäußerungsfreiheit liegen und ihr Verbot einen rechtfertigungsbedürftigen Eingriff in das Grundrecht darstellt. Diese Schlussfolgerung wird mit der Feststellung verbunden, dass die Anforderungen an die Rechtfertigung eines solchen Eingriffs wegen der in diesen Fällen typischerweise vorliegenden Interessenlage regelmäßig erfüllt werden können.

Hatching Twitter: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, and Betrayal

by Nick Bilton

A New York Times bestsellerEv told Jack he had to "chill out" with the deluge of media he was doing. "It's bad for the company," Ev said. "It's sending the wrong message." Biz sat between them, watching like a spectator at a tennis match. "But I invented Twitter," Jack said. "No, you didn't invent Twitter," Ev replied. "I didn't invent Twitter either. Neither did Biz. People don't invent things on the Internet. They simply expand on an idea that already exists."Despite all the coverage of Twitter's rise, Nick Bilton of The New York Times is the first journalist to tell the full story--a gripping drama of betrayed friendships and highstakes power struggles. The four founders--Evan Williams, Biz Stone, Jack Dorsey, and Noah Glass--made a dizzyingly fast transition from ordinary engineers to wealthy celebrities. They fought each other bitterly for money, influence, publicity, and control as Twitter grew larger and more powerful. Ultimately they all lost their grip on it.Bilton's unprecedented access and exhaustive reporting have enabled him to write an intimate portrait of four friends who accidentally changed the world, and what they all learned along the way. friends and to this day has no enduring resentments. * Noah Glass, the shy but energetic geek who invested his whole life in Twitter, only to be kicked out and expunged from the company's official history. As Twitter grew, the four founders fought bitterly for money, influence, publicity, and control over a company that grows larger and more powerful by the day. Ultimately they all lost their grip on it. Today, none of them is the CEO. Dick Costolo, a fifty-year-old former comedian, runs the company. By 2013 Twitter boasted close to 300 million active users around the world. In barely six years, the service has become a tool for fighting political oppression in the Middle East, a marketing musthave for business, and the world's living room during live TV events. Today, notables such as the pope, Oprah Winfrey, and the president of the United States are regular Twitter users. A seventeen-year-old with a mobile phone can now reach a larger audience than an entire crew at CNN. Bilton's unprecedented access and exhaustive investigating reporting--drawing on hundreds of sources, documents, and internal e-mails--have enabled him to write an intimate portrait of four friends who accidentally changed the world, and what they all learned along the way.

Hatching Twitter: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship and Betrayal

by Nick Bilton

'A tale of Machiavellian plots and coups d'etat, it's just all so gripping' Chris Evans, BBC Radio 2THE ULTIMATE 21ST CENTURY BUSINESS STORYSince 2006, Twitter has grown from the accidental side project of a failing internet start-up, to a global icon that by 2013 had become an $11.5bn business. But the full story of Twitter's hatching has never been told before.In his revelatory new book, New York Times journalist Nick Bilton takes readers behind the scenes of Twitter as it grew at exponential speeds, and inside the heads of the four hackers who created it: ambitious millionaire Evan Williams; tattooed mastermind Jack Dorsey; joker and diplomat Biz Stone; and Noah Glass, the shy but energetic geek who invested his whole life in Twitter, only to be kicked out and expunged from the company's official history.Combining unprecedented access with exhaustive investigative reporting, and drawing on hundreds of sources, documents and internal emails, New York Times' bestseller HATCHING TWITTER is a blistering drama of betrayed friendships and high-stakes power struggles. A business story like no other, it will shock, expose and inspire.

Hatching Twitter: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship and Betrayal

by Nick Bilton

THE ULTIMATE 21ST CENTURY BUSINESS STORYEv told Jack he had to 'chill out' with the deluge of media he was doing. 'It's bad for the company,' Ev said. 'It's sending the wrong message.' Biz sat between them, watching like a spectator at a tennis match.'But I invented Twitter,' Jack said.'No, you didn't invent Twitter,' Ev replied. 'I didn't invent Twitter either. Neither did Biz. People don't invent things on the Internet. They simply expand on an idea that already exsists.'Since 2006, Twitter has grown from the accidental side project of a failing internet start-up, to a global icon that by 2013 had become an $11.5bn business. But the full story of Twitter's hatching has never been told before.In his revelatory new book, New York Times journalist Nick Bilton takes readers behind the scenes of Twitter as it grew at exponential speeds, and inside the heads of the four hackers who created it: ambitious millionaire Evan Williams; tattooed mastermind Jack Dorsey; joker and diplomat Biz Stone; and Noah Glass, the shy but energetic geek who invested his whole life in Twitter, only to be kicked out and expunged from the company's official history.Combining unprecedented access with exhaustive investigative reporting, and drawing on hundreds of sources, documents and internal e-mails, HATCHING TWITTER is a blistering drama of betrayed friendships and high-stakes power struggles. A business story like no other, it will shock, expose and inspire.(P)2013 Penguin Group USA

Hate, Inc.: Why Today's Media Makes Us Despise One Another

by Matt Taibbi

In this characteristically turbocharged book, now in a new post-election edition, celebrated Rolling Stone journalist Matt Taibbi provides an insider's guide to the variety of ways today's mainstream media tells us lies. Part tirade, part confessional, Hate Inc. reveals that what most people think of as "the news" is, in fact, a twisted wing of the entertainment business. In the Internet age, the press have mastered the art of monetizing anger, paranoia, and distrust. Taibbi, who has spent much of his career covering elections in which this kind of manipulative activity is most egregious, provides a rich taxonomic survey of American political journalism's dirty tricks. After a 2020 election season that proved to be a Great Giza Pyramid Complex of invective and digital ugliness, Hate Inc. is an invaluable antidote to the hidden poisons dished up by those we rely on to tell us what is happening in the world.

Hate Speech: Definitionen, Ausprägungen, Lösungen (Aktivismus- und Propagandaforschung)

by Universität Hamburg

Hate Speech ist Alltag, egal ob auf der Straße, im Parlament oder im Netz. Menschen werden beleidigt, entwürdigt und man ruft zu Gewalt auf. Die Folgen sind unübersehbar. Hate Speech ist so zu einem gesellschaftsbedrohenden Phänomen avanciert, befeuert durch politische und soziale Krisen wie die Flüchtlingskrise 2015/16 und die Corona-Pandemie 2020/21. Mit diesem Sammelband möchten wir einen Beitrag zu einer strukturierten Reflexion des Phänomens leisten. Dabei werden sprachliche Indikatoren von Hassrede, die Bedeutung von digitaler Kommunikation für Hass und Hetze sowie öffentliche Kommunikation und Hate Speech in der Praxis diskutiert. Ebenso setzt der Band sich mit möglichen politischen, rechtlichen, journalistischen sowie zivilgesellschaftlichen Handlungsoptionen auseinander. Einen besonderen Fokus legen wir dabei auf die journalistische Bearbeitung und digitale Verbreitung von Hate Speech.

Hate Speech and Polarization in Participatory Society (Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics)

by Marta Pérez-Escolar José Manuel Noguera-Vivo

This timely volume offers a comprehensive and rigorous overview of the role of communication in the construction of hate speech and polarization in the online and offline arena. Delving into the meanings, implications, contexts and effects of extreme speech and gated communities in the media landscape, the chapters analyse misleading metaphors and rhetoric via focused case studies to understand how we can overcome the risks and threats stemming from the past decade’s defining communicative phenomena. The book brings together an international team of experts, enabling a broad, multidisciplinary approach that examines hate speech, dislike, polarization and enclave deliberation as cross axes that influence offline and digital conversations. The diverse case studies herein offer insights into international news media, television drama and social media in a range of contexts, suggesting an academic frame of reference for examining this emerging phenomenon within the field of communication studies. Offering thoughtful and much-needed analysis, this collection will be of great interest to scholars and students working in communication studies, media studies, journalism, sociology, political science, political communication and cultural industries.

Hate Speech and Political Violence: Far-Right Rhetoric from the Tea Party to the Insurrection

by Brigitte L. Nacos Robert Shapiro Yaeli Bloch-Elkon

How did the United States descend into crisis, with institutions frayed, political violence mounting, and democracy itself in peril? This timely book identifies how the Tea Party and its extremist narratives laid the groundwork for the rise of Donald Trump, his MAGA movement, and the January 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol.Brigitte L. Nacos, Yaeli Bloch-Elkon, and Robert Y. Shapiro trace the escalation of a strain of extremist rhetoric in right-wing political discourse after the inauguration of Barack Obama. Drawing on extensive and in-depth analysis of political communication in both traditional media and online spaces, they demonstrate how the dominant rhetorical styles of the Trump era were pioneered by the Tea Party. A backlash to the election of the first Black president, this reactionary social movement deployed violent language and spread anti-Obama paranoia, with the assistance of media insiders, GOP leaders, and conservative advocacy groups. Donald Trump rose to political prominence by hitching himself to the “birther” racist conspiracy theory, espoused by many Tea Partiers, and drew from their aggressive and hyperpartisan repertoire. Ultimately, this book shows, the increasingly violent rhetoric of right-wing extremists spilled over into real-world political violence. Revealing the path the Tea Party blazed to Trump and the insurrectionists, Hate Speech and Political Violence provides timely new insights into the threats facing American democracy.

Have the Mountains Fallen?: Two Journeys of Loss and Redemption in the Cold War

by Jeffrey B. Lilley

After surviving the blitzkrieg of World War II and escaping from two Nazi prison camps, Soviet soldier Azamat Altay was banished as a traitor from his native home land. Chinghiz Aitmatov became a hero of Kyrgyzstan, writing novels about the lives of everyday Soviet citizens but mourning a mystery that might never be solved. While both came from small villages in the beautiful mountainous countryside, they found themselves caught on opposite sides of the Cold War struggle between world superpowers. Altay became the voice of democracy on Radio Liberty, while Aitmatov rose through the ranks of Soviet politics. Yet just as they seemed to be pulled apart in the political turmoil, they found their lives intersecting in moving and surprising ways. Have the Mountains Fallen? traces the lives of these two men as they confronted the full threat and legacy of the Soviet empire. Through personal and intersecting narratives of loss, love, and longing for a homeland forever changed, a clearer picture emerges of the experience of the Cold War from the other side.

Have You Ever Met a Yeti?: Targeting the y Sound (Speech Bubbles 2)

by Melissa Palmer

Have you ever seen a yeti? Or a unicorn? Maybe, just maybe, these magical creatures could be real... This picture book targets the /y/ sound and is part of Speech Bubbles 2, a series of picture books that target specific speech sounds within the story. The series can be used for children receiving speech therapy, for children who have a speech sound delay/disorder, or simply as an activity for children’s speech sound development and/or phonological awareness. They are ideal for use by parents, teachers or caregivers. Bright pictures and a fun story create an engaging activity perfect for sound awareness. Picture books are sold individually, or in a pack. There are currently two packs available – Speech Bubbles 1 and Speech Bubbles 2. Please see further titles in the series for stories targeting other speech sounds.

haXe 2 Beginner's Guide

by Benjamin Dasnois

This book is part of the Packt Beginner's Guide series. Written in an engaging style, it offers step-by-step examples with screenshots at key steps and clear explanation of what is happening in each task.This book is written for both Beginners and Developers who want to learn this multi-platform programming language to build web applications from scratch.

Hazel Brannon Smith: The Female Crusading Scalawag

by Jeffery B. Howell

Hazel Brannon Smith (1914-1994) stood out as a prominent white newspaper owner in Mississippi before, during, and after the civil rights movement. As early as the mid-1940s, she earned state and national headlines by fighting bootleggers and corrupt politicians. Her career was marked by a progressive ethic, and she wrote almost fifty years of columns with the goal of promoting the health of her community.In the first half of her career, she strongly supported Jim Crow segregation. Yet, in the 1950s, she refused to back the economic intimidation and covert violence of groups such as the Citizens" Council. The subsequent backlash led her to being deemed a social pariah, and the economic pressure bankrupted her once-flourishing newspaper empire in Holmes County. Rejected by the white establishment, she became an ally of the black struggle for social justice.Smith's biography reveals how many historians have miscast white moderates of this period. Her peers considered her a liberal, but her actions revealed the firm limits of white activism in the rural South during the civil rights era. While historians have shown that the civil rights movement emerged mostly from the grass roots, Smith's trajectory was decidedly different. She never fully escaped her white paternalistic sentiments, yet during the 1950s and 1960s she spoke out consistently against racial extremism. This book complicates the narrative of the white media and business people responding to the movement's challenging call for racial justice.

The HBR 20-Minute Manager Collection

by Harvard Business Review

For today's time-strapped manager or professional, setting aside time to brush up on key management skills is almost impossible. Luckily, Harvard Business Review's 20-Minute Manager Collection is here to help. Designed to get you up to speed quickly, with learnings you can apply immediately, this digital collection will help you sharpen the most essential business skills.This set includes full digital editions of all eight books in the series, including HBR's 20-Minute Managers on: Finance Basics, Presentations, Managing Projects, Delegating, Running Meetings, Managing Time, Managing Up, and Creating Business Plans. Each of these is primer on these necessary skills-all from the most trusted name in business.Whether you're looking for a crash course or a brief refresher, you'll find just what you need to succeed in the HBR 20-Minute Manager Collection.About the HBR 20-Minute Manager series:Get up to speed fast on essential business skills. Whether you're looking for a crash course or a brief refresher, you'll find just what you need in HBR's 20-Minute Manager series-foundational reading for ambitious professionals and aspiring executives. Each book is a concise, practical primer, so you'll have time to brush up on a variety of key management topics. Advice you can quickly read and apply, from the most trusted source in business.

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