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Hurrah for Gin: A book for the perpetually overwhelmed (Hurrah for Gin #3)

by Katie Kirby

Perpetually overwhelmed? Welcome to the new book from Katie Kirby, creator of the bestselling Hurrah for GinDo you overthink everything? Do you struggle to say no to people? Are you paying membership for a gym you never go to? Do group chat politics make you want to throw your phone under a bus? Are you overjoyed when people cancel plans so that you can sit at home in your pyjama bottoms eating Coco pops for dinner? If so then this book is for you!We spend our childhoods wanting to a be adults and, when we get there, find ourselves lost under a pile of life admin, half completed to do lists and anti-ageing face creams that promise to make you look as good as Natalie Imbruglia. In her new book, Hurrah for Gin pinpoints with painful precision just how overwhelming life can be when you're all grown up. From the worry spiral that keeps you up at 3AM, to maintaining a professional aura when you can't stand other people - this is for everyone struggling to stay afloat. Honest, relatable, funny and containing no useful advice whatsoever, take comfort in the knowledge that it's not just you, we're all as f*cked as each other.

HW0128 Scientific Communication I: Student's Course Guide

by Kingsley Bolton

This is the coursebook for Scientific Communication I, a one-semester, 2-credit course for students in the School of Biological Sciences and School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. The broad aim of this course is to increase students’ abilities in academic communication related to their studies in science as well as in professional communication. Professional scientists not only need expert knowledge relating to science, but they also need to be able to communicate that knowledge, both to their scientific colleagues and also to the wider community. This coursebook is designed to help improve students’ skills in both areas of communication. Accessibly written and rigorously researched it provides up-to-date science-specific vocabulary and exercises to assist students to master Scientific Communication I. Please note: As HW0001 English Proficiency is a co-requisite/pre-requisite for this course, please ensure that you have completed the course, signed up for it this semester or obtained exemption from this requirement.

HW0188 Engineering Communication I: Student's Course Guide

by Kingsley Bolton

This is the coursebook for Engineering Communication I, a one-semester, 2-credit course that aims to enhance students’ abilities in academic communication related to their studies in engineering as well as in professional communication. Professional engineers not only need expert knowledge relating to engineering, but they also need to be able to communicate that knowledge, both to their professional colleagues and also to the wider community. This coursebook is designed specifically for the Engineering Communication I course which aims to help improve students’ skills in both areas of communication. Accessibly written and rigorously researched, it provides up-to-date, engineering-specific vocabulary and exercises to assist students in mastering Engineering Communication I. Please note: As HW0001 English Proficiency is a co-requisite for this course, please ensure that you have completed the course, signed up for it this semester or obtained exemption from this requirement.

HW0288 Engineering Communication II: Student's Course Guide

by Kingsley Bolton

This is the coursebook for Engineering Communication II, a one-semester, 2-credit course that builds upon the foundation course, Engineering Communication I. The broad aim of this course is to further enhance students’ abilities in academic communication related to their studies in engineering as well as in professional communication. Professional engineers not only need expert knowledge relating to engineering, but they also need to be able to communicate that knowledge, both to their professional colleagues and also to the wider community. This coursebook is designed to help improve students’ skills in both areas of communication. Shaped around the Final Year Project and workplace communication, this tried and tested coursebook will aid students in successfully completing Engineering Communication II. Please note: As HW0188 Engineering Communication I is a pre-requisite for this course, please ensure that you have completed the course, signed up for it this semester or obtained exemption from this requirement.

The Hybrid Face: Paradoxes of the Visage in the Digital Era (Routledge/FACETS Advances in Face Studies)

by Massimo Leone

This original and interdisciplinary volume explores the contemporary semiotic dimensions of the face from both scientific and sociocultural perspectives, putting forward several traditions, aspects, and signs of the human utopia of creating a hybrid face. The book semiotically delves into the multifaceted realm of the digital face, exploring its biological and social functions, the concept of masks, the impact of COVID-19, AI systems, digital portraiture, symbolic faces in films, viral communication, alien depictions, personhood in video games, online intimacy, and digital memorials. The human face is increasingly living a life that is not only that of the biological body but also that of its digital avatar, spread through a myriad of new channels and transformable through filters, post-productions, digital cosmetics, all the way to the creation of deepfakes. The digital face expresses new and largely unknown meanings, which this book explores and analyzes through an interdisciplinary but systematic approach. The volume will interest researchers, scholars, and advanced students who are interested in digital humanities, communication studies, semiotics, visual studies, visual anthropology, cultural studies, and, broadly speaking, innovative approaches about the meaning of the face in present-day digital societies.

Hybrid Fiber-Optic Coaxial Networks: How to Design, Build, and Implement an Enterprise-Wide Broadband HFC Network

by Ernest Tunmann

This book covers the planning, design and implementation of hybrid fiber-optic coaxial (HFC) broadband networks in schools, universities, hospitals, factories and offices, whether they are in a single building or multiple campuses. Within the next few yea

Hybrid Investigative Journalism

by Maria Konow-Lund Michelle Park Saba Bebawi

This open access book is a rare example of the ethnographic study of investigative journalism. This book explores entrepreneurial attempts to combine traditional investigative journalism with alternative ways of organising this work. It transcends watershed investigative projects in favour of the ways in which new actors (citizens, technologists, bloggers and local reporters, among others) join experienced investigative journalists in experiments with the practices of watchdog journalism in the digital era. Cases include Bristol Cable, Bureau Local and the Korea Center for Investigative Journalism, as well as Forbidden Stories. The book also includes two chapters on the impact of COVID-19 upon the development of cross-disciplinary work in a traditional newsroom and in the larger media ecosystems of both Norway and China. This is a timely book for journalism students, scholars and investigative reporters, who share a passion for this form of journalism.

Hybrid Massive MIMO Precoding in Cloud-RAN (Wireless Networks)

by Tho Le-Ngoc Ruikai Mai

This book covers the design and optimization of hybrid RF-baseband precoding for massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)-enabled cloud radio access networks (RANs), where use cases such as millimeter-wave wireless backhauling, fully-loaded cellular networks are of interest. The suitability and practical implementation of the proposed precoding solutions for the Cloud RAN architecture are also discussed.Novel techniques are examined for RF precoding optimization in combination with nonlinear precoding at baseband, and the superiority of joint RF-baseband design is verified. Moreover, the efficacy of hybrid RF-baseband precoding to combat intercell interference in a multi-cell environment with universal frequency reuse is investigated, which is concluded to be a promising enabler for the dense deployment of base stations. This book mainly targets researchers and engineers interested in the challenges, optimization, and implementation of massive MIMO precoding in 5G Cloud RAN. Graduate students in electrical engineering and computer science interested in the application of mathematical optimization to model and solve precoding problems in massive MIMO cellular systems will also be interested in this book.

Hybrid Media Activism: Ecologies, Imaginaries, Algorithms (Routledge Studies in Radical History and Politics)

by Emiliano Treré

This book is an extensive investigation of the complexities, ambiguities and shortcomings of contemporary digital activism. The author deconstructs the reductionism of the literature on social movements and communication, proposing a new conceptual vocabulary based on practices, ecologies, imaginaries and algorithms to account for the communicative complexity of protest movements. Drawing on extensive fieldwork on social movements, collectives and political parties in Spain, Italy and Mexico, this book disentangles the hybrid nature of contemporary activism. It shows how activists operate merging the physical and the digital, the human and the non-human, the old and the new, the internal and the external, the corporate and the alternative. The author illustrates the ambivalent character of contemporary digital activism, demonstrating that media imaginaries can be either used to conceal authoritarianism, or to reimagine democracy. The book looks at both side of algorithmic power, shedding light on strategies of repression and propaganda, and scrutinizing manifestations of algorithms as appropriation and resistance. The author analyses the way in which digital activism is not an immediate solution to intricate political problems, and argues that it can only be effective when a set of favourable social, political, and cultural conditions align. Assessing whether digital activism can generate and sustain long-term processes of social and political change, this book will be of interest to students and scholars researching radical politics, social movements, digital activism, political participation and current affairs more generally.

Hybrid PID Based Predictive Control Strategies for WirelessHART Networked Control Systems (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #293)

by Sabo Miya Hassan Rosdiazli Ibrahim Nordin Saad Kishore Bingi Vijanth Sagayan Asirvadam

Recent advances in wireless technology have led to the emergence of industry standards such as WirelessHART. These strategies minimise the need for cumbersome cabling, thereby reducing costs. However, applying them involves the challenge of handling stochastic network delays, which can degrade control performance. To address this problem, commonly used simple PID could be employed. However, PID suffers from gain range limitations when used in a delayed environment. Furthermore, model-based controllers are complex and require exact models of the process and systematic system identification for implementation. Therefore, to address these issues, the book proposes control strategies that retain the simplicity of PID in terms of ease of tuning and structure, while improving on the performance of the closed-loop system with regard to stochastic network delays and mismatches. Concretely, it proposes and discusses three strategies, namely: Setpoint Weighting (SW), Filtered Predictive PI (FPPI) and Optimal Fuzzy PID. In order to optimise some of these controllers, two novel hybrid optimisation algorithms combining the dynamism of the Bacterial Foraging Algorithm (BFA) and advantages of both the Spiral Dynamic Algorithm (SDA) and the Accelerated Particle Swarm Optimisation (APSO) have been used. The strategies proposed here can also be applied in stochastic control scenarios (not necessarily wireless) characterised by uncertainties. This book will be useful to engineers and researchers in both industry and academia. In industry, it will be particularly useful to research and development efforts where PID controllers and wireless sensor networks (WSNs) involving both short and long term stochastic network delay are employed. Thus, it can be used for real-time control design in these areas. In the academic setting, the book will be useful for researchers, undergraduate and graduate students of instrumentation and control. It can also be used as reference material for teaching courses on predictive and adaptive controls and their application.

Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for Remote Telecommunication Stations

by Adel A. Elbaset Salah Ata

This book looks at the challenge of providing reliable and cost-effective power solutions to expanding communications networks in remote and rural areas where grid electricity is limited or not available. It examines the use of renewable energy systems to provide off-grid remote electrification from a variety of resources, including regenerative fuel cells, ultracapacitors, wind energy, and photovoltaic power systems, and proposes a powerful hybrid system that can replace the need and high operation costs of batteries and diesel powered electric generators. Analyzes types of communications stations and their rate of consumption of electrical power;Presents brief descriptions of various types of renewable energy;Investigates renewable energy systems as a source for powering communication stations.

Hybrid Video Compression Standard (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Dhaval R. Bhojani Vedvyas J. Dwivedi Rohit M. Thanki

The book presents compression techniques for digital video stream, describing their design using various image transforms, such as discrete cosine transform (DCT), discrete wavelet transform (DWT), and singular value decomposition (SVD). It first discusses the basic requirements and applications of video compression techniques. The book then addresses video compression using DCT as well as the hybrid compression technique, designed and implemented using DCT, DWT and SVD, demonstrating the simulation results for both. Lastly, it proposes future research directions in the field.

Hybrid Workflows in Translation: Integrating GenAI into Translator Training (Routledge Focus on Translation and Interpreting Studies)

by Paulina Pietrzak Michał Kornacki

This concise volume serves as a valuable resource on understanding the integration and impact of generative AI (GenAI) and evolving technologies on translation workflows. As translation technologies continue to evolve rapidly, translation scholars and practicing translators need to address the challenges of how best to factor AI-enhanced tools into their practices and in translator training programs. The book covers a range of AI applications, including AI-powered features within Translation Management Systems, AI-based machine translation, AI-assisted translation, language generation modules and language checking tools. The volume puts the focus on using AI in translation responsibly and effectively, but also on ways to support students and practitioners in their professional development through easing technological anxieties and building digital resilience. This book will be of interest to students, scholars and practitioners in translation and interpreting studies, as well as key stakeholders in the language services industry.

Hybride Events: Zukunft und Herausforderung für Live-Kommunikation (essentials)

by Colja M. Dams Stefan Luppold

Colja M. Dams und Stefan Luppold zeigen anhand von Beispielen, wie es gelingt, neben der Kontaktintensitat des Events gleichzeitig die Kontaktreichweite wesentlich zu erhohen, indem das Live-Erlebnis mit den Moglichkeiten der digitalen Kommunikation im Internet als hybride Events kombiniert wird. Die Autoren skizzieren die Zukunft fur hybride Events und stellen zehn Grundregeln fur deren Einsatz auf. Denn der vielzitierte Paradigmenwechsel in der Kommunikation hat langst stattgefunden. Nicht mehr die absenderorientierten Botschaften der Marken- oder Produktwelt stehen im Vordergrund, sondern der Dialog mit den Zielgruppen. Das Event aber bleibt der Ort, an dem die personlichen Bedurfnisse und damit die Individualitat der Konsumenten am besten erkannt und bedient werden konnen. "

Hybridity, or the Cultural Logic of Globalization

by Kraidy Marwan M.

The intermingling of people and media from different cultures is a communication-based phenomenon known as hybridity. Drawing on original research from Lebanon to Mexico and analyzing the use of the term in cultural and postcolonial studies (as well as the popular and business media), Marwan Kraidy offers readers a history of the idea and a set of prescriptions for its future use. Kraidy analyzes the use of the concept of cultural mixture from the first century A. D. to its present application in the academy and the commercial press. The book's case studies build an argument for understanding the importance of the dynamics of communication, uneven power relationships, and political economy as well as culture, in situations of hybridity. Kraidy suggests a new framework he developed to study cultural mixture-called critical transculturalism-which uses hybridity as its core concept, but in addition, provides a practical method for examining how media and communication work in international contexts.

The Hype Machine: How Social Media Disrupts Our Elections, Our Economy, and Our Health--and How We Must Adapt

by Sinan Aral

A landmark insider&’s tour of how social media affects our decision-making and shapes our world in ways both useful and dangerous, with critical ideas on how to protect ourselves in the 2020 election and beyond &“The most important book of the year . . . a lively, engaging masterpiece.&”—Erik Brynjolfsson, bestselling co-author of The Second Machine AgeMIT professor Sinan Aral isn&’t only one of the world&’s leading experts on social media—he&’s also an entrepreneur and investor, giving him an unparalleled 360-degree view of the technology&’s great promise as well as its outsize capacity to damage our politics, our economy, and even our personal health. Drawing on two decades of his own research and business experience, Aral goes under the hood of the biggest, most powerful social networks to tackle the critical question of just how much social media actually shapes our choices, for better or worse. Aral shows how the tech behind social media offers the same set of behavior-influencing levers to both Russian hackers and brand marketers—to everyone who hopes to change the way we think and act—which is why its consequences affect everything from elections to business, dating to health. Along the way, he covers a wide array of topics, including how network effects fuel Twitter&’s and Facebook&’s massive growth to the neuroscience of how social media affects our brains, the real consequences of fake news, the power of social ratings, and the impact of social media on our kids.In mapping out strategies for being more thoughtful consumers of social media, The Hype Machine offers the definitive guide to understanding and harnessing for good the technology that has redefined our world overnight.

Hypergraph Theory

by Alain Bretto

This book provides an introduction to hypergraphs, its aim being to overcome the lack of recent manuscripts on this theory. In the literature hypergraphs have many other names such as set systems and families of sets. This work presents the theory of hypergraphs in its most original aspects, while also introducing and assessing the latest concepts on hypergraphs. The variety of topics, their originality and novelty are intended to help readers better understand the hypergraphs in all their diversity in order to perceive their value and power as mathematical tools. This book will be a great asset to upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in computer science and mathematics. It has been the subject of an annual Master's course for many years, making it also ideally suited to Master's students in computer science, mathematics, bioinformatics, engineering, chemistry, and many other fields. It will also benefit scientists, engineers and anyone else who wants to understand hypergraphs theory.

I Am a Soldier, Too: The Jessica Lynch Story

by Rick Bragg

In I Am a Soldier, Too, Bragg let’s Jessica Lynch tell the story of her capture in the Iraq War in her own words--not the sensationalized ones of the media's initial reports. Here we see how a humble rural upbringing leads to a stint in the military, one of the most exciting job options for a young person in Palestine, West Virginia. We see the real story behind the ambush in the Iraqi Desert that led to Lynch's capture. And we gain new perspective on her rescue from an Iraqi hospital where she had been receiving care. Here Lynch’s true heroism and above all, modesty, is allowed to emerge, as we're shown how she managed her physical recovery from her debilitating wounds and contended with the misinformation--both deliberate and unintended--surrounding her highly publicized rescue. In the end, what we see is a uniquely American story of courage and true heroism.

I Am Autistic: Sensory Tools, Practical Advice, and Interactive Journaling for Understanding Life with Autism (By Someone Diagnosed With it)

by Chanelle Moriah

Navigate the world of autism with this friendly, full-color guide for those interested in learning more about ASD, getting an early diagnosis, and recognizing how being on the spectrum can impact a person&’s life.

I Am Jewish: Personal Reflections Inspired by the Last Words of Daniel Pearl

by Judea Pearl Ruth Pearl

I Am Jewish inspires Jewish people of all backgrounds to reflect upon and take pride in their identity. Contributions, ranging from major essays to a paragraph or a sentence, come from adults as well as young people in the form of personal feelings, statements of theology, life stories, and historical reflections.

I Am My Father's Daughter: Living a Life Without Secrets

by María Elena Salinas Liz Balmaseda

Five nights a week, María Elena Salinas looks into a television camera and delivers the news to millions of television viewers. But when the newscast is over, she is like so many other women across the country: a wife and a mother, struggling to find balance between her personal and professional life. When María Elena accidentally discovers her recently deceased father had once been a Catholic priest, all she knew was suddenly thrown into question. Turning her investigative eye on herself for the first time, she begins a long, arduous journey for answers. In I Am My Father's Daughter, María Elena tells the amazing story of her journey to the top amid her struggle to come to terms with family secrets. From her childhood in a poverty-stricken neighborhood of Los Angeles and her adolescent years spent working in a sweatshop, to her astonishing break into network television, along with her coverage of some of the world's major events and disasters, Salinas frames her life behind the camera in the same warm and straightforward tone that is her on-air trademark.

I Am Not Myself These Days: A Memoir (P. S. Ser.)

by Josh Kilmer-Purcell

“A glittering, bittersweet vision of an outsider who turned himself into the life and soul of the party. Kilmer-Purcell’s cast is part freak-show, part soap-opera, but his prose is graced with such insight and wit that the laughter is revelatory, and the tears—and there are tears to be shed along this extraordinary journey—are shed for people in whom everybody will find something of themselves. In a word, wonderful.” — Clive Barker“Absolutely hilarious and heartbreaking and heartfelt.” —Armistead Maupin, author of Tales of the CityThe New York Times bestselling, darkly funny memoir of a young New Yorker's daring dual life—advertising art director by day, glitter-dripping drag queen and nightclub beauty-pageant hopeful by night—was a smash literary debut for Josh Kilmer-Purcell, now known for his popular Planet Green television series The Fabulous Beekman Boys. His story begins here—before the homemade goat milk soaps and hand-gathered honeys, before his memoir of the city mouse’s move to the country, The Bucolic Plague—in I Am Not Myself These Days, with “plenty of dishy anecdotes and moments of tragi-camp delight” (Washington Post).

I Am on the Hit List: A Journalist's Murder and the Rise of Autocracy in India

by Rollo Romig

A gripping investigation into the mysterious assassination of a journalist in India, revealing the courage and vulnerability of those who are fighting the decline of democracy around the worldWhen Gauri Lankesh, an outspoken journalist in the South Indian city of Bangalore, was assassinated in September 2017 outside her home, it wasn&’t just a loss to her close-knit community of writers and activists—the shock reverberated nationwide, making headlines and sparking mass protests. Why was she targeted, and who was behind it? Following the case to its stunning, unsettling conclusion, Rollo Romig uncovers a world of political extremists, fearless writers, organized crime, and shadowy religious groups. I Am on the Hit List is an epic narrative that moves between a historic booksellers' district and brand-new high rises funded by IT wealth, to a secretive ashram in Goa and the kitchens of an international vegetarian restaurant chain, boldly interrogating whether we can break the cycle of polarization and bloodshed inspiring political murder across the globe.

I Beg to Differ: Politically Incorrect, Proudly Midwestern, Potentially Funny

by Laura Pulfer

You may agree or you may differ with this Journalist who speaks her mind. What she says may pierce you to the heart or tickle your funnybone in these brief but telling pieces. She doesn't give you a second to become bored. You won't be perplexed by what she's talking about or her opinion of it. She expresses her views about the ruining of holidays in America, the inefficacy of Children's Services, a couple who lovingly set the standard for keeping the marriage vow, "in sickness and in health," universal legal coverage, putting, "Home of the spam Cook-off," on license plates, and getting a VISA card for her dog. She covers topics of common experience like airport delays, potholes, Dick and Jane, who have everything but a last name, and offers creative fixes for the blues, road rage, bigotry and illness. She redefines common terms like soap opera which she says are beautiful people who spend all their time in bed either kissing or in a coma. Pulfer aims to leave you smiling and thinking, and perhaps inspired to express your own ideas about anything and everything, loudly and clearly.

I Can See You Naked: A Fearless Guide to Making Great Presentations

by Ron Hoff

&“America&’s best book on making presentations strikes again.&” –Don E. Shultz, Northwestern University The smart, witty, nationally bestselling guide to public speaking. &“If you get nervous, just picture everyone in the audience naked.&” We've all heard this piece of advice on public speaking before. But what about &“Keep the ball alive!&” or &“Be a bit of Springsteen&”? There&’s more to being a great speaker than removing your audience&’s clothes, and Ron Hoff&’s I CAN SEE YOU NAKED goes beyond the basics to cleverly and insightfully demonstrate what an effective and engrossing presentation should look like. Hoff packs his book with funny and functional advice on how to overcome stage-fright and deliver the best possible speech for every occasion. I CAN SEE YOU NAKED will have you confidently facing a waiting audience—and, naked or not, they&’ll be hanging on your every word.

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