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Historische Darstellbarkeit versus Player Experience: Aspekte der Visualisierung nationalsozialistischer Architektur in digitalen Spielen (BestMasters)

by Ngoc Tram Vu

Unterhaltungsspiele, die im Zusammenhang mit der Handlung und Folge des Zweiten Weltkriegs stehen sowie eine zeitgenössische Aufarbeitung der Verbrechen des Nationalsozialismus veranschaulichen, nutzen häufig narrative und emotionale Elemente zur historischen Inszenierung. Die Darstellung und Rekonstruktion nationalsozialistischer Architektur wurde jedoch in der Forschung zu digitalen Spielen bislang kaum beachtet. Mit diesem Hintergrund untersucht diese Arbeit die visuelle Adaption der NS-Architektur in Gaming-Medien aus unterschiedlichen Jahrzehnten. Die Architektur in digitalen Spielen bildet eine hybride Form, die Fragmente historischer Bauten mit fiktionalen, oft „deutsch-faschistisch“ wahrgenommenen Formen kombiniert. Bestimmte visuelle Anpassungen werden zudem aus Spielmechanik- und Spielerfahrungsgründen neu gestaltet. Die große Diskrepanz zwischen historischen Vorbildern und fiktionalen Interpretationen schafft ein eigenes Genre der Bildsprache, das neue Forschungsansätze für die Architekturgeschichte bietet, aber auch Bedenken bezüglich der möglichen Verharmlosung der NS-Geschichte im heutigen digitalen Zeitalter weckt.

History Alive! Pursuing American Ideals

by Diane Hart

By using this program, the students will discover how the skills of social sciences are used to explore the history of the United States. The print and online components of this program provide the tools needed for a complete learning cycle. Each unit begins with an online Unit Opener to prepare for inquiry--asking questions and proposing supported answers and solutions. Each lesson with a Lesson Guide preview activity that engages inquiry and sets a foundation for the lesson's content. In the Lesson Guide, student will participate in an interactive activity that connects to both the C3 Framework and English Language Arts and literacy. In these activities, they will use the tools of social studies inquiry: asking questions, using sources and other evidence to develop claims, and communicating conclusions. The lesson concludes as the readers demonstrate their knowledge of the lesson's core ideas and the inquiry process through a variety of paper and online Assessments.

The History and Theory of Rhetoric: An Introduction (Subscription)

by James A. Herrick

The History and Theory of Rhetoric offers discussion of the history of rhetorical studies in the Western tradition, from ancient Greece to contemporary American and European theorists that is easily accessible to students. By tracing the historical progression of rhetoric from the Greek Sophists of the 5th Century B.C. all the way to contemporary studies-such as the rhetoric of science and feminist rhetoric-this comprehensive text helps students understand how persuasive public discourse performs essential social functions and shapes our daily worlds. Students gain conceptual framework for evaluating and practicing persuasive writing and speaking in a wide range of settings and in both written and visual media. Known for its clear writing style and contemporary examples throughout, The History and Theory of Rhetoric emphasizes the relevance of rhetoric to today's students.

The History and Theory of Rhetoric: An Introduction

by James A. Herrick

By tracing the traditional progression of rhetoric from the Greek Sophists to contemporary theorists, this textbook gives students a conceptual framework for evaluating and practicing persuasive writing and speaking in a wide range of settings and in both written and visual media. The book’s expansive historical purview illustrates how persuasive public discourse performs essential social functions and shapes our daily worlds, drawing on the ideas of some of history’s greatest thinkers and theorists. The seventh edition includes greater attention to non-Western rhetorics, feminist rhetorics, the rhetoric of science, and European and American critical theory. Known for its clear writing style and contemporary examples throughout, The History and Theory of Rhetoric emphasizes the relevance of rhetoric to today’s students. This revised edition serves as a core textbook for rhetoric courses in both English and communication programs covering both the historical tradition of rhetoric and contemporary rhetoric studies. This edition includes an instructor’s manual and practice quizzes for students at

History in the Making: The Story of the American Printing House for the Blind 1858-2008

by Carol Brenner Tobe

This beautifully illustrated 150th Anniversary book celebrates the history of the American Printing House for the Blind (which is based in Louisville, Kentucky) and examines its mission to provide specialized materials, books, products, and services to the visually impaired. Author Carol Tobe guides the reader through all of the Printing House's mechanical innovations and evolutions right up to today's digital solutions. Hundreds of color photographs showcase the Printing House, its people, and machines of the past and present. Its story is virtually the story of blind people in America.

History Lessons: How Textbooks from Around the World Portray U.S. History

by Dana Lindaman Kyle Ward

A &“fascinating&” look at what students in Russia, France, Iran, and other nations are taught about America (The New York Times Book Review). This &“timely and important&” book (History News Network) gives us a glimpse into classrooms across the globe, where opinions about the United States are first formed. History Lessons includes selections from textbooks and teaching materials used in Russia, France, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Canada, and others, covering such events as the American Revolution, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Iran hostage crisis, and the Korean War—providing some alternative viewpoints on the history of the United States from the time of the Viking explorers to the post-Cold War era. By juxtaposing starkly contrasting versions of the historical events we take for granted, History Lessons affords us a sometimes hilarious, often sobering look at what the world thinks about America&’s past. &“A brilliant idea.&” —Foreign Affairs

A History of American Consumption: Threads of Meaning, Gender, and Resistance (Routledge Studies in the History of Marketing)

by Terrence H. Witkowski

The United States has been near the forefront of global consumption trends since the 1700s, and for the past century and more, Americans have been the world’s foremost consuming people. Informed and inspired by the literature from consumer culture theory, as well as drawing from numerous studies in social and cultural history, A History of American Consumption tells the story of the American consumer experience from the colonial era to the present, in three cultural threads. These threads recount the assignment of meaning to possessions and consumption, the gendered ideology and allocation of consumption roles, and resistance through anti-consumption thought and action. Brief but scholarly, this book provides a thought provoking, introduction to the topic of American consumption history informed by research in consumer culture theory. By examining and explaining the core phenomenon of product consumption and its meaning in the changing lives of Americans over time, it provides a valuable contribution to the literature on the subjects of consumption and its causes and consequences. Readable and insightful, it will be of interest to scholars and advanced students in consumer behaviour, advertising, and marketing and business history.

History of Brazilian Journalism: From Print to Digital (Routledge Focus on Communication and Society)

by Otávio Daros

This book constitutes a first-of-its-kind synthesis of the development of journalism in Brazil, considering both its mediations with national social and political life and its relationships of influence and dependence on international economic centers. The author suggests that Brazilian journalism has so far known four phases: doctrinal political journalism, narrative literary journalism, industrial news journalism, and multimedia infotainment journalism. Devoting a chapter to each phase, Daros presents a critical map of the genesis and metamorphosis of journalistic practices in the country. The analysis goes beyond a mere study of national history to mark the points of connection between the Brazilian case and other geographic spaces, showing how the profession moved between two Western paradigms and was continually shaped by the economic, political, and cultural context from which it emerged and was inserted. The final part of the book reflects critically on the state of Brazilian journalism today, considering the new social media culture, the increasing focus on costs over quality of news products, and the failed social responsibility of the profession to inform national public opinion. This study is an important touchstone for researchers of Brazilian and Latin American journalism and those interested in the ways in which the media shapes and is shaped by a country’s socio-political climate.

A History of British Publishing

by John Feather

Thoroughly revised, restructured and updated, A History of British Publishing covers six centuries of publishing in Britain from before the invention of the printing press, to the electronic era of today. John Feather places Britain and her industries in an international marketplace and examines just how ‘British’, British publishing really is. Considering not only the publishing industry itself, but also the areas affecting, and affected by it, Feather traces the history of publishing books in Britain and examines: education politics technology law religion custom class finance, production and distribution the onslaught of global corporations. Specifically designed for publishing and book history courses, this is the only book to give an overall history of British publishing, and will be an invaluable resource for all students of this fascinating subject.

A History of Communication Technology

by Philip Loubere

This book is a comprehensive illustrated account of the technologies and inventions in mass communication that have accelerated the advancement of human culture and society. A History of Communication Technology covers a timeline in the history of mass communication that begins with human prehistory and extends all the way to the current digital age. Using rich, full-color graphics and diagrams, the book details the workings of various mass communication inventions, from paper-making, printing presses, photography, radio, TV, film, and video, to computers, digital devices, and the Internet. Readers are given insightful narratives on the social impact of these technologies, brief historical accounts of the inventors, and sidebars on the related technologies that enabled these inventions. This book is ideal for students in introductory mass communication, visual communication, and history of media courses, offering a highly approachable, graphic-oriented approach to the history of communication technologies.

A History of Communications

by Marshall T. Poe

A History of Communications advances a new theory of media that explains the origins and impact of different forms of communication – speech, writing, print, electronic devices and the Internet – on human history in the long term. New media are 'pulled' into widespread use by broad historical trends and these media, once in widespread use, 'push' social institutions and beliefs in predictable directions. This view allows us to see for the first time what is truly new about the Internet, what is not, and where it is taking us.

A History of Disinformation in the U.S.

by Joseph R. Hayden

This volume recounts notable episodes of distortion throughout American media history. It examines several of the lurid hoaxes and conspiracy theories that have inspired press coverage, as well as some of the political lies promoted by partisan gladiators, whether of the eighteenth century or today.The book moves beyond the sensational stories to show the enduring and systemic nature of media manipulation that occurs on far more consequential issues. It exposes persistent and deeply destructive falsehoods that have been told about women, people of color, immigrants, the LGBTQ+ community, unions, commercial products, highlighting how longstanding “bipartisan” myths have effectively marginalized certain groups of Americans. Alongside these cases, the author carefully dissects the changing nature of institutions, technologies, and practices of journalism in America. Attention is given to the evolution of newspapers in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the role of broadcasting in the twentieth, and the impact of the internet and social media at the dawn of the twenty-first.This book will appeal to readers interested in American history, journalism, communication studies, political science and sociology.

The History of Eighteenth-Century Collections Online (Elements in Publishing and Book Culture)

by Stephen H. Gregg

This is a history of Eighteenth-Century Collections Online, a database of over 180,000 titles. Published by Gale in 2003 it has had an enormous impact of the study of the eighteenth century. Like many commercial digital archives, ECCO's continuing development obscures its precedents. This Element examines its prehistory as, first, a computer catalogue of eighteenth-century print, and then as a commercial microfilm collection, before moving to the digitisation and development of the interfaces to ECCO, as well as Gale's various partnerships and licensing deals. An essential aspect of this Element is how it explores the socio-cultural and technological debates around the access to old books from the 1930s to the present day: Stephen Gregg demonstrates how these contexts powerfully shape the way ECCO works to this day. The Element's aim is to make us better users and better readers of digital archives.

History of English (Language Workbooks)

by Jonathan Culpeper

Routledge Language Workbooks provide absolute beginners with practical introductions to core areas of language study. Books in the series provide comprehensive coverage of the area as well as a basis for further investigation. Each Language Workbook guides the reader through the subject using ‘hands-on’ language analysis, equipping them with the basic analytical skills needed to handle a wide range of data. Written in a clear and simple style, with all technical concepts fully explained, Language Workbooks can be used for independent study or as part of a taught class. History of English: • examines the history of the English language in order to explain the English that is used today • introduces key linguistic concepts • provides ‘discussion points’ to generate debate • encourages readers to think critically about the subject • involves readers in collecting and analysing their own data • contains a ‘mini-corpus’ of texts, used for exercises and to illustrate points raised in the commentary Revised throughout, this updated edition integrates the latest research on the history of English, including an additional chapter on English letters and punctuation, and an updated bibliography. History of English, 3rd edition provides an essential introduction and workbook for students coming to this subject for the first time.

A History of Human Rights Society in Singapore: 1965-2015 (Politics in Asia)

by Jiyoung Song

To celebrate Singapore’s fiftieth anniversary for its independence from Malaysia in 2015, 35 students, academics and activists came together to discuss and write about pioneering Singaporean human rights activists and their under-reported stories in Singapore. The city-state is known for its remarkable economic success while having strict laws on individual freedom in the name of national security, public order and racial harmony. Singapore’s tough stance on human rights, however, does not negate the long and persistent existence of a human rights society that is little known to the world until today. This volume, composed of nine distinctive chapters, records a history of human rights activists, their campaigns, main contentions with the government, survival strategies and other untold stories in Singapore’s first 50 years of state-building.

History of PR in Canada: An Annotated Bibliography and Critical Historiography of Public Relations Research in Canada (The History of Public Relations)

by Sandra L. Braun Ella Palin Hannah Farrow

A first of its kind, this annotated bibliography provides an overview of the development of public relations research in the Canadian context. A valuable resource for researchers, students or practitioners, this bibliography surveys the landscape of public relations research in Canada. It orientates readers to this unique history, identifies gaps in research, suggests topics of future research, and offers critical historiography.This reference work will be of interest to scholars, students and practitioners in the fields of strategic communications, marketing or communications, providing a greater understanding of communications research in various Canadian contexts such as government, industry, corporate and nonprofit.

A History of Rhetoric, Sound, and Health and Healing (Routledge Studies in Rhetoric and Communication)

by Kristin Marie Bivens

A History of Rhetoric, Sound, and Health and Healing argues for medico-sonic knowledge — systematically interpreted bodily sounds with medical knowledge mediated by rhetoric — as an evolving corporeal practice with an incomparable, sprawling history.Taking a materialist-feminist perspective, the book rhetorically accounts for sound and suggests rhetoric enables bodily sounds as understandable, knowable, and treatable with power to help and discipline bodies in health, healing, and hospital contexts. From an expansive, pan-historiographic approach integrated with and influenced by fieldwork from neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) in Denmark and the United States, the author explores intentional and unintentional diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic uses of sound in contemporary Western biomedical health systems and promotes a new research concept and fieldwork practice, sound in all research.The insightful, timely volume will interest students and researchers in the medical humanities, rhetoric and communication, health communication, sound studies, medical and allied health sciences, and research methods.

A History of the Book in America

by Robert A. Gross Mary Kelley

Volume Two of A History of the Book in America documents the development of a distinctive culture of print in the new American republic.Between 1790 and 1840 printing and publishing expanded, and literate publics provided a ready market for novels, almanacs, newspapers, tracts, and periodicals. Government, business, and reform drove the dissemination of print. Through laws and subsidies, state and federal authorities promoted an informed citizenry. Entrepreneurs responded to rising demand by investing in new technologies and altering the conduct of publishing. Voluntary societies launched libraries, lyceums, and schools, and relied on print to spread religion, redeem morals, and advance benevolent goals. Out of all this ferment emerged new and diverse communities of citizens linked together in a decentralized print culture where citizenship meant literacy and print meant power. Yet in a diverse and far-flung nation, regional differences persisted, and older forms of oral and handwritten communication offered alternatives to print. The early republic was a world of mixed media.Contributors: Elizabeth Barnes, College of William and MaryGeorgia B. Barnhill, American Antiquarian SocietyJohn L. Brooke, The Ohio State UniversityDona Brown, University of VermontRichard D. Brown, University of ConnecticutKenneth E. Carpenter, Harvard University LibrariesScott E. Casper, University of Nevada, RenoMary Kupiec Cayton, Miami UniversityJoanne Dobson, Brewster, New YorkJames N. Green, Library Company of PhiladelphiaDean Grodzins, Massachusetts Historical SocietyRobert A. Gross, University of ConnecticutGrey Gundaker, College of William and MaryLeon Jackson, University of South CarolinaRichard R. John, Columbia UniversityMary Kelley, University of MichiganJack Larkin, Clark UniversityDavid Leverenz, University of FloridaMeredith L. McGill, Rutgers UniversityCharles Monaghan, Charlottesville, VirginiaE. Jennifer Monaghan, Brooklyn College of The City University of New YorkGerald F. Moran, University of Michigan-DearbornKaren Nipps, Harvard UniversityDavid Paul Nord, Indiana UniversityBarry O'Connell, Amherst CollegeJeffrey L. Pasley, University of Missouri-ColumbiaWilliam S. Pretzer, Central Michigan UniversityA. Gregg Roeber, Pennsylvania State UniversityDavid S. Shields, University of South CarolinaAndie Tucher, Columbia UniversityMaris A. Vinovskis, University of MichiganSandra A. Zagarell, Oberlin College

A History of the Book in America

by Janice A. Radway Carl F. Kaestle

In a period characterized by expanding markets, national consolidation, and social upheaval, print culture picked up momentum as the nineteenth century turned into the twentieth. Books, magazines, and newspapers were produced more quickly and more cheaply, reaching ever-increasing numbers of readers. Volume 4 of A History of the Book in America traces the complex, even contradictory consequences of these changes in the production, circulation, and use of print. Contributors to this volume explain that although mass production encouraged consolidation and standardization, readers increasingly adapted print to serve their own purposes, allowing for increased diversity in the midst of concentration and integration. Considering the book in larger social and cultural networks, essays address the rise of consumer culture, the extension of literacy and reading through schooling, the expansion of secondary and postsecondary education and the growth of the textbook industry, the growing influence of the professions and their dependence on print culture, and the history of relevant technology. As the essays here attest, the expansion of print culture between 1880 and 1940 enabled it to become part of Americans' everyday business, social, political, and religious lives. Contributors:Megan Benton, Pacific Lutheran UniversityPaul S. Boyer, University of Wisconsin-MadisonUna M. Cadegan, University of DaytonPhyllis Dain, Columbia UniversityJames P. Danky, University of Wisconsin-MadisonEllen Gruber Garvey, New Jersey City UniversityPeter Jaszi, American UniversityCarl F. Kaestle, Brown UniversityNicolas Kanellos, University of HoustonRichard L. Kaplan, ABC-Clio PublishingMarcel Chotkowski LaFollette, Washington, D.C.Elizabeth Long, Rice UniversityElizabeth McHenry, New York UniversitySally M. Miller, University of the PacificRichard Ohmann, Wesleyan UniversityJanice A. Radway, Duke UniversityJoan Shelley Rubin, University of RochesterJonathan D. Sarna, Brandeis UniversityCharles A. Seavey, University of Missouri, ColumbiaMichael Schudson, University of California, San DiegoWilliam Vance Trollinger Jr., University of DaytonRichard L. Venezky (1938-2004)James L. W. West III, Pennsylvania State UniversityWayne A. Wiegand, Florida State UniversityMichael Winship, University of Texas at AustinMartha Woodmansee, Case Western Reserve UniversityThe contributors are Megan Benton, Paul S. Boyer, Una M. Cadegan, Phyllis Dain, James P. Danky, Ellen Gruber Garvey, Peter Jaszi, Carl F. Kaestle, Nicolas Kanellos, Richard L. Kaplan, Marcel Chotkowski LaFollette, Elizabeth Long, Elizabeth McHenry, Sally M. Miller, Richard Ohmann, Janice A. Radway, Joan Shelley Rubin, Jonathan D. Sarna, Charles A. Seavey, Michael Schudson, William Vance Trollinger Jr., Richard L. Venezky, James L. W. West III, Wayne A. Wiegand, Michael Winship, and Martha Woodmansee.-->

A History of the Book in America

by Michael Schudson Joan Shelley Rubin David Paul Nord

The fifth volume of A History of the Book in America addresses the economic, social, and cultural shifts affecting print culture from World War II to the present. During this period factors such as the expansion of government, the growth of higher education, the climate of the Cold War, globalization, and the development of multimedia and digital technologies influenced the patterns of consolidation and diversification established earlier.The thirty-three contributors to the volume explore the evolution of the publishing industry and the business of bookselling. The histories of government publishing, law and policy, the periodical press, literary criticism, and reading--in settings such as schools, libraries, book clubs, self-help programs, and collectors' societies--receive imaginative scrutiny as well. The Enduring Book demonstrates that the corporate consolidations of the last half-century have left space for the independent publisher, that multiplicity continues to define American print culture, and that even in the digital age, the book endures.Contributors:David Abrahamson, Northwestern UniversityJames L. Baughman, University of Wisconsin-MadisonKenneth Cmiel (d. 2006)James Danky, University of Wisconsin-MadisonRobert DeMaria Jr., Vassar CollegeDonald A. Downs, University of Wisconsin-MadisonRobert W. Frase (d. 2003)Paul C. Gutjahr, Indiana UniversityDavid D. Hall, Harvard Divinity SchoolJohn B. Hench, American Antiquarian SocietyPatrick Henry, New York City College of TechnologyDan Lacy (d. 2001)Marshall Leaffer, Indiana UniversityBruce Lewenstein, Cornell UniversityElizabeth Long, Rice UniversityBeth Luey, Arizona State UniversityTom McCarthy, Beirut, LebanonLaura J. Miller, Brandeis UniversityPriscilla Coit Murphy, Chapel Hill, N.C.David Paul Nord, Indiana UniversityCarol Polsgrove, Indiana UniversityDavid Reinking, Clemson UniversityJane Rhodes, Macalester CollegeJohn V. Richardson Jr., University of California, Los AngelesJoan Shelley Rubin, University of RochesterMichael Schudson, University of California, San Diego, and Columbia UniversityLinda Scott, University of OxfordDan Simon, Seven Stories PressIlan Stavans, Amherst CollegeHarvey M. Teres, Syracuse UniversityJohn B. Thompson, University of CambridgeTrysh Travis, University of FloridaJonathan Zimmerman, New York University

A History of the Book in America, 5-volume Omnibus E-book

by David D. Hall

The five volumes in A History of the Book in America offer a sweeping chronicle of our country's print production and culture from colonial times to the end of the twentieth century. This interdisciplinary, collaborative work of scholarship examines the book trades as they have developed and spread throughout the United States; provides a history of U.S. literary cultures; investigates the practice of reading and, more broadly, the uses of literacy; and links literary culture with larger themes in American history.Now available for the first time, this complete Omnibus ebook contains all 5 volumes of this landmark work.Volume 1The Colonial Book in the Atlantic WorldEdited by Hugh Amory and David D. Hall664 pp., 51 illus.Volume 2An Extensive Republic: Print, Culture, and Society in the New Nation, 1790-1840Edited by Robert A. Gross and Mary Kelley712 pp., 66 illus.Volume 3The Industrial Book, 1840-1880Edited by Scott E. Casper, Jeffrey D. Groves, Stephen W. Nissenbaum, and Michael Winship560 pp., 43 illus.Volume 4Print in Motion: The Expansion of Publishing and Reading in the United States, 1880-1940Edited by Carl F. Kaestle and Janice A. Radway688 pp., 74 illus.Volume 5The Enduring Book: Print Culture in Postwar AmericaEdited by David Paul Nord, Joan Shelley Rubin, and Michael Schudson632 pp., 95 illus.

A History of the Book in America- Volume 3

by David D. Hall Hugh Amory

The Colonial Book in the Atlantic World carries the interrelated stories of publishing, writing, and reading from the beginning of the colonial period in America up to 1790. Three major themes run through the volume: the persisting connections between the book trade in the Old World and the New, evidenced in modes of intellectual and cultural exchange and the dominance of imported, chiefly English books; the gradual emergence of a competitive book trade in which newspapers were the largest form of production; and the institution of a "culture of the Word," organized around an essentially theological understanding of print, authorship, and reading, complemented by other frameworks of meaning that included the culture of republicanism. The Colonial Book in the Atlantic World also traces the histories of literary and learned culture, censorship and "freedom of the press," and literacy and orality.Contributors:Hugh AmoryRoss W. Beales, The College of the Holy CrossJohn Bidwell, Princeton University LibraryRichard D. Brown, University of ConnecticutCharles E. Clark, University of New HampshireJames N. Green, Library Company of PhiladelphiaDavid D. Hall, Harvard Divinity SchoolRussell L. Martin, Southern Methodist UniversityE. Jennifer Monaghan, Brooklyn College of The City University of New YorkJames Raven, University of EssexElizabeth Carroll Reilly, Hardwick, MassachusettsA. Gregg Roeber, Pennsylvania State UniversityDavid S. Shields, University of South CarolinaCalhoun Winton, University of Maryland

A History of the Book in America- Volume 5

by Michael Winship Stephen W. Nissenbaum Jeffrey D. Groves Scott E. Casper

Volume 3 of A History of the Book in America narrates the emergence of a national book trade in the nineteenth century, as changes in manufacturing, distribution, and publishing conditioned, and were conditioned by, the evolving practices of authors and readers. Chapters trace the ascent of the "industrial book--a manufactured product arising from the gradual adoption of new printing, binding, and illustration technologies and encompassing the profusion of nineteenth-century printed materials--which relied on nationwide networks of financing, transportation, and communication. In tandem with increasing educational opportunities and rising literacy rates, the industrial book encouraged new sites of reading; gave voice to diverse communities of interest through periodicals, broadsides, pamphlets, and other printed forms; and played a vital role in the development of American culture.Contributors:Susan Belasco, University of NebraskaCandy Gunther Brown, Indiana UniversityKenneth E. Carpenter, Newton Center, MassachusettsScott E. Casper, University of Nevada, RenoJeannine Marie DeLombard, University of TorontoAnn Fabian, Rutgers UniversityJeffrey D. Groves, Harvey Mudd CollegePaul C. Gutjahr, Indiana UniversityDavid D. Hall, Harvard Divinity SchoolDavid M. Henkin, University of California, BerkeleyBruce Laurie, University of Massachusetts, AmherstEric Lupfer, Humanities TexasMeredith L. McGill, Rutgers UniversityJohn Nerone, University of IllinoisStephen W. Nissenbaum, University of MassachusettsLloyd Pratt, Michigan State UniversityBarbara Sicherman, Trinity CollegeLouise Stevenson, Franklin & Marshall CollegeAmy M. Thomas, Montana State UniversityTamara Plakins Thornton, State University of New York, BuffaloSusan S. Williams, Ohio State UniversityMichael Winship, University of Texas at Austin

The History of the Book in East Asia (The History of the Book in the East)

by Cynthia Brokaw

The history of the book in East Asia is closely linked to problems of language and script, problems which have also had a profound impact on the technology of printing and on the social and intellectual impact of print in this area. This volume contains key readings on the history of printed books and manuscripts in China, Korea and Japan and includes an introduction which provides an overview of the history of the book in East Asia and sets the readings in their context.

The History of the Book in South Asia (The History of the Book in the East)

by Francesca Orsini

The History of the Book in South Asia covers not only the various modern states that make up South Asia today but also a multitude of languages and scripts. For centuries it was manuscripts that dominated book production and circulation, and printing technology only began to make an impact in the late eighteenth century. Print flourished in the colonial period and in particular lithographic printing proved particularly popular in South Asia both because it was economical and because it enabled multi-script printing. There are now vibrant publishing cultures in the nation states of South Asia, and the essays in this volume cover the whole range from palm-leaf manuscripts to contemporary print culture.

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