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Heidegger's Conversations: Toward a Poetic Pedagogy (SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)

by Katherine Davies

Reading Martin Heidegger's five conversational texts together for the first time, Heidegger's Conversations elaborates not only what Heidegger thought but how he did so by attending to the philosophical possibilities of the genre of these under-studied texts written between 1944 and 1954. Though he wrote little on the topic of teaching and learning explicitly, Katherine Davies shows Heidegger performed an implicit poetic pedagogy in his conversations that remains to be recognized. Heidegger launched an experimental attempt to enact a learning of non-representational, non-metaphysical thinking by cultivating a distinctly collaborative sensitivity to the call of the poetic. Davies illustrates how each conversation emphasizes a particular pedagogical element—non-oppositionality, making mistakes, thinking in community, poetic interpretation, and the dangers of such pedagogy—which together constitute the developmental arc of these texts. Whether Heidegger is revising or reinforcing his own earlier pedagogical practices, Davies argues that attending to the dramatic staging of the conversations offers a distinct vantage point from which to contend with Heidegger's philosophy and politics in the post-war period.

Helen Hessel, la mujer que amó a Jules y Jim: La historia de una vida asombrosa marcada porlas rupturas, los desencuentros, los compromisos...

by Marie-Françoise Peteuil

Helen Hessel, una vida extraordinaria. La historia de una vida asombrosa marcada por las rupturas, los desencuentros y los compromisos. Pintora, periodista, escritora, musa, feminista, resistente, traductora o filósofa... No es fácil reducirla a una sola identidad. Helen Hessel encauzó su vida haciendo gala de una fuerza y una audacia insólitas. Se casó dos veces con el escritor judío-alemán Fran Hessel (Jules), amigo íntimo de Walter Benjamin, y se divorció otras dos, y con él tuvo dos hijos: Ulrich y Stéphane. Mantuvo una relación extramarital con el también escritor Henri-Pierre Roché (Jim), un amor loco que se prolongó durante quince años. La existencia de Helen se construye en función de rupturas, desviaciones y compromisos. Peligrosa, provocadora, insoportable, vital, abandonó a su familia, fue granjera, construyó una casa en el Báltico, convirtió su casa de París en un bastión de la intelectualidad alemana, viajó solaa Berlín para rescatar a su ex marido de la muerte y junto a Aldoux Huxley hizo un llamamiento a las mujeres alemanas para que abandonaran el país. Marie-Françoise Peteuil construye, gracias a una excelsa documentación y al valioso testimonio de su hijo, Stéphane Hessel, autor de ¡Indignaos!, la trayectoria vital de una mujer excepcional que amó hasta la locura y que por encima de todo fue siempre fiel a ella misma. Helen Hessel es el álter ego del personaje de Catherine de la clásica película de Truffaut Jules y Jim.

Hello Again: Nine decades of radio voices

by Simon Elmes

It’s now ninety years since the BBC made its first broadcast and the British love affair with radio began.This book is a journey through that fascinating history and a celebration of the many wonderful voices that were part of it: Marion Cran, who pioneered the first gardening programme in the 1920s; The Goons and Kenneth Horne, comedy greats of the 1950s; John Peel, Alan Freeman, Kenny Everett and other heroes of the pirate stations; all the way up to Eddie Mair, Fi Glover and Danny Baker, the much-loved voices of today. A delightful blend of insight, history and nostalgia, Hello Again will appeal to any radio aficionado.

The Hello Girls: America's First Women Soldiers

by Elizabeth Cobbs

In 1918 the U.S. Army Signal Corps sent 223 women to France to help win World War I. Elizabeth Cobbs reveals the challenges these patriotic young women faced in a war zone where male soldiers resented, wooed, mocked, saluted, and ultimately celebrated them. Back on the home front, they fought the army for veterans’ benefits and medals, and won.

Hello Life!

by Marcus Butler

The Sunday Times number 1 bestseller.Marcus Butler's irreverent YouTube channel has long combined laughs and comedy sketches with thoughts on more serious issues. What sets him apart from the rest is his ability to mix light-hearted banter with a deep empathy for the problems facing young people today. Thanks to his experiences of family illness, his parents' divorce, weight issues and catastrophic hair days, Marcus is in a unique position to share everything he has learned about healthy living, relationships and dealing with the daily pressures life throws at us all. Working with journalist and writer Matt Allen, in HELLO LIFE! his part-autobiography, part-self help guide Marcus shares his trademark big-brotherly advice and unveils his roadmap to success for anyone navigating the trickier aspects of modern living. Funny, cool, fully illustrated and totally readable, this book is the ultimate must-have for fans of Marcus Butler.

Hello Life!

by Marcus Butler

The Sunday Times number 1 bestseller.Marcus Butler's irreverent YouTube channel has long combined laughs and comedy sketches with thoughts on more serious issues. What sets him apart from the rest is his ability to mix light-hearted banter with a deep empathy for the problems facing young people today. Thanks to his experiences of family illness, his parents' divorce, weight issues and catastrophic hair days, Marcus is in a unique position to share everything he has learned about healthy living, relationships and dealing with the daily pressures life throws at us all. Working with journalist and writer Matt Allen, in HELLO LIFE! his part-autobiography, part-self help guide Marcus shares his trademark big-brotherly advice and unveils his roadmap to success for anyone navigating the trickier aspects of modern living. Funny, cool, fully illustrated and totally readable, this book is the ultimate must-have for fans of Marcus Butler.

Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go: Career Conversations Organizations Need and Employees Want

by Beverly Kaye Julie Winkle Giulioni

The new edition of the bestselling employee development classic includes advice on talent retention in the gig economy, and a new chapter on creating a career development culture in your organization. Study after study confirms that career development is the single most powerful tool managers have for driving retention, engagement, productivity, and results. But most managers feel like they just don't have time for more meetings. This book offers a better way: frequent, short conversations with employees about their career goals that can be integrated seamlessly into the normal course of business. Beverly Kaye and Julie Winkle Giulioni identify three broad types of conversations that will increase employees' awareness of their strengths, weaknesses, and interests; point out where their organization and their industry are headed; and help them pull all of that together to design their personalized career plans. And the new chapter includes an assessment so you can measure how well your current culture supports employee development—and how to improve it.

Helpvertising: Content-Marketing für Praktiker (essentials)

by Jan Steinbach Michael Krisch Horst Harguth

Jan Steinbach, Michael Krisch und Horst Harguth zeigen, dass es beim Content-Marketing weniger um die Unterbrechung durch Werbung, sondern vielmehr darum gehen sollte, hilfreiche Inhalte mit Mehrwert zu entwickeln. ,Helpvertising' stellt dar, wie Sie diese Form des Marketings erfolgreich in Ihrer Unternehmenspraxis einsetzen können. Unterbrechende Werbung soll dazu dienen, die Aufmerksamkeit auf die Produkte und Leistungen zu lenken und ein Kaufbedürfnis auszulösen. Diese Form des Marketings ist für Kunden nicht sonderlich attraktiv und für Unternehmen immer ineffizienter. Im digitalen Zeitalter wollen Menschen zunehmend selbst entscheiden, ob, wo, wann und wie sie mit Unternehmen interagieren. Daher benötigen wir im Marketing eine neue Denkweise. Die Autoren nennen diesen Ansatz Helpvertising.

Hemingway in Love: His Own Story

by A. E. Hotchner

Hemingway's deeply reflective account of his destructive Paris affair and how it affected the legendary life he rebuilt after, as told to his best friend, the writer A.E. Hotchner.In June of 1961, A. E. Hotchner visited a close friend in the psychiatric ward of St. Mary's Hospital. It would be the last time they spoke - three weeks later, Ernest Hemingway returned home, where he took his own life. Their final conversation was also the final installment in a saga that Hemingway had unraveled for Hotchner over years of world travel.Ernest always kept a few of his special experiences off the page, storing them as insurance against a dry-up of ideas. But after a near miss with death, he entrusted his most meaningful tale to Hotchner, so that if he never got to write it himself, then at least someone would know. In characteristically pragmatic terms, Hemingway divulged the details of the affair that destroyed his first marriage: the truth of his romantic life in Paris and how he gambled and lost Hadley, the great love he'd spend the rest of his life seeking.But the search was not without its notable moments, and he told of those, too: of impotence cured in a house of God; of back-to-back plane crashes in the African bush, one of which nearly killed him, while he emerged from the other brandishing a bottle of gin and a bunch of bananas; of cocktails and commiseration with F. Scott Fitzgerald and Josephine Baker; of adventure, human error, and life after lost love. This is Hemingway as few have known him - humble, thoughtful, and full of regret.To protect the feelings of Ernest's wife, Mary, who was also a close friend, Hotch kept these conversations to himself for decades. Now he tells the story as Hemingway told it to him. Hemingway in Love puts you in the room with the master and invites you to listen as he relives the drama of those young, definitive years that set the course for the rest of his life and dogged him to the end of his days.

Hemingway's Italy: New Perspectives

by Rena Sanderson

In 1918, a one-month stint with the American Red Cross ambulance corps at the Italian front marked the beginning of Ernest Hemingway's fascination with Italy--a place second only to Upper Michigan in stimulating his lifelong passion for geography and local expertise. Hemingway's Italy offers a thorough reassessment of Italy's importance in the author's life and work during World War I and the 1920s, when he emerged as a promising young writer, and during his maturity in the late 1940s and early 1950s. This collection of eighteen essays presents a broad view of Hemingway's personal and literary response to Italy. The contributors, some of the most distinguished Hemingway scholars, incorporate new biographical and historical information as well as critical approaches ranging from formalist and structuralist theory to cultural and interdisciplinary explorations. Included are discussions of Italy's psychological functioning in Hemingway's life, the author's correspondence with his father during the writing of A Farewell to Arms, his stylistic experimentation and characterization in that novel, his juxtaposition of the themes of love and war, and his take on Fascism in both his fiction and journalistic work. In addition, the essayists explore relevant contexts of period and place--such as the rise of Fascism, ethnic attitudes, and the cultural currents between Italy and the United States. A landmark study, Hemingway's Italy brings long-overdue attention to this great writer's international role as cultural ambassador. Contributors: Rena Sanderson, Nancy R. Comley, Kim Moreland, Steven Florczyk, Kirk Curnutt, Lawrence H. Martin, John Robert Bittner, Joseph M. Flora, Jeffrey A. Schwarz, J. Gerald Kennedy, H. R. Stoneback, Beverly Taylor, Ellen Andrews Knodt, Linda Wagner-Martin, Robert Fleming, Miriam B. Mandel, Margaret O'Shaughnessey, Stephen L. Tanner, Vita Fortunati

Hemingway's Widow: The Life and Legacy of Mary Welsh Hemingway

by Timothy Christian

A stunning portrait of the complicated woman who becomes Ernest Hemingway's fourth wife, tracing her adventures before she meets Ernest, exploring the tumultuous years of their marriage, and evoking her merry widowhood as she shapes Hemingway's literary legacy.Mary Welsh, a celebrated wartime journalist during the London Blitz and the liberation of Paris, meets Ernest Hemingway in May 1944. He becomes so infatuated with Mary that he asks her to marry him the third time they meet—although they are married to other people. Eventually, she succumbs to Ernest's campaign, and in the last days of the war joined him at his estate in Cuba. Through Mary's eyes, we see Ernest Hemingway in a fresh light. Their turbulent marriage survives his cruelty and abuse, perhaps because of their sexual compatibility and her essential contribution to his writing. She reads and types his work each day—and makes plot suggestions. She becomes crucial to his work and he depends upon her critical reading of his work to know if he has it right. We watch the Hemingways as they travel to the ski country of the Dolomites, commute to Harry's Bar in Venice; attend bullfights in Pamplona and Madrid; go on safari in Kenya in the thick of the Mau Mau Rebellion; and fish the blue waters of the gulf stream off Cuba in Ernest's beloved boat Pilar. We see Ernest fall in love with a teenaged Italian countess and wonder at Mary's tolerance of the affair. We witness Ernest's sad decline and Mary's efforts to avoid the stigma of suicide by claiming his death was an accident. In the years following Ernest's death, Mary devotes herself to his literary legacy, negotiating with Castro to reclaim Ernest's manuscripts from Cuba, publishing one-third of his work posthumously. She supervises Carlos Baker's biography of Ernest, sues A. E. Hotchner to try and prevent him from telling the story of Ernest's mental decline, and spends years writing her memoir in her penthouse overlooking the New York skyline. Her story is one of an opinionated woman who smokes Camels, drinks gin, swears like a man, sings like Edith Piaf, loves passionately, and experiments with gender fluidity in her extraordinary life with Ernest. This true story reads like a novel—and the reader will be hard pressed not to fall for Mary.

Hemingway's Widow: The Life and Legacy of Mary Welsh Hemingway

by Timothy Christian

A stunning portrait of the complicated woman who was Ernest Hemingway’s fourth wife, exploring the tumultuous years of their marriage, and evoking her merry widowhood as she shapes Hemingway’s literary legacy.Mary Welsh, a celebrated wartime journalist during the London Blitz and the liberation of Paris, meets Ernest Hemingway in May 1944. He becomes so infatuated with Mary that he asks her to marry him the third time they meet, even though they are married to other people. Eventually, she succumbs to Ernest’s campaign and, in the last days of the war, joins him at his estate in Cuba.Through Mary’s eyes, we see Ernest Hemingway in a fresh light. Their turbulent marriage survives his cruelty and abuse, perhaps because of their sexual compatibility and her essential contribution to his writing. She reads and types his work each day and makes plot suggestions. She becomes crucial to his work and he depends upon her critical reading of his writing to know if he has it right.We watch the Hemingways as they travel to the ski country of the Dolomites; commute to Harry’s Bar in Venice; attend bullfights in Pamplona and Madrid; go on safari in Kenya in the thick of the Mau Mau rebellion; and fish the blue waters of the gulf stream off Cuba in Ernest’s beloved boat Pilar. We see Ernest fall in love with a teenaged Italian countess and wonder at Mary’s tolerance of the affair.We witness Ernest’s sad decline and Mary’s efforts to avoid the stigma of suicide by claiming his death was an accident. In the years following Ernest’s death, Mary devotes herself to his literary legacy, negotiating with Castro to reclaim Ernest’s manuscripts from Cuba and publishing one-third of his work posthumously. She supervises Carlos Baker’s biography of Ernest, sues A.E. Hotchner to try and prevent him from telling the story of Ernest’s mental decline, and spends years writing her memoir in her penthouse overlooking the New York skyline.Her story is one of an opinionated woman who smokes Camels, drinks gin, swears like a man, sings like Edith Piaf, loves passionately, and experiments with gender fluidity in her extraordinary life with Ernest. This true story reads like a novel, and the reader will be hard pressed not to fall for Mary.

Henry Miller: The Paris Years

by Brassaï

&“A wonderful portrait of Miller in his heyday: full of beans and braggadocio, overflowing with the lust to live and write.&”—Erica Jong His years in Paris were the making of Henry Miller. He arrived with no money, no fixed address, and no prospects. He left as the renowned if not notorious author of Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn. Miller didn&’t just live in Paris—he devoured it. It was a world he shared with Brassaï, whose work, first collected in Paris by Night, established him as one of the greatest photographers of the twentieth century and the most exquisite and perceptive chronicler of Parisian vice. In Miller, Brassaï found his most compelling subject. Henry Miller: The Paris Years is an intimate account of a writer&’s self-discovery, seen through the unblinking eye of a master photographer. Brassaï delves into Miller&’s relationships with Anaïs Nin and Lawrence Durrell, as well as his hopelessly tangled though wildly inspiring marriage to June. He uncovers a side of the man scarcely known to the public, and through this careful portrait recreates a bright and swift-moving era. Most of all, Brassaï evokes their shared passion for the street life of the City of Light, captured in a dazzling moment of illumination.

Herbert Corey’s Great War: A Memoir of World War I by the American Reporter Who Saw It All

by Peter Finn and John Maxwell Hamilton

In 1914, the Associated Newspapers sent correspondent Herbert Corey to Europe on the day Great Britain declared war on Germany. During the Great War that followed, Corey reported from France, Britain, and Germany, visiting the German lines on both the western and eastern fronts. He also reported from Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, and Serbia. When the Armistice was signed in November 1918, Corey defied the rules of the American Expeditionary Forces and crossed into Germany. He covered the Paris Peace Conference the following year. No other foreign correspondent matched the longevity of his reporting during World War I. Until recently, however, his unpublished memoir lay largely unnoticed among his papers in the Library of Congress.With publication of Herbert Corey’s Great War, coeditors Peter Finn and John Maxwell Hamilton reestablish Corey’s name in the annals of American war reporting. As a correspondent, he defies easy comparison. He approximates Ernie Pyle in his sympathetic interest in the American foot soldier, but he also told stories about troops on the other side and about noncombatants. He is especially illuminating on the obstacles reporters faced in conveying the story of the Great War to Americans. As his memoir makes clear, Corey didn’t believe he was in Europe to serve the Allies. He viewed himself as an outsider, one who was deeply ambivalent about the entry of the United States into the war. His idiosyncratic, opinionated, and very American voice makes for compelling reading.

Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations

by Clay Shirky

Clay Shirky's international bestseller Here Comes Everybody: How Change Happens When People Come Together explores how the unifying power of the internet is changing the character of human society. Welcome to the new future of involvement. Forming groups is easier than it's ever been: unpaid volunteers build Wikipedia together in their spare time, mistreated customers can join forces to get their revenge on airlines and high street banks, and one man with a laptop can raise an army to help recover a stolen phone. The results of this new world of easy collaboration can be both good (young people defying an oppressive government with a guerrilla ice-cream eating protest) and bad (girls sharing advice for staying dangerously skinny) but it's here and, as Clay Shirky shows, it's affecting. . . well, everybody. For the first time, we have the tools to make group action truly a reality. And they're going to change our whole world. 'As crisply argued and as enlightening a book about the internet as has been written' Daily Telegraph 'As usable as the technology he writes about' Independent 'Clay Shirky's masterpiece . . . glittering, brilliant insights that make me think, yes, of course, that's how it all works' Cory Doctorow, co-editor of Boing Boing 'Anyone interested in the vitality and influence of groups of human beings - from knitting circles, to political movements, to multinational corporations - needs to read this book' Steven Johnson, author of Everything Bad is Good for You and Emergence Clay Shirky writes, teaches, and consults on the social and economic effects of the internet. A professor at NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program, he has consulted for Nokia, Procter and Gamble, News Corp. , the BBC, the US Navy, and Lego. Over the years, his writings have appeared in The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Harvard Business Review, Wired, and IEEE Computer.

Here I Am: The Story of Tim Hetherington, War Photographer

by Alan Huffman

“Not only does Huffman bring Tim back to life . . . but he also leads us through some of the most harrowing combat of our generation” (Sebastian Junger, New York Times–bestselling author of Tribe). Tim Hetherington (1970–2011) was one of the world’s most distinguished and dedicated photojournalists, whose career was tragically cut short when he died in a mortar blast while covering the Libyan Civil War. Someone far less interested in professional glory than revealing to the world the realities of people living in extremely difficult circumstances, Hetherington nonetheless won many awards for his war reporting, and was nominated for an Academy Award for his critically acclaimed documentary, Restrepo. In Here I Am, Alan Huffman tells Hetherington’s life story, and through it analyses, what it means to be a war reporter in the twenty-first century. Huffman recounts the camerman’s life from his first interest in photography and war reporting, through his critical role in reporting the Liberian Civil War, to his tragic death in Libya. Huffman also traces Hetherington’s photographic milestones, from his iconic and prize-winning pictures of Liberian children, to the celebrated portraits of sleeping US soldiers in Afghanistan. “A powerfully written biography . . . This is poignant imagery and metaphor for the entire body of this extraordinary artist and humanist’s life.” —The Huffington Post “Huffman excels at heightening the drama, depicting the rapid-fire action and constant danger of working among soldiers and guerrillas engaged in battle.” —The Boston Globe “Huffman vividly chronicles the short life of a man drawn to danger zones to capture the horrors of modern warfare.” —Los Angeles Times “Celebrate[s] Tim Hetherington’s life . . . Recount[s] his last days in Libya in excruciating detail.” —Time

Here or There: Research on Interpreting via Video Link (Gallaudet Studies In Interpret #16)

by Jemina Napier Robert Skinner Sabine Braun

The field of sign language interpreting is undergoing an exponential increase in the delivery of services through remote and video technologies. The nature of these technologies challenges established notions of interpreting as a situated, communicative event and of the interpreter as a participant. As a result, new perspectives and research are necessary for interpreters to thrive in this environment. This volume fills that gap and features interdisciplinary explorations of remote interpreting from spoken and signed language interpreting scholars who examine various issues from linguistic, sociological, physiological, and environmental perspectives. Here or There presents cutting edge, empirical research that informs the professional practice of remote interpreting, whether it be video relay service, video conference, or video remote interpreting. The research is augmented by the perspectives of stakeholders and deaf consumers on the quality of the interpreted work. Among the topics covered are professional attitudes and motivations, interpreting in specific contexts, and adaptation strategies. The contributors also address potential implications for relying on remote interpreting, discuss remote interpreter education, and offer recommendations for service providers.

Here to Make Friends: How to Make Friends as an Adult: Advice to Help You Expand Your Social Circle, Nurture Meaningful Relationships, and Build a Healthier, Happier Social Life

by Hope Kelaher

Skip the small talk and learn how to build a supportive community, engage with new people, and cultivate authentic, long-lasting friendships at every stage of life. It sometimes seems like everyone has a big, happy, fulfilling social life, full of lifelong friendships...except you. As we grow older and school friendships fade, it can be difficult to meet new people and cultivate meaningful friendships. How do you strike up a conversation with a stranger? How do you move from mutual acquaintances to real friends? Here to Make Friends has the answers to all of these questions and more. Written by a licensed therapist, this book is packed full of helpful advice and tips to overcome social anxiety and start building a stronger social circle, such as: Tips for moving past small talk Advice for getting out of your own head Suggestions for fun and memorable &“friend dates&” Strategies for connecting meaningfully with other people Everyone wants to feel connected. Here to Make Friends is the perfect companion for moving past the sometimes-lonely post-school stage and into lasting, fulfilling friendships.

Los herederos de Fujimori: El legado de El último dictador

by José Alejandro Godoy

El periodista José Alejandro Godoy regresa con un nuevo libro despúes de El último dictador. En Los herederos de Fujimori, nos presenta una exhaustiva investigación bibliográfica y periodística sobre la vida política de sus dos descendientes y otros personajes de la política peruana. En el contundente El último dictador, José Alejandro Godoy elaboró un relato pormenorizado de la larga década de autoritarismo, violencia y corrupción que tuvo como protagonista a Alberto Fujimori. En esta ocasión, la tarea emprendida en Los herederos de Fujimori es todavía más ambiciosa: abarcar más de veinte años de historia política que, inevitablemente, han estado marcados a sangre y fuego por el linaje de nuestro último dictador. Mediante un exhaustivo trabajo de investigación bibliográfica y periodística, Godoy recorre un vertiginoso período de la historia peruana en el que la herencia fujimorista no solo se ha manifestado en la omnipresencia de dos de sus descendientes en la vida política del país, sino también en los modales (poco) democráticos, las fórmulas populistas y la propensión a los escándalos —de toda índole— que caracterizaron los mandatos de prácticamente todos sus sucesores en Palacio de Gobierno. Alejandro Toledo, Alan García, Ollanta Humala, Martín Vizcarra, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski y Keiko Fujimori son algunos de los personajes recurrentes en esta historia, pero no los únicos. Entre desastres naturales (y de los otros), presidencias truncas, sobornos millonarios, asilos, indultos y carcelerías de alto vuelo, queda claro que el Perú es un territorio signado por la incombustible flama de un tambaleante quehacer político. Este libro recupera la memoria de los últimos años, y revela un país que aún lucha por encontrar un mejor destino.

Here’s to you!: Creating Your Own Meaningful Toast or Tribute for any Occasion

by Florence Isaacs

Is your best friend getting married? Is your boss retiring? Are your parents celebrating their thirtieth anniversary? On these and many other occasions, you’ll probably need to give a toast–and you might well have trouble finding the right words. Fear no more. The bestselling author ofJust a Note to Say…is back withHere’s to You!, an invaluable guide to giving meaningful, personal toasts and tributes on any occasion, including: weddings, graduations, anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, roasts, retirements, promotions, award ceremonies, office gatherings, professional anniversaries "If anyone is going to stand up at your wedding and give a toast, you’ll want to make sure they’ve readHere’s To You!first. It’s chock-full of funny, warm, poignant real-life toasts, as fun to read as they must have been to hear. Any toast-writer will find his creative juices flowing the minute he finishes reading. " –Antonia van der Meer, editor-in-chief,Modern Bride

Heretics and Hellraisers: Women Contributors to The Masses, 1911-1917

by Margaret C. Jones

The Masses was the most dynamic and influential left-wing magazine of the early twentieth century, a touchstone for understanding radical thought and social movements in the United States during that era. As a magazine that supported feminist issues, it played a crucial role in shaping public discourse about women's concerns. Women editors, fiction writers, poets, and activists like Mary Heaton Vorse, Louise Bryant, Adriana Spadoni,Elsie Clews Parsons, Inez Haynes Gillmore, and Helen Hull contributedas significantly to the magazine as better-known male figures. In this major revisionist work, Margaret C. Jones calls for reexamination of the relevance of Masses feminism to that of the 1990s. She explores women contributors' perspectives on crucial issues: patriarchy, birth control, the labor movement, woman suffrage, pacifism, and ethnicity. The book includes numerous examples of the writings and visual art of Masses women and a series of biographical/bibliographical sketches designed to aid other researchers.

Heritage Speakers of Spanish and Study Abroad (Routledge Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics)

by Rebecca Pozzi

Heritage Speakers of Spanish and Study Abroad is an edited volume that provides emerging research on heritage speakers of Spanish in immersion contexts in theoretical, empirical, and programmatic terms. This edited collection seeks to expand our understanding of heritage speakers of Spanish by incorporating research on their linguistic, sociolinguistic, and pragmatic development during and after a sojourn abroad, by discussing the complexities of their identity formation and negotiation during immersive stays, and by highlighting programmatic innovations that could be leveraged to better serve diverse learners in study abroad contexts. This volume advances the fields of both heritage language education and research on immersion study in a variety of ways, and will be of interest to scholars of applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, second language acquisition, and educational linguistics, especially those interested in study abroad programming and Spanish for heritage speakers.

Hermeneutics as a General Methodology of the Sciences of the Spirit (Law and Politics)

by Emilio Betti

With a Foreword by Lars Vinx, this book is the first complete English translation of the Italian jurist, Emilio Betti’s classic work Die Hermeneutik als allgemeine Methodik der Geisteswissenschaften, originally published in 1962. Betti’s hermeneutical theory is presented here as a ‘general methodology of the sciences of the spirit’, such as to allow the achievement of objectivity, however relative it might be. Its central focus is the tension between an object, to be considered in its autonomy, and the subjectivity of the interpreter, who can understand the object only by means of his or her own categories, historical-cultural conditions, and interests. Set against the work of Bultmann and Gadamer, Betti is concerned to limit the arbitrariness of subjectivity without diminishing the place of interpretation. Detailing the principles that govern, and therefore, guide any interpretation, Betti traces how interpretation in art and in literature, as well as in the fields of science, jurisprudence, sociology, and economy, can be said to be objective, albeit only ever in a relative sense. This summa of Betti’s key contribution to hermeneutic theory will be of interest across a range of disciplines, including legal and literary theory, philosophy, as well as the history and sociology of law.

The Hermes Complex: Philosophical Reflections on Translation (Perspectives on Translation)

by Charles Le Blanc

When Hermes handed over to Apollo his finest invention, the lyre, in exchange for promotion to the status of messenger of the gods, he relinquished the creativity that gave life to his words.The trade-off proved frustrating: Hermes chafed under the obligation to deliver the ideas and words of others and resorted to all manner of ruses in order to assert his presence in the messages he transmitted. His theorizing descendants, too, allow their pretentions to creatorship to interfere with the actual business of reinventing originals in another language.Just as the Hermes of old delighted in leading the traveller astray, so his descendants lead their acolytes, through thickets of jargon, into labyrinths of eloquence without substance.Charles Le Blanc possesses the philosophical tools to dismantle this empty eloquence: he exposes the inconsistencies, internal contradictions, misreadings, and misunderstandings rife in so much of the current academic discourse en translation, and traces the failings of this discourse back to its roots in the anguish of having traded authentic creativity for mere status.

Heroes and Scoundrels: The Image of the Journalist in Popular Culture

by Matthew C. Ehrlich Joe Saltzman

Whether it's the rule-defying lifer, the sharp-witted female newshound, or the irascible editor in chief, journalists in popular culture have shaped our views of the press and its role in a free society since mass culture arose over a century ago. Drawing on portrayals of journalists in television, film, radio, novels, comics, plays, and other media, Matthew C. Ehrlich and Joe Saltzman survey how popular media has depicted the profession across time. Their creative use of media artifacts provides thought-provoking forays into such fundamental issues as how pop culture mythologizes and demythologizes key events in journalism history and how it confronts issues of race, gender, and sexual orientation on the job. From Network to The Wire, from Lois Lane to Mikael Blomkvist, Heroes and Scoundrels reveals how portrayals of journalism's relationship to history, professionalism, power, image, and war influence our thinking and the very practice of democracy.

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