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Illuminating the Word in the Early Middle Ages (Cambridge Studies in Palaeography and Codicology #18)
by Lawrence NeesThis richly illustrated study addresses the essential first steps in the development of the new phenomenon of the illuminated book, which innovatively introduced colourful large letters and ornamental frames as guides for the reader's access to the text. Tracing their surprising origins within late Roman reading practices, Lawrence Nees shows how these decorative features stand as ancestors to features of printed and electronic books we take for granted today, including font choice, word spacing, punctuation and sentence capitalisation. Two hundred photographs, nearly all in colour, illustrate and document the decisive change in design from ancient to medieval books. Featuring an extended discussion of the importance of race and ethnicity in twentieth-century historiography, this book argues that the first steps in the development of this new style of book were taken on the European continent within classical practices of reading and writing, and not as, usually presented, among the non-Roman 'barbarians'.
An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments: Learn The Lost Art Of Making Sense (Bad Arguments #0)
by Ali Almossawi“This short book makes you smarter than 99% of the population. . . . The concepts within it will increase your company’s ‘organizational intelligence.’. . . It’s more than just a must-read, it’s a ‘have-to-read-or-you’re-fired’ book.”—Geoffrey James, INC.com From the author of An Illustrated Book of Loaded Language, here’s the antidote to fuzzy thinking, with furry animals! Have you read (or stumbled into) one too many irrational online debates? Ali Almossawi certainly had, so he wrote An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments! This handy guide is here to bring the internet age a much-needed dose of old-school logic (really old-school, a la Aristotle). Here are cogent explanations of the straw man fallacy, the slippery slope argument, the ad hominem attack, and other common attempts at reasoning that actually fall short—plus a beautifully drawn menagerie of animals who (adorably) commit every logical faux pas. Rabbit thinks a strange light in the sky must be a UFO because no one can prove otherwise (the appeal to ignorance). And Lion doesn’t believe that gas emissions harm the planet because, if that were true, he wouldn’t like the result (the argument from consequences). Once you learn to recognize these abuses of reason, they start to crop up everywhere from congressional debate to YouTube comments—which makes this geek-chic book a must for anyone in the habit of holding opinions.
An Illustrated Book of Loaded Language: Learn To Hear What's Left Unsaid (Bad Arguments #0)
by Ali Almossawi Alejandro Giraldo“This is a book for every thinking person, the perfect antidote to today’s culture wars.”—Hope Jahren The creators of An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments return with this desperately timely guide to how words can trick us. Learn to “hear” hidden bias, slant, and spin—from an irresistible cast of woodland creatures! Public discourse? More like public discord. The battle cries of our culture wars are rife with “loaded language”—be it bias, slant, or spin. But listen closely, or you’ll miss what Ali Almossawi finds more frightening still: words that erase accountability, history, even identity through what they leave unsaid. Speaking as wise old Mr. Rabbit, Almossawi leads us through a dark forest of rhetoric—aided by Orwell, Baldwin, and a squee-worthy cast of wide-eyed woodland creatures. Here, passive voice can pardon wrongdoers, statistics may be a smokescreen, gaslighting entraps the downtrodden, and irrelevant adjectives cement stereotypes. Emperor Squirrel isn’t naked; he has a clothes-free sartorial style. Mouse’s roof becomes flattened (Elephant’s foot just happens to be there at the time). And when keen-eyed Owl claims a foreign shore, he seems to be overlooking someone . . . Fans of Almossawi’s An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments couldn’t ask for a better primer on the less logical ways that words can trick us. It takes a long pair of ears to hear what’s left unsaid—but when you’re a rabbit in a badger world, listening makes all the difference.
The Illustrated Guide to the Content Analysis Research Project
by Patricia SwannThe Illustrated Guide to the Content Analysis Research Project makes mass media research more accessible through an informal and humorous student-centered approach. Author Patricia Swann provides a colorful, step-by-step guide to developing a typical mass media research project using the content analysis method. The fundamental elements of this research method are presented in plainspoken language perfect for undergraduates and new researchers, complete with engaging illustrations and an informal narrative that tackle students’ most common sticking-points when learning and applying research methods. Supplemented by online worksheets for further reflection, this book is an excellent companion to research-centered courses in mass media, communication studies, marketing, and public relations at the introductory level.
The Illustrated Guide to the Mass Communication Research Project
by Patricia SwannThis book makes mass communication research projects more accessible to the new student researcher through a balance between an academically rigorous guide and an informal and humorous student-centered approach. The Illustrated Guide to the Mass Communication Research Project’s unique, visual approach brings to life concepts and tactics under discussion through vivid illustrations. The book follows the universal format of the academic research paper: abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, hypotheses/research questions, quantitative and qualitative analysis/findings, discussion, and conclusion. It guides the reader through using key methods central to much of mass communication research: observation, interviews, focus groups, case studies, content analysis, surveys, experiments, and sampling. Each chapter contains examples of the segment under discussion, using excerpted research studies that provide writing models for the student’s own research report. Ideal for students in research-centered courses in mass media, communication studies, marketing, and public relations, whether at the undergraduate or graduate level, this text will continue to serve as a valuable resource into a future communications and marketing career. Online resources are provided to support the book: examples of an in-depth interview guide, a focus group moderator guide, a content analysis coding form, observation field notes and an experiment cover story; templates for a personal SWOT analysis and an informed consent form; a research topic worksheet; a literature review matrix; and coding exercises. Please visit www.routledge.com/9781032080758.
Illustrated Religious Texts in the North of Europe, 1500-1800
by Feike Dietz Adam Morton Lien RoggenIn recent years many historians have argued that the Reformation did not - as previously thought - hamper the development of Northern European visual culture, but rather gave new impetus to the production, diffusion and reception of visual materials in both Catholic and Protestant milieus. This book investigates the crosscurrents of exchange in the realm of illustrated religious literature within and beyond confessional and national borders, and against the background of recent insights into the importance of, on the one hand material, as well as on the other hand, sensual and emotional aspects of early modern culture. Each chapter in the volume helps illuminate early modern religious culture from the perspective of the production of illustrated religious texts - to see the book as object, a point at which various vectors of early modern society met. Case studies, together with theoretical contributions, shed light on the ways in which illustrated religious books functioned in evolving societies, by analysing the use, re-use and sharing of illustrated religious texts in England, France, the Low Countries, the German States, and Switzerland. Interpretations based on points of material interaction show us how the most basic binaries of the early modern world - Catholic and Protestant, word and image, public and private - were disrupted and negotiated in the realm of the illustrated religious book. Through this approach, the volume expands the historical appreciation of the place of imagery in post-Reformation Europe.
The Illustration of the Master: Henry James and the Magazine Revolution
by Amy TuckerIn order to examine the crucial role of the illustrated press in the formation of the reading public and the writing profession during the lifetime of James (1843-1916), Tucker (American literature, City U. of New York-Queens College) rereads a significant portion of his work in light of the explosive growth of the magazine industry in the US and abroad during the period, showing how the rise of the pictorial challenged the primacy of the written text. Her topics include the rise of the illustrated magazine; double discourse in the illustrated tales of the 1890s; his Holbein stepping out of the frame; essays on illustration; and James, Joseph Pennell, and the art of the travelogue. Annotation ©2010 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
IM and SMS Reference Services for Libraries (Tech Set #19)
by Kathleen M. Dreyer Amanda BielskasLibraries that have considered incorporating IM or text services, but have not yet done so, would do especially well to consult this book. - Alexa Pearce, Librarian for Journalism, Media, Culture & Communication at Bobst Library at New York University Users want real-time answers to their reference questions wherever and whenever they are. Increasingly, that means SMS and IM services. Providing those is easier than you might think! This manual offers information on the technological aspects of providing such a service, as well as how to create a training program for librarians and how to build an internship program to expand the service. The authors walk you through choosing the right software, including setting up a Google Voice account instead of buying a cell phone for your text messaging reference service. It also covers how to assess the needs of your library, get staff buy-in to implement a new program and change the culture at your library, as well as organize and implement a staff training program.
I'm In No Mood For Love: A gorgeously enjoyable rom-com (Writer Friends)
by Rachel GibsonI'm In No Mood For Love is a gorgeously enjoyable rom-com from New York Times bestseller Rachel Gibson - perfect for fans of Jill Shalvis, Jo Watson and Christina Lauren.What is Clare Wingate doing? One minute she's suffering in the bridesmaid dress from hell, and the next...she's waking up beside Sebastian Vaughan, her girlhood crush turned sexy, globe-hopping journalist. Somewhere between the toast and the toss of the bouquet she'd got herself into a whole lot of trouble. But then how else are you supposed to deal with finding your fiancé in a compromising position with the washing machine repair man? Right now Clare's in no mood for love - not even for lust - and wants to forget about Sebastian ASAP. But he isn't in the mood to go away, and his kiss is impossible to forget... Check out the rest of Rachel's addictive titles, including Sex, Lies and Online Dating, Tangled Up In You and Not Another Bad Date.
I'm Just Saying: A Guide to Maintaining Civil Discourse in an Increasingly Divided World
by Milan KordestaniA straightforward look at the history and the art of maintaining courteous communication in an increasingly divided world.Have you ever been in a conversation that, after volleying back and forth, ended with the words, &“I&’m just saying . . .&”? Usually, this signals frustration, that the discussion has reached a dead end, that you haven&’t made your point, and may even leave you feeling that your relationship with the other person has changed for the worse. Digital interactions, devoid of nuance and understanding, further complicate discussion. We may believe that we are superior because our opinions are the &“right&” ones, and in the future avoid conversations with those whose opinions differ from ours, sending us into a never-ending echo chamber. In I&’m Just Saying, author Milan Kordestani shows us that although challenging conversations can be unpleasant, they can also help us grow. Sometimes, people inspire us to change how we speak, making us better communicators in the process as we search to find common ground with those with whom we disagree. Kordestani uses contemporary case studies and personal experience to teach readers how to have constructive conversations by engaging in civil discourse—the idea that good-faith actors can reach consensus on any opinion-based disagreement. He discusses influential leaders and reflects on his successes and failures in creating The Doe, an online publication focused on civil discourse. He addresses the challenges that digital media consumption presents when seeking common ground—especially when people are only digitally connected. Civil discourse, an essential part of democracy, is becoming rare in today's digital age. I&’m Just Saying examines discourse's successes and the ways to rebuild it. Drawing from history, popular culture, and personal anecdotes, the book promotes effective civil discourse by providing practical advice and strategies for respect. Through story, I&’m Just Saying offers insight and tools for politeness in a divided world.
Im Netz der Nachricht: Die Newsroom-Strategie als PR-Roman
by Thomas Holzinger Martin SturmerDie beiden Kommunikationsprofis zeichnen in ihrem Roman ein Sittenbild der aktuellen Medienlandschaft und liefern zugleich ein Beispiel dafür, wie die „Newsroom-Strategie“ in der Unternehmenskommunikation umgesetzt werden kann. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Nachricht als ältester und schwierigster Teil der menschlichen Massenkommunikation: knapp, schnell und bedeutend. Die moderne Kommunikationsabteilung wird zum Newsroom, der multimedial und grenzenlos agiert und alle Zielgruppen auf allen Plattformen bedient – von der Lokalzeitung bis Twitter.
Im Netz der Nachricht
by Martin Sturmer Thomas HolzingerDie beiden Kommunikationsprofis zeichnen in ihrem Roman ein Sittenbild der aktuellen Medienlandschaft und liefern zugleich ein Beispiel dafür, wie die "Newsroom-Strategie" in der Unternehmenskommunikation umgesetzt werden kann. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Nachricht als ältester und schwierigster Teil der menschlichen Massenkommunikation: knapp, schnell und bedeutend. Die moderne Kommunikationsabteilung wird zum Newsroom, der multimedial und grenzenlos agiert und alle Zielgruppen auf allen Plattformen bedient - von der Lokalzeitung bis Twitter.
I'm not a numbers person: How to make good decisions in a data-rich world
by Selena FiskLife in the 21st century dictates that you need to know your numbers and use them to improve your decision-making and enhance your impact. From organizing the home budget, tracking health, understanding social media metrics, to running multi-national, multi-million-dollar organizations, it is no longer acceptable to claim 'but I'm not a numbers person' and believe that it is someone else's job. Data is everywhere. Smart watches track our steps, heart rate, and blood-oxygen levels, social media platforms recommend people we might know and products we might like, and map applications on our phones suggest when we should leave home, taking into consideration where our next appointment is and what the traffic is like. Dr. Selena Fisk believes that the data-informed can use the numbers in conjunction with an understanding of contexts, people, and different situations, to lead change and make shifts in what they do. This book steps through the 'why' of data and the types of data we often see and use through three key areas: data literacy, data visualization, and data storytelling.
I'm Right and Youre an Idiot: The Toxic State of Public Discourse and How to Clean it Up
by James HogganThe most pressing environmental problem we face today is not climate change. It is pollution in the public square, where a smog of adversarial rhetoric, propaganda, and polarization stifles discussion and debate, creating resistance to change and thwarting our ability to solve our collective problems.In I'm Right and You're an Idiot, author and David Suzuki Foundation chair James Hoggan grapples with this critical issue, conducting interviews with outstanding thinkers from the Himalayas to the House of Lords. Drawing on the wisdom of such notables as Thich Nhat Hanh, Noam Chomsky, and the Dalai Lama, his comprehensive analysis explores: How trust is undermined and misinformation thrives in today's public dialogue Why facts alone fail - the manipulation of language and the silencing of dissent The importance of reframing our arguments with empathy and values to create compelling narratives and spur action. Our species' greatest survival strategy has always been foresight and the ability to leverage our intelligence to overcome adversity. For too long now this capacity has been threatened by the sorry state of our public discourse. Focusing on proven techniques to foster more powerful and effective communication, this book will appeal to readers looking for both deep insights and practical advice.James Hoggan is president of the Vancouver PR firm Hoggan & Associates, chair of the David Suzuki Foundation board, and founder of the influential website DeSmogBlog. He is author of Climate Cover-Up and Do the Right Thing.
I'm Right and You're an Idiot: The Toxic State of Public Discourse and How to Clean it Up
by James Hoggan Grania Litwin&“Explor[es] the underlying history and psychology of public discourse . . . should be required reading for politicians and public advocates.&” —Real Change The most pressing problem we face today is not climate change. It is pollution in the public square, where a toxic smog of adversarial rhetoric, propaganda, and polarization stifles discussion and debate, creating resistance to change and thwarting our ability to solve our collective problems. In this second edition of I&’m Right and You&’re an Idiot, James Hoggan grapples with this critical issue, through interviews with outstanding thinkers and drawing on wisdom from highly regarded public figures. Featuring a new, radically revised prologue, afterword, and a new chapter addressing the changes in the public discourse since the 2016 US election, his comprehensive analysis explores: · How political will is manipulated · How tribalism shuts down open-minded thinking, undermines trust, and helps misinformation thrive · Why facts alone fail and how language is manipulated and dissent silenced · The importance of dialogue, empathy, and pluralistic narrative reframing arguments to create compelling narratives and spur action. Our species&’ greatest survival strategy has always been foresight and the ability to leverage intelligence to overcome adversity. For too long now this capacity has been threatened by the sorry state of public discourse. Focusing on proven techniques to foster more powerful and effective communication, I&’m Right and You&’re an Idiot will appeal to readers looking for deep insights and practical advice in these troubling times. &“This is a must-read for anyone tired of the bullying, the propagandizing, the screaming, and the bullsh*t.&” —Dr. Samantha Nutt, author of Damned Nations: Greed, Guns, Armies and Aid
I'm Right, You're Wrong, Now What?: Break the Impasse and Get What You Need
by Xavier AmadorThey happen every day--those frustrating, circular "I'm right, you're wrong!" arguments. What's at risk may be as life-changing as whether or not your kid drops out of college, your aging parent goes into a nursing home, or your boss gives you the promotion you want. Or it may be as commonplace as getting the insurance company to approve your claim. These situations often frustrate both parties, stall progress, and hurt relationships. But they don't have to. In I'm Right, You're Wrong, Now What? Dr. Xavier Amador, a Columbia University professor and clinical psychologist shows you how to break nearly any impasse and persuade your opponent--for that's what people become when you've reached an impasse--to give you what you need. I'm Right, You're Wrong, Now What? is based on Dr. Amador's LISTEN-EMPATHIZE-AGREE-PARTNER (LEAP) method. A highly successful program that has been taught to tens of thousands of people in seminars around the U.S. and overseas, LEAP teaches you how to turn even toxic arguments into healthy disagreements that end with you getting what you need. Built on timeless psychological truths and new research, LEAP is a roadmap for improving the quality and health of any relationship. LEAP will actually show you how to convince the other person to help you, while increasing mutual respect and trust. Perhaps most importantly, it will help you make that all-important distinction between what you want and what you need. Dr. Amador's LEAP program includes techniques on how to: diffuse anger and lower defenses get past stubbornness and even denial make your opponent ask for your opinion . . . instead of railing against it turn adversaries into allies create positive and productive relationships At home, at work and in life, LEAP demonstrates how winning is not about hearing the other person say "You're right," it's about getting him to give you what you need--even when he doesn't agree with you.
Im Sinne der Medien – Textverständlichkeit im Nachrichtenauswahlkontext
by Claudia ThomsKann Verständlichkeit zum Erfolg der Presse- und Medienarbeit beitragen? Oder anders gefragt: Welche Rolle spielt Verständlichkeit bei der journalistischen Nachrichtenauswahl? Ausgehend vom Konzept der Mediatisierung argumentiert die Studie, dass die Beachtung grundlegender Verständlichkeitsregeln als ein strategisches Mittel zur Beeinflussung der medialen Aufmerksamkeit angesehen werden kann. Denn Verständlichkeit als journalistisches Qualitätskriterium ist Teil der Medienlogik. Wer diese Medienlogik bei der Gestaltung der eigenen Kommunikation berücksichtigt, schreibt im Sinne der Medien und entspricht journalistischen Vorstellungen darüber, was überhaupt berichterstattenswert ist und wie über entsprechende Ereignisse zu berichten ist. Grundlage zur empirischen Überprüfung dieser Annahme ist eine input-output-analytische Untersuchung von Pressemitteilungen DAX-notierter Unternehmen sowie der daraus resultierenden Berichterstattung in ausgewählten Medien. Mit einer Kombination manueller und automatisierter Formen der Inhaltsanalyse wird dabei die sprachliche Komplexität der Pressemitteilungen bestimmt und die Wirkung dieser Komplexität auf den journalistischen Umgang mit den Pressemitteilungen untersucht.
I'm Your Biggest Fan: Awkward Encounters and Assorted Misadventures in Celebrity Journalism
by Kate CoyneThe Executive Editor of People Magazine provides an unfiltered and hilarious look at her life alongside the rich and famous, as she reveals how being a fan-girl lead to celebrity close encounters she could only dream of growing up.From the NY Post's "Page Six" to Good Housekeeping and now People, Kate Coyne has spent years on the front lines of the entertainment industry, feeding our insatiable appetite for celebrity news and gossip. I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN chronicles her journey from red-carpet reporter to upper-level editor and the countless surreal, surprising, and awkward interactions she had with stars along the way. Featuring A-listers such as Michael Douglas (who warned her about tabloid reporting), Tom Cruise (whose behavior will surprise you) and Tom Hanks (who, yes, is wonderful) Coyne's stories reveal insights about pop culture's biggest icons-and the journalist who has followed their every move.
Image and Reality of Roman Imperial Power in the Third Century AD: The Impact of War (Routledge Studies in Ancient History)
by Lukas de BloisImage and Reality of Roman Imperial Power in the Third Century AD focuses on the wide range of available sources of Roman imperial power in the period AD 193-284, ranging from literary and economic texts, to coins and other artefacts. This volume examines the impact of war on the foundations of the economic, political, military, and ideological power of third-century Roman emperors, and the lasting effects of this. This detailed study offers insight into this complex and transformative period in Roman history and will be a valuable resource to any student of Roman imperial power.
Image Brokers: Visualizing World News in the Age of Digital Circulation
by Zeynep Devrim GürselHow does a photograph become a news image? An ethnography of the labor behind international news images, Image Brokers ruptures the self-evidence of the journalistic photograph by revealing the many factors determining how news audiences are shown people, events, and the world. News images, Zeynep Gürsel argues, function as formative fictions - fictional insofar as these images are constructed and culturally mediated, and formative because their public presence and circulation have real consequences in the world. Set against the backdrop of the War on Terror and based on fieldwork conducted at photojournalism's centers of power, Image Brokers offers an intimate look at an industry in crisis. At the turn of the 21st century, image brokers--the people who manage the distribution and restriction of news images--found the core technologies of their craft, the status of images, and their own professional standing all changing rapidly with the digitalization of the infrastructures of representation. From corporate sales meetings to wire service desks, newsrooms to photography workshops and festivals, Image Brokers investigates how news images are produced and how worldviews are reproduced in the process.
Image Control: Art, Fascism, and the Right to Resist
by Patrick NathanSusan Sontag meets Hanif Abdurraqib in this fascinating exploration of the unexpected connections between how we consume images and the insidious nature of Fascism.Images come at us quickly, often without context. A photograph of Syrian children suffering in the wake of a chemical attack segues into a stranger&’s pristine Instagram selfie. Before we can react to either, a new meme induces a laugh and a share. While such constant give and take might seem innocent, even entertaining, this barrage of content numbs our ability to examine critically how the world, broken down into images, affects us. Images without context isolate us, turning everything we experience into mere transactions. It is exactly this alienation that leaves us vulnerable to fascism—a reactionary politics that is destroying not only our lives and our nations, but also the planet&’s very ability to sustain human civilization. Who gets to control the media we consume? Can we intervene, or at least mitigate the influence of constant content? Mixing personal anecdotes with historical and political criticism, Image Control explores art, social media, photography, and other visual mediums to understand how our culture and our actions are manipulated, all the while building toward the idea that if fascism emerges as aesthetics, then so too can anti-fascism. Learning how to ethically engage with the world around us is the first line of defense we have against the forces threatening to tear that world apart.
Image, Eye and Art in Calvino
by Birgitte GrundtvigFew recent writers have been as interested in the cross-over between texts and visual art as Italo Calvino (1923-85). Involved for most of his life in the publishing industry, he took as much interest in the visual as in the textual aspects of his own and other writers' books. In this volume twenty international Calvino experts, including Barenghi, Battistini, Belpoliti, Hofstadter, Ricci, Scarpa and others, consider the many facets of the interplay between the visual and textual in Calvinos works, from the use of colours in his fiction to the influence of cartoons, from the graphic qualities of the book covers themselves to the significance of photography and landscape in his fiction and non-fiction. The volume is appropriately illustrated with images evoked by Calvino's major texts.
Image Politics: The New Rhetoric of Environmental Activism (Revisioning Rhetoric Ser.)
by Kevin Michael DeLucaThis exceptional volume examines “image events” as a rhetorical tactic utilized by environmental activists. Author Kevin Michael DeLuca analyzes widely televised environmentalist actions in depth to illustrate how the image event fulfills fundamental rhetorical functions in constructing and transforming identities, discourses, communities, cultures, and world views. Image Politics also exhibits how such events create opportunities for a politics that does not rely on centralized leadership or universal metanarratives. The book presents a rhetoric of the visual for our mediated age as it illuminates new political possibilities currently enacted by radical environmental groups. Chapters in the volume cover key areas of environmental activism such as:*The rhetoric of social movements;*Imaging social movements;*Environmental justice groups; and*Participatory democracy. This book is of interest to scholars and students of rhetorical theory, media and communication theory, visual theory, environmental studies, social change movements, and political theory. It will also appeal to others interested in ecology, radical environmental politics, and activism, and is an excellent supplemental text in advanced undergraduate and graduate level courses in these areas.
Image Processing and Communications: Techniques, Algorithms and Applications (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1062)
by Michał Choraś Ryszard S. ChoraśThis book presents a selection of high-quality peer-reviewed research papers on various aspects of computer science and networks. It not only discusses emerging applications of currently available solutions, but also outlines potential future techniques and lines of research in pattern recognition, image processing and communications. Given its scope, the book will be of considerable interest to researchers, students and practitioners alike. All papers gathered here were presented at the Image Processing and Communications Conference, held in Bydgoszcz, Poland on September 11–13, 2019.
Image Processing and Communications Challenges 8
by Ryszard S. ChoraśThis book collects a series of research papers in the area of Image Processing and Communications which not only introduce a summary of current technology but also give an outlook of potential feature problems in this area. The key objective of the book is to provide a collection of comprehensive references on some recent theoretical development as well as novel applications in image processing and communications. The book is divided into two parts and presents the proceedings of the 8th International Image Processing and Communications Conference (IP&C 2016) held in Bydgoszcz, Poland September 7-9 2016. Part I deals with image processing. A comprehensive survey of different methods of image processing, computer vision is also presented. Part II deals with the telecommunications networks and computer networks. Applications in these areas are considered.